West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 17 May 1906, p. 7

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imalo Wukness, Nervous Head: .dness of the Hands gnd Foot, 'ital Power, Generfl Wm ity, and 1.11 diseases ud diam-d. ; from ; run-down condition oi Lu system or we“: and “tor, I of'ered, a‘nd we "om m [a it un' PS! we were t h hill do 8.11 that isdmk‘ Luvely Guarantee purchase 6 boxes of Dr. M. m Pills for $2.50, bk. 3 ha:- 33, and find you an delving 3111 their use, you can return boxes, together with H). 3 not opened, and get your 3 fairer, oqugrer p _ 6m III. in EE na is composed of bismuth llate. by all odds the very best ine known for intestinal dis- It combines with the free at compounds in the bowels n... a bias“ substance which is d off from the body without I: also has a soothing efiect Ithe nerve endings in the stom- maxi... Pale md Stflow a... mousneu, Sleepleuness, In- nory, Depression of 8 Poor Appetite, Impuro load, pd Eruptions, Poor Circuhtion. .itation, Dizzinesg; Shortneu on the whisker! KINGHAH’S 1 soft bitch. 3,] .1a of Mi'o-na Made Public. Cure for Stomach Troubles, OYS \VILL BE BOYS. no other remedy which will u .toro you to health und Itrength .tion as Dr. Harte’a Celery-Iro- thero is no other you on buy coompaniod by a. positive Gm .‘ure or your money remnant leading druzgists are vary :3 to have Mi-o-na, a. remedy they sell as a cure for stomach as. tested rigidly in every c ‘ .rt-burn. acute dyspepsia, win a stomach. loss of appetite, iug dreams. sleeplessness, gen- eaknoss and debility, or where geStive organs do non act as abould. DR. HARTE’S’ ELEM-IRON 'ILLS S“ om Dr. ITTEN SURRHHTEE. ECRET IS OUT. DURHAM. ONT. MAY 17, ugh box tho Pin- Mn '0. «Mr-V“ \ DARLING .-\..\'D -â€"- DRUGGIS‘I‘ 301 36 ’mbined cerium ox- remedy in the creme tions of the statute}! m if he burns your the glow, 'uly son {or fun. a boys, you know. 18$ it flow 11 the floor, Boys you know tof LCB is then added excessive acidity stamach troublosy ‘ its general tonic eniug powers. , c.“ reliable reme- t a positive cure dues. and. perhaps .m be sold under 3 3$35 nothing unless \V'illie when he '4 tail, piaDO’S top by S “'0 ied till you've :exmleman who if he lets the o-na. tablets i8 $5 rpausazo EVERY THURSDAY MOIHINO nmm names muse. mu snap propettv. BARRISTER, SOLICITOR. ETC. Ufice over Gordon’s new Jewellery Store, Lower Town, Durham. Any amount of monev to loan at 5 per cent. on farm Dr. W. 0. Pickering OFFICE: Dentist. Over J. J. Hunter’s. A. G. MACKAY. K. C. HONOR GRADUATE, UNIVERSI- ty of Toronto. Graduate' Royal College Dental Surgeons of Ontario; Dentistry in all its Branches. Officesâ€"Calder Block, over Post. Ofico u-- -V-v - â€"-.-_.v veyancers, Et'c. Money to' Loan. Offices:â€"In the McIntyre Block, ova: Standard Bank. Specialist: Eye, Ear, Throat and Nose U York .nd Chicago. Diseases of Eye. Ear Nose and Throat. Will be at Knapp House. Durham. the 2nd Satuzdav in each month. Hoursâ€" 1â€"6 pan. 4“ er, Conveyancer, 83c. Insurance Agent Money to Loan. 133110: of Mar- 'iaze Licenses. A general financial busi- ness transacted Will be at the Midhngh House lat Wedneoday of each month. from 1‘.’ to 4 p. m. Late Asaistant Roy. London Ophthalmicfifioo. 8112.. .nd to Golden Sq. Throat and Nose Boo. l. fice in the New Hunter Block. Ofice hours, 8 to 10 a. m., to 4 p. m. and 7 1.09 p. :11. Special attention given to diseases of women and children. Residence op- posite Presbvterian Church. U Garat’raxa and George Streetsâ€"at foot of hill. Oflice hoursâ€"941 3.111., 2-4 p. 111., 7-9 p. 111. Telephone No. 10. FFICE AND RESIDENCE A short distance east of Knapp’s Hotel, Lamb ton Street. Lower Town, Durham Ofice hours from 12 to 2 o’clock. ”Vision. Court Sales'and d1 other when RFQUPQ“): ggtendegi to. Highest refetances U tioneer. for the County of Grey. 3319‘ WWW“? attended to. Orders ma. )0 left at 1123 Implement Wares-come, Mg: mnon’s old stand. or at the Chronicle Ofixce. HYSICIAN AND SURGEON, OF- tice in the New Hunter Block. Ofice U. tioneer for ' the_ 233515;}! Grey. Tenn moderate and satisfnctzon guaran- teed. The arrangements and dates of sale: can be made at THE CHRONICLE ef- fioe. Residence and P. 0.. Ceylon. Tele- phone connection. THE JOB : : DEPARTHENI .JHEQ . . . ime :ach su't m WfihiOXhiCN’dr $4.00 pet annum. Adver ditections Win bi: published 1 ”dimly Tmndcm .m' " Fat Sale, ' ace-30 cams t (or each subsequent inwrtzu-w A}! advertisements on} b m advance Contract rates 10! yc m mpiicatiou to the oft c. a All advertise no t week, should be bruu :n 1MB n ISINB F fATES. THE Cm: \mcm. vi?! be neat to am addrem', {we of; xra-gc, for $I.oo pc. ”13 . . . . year,pa-,':Luch nagvazzceâ€"Shso ma} be charged if not so paid. '1 :3: due to which new; Mica _'8 Band is d ."30' :~: by :‘ze numbrr m. the ' _ - w--- w-- M ‘3” R0 _p?