West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 3 May 1906, p. 7

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basing Dr. “afte’s en-iron Pills. Live qualities of DR. Rm 9 PILLS are no absolute}, >9 cases out of 9. hundred“ ;o hesitation in whim"! L198": ”:3 4' ). A. DARLING 1‘ _. AND _. DRUGGIST Itco Them to Cure or y. Cheerfully Ref .aded. RE A COLD IN ONE DAY we some epic ite, Dyspepsia md Indxg.’ '1; Headaches, Palpitation ‘ )izzy an" Faint Spells, Nerv- Uon, Veakness, General D», 1.11 disuse: md disord-s such >me time or other to pay ls. but not many are 33 they should be or as “1:; he Others to be. It is a. very .te: when asked to pay a. bill. n to the creditor why you lo it and ask for some time. or will generally get extrn e is a reasonable man. The ting thing in connection liters is to write letter nfter - semi statement after state- I debtor. and have him ignore .arently with silent contempt ler such circumstances thnt Ltor gets irrated and gives mt perhaps to an attorney. erasing a little sense on the 39 debtor, the matter could. and amicably adjusted. Do on a damn to irritate you. at of a creditor to ask for his vheu he does not get it. and 35‘3th at intervals till he a. run-down condition system, or wk and : hesitation in gng u .nteo that they will ped- 10h troubles as Thin-fl ,, Pale and Sallow 00.- less we“ Eruptions, New. leagues; Langonr and IX- 3 Fag and Forgptgulnm, Take .5 N9 Risk f MAY 3, 1906 boxes of D3. Hm. 13 won purchase a on. mzr written Guaranto. n‘t derive benefit he. £1 give you your money 3 you ‘. against the ;DD my sure Dr. Barb’- we claim for than. kn such In 088. me Pills m 500. MC)? ICHOL. Robert Brigham Afwr thinking )5 it. dawned on ouucofl and be con to have_tho astable Russell olice Magistrate we to the 33:53. ulkprton merch- C “A D9188 sion in the Clerk’s Saturday, the 213‘ ll pwsent. The he had called the ouncil to consider I be tale en in tha' >r $300 served 0II .e Reeve of Glen- ional Harvesting? Lid to have NO“ to a gasoline en? rnn-renair 0‘ tha d every requen 9r verbal or in 11‘ as a dun. A >9 more or less any man should one to whom be m to pay in -is {'88 able to co a re a man mone u it you can. If :- buslness to ex- c. Most people n-repau‘ i Hepler or Mr. Bob Mc- at was repre- Lyncoe that in flower for NINE Tablets. 1t fails tocnre. Lch box. 250. NCIL. t a year also suc- efunded. L. R. C. P.. LONDON. ENG. WRADULATE of London, New ‘31 York 4nd Chicago. Specialist: Eye, Ear, Throat and Nose FFICE AND RESIDENCE A short distance east of Knapp’s Hotel. Lamb ton Street, Lower Town, Durhun Ofice hours from 12 to 2 o’clock. U Garafraxa and George Streets-at foot of bill. Ofice hoursâ€"941 3.111., 2-4 p. m., 7-9 p. m. Telephone No.10. Dr. W. 0. Pickering Dentist. OFFICE: Over J. J. Hunter’s. propertv. HYSICIAN AND SURGEON, OF- tice in the New Hunter Block. Ofice hours, 8 to 10 a. m., to 4 p. m. and 7 to9 p. m. Special attention given to diseases of women and children. Residence op- DOSite Presbvterian Church. Late Assistant. Boy. London Ophthalmic'fioo. £112.. and to Golden Sq. Throat. and N000 Boo. Will be at the Midiaugh House lot Wodnoodsy of each dumb. from 12 to 4 9.111. ARRISTER, SOLICITOR. ETC. Ufice over Gordon’s new Jewellery Sgore, Lower Town, Durham. Any amount or monev to loan at 5 per cent. on farm Will be at Knapp Hofise. Durham. the 2nd Satuzdav in each month. Hoursâ€"lâ€"G p.111. D-"'~:;;a:1;e_rsâ€".~i3tâ€"c; Money to Loan. Offices :â€"In the McIntyre Block. over Standard Bank. A. G. MACKAY. K. C. THE JOB : : DEPARTMENT for each subsequent i‘ All advertisements b- in advance Contract rates by \ application to the off. ”1? Ali advertise .1: week, should be brou‘ bpzhuged d not so p1.. amino b paxd i' 0‘: «Mrs: had No pm" on pad. except at the out WERTISIHG 533; :ATES o o 0 {inc 3: measure. Pf'fl‘t 3 5301‘); 34.09 per .§u_x:urn._ $4.00 per annum. directions will be m OTARY PUBLIC, COMMISSION- er Conveyancer. c. lnsnrnnoe Agent Money to Loan. Issuer of Mar riaze Licenses. A general financial busi- ness transacted. HONOR GRADUATE, UNIVERSI- ty of Toronto. Graduate Royal Jollege Dental Surgeons of Ontario: Dentistry in :11 its Branches. Oflice.