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Durham Chronicle (1867), 17 May 1906, p. 1

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)ering Harvester Co.’s [ocrats and BuggieSfaf t and '27) years, ‘5 and $1. at our SILV Chairs cy Chairs fngs Mattresses \T for DOYLE Sc JULIAN uments and Tombstones l Beds y Carriages .«Nw «x? '0‘ Webster vURHAM, ONT . I01'(:>loqica1 Instltute. g illinery. rooches ND PRICES John Clark OF POST OFFICE ALL. Life time if MAY 10, 1906 niture C0. ISS DICK plements \.\'.\ STREET, DURHAM nt. and Auctioneer- N SOCX D. is and give prices rgans SE OF THE DERS l Ranges. Sewing Machines. D M‘s SUITS 3 Christmas for arrow ? st opened a stock of ased while week from rv. whole- rods are all 19 best that for the a. Stag of ‘ only in 3 apply the 1:. but to latesn Mil- Berlin Pianos. )IacbinerY. l‘ires.) K OF large H Pmox to her leaving to attend the meeting of the \V'. F. M. S. in \Vinni- peg. Mrs. Fax-quharson was made the 1-m-ipient of the handsome gift: of a. re- Pix LOST.â€"~Goid head made of half mx'ereign. Initials “M. )ICG. 1903.” Finder will be rewarded by leaving it at the Chronicle office. Hos. DR. REAUME, Provincial Min- ister of Public \Vorks underwent a «'BI’IUHS operation in Detroit hospital Monday. The operation was of a can- verous nature and the patient is in a very critical condition though hopes of his recovery are entertained. “'2: had a look through the Cream Separator factory on Tuesday and round everything going on with ap- parent smoothness. The Manager, Mr. Thos. Livingston. reports business good in the separator line and general mtisfaction by users of the Oxtord. Improvements have been made from time to time, and the machines they :u-e now putting on the market are vqllalled by few and excelled by none :m- close skimming, ease of action and .luality of material and workmanship. A. \\'. “'A'rsox has sold out his bakery business to E. A. Rowe, of Guelph, and will retire next week. In the meantime he offers for sale his large stmrk of flour at greatly reduced prices to clear. Call and be convinced. THE population of Meaford is 2370, um! 101 dogs. The assessed value is $970,460. turn ticket to that city in tlen of the Ufection and esteem in which she is NJ bv the ladies of the congregation. THE Tic. and $1.00 shoe snaps are -hances turned up at Peel's shoe store md are lucky hits for you. Look out for Epworth League Excursion to Niagara Falls the latter part of June s truth. 011 Sal plugs which We uf [ht‘ post of stat-{ml on an t the city via G mastels shat-n. Iivelv ch p all t! at. the finish, a] 'excwing chase. barn and succe in quieting the mm: \\ stipule ‘ TH 1-,: Review came out last week as . 7-colmun quarto instead of a six column as formerly. This additional fiance will give our esteemed cotem a file more liberty to swing himself, t. it will not be long till he finds him- ~elf as crowded as ever. The change < an improvement and we offer our -mxgratulations to Mr. Ramage on his widence of prosperity. mg fanatic oat box. PRINCIPAL ALLAN caught a trout alst week that weighed an ounce over wo pounds. MR. Ewsx is buildinga house east of he- school grounds. DON‘T failto examine the. latest ideas 1 dress shoes at Peel’s. I‘m: Owen Sound Times is making aerial improvement by the installa- m of a new Campbell, two revolution uss. new type setting machinery and ww folding machine. There must money in the printing business mud the Times office, but we’re not all jealous. \Ve wish the Times, u pioneer paper of the County, con- mul prosperity and an abundance of Press. Other changes will be an- »:mve-l shortly. \Vonder if it will be Lilly paper. FIELD cox-n at Parker’s Drug Store. M ll LOCAL ITEMS VOL. 39â€"N0. 2043. Um Swan-(lay last one of his hivh Was left standing in front pus: utfirc at minute 01' two, 0:, :m exam-Sim; trip through \ in (iuzmt'mxa street to his '5 barn. ”The animal struck a lip all the way, was going some “finish. and came in first after an L: chase. Joe Best was at the id succeeded after some trouble ting the brute. which was mak- ntic efforts to break into the inys ago a. telegram was re- ‘c by the Adlam family an- :he Llcath in Tacoma, \Vash- My. Uwid iBfittou, only 3311's. George Adlam. De- xl in Bantinck about forty and will in: rememlwred by DE ll mm; 2r residen cs. For some us her:- he. was engaged :- saw mill busine» and (madly shah- of proper- '1'eahouts since leaving Iiftceu )‘eau'sa [(-3 say the livery :un away. but Nor- s I'm-y don’t. tell the «My last one of his :htiivcs here 11 meal by tales]; s a. Unchelor. 