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Durham Chronicle (1867), 5 Jul 1906, p. 1

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NE 2N, 1906 .tmns and you surely 1nd ixestion~yown miserable d y 3. experie ce any t. o m s ? â€"- an. eatinzxemm. to mouth. Dir. of atom. / of 238. belch. , .033: of appe. // headache. dig. . .mrve\-t.hese sped“ make on forever mu- .- w: an“ digestive nerves!“ Ling.»- :nu‘nded they should. :\ ‘ufrji'i'trmgzst give the “131“ .17.; germs: tonic. nature‘s help. atortxztve (Tamers or Liquid! H v.) 1‘) tux-«it. 15 the only p11. bug-133 12;). or even attempt. . c szomacn serves. Sold by are white :k of Other e inepection. Restorative Cum Stomach Troubh; the Inside Nerves. ur \VATCH trade has rown so much this last nee months we are un- ble to meet with the do- aand of the public. . BiABK pecial value 3; This Week at you want to paint town 18d or any er 00101 we can You the quality them is no paint nutactured to suit. purposes like Sher- 1-Williams. that Please )lll )VVBI‘S. gone. $8 up to $18. m Siomach er You? ARLANE 8‘ CO. LL cvthes and Snaths :t5 and Rubies in Lawn Mowers .tches ocks els are Coming on want to enjoy r lawn and shade s secure one of can keep your :1 in first cl :3 bv buying one 11 latest received ers. Nothing“ to tmels are com- the 2nd July, L! and so are oyal Canadian )n ha! ha! :0 are always 5 forward with c of goods that me numerous. The jeweller .BSTER 3‘3 md happiness m m stomach nun. " . ‘ a. balmy meal Imam!” flowed by 3. W1 wsiness â€" 31M without. rings in >idly, and equire a :1 Snath. at that we 1t variety SI 1' 2185 IS s"! Fox SALEâ€"TWO good bicycles. one geuc’s and one lady’s. Good condition $15.00 for both. Apply to Peel at the Shoe Store.â€" tf. A GARDEN PARTY will be held at; the home of \11. Duncan McLean of Abeuleen on the e\ ening of July 12th. Admissionz Sand 15c. All invited. l A GARDEN PARTY will be held on the motor-y grounds on Friday evening July 13th. All invited. Admission 10 cents. FOR Sanaâ€"A good second hand Bell organ. Apply to “'11). J ackson, Bunessan.â€"â€"3 pd. STANDARD BAX}: of Canada Savings Bank department. Interest paid quar- terly cm depnsits from date of deposit to date of withdrawal at highest, cur- rent rates. Any portion may be with- drawn at any time without delav. UN Tuesday, July 17. the Baptist Sunday School and their friends will picnic at Holstein. leaving here on the 3.00 o’clock train. The fare is w (tenas for adults and 20c for chil- dren. Take it in, and enjoy a. row on the river. Tm: Loyal Orange Lodge of Durham .listrict- will attend Divine Service in the Presbyterian church on Sunday July Sth at 11 a. m. Brethern are re- mestedfio meet in the lodge room, (Vader’s block at 10 o’clock. 0x Tuesday night last, Mr. \Ves. Sim-s, burner at the Cement Works, had the misfortune to have thefingers and backs of his hands burned by the bursting of a steam pipe. Though badly seamed. he will not lose any of his fingers, but will be laid off work for some time. 'l‘o Remixâ€"Good large house in Dur- mm, good garden, fruit trees, stable and pasture for one cow. Apply to “'11). ‘Wall, Park St. THE Sovereign Bank of Canada on 'l‘uesday opened out a branch in the luidlaw block, recently vacated by . nes Ireland. Mr. G. J. Ried. of Mt. est, is at present manager, though hardly probable he will be per- nently located here. ”Tm: Baptist Garden Party will be held on Mrs. “'arner’s lawn on Tues- :iay evening, July 10. Ice cream, <zmwberries and other refreshments will be served. The Durham Brass Band will he in attendance. Ad- mission 10 cents. UN Tuesday last Mr. \V. Johnston, .lr.. received intelligence of the death in Colorado. oflfir. James Moody. son of Mr. John Moody, many years ago Town Clerk of Durham. The deceased gentleman was about forty-eight years of age. and up to a short time ago had resided in Nemo. ‘S. D. His brother Mr. Sandy Moody, is a son-in-law of M r. Johnston. \\'RITL\'G. to us from Moosomin. on June ZRHd. \II. J. C. Jopp sans that wheat is twenty to thirty inches long, and aside from the danger of breaking down prospects couldn’t be brighter. Threshing engines are now used in the \Vest for clearing land of willow so: uh. Jeff McCracken and Doug Munro are planing