West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 5 Jul 1906, p. 7

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ly intelligent physicign ”N inc-tenths of all female m :en including anaem' ’ j and confitipation. tomes (ha answer quick the! onstipated Bowels.” is scarcely a single fond. ha: had no: in its earlig, mptoms of constipation. u the poxsonous accumulation. cons:ipation. How much re an msg at the head ofit is aman whose tatxous as. .3 tegxcher are ounex hose ambxtxon 13 to see hrs station” hfiood eitizens. morally. sociallyand a. y. '| July and August. .‘8 BaCh ‘tl n his weak ts: ‘ each st 'dence in himself; se by attending the day and even- vses, students graduate in a. short at a small cost: se its graduates are enjoving the sitious in almost every Canadian encan ext}; use this College enjoys the eonfi' ‘f the Business Public. pse it teaches Actual business from } finish: use its Shorthand students are doing lens work. some writing 21) m8 nnute after attending only No {1'1“ [a Uidest-â€"Nm the largest I Justthe Best ‘The Mount Forest L to Cure if Properly ‘ Promptly Treated. m aved His Comrade's Li t. over yourself. W. T. CLANCY, Prin. am hair. ’Don’t'yonf' mi 311’: Vegetable Sicilian m ror. You save what harm and get more at them film. whnken and We '0 1-D (GHAX’S DYE. Redmnlhhm blwk- 3- P- BALI-359M obiiing is not. all fun and One evening recently a chine, owned and driven by L. of Owen Sound, and con- besides a woman and three Female Ailments. .. 0f! i mess College CD JULY 5, Med off the road a mile am of this village while Shelburne. The front a culvert and broken #31 other parts of the ‘be party went to Conn- est for assistance, who :n. bringing the broke Harry \Vilson patch 15‘. It was six o’cloc ,9: after an all night.’ .vhen the machine was WESC under W8Y.â€"-F169h0r'j% ME EARLY. udeut does his workoin. )thersr thereby establish- ient is taught separato- den; receives special at- aubwcts and may choose om iidon.” says Mr. J. E I-Iidon, Iowa. “I am berlai n ’s Colic. 'rhoea Remedy and iffe. I have been 'ears in immigration ted many parties to ~sc. 1 always carry have used in success- ccasions.” Sold at culties are thoroughly ccm‘. thus avoiding 1058 mts and enabling them than is possible in ch88 s the Best :â€" 'r. Hamilton’s five boxes for .\I. C. Polson U. S. A., and row the Grand :1: Washington Elain, UL. was orbus and was _ Commercial 15 necessary 11b Drs. Jamieson Maclaurin. ()P‘E‘BIC A\D fiESIDENCE z fihurt distanLa Baxtc; f Knann’ a ann shun. distance east of Kuapp’s Hotel, Lamb tun Street, Lower Town, Durham OIfice hours from 12 to :3 o‘clock. foot of hill. ( p.m., 7-8 p.m 1mm. ISM} E ' ‘A‘Es . o . nz'zc «I each subscuu A12 aOVcruscm I: m advance Comm fate» spplgamgu go tha THE JOB : : DEPARTHENT meant: hr. 5;.00 p43,: _a. directions W2“ "I? Ali advertise a: Geek, should be bum. normnz. l ticeiu the New Hunter Block. Ofl‘ice hours, 8 to w a. an, to 4 p. m. and 7 t09 p. m. Special attention given to diseases of women and children. Residence 0p- pmite Presbvterian Church. Specialist: Eye, Ear, Throat and Nose “0'63” ‘.