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Durham Chronicle (1867), 21 Jun 1906, p. 8

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A," 25” ;%%$**$%fifififififi%fi%%$$$$Â¥$$$ E Wool Wanted--Highest Prices 6% E CASH or TRADE i H ALL GOODS DELIVERED PROMPTLY IN TOWN You Can’t Do Nice Cooking ' Unleu the ingredients are every one of twm of the best. lot of new W hite (anw 1s Shoes f01 Ladies’ and Childx en 3 wear. 9'" When you buy your supplies here you are ready to tackle the mosr intricate kind of a. rezeipt, for you have the confidence that what you put into it is of preper quality to make the whole a. success. ALEX. RUSSELL 18W Hardware Man who will look after your interests in that line. ‘ Get down your receipt book, select something that catches your fancy, then order the necessary ingredi- ents hereâ€"and you have everything to help you make a success of the pudding, 9:9. erG, or whatever it. HIGHEST PRICES PAIDgFOR BU‘TTER “Day We Fresh recleaned Currants. Fresh Raisins. All Pastry and Ground Spices at 2c an ounce. Lemon, Citron and Orange Peel, 2 lbs. for 250. 3 lbs. Fresh Prunes for 25¢. Fresh Canned Apples. dear- ing on: 3 tins for 25¢. range of Gent’s Summer Underwear, Straw Hats and White Canvas Boots. TRY THESE : Several lines of Men’s é White and Colored Q Shirts at bargain if prices. 2 A line of Parasols at such § a. low price. ‘9 large range of Wash Goods for Ladies' and Children’s wear at a bargain. §$W*fl I V 4/ Don’t allow yourself to be tempted by the showy smfl' that sells so “cheap.” Every suit in our store is made from the best material in the latest styles. Large Range in Prices $2.00 to $8430 Never mind, we have clothing for both. Double Breasted Suits and Three Piece Suits 6' ’f. / , A gentle, quiet house boy or scrambling out-door sort? '\\\ What Kind of a Have You Got? 8 to 16 years. 4% t to Eat 3|.a'x-ets 5 93.29:... 3...: ’ MAC FARLANE co. Fall Wheat ......... Spring Wheat ..... . Oats ............... Peas ............... Barley .............. Hay ................ Butter. ............ Eggs . . ._ ........... i Pctatoes per bag. . . . i Apple~ ............ ; Flour per mm ...... [Oatmeal per sack. . . 1Chop Der cwt ...... iLive H029 ......... i Dressed H029 per cv Hides per H) ...... Sheepskins ......... Wool ............. Tallow ............ Lard .............. There are four verses. Verse 1. 1 Ayer’s Hair Vigor stops falling hair. Verse 2. Ayer’s Hair Vigor makes the hair grow.- Verse 3. Ayer’s Hair Vigor cures dandruff. Verse 4. Ayer’s Hair Vigor makes the scalp healthy, and keeps it so. It is a regular hair-food; this is the real secret of its won- : derful success. m .0.” viii m mu! z/ers From the premise; of Wm. Wil son’s near Bootbville. on or about the last. of May. a two-year-o‘d heifer. Color red. with face spotted and white between home. Any in forma'ion leading to her recovery will be suitably rewarded June The but kind of s Waninâ€" “ Sold for over Iixty 7M3 Market Report. STRAYED DURHAM. June AND EGGS DFRHAM McFADDEN. Durham T ‘21. 1906 to 3 to to t0 t0 :30 13 Mr and Mrs. Lega e oft vixhed friend~ in this vici day int. and Mrs. A W. Bun ed wivh Mr and Mrs. Robt Dornoch. Mr. Courtney Al‘en spent a few days witu r Amherzine Bailey nicely after her illness A number of the young this place attended the an nic at Hutton Hill. Miss McFayden. Durba her sister Mrs. Bail y. Mrs Henry Muir of ] vEeiting her morher Mrs. I Messrs Devid Donnelly Lawrence are efecting fences Mrs H W. Hunt and Mrs. A W. Hunt visited the farmer’s mother Mrs. John Cuff one day last. Mr. and Mrs. Moses Donnelly, Messrs. Geo. and Bobt. CuE visit ed friends south of Allan Park last Sunday Vuuuul Mr and Mrs. McCulloch soentSun- day with Allan Park friends. Mr. and Mrs William Legate vis- ited around here the fore part of this week. A number of the young folks assembled at the home of Mr. Chas. Lawrence one night last week and Spent the evening very pleasantly. You catch alirtle cold today, by to morrow it has reached the throat. next day the lungs are afiecterl and} you wish you had used “Ca'anhw ozone” which kills colds in five min- utes. In the first place Catarrb- ozone sooths the irri°ated membranes and relieves c .ngestion â€"â€"-then it cuts out the phleg’m and destroys the gems. It enables the blood to re txina natural supply of oxygen. lung food. and vitality In any oa'xgb. bronchitis or lung affection it’s entranteed to positively cure. Decline any snbs°itute for "Catavrh -'/.on ” The rain that fwll laet meek did much for the hay and crop in general. Mr. A. B. McArthur, trave‘linz ageucfor the Peter HamZiton fitm, and Mr. Azcnie MeLellan loual agent. have been doing business through this partand elsewhere during the past week. Mr. and