Energy DURHAM CHRONICLE DURHAM, MAY 2;, 1906. In another column we give a report. from an ofï¬cial source of the work so far since the mill began operations this spring, and the record outstrips that of previous years so much that we can not forhear giving expression to a. few thoughts. We hope the brilliant start may continue during the year and that every stockholder may ï¬nd when the season closes a “ Phenomenal Record†for the whole period and a. source of pleasure and gratiï¬cation in the mon- etary results. We have always endeavored to be truthful in everything we published regarding this mill. W’e have been truthful, verdicts and decisions to the contrary notwithstanding. ‘V’e al- ways felt the mill should be a money maker: we feel so yet. We made some plain statements of truth last year for the beneï¬tof stockholders. \Ve stood learn that as high as 65 cents has been received. What were our pre- dictions last fall regarding the matter? ' Did we not say thatstock would go up? Have our predictions not been veriï¬ed? -. No one will deny they have in the face M such facts. We have lost by our MacFarlane 61 Co. Druggists and Booksellers a. losing suit for libel. and notwith- standing the manly way in which some came to our assistance we will still be a loser to the extent of ï¬v e or six hun- dred dollars. Our ï¬ght was on the ‘ side of right and m the end we must come out on top. "Truth is mighty‘ and will prevail.†and we hope that this year’s work will demonstrate con- clusively the correctness of our posi-\ tion and show to all the justiï¬cation of our plea. ‘ It isn t necessary to go into .detail. but any observer who goes through the mill now can not fail to be struck with the altered :condition of things, and if the present industrial activity does not result in a. proï¬table output, we’ll be at a loss to understand why. One day last week the total output was 1292 barrels of clinkers burned, and every day the output runs 1% J l ( 1 Constipation. biliousness. in- digestion. can. are apt to grow into more serious ail- ments unless you lend nature a. little assismnce. AROUND THE CEMENT MILL. ‘150 a Box, 2 for 25c- bbls. and over according to our infor- mation as given in the article publish- ed elsewhere in this issue. Stock was quoted last fall at. 16c. and oï¬ered and even purchased at. about the same ï¬gure. It. now runs from 40 to 43 m the Toronto papers and we aï¬ord jusn the kind 01 new that is needed. These pills strengthen and Stimulate the liver and resmre normal activity to the bowels. They do not gripe. are mild and certain and. being purely vegetable. leave no bad af- ter efl’ects. Nearly everybody feels-pa lack of en-ergy in the spring. This languid feeling is due to dis- ordered blood and debilitated W. IRWIN. Editor and Proprietor. D91‘VCS. will give you new life and energy .efter you have taken only a Law doses. It. stimu- lates the appetite. affords ma terial for nervous energy and. by increasing nutrition. in- creases brain and muscular power. We a. splendid gen- eral tonic that always does good and does it quickly. 50c a Bottle. the kind Of help 1 The Boss rifles for the South Grey 1, Rifle Association arrived last week and E now its up to theoflicers and members to get busy and have a suitable range Scarcely anything has been done to- ‘ wards furthering the Association since i last October, not even the land leased, ' and as the ground to shoot over and E place the butts on is a very important ’ feature in a rifle range, the failure to procure the necessary papers for the ; use of them threw cold water on the affair from the start. 2 The range selected extends from Mc- honest efforts and enthusiasm, but the shareholders have gained and we have proved once mom; the value of our opmiuu and the certainty of fulï¬lment of our predictions. The range selected extends from Mc- Gownan’s Mill to the Hunter pmperty across the property of Mr. Watson. “'e understand Mr. \Vatson has al- ready signed his willingness, and the McGowan property can be procured so soon as 'one of the Executors of the estate can be seen. Mr. Hunter is the only one now whose consent is neces- sary. Last fall he verbally expressed his willingness to sign a lease for one year. though he would not listen to 3 the five year contract. However. we think he’ll not throw obstacles in the way of the Rifle Association. and it’s only necessary to see him to procure his signature. He is to he interviewed to-day, we understand. and when every thing is clear. operations towards erecting a suitable range will be com- menced at once. possibly to-morrow. A meeting for the Association is call- ed for next Tuesday evening. when a good attendance is