West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 14 Jun 1906, p. 7

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USE 14, 1906 gred, sad we Wild}: t“ unless we were fl [‘0 9.11 flat is Wh‘ ugh box the Pflh . k 3, together} with the 8 bun- opened, md get mm other reme'gy which will g. a you to he th and stream 3 a Dr. Harm’s Celery-1m to in no other you can b“ npaniod by ; positivo Guru or your money M hm 6 boxes of Dr. w ill: {or $2.50, ilk. 3 hum .mig, Pale and Bellow a... mac”, Sluplmmlm. y, Depression of Spiritg md :11 diseases sad dined: .m ; run-down condition a. yubem or weak and his, classâ€"John Clark, Dondd 1-. John Smith, Wesley C‘s- 'ely Guarantee i. HARTE’S‘ LERY-IRON $11K ssâ€"Thos. Johnston, Ross . Clara Caswell. finesâ€"Mabel Smith. Robt. :gh. Clarence, McNally, 313th. Mav Grierson. classâ€"Gladys McDondds twell. E A COLD IN ONE DAY HONOR ROLL assâ€"John Grierson, Cort Iohn Caswoll. Lesâ€"Jessie Clark, Cable ., Harvey Caswell, Winn \. DARLING - AND â€". DRUGGIST ’EN SURRMTEE. J 83818 3 1118 M. Memos, Tomb“. IE st. week on .ut to ecludad h the beverage .xhauSted. and 2' supply keep auch as long 88 s and drink the amt went. down 11;: of men em- Bek only to find majority of his 1 the east. hill f the men made 1 two days five onnents of four turday was pay ad for a. similar only about fifty on the pay roll :1 Tuesday when D QUIXIXE Table“. may if It failstocnro. s on each box. 256. EXTINCK BOOZE )e industries is employed 13! men are ying beer by larger quano n the mean- .mst continue eer barrel in- Lployers take 'imes. Willie Mc- he n to The the the praco w it sug- mc form check the ive clause xperience V83 9 V Laws are per- respect not proâ€" ren this d. At L a. view and this rogram. applied oyers to .ractices be argu- ic value 36 of in- M 16215- $3 D0011- 10 ket. tbs hat. ank (WES F-- v m Pr‘Ifr-ssionalcards.» .2 exec-Ling 9“: inc $4.00 pet funum. Advcrwscmc‘ ts wnho‘n spa-Ci W all 0: Dubhshcd t i («Edd and cha'tnl :2 endings-L. 'franeicm notiacg-m" 1.05:.” “ Found: " For ‘ etc. -30 cem: L: m»: wscrzzos, :5 (er a and! “1150‘:ng msc't um. WERY THJRSDAV ~10!ch ,ymcumcu FRNTINC muse. ammn ans? DURHA'A, ONT. QWERTISWB ‘50“ she I :ATES o 3 . Ritz: ‘ THE JOB : ° , ' I: completely stocked with DEPARTHENT :13 NEW TYPE, thus 31' fouling facilities for turning out Piaf-class THE BUEHE‘E} EfififlflIflL}. All adventuring» award by strangers must be pan II in advance . Contract rates for early ac. enamenu furnished 0: uppljgugign to lb; 0 .me. "‘3’ All advertise ne 5, to emote fixation in curtcn' wk. should be btought m w: 231:: man Tvsaum M ”Q‘ I'd. FFICE AND RESIDENCE A short distance out of Knapp’s Hotel, [4311!) Aton Sgreet.__Lowelj _qun, Durham Ofioo hours from 12 to 2 o’clock. U Garafraxa and George Streetsâ€"at foot of hill. 0fli_c_o_honrsâ€"9311 7§.m., 2-4 6.5., _ 749 p. m; Telephone No. 10. HYSICIAN AND SURGEON, OF- tics in the New Hunter Block. _ Qficg I fice in the New Hunter Block. Ofice hours, 8 to 1}) a. m.. to 4 p. m. and 7 t09 p. m. Special attention given to diseases of women and children. Residence op- posite Presbvterian Church. Specialist: Eye, Ear, Throat and Rose EXCLUSIVELY Will be Late Assistant. Roy. London Ophthalmiolnoo. £32.. and to Golden Sq. Throat. and Non Boo. Drs. Jamieson Maclaurin. I L. R. o. P.. LONDON. ENG. RADULATE of London, New York and Chicago. Diseases oi Eye. Ear Nose and Throat. Will be at Knapp House. Durham. the 2nd Satuuiav in each month. Hoursâ€"lâ€"G p.m. OFFICE: J. a. Huflon’ "U DO, 6. ”O \FFICE AND RESIDENCEâ€"COR. J. 1?. GRANT, D. D. s.. L. D. s. HONOR GRADUATE. UNIVERSI- ty of Toronto. Graduate Royal College Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Dentistry in all its Branches. BARRISTER, SOLICITOR. ETC. Ufice over Gordon‘s new Jewellery Store, Lower Town, Durham. Any unount of monev to loan at. 5 per cent. on farm propertv. DECOR-1111 the Standard Bank. A. G. MACKAY. OEce.