â€"â€"Calder Block, over Post Ofioe U ensed Auctioneer for the County 0‘ Gyey. Land Valuator, Bailiff of the 2nd vaision, Court Sales and all other matters promptly attended to. Highest referanees turnished if required. ‘ EVERY THURSDAY non-mac .1me panama H3085. am am: DURHAM, ONT. U tioneer for the County of GTOY- Sdes Drougptly attended to. Orders ma. .be left at hrs Implement Warerooms. Me non 8 old stand. or at the Chronicle Ofiice. THE Bflafififii Gflfiflfllm U. tioneer for the County. of Grey. Term moderate and satisfactnon M teed. The arrangements and dues of sales can be made at THE CHRONICLE of- fice. Residence and P. 0.. Ceylon. T910- phone conneution. Drs. Jamieson Maclaurin. FOI 353:," etc.- J. G. Hutton, M. D., C. Nov. 9, J. F. GRANT, D. D. S.. L. D“. 3, mo-lm. FFICE AN D RESIDENCEâ€"COR. tording facilities wk. . . AMES CARSON, DURHAM. LIC OBN CLARK. LICENSED AUC- Diseases of Eye, Elf Nose and Throat. :XRRISTERS. SOLICITORS, CON- DURHAM, ONT. (Lower Town.) EDITOR AND Pnopmn'ron. chHAgL, LICENSED AUC- MAY 3, 1906 Medical Directory. Arthur Gun, M. D. Dental Dz’rectorv. DR- SH). 8. BURT. DR. BROWN Legal Directory. A. H. Jackson. Miscellaneous. W. IRWIN 39 Ce EXCLUSIVELY 'nal c \5 PC 31.191120 . Telford. Is completely stocked wit! all Nd'x'l TYPE, thus af for turning on: Fits-Mela" W. F. DUNN. :mticn in cu r man '1‘th opnezox ms hr. a1 Seventy of these field meetings are being arranged by Supt. G. A. Put- nam, in connection with the Farmers’ Institute System of Ontario. The services of Prof. Lochhead of the McDonald Argicul: and College at Ste. Anne de Bellevue have been so. cured to conduct similar farmers’ nature study meetings in the three Maritime Provinces. The Dominion and Provincial De- partments of Agriculture are more than ever alive to these dangers which threaten to become a serious loss in crop production. and in the Eastern Provinces they are co-operating again this year in holding field meetings during the month rf June, when weeds. insects, fungus diseases and plant growth are meet in evidence. The cost of labor in fighting weed. insect and fungus pests, which like the poor are ever with us. is one of the most serious problems with which farmers have to contend. The Seed Control Act has had the efi'ect of in- creasing the price paid to farmers for thei pure seed and of reducing the price for their low grade seed. An even greater discrimina- tion in prices is likelv to follow. New weeds continue to be introduced. The trade in agricultural seeds has been a fruitful means of Spreading them. The shipment, for feeding purposes. of screenings from Western grown wheat to points in the Eastern Provinces is another source of im- mediate danger that should not be overlooked. The noxious nature of new weeds that are being intrcduced in various ways is seldoz. well under- Stood or their danger appreciated by farmers until they have become well established. Here is provided an Opportunity for farmers to get at first hand. in. formation that cannot be given or demonstrated in hall meetings during the winter months. Lots of people have thin watery bloodâ€"they eat plenty but don’t d:- gest. When digestion is poor. food isn’t conveyed into nourishmentâ€"in consequence the body rapidy loses strength. To positively renew health, nothing equal Ferrozone. It excites sharp appetiteâ€"makes the stomach digest, forms life sustaining blood. Abundant strength is sure to follow. If you need more vitality. extra energy. better nerves, then use Perrozone the medical triumph of the age. Fifty cents buys a box of fifty chocolate coated Ferrozone tablets. quausg at the head of it is aman whose quakhcatnons as a teacher are unexcelled and whose ambition is to see his students become good eitizens. morally. socially and tmancmlly. Open July and August. Becanse its Shorthand students are doing marvellous work, some writing 200 words per minute after attending only two months- . Because by attending the day and even- xpg classes, students graduate in a short tune and at a. small