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Durham Chronicle (1867), 19 Apr 1906, p. 4

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Mr. Geo. McGrane, who had charge of the installing 0! the Company‘s nu» chinery when the plant was built, has been p u Superintendent of the “are turing department. W.Hmhdl Smith. latest the bend .wono d thchrgeotphntoin the out, DURHAM, APRIL 19, 1906. the national Portland Cement Com- pany. Limited, since the starting of the Plant 101' 1806, was held on Thaw day the 12th inst., at the Company’s head «like in Du: ham, with the Pres- idrut in the chair. All the rotary kilns and everything about the plant was running. Considering the short time the new managtwent had to make repairs and the bad condition in which they found the plant, the direc- ton were all highly pleased with the careful huninmss way in which the more of the Companyare being hsnd. led. The first meeting of the Directors of the National Portland Ce meat Com- pany. Limited, since the starting of the Plant {or 1906. was held on Thurs. DURHAM CHRONICLE Mr. McVVilliawa', the President, has haul the new clay aiding put in and a reduction in the freight on clay which was very satisfactory to the directors conaidering what they had been pay- ing 1 mg but year. ed by D. chrtth, who The Preaidwut in addressing the 3 ”“h‘mv Boaxd bet fuxth flu: gxeat advantages xiu Emma. Brown i whit. b has been a: xhed at since the m- Dnrhun. stagnation and changes 10 the wet end. The mam 0"”, reducing the moisture to such an ex- halidgving -3”. :.:-...a. tent. that there will he a great surfing of fuel and will increase the output of the plant by at. least 1m bu-rels per day. The services of Mr. A. C. Maitland. late of the Imperial Portland Cement Co. Limited, of Owen Sound, had been secured as Secretary and he reported to the meeting that the bulk of the season’s output will be disposed of to our regular customers and that orders by wire, phone and letter are pouring in every day. Little . . . Liver Ills Energy Tonic Elixir The Treasurer, Mr. Gilbert McKech- nic, has been very active around the phat. and is thoroughly alive to the diflerent changes that. have been made. The services of Mr. Chas. anelle an accountant have been retained. Carr's Liver Pills MacFarlane (i' ()0. BOUND THE CIIINT MILL. fl. IRWIN. Editor and Proprietw 5'wa every? may feel: a lack of energy in .he spring This humid feeling is due to dis- ozdered '0 00d and debiliuwd nerves. 0:: 15:13:01.2me energy aft-o: you have uken only 3 {er doses. I: scion. laws the appetize. :fiorda an; £0213! for 3217938 energy and. '53' incretsinz nutrition. in- creases brain and muscular power I'.’ 5 a splendid gen. eral tonic 3a: always does GM. ‘52.. an apt to you into more action: :51. seat: usual 50: lead ware : flute misc”. strengthen ué “Samba the live-r anfi restore was! activity to the batch. They do no: gripe. are mild and certain anti. being purely vegetable. Ewe no hsd do Draggim and Booksellers 50¢ a Bank aflord :29 W of he! These pill: The xissea Dawson, ranchers. no t ghalidzying with friends In 3n. Forest t . . . . 