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Durham Chronicle (1867), 5 Jul 1906, p. 4

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DURHAM, JULY 5. 1906. “.11). Ch? Canadian pl‘t‘SS Should be ,' 0180K OHIO and our ClLlZOUS Dana. regularly afflicted with despatches of Mchjdie vs. Bansley. of Markdale. uncalled for courtesy to the United the adjourned 3353““ 0359 to have been heard by magiStrate VauDusen ' b‘tates. on the part or canitdiztns in on Saturday was withdrawn by the (audit m alsplalmg the “a“ andlcomplainant who paid the costs in- Stripes alongside the Union Jrck on i curred. patriotic occasions, is more than or-‘ Mr. Geo. Stewart’s little son, six dinarily comprehensive people “a“ 1 teen months old. fell down the steps Hillel“, The latest is the draping 0f at the door last week and received a at Kingston pulpit with the UnionJack severe cut in the nose. Several and Stars and Stripes. 0n the occa- stitches were inserted in dressing the sion oftlie visit of Prince Arthur of wound. Cennanght to Toronto. the American Mr. J. E. Hutchinson. tailor, has flag played a very conspicuous part in ; been M his home at Vandeleur lor a the decoration of the Union Station. few days laid “P With 13°35‘99” really holding the place of honor.‘ Fifty-six pupils more at the en- \\'hile it is not ourintentionto helabor‘ trance examinations here ‘3“ week. i w the flag of our American cousins, we‘ e learn they were a 800d average . . . . . llot of u ' can t to" m“ world ‘magm" “he” “2 larger tgagxfnyaggegloeusnggger was plays any l-‘art in the celebration ofl Anniversary services were held in the Ernst of July, or the welcoming of l the Presbyterian church on Sunday a British Prince ‘0 “ BritiSh ”I‘m-l" | when Rev. Finlay Matheson of Chats- 15 cities like Toronto and Kingstoni A. don‘t know better. it‘s hard to expect? much from people who are unfortun- i Bunessan. i ate enough to live in the smaller towns : l anevillages, and who naturally looki Mr. Archie Dufield, of Guelph, is to the larger places. especially Provin- ; at present spending his holidays at cial Capitals. for guidance in mattersl his “110193,, D80 and John McArthnr ofthis kind. We respect the flag of °‘ the Glem ‘ . . . : Mr. and Mrs. Sutherland. of Owen the greatest Rewbhc on e‘utb‘ but".Sound. spent a few days with the we don't ‘I'Ol'ShiP it- “.3 1109‘“ they l latter's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. respect ours, and '11ka they do. But ; MoArthur. of this burg. wouldn‘t itbe expecting too much .to’. Miss Amy Kearney, of Waudbv, is think it should be paraded alongsxde l staying with her aunt. Mrs. Britten, their own emblem on Independence ifor a couple of weeks. Day, or any other National occasion“ 5‘35 dCaptain John McGillivray. " 9 returne last week from England for that matter. Where he spent the last six weeks. DURHAM CHRONICLE Peaicy’s Mixed Paint Profitable Painting. Huusehn MacFarlane Co. Dmggists and Booksellers loan: Claimsomm Carry the Most Conviction. When Maxim. the famous gun in ventor, placed his gun before a. com. mittee of judges, he stated its carry- ing power to be much below What he fielt sure the gun would acnmplish. The result of the trial was therefore a great surprise. instead of disappoint- ment. It is the gene with the man- ufacturers of Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diem-hoes Remedy. They do not publicly boast of all this ”may will scoomplish. but prefer to let the users nuke the statements. mat they'do chin, is that it will positively cure dial-hoes. dysentery. pins in the stomach and bowels end ”when known to hi1. For do 1* Park’s Drug Store. d IRWIN. Editor