cost; Becauspjts graduatés are enjoying the best pompous .10 almost every Canadian and Amerxcayczty; ~‘ "; M Because this .Cbllege'enjoys the COKE: degce of the Busmess Public. Because it teaches Actual business from start to finish; Beca'hse each student dues his work in. dependent of all others thereby establish. ing confidence in Myself; If vou wish to reehii'é iho: Best Commercial an?! Shorthand Education, it is necessary that you attend the Best- This College is the Best :â€" Because each student is taught sepatate. ly at his own desk: Because all difiiculties are thoroughly explained as they occur. thus avoiding loss of time to the students and enabling them to accomplish more than is possible in class machine; Because each studen; receives Special at- tenti )n in his weak subyects and may choose bie‘subjeets: Not the Oldestâ€"Not the largest Just the Best. d [i \. m 'fi" - The strong features â€" - - 7 _' of Frost l-‘ence are ‘ combined in the Gates A special feature is the frame of continuous steel tubing. This is vastly stronger than a frame with elbow eor- ners and Tgialgzeable castxn s. e 68‘ a....'; wire gfilling. insurg . .~ we» (, . e _,-. . _ - . . .. ~ - against sagging. The public is warned against buying gates that infringe against Frost Wire Fence Co‘s patent, as purchasers as well as users are laying themselves liable. For sale by W. L. FALKINGHAN - Ebordalc 1" q! .ch M l ". J 6: 1 5‘. i e! l IIIII'IIMI fllllllllt'a lflflllllll llilllllll llllllllll Pâ€" -‘ 5) ._..â€"â€".â€"_o . A .. ‘ .‘ . i ,. _ .‘ ‘8 WWW lllllflll IMTIIIII ii : Q Business College “O" . {-â€"-â€"â€"---. “mum .. lllllllm Illllllm lllllll'lm =.:;.lllll'lll MIMI! IIIIMIIIII lIlIllllll Il’llllll}; IIMIM I-‘n-u-d a..- . [36] FARMERS’ FIELD MEETINGS Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. (9" 75; on every} ' .w W? « mmmwhpfi 12 months. This signature, 502.256. W. T. CLANCY, Prin. The Mount Forest Water In Your Blood? A. B. McLellan, Agent, Durham, Ont. To_ Cure 9 991:! in One Day BISSELL 3 Drum sml Land Roller A GUARANTEED CURE FOR PILES Itching.Blind Bleeding. Protrudinz Piles. Drug- gima are authorized to refund money if PAZO UIVTMEXT fails to cure in 6 to 14 days 500. Now. certainly, if Dowie is what they Say, he is not and never was the ' Prophet Elijah. nor any divinely‘f commissions- leader. but a. fraud and l mountebank. What, then, becomes ‘ of ‘ Zion?” A concern founded by a! humbug. on abasis of lies. cannOt; command respect, and does not de-l serve loyal support. It did not mat-l ter that outsiders thus denounced it! -ong ago. The essential thing is that i its own loaders and their followers, are now themselves practically a unit , in thus characterizing it. It may be! creditable to them that they cast him out whom they regard as a falsel prophet. But, if the cornerstone be rejected what becomes 01 the whole s:ructu*e? Can the disciple of a false prOphet say : “ Master was a fakir. but I am the Real Thing?” Or, if he does. can he expect sane people to look at him without grin ning '9 We do not know that theSe considerat one, even this inexorable! lOgiC of their own forming, will con- vincinely appeal to the peeple of "Zion.” But we are'inclined to think they will be ‘hospitably enter- tained by the general publicâ€"with- out much fear of the fate of those who scofied at the real Elijah’s real Successor.-â€"Markdale Standard. ".â€" Don’t advertise if you believe you are waSting money. Let your com- petitor waste his money on advertis~ ing. and perhaps in this way you’ll soon put him out of business.” Fix his clockworks for him! Just stand back and laugh at him when you se~ him squander his money for printer’s ink. Once there was a boy named Johnâ€"we think his last name was \V’anamaker. or maybe it was Money maker, anyway his name was John. with same sort of a maker attached to his hat name. He owned fifty yards of calico. three pairs of jeans, a half dozen pairs of home-made yarn socks and five pairs of boots. He called this a dry goods store through a Philadeiphia newsnaper and oEered to sell a pair of socks for 39 cents The don’t