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Durham Chronicle (1867), 19 Apr 1906, p. 6

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SHE 3 made th him, .etakes LS Wife. for Goods. Ire shoes made e to meet OBS. Spring f00t~ working on completing 2: Shoe Store. Thev are d see 'em. an 1d uld be re the Lu “1- H. MOCKLER Fails Gillett’s Lye. Step Ladders * ‘eiling Cleaners Selt-wrinoring Mops Washing Machines Clothes Wringers Tubs Tub Racks It is cheaper to wear out woodenware, etc., than women’s llves. We have a sure cure for horses’ sore shoulders, and a preventative for sore shdulders. SPECIAL HATS FOR LARGE HEADS Neat Blocks for» Small Faces If you want to appear well dressed buy your Hat here. We want to find the man we cannot Suit or Fit in a. Hat. APRIL 19, 1906 HOUSECLEANINU There is no fence to equal the American Steel Wire Woven Fence. Once up pro- perly there is no need for repairs. It lasts for yearsâ€" just what you are looking for. It’s horse-high, pigotight and bull-strong. No stock can get over, under or through it. The mos: unruly animal can’t butt it down, and there are no barbs to tear and injure the stock. We also keep in Stock all other kinds of Wire for fencing, in large quanti- ties, and our prices are right. “'9 keep in stock everything to make housecleaning easy, such as: ire Fencmg A SURE CURE Have You Bought Your Spring Hat? Ask Those Who Wear Our Hats. THEY KNOW. We have a stock which embraces every fashionable shape in Soft and Stiff goods in all sizes. In fact everything that is necessary to a fully equipped hat stock is here. 2O shapes in Soft Hats. Sell Hats shapes in Derbfi. l . Ninetylper cent. of the “lungs” contract consumption by allowing power of resistence to fall so low , that a favorable condition for the de- velopment of the bacilli is provided. ;In a healthy system consumption : can’t take root. But where there is lweakness and debility, there you find tuberculosis. For developing i strength and building up the weak. I nothing equals Ferrozone. It makes ’ the blood nutritious and the nerves l enduring. The way it converts food , into nutri'nent, the appetite it gives is surprising. Just what the man verging on consumption needs,â€" ? that’s Ferrozone. If tired and weak ‘, don’t put 03. Fifty cents buys a box of fifty tabletsâ€"at all dealers. a In grey, the leading color, we a have a good assortment from The large brick house and property, centrally located in the Town of Dur- ham, belonging to the estate of the late J. M. Hunter. together with sev- eral other lots, is now offered for sale and will be disposed of at easy price and on easy terms to a. quick purchas- er. Apply for particulars to Ap l2tf. TOWN PROPERTY FOR SALE. We also have a. nice line of g Mohair, which we are selling st g HOW TO GET CONSUMPTION. Dress “IGOOdS‘é WWW We have our New Dress Goods in now. 500 to $1 25 yard. MRS. J. M. HUNTER, or to A. H. J .acxsox. NEW is" Mr. Thos. Lanorgan. provincial Constable at Chapleau, Ontario, says: “I caught asevere cold while hunt- inga burglar in the forest swamp last fall. Hearing of Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy, I tried it, and after using two small bottles, I was com- pletely cured.” This remedy is in- tended especially for coughs and colds. It will loosen and relieve a severe cold in less time ‘than by any other treatment and is a favorite wherever its superior excellence has become known. For sale at Parker’s Drug Store. Ap. 16 Ste. Citizens are notified that all out- houses, pig pens and yards generally should be cleaned at once, as the Health Inspector is about to make his rounds. The members of Grey Lodge No. 169 I. O. O. F. held their annual “At Home” in the Town Hall. Tuesday night last. Between one hundred and fifty and two hundred invited guests were present, and about half past eight Mr. F. \V. Search, N. G., opened the meeting with a short address and began a program of instrumental and vocal music and short addresses. Two instrumental duets were given on the piano by Misses Rita Irwin and Amy Kelly, a couple of magnificent piano solos by Mrs. Newton, and a well ren- dered piano solo by Miss Elma Holt, a little girl who is scarcely able to reach the pedals. A couple of humorous recitations were given by Mr. Ed. Mc- Clocklin. and a somewhat lengthy but well received humorous recital by Mrs. Stoneouse. Miss Jean BroWn was heartily encored and forced to respond to a much appreciated vocal selection, and Mr. H. H. Mockler’s solo was also a pleasing number. Mr. Porter. Dis- trict Deputy, of Listowel, being pres- ent made a brief address expressive of his appreciation of Oddfellowship. A! a later stage M r. \Vm. Laidlaw and Ye Editor were called upon and made a few remarks each. He says that the commonest of al' disorders and one from which few escape is Catarrh. Sir Jamee firm!) believes in local treatment. which i~ best supplied by "Catarrhozone.’ No case of Catarrh can exist when Catarrhozone is used; it is a mirach worker, relieves almOSt instantly-am cures after Other remedies fail Other treatments can’t reach the diseased parts like Catarrhozoue be cause it goes to the source of the trouble along with the air yen. breathe. Cararrhozone is free from cocaine. it leaves no bad after-efiec;s it is simply nature’s own cure. Ac cept no substitute for Catarrhozonc which alone can cure. At the close of the Literary program a sumptuous repast was served in the lower hall after which all who desired to do so were at liberty to go, but the presence of an orchestra from London caused many to prolong their stay and listen to the excellent music of the harp and other instruments, which led the youth and beauty to “ chase the glowing hours with flying feet.” The dancing continued until about three o’clock when all returned satisfied that the whole program was an enjoyable affair. SIR JAMES WATSON’S OPINION The Society here is in a. very pros- perous condition and are looking for- ward to a big demonstration about the middle of June. This, \Vednesday, morning a mes- sage from Toronto was received by Mr. George Lawrence announcing the serious condition of Mr. George Twain- ley, whose home is near the Rocky. A short time ago Mr. Twamley went. “7th intending to take up land, and is evidently on his way home. In To- ronto he either blew out the gas or was put tosleep in a room with a leaky Caught Cold Whille Hunting a Burg- ar. GEORGE TWAMLEY’S CLOSE CALL gas jet which nearly finished him. From the information we get an open fan light was the only thing to give him even a chance for recovery. Mr. Lawrence was asked to inform his wife and family of the accident and express the strong hopes entertained for his recovery though a couple of weeks would elapse before he would be able to continue his homeward journey. \Ve are unable to under- stand how matters can be so bad that a couple of weeks will be required, and hope that a couple of days will be suf- ficient. Mr. Twamley is an industri- ous, well-toâ€"do farmer, owns consider- able property here, but was evidently anxious to get some of the prairie lands of the great North-west. Though we can not give full and definite informa- tion at the time of writing we are con- vinced that Mr. Twamley’s condition is such that his friends need not fear more than a temporary illness. Found Unconscious from Asphyxiaticn But Will Recover. ODDFELLOWS’ “ AT non." NOTICE. HUGH MACKAY, INSPECTOR. DURHAM CHRUN 1L1 4E Found In Burl-an. In Surinam there is a remarkable toadlike creature the female of which carries the young in a series of cells in the thick skin of the back, which as- sumes a strange honeycomb-like ap- pearance. When this lady toad is car- rying her nursery about with her she is a very repulsive looking object. Slhgle handed she would be quite unable to cope with the important question of placing eggs where they will be most favorably disposed for hatching, and for this she has to rely on the good services or her mate. Soon after the eggs are laid they are taken up by the male and pressed, one by one, into the cells in the thickened skin of his part. ner’s back. There they grow until they fit closely to the hexagonal form or their prisons, each of which is closed above by a kind of trapdoor. After a period of some eighty-two days the eggs reach their full develop- ment and produce, not tadpoles, but actually perfect little toads. The rea- son or this is that the tadpoles, which require to breathe the air dissolved in the water by means of their external gills, could not exist in the cells, and consequently this stage 0: development is passed through very rapidly within the egg. In due time the young toads to the number of 80 or 100 burst open the lids of their cells, poke out their noses and make their entrance into the world. The mother toad rubs of! the remains of the cells against any con- venient stone or plant stem and comes out in a brand new spring outfit. One of the Title: Proposed For the First President. One of the embarrassments of the new office of president was in regard to titleâ€"how the chief magistrate of the United States should be addressed. 