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Durham Chronicle (1867), 17 May 1906, p. 8

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The People’s Store is Headquarters Carpets, Rugs, Linoleums, Blinds and Curtains. Highest Prices paid for Butter and Eggs here Goods and Prices are meeting with favor Housecleaning “Time The People’s Store ROBERT BU RNE'I'I' House Wife ‘33 l 906 FOR Fall Wheat .......... 3 75 to Spring \Vheat ........ 7...") to Oats ............. . 34 to Peas 73 to Barley .............. . 4'» to Hay ................. 7 00 ft. Butter ............... 16 to Eggs ................. 14 to Potatoes per bag ...... 60 to Apples .............. 3 00 to Flour per cwt ........ ‘2 10 to Oatmeal per sack ..... ’2 ‘25 to ChOp per cwt ........ 1 ‘25 to Live Hogs .......... . (i 75 to {Dressed Hogs per cwt. 8 00 to )Hiles per lb ........ 7 t0 [Sheepskins ........... 90 to ‘Vool ............... . ‘21 to Tallow .............. 42; to Lard ........... 15 to lMay 1â€"3120. All persons are warned against treSpassing or fishing on the follow- ing preperties, situated along Camp Creek:â€" 8040‘ 8.0.130100" 1.017011. nus A00 manhunt-0r- 0t 9 am noon. 6,3 mm: cone. CfiERRY PECTORAL. w. h070 no secrets 1 W0 pubnuh tho formula of .11 our medium... Lot 50, 51. 52, Con. 22. Bentinck, and Lots 56. :37, '38, 59, 60. 61. Con. 3. Bentinck. Unless there is dsily nction of the bowels. poisonous products sre absorbed. csnsin head- ache. bllionsness. nnnses. d spepsis. an thus preventing the Snrsspntills mm doing its best {ex-k. Ayer's Pills as liver pills. Act gently, Parties found doing so after this notice will be prosecuted. If you are suffering from impure blood, thin blood, de- bility, nervousness, exhaus- tion, you should begin at once with Ayer’s Sarsaparilla, the Sarsaparilla you have known all your life. Your doctor knows it, too. Ask him about it. We Trust Doctors Market Report. NOTICE DURIIAM BY ORDER. DURHAM CH RON ICLE , May 16, 1906. to to 100 34 50 00 16 14 6:) 00 U. H.) 3) We were sorry to hear of the acci dent: that. befell old Mrs Hov. mother 0‘ J53 H057. She had the misfortune to {all and fracture her thigh which confines her to her bed. but we hone then she may soon be able to be around again. Born ‘0 Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Mc- Meeken on April 30th. a daughter. Mather and child are doing nicely. Bill Prew is working for Mr Clark and he is making things hustle you bet. Rob Gadd intends going to Rain? River Tuesday of this week. to join his parents there and also seek his fortune. We wish him success. The Epworth League held a literary and social evening last Thursday in the Orange Hall and a good time was spent. There was a very good pro- gram and refreshments were also served and a good deal of amusme t was created by the guessing of places that each one represented by the badge they wore. A prize was given to the one that guessed the greatest number and was won by Miss Annie MacKenzie The prize consisted of a box of chocolates: which she liberly distributed among the crowd. A sil yer colievtion was taken at the door and $6.05 was added to the Treasury We hear that some of the boys are out so late at night that their m0thers are afraid that. something has happened them and can’t sleep {or thinking about them. Now this is a."Hurry” trick but boys wiil be boys you know. We were boys once ourselves. The Rev. L. L. Kerruish occupied the Varney pulpit on Sunday morn- ing and delivered a very insnructive sermon, his text being “But God com- mandeth his love toward us in that while we were yet sinneos Christ died for us.” The impression of every one was, “wasn’t that a grand sermon? He adminstered the Sacre- ment of the Lord’s supper at. the close of the sermon. We are sorry to report that Mrs Wm. Long is somewhat indisposed at present but hope she may soon be in the best of health again. Seedingis now about all done in this part and the farmers are dev0t ing their time to preparing their root ground for the seed. The beautiful rain Sunday morning has given thingsabeautiful and cheering ap- pearance. The Epworth League under their new stafi'of officers axe doing good work. Meetings every Sunday even- ing at. 7.30 o’clock. Every body wel- come. Those who attended the South Grey \Vomen’s Institute held at Mrs. Thos. McGirr’s on May 3rd. from around Varney were, Mrs. D No Crie. Mrs. Z. Clark, Mrs. R. Pettio grew. Mrs. C. Gray Sr.. Mrs. Wm. Clark and Mrs. J. W. Blyth. They report having had a pleasant and profitable time, the topic being "Gardening and Housecleaning.” \Vm. McMeeken is W'Ol'king in Tor- onto at present. He is working at carpenter work. Seeding is the order of the day. Some of the farmers have finished and are busy preparing for their roots. Miss Annie Lawrence and Miss Hattie Hutton visited Mrs. John Lawrence one evening last. week. Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Noble spent Sunday with Mr. and \Vm. Leath of Rocky Saugeen. Miss Senetb Noble and Miss Tis Hopkins. visited Miss Della Vollett one evening last week. Mr. “'11:. Petty sold two head of fat: cattle l¢sn week. Mr. Robt, Hopkins lost a valuable cow one day last week. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Noble spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Geo, Noble. Fishing season is here again and we may lookout for some of those beauties that we often read about, but seldom see. We wonder What attraction their is down south for the fellow that drives the little bay pony. (Intended for last week .) Miss McFadden of Durham spent a. couple of days with her sister Mrs. J. Bailey. Miss Martha Torry of Meaford vis- ited her sister Mrs. Fred Reay. A cure may be aflected by applying Chamberlain’s Salve as soon as the child is done nursing. Wipe it off with a soft cloth before allowing the child to nurse. Many trained nurses use this salve with the best results. Price 25 cents per box. Sold at Park- er’s Drug Store. A Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Hunt Sunday. ed with the latter’s parents Mr. and Mrs John Cufi. Misses Jean Milligan and Alice Lawrence, Hutton Hill attended church here, Sunday. Master Oliver McCaslin and brother Joe Spent Sunday with their uncle Mr. David DenneHy. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Herd, Allan Park spent Sunday with their daughter Mrs. Robt, Lindsay. Miss G. Cuff. Hutton Hill, was the guest of her cousin. Mrs. Herb Hunt, one day last week. Hutton Hill. Varney. Sore Nipples. Vickers. The Durham Furniture Co. The 31% Regt. goes to Camp Niagara. June 12th: Any one wishing to go must sign the roll by May 26th as that is the last; date. A few more good re- cruits will be taken. Apply Despite the busy time we are ready to devote a few minutes tothe Chron- icle. Seeding is the dirty farmer’s task at presenc. Quite a number are through. Mrs. A. Gordon and daughter, of your town, Spent some time visiting the farmer’s siscer, Mrs. H. Seeley, prior to their departure for the West. Mr. Alex. McKenzie, of Dromore, purchased a fine type of horse from Mr. George Meyers, for which he paid the round sum of $180. Mr. H. Seeley has bought the old McDonald farm recently owned by the McKechnie firm of your to fill Mr. Eckhardt had the misfortune to lose a horse recently. Since the heavy thunderstorm which passed over this section on Wednesday last we found in our pas- ture field four head of young cattle piled up by the fence havxng been Struck dead by lightning. The fence near by was shattered and an elm tree barked in several places. It was rather an unwelcome sight to greet the eyes of the observer. Bedroom Suites Sideboards Extension Tables Parlor Tables Parlor Suites Couches One of our Stalwart young men, we understand, is going to pitch head and heels into the ranks of the bene- dicts before long. Mr. James Brown invested in a. nobby new top buggy, seed drill and land roller recently. Mr. John Lawrence, Jr., is also making the same improvements and is giving things a more snug appear- ance. Mr. T. Moore had the sad misfor- tune to lose a very fine young horse recently, valued at. $175. Mr. John Lawrence, Sin, is improv- ing the look of his cosy home by hav- ing a new wire fence erected up each side of his lane. Public expectoration is against the common law, against the laws of health also. wWhen the throat tickles, that’sthe time you need “Catarrhâ€" ozone”; it soothes away the irrita- tion. cuts out the phlegm and loosens the tight feeling. You’ll quickly cure that catarrh and throat trouble “with Catarrhozone. It positively prevents new attacks and 'cures