West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 5 Jul 1906, p. 2

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Black Java hon. . Best two loaves bread. made by farmer’s wife or daughter. 15!. 2nd and 3rd specials by H. H. Miller, M. P .................................. Best two loaves brown bread. homeâ€"made ........ Best.two loaves baker’s bread ................... Best loaf made from flour manufactured at. Mc- Gowan’s Mill, lst and 2nd specials by J. Mc- VUUVIch o o 0 Best loaf made froni-flour manufactured at Me- Kecbnies’ Mill. lst and 2nd specials by N.. G. J. McKechnie ........................ . . . . Best one dozen buns, home-made, 1515 special by G. 8. 36050:: ................................ Best one dozen tarts. any kind ................... Best apple pie, lst special by C. Ramage. Review 1 year ....................................... Best pumpkin pie ............................. . Six bottles canned fruit. assorted ................ Raspberry wine .................................. Three lxntles mixed pickles ...................... Five pounds maple sugar ....................... One quart. maple syrup ............... . .......... Ten pounds honey in comb, lat special by Mrs. A. Beggs, goods ........ . ................... Five pounds honey, strained. lst special by S. Scott, goods ................................. F ive pounds bees’ wax ........................... Collection of jellies .............................. 13:; fig...) ‘1 Collection house plants in pots, 20 varieties ...... Collection house plants in pots, 12 varieties ...... Collection house plants in pots, 6 varieties ...... Exhibitors can compete in only one of these Collection Double Geraniums, six varieties ..... . Collection Single Geraniums, six varieties ....... Collection tricolor geraniums, three varieties. . . . One Double Geranium. White .................... One Double Geranium, any other color ......... . One Single Geranium, white ..................... One Single Geranium. any other color ........... Swallow ............................... l 00 7:) at) Best display wild flowers and ferns .............. l ()0 75 50 Best collection Roses ............................. 75 ." ) Best collection Asters ............................ 50 25 Best collection Dahlias ........................... 50 25 Best collection Dianthus ......................... 50 25 Best collection Gladiolus ......................... 50 25 Best collection Larkspur ......................... 50 25 Best collection )Iarigolds .................... ' ..... ." 25 Best collection Phlox Drummondi ................ 50 25 Best collection Phlox Perennial .................. 50 25 Best collection Pansies. twelve varieties. .. . . .. 50 25 Best collection Petunias. single .................. 50 25 Best collection Petunias, double ................. .' 25 Best collection Stocks, ten weeks ................ 50 25 Best collection Snap Dragons .................... 50 25 Best collection Verbenas ......................... 50 25 Best collection Zinnias .................... . ..... 50 25 Bouquet. large vase. any flowers ................. 50 25 Bouquet. Hand, any flowers .................... 50 25 Bouquet, Hand. house flowers only ............ - . . 50 25 Table ornament, Epergne ........................ 75 " l Poultryâ€"Pure Bred A new building has been fitted up giving ample accommodation in this class. Light Brahma. cock .................... Light Brahma hen ..................... Dark Brahma cock ..................... Dark Brahma hen ..................... \\'hite Plymouth Rock cock ........... \Vhite Plymouth Rock hen ............ Barred Plymouth Rock cock ........... Barred Plymouth Rock hen ............ Buff Plymouth Rock cock ............. Buff Plymouth Rock hen .......... . . . . Single Comb \Vhite Leghorn cock ..... Single Comb W'hite Leghorn hen ...... Rose ( omb ‘V' hite Leghorn cock ....... Rose Comb White Leghorn hen ...... Single Comb Brown Leghorn cock“ Single Comb Brown Leghorn hen ..... Rose L omb Brown Leghorn cock ..... Rose Comb Brown Leghorn hen ...... Buff Leghorn cock .................... Buff Leghorn hen ..................... Silver Spangled Hamburg cock ....... Silver Spangled Hamburg hen ........ Hamburg cock, any other variety ..... Hamburg hen, any other variety ..... Red Cap cock ......................... Red Cap hen .......................... Rhode Island Red cock ............... Rhode Island Red hen ................ Silver Gray Barking cock ........... Silver Gray Docking hen ............. White Docking cock ........ .. ......... White nuts-gm ....... , .......... t . .meod..., .......... a. rig-UL DI'HUUI‘ CUL'K .............................. ight Brahma hen ............................... lax-k Brahma cock ............................... 'ark Brahma hen ............................... Vhite Plymouth Rock cock ..................... Vhite Plymouth Rock hen ...................... tart-ed Plymouth Rock cock ............... . ..... iarred Plymouth Rock hen ...................... luff Plymouth Rock cock ....................... luff Plymouth Rock hen .......... . ............. ningle Comb \Vhite Leghorn cock . . . . . .- ........ iingle Comb W'hite Leghorn hen ................ {ose Comb \Vhite Leghorn cock ................. lose Comb White Leghorn hen ................. Single Comb Brown Leghorn cock ............... Single Comb Brown Leghorn hen ................ Rose Comb Brown Leghorn cock ................ Rose Comb Brown Leghorn hen ............ '.. . . . Buff Leghorn cock ............................... Buff Leghorn hen ................................ Silver Spangled Hamburg cock .................. Silver Spangled Hamburg hen ................... Hamburg cock, any other variety ................ Hamburg hen, any other variety ................ Red Cap cock .................................... Red Cap hen ..................................... Rhode Island Red cock .......................... Rhode Island Red hen ........................... Silver Gray Docking cock ....................... Glass Glass 1 1 â€"--Plants Glass 1 3â€"Mature Miscellaneous lst. 1 00 2.0 200 10 'i l ()0 collections. 1 00 5 1 0t) 5 1 00 5 50 2 50 2 100') 100 50 l 00 1 0!) l 00 In) l6.) 3'88 '2. 00 1 00 5‘ ) {M (I) J ) I.) a .7) Meme \ o .. tumble is d‘ep senmd. To (1ng is dun e 0118. All the in flan) .atsou wH. b drawn on. in one :13» b applyin; .Merviline Ir. pene- trate-s *hrnugh tln- puns of tho: skin relievws inflamdm‘ion and thus p-e vents seri vu~ c..x.sequonces. F H ~ore throat. weak chest and tendency to colds. no proscription is better than Polson‘s Nerviline. For nu ‘rly fifty you s n has been Canndn’s great honed)» d roâ€"mhlv. Fwenu five cenw bugs :1 large bowie. The residence of Mr. and “r: gJas. McNally.Glenelg. was the ~c~ne of a pretty June wedding on \VrdDFS- day afternooh June the 20'}: . when their daughter M345 Margaret Mc Nelly was united in the bonds of matrimonv to Mr Cnarlm \Vutsou of Bunessan. The ceremony “"53 performed hr the Rev. C. E. Pioeo, under a beaun. ful arch ol ererg'ee' -‘ and rows. in the pre-enc: of a. ln'g-' guh ring of friends an-J reIu- Ive-5 The nri *9 ~ho Wm: given nvmv by herfathm'. wae daintily gm'nfid in white lustre and brid-J vml, and car- ried a hand-tune rmq.e' uf r0994 She was a'N-mdwd m Mas~ Flora Mc- Arthm' why was bro .mzn-sh attired in white lustte. The groyn «ma e-mpnrvni by Mr Juan-93 McNally b'mhur 0: ‘hr' bride The pre-ieu's ware nuxnrnus‘ and valuable and attewrd 'n rho m'ea-m in which thr- b id» wax ho-ld by her many frinod ~. Black Minor'ca cock ................... Black .