13: cash. Anyone Wishi eir farm, state the 10" will take. \Vrite goon vorted “OCR-3229a .14; 11108; 4â€; Y\_‘1 '7-â€" 7 b acres ( Ieared balance in m d bush \\ ell watered WORM Ime hr» 159 bank barn and in» me. Good bearing orchud than! be aues ploughed, four acres in 1. Mt. POSSESSIOD may be had m }. F r f xrther particulars applvto IMXA LI) BEATON, Prop. h, Ifflzâ€"n‘ POMONA P. 0. in: 1.0: .\'o. 22 and par: of 21 in ‘ ‘8.~.~i0n of Normauby containinc s in all. Good frame barn With ~' ' les underneath. A good frame with cement floor and cement ‘ = irly comfortable house. good ' iillent fruit, “1-9.1!l waterid from us: springs w are: run 1*. a year but a. hundred acres cleared. 6003’, l in ï¬rst class state 0t cultivation. T , Sale and other particulars may â€7‘ .â€" rmined by applying on the prm 303. driVing mare, in f0“, zgy and harness. Mug: 1‘ he prOpnetor 13 going WOOL mchaser gets a bargain. AD- Straved from the premises of flex-signed about the 131: of I two-year-old heifer, part Jar oszly red in color. small for my person giving information} I to her recovery will be suit waded. CHRIS. REA' ivingston’s Corner, Durham 3 May 14th.â€"t£. Ol AINING . 14. Con. 30d Farm for Sale. AM- BULLâ€"133m) FRO]: ;;; >:.fi brick house of ni‘, a. or Harafraxa St . upper t0' :93 ‘ruy furnace; electric nth}: t class kitchen and font}, :5. Good woodshed; hard water. gacregroundwith ard and good barn. Also I pasmre lots, well wot further particulars apply raises to tf Cav 19: mare. Buildihg lot ori Bruce 3", se 01: Bruce St. W. Apply to Farm for Sale. For Sale or to Rent. or Sale or Rent. JUNE 7, 1906 FOR SALE For Sale. For Sale. Farm for Sale. Heifer Astray. .‘l. L; ORDON, Durh‘mo GEO. LAWRENCE rsey Bull Calf, '5 A R A FRAXA ROAD-â€" .3. PEEL, Durham and Lot For sale RDOCK. ‘3 Court St from Durham. God me. Good land. Mill! zlars apply to TELFORD, Durban Farm for Sale ACRES. BEING . D R, Glenelg: For Sale. UFI-‘ALo, N Sideroad 50. I} Rocky Sangm mine. Farm in vt’. b‘ Lindiugs '1. em: to theban. g‘ECON D (30% manby, in _. nculaxsapply ELFORD. rister. Dur apply to ACHLAN. iceVille P0 00 ; ETTE DURHAM. \M, NEW! storeys. : floor if. [her hat ï¬e undai- statiofli Pedi. NORT" Cream ( heap to is gains Durban. ofD aini‘ par. THE TWO HIGHEST GRADES OF MANITOBA FLOUR GROCERIES Farm and Garden Seeds. MAT {HEWS LATIMER Satisfaction Guaranteed in Embalmiug. . . . . Undertaking. GROCERIES New . . . . Resolutions DURHAM. Feed. Flour We are making a. specialty of these goods during hot, season. In hot weather is a serious problem with the housekeeper. 'W'hy burn wood and squander energy in baking tea cakes when such delicious varieties as those named below can be bought at 10 to 15c per 1b.? BARCLAY 8: BELL C. McArthur JUNE 7, 1906 “'e have opened up Under- taking in Thomas Swallow’s building, opposnte Midduugh House. and are prepared to do business for any person re- quiring Undertaking. Our stock of Funeral Supplies have arrived. also a full line of Catholic Robes. â€"-Poach Turnovers. â€"Shrewsbury (Iced Cskes.) -Honay Cookies. â€"Pl;in :nd ancy Lemon Cake?- -â€"Gra.ha.m Wafers. â€"Molasses and Lemon Snaps. â€"Fruit Biscuits. ~Pineapple J ms. -â€"Red Currant Tarts. -â€" Fig Tarts. Government Standard Timothy and Clover. â€" Delicious Crisp Sodas in pueb- ment puckages. Booking Every person makes more or less ‘° good resolutions †at the beginning of a. new year. Let one of them be that you have resolved to buy your THEOBALD'S OLD STAND. From us. We always keep possible prices. You wxll always ï¬nd our Groceries fresh and clean. S. SCOTT $5.25 per barrel. Ugilvie's Royal Household Keewatin Five Roses ONTARIO ; You wood the cleansing influence iof Dr. Hamilton’s Pills which cure ; your condition in short order. Miss Maria. Ritchie was under the doctor’s care but is now recovering her nsusl henlth. The new grader. purchased by the township council was in Operation in the neighborhood last week. It did very satisfactory work. Rev. Mr. Parquharson conducted a. payer meeting in the Grange Hell on Tuesday last. I: was very well “tended. Mr. Archie Ector leaves this (Toes- dny) morning on a trip to the West. He will go as far ns Edmonton. We wish him a plensant and pro’iceble time. Mrs. W. R. Edge is at present vis- iting friends in Simcoe. Norflolk Co. Messrs. Thos. and J.W. Firth are home from Toronto University. Inspector Campbell paid his semi- annual visit to our school last week, and reported favorably on the stand.