ca- tarrh forever and for all time to come. Don’t take our word for it, try Catarrhozone yourself. Once used you’ll be delighted with its pleasant results and helpful influence. COUGHERS. HAWKERS, SPIT- TERS! call and inspection solicited. No trouble to show goods and give prices 4x iiiiiilfifif One More Chance for Niagara. Hampden, 0r S'I‘F. SGT. XV. \V. RAMAGE, Thistle. CAPT. O. M. SNIDER, Spring Bank. __,_______--:-__â€"_â€"~_::__-â€"â€" LIMITED WAREROOMSâ€"ONE DOOR SOUTH 0]? POST OFFICE IN All STYLES, FINISHES AND PRICES WHY? Becauue we pay cash for all our goods and therefore sell better stock fur 1v“ money‘than small dealeredo for cheap truck. Take notice to the stamp on your goods be- fore buying. It will pay you in the long run. SHVBIWBIB and Jewe We hm e without a doubt the largest and best up. .to-date stock of any town this size in Ontario. P. S. -â€"Tt’s not necessary to have a when buying here. PERCY G. A. WEBSTER Deering Harvester Co.'s Farm Implements 8: Machinery. MANURE SPREADERS HAY LOADERS BINDERS MOWERS RAKES SEED DRILLS DISC HARROWS WAGGONS GASOLINE ENGINES. Implements ALSO A COMPLETE STOCK OF Democrats and Buggies (Rubber and Steel Tires.) McClary Stoves and Ranges. Raymond Sewing Machines. Bell Pianos and Organs. Berlin Pianos: AGENT for DOYLE JULIAN Monuments and Tombstones O\VE.\’ SOUND. John Clark “ A SINGULAR game of ch‘ Iayed here a. f vw evenin‘ 5;: ween \Vm. \Vhimmw am chrane. The angular , ' hrane’s lllUVi‘. and :i‘ i -. .vance he c()n(_tmimi rhv z. _. trong armed knigm, ‘ 1 _ \UCha blockade: i> HUT V!‘ = mong playersin [113‘ ‘. ‘ xxx-z; r it was a, game m‘ um ooyle is not fuliy :iw .“ Vhitmore himseif. Implement Agent and Auctioned: GARAFRAXA STREET, DURHAM Odd Chairs Fancy Chairs Springs Mattresses Iron Beds Baby Carriages Cradles Watchmaker. Jeweler. Optician We are just adding a large stock of MISS DICK WE have just opened our large stock of Miilinery, purchased while in 'I‘orouto last week from leading: Millinery whole- saies. These goods are all the latest and the best that can be bought for the money. With a Stafi of ten. we are not only in a position to supply the goods you want, but to show you the latesc Mil- linery creations. SILK BLOUSES SILK DROP SKIRTS VOILE and LUSTRE DRESS SKIRTS SUITS DIAMOND HALL A FULL LINE OF THE fl“ THE H ex. \\ nu Il.\'mi1hJ has been eleLLed in the \101 distinct, as 1119i! leplesvntad > Stationing Committee and a Sunday School (,‘ommittee. . ing was held in Mt. ansL ; 'Lmonth. THERE was a change “A": ”angst the local c1ergv4 ' am: and the congxegations 1 That's bad. \Vhidu May, water lst of J u Pity the sorrows nf ‘ “7631' just REV. A. A. Bxc Church, will (19 dresses in Milvem “71?: hand] derweau' fm pOI‘tt‘d S\\'i: aarm e nt . THE Rev. MI .Methodist Chu Will be “The True Life.“ .r” select and Jim“ Look out sovereIgn. Finder will at the (‘hrm AU 1‘on K'uh nlents and link! '7, con. 3. Nam Varney‘) m: Th John Morrit'v. ] . Auctiuneer. . 5-24-23 Pd. THE Owen S partment has . supply from :11 Mt of June if THE Epworth League 0: church, Vickers. a"? giving and Social evening in the s on Friday the 25th. A goc is in preparation. Great exhibited by the young pen; pleasant and profitable tim: shed. A cordial invitation to everybody. Program U at 8 o’clock. Come early. 10 cents. children 5 cents. NEW stack of mm THE handsunw unify» lamieson is being lu'uiaiil Iddition of a Inmgnifivgzm lab. The stx'uct-m'w thum‘ entire front. a dktanvv ()1 md is eleven feet whim ‘ pillars, twenty feet 1011* 113 a. diameter of sixteen be main suppnrts'. while fiuars are ten inch matex-i BARCLAY BELL are c index-taking rooms in Thos. vuilding opposite the Middq tn Main St. They are 9:1 mm (30-day (“’ednesday] vest funeral carriage Lhat< Durham. They are prep: usiness now with all cla: inderstand Mr. Bell has 1 :xperience in this line. 18‘) side is a circle Pig‘i‘lh’ci 'hich adds much spicn'ini earance of the verandah 1 'othing but the best. of sod. the roofing being of 'eorg‘ia. pine and the floori be whole rests on a stone nd when finished will be' lost beautiful verandahs i w. D. Stem of Harlow entrant, and saying the hipis a credit to himself a '8 puttingit very mild 1N 14()S VOL. 39â€"N0. 20 Swiss 11‘?th [ll 10 d VH1 he \\ m ll {Ker \V

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