‘ “emm 3i mascammx me “A :58 acme.» u . . . . veau.» paged if not :0 p. Late Assistant. Roy. London Ophthalmic Hos Eng.. and toGolden Sq. Throat and Rose Hoe. OFFICE: :ordu Will be at. the Midisngh House lat. Wednesday or each womb. from 12 to 4 p. In. Syore. Lo ox monev oropertv . EVERY TNURSDAY Nouns-so .1 mm Hanna» n 39%. mwuu flREF DURNA.’J, ONT. "ll. R. c. P.. LONDON. ENG. RADULATE of London, New York ‘nd Chicago. Diseases of Eye. Ear Nose and Throat. W111 bu ag Knapp House. Durham. the 2nd Sam. dav m each month. H-mrsâ€"lâ€"G p.111. -v‘..- 11115 Bllflmtiz. " u’ Colleg A. G. MACKAY. K. C. D veyancersfi‘ltfic: Money to. Loan. Ofixceszâ€"In the McIntyre Block, over Standard Bank. A“ er, Conveyancerf 81c. Insurance Agent. . Money to Loan. Issuerpf Mal:- nage Lxceuses. A general nuanclal bus:- ness transacted. (Micaâ€"Gamer Block, OHN KINNEE. LICENSED AUC- tioneer for the County of Grey. June 06 DURHAM, ONT. )HYSICIAN AND SURGEON, OF U tiuueer for the County of Gre)‘. $8198 pron} ptly attended to. Orders may be left at Ins Implement Warerooms, McKinnon’s old stand, or at the Chronicle Oflice. .{ '- U. flower for ‘the County of Grey. Tenn moderate and satisfaction guaran- teed. The arrangements and dams of sales can be made at THE CHROXICLE of- lice. Resideuge sud P. 0.. Ceylon. Tele- phone wnuecuon. J.- G. Hutton, M. D., C. M. IOTARY PUBLIC, COMM_ISSION- lording facilities work. . . F‘FH Nov. 9. ’03. ARRISTBR. SOLICITOR_. mo. ’ ARRISTERS. SOLICITORS, co; - OH} DURHAM, ONT. (Lower Town.) Ufiice over Gordon‘s new Jewellery u Lower Town, Durham. Any amount onev to loan at a per cent. on farm im'atr -‘v‘ ' V-’ --- â€"_ ty of Toronto. Graduate Royal 'e Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Dentistry in all its Branches. EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR. J ULY 5. 1906 Dr. MCPHAIL, LICENSED AUG- Medical Direcfwy . N CLARK. LICENSED AUC- Arthur Gun, M. D. me: '0: y Dental Dz'rea‘on‘. B AND RESI BENCHâ€"COR DR- GED. S. BURT. MacKay 8:. Dunn. DR. BROWN XC A. H. Jackson. mm and George Streetsâ€"at ()fiice hoursâ€"B- H a 111., 2-4 v. m. Telephone V0.10. Miscellaneous. \Y. I R‘YIN 1. P. Telford. EXCLUSIVELY B PUBAJ‘hno .0. Pickering Dentist. Over J. J. Hunter’s. for tuxmn: on: Fur-cm“ Is completely stocked w‘f Ik, over Post Ofiice flfiflfllfih amen in c \\. F.DU.\'. '1. .3, 1'0: $0.00 :c:9â€"-$'.5n -' :35 l‘his is a splendid outing, and werybuily shuuld take ad- vantage of the extlenwl) low rates to see one of the World’s greatest wonders, and sew in ()1 wrat-iml the great- est electrical power development in the wholg universe. The Meaford Mirror places most of. B; the blame for the free-for all fight “7“" . . "‘37 which ended a lacrosse match with of : Markdale there a few days ago in the 3313.] second quarter. on a man named i well Shute who followed the visiting WES team. claiming he ran in to help an . their Rut Aberdeen out of some diflicu'ty he flin; was having with his check. The tion Markdale account places the onus on lv 0 Pretty-work Williams, iate of Shel {Iris burne. who has become a resident of} b‘, t the village by the lake. who was in- ‘ cost censed because he was not allowed to, iaul field captain for Meaford, and took advantage of his first Opportunity toi vent his wrath. thus precipitating a. general onslaught. It is quite evi dent, however. that the trouble was’ cau3+d by the spectators. who have I I not learned to leave the fixing up of such disputes to the referee. who is to a there for that purpose. but must run 0““ pell mell onto the field and interfere f0” and thus