- ing of the classes and the condition of the school premises. 'v- .... __ v Pills. We use them regularly and know of marvelous cures that resisted everything else. They cleanse the whole syStem. act as a tonic on the blood. enliven digestion, help the stomach. and make you feel strong and well. For headaches, indiges- tion. and stomach disorders I am conï¬dent that the one prescription is Dr. Hamilton’s Pills.†You can rely on Dr. Hamilton’s Pills with implicit conï¬dence; their eï¬ect is wonderful. Sold by all deal- ers. Price 25c. per box, or ï¬ve boxes for 81.00. or by mail from N. C. Pol- Ion a 00., Kingston, Gum, and Hart ford. Conn.. U. S. A. » Mrs. Frank Vickors. of Toronto. was visiting her parents. Mr. and Mrs. B. H. Banks recently. ‘ The ï¬rst beef of the Edge Hill Fresh Beef Association is to be butch- ered on the evening of June 19. LaSt Tuesday as Mrs. Wm. McFad- den and her daughter Saddie were driving down McGirr’s hill jus: east of Durham. the breaking of the hip Strap of the harness caused them an unwholesome experience and some painful cuts and bruises. The horse kicked up and took the lines out of the driver’s hands both lad es were thrown out with considerable force. the younger one suStaining the great- er injury. several stitches were re- quired to close the cut in her fore- head. Mrs. M. received a severe bruise about the same place as well as injury to the left arm. Under the care of Dr. J amieson they will soon be around again. as for the horse and rig they were little the worse of the mishap. The animal is a well behavo ed one under favorable cigcumstances quite ï¬t for ladies’ company and on reaching rising ground slowed up and Was easily caught by Mr. Ryan who happened to be on the road at the time. Messrs. Dan Greenwood and Geo. Ritchie have jacked up their horse Stables and are having scone founda- tions built under them.l Darkies Corner Crow says he made a flying trip to Egremont last Week. It is the natural way for crows to travel anyway when in ordinary con- dition. and we are pleased to see the Chronicle’s Crow after a long hard winter able to be around as usual, pleased to have his visit and glad to hear he got such a ï¬ne catch of ï¬sh even though he could not aï¬ord any- thing better than an old shoe lace to ï¬sh with. As for the drove of cattle that he says travelled ten miles from his part to visit our township they were also, we presume. looking after something to eat. Egremont, like other good sources of abundance. frequently has its professed friends and followers who are merely seek- ing after the loaves and ï¬shes. Mr. John Morice had a very good sale lass week. Stock sold for good prices and the implements realized Ever stop to think what caused your headache? Headaches never come to those who use Dr. Hamilton’s Pills. and this tact is vouched far by the Assis. tan: Manager of the Poultry Success Magazine, of Springï¬eld, 0 , Mr. J. H. Udlander. who writes:' “No better medicine than Dr. Hamilton’s Probably not. Then look to the bowels and Stomach. and you’ll ï¬nd plenty of cause. Chances are you’ll ï¬nd conStipution. liver sluggish. stomach overburdened with half-di- gested food. Being composed of natural vege- table remedies Dr. Hamilton’s Pills possess great power, yet they are harmless. They aid all organs con- nected with the stomach, liver, and bowels In consequence food is prOp- erly digested. the blood is pure and and nourishing; the body is kept strong and resists disease. Foolish to Suffer When a Simple Remedy Will Prevent and Care. No wonder you are dull, tired. reStless day an! night. We have had a couple of good games of base ball during the past week or so. It is a very good way in which to spend at least one even- ing in the week especially during this month when work is not crowding much. Let us have a good atten- dance ac our nexc game. Stop That Headache! Corner Concerns. Edge Hill. Church service in the school next Sundny will at eleven 3. m. instead of three p. m., owing to the Oddfel- lows’ parnde in the afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. John Hampden. of