1 Miss Ann Jone Lennox pused sway in Hamilton ssylnmon Fridey. For some years she has been sobjecr to fits of mentel aberetion. The re- msins errived at Msrhdele at noon on Setordsy. where friends and rete- tives met them and were conveyed to the home of her sister. Mrs. John Mchlly on the 10th. The fonersl took place to Zion’s ecre on Snndsy afternoon where Rev. T. Collins preeched s most eloquent sermon end oficisted beside the open grove. The poll besrers were Sheers. John Mchlly, ol the 6th. '1‘. Glencroee. Lorne Kerney, Joe. Will end Jsmes llcSally. jr. Among those preeent from s distonce, we noticed Mr. and Mrs. Joe Lennox, Mr. Bob Lennox. Mr. James luck end xr. Tucker, of Egremont. ’l'is seven yeers ego this month, since her mother pueed on before. mmmhmdmm. amt-racist”. In maceration with It. Razz. one dthejoflMheexMM while wtmthedwdgeuwthegreu diflereneethuetuthisywinhand- ling the am Talkxng rid: the President he expressed himsefl, that it would txhudimhimwhdierevith- they were handlingthemiafta rhubadheentoldtheoldfimdha ywandnbe statements madeuthe Annudleajngand beak! thatin hisopinionitvonldmkeadiflerenoe onIJbumkperdsyofan W withoutnsinganymml. Min unet Blyth of Sunk 3nd 1113: Ida teachers. no enjoying the East- er vmuion u home. inwthdrmtoadjmthe W’s-6w theirhwtyap W11 of the thorough we: in thichtlew-identhadmthe placingdallthembeadbofthedfl- We welcome to our burg 31:. ad xrs. John Collins. jr. John has rent- ed the blacksmith shop lately vacu- ed by D. chnzh. who bu gone to Eater eggs were plentiful. We know of a. chunk of 3 1nd zhu got outmde of fourteen and dxdn’c ' feel bad' aftennrda Bra. George Petr: and In. Sail Ickechnie left by the C. P. B. from Harkdnie on Thunday to spend the holidays with retains in the Qaeen 31:. Die): D4318 came up on Thurs- dav lam with the jolly crowd from Toronto He is amithy in the T0» ronto Kennedy Foundry Co. works 30d has a good: situation u smiling wages. A bright (more lies before she same like-Me Dick. Miss M. E. Hunt. umber of Rock. 150. is having a happy week at the old home and among old “locates. 31151 E. Scott, texcher o! No. :3, 13 down a: the flower encircled home bits. Murray, with pretty baby git}. is up on a with from Gal: :0 he: cousin and friend, Mr. md an. Ju. Nelson. Miss “‘33“ Brown ad it. Star- 1'0! 9 0f Durban. were guests at the home of Mr. W. Brown on Standby Tho Epworth League-sociable w” n decided success. The prognmme, contiujng of ynnsic by mixed angr- ‘JUHCIUUBU‘ UL mun“: Dy mixed QO‘r‘ tet, eoloe. recxtntnone nnd readings. wee enJoyed by a. very npprecintive nudienoe. nnd nre worthy of more ex. tended mention then we hnve epece here to give. The putor, Rev. C. P. Holmes, wee in the chair. A moat pleuin; {entnre wee n ghoet story by Mre. Holmes, in thnt lndy’a very chnrming manner. The nnrrntor held her nndience spell-hound, nnd they were prepued for the most ghostlike proceedinge, but were de- cidedly diuppointed 31: the very un- ghoetly etyle in which it ended. We are pleued to report the imo provement nnd recovery of Xeeere. J. Gelvert nnd G. Eddington, who heve been ill moot of the winter. Traverston. Orchard. in visiting in A xunshgw Son hud delivered to them lust week their winter's supply of (ntnace cod.