and Proprietor. It costs no more per gallon than some brands, but costs less than any by the square yard of surface covered and is the most profitable paint of all because it lasts longer than the Others. \Ve are ex- clusive agents for Peatcy’s Pure Mixed Paint Let us give you some figures. When you cover a house with a rest of good pnint it. is not an expenseâ€"it is an invest ment. It pavs dividends in the increased life of the structure. The amount of the dividend paid depends upon what brand of paint you use To secure the lumen profit you must use There are a hundred and one wares around the home where a little paint. would work wonders in {rashening things up and we have the paints so do it. with. Screen Paint. Enamels. Varnish Stains. Varnishes. Stove Pipe Enamels. Floor Paint. Etc. d Paints A pretty wedding took place at the residuncre of Mr. Geo. Ludlow, east éback line. on Wednesday evening of éiast wee-k when his )OODgQSt daugh- Eter E|324beth became the wife of Mr. 3.19.9. E. McGuir of Dundulk I The "marriage ceremony witnessed by fitbout thirtv guepts. was performed iby Rev. Leslie W. Thom, of this iplace and took place on the lawn be neath a pre ty decorated arch of !evergreens The bride, who was at- ltended ny the groom's sister, Miss Addit- McGuirk, was prettity gowned in “lute silk trimmed with val encieunes lace and insertion. The ' bridesmaid wore a becoming gown of ivory white lustre. The bride’s brpther Mr. Wm Ludlow was beet man After the ceremony at dainty wedding repeat was served The young couple spent the evening with the company and various amuse- ments weteindulged in. The bride i was the recipient of numerous valu ;ahle presents. . ....â€"<... . I i 1 l V i i 3 g I I I Ou lune 20th. Mr. Herbert Bad gerow a ouug farmer of the 4th line IArto mesia. became a benedict the §young lady of his choice being Miss ISarah Lumly of \Valkerton. The Q marriage took place at. the home of i the bride’s mmber, Rev. Mr. 'McLeu- inun officiating. 6 I l o I 0.: Wednesday afternoon of Ia~2t week a marriage was celebrated at the Fresh} terian manae here b} Rev. L W. 'I‘bom who joined in wedlock Mr. Henry A. Arnett and sts Nellie June Derusba, bctb of the 3rd line, Osprey. Mr. Jas. McClennan and Miss Maggie Elli attended the young couple. At dawn of day on Wednesday of last week Rev. G. F. Hurlburt journeyed to Priceville and at 6 o’ clock at the home of the bride's mother united in marriage Miss Liz. zie Robertson to Mr. Albert Chap- man, of Toronto The young couple left {or the city on the morning train. Flesberton and Priceviile senior football clubs played on the latter’s grounds some days ago re-ulting in a tie 2 to ‘3. A return wand] gnaw was played here last Wrek when the score was 2 to 1 in favor of Flesher ton. The band was In nttuudunce here and a. big crowd of Spectators. Priceville had attractions for a number of our citizens last. week. On Tuesday several attendee the Sunday School Convention the fol lowing taking part in Imâ€" program: Rev’s Thom. Hurlburt and Caldwell, Mr. M K. Richardson and Mrs Thurston. The Conn-mien Wt.- learn was very SOCCeSSfUI. Un Friday evening the following waisted in a programme at a gardru parry grven by the Methodist church: Mr. M K Richardson (chairman) Ur. Caldwell, Rev. G. F. Hurtburl, Ur. Murray. Mr. H. L. Douglass Mrs. Thom, Mrs Blackburn and our CiLlZous baud. McArdie vs. Bansley, of Markdale, che adjourned assault case to have been heard by magisu'ate VanDusen on Saturday was withdrawn by the complainant who paid the costs in- curred. A large number from this locality went on the Farmers’ Excursion to Guelph last week. Bornâ€"At. Winnipeg on