magnify an incident into an 1 mg event. Many a team is humiliatedflvw both at home and abroad by the imi U” . tation Sports that take the liberty of? 5““ taking up their disputes, and who i A” follow them around from town to: town and in a variety of boyish and! ' V silly ways endeavor to create the im- ,’ new pression that they constitute the E on "i backing the team has. If more of our j Fan business men would make it a point 3 Far to attend the outside matches as well 5 ' as the home games it would inspire? EV :more respect in a visiting team andi graise the general tone of the gameâ€"i. i Dundalk Herald. l Tue Durham, Varney, Holstein, Mount Forest, Minto, Palmerston, Moorefield, Drayton, Goldstone. Alma, Fergus, Elora, ANNUAL EXCURSlON Niagara Fans But are Scientific Veterinary Preparations prepaled by Under the supervision of DES. VANZANT WARING. Toronto, of over 20 years practical experience. Stock Tonic and Blood Purifier Antiseptic Healing Oil IndigeSIion and Colic Cure Breeding Powders Spavin Cure Cough Remedy Poultry Tonic Heave Relief Louse Death Navel and Joint Ill Cure Grails and Thrush Cure Diarrhoea Cure for Colts Sprain Emulsion Lump Jaw Cure “Form Remedy Each pkg. contains a coupon entitling the holder to free veterinary advice. SOLD BY BARCLAY BELL. Implement Azents. DURHAM. COLIN McMILLAN. Harnessmaker. DROMORE. SCHWINDI‘ 8: MUTE. Grocers. HANOVER. ‘ WTO Cure a COM :11 One Day Take Laxatgve ' Br'omo‘Quinipe. Tablets: é %Jé_fl mmmmhmnm$ Arriving at Niagara Falls Falls at 7.01) p.11). Tickc Tickets from Durham, on any of the regular 1 The Annual Excursion of Ilw li'm‘m-th League ml the Durham Methodist Clmrcll will talliv plzmr nu A Special Train will lea tlu- following Time Tablv The Meaford Incident. THE VETERINARY SPECIALTY GO. Committeeiâ€"GEU. SPARUNG, A. C. WOLFE, W A GLASS. These Are Not Stock. Foods PER GRAND TRI'NK RY. SYS o) 0). .gnm Falls at 1-..». RvLm-ning will leave: -'i:tg:u'al m. Tickets guml guing only an Excursion Train. Durham, Van-Hey and Hols cin good to return regular trains up to Monday evening, July 9th. 1. E A \' 1‘: 7.00 a. m. 7.05 “ 7 l9 " 7 34 " 744 u 8.05 “ 8.2; “ 8..58 9.13 9.20 HO! FOR 'ilV 66 to 66 66 Barclay Glynn and his wi'e Bridget wwe up hair)?» 31' Vlichael \lcNa [Tarn l P 'h-' Other rinv «m a charge of assault. Same diet-amen from Glynn’s residence thme is a flowing well, and aneigbhor. Frank Hoefling. was in the habit of getting water there. The le’snn didn’t like this. and began throwing stones at, Hoe fling and his children, and in addi- tion to the stones the air was strong lv charged with an exceedingly rich Irish brogue The penalty imposed by the magistrate was one dollar and Costs for each defendant, and in de- fault of payment. '20 days in jnil. Washing donu on Maud“, Wed- ne<dny and Friday Ironing done 0L Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. Family Washing. plain.... .350 (182. Fami’y \Vashing, snatched. 300 dnz. EVERYTHING WELL IRONED. LEE GET HAVE PURCHASED the laundrv business of Charlie L99. and wish to announce that the business will hp carried on in the high class manner followed by my predecessors. Hav- Ail hand workâ€"Nu machinery. ing had large PXperience in laundry Work. spending the last {our gears in “‘iuhira. Kaunas. I guarantee satisfaction. 