West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 26 Apr 1906, p. 7

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L‘Q’érvoun Headaches, cc, Female Weak. uptions, Hem Pd- !“ Breath, Dizzineu h the undertundifi' tee that. if you 1 ng benefit from tho :- taking three boxes ans you may return together with the ’ have your money remedy is the bent Pld for such troubh. I or Green Sickneu, mplexion. Nervous. Bran Fag, Impurgd women, giving than Lb that makes lilo for bounding health. In to try Dr. Barb’- ‘vo will sell yo! I 'ILLS. ~' betber for gale, _ filt- 26, .ppetite. vyyspepsia. DARLING :1LY LEGISLATION an n remedy 03“ ‘ ‘Eho99t M‘ 'e Positively ’ill Cure You :y Refu nded. Weakness and the liver. They ousncss, dYSPCP‘ old for 60 years- lb .1. c. 00- rs. W DRUGGIST just cnoughto ne of Ayer’s need. These iStG keep us 'awn by gr, valuable the reach I: enjoy its rmg from aside bus. nter your eved from .ance for ;1 to learn :umption :ery turn Protec- n'ge mat. meS down life it. be- 13 from at pre- 3 com- away lepart- nurses angels us at. H: of rayer 31' all at and aker And con- Par- ’rbey 1 safe- time cure. marg- : the ome. 31' ne for Specialist: Eye, Ear, Throat and Rose OFFICE: Will be at Knapp House. Durham. the 2nd Satuzdav in each month. Hoursâ€" 1â€"6 9.11:. U tioneer for the County of GreY- 8‘15 promptly attended to. Orders man. .be 16? at his Implement Warer09m8. M, nnon 3 old stand. or at the Chromcle Ofiace. Nov. 9, ’03. U ensed Auctioneer for the County of Grey Land \aluator, Bulifl' of the y2nd Division Court Sales and til other matters promptly attended to. Highest referanees turmshed if required. U . tioneer for the Count): of Grey. Tenn moderate and satisfacuon gunn- teed. The arrangements and dates of was can be made at Tan Cnnomcu: of- fice. Residence and P. 0.. Ceylon. Tele- phone connection. 1 tice in the New Hunter Block. Ofice hours, 8 to 10 a. m.. to 4 p. m. and 7 to9 p. m. Special attention given to diseases of women and children. Residence op- posite Presbvterian Church. U Garafraxa and George Streetsâ€"at foot of hill. Ofiice hoursâ€"941 a..m., 24 p. m., 7-9 p.m. Telephone No.10. OFFICE AND RESIDENCE A short distance east. of Knapp’s Hotel, Lamb ton Street. Lower Town, Durham Ofice hours from 12 to 2 o’clock. â€"‘â€"â€"â€"‘ _ D ()fice o;er ’Gordon’s new Jewellery Spore, Lower Town, Durham. Any amount 1 monev to loan at 5 per cent. on farm repertv. L‘ er. Conveyancer, c. Insurance Szent. . Money to Loan. Issuer of Max;- xage onenses. A general financial bus:- zee's transacted, THE JOB : : DEPARTnENT Wat's.” For tMALSiCR.’ ad\:fli\'c'ggn{s 8 ans . line for the first in~cr‘1:v.'.2 3‘ . . iine each smug-Juan unsung!) m Prd'fisiunal cards. rn : cxccc‘iir: ; 00 pct annum. AdVCf.iNemctllls witho'n ditections will be published t '1 :pr‘rid and cu ”(13!)eg Tranxicm 110:9. <2- “ I.o~:." “ " For Sale." etcâ€"50 ccnh Mr 21:»: 57-50303, ‘0 Wsubscqucn'. inn-rt ion. All advertisements ordered by mm: b in advance Contract taxes for 1-3er m. cnbctx; Qpliauigu {o thg 0 age. L. R. C. P.. LONDON. ENG. WRADULATE of London, New J York .nd Chicago. .unwcuofl 5 £903 3 3904.4 sue. on .3. cc 9,455.3 =< a: m Tm: Cm: )mcu. will be sent to am} address, free of poxtage, for Shoo pc “TES . . . . ycar, payable in advanceâ€"Shy) ma, h chugad if not so paid. 