Mrs. Rbbert Bri'ton and Mr. and Mrs. Adlam. of Beutiuck, visited Sunday with Mr. \Vm Brit- ton who is seriously ill at present Mr. Alex. McQueen. of Bombville. called on his sister, Mrs Donald Mc Farlane, one day recently. Rumor says a bride from the north will Shortly be introduced into this neighbourhood as a permanunc resi- dent. Mr. Themas McKeown had his barn raised last Thursday. Mr. Dan Brodie as head push everything went at cm: fine. Mr John Struthers and Thos Nichol. from Priceville. acted as captains, Mr. Nichol winning. Mr. Archie McNhllao. of Scotch- town. raises his barn on Tuesdav of this week. \Vedding bells are ringing around Saugeen Valley. Well-KnOMn Young Montreal Man Ends Life Wlth Revolver. Montreal, June 17.â€"(Special )â€"A seneatlonal tragedy occured today. when Charles S. McFea', an employe of the Canadian Pacific Railway, and a young man well known in athletic circles. blew his brains out with a revolver at 3 PI‘OSpPCt avenue. WeSt- mount. McFeat was a prominent member of the Montreal Amateur Athletic Association, and took a lively interest in all kinds of clean :sport. If your stomach troubles you do not conclude that there is no cure. foragreat many have been perma. nently cured by Chamberlain’s Stom ach and Liver Tablets. Get a free sample at Parker’s Drug Store and give them a. trial. They also cure constipation and biliousness. If you knew the value of Chamber- lain’s Salve you would never wish to be without it. Here are some of the diseases for which it is «Specially valuable: sore nipples, chapped hands, burns. frosc bites, chilblaine, chronic sore eyes, itching piles‘ tetter, salt rheum and eczema. Price 25 cents per box. For sale at Parker’s Drug Szore. Montreal. June 17.â€"Emile Picotte and Mrs. Yvonne Gagnon were drowned in the St. Lawrence opposite Dominion Park this afternoon by the upsetting of a rowboat, in which, at the time, were Picotte, Mrs. Gagnon and a man named Mooney. As soon as the boat upset the woman dis appeared, but the two men' held on the boat, and a party put out to their assistance Picotte, however, was overcome by exhaustion and sank before he could be rescued. GET your outfit from H. H. Mockler and you will be well dressed; WOMAN WENT DOWN FIRST. How Pneumonia Starts. ATHLET’S SUICIDE. Vickers. Bunessan. the young peeple of dad the mouswr pic Durham visited Hunt Sunday- lobt. Dare‘ivel of Hanover )8 rs. Liviugmono mlly aiwd Chas :12 new wire the R ‘Cky n1 Sandwich, June 15 -â€"In the case! of Hartford versus the Toronto Life Insurance Company. the jury return ed a verdict for be full amount of the policy. 8500, and costs. Andrew Hartford was insured Vlav 10. 1905, and died in July, after an operation for cancer of the stomach The insurance Company resisted pay- ment on the ground that Hartford was suflering from cancer at the |time he was insured. I’. was shown I that Hartford and his family refused rto take a policy for $1.000, and (the 'plaintifi claimed that this showed conclusively that the deceased had no knowledge that he was suffering from canct-r. Insurance companies all over the Dominion watched the progress of the case with unusual interest. Judge Horne charged that the only question for the jury to consider was as to the physical condition of the deceased at the tune when the policy was issued. On the 24th of May last the Royal Canadian Dragoons who are to be in Durham on 2nd July next were in Windsor and we extract from the Windsor Record of 29th May the following: “ The city was invaded by 15,000 visitors, a large portion be- ing Americans Detroit’s Canadian population helped to swell the crowd and joined as heartily as any others in the celebration. The Highlanders! made a very pleasing appearance and received Ia hearty reception. The ;presence of cavalry represented by ithe detachment of the Royal Canadi- lan Dragoons found much favor with the spectators. The Dragoons were mounted on lively and fine appearing chargers and gave an exhibition of Irough riding on their fiery steeds. Prob ably the mostrexcitlng event on the whole program was a ‘military melee’ by eight of the mounted Dre. goons.” These and Other evolutions will be presented at the big Demon- SVration on 20d July. The High. l nders are coming too, so that wizb the Palaros, the Windmill the games ”Ices. etc. pipes and band music, all records will be smashed THE DRAGOONS AT WINDSOR. Two brick houseâ€"with growing gardensâ€"on Queen street. Apply to Durham, June 21â€"tf. Mohair and Folded Tulle Point de sprite and Tulle Hats are the leaders now. A large assortment. of Ladies' Fancy Neckwear and Belts Arrived Saturday. See ’em. Any amount of Children’s Hats in Stock. Lambton St. JOHN CLARK or ED. \VELSH w%%%%%%%%*%% %%%%% %%« MISS