\pcr «in -c Titus-u. un' H all aura: we Mamet): a: me Ouuu.‘ v! 2;: , oprictor. sowing 9 ensed Auctioneer for the County 0‘ 3T9}. Land \aluagor Baily? 9f the 2nd THE BUHHHI'H BHBBNIELI: (0mm: PUBLIC, 903.13.953on- Drs. Jamieson Maclaurin. Nov. 9, l. B. Hutton, M. D., C. M. \FFICE AND RESIDENCEâ€"COR. J. F. GRANT, D. D. S.. L. D. S. ARRISTERS. SOLICITORS, QON- AMES CARSON, DURHAM. LIC OHN CLARK. LICENSED AUC- L. R. C. P.. LONDON. ENG. RADULATE of London, New vvu O n ls completely stocked with :PARH15NT all Na“! TYPE. touu lording faciIities for turninr out Fir:‘-cna=s work. . . DURHAM, ONT. (Lower Town.) he'd if mag-a: Â¥CPHA_IL, LICENSED AUC- EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR. MacKay . Dunn. Medical Diredozy . Arthur Gun, M. D. MAY 17, 1906 Dental Directorv. DR- GED. S. BURT. DR. BROWN Legal Directory. Miscellaneous. J. P. Telford. . H. Jackson. 'ormasien me for the EXCLUSIVELY has: “memos, 2 .- insertion i“. ' an: man L'L‘ W. F. DUNN. and Ch?!" With some the habit of talking is the result of thoughtlessness. while with others it emanates from a mean and vicious heart- Then there are the “Tom Blunts” who take a pride in saying “jnst what they think.” and when they have crushed some poor sensitive soul with the iron heel of their "opinions,” they think they have done God and humanity a ser~ vice. No wonder one of the Scrip- ture writers calls the tongue a “fire. a world of iniquity, an unruly evil, full of deadly poison.” Happy the man who has his tongue well bridled. By far the greatest mischief comes through the thoughtless use of the tongue Some empty-headed fool drops an inuendo about a business man’s reputation or some woman’s character. that sends one to disaSter and ruin, and the other perhaps to hell. Some old harpy repeats a} gossip’s yarn. adds a little to help it along. and life-long friends are sep erated. and wholefiamilies disintegra- ted. Some people are like a pitcher the writer saw the other day. which _is all month. It couldn’t help spill- -ing if it tried. Men should cultivate the habit of saying as little as possi- ble about their neighbors. Says 801- omon, “Curse not the rich in thy bedchamber; for a bird of the air shall carry the curse and that {which hath wings shall tell the matter-” KEEP CLEAR or LAW. Many an unmarked pauper’s grave contains the remains of a man who. had he reSpected this precept, would have left at least his name to the world. With some, the mania for "lawing” seems to be hapelessly conStitutional. They “law” with their friends, their neighbors, their customers. creditors, and everyone who chances wittingly or unwitting- ly to cross them. It is from this class of cranks that lawyers reap their richest harvest. We have in mind a man who went to law over aload of cordwood, and carried on the litigation until it absorbed a farm of a hundred acres and as com- fortable a home as a man ever had, all for the consideration of less than five dollars. That man died without money enough to decently bury him. and had it not been for the kind of- lites of those who knew him in his in his days of prosperity he would have found his last resting-place in the pOtter’s field. Doubtless hun- dreds of similiar cases might be re- counted. Hotheadedness is a deplor-’ able weakness that ought to find no palliation with business men. The‘ man who jeOpardizes the interests of his family, as well ashisown, for the sake of a little pnsillanimous spite or thirst for personal satisfaction, ought to be put in a straight jacket. Law is a good thing in its place. and some- Many people would get along well in the world if they only knew enough to keep their tongues still. STRAY snows no! 801010]. (The Shoe and Leather Journal.) RIDDLE!) BY “SHOWS. Almost every month we have to acknowledge the attention of a caterie of critics who, by their very plaints. evidence the fact tnat the