'I‘hc date :0 which ever “Wino h id is dam,w :d by the number ox. u. m w filo paper (:7 -(T "Jitter; arm! all Erica. use paid, amt at. the omim. of an: mowi tar. ‘5 PUBLISI‘ID uuv THURSDAY MORIIRO 0mm MIC H0032. «mun ITIEE‘ 01188 (0mm PUBLIC, COMMJSSION- )HYSICIAN AND SURGEON. OF- flfli 3113MB] Bfififlfllflu )ARRISTERS. SOLICITORS, CON- Drs. Jamieson Maclaurin. lv 2y of _ 'Toronto. Graduate Royal liege Dental Surgeons of Ontario: Dentistry in all its Branches. diceâ€"Calder Block, over Poet Ofiee J. G. Hutton, M. D., .adatd Bank. G. MACKAY. K. C. AMES CARSON, DURHAM. L10: OHN CLARK. LICENSED AUC- J. F. GRANT, D. D. 8.. L. D. S. FONOR GRADUATE, UNIVE_RSI: l. P. Telford. ARRISTER, SOLICITOR_. m0. FIj‘ICE AN D RESIDENCEâ€"COR. Diseases of Eye. Ear Nose and Throat. DI: RHAM, ONT. (Lower Town.) ‘â€"'_v _ xexancer; Etc. Money to Loan. *zâ€"In the McIntyre Block over and xcrnAgL, LICENSED AUC- Dr. W. 0. Pickering Dentist. EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR. at the Midhngh House lat Wednesday »f each month. from 12 no 4 p. m. APRIL 26, 1906 Arthur Gun, M. D. Medical Dz’rerlon’ . Dental Directorv. stant Roy. London Ophthalmic {£00. to Golden Sq. Throat and Rose Hos. DR- GEO. S. BURT. DR. BROWN A. H. Jackson. Legal Directory. Miscellaneous. IRWIN EXCLUSIVELY Over J. J. Hunter’s. Is completely stocked with all NnW TYPE, thus 3.: on t u- . c‘ re insenicn in cwm later than Tuna“ st "memos, 25 cc W. F. DUNN. gets mus: be p :ems fur: ,c "‘c The readers of this paper will be glad to learn that there is at least one dreaded disease that science has been able to cure in all its stages, and that is Catarrh. Hall’s Catarrh Cure is the only positive cure now known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh being a constitutional disease, re- quires a constitutional treatment. Hall’s Catarrh Cure is taken inter- nally. acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system, thereby destroying the foundation of the disease, and giving the patient strength by building up the consti- tution and assisting nature in doing its work. The pronrietors have so much faith in its curative powers that they ofier One Hundred Dollars for any case that it fails to cure. Send for list of testimonials. Sold by all Draggists. 75c. Take Hall’s Family Pills for con stipation. lf Dr. Pyne’s school bill becomes law. in its present form it will give a boost to the salaries of public school teachers. It provides that the town ship council shall appropriate by gen- eral levy, the sum of $250. for each scaool section in the municipality, which sum is to co to the teacher. After that the minimum salary will depend upon the assessment of the school section. If the assessment reaches $160,000, the teacher will get $250 more, making his minimum sal- ary $500 in all, and in no case will the salary be less than 3300. Of course. if the trustees feel like it they can make the salary more than this, but unless human nature takes a sudden change, they won’t be like- ly to give any more salary than they have to.â€"Telescope. \V. L. FALKINGHAN chgusg at the head of it is a man whose quatlbcatwns as a teacher are .uuexcelled and whose ambition is to see hxs students lgecome food eitizens. morally, socially and hnancxa 1y. Open July and August. Because its Shorthand students are doing marvellous work some writing 200 words per minute after attending only two months wvwv - “'--v' Because it teaches Actual business from start to finish; Because this Cbnege enjoys the confi- degce of the Business Public. ‘ ‘ "“ Because by attehaing the daygmd even- ipg classes, students graduate m a. short mac and at _a small cost; Becauspjts giitdfiiiéfi are enjoying ghe best pompous .11; almost. every Canadxan am} Amencagcxty; Beca'nse each student does his work in- dependent of all others thereby establish- ing: confidence in himself; Becads'e each student receives special at- tenti )njn his weak subiects and may choose bug‘subjeets; Because each student is taught separate- ly at his own desk; Because all difficulties are thoroughly explained as they occur. thus avoiding loss of time to