requested. In)- portaut business is to he transacted and ‘ it is to the interest of every person .desirous of the welfare of the Associa- tion to he present. It is startling to note the increase in circulation certain American yellow journals are enjoying in Durham. Blood and thunder novels, hair raising stories Hf i111pnssibilities. Jack-the- Rippei title pages and the general class (of weekly papers that find their way to om town m e1 y seV e11 days from the Other side of the line is quite enough to set one thinking as to the ï¬nal uutcmne. A1 titles in which it is impossible to ï¬nd one grain of possi- bility axe eagerly 1-,ead w hile the more sensible and truthful news of our own Canadian journals is passed over as too tame and non-exciting. To illustrate. let us take for exam- ple. one of our own Canadian Weeklies the Toronto "Saturday Nightâ€. No paper comes to Durham which stands higher morally than this. and the matter in it is just as interesting, a thousand per cent more reliable and ten thousand more beneï¬cial than the trash contained in the “cut-throat edition†shipped from Chicago and some other places in the United States. \Ve don’t mean to say all American papers are not reliable. That would be foolish. But we mean to say that many of them are not ï¬t for the per- usal of juveniles. and a paper. the man of the house can’t take to his home for wide-spread distribution is not the one to have sold broadcast on our streets. and the sooner they get the order to move the better. This is no paid explosion for “Sat- urday Night†or any other paper, and we don’t wan’t the people to think so. At the same time, we’d have no hesi- tation. and make no mistake in recommending itas a ï¬t companion to any ï¬reside. There’s no trashy stuff in it: it’s not a goody-good,â€" simply an up-to-date journal, alive to all the questions of the day, which are written up in a. racy, pleasing manner. The editor. Mr. Joe Clark, is an old Durham boy. and his paper should be doubly interesting to the residents of i this locality. THE RIFLE ASSOCIATION. LAWRENCEâ€"On Friday April 20th. to Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lawrence, a. $00. \Vstoxâ€"At Aberdeen on April the 23rd. to Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Wilson, { a. daughter. \V’ARMIXGToxâ€"Smpsoxâ€"In Flesher- ton on W'ednesday April 18th, 1906, by Rev. L. W'. Thom, Mr. David \Varmington to Miss Lulu Simpson. both of Durham. BUCKINGBAMâ€"In Bentinck, near Dar. ham, on April 30th. Sarah Bucking- ham, aged 78 years. All our carpets must be sold at. once, as we do not intend to keep in stock: Brussels reg. price $1. 40selling forsl. 00 T8p88try, u u me u u 45C. And balance stock at big reductions. ED. KRESS. SALESMAN. YELLOW JOURNALISM. :orr'râ€"At Rockford. B. C., on April 10th. Mrs. Robert Scott, aged 74 Reduction in Carpets. BORN. but the After along and trying illness Mr. , T. W. \Vilson departed this life at‘ his home here early on Thursday i morning last, aged 50 years and 5i months. For afew years Mr. Wil-l son had been ailing with what even- . tually proved to be a cancerous gI’OWth in the bowels. Seventeen months ago he underwent an operaâ€" tion in Toronto which prolomzo-d his days a little, but they were days so full of suï¬ering that only one pos. sessing his buoyant spirit and indom itable Will power could have endured so long. During his illness his phy- sician. Dr. Carter. aï¬orded all relief lin his power and his now bereft wife I constantly and faithfully ministered toâ€"his comfort. The funeral took Lxca‘73510" [OF we flew howl is place on Saturday to Meaford Roadlprogressing. The Plans prepared by cemetery where interment Was made Edwm Large 0‘ Markdale, show that in the family plot. A service Was the building will beaneat Structure conducted at the house by Rev. L. costing “P‘Val‘ds 01' six thousand W. Thorn, who also ofï¬ciated at the (““333- M’ Large has also prepar- grave. The pallbearers were. R. J. ed plans for ML 390. Mitchell for a Sproule, D. McTavish, T. A. Blakely, neat br‘Ck block next to the Richard- W. Moore, W. Crossley and J. Field SUD drug SW"?