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Durham Chronicle (1867), 14 Jun 1906, p. 1

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Odd Chairs Fancy Chairs - Springs 8: Mattresses Iron B:ds Baby Carriages Cradles ~ce Lream 2reezers 318 Washin I always been known as the 00 '9 max-31w md WEDDING N03- : we have no rival. iasoline Stoves UTH OF POST OFFICE Cement special value in our Be 390°” too which will retain its t hunt! '6: Wedding Day. EWELRY ES AND PRICES umiture Co. taker. Jeweler. .rte rs for Silverware U m ..H V W D H M N. 3 n1 a CD21 rato acnn 1'5: oods and give p nee-.3 H ‘ime is fast ap- m 31' when you _ in\ Ice Cream. {\L '(l number or am F1 eezers at m prices. .~ nearly every? ' nil refined to our stock if thinking of ent. 0m. in our estab- Separator Flv Oil 1n. x) -â€" artland Ce. hing Ma- wcond to we have variety to more than ,t (”mum to nut there is i beat the J. H. CAMERON, most. amusing and refined entertainer, at Rink Concert, July 2nd. REMEMBER the Epworth League Excursion to the Falls on Friday July 6th. SEE McLellan for Peter Hamilton’s scufflers. Car load just to hand. PREMIER W'HITXEY will be at Dur- ham at Oddfellows’ Demonstration Thursday June 2lst. P. G. A. \VEBSTER has just received a large stock of diamonds which would be well worth while to see. “ MISS Kirby Ferguson is one of the most satisfactory singers that has. ever honored Calgary.”â€"Herald. At the S. of S. Concert on July 2nd. MOCKLER still leads with the sale of Straw Hats as he did with Felts. He can fit you in one. See his stock be- fore buying. R. R. GAMEY, the man from Mani- toulin. will be at the Oddfellows’ Demonstration in Durham, Thursday .I une 2151:. Mr. J. \V’. Run, foreman, and a. gang of ten or twelve men are in town this week reconstructing and improv- ing the telephone line. THE Toronto Saturday Night says : “Mr. Kenney makes ever better use cf his talents and Mr. Harvey is al- ways delightful.” See them at the 1 nidfellows’ concert June 2151:. Tub: Canadian Order of Foresters will attend service in a. body at the giuptist church on Sunday morning P» m- 24. All brethern are requested ' We present at their Hall at 10 a. m. 77313. “7. Black has been disposing of M we more horses and has been highly cumpiilllented by the purchasers for his judgment in picking out the right A'Smi. hast week he shipped three fine axes to )Iiiiiico. ODDFELLOWS’ Day. June 213t. THREE Bands and Pipe Music J one 21 “ MR. HARvey is an entertainer sel- «iom seen outside of the large cities in (‘unzulu or the United States, his char- acter songs and artistic make-up being entirely different from anything ever seen in the \Vest. Mr. Kenney cap- tivated his audience by his bright and amusing dialect monologues and cos- tume sketches and was the recipient 0f much enthusiastic applause."â€"Bran. don. Man. “'ill appear in rink June 21st at Oddfellows’ concert. To fill the vacancy on the Trustee “mud. caused by the resignation of Mr.(‘arson, posters are out for June 19. when candidates will be nomi- nated for the west ward. In case of an election it will be held a week later. (‘APTAIX SNIDER and a little com- puny of about seventeen volunteers left Tuesday morning for a fortnight’s iii-ill at Niagara. It was a. wofully (lull send off. there being no music or noise of any kind to let the people know there was something going on. \\'E are pleased to report the success of Mr. Roy Gordon who recently pass- ed his first year in medicine at the “'estern University. at London. Two or three years ago Roy went west and hung out his shingle in \Veyburne as a watchmaker and jeweller, having served his apprenticeship in this town. Through strict attention to business and honesty in his dealings with the public he saved considerable money despite a serious dmwbwk from sick- ness. Last fall he visited his parents! here and not only they but his friends and acquaintances in town were SN!" prised, to learn of his intention to gol into medicine. Some, of course? thought the change “as not a wise one. but Roy was not to be moved trom his purpose. Entering the Uni- Versity late in the term he had natur- ally an uphill climb, but the results of the examination recently published show what pluck and determination will do in an ambitious young man. He succeeded in passing in every sub- ject. canying off first-class honors in Physics and second class honors in Zoology, Botany. Inorganic Chemistry Physiology and Practical Anatomy. “'e tender our congratulations on so good a. start and wish him success throughout the whole course. VOL. 39â€"N0. 