June 23rd. to Mt. and Mrs. Isaac H. Turner, 8. daughter. and on July 15:... to Mr. and Mrs. G. F. Karsnedt, a. son. Mr. Geo. Stewart’s little son, six teen months old. fell down the steps at the door last week and received a severe cut in the nose. Several stitches were inserted in dressing the wound. Fifty-six pupils wrote at. the en- trance examinations here last week. We learn they were a good averafie 10: of pupils and the number was larger than any previous year. Miss Mary McInnis. of Toronto, is hoiidayine at old Bunessan. Miss Stidwell. teacher. at our school for the past ten months, left. Saturday for her home in Button. 3. picnic was given in her honor on Friday before leaving when she was presented with ajewel case and toilet se 0 Mr John Gray left. Monday to visit friends in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Edwards and son Willie. uf Owen Sound. spent a few days last week wish Mrs. Ed- ward’s brorher, Mr. Wm. Britten who is at present quite ill. ’ Miss Boll Binnie. teacher, at \V’and- by. is spending her vacation at her home here. Mr. Alex. McArthnr. wife and lit- tle son. of Michigm. are at present visiting the farmer’s parents and bronhers in the Glen. NOTES OF THAT BURG BY OUR O\VN CORRESPONDENT FLESHERTON W1r1h,who exchanged with the pas- tor. preached fine sermons to large CODn‘o-zatcns. The services in the ' 31131111 dist and Baptist churches were I wnhdrawn in the evening. On Mon Em evening the usual strawberry ’e riwl was held and an interesting magnimme uf addresses and music Sues g1ven. Miss Eva Loucks is on a three f wee-Ls visit with friends at Meéflord. { Mrs. D l. Jamieson and little: son. fiToronto, are Spending a couple of i weeks with the farmer’s parents Mr. iand Mrs. John Whitten. Mr J McCrea. Qzeens College studmnt. who has Spent che past few luou'hs nith his sister. Mrs. Bunt, has unturned to his home an \Vood- bridge, Mr. C.\ .Uanaell left laSt week to spend the school holidays “ich his fauml. at Glen Meyer )IisS Watson, teacher. Feversham~ was the guest of Mrs. Ottewell, part of last week. Mes Jennie \Vilson. teacher, is home from Toronto for the holidays M's. Auirew Shields returned laSt week to her home at Detroit, alter an extended visit with her sister Mrs Jane Thompson, who is improv~ ed in health. Mr. Geo Clark of Ottawa, is holi daying this week with Mr. and Mrs Hickling and other relatives here Mr. Fisher. of Toronto, was a vis- itor at. Mr. W. H. Thurston’s over the holiday. Mr. W. G. Duncan. who visited rplawes the past two months, re- turbo-(Ito his home in Washington S: me last week Mr and Mrs VanDusen visited thril‘ danghter at Comm-wood lasz. Wat-k. Mr. J. 3.00m of Vormanby Vlsited his brother, Wm. over Sunday. Mr. G. H. Blackburn and daughter Rita, of Nottawa, visited over Sun- day and Monday with relatives in this place and vicinity. Among the holiday. visitors here over the ISL were. Dr.A.E. Webster who jained Mrs. Webster at Mr. M. K Richarzlsou’s; Mr. Ed Swift and son Bowman of Toronto. at P Quiggs; .\lr anl Mrs. \V. J. Doug lass of Collinguoui at Mr. A S. Van- Dusen’»; Mr. Men 1n VanZant Miss Gertie \‘nnZant and brother Milton and Mr. F. A Han-lock of Toronto. at Dr. Ottewell’s; Mr. J. Burton. of \Voodbridge at Mr W. H. Bnnts; Mr. Pine of Toronto at Mr. A. Beat tie’s; Mr. \\ Bush in and son, of Guelph. visited the former’ s brother \Vesley, west. back line; Miss Maths son of Shelhurne. was the guest of the Mis-‘es Mnnshaw; Mrs Wm. Howes and \lrs Emly Howlett, of Elora visited the former’ ssister Mrs. Howard; Mr. J fi'l‘histlethwaite Mr. Charlie Mc'I‘avidh Miss Lily Thistleth- waits and Mr. Arthur \Vardrobe, vis- ited at their