‘linnma hen ........... . ....... Orpingtun Buff cock ................... Orpingtou Barf hen ................... Black Spanish cock ................... Black Spanish hen ................. . . . \Vhite \Vymulotte cuck ............... “'ni-te “'yandotte hen ............... Silver lured \Vyandotte cock ......... Silver lacml \Vyandotte hen .......... Golden [Ace-d \Vyandotte cock ....... Golden lured \Vyandntce hen . . . . . . . . . \Vhite Crusted Black Poland cock . . . . \Vbite Crested Black Poland hen . . . . . Cornish Indian quue (:UCk ........... Curnish Indian Game hen ............ Black Breasted Red Game Cock ...... Black Breastpd Red dame hen ....... Guldeu Dm-kwing Game cock ........ Gnldpn Dnckwing Game hen ......... Buff Cnchin cuck ................... Buff Cnchin hen .. .. ................ Partridge Cochin cock ............ .- Partridge Cochin hen ................ Seahl-ight Bantam (ruck .............. Seahrig'nt Bantam lwn .............. Game Bantam cpck ................. Game Bantam hen .................. Langslmn couk ................ I ..... Langshau lwn ......... . .............. Light Brahma vockem S‘lvm- Gray [Ln-king pullet. . . . . \Vhite D-wkiug (:nckerel ........ “Unit-e D trkiu-J pullet .......... Hands!” mr-kvrel ................ HmuLm pum-r ......... . ......... A JUNE WEDDING. "Whe. zy’ Chest. RETURN FARES: DURHAM CHRONICLE ndntce hen ............ .. ...... ck Poland cock ............... ck Poland hen ................ me (ruck ....................... me hen .................. :1 Game Cock .................. .1 dame hen ................... Game cock .................... 0.... Ciass 1 4-Ghickens Jones was not what you would call a charitably disposed individual, but he certainly did pride himself on his humorous way of dealing with trunps and beggars when they pPSE- ered him. He dearly likel to com- bine a firm refusal with gentle sar- casm, in which he could diSplay his mmher wit. Therefore. when a mis- erable specimen of humanity begged a copper 0E Jones when he was leav- ing his office, he smilei. "Call at my ofice when I’m out,” be send genially. "and I’ll see what I can do for you.” Next day, however. i' was a some what. dejected Jones that. appeared at the police-Station and exhibited the following note: "Dear Sur,â€"As you told me ter corl at. your office last nine when you weren’t. in, I did so. and got all I w mad and ’ave ter thank yer for beiu’ so librel -Yours respectful, Bill Dodger.”â€"“Answers.” Take LAXATIVE BROMO QUININE Tablets. All druggista refund the money if It fails to cure. E. W. Grave’s signature is on each box. 200. There is a young man in the neigh-l borhood who dosen’t know how near I he came to exmrmination one day» this week when he brought in an item which was intended to convey the intelligence to our readers that [a certain young ladv, whose name was given. was seen coming from a certain direction and concluded by wondering what interest she had in that particular section. We haven’t ‘yet turned the Herald into a question drawer for imbecile conundrums; and [only the fact that the young man i was an illustration of the simple life paved him irom a violent attack on ‘the part of the P. D. As it was we had to lock the doors and hide the V may s.-â€"Herald. -â€". ..-._.