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Durham Chronicle (1867), 21 Jun 1906, p. 1

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IS AND PRICES urniture C0. )dd Chairs 3ancy Chairs Springs 6: Mattresses ron Beds Baby Carriages Iradles e to show £0°d9 and give prim aims that Please TH 0? POST OFFICE :or. Jeweler. e Camels are Coming Y! 73$ b‘ \‘b an ARDWARE Dru .II'NE 14, 1906 )Il sqthes and Snaths BLACK an mOCKS yum want to paint town red 01‘ any {‘2' (#2010: we can mm the quality 3:191?) IS 110 palm datzmuxed to suit (garnets are com- m the 2nd July, Mfrâ€"and 80 are Hnyul Canadian mmns. ha! haE we are always inc; forward with {Wk ()f gOOdS that ~ the numerous. n Lawn Mower: )y buym latest rec. md grass is rapidly, and require a 1nd Snath. keep first )cks like Sher- to enjoy 1d shade one of youn class :1 one :eived m: to l'hE {on S \V, Gamble. D. D-. .9 author of " Sunday. the True Sab- : . :n 0f God.“ will be in Durham on; wing June thh. under the ans-a Q.“- 'of the Lori’s DayL Alliance! zirmgernents have been made, aCJ :xling to which he will take the rvim} in the Presbyterian church 35 a. m., in the Methoilist church at . m.. and at 8.15 p. 111. will address , .1.“ meeting in the Biptist church. V. T. Albert Miore. of Toronto. 's of him: " Dr. G unble has [HM-18 distinct adiition to the argument Sun lay as the Christian Sibbath, ' Lord’s Day: his material is new. style pogular. indeed breezy: his muent convincing. and to all open- nded people conclusive. He covers his series of addresses the ground the Patriabehal Sabbath, the Jew- Sahbath, the Lord‘s Day; the.: ra biblical as well as the Bibbcal; bath ; yet an in an exnantjnnnllv . ] WE regret to chronicle the sad ciro rmnstances of the mental condition of Miss Annie Burns, and her necessary renuwal to Hamilton on Saturday ”101'“ng last. She was accompanied by Mr. T. R. \Vhelan who remained vver a day or so to visit his son John P. “'helan who is in business in the ambitious city. Miss Burns was in our nfl‘ice only a few days ago and was ex- r'vedingly cheerful and quite natural. 'l‘lmt smrh a change should have taken place so soon is hard to account for. 0): Saturday afternoon last Mr. John Henderson left here for his home in Owen Sound taking five horses with him. He intends to go “fest shuttly with a full load of heavy horses. WE give amongst. the birth notices, the announcement of a. baby girl at 3. urhoxne of Mr. and Mrs. Alex Firth. " Muss Kirby Ferguson is one of the most, satisfactory singers that has ever hmmred Cnlgary.”-â€"Herald. At the S. of S. Concert on July 2nd. lowing Mond: R. R. GAMEY. the man from Mani- {unlit}. will he at the Oddfellows’ Denmnstrathm in Durham, Thursday June 214. PIPER )IcAt‘thur. of Priceville will he present at the I. O. O. F. Demon- stration June 21%. He's a. good one. PEEL The Shoe Man has spared no expense in getting the very niftiest and best 111 this season’ dress shoes. me ratriarehal Sabbath, the. Jew- MR. C. LE ROY KENNY, Refined Sabbath. the Lord‘s Day; the. Impersonater- m. biblical as well as the Bibl°call HARVEY KENNY, in the very bhath ; yet all in an exceptionally ; laughable sketch entitled. "Seeing is eresp'mg and popular way. holding l believing.” ".‘luse attention of all his hearersl MRS. NEW'I'ON, Pianiste. - {mgl‘mut He is SpeCially success- I The concert will be held in the Rink 'In a ldressing children. ' Special of- l which will be comfortably seated and . ' -well lighted for the occasion. ‘Ad- .13 beam“: the expenses of his'mission 25 and 35 cents. Plan at Mac- r8101). l Fat-lane’s Drug Store. ~ PREMIER \VHITNEY will be at Dur- ham at Oddfellows’ Demonstration 'Ihursday.) lune2lst. THE Baptists will hold their annual Garden Party. on Tuesday, July 10th. Particulars later. Gu and see Niagara Falls on Friday luly tirh. Durham. Var-ney and Ho]- stein tickets good to return the. fol- H's awful to think of the fools that ill lire. Cattle of this brand strike :Irlmm as well as other places. A wduys ago the latest importation 'npped into town. He struck a job ml spent three days at it when he got 'etl. donned his coat at nine o'clock the nmrning and before eleven was drunk he didn't know his own me. He spent Saturday night in v cooler. and when Constable Clark med him loose Sunday he advised m to keep straight or put up with e consequences. Such characters very little use to anybody, but it {es all kinds to make 3. Worlds avidence never made any mistakes, ' 1en he made a. fool he must have; '31?!) IS. FOR a nifty pair of white, tan or pat- ent kid shoes don’t fail to see Peel’s. REMEMBER the Epworth League Excursion to the Falls on Friday July 6th. WE ,‘g‘js located as teacher at a place M Strange. but no one will think F-ange to hear of an increase in x.'s family. W'e congratulate the J UXE let. the longest day. VOL. a Y . N0. 