'Dle subject had occupied the attention of congress, and a joint committee from the two houses had been unable to agree. The newspapers had taken the matter up and discussed it freely. With some “his excellency” was thought the proper caper, others wished Friend-hip. Don’t flatter yourselves that friend- ship authorizes ybu to say disagreea- ble things to your intimates. On the contrary, the nearer you come into re- lation with a person the more necessary do tact and courtesy become. Except in cases of necessity, which are rare, leave your friend to learn unpleasant truths from his enemies. Beloved of the Gods. Miss Mary Anderson (Mme. Navarro) in the play of “Pygmalion and Galatea" once turned with outstretched arms to- ward the audience. She was supposed to he appealing to heaven. “The gods will help me!” she cried. At once with one accord the “gods” ot the gallery The Bright Spots. No man knows his strength or his weakness till occasion proves them. If there be some thoughts and actions of his life from the memory of which a man shrinks with shame, surely there are some which he may be proud to own and rememberâ€"forgiven injuries. conquered temptations (now and then) and dimculties vanquished by endur- a longer and higher sounding title, and not a few favored the appellation giv- en to rulers in Hollandâ€"“high mighti- ness.” It was finally decided to the satisfaction of all parties that Wash- ington should be called simply the pres- ident or the United States. A Curious Oath. The following curious oath was until recent years administered in the courts of the Isle of Man: “By this book, and by the holy contents thereof, and by the wonderful works that God has mi- raculously wrought in heaven above and in the earth beneath in six days and seven nights, I do swear that I will, without respect of favor or friend. ship, love or gain, consanguinity or at- finity, envy or malice, execute the laws of this isle and between party and par- While these controversies were at white heat Speaker Muhlenburg was one day at a dinner given in honor of Washington and was asked by the president elect what he thought of the title of “high mightiness.” “W'hy, general,” replied Muhlenburg, laughing, “it we were certain that the office would always be held by men as large as yourself or my friend Wyn- koop (a large sized gentleman from Pennsylvania sitting at the table) it would be appropriate enough, but if by chance a president as small as my op- posite neighbor should be elected it would become ridiculous.” ty as indifierently as the herring’s backbone doth lie in the middle of the Friendship Among Fishes. The sea cucumber, with long body and mouth fringed with tentacles in a feathery circle, gives lodgings to small- er forms, which have been called its messmates, which actually live within its body and swim in and out at will, thus finding a welcome shelter and also feeding on the half digested food of their hosts. In similar way sea anemo« nes, attached to a rock and furnished with a circle of feelers or tentacles, with which they catch and hold their food, make friends with little fishes which swim fearlessly within their grasp and are constantly infolded for a few moments in what to the prey of the anemone would be a living tomb, but very soon the tentacles unclose and al- low the playful little prisoner to escape at will. In similar fashion fish have been seen living and sporting within the arms of tropical starfish. “HIS HIGH MIGHTINESS.” A QU EER ANIMAL Mr. RobertA. Grant. the well-known barrister and active Liberal, died last night, at his residence, 208 George street, after _an illness of about a month, which became serious a. few days ago, of pneumonia and heart fail- He was a. son of Rev. Dr. Grant of Orillia, and was born 40 years ago at W'aterdown, Wentworth County. He was educated at Ingersoll andToronto. and was called to the bar about eigh- teen years ago, He had always prac- tised with the firm of Kerr, Macdon- ald, Paterson and Grant. Mrs. Grant died last December, af- ter an extended illness, and two little boys survive. There are five bro- thersâ€"George D. Grant, M. P., Inglis and Gordon of Orillia; Fred, of Mid- land: and \V’illiam. of Detroit: and one sister in Orillia. [Mr. Grant wasa son-in-law of the late J. H. Hunter, of this town, and was well known to many of the pres- ent residents.-Ed.] Is one of the meanest, things in the world. To prevent biliousness use Dr. Hamilton’s Pills. which keep the system clean and pure. regulate the howels. give tone to the kidneys and Iiver. You’ll never have aheadache. you’ll never have a sour stomach, but, vou will have vigorous bracing health hv taking Dr. Hamilton’s Pills. Your druggist sells Dr. Hamilton’ 8 Pius." -5c. per box or five for one dol lar. Scrayed from the premises of the undersigned. April 5th, Lot: 32. Con. 2. E. G. R., Glenelz. one heifer. two veers old. Color. roan, with white face. dehorned. Any person giving information that will lead to her re- covery will be suitably rewarded. All who have signed, and all who intend to sign the Service Roll of the South Grey Rifle Association are hereby requested to go ac once to Police Magistrate Telford, or some other Justice of the Peace and take the Oath of Allegiance. DON’T miss the Piano Recital in the van Hall Thursday night. ' 25 35c. Feb.19th, ’OGcf. BY ORDER. R. H. BANKS. Edge Hill P. O. \pril 19th, A BILIOUS HEADACHE. ROBERT A. GRANT. Stray Heifer. NOTICE â€"‘ 0.. llarling’s . . DARLING DRUG STORE The People’s Bruggist BUY YOUR FROM

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