2048. Mayor Hunter has Proclaimed Thursday, June 21, as a Civic Holiday. GET your outfit from H. H. Mockler and you will be well dressed. HAROLD JARVIS at. Ben Nevis Camp Concert on July 20d. THE Oddfellows have voted $500.00 to meet expenses of their Demonstra- tion Thursday, let June, 1906. A FEW more Barker buggies left, also some good horses for sale.-â€" A. B. McLellan. MOCKLER’S is the place to get ladies’ and children’s Summer Vests. See the dainty Swiss goods. Go and see Niagara Falls on Friday July 6th. Durham, Varney and Ho!- stein tickets good to return the fol- lowing Monday. THE newest styles in Hosiery. for men, women and children. are to be had at H. H. Mockler’s. He is handling a larger assortment than ever. LOST, Strayed 01° Stolenâ€"about: the 26th of May, a. brood sow, from Lot 15, Con. 3. Normanby. Reward for Information leading to recovery. David Marshall. THE Owen Sound District Baptist Convention is being held in Meaford this week. Tuesday, \Vednesday and 'lhursday. Rev. and Mrs. Newton, Miss Ada Brown and Mr. Allan Bell. are in attenance from here. PALARO BROS. put up a. clever Com- edy Act during the action of which they introduce different acrobatic feats and their comical trick mill.”â€" Toronto \Vorld. At S. of S. Demon- stration and concert, July 2nd. To see a fine range of Summer Fabrics. have a look at H. H. Mock- ler’s stock of Prints, Ginghams, Chambreys, Voilettes, Delainettes. Crepe de chines. Percales. Ducks, Vestings, Jasmine Cords, Muslins, etc. REV. Thos. Colling, was. at the late Conferance held in Niagara Falls, elected chairman of the Mt. Forest district, and also a delegate to the General Methodist Conference to be held in Montreal in September. “C. LE ROY KENNY is one of the most versatile entertainers that has ever visited Halifax, and Bert Harvey is without doubt the Peer of Canadian Huinorists. Their dual work was much appreciated.”-â€"Haiifax Herald. At Oddfellows’ concert June 2lst. “'OOL \VA.\"I‘ED.~â€"Uard1ng and spinning to order as usual. \Ve still carry on business as formerly and hope to be favored with the con- tinued patronage of our old custom- ers and as many new ones as may feel disposed to give us a trial. 8. Scott, Durham. AMOXG the numerous amusements of. the Sons of Scotland which will be produced on the 2nd of July are the manoeuvres of the Royal Canadian Dragoons. They will be worth seeing. The main object of the Minister of Militia in allowing the Dragoons to come to Durban; is to educate the farmers in the proper line of breeding horses suitable for military purposes. I T EM 5 The Oddfellows’ Concert The Management of the Concert have secured talent which provides a program of exceptional merit, with perhaps more of a humorous trend than is usual at such entertainments. The following artists will contribute to the program. MRS. HELEN \VRIGHT. Sapmno SO] Dist. MR. FRANK BARBER. Baritone Soloist. MR. BERT HARVEY, Canada’s Favorite Singing Comedian. M R. C.,LE ROY KENNY. Refined HARVEY KENNY, in the very laughable sketch entitled. "Seeing is believing.” MRS. NEXVTON. Pianiste. The concert will be held in the Rink which will be comfortably seated and well lighted for the occasion. Ad- mission 25 and 35 cents. Plan at Mac- Farlane’s Drug Store. lmpersonater. THURSDAY. JUNE 21 Mr. A. A. Catton is in Toronto. Mrs. J. M. Hunter went to Mount Forest Tuesday. Mr. Geo. Sparling is visiting Michi- gan friends. Mrs. Creed, of Cleveland, is visiting her mother. Mrs. Lauder. Harry Lavelle, Stratford, is visiting friends in town. Mrs. Redford has moved into her residence on Garafraxa. street. Miss Bertha Sparling and sister went to Stratford on \Vednesday morning. Mrs. W. Black has returned from a three months’ visit with New Orleans friends and relatives. Miss Dorothy Burns, of Cleveland, is visiting her mother, Mrs. Burns- Lauder. Miss Douglass, of Tdronto, has been engaged by J. L. Flarity. tailor, as coatmaker. Mrs. H. Crowther, of Chatswortb. is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Aljoe, Sr. Mr. Shaw. piano tuner, from “The House of Nordheimer,” Toronto, is m town this week on business. Messrs. George Richardson‘ and James \Villiams, spent Sunday at Eugenia. Falls. Mr. John Rose returned last week from a. trip to the \Vest. He is now behind the counter in Burnett’s store. Lee Get, of Wichita, Kansas, has bought out the Laundry business of Charlie Lee, and takes possession immediately. Mr. G. H. Mitchell, Editor of the Hanover Post. was in town Friday and took in the Arthurâ€"Durham 1a- crosse match. Mr. and Mrs. John Henderson, of Owen Sound. vxsited the latter’s brother, Inspector Campbell, the lat- ter part of last week. Mr. and Mrs. \Vill Moore. of Flesh- erton passed through on Saturday to visit Mr. MOore’s parents in Norman- by. Mrs, N. \V. Campbell and family in- tend leaving shortly to spendafew weeks camping at the Island of Bays, near