West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 19 Apr 1906, p. 8

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’RIL 1 9) 1906 unis, Pale ud Stnow nsness, Sleepkmhg‘ r, Depression of 3pm pr Appetite, Impure Bled. ruptions, Poor Circulath' ion, Dizziness, Shanna. at v \Veakness, Nervous Had» 2 LL r of the Hands and F; Power, General Weakn- d all diseases and dis“ F“ a run-down conditiond stem or weak and “fa, ther remedy which Win a. you to health and strength as Dr. Harte’fi Celery-Iron is no other you can hay panied by a positive Gnu. r your money rem {EH SURRHNTEE. ”86 boxes teacher Wrote the follow- e on the blackboard for of the young grammar he horse and the cow is in She Waited quite patiently pa in the class to tell be: wrong “ith the sentence-a ittle Sammie in the back 1;) his hand. " Well, Sam- 5 what is wrong with th. z “Please. ms’ am, 3°“ the lady firm.” was fill. 113 for $2. 50. take 3 box. I 1 find you no deriving“ eir use, you an total-at: . together with 910 3 box. named, and get your mono, er square! proposition ha. 1 9.2.1 we wouldn’t.“ =9 W 9 were confident h > a; that is claimed («It :1. box th. Pin. m I... Means 137 Guarantee color! W XRLING Garidofthst of Dr. onald, Nellie Dorris Mc- itterson, J- nders. Rita Torry rdon Gun, Sparlin g. ier, Sadie aich. Wes- 1‘. Gilbert ;.-ouisa. Mc- \f .‘X 1108, U. x. Collier, kinson, Mollraith. UGGIST “LB 1cGirr. J. a. Patter- .CIIARD. a Caton, arshall, Clocklin Dameron Marion Brown- ’1' y Clifi. 3rd and 8 Belle l C Chley’ », Jack Gladys Ector Cassie Edwin Smith. on. W. M or- : and Willie Herb “nan «' .{4 yvian ‘ L4" " thaws D Ufioe over 'Gordon’s new Jewellery Store. Lower Town, Durham. Any amount of monev to loan at 5 per cent. on farm Drovertv. OFFICE: vâ€"‘v â€"â€" D“--- \eyancers Etc. Moneyto ’ toLmn. Offices zâ€"Iu the McIntyre Block, over Standard Bank. Late Assistant Roy. London Ophthalmic;Hoo. £113.. and to Golden Sq. Throat and 3050 Hon. Specialist: Eye, Bar, Throat and N 086 EXCLUSIVELY U Garafraxa and George Swede-ii: foot of hill. Oflice hoursâ€"941 3.111., 2-4 p. m., 7-9 p. 111. Telephone No. 10. 1 fice in the New Hunter Block. Ofice hours, 8 to 10 a. m., to 4 p. m. and 7 t09 p. m. Special attention given to diseases of women and children. Residence op- posite Presbvterian Church. W; 1 be at Knapp House Durham. the 2nd Sam: day :11 emchp month. Hoursâ€"lâ€"fi p.m. U short distance east of Knapp’; â€"Hoteâ€"l_, Lamb ton Street, Lower Town, Durham Ofice hours from 12 to 2 o’clock. Arthur Gun, M. D. HYSICIAN AND SU RGEON, OF- fice in the New Hunter Block. Oflice U tioneer for the County of Grey. 3818! promptly attended to. Orders ms .130 left at his Implement Warerooms, Me 011’: old stand. or at the Chronicle Ofice. .. . U . tioneer for the County of Grey. Toms moderate and satisfaction guaran- teed. The arrangements and dates of sales anpe made 3.: THE CHBOXICLB of- $8:ch sud P. 0.. Ceylon. Tele- Division Court Sales'andfill other matters :rom tlv attended to. Hughes: refetanees isrnished if required. Will be at the Midiangh House Is: Wednesday of each nhnth. from 12 to 4 p. m. see; Ream" “931 phone eonneotxon. U eased Auctioneer, for the County of §¥9§‘~_Lan§ vaxgagor. Bgiljtf 9: the _2nd MIN“ For tramzient advertisements 8 cc: s pe r first insertion“ 3 ceuts ‘ .tne for the . ~ ., ~ -_ F? Ans . . . lme each subsequent msettton-mnmo; name. Professional cards, not exceeding sue inch 00 pet annum. Advertisements without specif; directions will be published tf'l furhid and charged .u mg}; Transient notice::â€"-“ Lou," “ Found. " For 4:," etc-30 «mm for first insertion, 25 cent ‘a' each subsequent in~ervion. All advertisements (named by strung :9 must be puo I! in advance. antrgct