- .The Old (â€Stage 00 The deceased who is the eldest son of “Upymg the Site 13 now being remov- Mr. Wm. Wilson, of this place. who ed. survives him, was born at Lloydtown Seeding is progressing rapidly in York County, but has lived in Flash this locality and will be over early. prton and vicinity since childhood. Mr. Price Taster. we learn ï¬nished He learned carriage building with his last week and put in a large crop. {mner amlwas an excellent mechanic. At the monthly meeting of the He was full 0f enterprise and SQC’ Mission Band in the Methodist ceediuz his “ï¬ber for 3 number 0‘ church on Sunday afternoon last ofli years conducred 8 thriving carriage cers were elected for the ensuing business and planing 'mill here. twelve months as follows: President { Later he moved t0 Eugenia and man- Miss Flossie ThurSton; lst. Vice pres. Laged the Wilson planing mill there,Mrs. Jos. Clinton; 2nd. Vice-pres, las well as one at Durdalk. until he Miss Lily Boyd; Cor-sec . Miss Lulu 801d the latter and the former was Mitchell;Rec sec ' Migs Ruby Trim destroyed by ï¬re In November 1902 ble;Trea. Miss Gertie Bellamy. Mrs. he again mm ed to â€â€œ3 P1306. leased Thurston was chosen leader. â€'6 planing mill. now Operated by Dr. Carter was at Dundalk a day Boyd Blakely.‘ and conduCted the lam week assisting Dr. McWilliams busmess with bfs ‘33?“ push “um perform an operation {or appendicitis last fall when his failing health com- \The patient lives near Hopeville. pelled him to retire Twenty-seven . . . ‘ Mr. W lson was married .Mre. W. Tumble and daughters, Hears ““0 ‘ ‘Zilla and Ethel went :0 Owen Sound lto Miss Anzwetta Cheeseman, of . Stayner and to them were born the 1‘9" week to hear Madame Albani, ' and were highly pleased. following children: Mrs Andrew Graham. Kimberley; Mrs. R. J. Ped- Mrs. W. Benthan of Buï¬alo arriv- ed on Mondav to see her mother Mrs. liar. Eugenia who died nearly four . . years ago; Ben. and Will, Toronto, Smlth. who 15 very ill. and Misses Annie and Mary at home.‘ Mr, J. D McRae of Woodbridge, Mr- Henry \Vilson Of this place is took charge of Principal’s Mansell’s _\the only brother 0f the deceased. roomin our public school last week ‘lAmon‘i: those who attended the fune and will )emain until the latter who I ral from a distanCe were the deceas- has been ill is about again. 1 t . . ' . , . . ll ed s two sons from {Tobohntm hlS Mr. Charlie Stewart who was Visit- Emotherxn-law. MN‘ t eesemat; ing his parents here returned last :,and her son. Mr. Ber. Cheeseman, o lweek to his duties at Fort \Vi liam. :lb‘ta'ner. .- - . . .V l Nlr- Pete Norris has returned from The mouthlv meeting of the Flesh- erton branch of Centre Grey W'om- ens’ InStitute was held last week and was a specially interesting one. Fourteen members were present in eluding the Pzesident Mrs T. R. Mc- Kenzie and Sec. Mrs. R. Best. The ‘LUUUIV â€"â€"â€"- former dealt with “The care of chicks, feeding and management of poultry†and the letter â€The betterment of the home.†Both papers were in. terestingly discussed as was also afterwards the timely subject of "Houseclesning." At the conclusion of business refreshments were served and an enjoyable time spent over the cosy cup 0’ tea. At the next meet- The Canadian Brand lrogs have! been quite active for the past week‘ or two and are seemingly shut down for the second time. The frame of Mr. Jas. Atkinson’s new driving shed and implement building assumed an erect form a week ago Saturday. It went togeth- er well. size being 20x36 feet. Mr. Ben. Sharpe of your town had the contract and the building is now com- pleted. Jas. is one of ourzmost suc- cessful farmers. Miss Julia Weir of Alliston Spent the Easter holidays as the parental home. Miss Bessie Ackinson arrived home from the Queen city a week ago Thursday. Somebody-is glad. V21.- Mrs. JWhitmore of Lime Kiln Valley spent a few davs the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Adam Watson recently. Mr. Wesley McNally has returned from Hanover Furniture Factory, where he was engaged during the winter, and has taken up carpenter work again. . L-_â€"-‘ “-J v -â€" - Misses Lizzie and Julia. Weir ac companied by Miss Gun. visited at Sunday. UUU UH, luau "09-. Mr. and Mrs. Jno. Hewitt visited friends on the south line Glenelg last But are Scientiï¬c NOTES OF THAT BURG BY OUR OWN CORRESPONDENT Stock Tonic and Blood Puriï¬er Antiseptic Healing Uil Breeding Powders Indigestion and Colic Cure Cough Remedy Spnvin Cure Heave Relief Poultry Tonic . Loose Death Navel and Jomt Ill Cure Gulls and Thrush Cure Diarrhoea Cure for 001153 Sprun Emulsion Lump J aw Cure Worm Remedy SOLD BY LL. Im lament Azents, DURHAM.. BARCLAY %OBLEIN MchILLAN, Harnessmaker. DROMORE. SCHWINDT MUTE, Grocers. HANOVER. Darkie’s Corners. THE VETERINARY SPECIALTY CO. These Are Not Stock‘Foods DURHAM CHRONICLE of DES. VANZANT 85 WARING. Toronto, of over 25 years practical experience. Veterinary Preparations prepared by town inc May 99th election of ofï¬cers will take place for the ensuing year. Marriedâ€"0n April 18th, at the Manse. by Rev. L. W. Thom. Mr- David Warmington to Miss Lulu Simpson. both of Durham. Mr. Robert Trimble sold his prOper- ty on Toronto street last week to Mr. W. A. ArmStrong. The parcel con- tains two 10ts on which Stand Mr. Trimble’s