-â€"a ca of 28 tons ditec: from the mines st Pictsburg. Pa. A dose of carboiic mid given in a. mistake on uondey but to Word. the four-year-old 800 of 11:. All. Herrison Toronto line, gave the little fellow’a mother who edministered the dose. a. serious fright. Dr. Carter was enm- moned end with the use of emeties end stomech pump came of elum wee aoon put. xr. W. G. Hocking bed one of his livery horses to severely injured lest week with a kick from its mate in the stifle joint thet there is little hope of its recovering to usefulness. AWMgofPt-itamhu WA flu-4A [was held on Ina-d4} etemtxof has-oak to re den- w Lid-17m: from 3:. War. Bm.A- D.Knighx.D.D 8-x tithe Gamma: Bianca- After receiving the mam visits: with (and how: the Third Degree cu examp- hfiodb, 189$”!de who were complimented by we inspecting: 05:2: for the m: name: In which they performed their cork! :J’o-r. Bro Knight gum: m in- main: uddxm for which upon moan. by War Bros 1 K Richard-V to: ad A- :5 YanUen he in» term dared: heat; vote of that“. A:' --h_ 0...... .w satisfying the inner man. an enjoy" their 46813113500. your: season Ira apex}: in «speech m g 1:. nos. Grange: of this place in- m‘ “d m‘ the Vu ‘ "‘ War. 3’“ vexed in real mm in Regina than: John Wr‘ixm.”pfe£3¢ifis- After. E59? a month ago 11:61 hu dread? 1nd 1. $03" $0 19‘: km; 1““ Cult tnxch. good mugin of prcfi: ofiereé him on tailed {or-1h 2-: Banana} Amhe his promnf. _ - ‘- A'- .' f._-â€" I -J._‘. â€"-- -L-‘â€" pen of ten beauties 1t 87 0‘) per hun ; dred. The 10:. weighed over 240’) und{ brought 8173 2:3. 3 ur. end xre. Joe. Clinton are mov- ing to ur. Kerr’s recently purchased coctage near the nethodist chnrch the conclusion of business 3.11 udjonm ed :0 the aims: room (1 the lodge there I. 094311!“ spread prepuod by celled {orb the 33210911 Anthem z : so the Grand Lodge was my responded to by 3: War. Bro. Knight, the :1» gave a. upendidly tendered song. The was: to the Past mun of Prince Arum: Lodge use 5 tingly replied to by War. 3:0. )1. K. Bichudson ad that to we ofioers of the lodge by War. Bree. Bellamy and Hickling sad Bros. Blueiy and xnnshur. Acid Lang Syne brought the pleasing proceed. ingnzozciooe. RYANâ€"In Durham, on Sunday April 15th, lflfi, to Mr. and Mrs. William, Ryan, a son. Than. :here is big money in live bags at present we judge from a. Susie made 118-: week by Mr. Archie Boyd. of the east back line, who delivered to Boyd and Wilson of this place 3 The Fieehet on Hotel Campus; Limited. '18 reznluly organized at me meeting held here for the: purâ€" pose on Tnesésy of in: week. Over 331:; shuehoiders were pre en: and nine: assignment of Stock directors wen eleven“. 1.: follows: W. A. Atm- :ronz, I". G Kustedt, B. J, Sprocde. W. W. Trimble 813d W'. H. Banz. A: a. bubeeqnen: meeting of the direco Lore E G. Earned: Its eleczei pres idem 3.. J. Sproule secretary and mere. Sec-tron; Ed. Tnompaon: Man- ager; C. N. hzcnardson, Geo. Stew art, Ed. Ben: 1nd Alex Collinson. Committee. Tne boys will play in neat orange and black sweaters man- ufactnred by 31:. John Kuhn here. Chsilangers are invited. MATHEWSâ€"ALEXASDBR-â€"At the resi- dence of the bride’s sister, Mrs. J. Baldwin Rogers, 216 Gerrard SL, To- ronto,’ on April 11th, 1903, by the Rev. Canon Baldwin. of All Saints Church, Isabel J. Alexander. of Dur- ham, Ont... to George Donald Alex- ander Matthews, of the G. N. W. Telegraph 00., Toronto, for merly of Quebec. which pans and specifications we now being prepnred be about 401.50 feet and three stories high. I: will be either of cement or brick eatimates Flashenon {oozball clnb hue been mgcnizwi [or the wagon with oficers as follow»; Geo. Mitchell, president W. Livingston, Captain; W. Sum of which are being obtuined. The site Opposite J. A. Head’s was chosen W. A. Armstrong. trauma. 