rates for ycrafl)’ ac. emsements furnished 0» lppchattgu to the offzue. TflE JOB : : DEPARTHENT OHN CLARK. LICENSED AUC- tioneer for the Conntv of Grev. 81183 '3? All advertise ac m. to ensure insertion in cane: Cock, should bc brought. in no: latcr man TUESLM zoning. mm TH: Cmnmcu». will be sent tom} address, free ofpouage, {or 3|.oope: M113 . o . . mt, payable in advanceâ€"5|. may hm “not $9 paid. The datetowh' every Mia) h aid ts d:nct:d by the numberon the uddress hbel. '0 paper (1': ‘c mime; 1mm all arreax are paid, except at the Outxm: of the pxoprictor. I'm THURSDAY ”m0 11mm nun-c magma m A. H. Jackson. f OTARY PUBLIC, COMM_ISSION- L. R. C. P., LONDON. ENG. VRADULATE of London, New I York and Chicago. Diseases of Eye. Ear Nose and Thrut. vâ€"v 'â€"_ ty of _ Toronto. Graduate Royal Aiege Dental Surgeons of Ontario; Dentistry in all its Branches. whenâ€"Calder Block, over Post Ofice Nov. 9, ’(B. Drs. Jamieson . Maclaurin. \EEICE AND RESIDENCE A J. G. Hutton, M. D., C. M. \FEICE AND RESIDENCEâ€"COR Dec. 3. ’Otâ€"lypd. G. MACKAY. K. C. J. 1?. GRANT, D. D. s.. L. D. s. [ONOR GRADUATE, UNIV’EBSI: ARRISTER, SOLICITOR_. ETC. AMBS CARSON, DURHAM. LIC; ARRISTERS. SOLICITORS, QON- fouling facilities DURHAM, ONT. (Lower Town.) MoPHA_IL, LICENSED AUC- Dr. W. 0. Pickering Dentist. EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR. APRIL 19, 1906 MacKay 8:. Dunn. Medical Directory . Dental Dz’rectorv. DR- EH]. 8. BURT. DR. BROWN Legal Directory. Miscellaneous. J. P. Telford. Over J. J. Hunter’s. I: completely stocked wit! all NdVV 'E‘YPE. thus a: for taming out Fins-clan W. F. DUNN. "I suffered for five years with kid- ney and liver trouble. which caused severe pains across the back and a blinding headache. I had dyspepsia and was so constipated that I could not move my bowels without a cath- artic. I was cured by Chamberlain’s Stomach and Liver Tablets and have been well now for six months,” says Mr. Arthur S. Strickland, of Chatta- nooga. Tenn. For sale at Parker’s Drug Store. Chamberlain’s Salve is ood for any disease of the skin. fit allays the itching and burning sensation in- stantly. For sale at Parker’s Drug Store. Suffered for Five Years with Kidney and Liver Trouble. There was rejoicing in the village at the killing of a pig. Being dead it was cut up. A neighbor’s cat stole secretly into the larder and annexed a piece of pork, which she brought in triumph to her mistress. Next day the clergyman of the parish visited the old woman who recounted to him the remarkable sagacity of the beast. “ It was quite beautiful. sin". she said piously, " to see the way the sweet creature brought me the piece of pork. It brought to my mind what we read in the Bible about Elijah and the ravens." We call Minneapolis Minn. Why not Annapolis Ann ? If you can’t tell the reason why. I’ll bet Topeka Kan. But, now you Speak of ladies. what A Butte Montana is. If I could borrow. Memphis, Tenn. I’d treat that Jackson, Miss. Would Denver Colo Cop because Ottumwa Ia dore, And, tho’ my Portland Me doth love, I throw my Portland, Ore 9 What was it made Chicago Ill? ’Twas Washington, D. C. She would Tacoma. Wash. in spite Of a Baltimore AM. When Hartford and New Haven Conn What Reuben do they soak ? Could Noah build a Little Rock Ark If he had no Guthrie 0k ? How much did Philadelphia Pa? Whose grass did K C. Mo ? How u_1any eggs could New Orleans Beauqé‘jt teaches Actual'business from start to hnish; Because its Shorthand students are doing marvellous work, some Wtiting 200 words per minute after attending only tWO months- Bequse at the head of it is a. man whose qualihentions as a teacher are unexeelled and whose ambition is to see his students hecome food eitizene. morally, socially