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Durham Chronicle (1867), 19 Apr 1906, p. 5

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5:; W. Marshall Smith, late at the head “one of thelargeetplants in the east, DURHAM, APRIL 19, 1906. BURHAM CHRONICLE The first meeting of the Directors of the. National Portland Cement Com- pany. Limited, since the starting of the Plant for 1906, was held on Thurs- day the 12th inst.. at the Company‘s head office in Dm ham. with the Pres- ident in the chair. All the rotary kilns and everything about the plant was running. Considering the short time the new management had to make repaixs and the bad condition in which they found the plant. the direc- tors were all highly pleased with the careful business way in which the affairs of the Company are being band. led. Energy Carr's Liver Pills Tonic Elixir Mr. McVVilliams, the President. has had the new clay siding put in and a reduction in the freight on clay which was very satisfactory to the directors considering What they had been pay- ing last year. The President in addressing the ‘ Board set forth the great advantages which has been arrived at since the in- stallation and changes in the wet end, reducing the moisture to such an ex- tent that there will be a great saving of fuel and will increase the output of the plant by at least 100 barrels per day. a The services of Mr. A. C. )Iaitland. late of the Imperial Portland Cement Co. Limited, of Owen Sound, had been secured as Secretary and he reported to the meeting that the bulk of the season’s output will be disposed of to our regular customers and that orders by wire, phone and letter are pouring in every day. The services of Mr. Chas. Lavelle as accountant have been retained. Mr. Geo. McGrane, who had charge of the installing of the Company 3 ma- chinery when the plant was built, has been placed as Superintendent of the catire maalacturing department. MacFarlane ($1 00. Dmggists and Booksellers The Treasurer, Mr. Gilbert McKee-h- nie, has been very active around the plant and is thoroughly alive to the different changes that have been made. ROUND THE CEMENT MILL. 0V. IRWIN. Editor and Proprietor. Constipation. biliousness, 1n- digestion. etc.. are up: to grow into more serious axl- ments unless you lend nature a little assistance. afiord just the kind of help that is needed. These pills strengthen and stimulate the liver and resmre normal activity to the bowels. They do not gripe. are mild and certain and. being purely vegetable, leave no bad af- ter efl'ects. Nearly everybody feels a. lack of energy in the spring. This languid feeling is due to dis- ordered blood and debilitated nerves. Ont 15¢ a Box, 2 for 25¢. will give you new life and energy after you have taken only a few doses. It stimu- lates the appetite. affords ma- terial for nervous energy and, by increasing nutrition. in- creases brain and muscular power. IL’s a splendid gen- eral tonic that always does good and does it quickly. 50c a. Bottle. has been placed in charge of thelabor- atory as chief chemist. The directors went over the plant carefully inspecting the changes made by the new management and expreSS- ed themselves as highly satisfied with the changes and the rapidity with which the work was carried on. They also took the engine and went. out to the Lake to inspect the dredge and how she was working. and found everythinglworking satisfactorily. In conversation with Mr. Ratz, one of the: old Board, he expressed himself while out on the dredge as to the great difference there was this year in hand- ling the material. Talking with the President he expressed himself, that it would be hard for him to believe with- out seeing it for himself how thick they were handling the marl after what had been told the old Board last year and the statements made at the Annual Meeting, and he said that in his opinion it would make a difference of 200 barrels per day of an increase without using any more coal. \ Prior to their motion to adjourn the directors expressed their heal ty ap- proval of the thorough manner .in which the President had conducted the placing of all the new heads of the dif- ferent departments and had given his personal attention to the overhauling and repairing of the mill. The outlook for the season of 1903. as to quality, quantity and price are exceptionally bright and the directors are looking forward with anticipation to a. profitable year. Easter eggs were plentiful. We know of a. chunk of a lad tbut got outside of fourteen and dndn’t 4 feel bad” afterwards. Mrs. George Pear-t and Mrs. Neil Mckechnie left. by the C. P. R. from Murkdale on