DICK We will be pleased to Show you the difierent styles if you will give us a call. We have on hand an assortment of Summer Millinery. The Summer TO RENT Durham, Ont. 1iln Womanly Ailments ‘a and Weaknesses The beSt remedy which physicians know 2 Female Weaknesses is composed of parts of" certain white lily. To fins are added 0th. remedies which draw out the poisons and heal, the inflamed membranes. This soothing and- septic local application is known by drumming and physicians everywhere as DE. 33001,. Nmn'r CUBE-because it cures while the ms tient sleeps and the g ' pain. the inflamma- abated. The lives of ' records of martyr- they are sick. 3 well dayâ€"yet and sickness ls unnecessa Every ailing , womanmayrgé madestronz --â€"may be made to ex- perience m. _ Lality of bust and pergec- t1 3; healthy :3: this ever-in. creasing number of suffering women thatDrShoop sends ' his message of hope / cheer. It is to these womb ulceration. falling of the womb. pains in the womb or ovaries. leucorrhoea (whites) inflammation. congestion. irregular or mind menstruation. Ask for Dr. Snoor‘s man one; Recommended and sold by pain. the inflammaâ€" ' tion. the abated. The lives of records of martyr- they are sick. 3 well dayâ€"yet / and sickness Every ailing made strong .Shoop’ 5 Night Cure Soothes, flu and Cute: while the Patient Sleeps, The Camels are Coming HARDWARE Paints that Please Latest in Lawn Mowers Hammocks Best Scythes and Snaths W. BLABK MAC FARLANE CO. The Camels are com- km on the 22nd TL11\ ha! ha!â€"-and so axe the Royal (‘anadian Dragorms, ha! ha! But we are always coming. forward with a stock of goods that suits the numerous. JUNE 21, 1906 If 30u want to paint the town 1ed 01 am othel color “e can sell vou the qualltx fo1 there is no palm manufactured to suit all purposes like Sher- win-Williams. You can keep yourl Lawn in first claSSJ shape by buying one‘ of our latest received Mowers. Nothing to equaL [f xou want to enjOV 30m lawn and shade trees secure one of 0m Hammocks. The hay and grass is glowing lapidly, and 3011 will require a Se3the and Snath. Do not forget that we can-3' a gleat va iet3' of these articles. BURNETT has a nice line c roof Coats and Umbrellas. or the next shower. BAPTIST Lawn Party on M] ' r’s grounds Tuesday, July 1‘ ember the date and g0. 7 G0 and see Niagara Falls uly 6th. Durham. \ ame}: _j' .in tickets good to row: ‘ wing Monday. “ MISS Kirby Ferguson is c oat satisfactory singers thzfl 'onored Calgary.”â€"â€"Herald. . of S. Concert on J nly 2nd. “neatly. at the reduced pxice I J. A. Glass. PARTIES that want comfo: [hf-ave your order now for . stoves. No smell, no di -‘ FOR SALEâ€"Two good MC} ent’s and one lady's. Good 15.00 for both. Apply to F hoe Sbore.â€"tf. ingON’T forget the Excursi i:5". Falls, July 6th. Tickets ”4” ”fl ‘5‘ 3‘» 1‘-'5:7'a.rney and Holstein l ' ‘ REMEMBER the. Epwurth‘ Excursion to the Falls on Frig 5th. 1 0011115131 111 111110 111 tponed till to-dav. “Edi; ' 111. lt se1+111>tl1 11.]11lm V Bentinck, lust 1111:1111 1'11' e George 31101111111 :1 11 Wn's. In the 11115191117111 . ° e and the court- eutexj “ Not Guilty" until the n. Mr. Mighton was all “ WE regret very much t( [he illness of Mrs. (Rex. ) who is in the hospitcll j._;_rdo ,where she underwent ROYAL Can adian Dragoon lam 2nd July. 3. Monday, July 9th. I 3"?cese points wishing - ‘ 'fihouid purchase ticket: ”(the points named. SEE our line of ladies rant’s. ALL kinds of fancy Bisi .urnett’s. M iddaugh House! LADIES” White silk waists : Dciation, will be. held in Friar) church, Holstein. (_ Euly 5th. at 2?. o’clock in t] kLn interesting pmgrmnn I music hy the Choir. levs. Hanna. and T. .l . A! D in and others is px-m' eryone a heart 3' in v i Lat THE volunteers retux-nmi bfirday apparently nunv. Ir their two Weeks” driH. ‘ ply seventeen which cons ban half a com panv and ility Is that nexer again 1) ' company be sent fun . [his is thepresent feeling a1 ' and unless the full Eon en can be procured this THE annual convention 0 [out Township Sabbath .‘ ACASE of a peculiar nut Lve been cried hero (m 821‘ an. the defendant being genre counsel in time th‘ e entertained for her Lough some months will el: Le regains her usual streng L Refreshments wi .ose coming from a I )andoped. We know :1 .ace the blame. being pe 0 many others, a little :garding the matter. “'6 2 know in being careless it lat so much affects the’ :r country, but the fee evertheless to a very cons ant. We do not think t ‘e to blame but think we Le principle cause to the mug men at the present try busy time and our far: It this part of the count gperfectly manned for L1 bail. VOL. 39â€"N0. 205 lllllllt in, on 115m Atki {rag \V

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