respective homes; Mr. James Cullen, of Toronto after. an absence of fourteen years. visited his brother Mr. Johnson Cullen east back line; Miss May Gillespie and Miss Thompson. of Toronto, visited the farmer’s mother. Mr. John Kerr left last- week for De'ro:t to visit his sister who is ill Mr. and Mrs. M. \Vilson visited the fatter's mother in Glenelg on Monday. Among those abroad were, Mr. Geo. Mitchell. Miss Lulu and Master Har- old at Alliston; Mr. W. Livingston. at Harriston; Mr. Thos. Grainger vis- ited his sister at Parknill; Miss Frances Bellamy visited her sister at Owen Sound; Mr. Walter Loucks and sister Vera visited friends at Meaford; Mr. and Mrs. \V. Moore, Mr. J. J Brown and Mis- Eva Irwin were at Durham; Mr. E. W. Attwood visited old friends at Erin; Mr. W. J. Stew- art visited friends in Toronto and Mr. and Mrs. Albert Stewart were at Collingwood A large number at- tended the celebration at Dundalk on _.\Ionday. \Vhile a Fleshercon man was be at. in: carpets one day recently. Lb" stick be was using broke and one portion of it struck his wife in face. causing a painful irjnry. Hereafter the men in that :o-vu will no doubt avoid all dangEr by refining to whack the carpet.â€"Cnatsworth News. We weep to say that, the New: 5° serious ly out. in its calculatitn The men have to do it all now â€"Flesherton Advance. Women with weakness should‘ never forget Dr. Shonp’s Night Cure. , This ma iclike 100a! treatment. is; used at bedtime. all night while the? system is at rest. it is constantly: building up the Weakened tissues soothing the inflamed and sensitive ' surfaces and will surely clean up all. cutnrrhal and local troubles. Sold by Maoist-lone Co. I From the premise; of Wm. Wil. son’s near Boothville. on 9r about the lust of May. n two-year-old heifer. Color red. with face spotted and white between horns. Any in- formttien leeding to her recovery will be suitably rewarded. WM. McFADDEN. J nne 21â€"3. Dnrhun P O They Do It All Now. STRAYED DURHAM CHRONICLE S. S. No. 2, EGREMOX’I‘. Sr. III to Jr. IVâ€"Archie Allan. Esther Tucker, Joe. Morrison. Jr. III to Sr. IIIâ€"Edna Dennett. Jr. II to Sr. IIâ€"Agnes Allan. Mar- garet Woods. Sara Allan, Myrtle Allan, Hazel Dennett, Earl Mead, Sam Morrison and Gertrude Pollock equal. Andrew Gray. Pt. II to 11â€" Willie Gray. Bridget \X'oods. “'ilfred Barbour. May Allan, Annie Ker, Ella. Baird. George Mc Laughlin. Mary Ker, Willie Woods, Willie Eden. Sr. 1 to ? Alice Gray. Jr. I(b) to Jr. I (a)â€"Eva McMee ken. Elsne McLaughlin. E!mer Mo Meeken. Jr. I (a) to St. Iâ€"Harold Baird. Howard Baird, Howard Mead Maggie Mead, James Finnigan S. S No 1, NORMAXBY. IVâ€"Willie McAlister, Gertrude Morice. HSr. IIâ€"‘Jyrtle Caldwell Dinah Thompson. JthS \IarshalL Mountain Sr. PL. Iâ€"Arthur Mountain Keller, Jan Baer. Pc. Iâ€"Dawson Marshall, Bella Morice, Janet Mountain. Average attendance 36 The following is the result; of the Promotion Er ‘ziam nations: Sr. IIIâ€"Arthur Backus, Willie Wallace, Arthur Gadd. Jr. Ilâ€"Jobn Kerr, Walter McAlis- t8!“ Grace Mountain, Henrietta Kel- 191‘ To Sr IIIâ€"Mary Backus, Minnie Keller, Albert: Keller, Lizzie BJI'DS. To Jr. IIIâ€"James Marshall, Mvrtle Caldwell. Tommy \Vullace. Dinah To Jr. IVâ€"Artbur Backus, Arthur Gadd, Willie \Vallace To Jr. IIIâ€"James Marshall Caldwell. Tommy \Vullace. Thompson. To Sr IIâ€"Neila Marsbsll, ‘Valter McAlister, John Kerr, Mary McAlis ter. Grace Mountain, Elmer Fee. Henrietta Keller. In the Matter of the Estate of Henry Willis, late of the 'l‘ownshi ot Bentinck, in the County of Grey. 'eoman. dec aased. Notice is hereby given pursuant to the Revised Statutes of Ontario. 