Thursday to spend the holidays with relatives in the Queen City. Miss M. E. Hunt. teacher of Rock- lyu. is having a. happy week at the old home and among old associates. Miss Ann Jane Lennox passed away in Hamilton asylum on Friday. For some years she has been subject to fits of mental aberation. The re- mains arrived at Markdale at noon on Saturday. where friends and rela- tives met them and were conveyed to the home of her sister, Mrs. John McNally on the 10th. The funeral took place to Zion’s acre on Sunday afternoon Where Rev. T. Calling preached a most eloquent sermon and oficiated beside the open grave. The pall bearers were Messrs. John McNally, of the 6th. T. Glencross. Lorne Kerney, Joe. Will and James McNally. jr. Among those present from a distance, we noticed Mr. and Mrs. Joe Lennox, Mr. Bob Lennox, Mr. James Mack and ur. Tucker, of Egremont. ’Tis seven years ago this month, since her mother passed on before. Miss E. Scott, teacher of No. 5, is down at. the flower encircled home near " Corner Concuns.” He’s a halo fresh, vigorous old [91 low. is Mr. Wm. Ball of Toronto Junction. who spent a. few days among the old neighbors. Mr. Hall was a most. successful mill mun, new in bygone years. Mr. Dick Davis came up on Thurs- day lasn with the jolly crowd from Toronto. He is Smithy in the To- ronto Kennedy Foundry Co. works and has a. good situution at. smiling wages. A bright future lies before ihe same likeable Dick. Mrs. Murray, with pretty baby girl, is up on a. visit from Gait to her cousin and friend, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Nelson. Miss Janet Blyth of Sarnia. and Miss Ida. teachers. are enjoying the East. or vacation at. home. We welcome to our burg Mr. and are. John Collins. jr. John has ten:- ed the blacksmith Shep lately vacat- ed by D. McGrath. who has gone to Durham, Miss Emma Brown is visiting in Durham. The Misses Dawson, teachers. are holidaying with friends in Mt. Forest Miss Mary Calvert is visiting in Toronto. Miss Aggie Mark is taking acourse in Mt. Forest Business College. Miss Mtggie Brown and Mr. Stor~ rey, of Durham. were guests at the home of Mr. W. Brown on Sunday last. The Epworth Leagueosociable was a decided success. The programme, consisting of music by mixed qugr. tet, solos. recitations and readings, was enloyed by a very appreciative audience. and are worthy of more ex- tended mention than we have space here to give. The pastor, Rev. C. P. Holmes, was in the chair. A most pleasing feature was a ghost story by Mrs. Holmes, in that lady’s very charming manner. The narrator held her audience spell-bound, and they were prepared for the most ghostlike proceedings, but were de- cidedly disappointed at the very un- ghoetly style in which it ended. We are pleased to report the im- provement and recovery of Messrs. EJ. Calvert and G. Eddington, wh have been ill most of the winter. 0 Traverston. Orchard. A 'special meeting of Prince Arthur Lodge A F. and A M. was held on Tuesday evening of last week to re cieve an oficial visit from Rt. Wor.i Bro. A. D. Knight, D. D. G. n. of the‘ Georgian District. After receiving the distinguished visitor with grand honors the Third Degree was exemp. lified by the officers of the lodge who wore complimented by the inepecting officer for the eflicient manner in which they performed their work. Rt. Wor. Bro Knight gave an in- structive address for which upon m0tion by Wor Bros M K Richard- son and A. S. VanDusen he was ten- dereda hearty vete of thanks. At the conclusion of business all adjourn- ed to the dining room of the lodge where a beautiful spread prepared by the members wives was laid. AfterI satisfying the inner man, an enjoy- able season was Spent in speech mak ‘ ing and songthe W. M. Wor. Bro. John Wright. presiding. After the toast to the King and Craft which called forth the National Anthem that to the Grand Lodge was ably responded to by Rt. Wor. Bro. Knight, who also gave a spendidly rendered song. The toast to the Past Masters of Prince Arthur Lodge ; was fittingly replied to by Wor. Bro. ‘M. K. Richardson and that to the oflicers of the lodge by Wor. Bros. Bellamy and Hickling and Bros. Blakely and Munshaw. Auld Lang ‘Syne brought the pleasing proceed- , lugs to a close. The Flesherton Hotel Company Limited. was regularly organized at tne meeting held here for that pur- pose on Tuesday of last week. Over sixty shareholders were pre ent and after assignment of stock directors were eleCted as follows: W’. A. Arm- strong, 12‘. G Karstedt, R. J._Spr_oule. W. W. Trimble and W. H. Bunt. At. a. subsequent meeting of the direc- tors F. G. Karetedt was elected pres