and hnancia ly. Open J uly and August. Becausgits graduatgs are enjoying ghe best pompous .11) almost every 03113de and American can; Because this polleze enjoys the confi- degce of thg Bustqess Public. \V. L. FALKINGHAN Becfizse each student does his work in- dependent of all others thereby establish- ing confidence in himself: . Because by attendingâ€"i116 day and even- mg classes, students graduate in a. short tigc and at .a small_ cost; Because each student is taught separate- ly at his own desk; . Because all dificulttes are thoroughly explained as they occur. thus avoiding loss of time to the students and enabling them to accomplish more than is possible in class teachinz; Beafi's'e each student receives special at- tenti anoin his weak subjects and may choose higsubjeets; 1m “one“. u ‘ll’rominont Ponng People in Church If Kan trial: to main the Begtpanmercial ‘ and Society to Wed in June- tn Shorthand Rotation, n n necessary I that You attend the Beatâ€" .... 331330 Not the fljdggfid~fie lakes! Business College [311 How much does Cleveland 0? To Cure a Cold 111 One Day a. I”; m uinine Tablets. on ev 3mg: E3uomh9$g This W, 6 %£érmp box. 25: W. T. CLANCY, Prin. The Mount Forest This College is the Best The lateral: of a Frost Fence are High Carbon No. 9 Hard Steel Coiled Wire, thoroughly galvanizedâ€"that can‘t be broken until the strain reaches from 1900 to 2200 pounds The stays are No. 7 or this same No. 9 wire. And the two wires are locked with the Frost Locks. That braces the fence in all directionsâ€"up down and diagonally. no We are so sure that Frost Fences are the strongest and best that we guarantee to repair, free of charge, any fence that goes wrong. That‘s fair, isn‘t it? Frost Wire Fences are for sale by L. FALKINGHAH - Ebordales Geographical Posers ~Lippinc0tt’s Magazine. . McLellan, Agent, Durham, Ont. Frost Fences Are Strong All Around BISSELL 3 DB!!! STEEL noun Has Draught Bracket giving low down bitch and removing nil neck wexght. Send Proceed use! Headset alpedal shape in all the Drums. Fine Lane hfl-lflalon loner: used in Bearings. N o centre bearing to cut. need or grind. None finnme withoufi 8am name “BISSELL.” quire of your Agent or address 'r. E. BISSELL, moan. one. Write for Booklet “ E.” Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Lindsay spent Easter ISunday with Mr. and Mrs. Herd, Allan Park. Take LAXATIVE BROMO QUININE Tablets All drugginte refund the money if at fails to cure. E. W. Grave‘s signature is on each box. 250. Mrs. H. W. Hunt spent a. few days with her sister-in-law. Mrs. W. D. Mills, Durham. Mr. tnd Mrs. Bobt. Smith of Dur- ham Sundayed with Mr. and Mrs. Vickers. When all the danger was passed, he said : “ Now you see how neces- sary it is to keep cool.” The wife for the first time glanced at her husband. " Yes, William.” she said. ” it is a grand thing, but if 1 were you I would have put on my trousers.” Mrs. Wm. Livingston and children spent Easter with her Sister Mrs. Jas. Livingston, Guelph. Mrs. and Mrs McNeil, Allnn Park. visited the latter’s mother Mrs. Mighton. Then he slipped his watch into his vesc pocket and walked with his wife out of the hotel. Miss Anme Alexander visited Mrs. Fred Reay one day last week. "Now, my dear,” said the husband. “ I will put into practice what I have preached. Put on all your indispen- sible appearel. and keep cool.” Miss Mary Vickers is spending Easter holidays in Toronto. A GUARANTEED CURE FOR PILES Itching. Blind. Bleeding. Protrudinz Piles. Drug. gists are authorized to refund money if PAZO OINTMENI‘ fails to cure in 6 to 14 days. 500. A man and his wife were once stay- ing at a hotel. when in the night they were aroused from their slumbers by