2049. Mayor Hunter has Proclaimed Thursday, June 21 gm K1 one. Soloist. MRS. HELEN “'RIGHT. Soprano Soloist. The Management of the Concert have secured talent which provides a. program of exceptional merit, with perhaps more of a humorous trend than is usual at such entertainments. The following artists will contribute to the program. The Oddfellows’ ancert THURSDETTfiNE 21 “We regret to learn of a loss sustain- ed by Mr. George Lawrence a few days ago. He is buying up horses to take to the North-West and purchased a magnificently matched team from Dr. Fortune. of Aytnn. The horses were tied together and on taking them out of the hotel stable. one of them became frightened at a piece of paper that was blown along the street. In some way they got tangled up and plunged into a ditch on the side of the street. Here one horse fell and the other stepped on his front leg. breaking it in two places. ; M r. Lawrence ordered the horse to be1 shot and buried. but Dr. Fortune i thought he might save the animal and ' put him in a sling where splints were applied, and hOpes are entertained that he may yet be of some use. I FOUR weeks ago we made reference to the magnificient veranda in course of erection in front of Dr. Jamieson’s residence. Since then, the work has gone steadily on, and to-day the finished structure, even more graceful and beautiful than we at first antici- pated. is there in all its splendor, a standing advertisement of the wood- workers’ and painter’s art. On Thurs- day the carpenter work was finished, and the following Monday Bert Willis, who had the contract for the painting and decorating declared his part of the work over, and the veranda. complete. Mr. \Villis has an enviable reputation in Durham as an artistic painter and decorator and as a sample of his capa- bilities. his work on this occasion, will, no doubt. assist him in future con- tracts. MR. BERT HARVEY, Canada’s M'orite Singing Comedian. ago with more disastrous results. Eighteen hours from New York to Chicago, a. distance of nine hundred miles is her schedule, and the fact that no one was injured is certainly little short of the marvellous. MR. FRANK BARBER, Baritone THE Twentieth Century Flyer was wrecked at “’est Senaca, near Buffalo, on Sunday. \Vith sixty-seven passen- gers aboard, and skidding over the ties 500 feet, no one was injured. This same train was wrecked a few months THAT Hamilton will be the site of the new Norl'nal to be given to Ontario is nmre than a mere probability if we are to accept at par the newspaper re- ports relating to Premier Whitney’s speech there a few days ago. It is not likely now that Mt, Forest will stand a show. DON'T forget the Excursion to Niag- ara Falls, July 6th. Tickets from Dur- ham, Varney and Holstein are valid up to Monday, July 9th. Persons be- low these points wishing to remain over should purchase tickets from one of the points named. J. H. CAMERON, most. amusiz refined entertainer, at Rink 0 July 2nd. To people wishing to buy medium class footwear you will get the best values at Peel’s. place on Friday, July 6th. HAROLD J ARVIS at Ben ’evis Camp Concert on July 2nd. r. Edmond Johnston, of Vickers ed to Fort Erie a. few weeks ago intends to remain then-9 for some amusing and in League will take 'oncert, â€"vâ€"â€"-â€"â€"vv-'â€" v..â€" l'l‘he Busy Store on The Busy Corner. Si Iv e rw a r (-3 FOR PRESENTATIONS RB. Keeler 5’ Sons SEE OUR Large stock of Okinawa which mako_nice wedding presents. IS the money saving place to be your 101:, 14k. and 181:. Solid Gold Weddmg Rings. Also big stock of Solid Gold Brooches and Neck»- lets for bride. and the most comp‘ete stock of Watches and Gold-filled Jewelry ever shown in this part of the Country. You Save Money on Every Purchase Made at Keeler’s. Keeler s 3336"??? June. . Weddings THE Cement Company’s plant will be open to visitors to the big Oddfel- lows’ Demonstration. This is a great Opportunity to see the works in actual operation, and the Oddfellows are grateful to Mr. )Ic\Villiams and his corteous staff for the trouble he has consented to go to in showing visitors through the works. Many have long- ed in vain to see the Wheels go round and should avail themselves of the opportunity that isn’t available every dav. “'m. Coleman. of St. Thomas, is now engaged in the Hardware Depart- ment of the Big Store. This depart- ment has been somewhat neglected in the past and Mr. Russell is now pre- paring to rush it. ROYAL Canadian Dragoons in Dur- ham 2nd July. Mrs. T. P. J ones. of Palouse, \Vash- ington, is visiting her father, Mr. Duncan Crmphell, of Bentinck, and other relatives and friends in the vi- cinity of \Velbeck. Mrs. N. “2 Campbell and three children left. Monday afternoon to spend the summer at N orwood Bay of Islands, near Huntsville. M1. S. P. Saundew left: “'ednesday morning for \Vindsor. Likely he’ll take 1n Detroit and other cities before his retuxn. Suit. Messrs. Robert Ruthven and John “’heeler, of Clarksburg. passed through town Tuesday on their way to Kincmrdine. towards defraying expenses of Libel Mrs. Neil Campbell, an old lady of eighty-two years of age, is visiting her grand-daughter, Mrs. John Quinn. Miss Matthews left Tuesday morn- ing to visit her brother Mr. \V. A. Matthews in Uannington. Rev. A: A. Bice is attending the