ident, R. J. Sproule secretary and W. A. Armstrong, treasurer. It is prOposed that the new building for which plans and specifications are now being prepared be about 40x50 feet and three stories high. It will be either of cement or brick estimates of which are being obtained. The site Opposite J. A. Heard’s was chosen by a. large majority. That there is big money in live hogs at present we judge from a sale made last week by Ml‘. Archie Boyd. of the east back line, who delivered to Boyd and Wilson of this place a pen of ten beauties at $7 00 per hun- dred. The lot weighed over 2400 and brought $173.25. A dose of catholic acid given in a mistake on Monday last to Ward. the four-year-old son of Mr. Ali. Harrison Toronto line, gave the little Iellow’s mother who administered the dose, a serious fright. Dr. Carter was sumo moned and with the use of emeties and stomach pump cause of alarm was soon past. A munshaw . Son had delivered to them last week their winter’s supply of furnace coal.â€"a car of 28 tons direct from the mines at Pittsburg. Pa. Flesherton football club has been organiZed [or the season with officers as follows; Geo. Mitchell, president “7. Livingston, Captain; W. Sum mers. Sec-tree; Ed. Thompson, man- ager; C. N. Richardson, Geo. Stew art, Ed. Best and Alex Collinson, Committee. The boys will play in neat orange and black sweaters man- ufactured by Mr. John Nuhn here. Challengers are invited. mr. W. G. Hacking had one of his livery horses so severely injured last week with a. kick from its mate in the stifle joint that there is little hope of its recovering to usefulness. Mt. 3nd xrs. Jos. Clinton are mov- ing to Mr. Kerr’s recently purchased coutage near the Methodist church RYANâ€"In Durham, on Sunday April 15th, 1W6, to Mr. and Mrs. William, Ryan, a son. MARRIED. MATHEWSâ€"ALEXANDBRâ€"At the resi- dence of the bride’s sister, Mrs. J. Baldwin Rogers, 216 Gerrard St., To- ronto,‘ on April jllth, 1906, by the Rev. Canon Baldwin. of All Saints Church, Isabel J. Alexander, of Dur- ham, Ont., to George Donald Alex- ander Matthews, of the G. N. W. Telegraph 00., Toronto, for merly of Quebec. But are Scientific Veterinary Preparations prepared by Stock Tonic and Blood Purifier Antiseptic Heeling Oil Indigestion and Colic Cure Breeding Powders Spevin Cure Cough Remedy Poultry Tonic Heeve Relief Lonse Death Navel and Joint Ill Cure Gslls and Thrush Cure Diarrhoea Cure for Colts Sprain Emulsion Lump J sw Cure Worm Remedy Etch pkg. contains a. coupon entitling the holder to free veterinary advices SOLD BY BARCLAY BELL, Implement Agents, DURHAM. COLIN McMILLAN, Hunessmslrer, DRQMORE. Under the SUPGI'ViSiOD 0f DRS. VANZANT WARING. Toronto, of over ‘20 years practical experience. NOTES OF THAT BURG BY OUR OWN CORRESPONDENT FLESHERTON THE VETERINARY SPECIALTY GO. These Are Not Stock Foods BORN. DURHAM CHRONICLE and ur. and ms. Willett are moving to the house vacated by Mr. Clinton. There were pretty pulpit platform decorations with plants and flowers and the sermons and music in the churches here on Sunday were appro- priate to Easter day. Mt. H. L. Douglas who possesses a splendid bass voice was a valuable acquisition to the Presbyterian choir in which he now sin28° On account of the ab- sence of members of the methodist choir the usual Easter song service was postponed till next Sunday even- inc when Mt. M K Richardson will preach. Dr Anna Henry will occupy the pulpit in the morning. Mt. Robt. Blair and family of the west back lide left on nonday for mooeomin and will later deeiie upon their destination. Mt. Phos. Grainger of this place in- vested in real estate in Regina about a month ago and has alreadv had a good margin of profit offered him on his property. Ml‘. J.L. Wood has resigned the public school at Ceylon. Mr. \Vood intends going to the Northwest hop- ing that a change of climate may help him. Miss Mabel Boyd is home from Alma College St. Thomas. to spend a coople of weeks with her parents Mr. and Bars. J. A. Boyd. Mt. W. E. Richardson has now a unique and attraczive illuminated flash light. sign decorating his drug store Window. Mrs. Pye left last. week to spend a few weeks with her daughter in Tor. onto. Mrs.Corbett, of Oxbow, Sask., is visiting her daughter. Mrs. W. L. Wright. Miss Walker. of Markdale, has been her brocher Hr. J. E. Walker and wife here. Miss Conlson is visiting her home at Grimsby. ur. Ed. Thompson’s ponies came near having a bad runaway on Mon day. Standing at the bakery door rnd hitched to the delivery Wagon on which was seated Mt. Thompson’s daughter. Hazel, the team dashed 03, but ran into the bank up the street a little distance where they