the cry that the hotel was on fire. After an extended trip. Dr. and Mrs. Conkey will return to this city for permanent residence. [‘0' 3b. Mr. Campbell, who is a. wealthy real estate and bond broker, will pre- sent his daughter with a handsome home. as a bridal gift. It. is being freely predicted that there will be a gorgeous and dazzling array of wedding gifts. Dr. Coukey. the fortunate suitor, is a Canadian by birth. He came to this city from Chicago. some eight years ago. and is now popularly rec Ognized as a business, professional and social success. For the past five seasons, he has been president of the Minuet Club; is 32 degree Scottish Rite and Mystic Shrine Mason, and a member of the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks. The event is looked forward to as one of the largest and most important social happenings of the season, there already leing many large ante-nup- tial ceremonies planned in their honor. In addition to the organiSt and Clergyman, the bridal company will include the parents, maid-of honor. two matrens of-honor, four bridesmaids, best man. six ushers and ring and ribbon bearers. The wedding will take place in J one, at the Tabernacle Presbyterian Church. of which the bride to be is a member. The Rev. Neil McPherson pastor of the church, W111 be assisted by the Rev. Frank 0. Ballard, pastor of the Memorial Presbyterian Church, of which the groom to-be is a mem- ber. . . . (Chatsworth News.) and Some to Wed in June. I ty ' Mr. Thomas McIntosh. of Owen The engagement is announced of Sonnd: spent Sunday with friends in Miss Genevieve Campbell, the popular ““5. “”389- 30038 906i“! 193d“ “1d only (1'1“th Miss Lizzie Smith leaves in a few ter of Mr. and Mrs Henry Clay days for ForeSt Station Man. where Campbell and Dr. J. A. Conkey. gahe will remain on a wisit for 30m The wedding will take place in time v T0 CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY KEEP TOO COOL. Vickers. Mfg DURHAM CHRONICLE 1 No man can seriously object to a citizen sending to Toronto or else. where for goods when it is not possi- ble to obtain what is wanted in their own town. Furthermore no one will feel aggrieved if articles of one kind and another are purchased from smoothwoiced travelling men if the ; articles they sell cannot be purchased from local merchants. Loyalty to local interests suggests that the local merchants be given a chance at least , to show what they can do before ' there is a rush to departmental stores, or before a receptive ear is turned to the ioquacious travelling salesman. . It is astonishing how much money is sent out of town by thoughtless peo- ple in this Way. This vicinity had been visited of late and is being visi- ted by gentlemen selling stoves. The 6 articles they sell are doubtless all right. We have no reason to believe ; that they are not, but the local 3 merchants who handle stoves help to ipay the taxes of this town and they ’ should be supported. Buy at home ; The prosperity of Hanover as a town, [the prosperity of us all. individually land collectively, demands that we :should deal one with the other and keep the money here. Give travel- ”in: salesmen the go by. â€"Hanover ‘ Post. Mr and Mrs. John Medcalf Spent Sunday with the lacter’s father. Mr. Geo.CuE. [This is all right Brer Mitchell, but are the home merchants all true to themselves and true to the paper that supports them so vigorously. Mr. Geo. Noble visited her mother, Mrs. Alkins, of Hanover. a few days lasc week. Mr. Robert Lawson, of Milton. and his father Wm. Lawson. arrived in Durham on Saturday and spent Sun~ day with Mrs. Geo. Honkins. Mr Sam Langrill bought a fine driver from Mr. \Vatson, of Norman by, and he says he will take nobody’s dust now. Mr. Chas. Hutton, of the Manit- oulin Island. visited her brother, Mr. Thos. G. Hutton. Mr. Ab Noble is laid up with a severe attack of la grippe. Mr. James Nelson is visiting his siSter, Mrs. D Hopkins. We would like to know who the young man was Who took the long drive over the muddy roads on Sat.