believe-in-advertising mer- chants langhed. Young John spent $65 with the Philadelphia Ledger tr- advertise just one time, and had les- than $100 worth of goods. He was cautioned by the merchants who “ knew it didn’t pay !” It was thro sympathy they offered him advice ’But John didn’t listen to them. and went and blew his money in foolishly; and tu-day poor John sees the results of his misdoingsâ€"he has so many large dry goods stores that he can hardly find time to study his Sunday school lesson. They stand up against hand work and lot- ot it. Truss rods suite: the Prue. Heavy steel plate in all the drums. Closely Ilvctcd Throughout and very stron Sold bagsgents. Have a look at: camp 0 roller. . o e_ gennlno without. the Anâ€"â€"_‘-- - .- sample roller. .\one genuine without t1 nuno “BISSELL.” Manufactured by T. E. BISSELL. ELORA. ONT. Write for booklet “ E.” To those who have not been brought under the sway of Dowie, the lone of the present state of affairs at hZi n” is peculiarly instructive. John Alex. ander Dowie was the founder. organ- izer. developer and leader of “Zion.” He was so by virtue of the fact that he professed o be Elijah the Prophet. It may be that he believed himSelf to be Elijah. That is not for this g. f. j. to judge There is every reason, however. for supposing that hIS fol- .owers believed him to be the Prophet. That is to say the whole institution was {tun ed on the belief or preten- tion that he was a divisely o daiged. inspired and commi sicned being. But now the peOple of Zion altnOSt unanimously declare Dowie to be a Spendtbrift. a liar. a traitor. a hypo crite. and a man of ignorant mind and unclean life. Even his own wife. whom one would expect above all to be true. has turned her back upon her worthy hubby. and deflOuuced hitn In Spite of all this, however. the peo ple have decided to unflinchingfy stand by “Zion.” under another leader. who was brought up at the feet of Dowie. The; will continue the nlay of Dowieism, with Dowie left out THE LOGIC OF DOWIE, DON’T ADVERTISE} FROST STEEL GATES DURHAM CHRONICLE The Ontario Government has de ' cided to abrogate the manhood suf- frage regiszration act under which persons in cities and county tnvn". who find themselves left. 05 the vot- ere’ list. can hav their names put on by application to the county co nits Premier \Vi‘iitne has llltl‘OdUC‘d a bill to repeal ;his law. He doe-i not propOse to put anything in its piece. but. simply to wipe outa measure, which. he ears. has proi'ed iiselfa perfecc nuisance The law :3 it: now stands applies onlv to i-izies and count.)' towns, and. the Pieinier pointed out. was not in fmce in manv places considerably iarger than some of the county towns The only ap parent, advantage of the eyssem. he said was. Hm ic permitted electo 8' who were not on the roll to have their names inserted immediately be- fore an election and after the lists had CiOSfld The ad\'ail[:t!@% of ihis. howewr, wae more than iioubmul, \\ hile the (3081'.st very great. consul «ring [he iueaaeruess of the results, In future the municipal mil.- Wiil be taken as the sole basis of the vmerQ lists. i I "About a year ago I had a serious sickness. sort of a general breakdown. My digestion failed entirely and I Was able to eat very little. I took violent Stomach pains and sufiered terribly from headaches. Mv (lootor said it was "nerve exhaustion” and I might ueVer be well My troubles increased (or as I grew weaker I be- caine subject to neuralgia and Mimi inatisiu. S eep finally forsook me and I almost lost heart Difi'erent medic nes didn’t help. Doctors cou'dn’t do me any good 1 was des- perate when I heard of Ferrozone The first box convince-u me that it was just what I needed. It toned Up 111‘. stomach. gave me a splendid appetite and then my recovery Seem- ed easier. Ferrozone increased my weight several pounds. has restored my nerves. given me a good color and strength such as I never had be fore For the weak and sickl) I can truthfully recommend Fex‘rozone.” (Signed) Emma Daigle. GET YOUR NAME ON THE LIST ; REMEMBER: N0 mere Stimulant or aicOholic concoction