1 proyosed than the new building But are Scientific Veterinary Preparations prepared by Under the supervision of DES. VANZANT WARING. Toronto, of over 25 years practical experience. Stock Tonic and Blood Purifier Antiseptic Heeling Oil Indigestion end Colic Cure Breeding Powders Spnvin Cure Cough Remedy Poultry Tonic Heave Relief Louee Deeth Navel and Joint Ill Cure Gulls end Thrueh Cure Diarrhoea Cure for Colts Sprem Emulsion Lump J aw Cure Worm Remedy 3‘61! Pkt- 603N118 u 000900 “Riding the holder to free veterinary advice, SOLD BY BARCLAY BELL. Implement Azente, DURHAM. COLIN MeMILLAN, Herneumker, DROMORE. ‘ SCHWINDT MUTE, Grocers. HANOVER. 7' a large maJonty. Flasher-.011 {oozball c123 'g‘nizmj lo: the 9641500 1 3 follow"; Geo. Sitchell ., Livings on Captain ‘ers. Sec trea: Ed. Than: FLESHERTON m OF THAI BI'BG BY OUR OWN COMPOSER}?! THE VETERINARY SPECIALTY GO. beta Ii?” In: lud. A524! MARRIED. BORN. DURHAM CHRONICLE for has voice we 1 ruin-hie acquisitim to the Pmbyzeriu choir in ”which lie m sitar On man: of the 3'9- ~o hence of members of the nezhoéis: ‘ chair the and Easter song service In: postpoaed till next Sand”- even- ; in; when xx. x K Rich-minor: will Tprmh. Dr Anna. Henry will occupy the pnipit in the morning. 31:. Baht. Blair and family of the . rest but hde lef: on nonday for xoooomin tad viii lime: desi 1e upon ‘ their destinuion. Among the Easter hoiidav vis‘tors here were 2.1:. J. Shier and xr. (Cher- iey chavish. of Toronto. at 'he I te.’s home. ur. I). x-zTavish’s; 1r. Henry Richardson. Toronto town- ship, and xrs B. C chntyre. of Brampton. visited their rnOther Hrs. Henry Richardson; Mrs. E Swift. of Toronto, visited her parents Mr. and xrs. P. Quigz: If. Ben. \Vilson of Toronto is visiting his parents Sir. and tire. T Vi. \K’ilson. ur. and Mrs. Geo. Wickens. Toronto, visited the farmer’s parents. tit. and Mrs. An- drew Wickens; xrs. J. D. Clark and litti daughter of Ottewa. visited the farmer’s sister xrs. F. ”W. Hickling; Hrs. W. Douglas of Coihngwood vis- ited her parents ur. and Mrs. A. S. VnnDusen; x. D. W. Jamieson oi Tor- onto visited his wife’s parents xr and Mrs John Whitten; Hr. Charles nullen of Toronto mu a. visitor at his home near Ceylon; ur. Hugh Pedlsr of Owen Sound visited his parents on the Collingwood Road. Among those shroud were 211'. C. H. xnnshnw, nice Minnie unashaw, xiee xey Hales and xrs. ncKinnon with parents in Toronto; Miss Wass visited her uncle Rev. J. \Vass at Jarvis; xr. R. Trimble and tries Ruby visited the farmer’s daughter at Owen Sound. charchuhmmSmdtymm lies label Bayd is home from Alma College St. Thoms. no spend a magic of weeks with be: puems Kr. and Hrs. J. A. Boyd. 1:. J. L. Wood Ins resigned the pnblic school a: Ceylon 1:. Wood infends going to the Northwest hope ing tbs: a change of climate may help him. 112'. W. E. Richardson has now 3 unique and attracfive illuminated flab light sign decorating his drug store window. Hrs. Pye left 125-: week to spend a few ‘eeks with he: dauzht er in Tor f cum. THE undersigned will receive Sealed Tenders up to 5 p. m., on 1155 Walker. of Xarkdala, has been her broahe: 1?. J. E. Walker and wife here. xr. La. 'l‘nompson’s ponies came near having a bad runaway on non day. Standing at the bakery riser rnd hitched to the delivery Wagon on which was seated xr. Thompson’s danghter. Hazel, the team dashed 05, but ran mm the bank up the street a little distance where they broke the tongue and were captured. Hazel was thrown from the rig receiving some bruises and a severe shaking up. xrs. Corbe: t of Oxbow. Sash. is? visiting her dnaghzer. Hrs. W. L.