__‘ One of the accurate ways of telling the time is to use your hand as an hour mark. Nothing simpler. All . farmers not possessed of watches or , clocks. and who have some practical 'notiODS of common utilities not in- - tented by man, but given to us by ,the Creator, know the rule It is necessary to keep in mind the hour : of sunrise and sunset. and to hold the :arm straight out from the shoulder. i wirh the hand at right angles, bend- ing from the wrist forward. ,If the sun sets at 7 o’clock and is still high in the heavens, close one eye and make three measures of the width of the palm near the thumb. Each measure means an hour. so that time thus obtained is 7 less 3, or 4 o’clock. With practice you can heat the aver- age watch. Try it. ‘ . T0 CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY TAKEN AT BIS WORD. LUNATIC IN DUNDALK. DO IT BY HAND. 5'3 5!) of) a” -' at) 50 5t ) 0‘ J 5‘) 5‘) 50 50 50 5! _) 50 .25 f ) u)? J THE HANOVER CONVEYANCER 150 ACRES. BENTINCK, north 0! Allan Phark. Well improved and offered very c eap. .125 ACRES. on 18th Concessxon of NOR- MANBY. Well improved and well located Offered cheap. W ill rent if not sold. AGENT: armers’ M’t’g Supply Co.- 100 ACRES. south-west of Varney, in NOR- MANBY. An extra gopd farm and well improved. Owner anxxous to 20 West. 100 ACRES, BENTINCK. near Rocky San 2660. Good farm with good timber Will sell cheap. DURHAM RESIDENCE, belonging to Mr. J. L. B; )wne. photographer, ofl'ered at snap prxce MONEY TO LOAN at lowest rates. INSURANCES PLACED in No. 1 Com- panies at low rates. ' DEBTS COLLECTED. BUSINESS DIFFICULTIES arranged. C. P. R. TICKETS for sale to all points. Always Promptâ€"Never Negligent. gsmyeszeswsmsmgegeggsmsmsmg Garden Tools, Netting, Lawn Hose, Wire Goods, Paints, Varnishes, Housecleaning Goods, Etc., Etc. '4!" In grey, the leading color, we have a good assortment from STAPLES go. L. GRANT: a] DURHAM. E F. E. SIEGNER These are the best goods made. We also have a nice line of Mohair, which we are selting at Dress Goods National Portland Cement IS THE TIME to see about vour Garden and H008?- cleaning essentials. and I can equipp you with Come and examine them and he Carmine-w]. M" ska' of STAPLES is unsurpassed for quality. We have our New Dress Goods in now. We have a nice line of Now Offers the following : CRUM’S PRINTS . Miller 500 to $1.25 yard. AGENT FOR â€"--â€"'â€" DURHAM. 37c yard. H. H. MILLER. NEW Fiftv-acre farm. Third Divisi Lot 13. Con. 1. GlpneIg Eye from Durham and one mile poet ofice On prpmi£pg are frame house and )ozr barn A never Inning well and runnimI on property. For further culars apply to On of Want Patti rare Bred Jersey Bull Ca gree complete. â€" “0-.“- _ April .U Old Clyde mare. Building mt «:11 B imported stockâ€"aged 14 mm Brick house on Bruce St. AFNy Jan 25thâ€"-tf. ONTAINING 100 ACRES. BEING Lot. 14. Con. 4. N. D R. Glenelg, About 85 acres clear-9d. balance m mud hardwood bush. Well watered. we“ {weed good frame house. bank barn :m‘. imple: ment house Good bearing orchard. about twenty five acres ploughed. I‘mxr zu-res in fall wheat. Possession may be had aft-t Mar )st For further particulars applvm DONALD BEATON, I’mp,‘ Jan. 2011). 1906-4? POMONA I". 0 , about six miles fmm_[)m‘ham. Gaga title. Poscpssmn at once. G'nd land. Must be sold. For partimlla rs app y tu J. P. TELFORD, Durham 1.1 miles north of Pricevi‘ale Farm i6 first class condition. Good buildixm with running stream convenient to the barn. For further particulars aPplv m DUC GALD D. “C LACHLAN. l of Saddler street in the Town 01 Dur- ham. in the county of Grey, containinw} acres more or less. For terms and particu- lars applv to Feb. ‘22nd 190:3 â€"‘rf Jan. 23-?f. ON BRUCE ST., DURHAM, NEW brick house. 