â€"Calder Block. .L er. Conveyincerfi c. Insurance Agent. Money to Loan. Issueroof Max:- ~ tinge Licenses. A general numeral bus:- ness transacted. d tioneer for the County of Grey. Sales DrOIIBDtly attended :0. Orders may.be left a 1113 Implement Warerooms, McKmnon’s on stand, or at the Chronicle Ofice. .- _ JUNE 14, 1906 Nov. 9. ’03. EDITOR up Pnommron. ARRISTERS. SOLICITORS, CON- veyancers. Etc. Money to Loan. camâ€"In the McIntyre Block. over OHNFKINNEE,LNHEWHH)AUC~ tioneer for the County of Grey. DURHAM. ONT. OE} Medical Directory . DURHAM, ONT. (Lower Town.) at the Mid laugh House In Wodnmy of each ubnth. from 1: to 4 p. In. Arthur Bun, M. D. Dr. w. 0. Pickering Dentist. DR- GED. S. BURT. .N CLARK. LICESSED A:U_C- Dental Dz'redorv. DR. BROWN MacKay Dunn. Ta: CHR mtg.» till be neat to an} address, free at poauge, for 5:30 pc. yea, 9;; .177} 1‘; I ‘ advanceâ€"$0.50 ma} 3 sq [Du-’4. [The (3.3!: to which chr) am 1': a mu m by the osmbcr on me A. H. Jackson. Miscellaneous. ‘5 PUBLISHéO l. P. Telford. Over J. J. Hunter’s. 'r;:'w'.l can! an anew n: prepnctor. over Post Ofice \V. F. DUNN. They are slipping awayâ€"those sweet swift years, Like a leaf on the current cast ; With never a break in the rapid flow We watch them as one by one they go Into the beautiful Past. A8 silent and swift as a weaver’s thread, Or an arrow’s flving gleam ; As soft as the langnorous breezes hid That lift the willow’s long golden lid And ripple the glassy stream. There ore only a. few years left to love! Shall we waste them in idle strife ? Shall we trample under our ruthless feet Those beautiful blossoms, rare and ' sweet, By the dusty way of life. As light as the breath of the thistle- down. As fond as a lover’s dream: As pure as the flush in the sea-Shell’s throat, A: sweet as the woodbird’s wooing note. So tender and sweet they seem. One after another we see them pass, Down the dim-lighted stsir, We hear the sound of their steady trend In the steps of the centuries long since dead, As beautiful and as fair. There are only a. few swift yearsâ€"- ah let No envious taunts be heard; Mske life’s fair puttern of rare de- sign, And 611 up the measure with love’s sweet wine. But never an angry word. Lacking in courageâ€"out of joint with everythingâ€"scarcely on speak- ing terms with even fair health. Such low spirits are pitiable. Your brain is fagged. vitality so exhausted your constitution is well nigh ruined, What you need is Ferrozone, that great vitalizer and nutritive tonic. It’s by making flesh and blood. by infusing iron and oxygen into the system that Ferrozone helps; it re- pairs weak spots. instills new life into worn-out organsâ€"makes you feel like new. Ferrozone lifts age from the old and imparts resilience and buoyancy to the depressed. Be manly, ruddv colored.