medicine is working upon them. But the most amazing feature of the thing is how these little fellows that nibble at us give themselves away. Let us say for the benefit of the business thugs who deprecate the bringing of the Bible into trade papers, the red- nosed soaks who object to our slang, and the kid gloved sneak thieves Who think our allusions to the peni- tentiary and jail quite too harsh. that we have been fishing in their particular po: d with the expectation of getting a bite or two. Why, if you will believe it. after a strong article on the business crookedness, which appeared in a recent number. we were actually stopped on the public street '3' a prominent manu~ facturer and called down for "putting bad in the minds of peOple.” This man was the very man whose name was given to us as being particularly "slippery.” Methinks the lady doth prorest too much. [36] To Cure a Cold in One Day Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. 6: %‘é’n mmmmhmnzm This signatm'e, FALKINGHAM KEEP MUM. McLellan BISSELL 3 Drum Steel Land noun should FROST uld FROST FERCES go “ cts or workmanship in b repaired, free of charge. days f rom date Fence y< thixd by March I: best fence make the man can t lf’. Agent '5 easy to buy FROST r prices for Frost Fence rnce in the world is hc the terms so easy that 1 an take advantage of th re‘s the way we will let you need :-One third . y note. Ist. ’07 They stand of it. Tr stron‘ nun. in their ventures. On the the other ninety the scone the axe descends. The kno‘ the dreadful oids does no: diminish the aspirants for quarrying or wood-splitting To the man that is looking tor a "snap” it rarely comes. What is considered as a snap is nine times in ten the result of such drudging efl'ort as would make the snap hunter weary to contemplate. There is a man “ho is manager of one of the {largest city banks and gets $15 001) a :year and who is the envy of time who imagine good berths are in the gift of the stars. He is reported at business from 10 a. in to 3 p. m.. but you may see hun almost any evening trudggng home about 7.30 to a late dinner with his hand-bag and care worn face There is the prosperous merchant who has built up a large business seemingly by a stroke of luck and into whose lap commerce pours golden dollars. Just try andl get him to glve you ten minutes some day to tell you what his present success has cost himâ€"the early and late hours, the anxious cares. the ceaseless vigilance, the impaired con- stitution. Once in a long. long while fortune seems to favor some aimless. brainless fellow. but the chances for Take LAXA All dmggista E. \V. Grow times it is necessary teehave recourse Eto it in settling questions as to the 'meaning of statutes or in adjusting ether dificult matters; but 1n the lmajority of cases diflerencss can be larranged with a little mutual pa-~ ‘ tiencs and forbearance. In any case. . ” Strive not against a man without 2 cause. ” Beware of uncalled for in- j i l terference with your neighbor. r I it GETS aouxn. l 1 Jacob thought he was doing a‘ pretty smart thing when he toox the; skin of the kid and deceind his poor told father into thinking his firstborn Esau was before him. and thus stole his brother’ s blessing; but there came the day when his ten blackleg sons; brought in the coat of many colors. dipped in the blood of a kid and with almost the identical trappings he had used to deceive old Isaac. deceived him into the belief that Joseph. his pet son. whom they had sold asa slave. had been slain by wild beasts He sowed a lie and reaped ten with such sorrow of soul that it made him an old man in his prime. David did some clever scheming to get Uriah’s wife and committed murder to cover up his miserable crime of adultry. \Vhat did he get? Adultry right in his own family and murder 011 ac count thereof, in which one of his sons slew the Other. These things gOt round in time. A man can’t sow thistles and get wheat; he can’t sow weeds and get strawberries. There are some men who wonder that their? sons turn out crooked They expect. a corrupt tree to bring forth good fruit. The man who :ows deception. will get up some men in;; and find himself one of the worst deceived. men in the world. The man who is' always tricking his neighbors and: making unjust gains will discoveri sooner or later that his own feet will: be fast in the net. The chickens may 3 be a little late in getting back to the . 