lacrosse with Holland, Man" and Regina, Saskatchewan.res . respevti ve- ly. In a game played between the two teams the score stood five to three. in favor oi the former. Mu. CHAS. MCKINXOX shipped a car load of thoroughbred bulls to Medicine Hat. Alta. The bulls were purchased here from 311'. A. S. Hunter and Messrs. J. J. Hunter. He also ship- ped two cal-loads of horses from Sea- f‘m-th to Port Arthur, and intends on his return to make further purchases for “'estern shipment. THE leadership of the choir of Trm' ity church has been accepted by Mr. “Km. Coleman. formerly of St. Thomas but now manager of the hardware de- partment in Russell‘s store. Mr. COle- man is the possessor of a rich bass voice and is a trained singer. and has sung in most of the leading choirs in \Vestern Ontario. For nearly-a year he was bass solmst in St. Paul’s Cath- edral. London. With a leader of such _ master. LOCA VOL. 39â€"N0. 2051. Take in the Epworth League Excursion to Niagara Falls on July 6. “'e referred last week to a charge made against George'Mighton of Ben- tinck, by John Brown J r., of the same township. The trial came up. n \Ved- nesday last before Police Magistrate Telfoxd and Ex-Mayor Calder. Mr. Dunn acted on behalf of the complain- ant and Mr. Lucas for defendant. The case occupied the whole afternoon from two o’clock and extended to nearly midnight when it was dis- missed. ~‘ The case resulted from a steer that ; Brown missed from his field and a sus-' pivion he held against: one F redericks, ‘ a butcher at or near Hanover. Fred- ericks was summoned and tried at Ayton before Police Magistrate, and the case dismissed for want of evidence. Fredericks subsequentiv told ,that he had purchased the steer from George Mighton and went out and showed the field from which the animal was taken. He said he paid Mighton $35 and that Mighton drove the steer out to within a mile or so of Hanover. The evidence given to Mr. Dunn seemed to be quite straight, but was knocked out in his cross examination under Mr. Lucas and thoroughly discounted. Quite a number of witnesses were examined. but as there was nothing to show that Mighton was directly implicated the Magistrates decided to dismiss the case as stated above. )Iiss For-far who has filled the posi- tion of an able assistant in the High School Department of our school here for the past three years resigned at the close of the term and left on Sat- urday last for her home near Toronto. Prior to leaving she was met by a number of her pupils when an address and presentation were made. The present consisted of some beautiful pieces of cut glass and the following address: MISS FORFAR The Busy Score on The Busy Corner. ADDRESS AND PRESENTATION r - , .,_._ D3111. Teacher °â€"lt is with the M158 Emma. McLean of Toronto v1s1 deepest and most sincere regret that iidLWlth hf“. pgrents: Masand Mrs. 11' we assemble here this afternoon to bid. L C .ean 0‘ er 01111n1on ay. . farewell to you. During the three M1ss Emma Atkmson, of Toronto. 1s years of your stay with us you have home visiting her parents, Mr. and shown untiring zeal and interest in | Mrs Jas Atlunson, for amonth 01' two. our behalf and have ever held before} Mr. and Mrs. Harry Meredith and us high and loftly ideals and have in-: child spent a few days in town with inspired some of 11s with nobler the foxmet’s mother and sisters, Mrs. desires and ambition to attain thatLMeredith and family. high standard. I Mr- H- H- Mnnklm 1m. M'nndnv Our large stock of Silverware consists of everything that is new and good in silver. Hun- dreds of difierent articles which We have non room to . mention here But one look at our large Stock, and when you hear the low prices, you will know that. Keeler’s is the money saving place to buy. SEE OUR Large stock of Chinaware RB. Keeler 5’ Sons IS the money saving place to buy your 10k., 14k. and 18k. Solid Gold Wedding Rings. Also big stock of Solid Gold Brooches and Neck lens for bride. and the most comp’e-‘e stock of Watches and Gold-filled Jewelry ever shown in’this part of the Country. You Save Honey on Every Purchase Hide at Keeler’s. z which make nice wedding presents Our one regret is that we have not always done our part as we should have done it. “'e will miss especially