-â€"â€"cast aside weakness and enter the happy life that comes from using Ferrozone. Fifty cents buys a box in any drug store. On Saturday License In9pector Matt C. Beckett. received informa- tion as a result of which be procured a search warrant and accompanied by P. C. Shute, visited a tented dive of ill repute on the Bav Shore, about two and a half miles from Wiarton. kept by a young woman named Flor- ence Hunter. V Ccnsiderable liquor was found inside the tent and out- side were manv empty bottles, every thing pointing to the fact that liquor was being sold. Lillian Gordon was the only other female inmate of the Dlace and she and the Hunter woman gave their address as No. 1. Bruce Street. Toronto. There were four men on the premises, two from Wiar- ' ton and two who claimed to be living there. A charge of illegal selling of liquor was laid against the keeper of the dive and the case was heard be- fore John Rutherford and George Menzies, J. P’s. on Wednesday. The defendant pleaded guilty and was assessed $25 and costs, amounting in all to $43.â€"â€"O. S. Times. But are Scientific Veterinary Preparations prepared by Under the supervision of DES. VANZANT . WARING. Toronto, of over 25 years practical experience. Stock Tonic and Blood Purifier Antiseptic Healing Oil IndigeStion and Colic Cure Breeding Powders Spavin Cure Cough Remedy Poultry Tonic Heave Relief Loose Death Navel and Joint Ill Cure Gulls and Thrush Cure Diarrhoea Cure for Colts Sprain Emulsion Lump Jaw Cure Worm Remedy Each pkg. contains a coupon entitling the holder to free veterinary advice. SOLD BY BARCLAY BELL. Implement Agents. DURHAM- COLIN McMILLAN. Harnessmaker, DROMORE. SCHWINDT MUTE, Grocers, HANOVER. “Hammad!!!” 13m SLIPPING AWAY. Physically Exhausted Raided Tented Dive. THE VETERINARY SPECIALTY GO. These Are Not Stock. Foods McLellan, Agent, Durham, Ont. The body of Roht. Johnstnn one of the victims of the disaster which be- fell the tug Clipper a. month ago, was found on Wednesday by William Hazzard The bedy is the last to be found and was discovered in a part of the Wreckage of the tug which had sunk where the tug founiered A reward of $250 was offered for the recovery of the body and Hazzagd i3 thus‘entitled to this amount. The late Mr. Johnston was from Midland and waa a bachelor and said to be worth $18 000. Purser McAuley. of the Str. Manitou. Wired the deceased’s brorher in Midland on the arrival of that boat here vesterdav and notified him that the body was found and wasin charge of S. A. Webb mer- chant, of French Rivenâ€"O 8. Sun. NotwithStanding that local Option has been in force but one month in Owen Sound and the circumstances under which it ha} exiSted have been setnewh it precarious at best. it is intereSting to note the degree to! which local Option has reduced vic I iouenesa and raised the general moral tone of the town durin the month just closed, the firSt month of its ex- istence. Of course sympathy and prejudice invariably pervert and render biassed comment on such questions. but statistics cannot hear false witness. During the month of ;May there were but 11 cases at the police court. as compared with 34 during the previous month. In May 1901, :23 cases were dealt with at the police court and in May of last year ‘28 cases were disposed of. In view of these eloquent figures. who would venture to assert that local option will not prove a blessing to Owen Sound ? -Sun. There are many people who have was 1 used Chamberlain’s Colic. Cholera charg and Diarrhoea Remedy with splendid his sl results, but who are unknown because] Th5 thev have hesitated about giving a i The testimonial of their experience for‘ my t‘ publication. These peOple. however. ant o are none the less friends of this rem e,dy They have done much toward .nakine it a household word by their} personal recommendations to friends i and neighbors. It is a good medicine 3 By to have in the home and is widelylAlex known for its cores of diarrhoea and i dent all forms of bowel trouble. For sale ‘ Port ,at Parker’s Drug