‘ Wright. 31 for a competent rson to run a Road Grader during t 6 season of road- making in Glenelg. A plicants to g‘t‘atq pay per day wi_t out board. mas Conlson is visiting her home a: Grimsb)‘. xrs. W. L “'rizht was a: maze ville on Good Friday. The léwest‘or any: madeâ€"r361; 32:22:21 sarily accepted unless otherwise satisfactory. 11'. Ed. Bentham is holidaying with friends in the city. Clerk‘s Oflice. Glenelg, Apr. 16th Tuesday, the 15th day of May next, Antiseptic Heeling Oil Breeding Powders Cough Remedy Heave Relief Navel and Joint 111 Core Diarrhoea Cure for Colts Lump J aw Cure Tenders Wanted. Ed. J. 5. BLACK. Tp. Clerk POMONA. Spring Footwear PEEL, the Shoeman CASH ONLY. CWES IT’S TIME you were thinking about you r: wear. We have been has 3' all winter first; this class of wear. and have succeeied 3:: co the foliawing lines ‘- 10 BOYS." Kip Oil and Box Calf. lacsâ€"<3. 51285 S. 9. I}, :1 , :2. 3. 4. 5 These are positively the cheapest 111:3 best sh for boys because they give the long wear. van g a man. woman or child wants that is possible eatber. we are your obedient servants. In CHILDEES’S and WOEEX’S Oil and Box Calf. laceâ€"'3. s 10. 11, 1‘2, 13. 1. 2, 3. 4 :3. 6. '. No woman. girl or chi wxzhont these. for 1: has been thoroughly proves: that only rehable shoe on the market for out door wear. ' ‘d ‘1 O 1- I In MEN‘S 031‘ Box. Valour. Canadian. English anti French C33. 2.15: Canadian. '\ eal. English ani French Kip. mad-3 into 32.15. Blzchérs. Oxfords and Yankee Ties. The fact That so manv men wear these. " ’nnfi 5am.” Eggs taken same as Cash in exchange for Good“ \ k. We have just opened a shipment of Soft and Stiff Hats that are strictly new and up-to-date. They are the latest in style and color, and are sure to meet with the approval of the public. Step in and see 'em. Custom Work and Repairing as usual at the Down-town Shoe Store. We have just entered upon our 4th year of business in Durham And take this opportunity of thanking all, who have in any way, given us a share of their patronage. We are still doing business at the old stand. and will do our best to please all who favor as with a call. An Ad. in the Chronicle is a Paying Investment. " Peel. the Shoeman. for Handmade Shoes. ALL PRICES. J. S. McILRAITH J. L. F LARITY Merchant Tailor and Gent’s Furnisher Prices, 1.25 to 2.00. Prices, 1.00 to 2.00. Prices, 2.00 to 3.50. TO OR ’JER ALL SIZES. .2 a. lw ll‘e Fencin 0‘ It is cheaper to wear woodenwa’re, etc, 1 women’s hves. Step Ladders Ceiling Cleaners Brooms Self-wringing Mops Washing Machines Clothes Wringers Tubs Tub Racks Pails Gillett’s Lye. We want to cannot Suit SPECIAL HATS Neat Blocks 11' you want dressed buy APRIL 19, 1906 HOUSECLEANIX \Ve keep in stock exen tl to make housecleaning ei such as . There is no fence to e the American Steel 1 Woven Fence. Once up“ perly there is no need‘ repairs. It lasts for yea just what you are looking It’s horse-high, pig-tight bull-strong. No stock‘ get over, under or throng The most unruly animal 1 butt it down, and there no herbs to tear and it the stock. We also kee Stock all other kinds of l for fencing, in large qn: ties, and our prices are r1: A SURE CURE Have You Bou Ask Those we have a 5' every fashior and Stiff ,1 In fact every‘ to a fully equi 20 shap

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