the Literature class, for there we lis tened not because in was our duty, but rather because it was a pleasure we thoroughly enjoyed. Your bright and charming manner and your kind re- gard for us has endeared you to us. \Ve beg you to accept this token of esteem and friendship as a remem- brance of the pleasant days spent to- gether in Durham. \V'herever your lot may be cast, it is our earnest wish that it may be in pleasant places and crowned with suc- cess and Heaven’s Blessings. Keeler s 33"??? Signed on behalf of the Durham con- tinuation ciasses. MIGHTON CASE DISMISSED Charlie Dowling Form IIIâ€"Rita McComb Herb. Campbell Form 1- May Glass Form IIâ€"Eflie Hunter Mrs. Edwin Allan returned Thurs- day to the Queen Uity. L. 6. Ireland. of Toronto, was home for the holiday. Mrs. J. Kelly and son Eric spent a few days in the Queen City. Mr. Richard Jack, of Glenelg, went to Brantford last Saturday and spent acouple of days with his son, Sam, who is engaged as a moulder in one of the big shops. The old gentleman is eighty years Of age and has beena resident of Glenelg for over forty years During this time he has never but once had any dispute about ac- counts with business men be dealt with. This speaks for both sides re- garding the evident intention of all to be honest in their dealings. Miss Pansy Calling is visiting in London. Miss Fox-far left Saturday for her home in Toronto. Miss Annie Petty is home from her school at “'illiamsford. Mr. and Mrs. “'11). Elijah Mountain, of Hamilton, visited f1 iends in town and vicinity. Mr. Duncan'MacKenzie, of Toronto, czuue home Saturday night. About forty or fifty citizens followed the lacrosse boys to Mt. Forest on Fri- day last. Messrs. Rod and Duncan McFarlane of Flint; Michigan. were in town over Sunday. Miss Lottie Lavelle, of Stratford, is spending a. few days in town to shake ‘hands with her many friends. Miss McKerx-acher, teacher, is spend- ing the summer vacation with relatives and friends in Danton. )Iiss Reid, teacher at \Velbeck, left Saturday morning to spend her vacal tion at. home in Toronto. Mr. Archie McKenzie. of Buflalo,’ came home Saturday night and re-E turned Tuesday morning taking with? him his two little girls, Margory and. Marion, who will spend a month or so 3 in the Bison city. l Mr. Somerville and sister are In town. ' Miss Phoebe Wolfe returned home last. week after spending three or four weeks fn Owen Sound and Meaford. Miss Edith Allan is visiting in To- ronto and Peterborough for a few weeks. Mrs. \Vray R. Smith is in Brantford undergoing treatment for appenkicitis. “'e were in error last week in saying she underwent an operation which is thought to be unnecessary. Mr. R. Kelly visited his home here over Dominion Day. Miss Clara. Siegner, of Toronto, spent the holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Siegner. Miss Susan McClocklin, teacher. at Grand Valley, is spending the holidays with her parents and friends here. Messrs. John and Archie Robertson, who went west, a few weeks ago were in town Dominion Day. \Ve’ll not be surprised to see them Open up business here again in the near future. Dominion Day with her sister, Mrs. \Vm. McFadden. Mrs. McPhail, of British Columbia, accompanied by her daughter, Miss McPhail. are visiting Mrs. McPhail’s daughter. Mrs. Thos. Saunders. Mr. McPheeteI-s and little son, of Orangeville, came on Saturday to visit Mr. and Mrs. Warmiugton and return- ed to their home on Monday afternoon. Sargeant Inspector Steer, of the Royal Canadian Dragoons, gave us a call while in town at the Dominion Day celebration. Dr. and Mrs. Frank “’atson, of Georgetown. spent a couple of days with Mrs. \Vatson’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Glass. Miss Maggie Jack, of Torontn, visit- ed Mr. George Turnbull and other friends in town from Saturday till Tuesdav. Mr. H. H. Mocklex left Monday morning for Ottawa. as a delegate of the Durham Branch of the Merchants’ Association. Miss Kate Allan, of Toronto, spent PERSONAL DURHAM, 0NT., THURSDAY. JULY 5. 