Store. ~ is aii In a little town in Nova Sc0tia. are two churches situated in the divis- ions of the VillagP locally designated as the “North End” and "South End." At a Sunday morning service the ofliciating clergyman read the. following noticezâ€"“I‘here will be preaching at 11 o’clock next Sunday morning in the church at the North End, and at 4 o’clock in the after- noon in the church at the South End. Infants will be baptised at both ends.” The only Dick that: does Twice the Work while half easier on horses-a Record Not “911121! by anything also built. for cultiyunng. A Success {or mk- W's’éd" iied on" an flowed Land. For Summer Fallows or Stubble lie a after harvest. Look for th a name “B SELL.” None genuine Without it. For Sale by Agents and. Hanutactmed by T. E. BISSELL, ELORA. ONT. DmpapostmrdtorBooklet“E.' Antiseptic Healing Oil Breeding Powders Cough Remedy Heave Relief Naval and Joint Ill Cure Diarrhoea Cure f or Colts Lump J aw Cure THE BODY FOUND. LOCAL OPTION. Unknown Friends. DURHAM CHRONICLE M. A number of papers are inserting the following advertisement without charge : Wanted about 79 young men of all shapes and sizes, from the tall glacef .11 dandy with the baseball mouStache (nine on a side) down to the little humpback, carroty headed. ; measled eyed upstart. The object is3 to form a gazing corps to be in at-: tendance at the Street corners each Sunday during the coming summer before and after divine service to stare at the ladies. as they pass and .make delicate remarks on their per- son and dress. All. who Wish to en- list in the above corps will appear at the various sueet corners next o‘un- day both morning and evening when ; they will is duly iOSDGCted and their \ names. personal appearance and qual- llty of brains regiStered in a book kept ‘for that purpose and which will be ; published. To prevent a general [rush it would be as well to state that none will be enlisted possessing in- tellectual capacity superior to that of g a Well bred donkey. Owing to faulty action of the kid- neys and liver, the blood becomes filled with disease germs that imperil health. The first warning is 3 back- ache, dizziness, headache and lack of vital energy. Act quickly if you would avoid the terrible ravages of chronic kidney complaint. Get Dr. Hamilton’s Pills today they care kidney and liver complaint for all time. No medicine relieves_ so promptly, nothing in the world of medicine cares more thoroughly. For good blood, clear complexion healthy appetite. the proper treat. ment is Dr. Hamilton’s Pills. 25c. per box, at all dealers. His wrath was at once roused. and ibe attacked the ” undesirable alien” savagely. biting his head or legs Iwheuever mm were protruded from lthe shell. This. after the first few iatcucks, was not often. but Tommy l was not, to be beaten. and he took to ‘chargmg the intruder sideways Wish lhlS shell, as If on the fOOtball field. Ir has long been be‘ievpd that the tortoise had no Other f. ehug or emotion than a des re to live. It: energies. it was thought. were all de vexed to this and; bus 3. letter whim nopenrs in the London Specracor pron-s that even the Lonnoise can In. her under such wmoucus as jealousy or hatred. A certain tortoise called Tommy, the property of .