Holland. drove through this part on Saturday to see what changes had taken place since they were residents of this neighborhood some thirty years ago. A foot ball team was organized last Tuesday night. and a choir was form- ed the same night to help improve the singing on Sundays. These two institutions will likely do a good deal of kicking during the summer as church choirs are reputed to equal anything yet heard of at kicking. more than he paid for them three years ago. Auctioneer Clark is a natural born implement seller, he can always get more than double the price of an old crosscut saw after he has explained how valuable it can be made by sharpening it well and nail- ing it on the bottom bar of the gar- den gate to keep the old sow from rooting it 05 the hinges or put it on the top bar ot the front gate keeps it from sagging. The songs of corn sown this year will more than double that. of the past few years. Take LAXATWE BROMO QUIXINE 'I A ll dmggiats refund the money if it hilt- B. W. Grave’s signature in on each box. WIT-William Britten is improving but slowly. He has the sympathy of a. large circle of friends. Mr. Thos. Binnie came home from Guelph a week or so ago. Mr. David Hamilton raised a drive shed last Friday night. Jim Eden had the contract which insures him of having a good Job when ï¬nished. Mrs. Hartford and Mrs. Laing, of the south line, Spent Sunday after- noon at Mr. Thos. McKsown’s. Mr, Angus )IcDougalI has bought. a. ï¬ne driver from Wm. Kinsman. The Brodie men expect. to have John Gray’s barn about ï¬nished this Week. We regret to learn that Mrs. Mc- Donald, of New England. is ill again. We hOpe to hear of her recovery soon. Mr. George Haw, of this place, die- posed of a load of pigs at Holstein, realizing $7.20 per own. He also sold Mr. H. Hannum 12 young pigs at a fair price. Mr. Editor. we fail to see any news from our burg in your paper. so We therefore jot down a few happenings in and around our little hamlet. Mrs. Chas. McAz-thur, who has been under the weather of late, is able to be around again, we are glad to say. Mr. Hugh Atchison visited friends in Mount Forest and reports a pieas- ant time. We regret to learn that Mr. Hugh McMillan had the misfortune to lose his last Spring’s colt. A number of the youth and beauty of this place and Glenelg Centre Spent Victoria Day at Cement Lake where they amused themselves playing base- ball, swinging and boating. Miss Graham, of Parkbill, is stay- ing with her sister, Mrs. Jno. McGil- livny. Miss Balls. Binnie, of Waudby. span: Sundry at. home. Mr. Joseph McArdle. of Hapeville. gave Mr. G. Sackdtt a. friendly ctll on Sunday. Mr. Sam Jackson. of Aberdeen, vis- ited his tamer, of the Glen. one day recently. Mr. John Gray had his barn raised on the 25th of May. Bob McMeekin and Archie McArthur (Black Archie) were chosen captains, Archie coming out ahead. Everything went well until Mr. John Bell got Struck by a Spur brace, which has laid him up eve: since. Mr. Lorne Kerney and his sister Miss Amy. of Waudby, Spent Sunday visiting their uncle. Mr. Wm. Brit- ton. Mr. Dan McCermack leaves Tues- day of this week for the West Where he expects to remain for the next six months improving his farm which he took up last fall. Miss Margaret Campbell, of Arthur, is renewing old acquaintances in this vicinity at present. Rev. Mr. Newton and Mrs. Newton of your town, visited at Mr. Dan McCormick’s one day lass week. Mrs. Kennedy is Visiting friends in Toronto at present. Well. Mr. Eiitor, here we. are again. Miss Margaret McDougall, of Dur- ham High School, spent Sunday at her home. Mr. Archie McArthur is 3‘. present working for Mr. Donald McFarlane. Miss May Ernest has returned to Durham after visiting her parents for a. few days. The farmers are busy planting po- :atoes and other garden products. There is a. good Show of fruit blos- soms if Jack frost lets them alone . Mrs. ’Wm. Haw leaves this week to visit friends in Port Hope. \Ve wish her a safe journey and a pleas. ant time. T0 CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY Sackett’s Corners. Bunessan. DURHAM CHRONICLE Very favorable are the comments made by teamSters on the work being done by the rosdgreder ; but lovers exolaim “Where. oh were. is our grassy path gone ?