can take the place of the nerve and bluoul nourlah- went, contamed in Ferrozwe. This true tonic always does when, is claim- ed for it. Sold everywhere in 503 or six {0‘ $2 50. By mail from N. O. Polson 00. Hartford, Conn., U. S A., and KlugSlOU. Ont. Mrs. Emma Daigle of Monoton. N. B., Sends an Open Letter to All Sufferers. But there is a cure. a cvue Specific for women’s ills that restored a prominent lady in Monoton. Mrs. Daigle. who tells the following ex- poriance. Moss woman we tired when they Wake up. Nervousness is always present, headaches seldom depart, tears are ever ready to flow. A Masculine Woman. A Frenchwoman who from her fond- ness for man's work dressed as a man and was employed for years as a wag- oner became so noted among her fel- lows for her strength that she was known as “Bras de Fer.” She was the best boxer in her district, and none of the men would venture a bout with her. Bamboo Pens. Bamboo pens have been used in In- dia over 1,000 years. They are made like the ordinary quill pen. and for a few hours‘ writing they are said to be very serviceable. The War Department. The war department was established by act of congress Aug. 7. 1789. Unidentified Rivers. The first rivers mentioned in authen- tic history are alluded to in Genesis. They are the Pison. the Gihon, the Hid- dekel and the Euphrates, which are said to have flowed from the garden of Eden. Various attempts have been made to identify these streams, but no agreement has been reached among the authorities save in the case of the last. Origin of Chriutmaa Cultomn. Many of our Christmas customs are a mixture of Druidical and‘ pagan ob- servances. The use of the Christmas tree has descended from the German Druids. Dressing the houses and churches with green is a relic of pagan worship in Rome; so also is the send- ing of presents to and fro. Neighbor. “Neighbor” was originally “nigh boar,” or the nearest residing farmer. Catch Your Hare. The well known saying, “First catch your bare,” is generally credited to f‘Mrs. Glass’ Cookbook,” written by Dr. John Hill in the eighteenth century. But in an early edition of the book the reading or the sentence is, “First case” -that is, skinâ€"“your hare.” Cape Horn. Cape Horn is one mass of black rock without vegetation or birds. The sea always run on it with tremendous force, and rounding the cape is consid- ered by sailors one of the roughest of amazes. HEAI TH FOR WOMEN in Two Days. ' v" ’J'A\‘ Citizens are notified that all mu;- houses. pig pens and yards generally should be cleaned at, Once. as the Health Inspector is about to , make his rounds. gvr; ‘ ’3‘ $15.00 Cash. \\'// -“ '4» 711$ 74$ xwmwwwg p. 16 3 to. Do non delav. These lots are Selling, fast. Call or write to-day. Map and full p..rticulars on application. BIL, H is tho onlv property subdivided into residental lots W than actually adjoins the J. I CASE COMPANY'S SITE, offers an unrivalled opportunity for the small investor to get in on the ground fluor in a DI‘OpOSitiOD of almost unbound- ed possihiliciea as a money maker.:; Property in this: district is an absolutely sound. gilt-edged investment. and has been emphatically endorsed by the Mayor of Fort. William. 10041 Bank Managers, and leading business and professional men. John S. Mortimer, Syndicate Park FORT WILLIAM NCTICE 11 UGr H M AC KAY, Price from $65.00 up. I\ \SPECTOR. A. RAMSAY SON CORIPILW. MONTREAL. ( as (4) (5) GOING TO PAINT! RAMSAY‘S PAINTS give a quiet afitractivc- mess to_ yet}:- house, which stamps it With an air of dxsunctxon. Ask you dealer in your town. Do it in the best way Do it in the most economical way Do 1t thoroughly Do it with pain;_5 guaranteed to 100]: well and weak} wcli oi“ ' In fact do your paintmg With Ramsay’s READY MIXED PAINTS. All who have signed, and all who intend to sign the Service Roll of the South Grey Rifle Association are hereby requested to 9:0 at once to Police Magistrate Telforcl, or some other JuStice of the Peace and take the Oath of Allegiance. Feb. 19th, ’OGcf. BY ORDER. $5.00 per’Month. NOTICE. 6-4-06

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