\lr.J Barker, of Kew. England. woke from his winter sleep some days ago and found another tortoise in the garden of which be long had had the monopoly. This last method was successful The ‘ alxen” was removed. and Tom my the valiant is once more 5018 ten ant of his garden. g ged in replacing a big belt on a :swiftly revolving pulley. In some '1 way his hand slipped and caught and instantly be was whirled round the ishaft and the right arm literally tornl 'from its socket at the shoulder Sev- eral ribs were also fractured and he ‘ was more or less cut and bruised by the terrible experience. though it is miraculous that he escaped without :fatal injuries. He never lost con- 'sciousness and with the greats t nerve cooly called a fellow employee from the next room. When Mr. Dates. the manager, arrived on the 1 scene a few minutes later after hass- 1in summoning a physician Holmes ' icooly picked up the severed member {and with the grimmest humor re- lmarked that be guessed he had lost an arm. He Was attended by Dr. ’ Howey and was conveyed to the gen 1 eral and marine hospital in the am l bulence, where his physician says he ’ 1s doing remarkably well. He is a ‘married man and has two children.â€" " O. S. Times. By the greatest good fortune Mr, Alex. Holmes. 3 Payuter Street. resi- dent and an employee of the Sun Portland Cement. Company, limited, is alive to day. As it. is he is minus his ti his arm asnresult of being caught in the shafxing in the slurry room of that. company’s plant early Wednesday morning. Holmes. who isamau about: fifty three years of age. was alouein the slurry room and was on an improvised platform en HURON AN D ONTARIO ELECTRIC RAILWAY. On Friday last Mr. G. F. Kilgore of Toronto, the principal promOter of the Huron and Ontario Railway, was in town in connection with the ex- tension of the company’s project to this town. This is the line which was enggested might use its charter in the construction of the Owen Soundddeaford link and extends from Oshawa to Owen Sound via Port Perry, Newmarket, Beeton. Shel- burne, Flesherton, Thornbury and Meaford. From here it is proposed to run the line to Sarnia via South- ampton, Port Elgin, Kincardine and Goderich. In all the line will ex- tend over 500 miles in length. â€"0. 8. Times. WE HAVE ’EM HERE. A JEALOUS TORTOISE. The Blood Is The Life. WM?“ ARM TORN OFF. Try An Ad. «.1 $15.00 Cash .5. fifi" Q'. «V4 71$: NA HIJH ia ha only property subdivided into residental lots 'hat actually adj iins the J. 1. CASE COMPANY'S SITE, ofi'nrs an unrivalled opportunity for the small investor to 99% in on the ground d or in a. proposition of almost unbound- ed possibilities as a money maker. Prom-rt ‘ in 2H9 dzsrricc is an absolutely snund, gilt-edged invesrmuur. and has been emohaucally endorsed by the Mayor of Fort. \VlHiam. 10041 Bank Managers, and leading business and prufcasiounl meu. 13041433 0 The Chronicle CH 4 McGill St., Toronto. ... .. ~09 \-'YI'°‘V"°" rggbé’90éé‘??%%“é%¢?§%f?ié “o 0“ ‘0 v- %??S* 1/ '° "p? *é ’ Awfs %§ '0. Syndicate Park FORT WILLIAM Do no'- delav. These lots are selling fast. Call or write Map and full particulars on application. IN Price from $65.00 up. A. RAMSAY SON COMPANY. MONTREAL. (1) (‘2) (4) (5) RAMSAY’S PAINTS give a quiet qttractive- ness. :9 your house. which stamps it thh an air of dlsnuchou. Ask you dealer in your town. GOING TO PAINT! Do it in the best way Do it in the most economical way Do 1t thoroughly Do it {with pain_t_s guaranteed to 1001: we!) and wca} wcli .w In fact do your pamtxng With Ramsay’s READY MIXED PAINTS. All who have signed. and all who intend to sign the Service Roll of the South Grey Rifle Association are hereby requested to go at once to Police Magiscrate Telford, or some Other Justice of the Peace and take the Oath of Allegiance. - Feb. 19th, ’06tf. BY ORDER. $5.00 per‘Month. NOTICE.

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