the students and enabling them to accomplish more than is possible in class teaching; If gov wish to receive the Best Commercial an Shorthand Education, it is necessary that you attend the Bestâ€" AGENT: Farmers’ M’t’g Supply Co. THEI BISSELL Not the Oldestâ€"Not the largest Just the Best. Business College Address F. J. CHENEY 00., Toledo, 0. To Cure a Cold in One Day my,“ Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. é %j on every mmmwhmnzm This signature, The heaviest, strongest wires made can’t make a strong fence unless the locks are as strong as the wires. A fence, like a chain, is only as strong is its weakest spot. The New Frost Lock anti Frost \Vedge Lock are the most unyielding parts of a Frost Fence. They make the whole fence as strong as the strongest wire. * And rememberâ€"should FROST FEXCES go wrong. from mechanical defects or workmanship in building, a. they are repaired, free of charge. ‘} TE ACHERS’ SAL ARIES. W. T. CLANCY. Prin. The Mount Forest $100 Reward. $100. This College is the Best : . B. McLellan, Agent, Durham, Ont. Make 0 Fence of Strength FROST LOCKS Is 3 Handy Disk. Prune locks to the Gangs with a. simple halt-turn. Scraper Knives combined with Cleaner Bun keep plateetreeotallaodsor trash. Bull Benn- M. 40 antihiction bane make draught very light. Flexible. W111 fill furrows or flu uneven ground. Plates the correct shag, turns and pulverizee the soil. Other Dis and cultivator: tested ageinet the “BISSELL” get a surprise. Sold by our Agents. Manufactured by T. E; BISSELL, ELORA. ONT. Write for Booklet “ E." Economist. a farmer who lives five miles from here. ended her life with a shot gun on Sunday afternoon. She was suf- fering from temporary insanity caused by illness. Careful watch had been kept over her. by her hus- band. but while he was at the barn getting a team ready to take her '0 Brampton to consult Dr. Sharpe. she secured an old shot gun. placed its muzzle to her head and fired. The top of her head was entirely blown 03. The family are well to do peo- ple and very great sympathy is felt for her relatives.”â€"She1burne A Brampton despatch of Monday Iays:-â€"“ Mrs. Frank _Rustox_1_. wife of The following from the Municipal World has a local application: No one wants to pay a bigger tax than is necessary. but on the Other hand. the municipality with a low rate is rarely a desirable place to live in. The meaning of a low tax rate is us ually bad roads. poorly kept streets and an inferior character of public service. By means of municipal or ganiration modern improvements, or rather modern necessities. can be pro- duced in a general way for less than the individual working alone can ob tain it It is a means of economy in securing sewerage. water supply. fire protection and other common neces- sities. It is not the business of coun- cillors to starve anv of these services in order to reduce taxes but rather to see that the people obtain the best value for available expenditure upon them. There must be eficiency as well as economy in municipal work George Fletcher. the Ripley firebox is not such an innocent chap ashe looks according to Mr. McKechnie the jailor. and the turn key Mr. Lob- singer. Fletcher had been kept in the corridor on the ground floor usu- ally reserved for women. there beine no women inmates at present. This is rather comfortable quarters as jail gaccommodation goes. At night Flet- ‘cher was locked in a cell. but during [the day he had to himself a corridor about twenty teet long. In the cor. ridors a jog of about ten feet which would hide the prisoners from the view of anyone in the main cor- ridor. The prisoners are allowed a knife With which to eat their dinner and one day after dinner a