1L1! LL!) at Montreal. A very courteous reply was :vceiVell intiumting that it would entail mnsiderable cost to make any nun-rial deviations. and that changes in the present plans would entail cost and cause delay. Evidently the com- pmy means business and is anxious to get to work as soon as possible, but how soon that is we are unable to say at 'n'esent. The crossing at the foot of Garafraxa street hill. as shown on the plan will be a very dangerous place especially for teams coming down from upper town. In addition to this incon- conyenience all George street will be taken up by the road and considerable property seriously inconvenienced by the course the road proposes to-take. THERE's no particular certainty yet about lthe building of the C. P. R. though all sorts of rumors are afloat. One report has works started at the east end. another has it going on be- tween \Valkerton and Lucknow. A day or so ago it was reported that sev- eral Dagos, hundreds or thousands we don‘t know which. were going to start right away in town. but the scribe who swings the «pull in this sanctum hasn’t seen anything of their arrival. The line sin-\‘eyed runs through the school grounds and cuts of part of the school building. This set the trustees athink- ing and Secretary Ramage of the 5:110”! wrote about it to head quarters JUST received another shipment of; dalk, gaveus a call last week as he was our celebrated Heave Drops, the kind ? returning from the funeral of a‘sister- that cured so many bad cases of E “1'1““ near “'alkerton. Heaves in this neighborhood. at \V.’ 5195313, C A Fleming and George 9 BlaCk S. nmunt‘\fnn 1‘; “avg“ Q“. inn: nun-‘4‘ :â€" FIVE Roses and Royal Household flour at. $4.90 per bbl. Other high grade Manitoba flour at $4.40 per bbl. Choice family flour at $4.25 per bbl. Also greatly reduced prices in groceries and canned goods. A. \V. \Vatson, the lip-town bakery. \VE congratulate Miss Ruth J ohn- ston on her change of name as an- nounced in marriage notice in this is- sue: Only acouple of weeks ago we referred to her departure to Portland, Oregon, but We didn’t have the first idea then that she thought of commit- ting matrimony. We wish her every success and hope she may never have reason to repent her action. MR. A. F. M'CLAREX, M. P., of Strat- ford. left “Wednesday for Karlsbad, Germany. in company with his medi- cal attendant. )Ir. McLaren has been ill for some time and hopes to be bene- fited by the trip. He met his constit- uents recently and expressed his will- ingness to resign his parliamentary position, but the idea was not enter- tained. J Acx )IURDUCH has bought the handsome team of blacks from Mr. John Vollett and took possession Tues- day morning. \\'e understand Mr. Vollett has not been feeling well for some time. which is his reason for dis‘ posing of the team. That Murdoch has made a good bargain we feel sure, as the team is one 'of the best in this part of the country and can be disp‘os~ ed of at a good figure any time. THIS sounds like pretty big talk and it’s meant to he. Peel’s own make of shoes is guaranteed superior to all others in material and workmanship. IN another column we copy from the Hanover Post an account of the death of Sydney \Villis. \Ve learn since that Mrs. “'illis died on Friday last, just a. week after her husband. A Goon large house and also a good garden to be rented cheap close to townâ€"Apply to \Villiam “'all. THE population of Owen Sound ac- cording to the assessment census is $10,765. and the total assessed value is $5,438,396. “'ASTED.â€"Bench and machine hands for a sash and door factory. Apply to \V'. H. Clark 6: (30., Limited. Edmon- ton. Alta. hann MR. F RAXK BLVD has a house well on towards completion on Lambton street, east. Cams REAY of Allan Park adver- tises a stray heifer in this issue. MR. Bert Stonehouse is erecting a house for himself on Mill street west. MATCH LESS silver polish for sale only by P. G. A. “'ebster, jeweller, Dur- The Busy Store on The Busy Corner. We are now showing the largest and been Stock of Silverware that has ever been shown in Durham. When you buy Silverware at Keeler’s you can bank on it being the best. You don’t need a bank when you buy at the Busy Scores. Come and see the goods. It pay all your neighbors and it will also pay you. R.B. Keeler 8’ Sons Mr. 3. M. Fenton, representing Dr. Shoop Medicine 00.. of Racine, \Vis- cousin. was in town this week doing business with the druggists and news- papers. Miss Flora McArthur, of Glenelg, left on \Vednesday morning last to visit her brother Neil MoArthur at Bottineau, North Dakota. She will be absent for several months. Mr. Gilbert McKechnie is around again after being forced to stay in for a couple of weeks from sciatica. He is a. little shakey yet but will soon mend. Mr. Joseph Corbett and daughter. Mrs. John Armstrong of Gravenhurst, arrived last week to visit friends in town and vicinity. Mr. Corbett is looking well and seems to be getting no older. Messrs. C. A. Fleming and George Creighton. of Owen Sound, were in town last \Vednesday. It wasn’t local option that drove them out of the County Capital. Further reports will be given from time to time. Mrs. George Everett, of Teeswater. left for home Tuesday morning after visiting her uncle. Mr. Thos. Reid, for a couple of weeks. Mr. Isaac Traynor, P. L. 8., of Dun- dalk, gave us a. call last week as he was After all the gush we had to listen to about bad marl, rotten marl, marl of no commercial value, etc., etc., ad nauseam. we are pleased to know that the present management moved the dredge into the condemned portion of the lake for two or three days and turned out over eleven hundred bar- rels a day. They pronounce the ma- terial all