1906. Dr. ShoOp’s Restorative brings last- ing relief in stomach. kidney and heart troubles through the inside nerves. No matter how the nerves became impared this remedv will re~ build their strength. will restore their vigor. Remember it does no Rood to treat the ailing organâ€"the irregular heart, rebellions stomach, diseased kidneys. They are not to blame. Go back to the nerves that control themâ€"treat the causeâ€"nee a remedy that cares through the inside nerves. Sold by Maofarlane Co. Miss Gun spent the holidays in Or- angeville. Miss Edith McKenzie is visiting in Chicago. Mr. John Swinburne was home over the 151:. Mrs. McDermaid, of Palmerston, at- tended the wedding of her son. Mr. and Mrs. H. Pettigrew, of Tor- onto, visited friends in town over Sun- day. Rev. \Vm. Farquharson was in Har- riston Tuesday, attending a meeting of the Presbytery. J. 8. Ireland, Mt. Forest, was in town Dominion Day. Mrs. Porter. of New York. is visit- ing her sister, Mrs. (Rev.) Newton. Mr. W’. J. Young attended a Pres- bytery meeting in Harriston Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Cline, of Toronto, visi- ted Mrs. Crawford and family. Miss Margaret: Ryan, of Toronto, is visiting her parents and other relatives. Miss Annie and Belle McKenzie left: \Vednesday morning to visit friends at 'livcrton. Mr. J. McClure, of Toronto, was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. J ames Atkinson on the lst. Mr. Limin Caldwell returned from the \Vest Indies on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. XV. Moore and Miss Eva Irwin. Flesherton, were here on Dominion Day. \VE sent our engine to the hospital last Thursday for repaisrs and didn’t get it till this, Thursday, morning. Even then an important part was missing and we had to do some shift- ing to get the paper out at all. This helped us to be late. BORN. McDonaldâ€"In Durham, on Tuesday, July 3rd. 1906, to Mr. and Mrs. Arthur McDonald, a. son. Mr. Hamilton, of Atwood, spent Dominion Day with his daughder, Mrs. (Dru) T. G. Holt. Mr. \V. Johnston, of the Massey- Harris 00.. Toronto, visited his par- ents here over the lst. Messrs. James and Will Cameron, of Toronto, were in town over Sunday at the old home. Mr. S. P. Saunders was married last week to Mrs. Cole, at Flint, Michigan, and returned to his home on \Vednes- day last. Mrs. Saunders is a sister of Mr. McIntyre, Ex-Mayor of this town. Mrs. Alex. Maclachlan and daugh- ter, Miss Vida, are visiting in Port Elgin. Mr. and Mrs. McDermaid, of Fare- well, attended the Wedding of their nephew, Archie McDermaid. Mr. R. A. McGregor, of Owen Sound, District Manager of the North Ameri- can Life Assurance Company, of To- ronto, is in town this week on business. Mr. Herb. Gray, of Hamilton, came up Saturday night to Witness the Scottish sports here on Monday. Mrs. Byers and her daughter, of \Viarton, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Brown and other friends. Mrs. C. Martin and children, of To- ronto. are visiting her sister, Mrs. E. \Varner. Mr. and Mrs. Stag, of Toronto visited the latter’s parents Mr. and Mrs. Mc- Meeken over the first of July. ‘ Mr. H. H. Miller M. P., attended the Scottish Demonstration here on Mon- day and acted as chairman at the concert at night. Mr. and Mrs. J as. Harkness, of Tees- Water, spent a few days with the lat;- ter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Morton. ' Mr. R. Caldwell and little daughter, Minnie, of Buffalo, were present at the marriage of the formers sister on \Vednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. H. Shepland, of Port Huron. are spending a few days with their aunt, Mrs. E. \Varner. Mr. John S. Drysdale gives an ac- count of his trip to Scotland, in this issue. Glad to hear he is-ixnproving in health. Miss Marjorie McDougall. of Chats- worth, spent from Friday to Tuesday in town with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. C. McDougall. J. J. HUNTER; THE BURY STORE ON THE 8087 CORNER. w-_ ----- R 2 Hats, Caps, f Furnishings i Two 6: Three 3 Piece Suits Highest price in cash or trade will be given for Butter, Eggs and Wool. Light and dark shades Men’s Boys’ Clothing i We have always What is new and fashionable and our prices are right ..... Satisfaction is stamped on faces of those who buy from us. New stvles in STYLISH $1.00 PER YEAR. 1200 yards in good styles colors. Reg. price we, 12§c to clear at Stylish Prints I

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