store. small shop. ware- house and brick residence. Mr. Trimble retains possession of the the store until fall. Mr. Armstrong also bought. from Mr. Trimble two vacant lots adjourning the Baptist church :property. Excavation for the new hotel is progressing. The plans prepared by Edwin Large of Markdale, show that the building will be a neat structure costing upwards of six thousand dollars. Mr Large has also prepar- ed plans for Mr. Geo. Mitchell for a neat brick block next to the Richard- Sun drug store. The old cottage oc copying the site is now being remov- ed. Seeding is progressing rapidly in this locality and will be over early. Mr. Price Taeter. we learn ï¬nished last week and put in a large crop. At the monthly meeting of the Mission Band in the Methodist church on Sunday afternoon last ofli cers were elected for the ensuing twelve months as follows: President Miss Flossie Thur-Stan; lst. Vice pres. Mrs. Jos. Clinton; 2nd. Vice-pres, Miss Lily Boyd; Cor-sec . Miss Lulu Mitchell; Rec sec , Miss Ruby Trim ble;Tres. Miss Gertie Bellamy. Mrs. Thurston was chosen leader. Dr. Carter was at Dundalk a day laSt week assisting Dr. McWilliams perform an operation for appendicitis The patient lives near Hopeville. Mre. W. Trimble and daughters, Zilla and E'hel went :0 Owen Sound lass week to hear Madame Albani, and were highly pleased. Mr. PeceN 'orris has returned from a couple of months sojourn in Leeds county. There has been much sickness among stock this spring we learn. Dr. Ottewell has been very busy for a few weeks M. J. Davis of this place received a letter from his sister Carrie G. Davis who was a resident of San Francisco at time of earth quake and ï¬re. She escaped uninjured but con- siders her escape both miraculous and providential. Miss Davis has many warm friends in Flesherton who will be pleased to learn of her escape. Mr. Edward Lindsay is employed with Mr. Hastie of Traverston at present. Miss Bessie Atkinson was the guest of the Weir family one evening recently Mr. M J. Staples visited friends on the south line,'Glenelg on Sunday. Notice is hereby given that any per- son selling timber or'removing timber or otherwise trespossing on Lot 22, Con. 3, S. D. R., Glenelg, will be prose- cuted. April 230 ,w° TENDERS for repairs and improve- ments to the building of South Grey Agricultural Society Will be re- ceived by the Secretary up till noon on Plans and speciï¬cations may be seen at the Secretary’s ofï¬ce on and after May 1313. Separate tenders taken for cement flooring. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. G. BINNIE. April %.â€"â€""t« Saturday. May 12th. Tenders Wanted. Antiseptic Healing Oil Breeding Powders ' Cough Remedy Heave Relief Navel and Joint Ill Cure Diarrhoea Cure for Colts Lump Jaw Cure President. MAGGIE MCCAUL. owner. NOTICE A. DAVIDSON, Secretary. Our Misses’on st Our Little Gent’s Bring Us your Repairing and Foot Measure. ASH ONLY. Hats, Fancy Vests and Spring Suitings. We have just entered upon our. 4th year of business in Durham And take this opportunity of thanking all, who have in any way, given us a share of their patronage. We are still doing business at the old stand. and will do our best to please all who favor us with a call. Cnstom Work and Repairing as usual- at the Down-town Shoe Store- Eggs taken same as Cash in exchange An Ad. in the Chronicle is a Paying Investment. 9 $1. 00 Strap Slippers will command high sales isses account of their sensxble shape and neat appearance. 0T0 see them is to buy. ’ 9 $1 25 Box Calf or Dongola Bluchere lttle Gent 8 are catching sales quickly. When the little chap gets them on he Will. think he’s a man. 7 Box Calfsâ€"Vici Kids and [en’s women S Patents both in Bale. Bluchers and Oxfords need no comment Anv lady or gentleâ€" man that really knows style and quality can’t help but an knowledge that they are the best. J. S. McILRAITH Merchant Tailor and Gent’s Furnisher JUST IN . L. FLARITY A superb line of up-to-date SEE THEM. You Never They will take care of our trade borh in style and quality. The Peel line this spring is simply all Style and: quality. Step in and examine them. DURHAM AND OWEN SOUND Did see FOOTWEAR Like This Spring’s PEEL Line ...... MAY 3, 1906 We are : up=t0=dat¢ everythi season. = Fishing Tackl SPEC] EL H Bicycles. W e wan cannot E Carpenters’ Neat Bio Harness. 11' you dressed MAY 3, 19m; In ï¬shing can get 3* of poles fr01 We also h‘ supply of 1 Fly Hooks. ers and Fi: If you are purchasing ladies‘ or cycle,. we 02 a bargain. [n (j‘arpel Framers’T< the make can supplx Band Saw Squares Rt Spoke Sha' Hand Axes articles to< to mention We have a ment of E Double Ha: Pads, Col] Have Yo Ask T We ha. every and t In fact to a fu