knife was missing and no trace could be found of it. Last Wednesday Fletcher’s knife was returned broken and Mr. McKechnie became suSpicious and lmade an examination of the corridor. lHe found the wires which fastened a lwire screen over the bars on one of 'the windows had been cut and could easily have been pushed ofi. Fletch- er apparently found this would be no use unless he had a saw to cut the inch bars that were between him and liberty so he tried another plan. Mr McKechnie on further examination looked into a ventilator in the floor where prisoners had been known to hide tobacco, and much to his sur- prise found loose gravel and sand. This ventilator is in the jug in the corridor and Fletcher had used the purloined knife to saw the cracks in the floor from the ventilator for a distance of about eight feet. all of which is in the jog mentioned. The boards he would take out during the day and with the knife he .was malt. ing towards Mr. McKechnie’s private yartl adistanbe of six feet. The sand and gravel was being stored under the. floor. the lid of a pail being used as a shovel. At night, or whenever disturbed Fletcher would put the boards back in position. If Mr. Mlt~ Kechnie’s SUSplClOKlS had not been aroused the prisoner would have been gone in a couple of days there being only a little over another foot to ex cavate Fletcher was remOt ed to the Central Prison on Tuesday." Bruce Herald. Low Taxes Not Always Good ATTEMPTED TO ESCAPE KILLED HERSELF Ebordale DURHAM CHRONICLE i Huntâ€"McMillanâ€"That the Reeve be paid $2. 00 for a trip to Bentiuck 1to interview the Reeve cf Bentinck gin regard to the accident on Gravel {Road between G. and B., and $100 for inepecting the road where the accident was said to have taken place â€"-Carried. I Weirâ€"Blackâ€"That ward approp- riation for the present year be 81 00 for each ward.â€"Carried. Huntâ€"VVeir-That M. Black and Geo. Leith be paid $1.00 each for re- pairing bridge at Lot. 20, Con. 10.â€" Carried. Blackâ€"~McMilianâ€"-That Edvyin Hunt be paid $1.00 for inspectmg road at Lot. 9. Con. 1. E. G. R.â€"Car- ried. Weirâ€"Blackâ€"That the Treasurer be paid $1.80 for postage and station- ary.â€"â€"Carried. The Council adjourned until calied for Court of Revision. McMillanâ€"Blackâ€"That the Reeve be paid $1.00 and Mr. Weir $1.50 for unlodlng and caring for the grader’. Huntâ€"Blackâ€"That A. F. VVyvil be paid $3.00 for work on road on 10th Con. T For a Case of Incurable Constipation. McMilianâ€"Huntâ€"Tbat the Clerk be paid $4.00 for preparing By-law 40:3 and 410 for National Portland Cement Company. The company having pai'l the same to Township Treasurer.â€"Carried. Huntâ€"Weirâ€"That Isaac Traynor be paid $14 50 for surveying devia- tions on Lots 26, Con. 8, and 25, Con. 9, and making plans thereof.â€"Car- tied. ‘ AMinnssota man has a plan for curing hens that get the "setting” fever when you don’t want them to. .He guarantees it to cure in three hours. The cure consists of a cheap watch. with a loud and clear tick to it. inclosed in a case that is white and shaped like an egg. When a hen manifests a desire to set out of seas in the gently places this bogus egg un- der her sheltering breast and the egg does the rest. it ticks cheerfully away, and soon the hen begins to show signs of uneasiness and stirs 'the noisy egg round with her bill. .thinking perhaps. that it is already itime for it to hatch and there is a :chicken in it wanting to get out. She grows more and more nervous as the noise keeps up. and soon jumps 30% the nest and runs around awhile its cool 06', but returns again to her ,selfimposed duty. It gets worse :and worse with her and she wiggles T about and cankles. ruffles her feathers land looks wild. until at lasr. with a ,frenzied Squawk. she abandons the lneSt for good and all. That incubat- 'ing fever is broken up completely. ‘2, N. D. R. â€"A. McLachlin 75 Icents. and D. Sinclair $1 75 for work and 80 cents for bolts and washers. Total $7.80.