1897, chap. 129. that all creditors and others having claims agains the Estate of the said Henry Willis who died about the seventeenth day of April A. l) 1906, are required on or be- fore the seCond day of August A. D. 1906, to send by post prepaid and addressed to David Willis and Ephriam Fursman, P. O. Box No. 2, Durham 1’. 0., Executors, their christian and surnames, addresses and descriptions. the full particulars of their claims, the statement of their accounts and the nature of the securities (if any) held by them. And further take notice that after such last mentioned date tue said Exezutors will proceed to distribute the assets of the deceased among the parties entitled there to having regard only to the claims of which they shall then have notice. and that the said Executors will not be liable for the said assets or any part thereof to any person or persons of whose claims notice shall not have been received by them at the time of such distribution. Dated this 2nd day of July A. D. 1906. DAVID WILLIS. EPHRIALI FUR851AN. } EXOCUtOI‘S 0‘ the estate of Henry WilliS.deceased. THE GOVERNMENT OF THE PRO- VINCE OF ONTARIO, under the author- ity of Chapter 4. of the Statutes of On- tario. 1906, invites subscriptions from the public tor a loan of $3,0(X),OOO on bonds of the Province of Ontario, dated lst July, 1906, and yable .541 _ 900 on the lst July. 1926, , ALL “0508 AND IXSCRIBEQ vSTOUK ISSUE) UNDER THE AL- E'l‘HURlTY Ob‘ THE SAID AUL‘ ARE ElfREE FROM ALL ONTARIO PRU- §\l.\'ClAL TAXES. CHARGES. SUC- WJESSION DUTY AND IMPOSITIONS ; WHATSOEVER. : Purchasers of amounts up to SUDO will ,be required.to send certified cheque with :the applicution. Fur amounts over 81.000 1 payment f .r sub-caption may be made in instalments 10 per cent. on application. :10 per cent. lst August, 10 per cent. lst ‘b‘eptember. 10 per cent. last October, 10 per cent. lst Bovember. and 50 per cent. flst December, 1906. with privilege of ; paying at an earlier date. tne interest on } instalment subscriptions being adjuted ; on_lst January. 1337. Provincial Loan of $3,000,000 81.500 000 on the 1st July. 1936. with coupons attached for interest at the rate of 35 per cent per annum pa able half- early on the 1st Jannarv an the 1st nly in each year at the office of the Provincial Treasurer. Toronto. Bonds will be of the denominations of $200, $500. and $1,000. and will be payable to bearer, but on request will be registered in the ofiice of the Provincial Treasurer and endorsed as payable only to the order of certain persons or corporations. and on re- quest-of holders may be exchanged for Untario Government Stock bearing the sage rate of interest The issue price during the month of JMY. 1906. will be par. and after the 3lst July, 1906. the issue price will be par and accr_ued interest. In the event of an subscriber for bonds payable by insta meats failxng to make payment of subsequent instalments, the bonds may be sold and any loss in- curred will be charged to the purchaser in default. Forms of subscription (when payable by instalments) may be obtained on appli- ca't'gop tq Eh; Treaspr): Department Jr. IIIâ€"Minnie Keller, Mary Back. wâ€" w- â€" vrwu v-ICVMU This loan it ‘raisea upon the credit of the Consolidnted Revenue Fund of Ontario aug‘is chgggblp merqupou. _ L _ All cheqiies shoffié'R'EAde payable to the order of " The Provincial Treasurer of Ontarw.” and subscribers vshould state the denominations . and terms (20 or 30 years) of bonds desxred. A. J. MATHESON. Provincial Treasurer- Treasur Department, Parliament Build- i‘ggs. oronw,.27lh June, 1%. Né'ngapers 'insertgiiév'tâ€"h'i's" advertise- ment “(about authpnty from the Depart- ment mu not