Synod in London this week. Mr. W. D. Mills is also in attendance. Mr. Thomas Livingston made a bus- iness trip to St. Thomas, Tuesday. Mrs. R. J. Johnston, (nee Miss Cul- bertson) returned Tuesday morning to her home in Cannington. Mrs. H. P. Ball and baby boy, are visiting Mrs. Ball’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Brown. Messrs. John Clifl’ and Allan McFar- lane went to Toronto Tuesday. \Ir. J. H. Ellman of the St. Thomas Aietyline Gas Manufacturing Co . is in town this week on business. Miss Eaith Dingwell is on the sick list this week. Our large stock of Silverware consists of everything that is new and good in silver. Hun- dreds of difierent articles which We have not room to mention here. But one look at our large stock, and when you hear the low prices, you will know that Keeler’ s is the money saving plnce to buy. I DURHAM, 0NT., THURSDAY, JUNE 21, 1906 PERSONAL . A pretty home wedding took place at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Allan Park, on \Vednesday afternoon June 20th., when their daughter Miss M. Lynn was united in marriage to Mr. E. Burnett of Durham. Only rel- atives witnessed the ceremony which was performed by the Rev. Thomas Calling B. A... in the drawing room tastefully decorated by ferns and flowers. The bride looked charming‘ being attired in a very choice dress with veil and blossoms. After the ceremony a. sumptuous repast was partaken of, after which Mr. and Mrs. Burnett left for their own beautiful home in Durham. ’ The mammoth works of the Nation- al Portland Cement Co. will be open to ticket holders. In addition to this they offer of course the usual large prizes for Scot- tish events so keenly contested. Pipe Bands, Dancing. etc., and the Palaro Bros. in pantomime and fire acts, end- ing with a Grand Rink concert at which Harold Jarvis, of Detroit, and other stars will be present. The Sons of Scotland Demonstration lommittee at Durham, have succeeded in securing for their Annual Celebra- tion on Dominion day, a first class at- traction in having a detachment of the Royal Canadian Dragoons present. This unique feature will be thoroughly enjoyed and turned to profitable use as Well for it will give farmers and horse- men a good idea of the class of horses required by the Military. ROYAL CANADIAN DRAGOONS THE Port Hope Times is sued for libel because of articles published relating to the selling of impure milk. We imagine the law relating to liberty of the press is altogether too limited, and the scallawags can do about as they like snd any aggrieved idiot [may enter an action for libel with a chance of winning when left to fa jury of “twelve lgood men and true.” The pure food investigations has made some awful revelations, which the dar-i ing newspaper man would snfl'er for if he:had the audacity to give the facts brought out in the evidence. The press needs more liberty and it seems the time has come when they should put up a fight for it. l MR. THOMAS GADD had the misfor- l tune on Tuesday or Wednesday of last l week to have his arm broken. While taking off a load of hay at Mr. Living- ston’s in town here he fell from the load and in the fall he met with the accident Which will lay him off work for several weeks. An accident of this kind is exceedingly inconvenient and painful at any time, but at this season of the year it is almost a calamity for a man on the farm. \Ve hope he will soon be able to remove the wrappings and have full use of the broken mem- 0N Tuesday Mr. Ellman, of St. Thomas Acetylene Gas Manufacturing Co. was in town and put some addi- tional implements on our acetylene gas plant. He had with him a small heating apparatus which works on the same principal as a gasoline stove. The contrivance is very clean produc- ‘ ing no soou or dirt of any kind and gives a good strong heat. Persons having acetylene plan ts installed would find this attachment a great conveni- ence for summer cooking. J. \V. Fox departed Sunday for his home at \Vinnipeg to spend a few days. It is whispered that he Will return with his fair bride. Will tell you next Week. Mr. Fox is a masonary con- tractor and an experienced workman and an all around good fellow and We shall be pleased to welcome the young couple as residents of Beach.â€"Golden Valley Chronicle. THE store recently occupied by Mr. Frank Lenahan in the McIntyre block is being fitted up for Mr. Ireland who intends to move in there in the course of a few days. Mr. Ireland has been in Laidlaw’s stand for the past five or six years and is sufficiently well known here to need no introduction; THE Toronto Saturday Night says : “Mr. Kenney makes ever better use of his” talents and Mr. Harvey is al- ways delightful.” See them at the Oddfellows’ concert June 213t. SEE Bills for Epworth League Ex- cursion to Niagara Falls to be held on the 6th of July. The fare is only $2.35 (or adults, half price for children. Full rates given elsewhere. Burnett â€".' , as a Civic Holiday. Men’s Boys’ Clothing New styles in $1.00 PER YEAR.

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