Huntsville. Banker Kelly is away on a short holiday and during his abserice the agency is in the hands of Mr. Maylor, the teller. )Iessrs. James and Forster delivered addresses on the afternoon of Satur- day last. the former on \Veeds and the latter on the Improvement of Seed Grain. Mr. J. S. “'ehster, Chief Clerk of Ontario Fishery Department, paid a visit the fore part of the week to his son. P. G. A, \Vebster. the Jeweller. He left for Ottawa. Tuesday morning. Messrs. Allan )IcFarlane and John Cliff, who went \Vest some time ago, have returned to town. \Ve under- stand they made some land deals dur- ing their absence. The many friends of Miss Beulah Colling will be pleased to learn that at the recent examinations at the University in Toronto she received second class honors in Modern Languages and English and History. KEY found. Owner may have same by applying to Adeline Dean. ThE S. G, “'omen’s Institute held a. very successful series of meetings du r- ing the latter part of May. Mrs. J. \V. Bates of Ind., and Miss L. Shuttle- worth of Guelph addressed each meet- ing and very willingly gave informa- tion on all topics for discussion. A large number of ladies were present at each meeting and the evening meet- ings at Dromore and Holstein were well attended by both ladies and gen- tlemen. The annual meeting was held in Durham, Town Hall, on June 9th. Throughout the past year about twenty-eight meetings with an atten- dance of about five hundred were held in South Grey. The following emcers were elected for 19%: President, Mrs. ‘D. McCrie; Sec-Trea., Mrs. T. McGirr. : Directors, Mrs. R. Morrice, Mrs. T. McComb, Mrs. D. Hamilton, Mrs. R. Pettigrew, Mrs. C. McArthur. Audi- THE Excursion from Guelph (m the 2lst will bring in alarge number of visitors, many of whom will be an- xious to have a look through the Ge- ment Works to convince themselves of its prosperous outlook. tors, Mrs. J. W. Blyth, Miss Mary Binnie. The next meeting will be held on the first Thursday in J uly, at Mrs. D. Hamilton’s. Topics “Picking and canning berries” “Starch and its DURHAM, 0NT., THURSDAY, JUNE 14. 1906. PERSONAL. THE watering cart is again on the streets doing good service. ROYAL Canadian Dragoons in ham 2nd July. FOR sale. A good house on Gara- fraxa street. Apply to Miss Hutton. 2 YOU may never have another oppor‘ tunity to hear Premier \Vhitney in Durham. He’ll be here on the 218t. THERE was quite a heavy frost here on Tuesday morning last which did some damage to tender plants. PIPER McArthur, of Priceville will be present at the I. O. O. F. Demim- stration June 2131:. He’s a. good one. THE Methodist Epworth League Excursion to Niagara Falls will take place on Friday, July 6th. \ MR. F. R. Blewett, Grand Master of the I. O. O. F.,wvill be present at the Oddfellows’ Demonstration, June 2lst. THE Furniture Company has all it can do to fill orders. Over seventy are engaged at the factory and saw MR. MCILRAITH is moving his Boot and Shoe Business into the store re- cently occupied by Mr. George Law- rence. lllill. THE assessment. on the plant of the National Portland Cement 00., was reduced at the Court of Revision from $220,000 to $175,000. Best on the market was on exhibi- tion at John Kinnee’s shop, large num- ber of citizens were in attendance to! see a heating and cooking convenience‘ at work. It takes the place of wood and coal also the dangerous gasoline, it is safer, no smell, no ashes and the most handy on the market for heating and cooking and the price is only $6. You can put it in an ordinary stove for heating your house. Now is the time to get one,â€"Rights for saleâ€"any one that wants to make money come and buy a county or township rights. Call on J. A. Glass. sole owner, at John Kinnee’s, Durham. ‘ BORN. HARTFORDâ€"In Durham, May 3lst, to Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Hartford, 3. son. dune. . Weddings Keeler s Eiffel”? IS the money saving place to buy your 10k., 14k. and 18k. Solid Gold Wedding Rings. Also big stock of Solid Gold Brooches and Neck- lets for bride. and the most complete stock of Watches and Gold-filled Jewelry ever shown in this part of the Country. You Save Money on Every Purchase Made at Keeler’s. SEE OUR Large stock of Okinawan-e The Busy Store on The Busy Corner. which make nice wedding presents. R.B. Keeler 5’ Sons Si Iv e rw a re FOR PRESENTATIONS Our large stock of Silverware consists of everything that is new and good in silver. Hun- dreds of difierent articles which We have not room to mention here. But one look at our large stock, and when you hear the low prices, you will know that Keeler’s is the money saving place to buy. A BIG SURPRISE. i STYLISH i $1.00 PER YEAR. FY?" '

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