†Mr. Sam Jack and a fellow moulder Mr. Frank Kingdom of Brantford. were up to the old Jack homestead for a. few days’ ï¬shing last week. Miss Maggie McIntosh and her friend. Miss Darcy, teacher, of Dor- noch. spent a couple of days visiting at Mr. John Green wood’s. Miss Mnry McNally is coming home from Toronto on Tuesday for her on- nual holidtys. Mr. and Mrs. Miles Dercy visited relatives in Durham the ï¬rst of the week. They hold their yeere well. Mrs. James Nelson lésves this week for a. few weeks’ visit to rela- tives in and around Gait. ‘3 Grandpa Limin occupied Zidn-rs pulpit on Sunday and spoke with wonderful fervor and animation. His granddaughter. Miss Ethel, ac- companied him. Mr. and Mrs. Douglass Carer (we won’t vouch for the Spelling of this neme) are spending sweek or two up from Toronto at the Hestie home- stead. Mrs. C. was formerly Miss Bells Hestie. Many leading physicians endorse Hyomei and prescribe it for catarrhal troubles. In fact, quite a few of them use it themselves to break up a cold and prevent pneumonia They regard it as a natural. yet scientiï¬c way of curing catarrh. And whereas on or about the 30th day of November, 1905, arrangements were made with the said Assignee. and the Creditors whereby the whole of the estate and effects of the said Durham Natural Gas Oil 00., Limited, were transferred to the un- dersigned Trustees, in trust for the shareholders of the said Company; subject to the payment of the m- debtedness of the said Company. Ever since Hyomei has been known, its formula has been given to physicians. druggiste. and, in fact, to all intelligent people who could appreciate the true merit of the com- bination of healing gums, oils, and balsams, of which it is composed. Zion Epworth Lesguers' are hold- ing a. Literary concert on Thursday evening of this week. Mr. W. Howie is Vice-President of that department and is making it a Working one. " The beauty of these days,†said he, “Do ï¬ll my heart for love of thee.†“If so.†said she, "when comes the Breathed through the pocket in- haler that comes with every outï¬t, Hyomei destroys all catarrhal germs in the air passages of the throat and nose, soothes and heals the irritated mucous membrane and eflectually drives from the system all traces of catarrhal poison. \Vherens on or about the 25th day of October A. D. 1905, the President and Secretary of the said Company executed an Assignment for the bene- ï¬t of Creditors, to Th’os. A. Harris, of Durham. Notice is hereby given that there will be a meeting of the shareholders» of the late Company at the Town Hall, in the Town of Durham. in the County of Grey, on Friday, the 8th day of June A. D. 1906, at 8 o’clock p. m.. for the purpose of considering the disposal of the whole of the estate and effects of the said Durham Natural Gas 85 Oil Co., Limited. Hyomei a Scientiï¬c Treatment for Catarrh by Breathing Medi- cated Air. No one should confound Hyomei with the patent medicines that are advertised as catarrhal cures. It is as superior to them all as the dia- mond is more valuable than cheap glass. :Dated at quham this 22nd day of Mrs. Joe Firth and family. who have been at her old home here for a fortnight, returned home to Durham on Tuesday. , The complete Hyomei outï¬t, con- sisting of a neat pocket inhaler, a medicine dropper, and a bottle of Hyomei costs but $1, and extra bot- tles can be obtained for :30 cents, making it the most economical meth. od of curing catarrh, as well as the most. reliable. If you cannot obtain Hyomei of your dealer, it will be forwarded by mail, postage paid, on receipt of price. Write to-day for consultation blank that will entitle you to services of our medical department without charge. The R. T. Booth Company, Hyomei Building Ithaca. N. Y.; In the Matter of the Durham Natural Gas and Oil Company, Limited, of the Town of Durham, in the County of Grey. blast. I hope your moonlight love shall last.