30x32; 2% storeys. high: double cellar, cement floor irq one half, furnace in the other ha‘. Small barn with stone stable und' neath. Convenient to statio Furniture Factory and Crea Separator Works. W’ill sell cheap to Qilick purchaser. The owner is going \ ’est. For further particulars apply to \VM. LEGGETTE J um. 14. tf. Box 92, DURHAM PARK LOT NUM BER 13 NORTH of Saddler street in the Town at Dur- Jan. 3. 1906 â€"tf Dec. '2.â€"tf. U (session Wes} of the Garafraxa Road, in the Townshxp of Normanby. in me Country of Grey. For particulars apply T0. Good solid brick house of nine rooms, on Garafraant . upper town. Heated by furnace; electric lights. First. class kitchen and {urine cellars. Good woodshed; hard and soft water. 11; acre ground with bear- orchard and good barn. Also some zood pasture lors. well wazered. For further particulars apply on premises to Mar lSâ€"tf. Being Lot No. 22 and part of '21 in 2nd Concession of Normanby containing 127 acres in all. Good frau e barn with Stun“ stables underneath A good frame has: peq yvith cement {1901: and cemept "9112}:- A fairly contortable house. 200d orchard. excellent fruit. well Watered from nevfâ€"‘r failing springs which run tha year round. About a hundred acres cleared. Good cla)‘ soil in first class state of cultivation. Term of sale and other particulars may be a9 certained by applying on the premises. Mav l9thâ€"2m. Comfortable Dwelling Houseâ€"hard and soft water, heated by steam. Electric Lights. Apply to Male or female, second class. to commence after summer holidays' Applicacicns. personal preferred~ will be received by the undersignew1 up to Saturday. July 7 State Salary and enclose testimonials. CHAS. LAWR XCE. Sec’y, S. S. No. 11. Bentinck, June 11â€"4pd May 14 -â€"tf. .. JOHN CLARK or ED. WELSH. Durham, June 21â€"tf. Two brick houseâ€"with growing gardensâ€"on Queen street. Apply ‘0 URHAM‘ BULLâ€"BREE) FROM OT 51, 5:? 53:-Sid§_ro:1d?\0, 1i N THE GAR-\FRAX.~\ ROAD i124 â€"'fo House and Lot For sale OT ‘21â€"IN THE SECOND CON- Good Farm for Sale. Normanby Farm for Sale For Sate or Rent. Park Lot For Sale. For Sale or to Rent. Farm for Sale Teacher Wanted. Farm for Sake. Farm for Sale. JULY 5 A. GORDON, Durham. For Sale. For Sale. TO RENT. TO RENT J. P. TELFORD. Vendor’s Solicitor. Durham N. TE) K I \ 80V ROCkV Sauceen . PEEL, Durham J. P TELFORD, W. LEGGET N. MCINTYRE. Barrister. Durham. tacky DURHAM. 03T- rimsville P GROCERI ‘gAT {HEWS LA “r F THEUBALD S O! 1) STA THETWU | ‘u' HIGHEST i HOUSBh GRADES 0F Keewatin MANITOBA ! ROSE FLOUR \ Farm and Garden Undertaking Satisfaction Guarantee in Embalming. . . . Save. . Yourself Feed. Flour â€"Zephyr Ginahams. â€"Dotbed, Figured and Ar ladies’ Underwear at lins. â€"Vict,oria Lawns. â€"-Prints. in an popular 5 and qualities. â€"Sheeting. plain and u bleached and unblez â€"Circula,r Pillow Covers. â€"All-over Laces in Croat white. We still carry on r. as formerly and ho; favored with the 001 patronage of our r. tomers and as ma} ones as may feel ( to give us a trial. We do not keep Everything. . . All Necessaries and \_ mu Many Luxuries . .9 H‘ DURHAM . JULY 5. 1906 C. McArth‘ Carding and Spi: TO ORDER AS If W00 WANT BARCLAY And your seamstress th comfort of SEWI\G m t season by purchasing ou: summer suits of :j Per suit. These goods f ture an'l comfort are celled. Something NEW see our But have abundant Sm Government Standm Timothy and Clove ‘Ve have opened 1 taking in Thomas budding, Oppoqme Hausa. and are p1 do business for anv quiring Undertakin Our stock of Fate! have arrived. also of Catholic Robes. Ugilvie's Househ $5 ‘25 per

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