right and say they can use every shovelful in the lake and manu- facture at a profit. Stock is quoted at 43 but we hear a. Listowel stockholder disposed of a thousand dollars worth of his stock at par. Stockholders will rejoice in the change from 16 quoted last November- Mr. “'11). Robertson of Palmerston, spent a. few days last week with friends in town. Mr. \V. Livingston of the Standard Bank staff, Fleshertan, was in town over Sunday. Mrs. Chas. Brown went to Stratford Tuesday to visit her daughter, Mrs. Herb Ball. Mr. Frank Lenahan returned Mon- day from a business trip to “’innipeg and the Nurth \Vest. Miss Minnie McClocklin is home from ”I‘m-onto accompanied by her uncle Mr. S. B. McClocklin of Chicago. Mr. Gen. Gagnon of \Vinchester. is visiting his brother, Mr. P. Gagnon. Mrs. James Staples left Tuesday morning to visit friends at North Bay. Mr. and Mrs. \V. J. McFadden at- tended the wedding of Miss Kettle at Drayton. Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Vickers, of To- ronto. were visiting friends in town and vicinity last week. Mr. Chas. Dixon, of Egtemont, left for Battleford Tuesday morning. Big Stock of Watches of all kinds just arrived. Silverware CEMENT NOTES. PERSONAL. DURHAM, 0NT., THURSDAY, MAY 17, 1906. Lacrosse in Durham has started out well this season. \Vith a good line-up and good prospects for having a win- ning bunch the town people are being wakened up and once more the in- terest of bygone years is slowly reviv- ing. The boys are devoting them- selves to the game. and practise is on every night. So far they show good form and though the weather has not been fit to get right down to business, from their performance in heavy ap- parel we do not believe there is a weak man in the the team. Lacrosse must certainly boom this summer and from' present indications, we have as good ai line-up as most amateur teams can‘ boastof. Now for the opening of the $885 on. 1 The delegates for Intermediate Dis- trict No. 4, met in M t. Forest on Fri- day evening last to arrange the la- crosse schedule for the coming season. Convener Kearns of Arthur called the meeting for 8 o’clock in the Queen’s and at that hour representatives from Arthur, Durham and Mt. Forest drafted the following playing dates: Arthur at Durham, June 8th. Mt. Forest at Arthur, June 2lst. . Durham at Mt. Forest, June 29th. Arthur at Mt. Forest, July 20th. Mt. Forest at Durham, July 27th. Durham at Arthur, August 2nd. Grand Valley, who was placed in this district by the O. L. A. was not represented, and the schedule was made up independent of them, it being learned they had dropped out. The Lacrosse boys have decided to hold a big demonstration here on Vic- toria Day, May 24th. The scene Opens at 11 a. m. by a huge Calithumpian Parade. At 2 p- m. an exhibition Foot-ball match will be played betWeen Flesherton and Durham teams, and at 3.30 p. m. a La- crosse match between the Lornes of Mt. Forest and the Durhams of this town. The day sports promise to be good, interesting and well contested and all lovers of athletic sports should make it a point to be present. Ad- mission to the grounds 15c. and 25c. In the Hall at night the Dramatic Club Will give in excellent style that favorite Comedy “She Stoops to 0011' quer,” the cast consisting of about twenty costumed characters in 17th- century style. This play was given some time ago to adelighted audience, but as the club have given the subject additional thoughts and practice their next effort will be much better than the former one. Admission 25 and 35 cents. dist church intend having an excursion to Niagara in the latter part of June. The date is not yet fixed but will be announced in due time. A similar outing last year was thoroughly en joy- ed by hundreds who took advantage of it and many at the time expressed a desire to make it an annual affair. Those who were never there should make an effort to go even if it should cause them a little inconvenience to get away. Look out for announce- ments. MR. LYAL G. IRELAND is reported in the announcement of the successful candidates School of Practical Science, Toronto, as having taken honors in the second year in mechanical and electrical engineering. A MEETING of the Farmers’ Associa- tion will be held in the Vat-hey school house on Friday night May 18th. at 8 o’clock. A§f1111 attendance is request- ed.â€"D. MCILVRIDE, Pres. MR. S. F. Morlock is erecting a. stable at the rear of his lot on Lamb- ton street. \VB congratulate Mr. and Mrs. Bean of the Big Four on the arrival of a. baby girl. THE residence purchased lately by Mrs. J as. Redford on Garafraxa street is undergoing internal changes prior moving into it. SIXTY dollars per share for Cement Stock in exchange for Manitoba land is offered in this issue by Mr. Addison of Hamilton. See his ad. on page 4. THE local clergymeu will change pulpits next Sunday as follows:â€"Mr. Farquharson in the Methodist church, Mr. Colling in the Baptist church and Mr. Newton in the Presbyterian Church. THE Epworth League of the Metho- VICTORIA DAY IN DURHAM. LACROSSE. $1.00 PER YEAR.

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