000p, but they will come home to; r0031 just the same. Some thief who? reads this will sneer at this prophecy.‘ : but he will think of it when he gets caught in the toils. “VVhoso diggetli a pit shall fall therein , and that roll eth a sums it will return unto him.” l ! ._.--._- T0 CUBE A COLD IN ONE DAY LAXATIYE ‘BBOMO thxxgg Tablets rd zâ€"One due Oct of ' Rhett-d Through Sold bkagenta. E roller. . one email BISSELL." uta . BISSELL, EL< Write for booklet Durham fists refund the mono} if It fails to cure vrove‘a signature is on each box. 25c. discount for invoice ventures up against hard work and lot- nss rod- suflen the Prue. a! plate in all the dmmu. {c of them. will let you third cash xst, '06. On: wrong, from building, NU SNAP. cc are only as an honestly worth. it every farmer : s ermine without t utactntod by L, ELORA. ONT. Ebordalc :01: buy all the i sh on delivery. One third by note: pnuino oniy as much as the onng xortn goon: ho :ows deception morring and find 6 worst deceived The man who is' is neighbors and ins wi1l discover 3 his own feet will The chickens may n..:nnâ€" knn‘. ‘A 5‘ Elizabeth B. Breese. aged 90 years ('ied on Sunday in Cha sworth at the home of her brother. Mr. “7 iliiam Breese Sr. Deceased was the oldeSt person in this immediate vicinity and had passed 1n years all hut a vers limited number in the whole Domin ion. and had also been a resident of Chatsworth almost during the entire Ont. if kOIt {ave DURHAM CHRONICLE witpb'dc‘tio' FENCES .. And and stq lbok' within 60 Frost One :, due companying his e. drawing manure f1 one of the fields. A their way out with ‘ hind wheels of the t rut, causing the l< throwing the little onto the ground. ‘ passed over him. I by his elder brother the house. where I: found to be of a ver Dr. Williams. of R0 moned and did all 1 little patient, who 1 agony till four o’clo morning when he Meaford Mirror. Au accident resulting in the dea'h of Morris Doherty, the four year old son of Mr. Samuel Doherty, 75b line, Euphratia. occurred about; 4 p m, Tuesday. The little fellow was ac. A knocker is a sour faced vinegar souled detriment to the human race. He 15 a gap in the building, a hole in the wall. a. crevxce in the foundation. Be a builder. Do something and be somebody. Don’t knock. It you don’t like your town and find that YOD’re too poor to get out, come The raiding of a "blind pig” by the police and license inspector in Owen Sound on Wednesday night is the topic in Owen Sound. The officers have had a line on the joint for some little time, and made the raid when they figured on results without mis- takes. In this they were noc disap- pointed. When they approached the stable, for such it was, doors were locked and barred on the outside and everything looked as if there was nothing doing, But the officers soon effected an entrance and then there was lively doings. They captured seven or eight young men, some full and some not so full; four beer kegs. some full and some empty: halfa some full and some empt bushel of drinking glasses erous flasks and bottles things. John Elliott, whc ant of the premises, has moned to appear in court to the charge of violating law.â€"Chatsworth Banner For more than twenty years Mr. J. B. Massey. of 33:32 Clinton SL. Minneapolis. Minn, was tortured by sciatica. 'Lhe pain and sufleriuu which he endured during this time is beyond comirehcnsion Nothing gave him any relief until he used Chamberlain’s Pain Balm. One ap- plication of that. liniment reieaved Lhe pain and made :leep and rest possible, and less than one bottle has affected a permanent, cure. it troubled wah sciatica or iheumatim why not try a. 25 cent. bottle of Pain Balm and see for yourself how quick- ly in relieves the pain. For sale at Parker’s Drug Store. Sciatica Cured After Twenty Years of Torture. history of the village. being associa- fed with Mr S H. Breese as one of the. firsc business pPOple of the place. The. funeral took place on Tuesday to the Church of England cemetery. This death has taken acitizen who possessed a unique. record as a. citizen. and our columns next week will con- tain a. further reference to the de- parted.