â€"â€"Carried. McMillanâ€"Blackâ€"That the claims for damages to Walpole’s dray wagon and the International HarveSter Company’s gasoline engine '09 nor. entertained, but that the Reeve and \Vm. Hunt adopt proper stepslo defend m case suits are enters].â€" Carried. Black-Huntâ€"That the Reeve and Clerk be and they are hereby author ized and instructed to assign Lot 36 Con. 3, N D. R , to John A. McMillan and cause the seal of this corporation to be attached thereto.â€"â€"Carried. McMillanâ€"Huntâ€"That A. McLeod ba paid $4.50 {or cedar plank for re- paifs 9f b_ridge on aideroad 50, Con. McMillanâ€"Huncâ€"That the Clerk be Instructed to ask for tenders for a capable man to operate grader. Ten here to be received by the firs: of May, Stating salary. Lo'west tender u0t necessarily accepted.â€"-â€"Carried. The council met April 14th, as per adjournment. All the members pres- ent. The Reeve in the chair. Min- utea of last meeting read as follows: Dr. Ego account for attendance on a Diptheria family. W. Turner Co. accent for medicine for same family From Isaac Traynor account {or sur- veying. From Macliay Dunn claim {or damages to property on a supposed defective road, From Saw- yer Massey Company invoice for road grader From A. McLachlin and D. Sinclalr, account for repair of a bridge on sideroad :30. From Local Board of Health several accounts for services rendered. From the Reeve his report on what was said to be a defective road To a person who can’t be cured of constipation by Dr. Hamilton’s Pills, the above reward will be paid. No cathartic medicine gives such lasting satisfaction or effects such marvellous cures as Dr. Hamilton’s Pills. Relief immediately follows for headaches. biliousness. and stomach disorders. No griping pains, no burning sensa- tions, nothing but the most pleasant relief attends the use of Dr Hamil- ton’s Pillsâ€"others not so good. Price 25c. a box, at all dealers. THE SETTING HEN. GLENELG COUNCIL $1,000 REWARD J. S. BLACK, Clerk. “551-de t HIGH offe to get in on m1 possibilit -..-.-o.-.- g. ~o., “"W OW” PX‘OM‘ in veer mom; of Fort, \ViH s12 725$ 59:. Citizens are notified that all out,- lmuses. pig pens and yards generally should be cleaned at, once, as the Health luspectm' is about; to make his rounds. ’II,‘ 11%?! -|\ é’Iz. > -e-s\" "aw '0 v -v ' D". f )\.r ,/ mfikwkmk Ap. 16 3m. $15.00 Cash. John S. Mortimer, Do not delay. Thaw lots are selling fast. to-dav. Map and full pwrticulars‘ on application. HIGH is the only property subdivided into residental lots that actually adjoins the J. 1. CASE COMPANY'S SITE, offers an unrivailml opportunity for the small invewor to “at in on the Q 0‘3“" 1701‘ m "- DPOPOSition of almost unbound- ed Possibilitim as a money maker. m m "w .c‘a...‘ ‘ .‘ h” invpstmont. and has 'mwn emphaucally endorsed by the Mayor of Porn \Villiam. local Bank Managers, and leading business and professional men. Syndicate Park , _" 5 EFORT WILLIAM: -â€" -â€"‘vâ€"vâ€"v PxOpvrtJ in *his districs is an absolutalv snund. gilt- ~edgedia NOTICE 11 CG II )IACKAY, 34 McGill St., Toronto. Price from $65.00 up. IXSI-ECTUR. All who have signed, and all who intend to sign the Service Roll of the South Grey Rifle Association are hereby requested to go at once to Police Magistrate 'l‘elford, or some other JuStice of the Peace and take the Oath of Allegiance. Feb. 19th, ’Ofitf. BY ORDER. $5.00 per’Month. NOTICE. Call or write

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