†Mr. John McNally, of the 7th con.. sold a three-year-old ï¬lly on Monday to Mr. McLean. of the Durham Road, for $180. “Mac†is wearing the smile that won’t come 03. NOT A PATENT MEDI- CINE. D. J AMIESON THOS. ALLAN Trustees. A. H. JACKSON Traverston. NOTICE. n e ‘svsm ms~‘0 The undersigned having been restored to health by simple means after entering for several years with a severe lung aï¬ection, and that dread disease Consumption, is anxious to make known to his fellow snï¬erers the means of cure. To those who desire it, he will cheerfully send. free of charge. a copy of the prescription used. which they will ï¬nd a sure cure for Consumption: Asthma, Chatsrrh. Bronchitis and all throat and Inn: Medics. He hones all sufferers will try his remedy. as it is invaluable. Those desiring the prescription, which will cost them nothing and may prove s blessing, will lease address Rev. EDWARD A. WILSON.Brook rmNev York NEW PRINTS and GINGHAMS now in. DISHES. American Press-Cut Glass Preserve Dishes, something ï¬ne, 25c and 35c each. Crystal and Gold Imitation Cut Glass, 4 piece Table Sets. $1.75 each- Double Glass Egg Cups, 75c a dozen. China Egg Cups, 30¢ dozen. Best Nest Eggs, 2 for 50. OILCLOTH. Table Oilcloth 45inches wide 25c yard. Floor Oilcloth 1 1i; and 2 yards wide, 25c 21 square yard. Comfortable Dwelling Houseâ€"hard and soft water, heated by steam. Electric Lights. Apply to While we make a Specialty of bread. we also bake many other nice things such as Cakes. Doughnuts, Cookies, Buns. Pies. etc.. etc. Alwavs fresh. LACE CURTAINS. 2 yards long, 27-inches wide, 3 2% yards long, 27-inches wide, 2:3 yards long, :iO-inches wide, 3 yards long. 37-inches wide, 3.1; yards long, 37-inches wide, 3. yards long, 50-inches wnde, 1 32 yards long, 51-inches wide, I Model Bakery. May 14 â€"tf 54-inches wide. 25c g‘yard. SHEETING. Heavy Twilled Cotton Sheeting, 72-inches wide. 25c 11 yard. Large 114 size Flannelette Blankets, grey and whise, $1.20 a pair. The Big 4: We Satisfy . . . Our CustOmers Ypmrfl'; Tï¬read iii] W. H. BEAN Onr classes are much larger than they were a year ago. The public have learned that this is the best place in the Province to obtain a Commer- cial Education or Shorthand Training. Students are enter- in: each week. All graduates get good positions. Write now for catalogue. CALDER BLOCK HE SELLS CHEAP T0 CONSUMPTIVES. G. H. STINSON Elliott Mclachlan Call and See Us. STRATFORD, ONT. So well that they like to spend their money here. Is one OUR customere are always glad to pay. TO RENT. TABLE LINEN. PRINCIPALS. 08jinches wide. 50c yard N. MCINTY RE. Durham, Ont. 33 a a mmmmw. all pair . pair . pair. pair. pair. pair. pair. Ogilvie’s Royal Household Flour $5.25 Per Barrel. $5.25 Per Barrel. Other High Grade Flour, per bbl., at $4.75 and $5.00. DURHAM BAKERY PUFF PASTES, LADY FINGERS, MACCAROONS. CREAM PUFFS, AND MINCE PIES " Confections and Canned ‘ Goods Always in Stock. All Kinds of Field Garden Seeds. Intending students should enter at the begin- ning of the term if possible. Board can be ob- talnedat reasonable rates. Durham is a healt and active town. making it a. most desire place of residence. Deering Harvester Co.'s Farm Implements Machinery. MANURE SPREADERS HAY LOADERS BIN DERS MO WERS RAKES SEED DRILLS DISC HARRO WS WAGGONS GASOLINE ENGINES. No. 1 Fancy Red Clover. -' No. 1 Common Red Clover. No. 1 Mammoth Red Clover; No. 1 Alsike Clover. No. 1 Alfalfa. Clover. No. 1 Timothy Seed. Local Timothy Seed; WM. JOHNSTON. Chairman. C. RAMAGI, Seaman; The school is thorouhly equipoed in beach?! ability, in chemical and electrical supplies a ï¬ttings, etc., for full Junior Leaving and Matric- ulation work. The following competent eta! are in charge : -‘ MISS FLOSSIE MCKERRAC HER, First Ch- Ceroiï¬cate and third year undergraduate of Queegn’s University. Science. History and Goo- zran y- AND PROVISION STORE Glover and Timothy Seeds“~ _ A. W. WATSON English. Mrs. Alex. Beggs Sons The People’s Grocery Implements Democrats and Buggies (Rubber and Steel Tires.) McClary Stoves and Ranges. Raymond Sewing Machines. Bell Pianos and Organs. Implement Agent and Auctioneer. GARAFRAXA STREET, DURHAM High Class Wedding Goods A SPECIALTY . THOS. ALLAN, lst Class Certiï¬cate, Prin. MISS L. M. FORFAR. C‘assics, Modem I“ DURHAM SCHOOL. Mnnumems and Tombstones OWEN SOUND. AGENT for DOYLE JULIAN Ask us how to get an Ogilvia Give us a. 6311. Prices right. to order on shortest notice. For Government Standard ALSO A COMPLETE STOCK OF STAFF AND EQUIPMENT. John Clark Five: Roses Flour A FULL LINE OF THE DURHAM, ONT. Fees. $1.00 per month. Cook Book Free SEW M u - .l , lg- .1 ‘ I ‘3 . . .v. .‘ . .v if?) Berlin Pianos.