be pad for it. Notice to Creditors. Il~Mabel Wal,lace Stanley to Fe. IIâ€"Willie Finnigan CLARA ALJOE, Teacher. M. M. ADAIR, Teacher. WeH Dressed OUR HAND=MADES CASH ONLY. Bein Lot No. 11, Con. 52, Egre- mont, ions 9 and 10, Con. 3, Egre- monc, each containing 100 acres. Will sell separately if purchaser desires. Each farm is in good con- dition. Good bank barn and sheds on Lots 9 and 10 on the 3rd. Lot No. 11; Con. 2. contains a fair house and ham. For further particulars apply on the premises or write to EDWIN JOHNSON. July 3â€"4pd. Varney P. O. Bring your REPAIRING and FOOT MEASURE to We Are Moving This Week . . . . Hats, Fancy Vests and Spring Suitings. To the store occupied by Geo. Lawrence, and will be pleased to see all our old customers and as many new ones as care to call, and will do our best to please all in either new goods or repairing. Farms for Sale PEEL; the Shoeman J. S. McILRAlTH YOU’RE NOT DRESSED Without a nice. Smut 1‘32" Hug pair of shops. Our lines in White and Tan Shoes. Pa’ent and \ 0 Kids a"e we vvrv lamfit. and ?131*’X;‘»QHSQ ‘11.: Hun) spared r0 gnu the very bass. and pricaa won’t, hurt anyE-zc .} . t4 \ . .4 Faltbful to their name, gaining: esrahlished the reputettion earn full value to the cuszomer March m Tailor and Gent’s Furnisher JUST IN . L. F LARITY A superb line of up-to-date EGGS TAKEN SAME AS CASH. EGGS WANTED. SEE THEM. Try An Ad. DURHAM AND OWEN SOUND The Chronicle JULY 5, 1906 Confidence. keephm 'x ed by their pality 5 {é a j "‘17‘ ltion of muscular 5: m as tumblers Th . .mic performances "F $353111!” “898 allaughab «3 p if Iork they suppiiwi The I ’ peared at the Comwrt a: if? their quota was rather a ture to sandwich in wi 11 lent seleccions furnished b performers. .‘l‘. l ‘7; at: from Toronto. 5; The Gathe The Sons of Scotlan a Successful Dem stration. The Sons of Scotland he Annual Demonstration here day and like all its predem passes into history as a‘ both at regards the games financial returns. The mor! rather hazy. but all who h1 acre of the weather in the i dictmd a fine day after the 51 through the mists So i115 if the Society had the m :ltte1 own hands they couldu 1. l1 ered anything betlex. 1 Ideal weather, good and good mus' Up to noon the cram to be very encouraging alter middav a cousm vehicles was seeing all directions. About the visitors made [tn-:1 Agricultirai Grounds. ural grand maud wa: with Sight sears. The Royal Caxmdi were one of the chic! tractions, and an exhi die jumping fanned on ing eczs. Eight her: ridhrs cooszicuzed the 1 Dragoons SeuL hm-e. : Ema.“ numbu, di‘ca‘td form and carrymg the game a deeidedly mil ance to the day’s pm; the hurdle jumping I!“ CiSBS and Wl'tffitllug ( delightfully admxred h and deep intererz «as 1 out in the military ex}; .3. Pipe Baud consist} nine memeers had bmax; from Leudon, and a: in; the day and at the evening. every level National .uuuc Was d the “skirl” of *he pipe 0111' ed xcation is 110! .~‘ veloyed to make any Valuable Campariseu music of this ye u and er occasmns, but we p all right, and judge i the appreciation snow: ence. The Miss“ St xiker 1km I Highland girls from Ac some very pretty exhibitioa tish dancing and carried 05 prizes as may be seen by winners. Tnvy We're not Winners but winners of g. mlration by their g-acefu! “qurteous unassuminu den .V II? Palaro Bros. a ‘3 .I'n_L_ “ m _.---... i... The sporting: porticn programme was Well and the contests were qu one An unfortunate thin in the high vaulting com v wgs brought to an an flarling s DRUG ST DARLI JULY :3, 190; 345%vfi The People’s Dru W; BUY YOU FROM COPYR (635}- W88 80 \K‘

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