- urday and did not return till Sunday night. Mr. Arnold Noble brought three fine cows 1mm Mr. '1‘. G. Huston. who is giving up farming. We are sorry to lose Mr. Hutton as he was an obliging neighbor. Mr. C. Dunsmoor has returned home from Toronto where he has spent a few months. Mr. Fred Ayling returned home from Toronto on Saturday last. Some of the young folks, of Hut- ton Hill. took in the concert at Dur- ham and report having a good time. We are glad to hear that Mr. D Hopkins is able to be around again after a severe attack of inflammation of the eyes. Spring is here again and a number of the farmers have started to plow. Mr. E J. Sullivan. one of Dornoch’s brightesb young men and an all rounu sport, leaves thls Week to Start farm- ing near Walkerton. We wish him success in his new venture. Mr. Robert Dargavel Sons start- ed their mills this week and will out out their Stock in the next few weeks. This firm has one of the best Saw mills in the locality and has timber of their own to lasn them for years. Dr. and Mrs. F. G. Campbell, who are spending their honeymoon in To- ronto and Hamilton. are expected to arrive in this village to morrow, Fri day and will be entertained at the Bulls Head by their many friends. Mr. E. J. Sivil, of Chatsworth; was in this place on Saturday. Mr. Sivxl is agent. for the McCormick U0. and has employed Mr. D. McDonald as his local salesman. Mr. John Hughes of Chesley, afor- mer resident of this place. culled on some of his old time fnends last week. Mr. Hughes is Starting to farm near Chesley and in the past few weeks has purchased some of the best horses in this locality. Mr. Thomas Davis, the new license InSpector [or South Grey, gave this village a. call a few days ago, in his ofliciul capacity, and found things ht. the Bulls Head Hotel in good shape. and the prospects are that booze will be sold here for a while at least. GIVE LOCAL MEN A CHANCE. Hutton Hill. Dornoch. in a few 1., Where for SOme invpsu of Port, 1 to get i ed pose 7/A\“ S?» l o’. W «“0- ~-- ~ 74% \" "12$" 4;, "a '11, P ', °7b¢° - 91? as a? as as ?§%<r 11s m? 9 .‘UI. result of 64 years RAMSAY’S : Ask your dea A. RAMSA $15.00 Cash. John S. Mortimer, Do not delay. These lots are sel'ling fast Call or write to-day. Mapgand full p..rticulars on application. Pl'Opertj in this district is an absolute}; sound, gilt-edged invesmjent. and has been emphatically endorsed by the Mayor of Fort William. locel Bank Managers, and leading business and professional men. that aetually adjoins the J. I CASE COMPA\Y'S SITE, offers an unrivalled opportunity for the small investor to get in on the around H )or in a proposition of almost. unbound- ed possibihcies as a money maker. WHICH is the only property subdivided into residental lots result of 64 years of practicalâ€"paint making. RAMSAY’S are the best looking and best wearing paints made. Ask your dealer in your town. 4-4-06 An Ad. in the Chronicle is a Paying Investment. Syndicate Park FORT WILLIAM 34 McGill St., Toronto. Price from $65.00 up. the same lustre and brightness as when first appliedâ€"no crackingâ€"blistering nor fadeingâ€"that’s the kind of Paint you want. RAM SAY’S PAINTS stand the severest tests of weather and time because they are mixed rightâ€"honest linseed oilâ€"turpentine and coloring pigment intimately combinedâ€" the $5.00 per'Month.

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