broke the tongue and were captured. Hazel was thrown from the rig receiving some bruises and a severe shaking up. Among the Easter holiday visitorsI here were .ur. J. Shier and Mr. Char- ley Mc'l‘avish. of Toronto, at the lat- te.’s home. air. D. Mc'I‘avish’s; Mr. Henry Richardson. Toronto town- ship, and Mrs R. C MCIntyre, of Brampton, visited their mother )lrs. Henry Richardson; Hrs. E Swift, of Toronto, visited her parents Mr. andl xrs. P. Quigz; Kr. Ben. Wilson of Toronto is visiting his parents Mr. and Mrs. T 'W. \Vilson. ur. and Mrs. Geo. Wickens. Toronto, visited the farmer’s parents, )tr. and mrs. An- drew Wickens; mrs. J. D. Clark and littl daughter of Ottawa. visited the former’s sister Hrs. F. W. Hickling; urs. W. Douglas of Collmgwood vis- ited her parents mr. and Mrs. A. S. VanDusen; M. D. W. Jamieson of Tor- onto vieited his wife’s parents Mr. and are John Whitten; ur. Charles nullen of Toronto was a visitor at his home near Ceylon; Mr, Hugh Pedlar of Owen Sound visited his parents on the Collingwood Road. M". Ed. Bentham is holidaying with friends in the city. Ml's. W. L \Vright was an Orange ville on Good Friday. Among those abroad were mr. C. H. Munshaw, Miss Minnie munshaw, Miss May Hales and mrs. moKinnon' with parents in Toronto; Miss Wass visited her uncle Rev. J. Wass at Jarvis; Mt. R. Trimble and Miss Ruby visited the farmer’s daughter at Owen Sound. THE undersigned will receive Sealed Tenders up to 5 p. m., on for a competent erson to run a Road Grader during t e season of road- making in Glenelg. Applicants to 's‘gate‘ pay per day without; board. The lo-west‘or an}; tendei-vfi'ot £13223; sat-ily accepted unless otherwise satisfactory. Clerk’s Office, Glenelg, Apr. 16th, Tuesday, the 15th day of May next, Antiseptic Heeling Oil Breeding Powders Cough Remedy Heave Relief Navel and Joint Ill Cure Diarrhoea Cure for 001153 Lump J aw Cure Tenders Wanted. '. s. BLACk. Tp. Clerk, POMONA. Grocers, HANOVER. Spring Footwear IT’S TIME you were thinking about your Spring foet. wear. We have been busy all winter working on this class of wear. and have succeeded in completing the following lines :â€" In BOYS’ Kip Oil and Box Calf, laced, 31268 8, 9. 10, 11 12. 23. 1, 2,3. 4. 5 These are positively the cheapest and best shoes made for boys because they give the long wear. In CHILDREN’S and WOMEN’S Oil and Box Calf. laced. sizes 8. (1. 10.11, 12,13. 1. 2, 3. 4. 5, 6. 7. No woman, girl or child should be without these. for it has been thoroughly proven that the}: are the only reliable shoe on the market for out door wear. Prices, [.00 to 2.00. In MEN’S Oil, Box. Valour. Canadian. English and French Calf. also Canadian, Veal. English and French Kip. made into Bals, Bluebers. Oxfords and Yankee Ties. The fact. rhat so many men wear these. " ’nuff said.” Anything 9. man, woman or child wants that is possible to be made of shoe leather, we are your obedient servants, PEEL, the Shoeman CASH ONLY, DURHAM AND OWEN SOUND. We have just opened a shipment of Soft and Stiff Hats that are strictly new and up-to-date. They are the latest in style and color, and are sure to meet with the approval of the public. Step in and see "em. We have just entered upon our 4th year of business in Durham And take this opportunity of thanking all, who have in any way, given us a share of their patronage. We are still doing business at the old stand. and Will do our best to please all who favor us with a call. Eggs taken same as Cash in exchange for Goods. Custom Work and Repairing as usual at the Down-town Shoe Store. An Ad. in the Chronicle is a Paying Investment. “Peel, the Shoeman, for Handmade Shoes.” Spring Hats ! ALL PRICES. J. L. FLARITY Merchant Tailor and Gem’s Furnisher . S. McILRAITH Prices, [.25 to 2.00. Prices, 2.00 to 3.50. TO ORUER APRIL 19, 1906 ALL SIZES. It is cheaper to wea woodenware, etc, women’s lwes. Step Ladders Ceiling Cleaners Brooms Self-W1 mama Mops. Washing Machines Tub Racks Pails Gillett’s Lye. We want to cannot Suit SPECIAL HAT? Neat Blocks 11 you wax dressed bu APRIL 19, 1906 HOUSECLEANII‘ \Ve keep in stock ever] to make houeeclea.ningi such as: There is no fence to the American Steel Woven Fence. Once q perly there is no neg repairs. It lasts for y just what you are looki1 It’e horse-high. pig-tig‘i bull-strong. No 5100 get over, under or throi The most unruly anima butt it down, and the no herbs to tear and the stock. We also 1: Stock all other kinds 0! for fencing, in largeq ties, and our prices are A SURE CUR Have You Bo Ask Those We have a every fashi‘ and Stiff In fact even to a fully eQI ‘20 sha‘

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