â€"â€"Chatsworth Banner. What can equal Ferrozoue? In in- creases the appetite. forms abun dance of rich life-giving blood, sup- plies nutriment and building material for woruout nerves. Ferrozoue com~ pietely cures neuralgia. Every roor and branch of 'he disease it kills. Absolute success in every case. Step aufietingâ€"fifcy cents buys Ferro. zone. Fifty chocolate coated tablets in a box at any drug store. It 1'1an hand in hand with poor blood and weak nerves. Health runs down. nerves uec irritable. neuralgic torture follows. For the moment applications may relieveâ€"but to thoroughly cure. the system must b: strengthened with nutritious blood An Arthur man’s wife letf him to run the house and get his own meals for a week or two. He cooked as he thought. the breakfast food every moniug When the wife returned. says a reliable informant. she noticed lhat her husband twittered and he himself acknowledged an inclination to warble It fins found that he had cooked and eaten a whole package of canary seed. He says he is always resiecing an inclination. to sleep with his head under his urn}. THE SOURCE OF NEURALGIA DIED IN CHATS WORTH. HUSBAND TWITTERE D. ody. Don’t knock. It you like your town and find that too poor to get out, come 1' and we will arrange a. suitable 1;: for asubscripcion list to give lift in the “ go” direction. A FATAL ACCIDENT. ’ull and some of drinking g1 flasks and b0‘ John Elliott the premises, to appear in c ime, and made the raid when gured on results without mis- In this they were noc disap- I. When they approached the for such it was, doors were and barred on the outside and hing looked as if there was z doing, But the officers soon ian entrance and then there rely doings. They captured 3r eight young men, some full :ne not so full; four beer kegs. ull and some empty; halfa of drinking glasses, and num- flasks and bottles and other .ere his injuri a. very painful of Rocklyn. W .all he could who lingered i .- o’clock on We 1 he passed on the joint for made the raid results withou! they were noc < g glasses, and num- bottles and other iiott, who is the ten- ses, has been sum- in court. to answer violating the liquor inTwobiys. and ngered in great. k on Wednesday passed away.â€" 1 carried injuries W88 Iked Up led into *8 were nature. sum- : the great ‘. u‘\w .. w _.. wâ€"â€".â€"â€".-.. ~_- -A - . ‘-.. *. AMQM= All Signs of Spring Are Welcome But none more so than the announce- ment that The Pop- ular Store has open- ed a new Wallpaper Department. Houseeleaning time will soon be on. Now is the time to select your Paper from our new and up-to-date stock. Our prices are low, but the quality is high. We have the Very Paper you want to brighten up that faded room. This Department Welcomes You O . A § 0 6 99025 ._' , ,A 1. . C O o O'... m: . u r.‘ 6 O 9 § $12 ,w, 4% $94. Native is ln-why given that :my per- son selling: timber ux' removing timber or otherwise trespassing on Lot. 22, Cwm. 3, S. 1). 1L, (‘ilenci'r will he prose- a! cubed. “V I ’o)4 “\\ "x A“ ’5 2K??? as. April :33. ’(.N'3.-â€"â€"4 L. av $15.00 Cash. éahn S. Mortimer, Do 310' delav. Those lots are selling fast. Call or write tn-day. Map and full p..rticulars on application. Px-onvrr c in 'his dzsrricc is an absolute}: sound, gilt-edged invpmmnm, and has been emphatxcafly endorsed by the Mayor of Fort. William, local Bank Managers, and ieading business and professional men. that. norm-a. "V adjoins the J. 1. CASE COMPASNY' SITE nfims an unrileml opportunity for the small inventor to :16”? in on rhe around H )or in a. prOposicion of almost. unbound~ ed possibilities? an a money maker. WHI‘H is: rhn. nn1voroperty subdividnd into residental lots MAGGIE MCCA UL. owner. 34 McGili St, Toronto. $933.1(<%§¢%“<*¢ Hf??? 92H *‘l’éfii’é'béé b 73 9% ‘éfi's Syndicate Park FORT WILLIAM NOTICE Price from $65.00 up. All who have signed. and all who intend to sign the Service Roll of the South Grey Rifle Association are hereby requested to go at once to Police Magistrate Telford, or some other Justice of the Peace and take the Oath of Allegiance. Feb. 19th, ’Oth. BY ORDER. Our prices are low, but the quality is high. We have the Very Paper you want to brighten up that faded room. will NOW select from un-to- But none more so than the announce- ment that The Pop- ular Store has openâ€" ed a new Wallpaper Department. $5.00 per'Month. W is the time act your Pa] to our new a rte-date stock. NOTICE

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