1e Laundrymao, Durham, Ontario. TAKE THAP YE SPALPEEN. )m-luml {churdillg' tn Antiseptic Healing Oil Breeding Powders Cough Remedy Heave Relief Navel and Joint Ill Cure Diarrhoea Cure for Colts Lump Jaw Cure {till Changed Hands. fits 'l‘ ‘. HM DURHAM CHROMCLE 95 90 1,; 0 i I At the untuunu age of 34 years Muss [Vb-Von Ha, .. daughter 0 MT. and W 1‘! \":D Bu ‘ 0‘ X0 ll’lnnby Pp , dlml m an nuswrm u" Friday last at Ulv .murucan bu .. U 4 n W!“ -h Icauit of u 60 Ulol-Ltufluu Of DUN H‘Hub.e hum ' f w We'd-Ca nan 3' 0* W43 {DITA-('1 to CAKE LU her bed. b S * tr blower Rev. J hu dad. “I” Sta.uex. who went. Up a ween duo ha». 11- r r.- movpd to a. II~chital In Sp"? .f 3.- physlciau’s Ski‘l and atten i e .. mg she phswd 3 ~ «v as ~ azc-x De CPuSrd had 'hrell {endlli114 ll u it: a: tliPS(1\), and “MS ain‘in; “WU: er Some doctors g0 NI) far as to say (has irzdzgesuon ls‘ mu national dm .3»: of Auwrxca Tue“ is but rm» nnt'uum 'emedy En it-dlgt‘SCidu and -a.~= 0f Auwmca Enter“ IS but on“ nut'uum 'CInedy fn' intllgt‘b‘tiou and lm.ti’rl1:ery i~ Uz'. Hamilton’s PIH> \Vhic'h heavieranw HH- acziun of m unh'lia' glu (is and Lain-9 £0ch to th dugemwe organs. They Stwngthe th {muneys a. (1 liver, clemme and DNA fly the blOOd auu thus add guru-rd} Lama tn every uluan uf the buds. Fm}. and atl‘t‘hglh me fwr. restored and the patient can eat, and d'geS! nu, food he News: Team 1):. “all! Ihun’.~ PINS )quaeif â€"‘35c per bu at {Le DOXcs fur $1.00 at a“ dealer: fired! '~ buy-"‘64 'y a wide - Incic Uf f eud~. inr- n'as a at nuc A menu»: an$ cousaskeuz. \M rkcr for [he “on "Ohiit‘ (-h rch. The Corp~c arriv (1 here '1) -u)nd Q ,s r-nl‘ly 8rd“! "8 n hr nxuht do vu vi»; may I w 3 ac mmmuied My lie-v joh . Ba! Th« rr-umius were L... g, to me home of hn- 503 e:. um ‘\+-- Pdiock. mere. afternoon Two local husinesa man S'rolled dutvn by tha [Iverdidt last bundat morning: wondeling whether BJunu sa.s continental Sunday had com.- in to force when they saw a Bentinc‘n farmer in his working clothes coim over the hills and drive up to the Hanover Woollen Mills Co In thv back of hi: wagon were seven] bags of wonl which he wished to dispose of. It transpires. however, mat the man had no inclination town-d8 the - Wide open” Sunday. and his little comremps of a few days ago waa the r so” ff a. lapse uf memoryâ€"Hat - over Post. A GUARANTEED CURE FOR PIL'BS Itching. Blind. Bleeding. Protruding Piles Drug gials aw authonzed to refund money if PAZO UIXTMISX 1 fails to cum in 6 m 14 days. 500. In- H ' ‘ wen on the arrival of the tfalp 3:93; bv Sound but continued hIS mu â€"0 S. the Alberta to Port Arthur. . Times. 1H U us ht do x” xi»; buy I W 8 ac nunnied My h'ev joh . Ba! Th~ unius were mum: to we home of 503 e: , vita ‘ci P .liocR. mere. '1 the fun-ml ruok Maw on Mondm nah lul'c.\\e FORGOL‘ I? WAS SUNDAY. '9“ ‘Ilg pint r, 11.va 10‘”ng ruc- lwutm I" am! 91> Pl‘~ -fdecease‘r a. u? Stu)!h1; \\ 11. Fred and Bio-v. u! SC'u-hnnfi; Mrs Ard of I. ””40“; 5511‘. U4! Ihf Linowel; .U .luuk. { Jinn I-Px' Ira“ NIH) DIED AT AMERICAN SOO. n NOT ALL DEAD YET. An American Disease Jiv‘lt H-ck cemetery. A 5c . f sorrowin he- :emth to th it 1.11va lOWing air \i M‘x Bail was En‘l‘wobays. nzhlu; n n In a: “fin; watt. er Ju- as a h i h laSWBeb‘1‘mi4 I". I'm 1189. hi a Wide - Incic uf \\ att of tdia all The Durhrm Furniture Co. ’1‘ ‘ MI» ~ 73r- $12 Bedroom Suites SiJ¢baards Extczmiun 'i‘cibies Part A‘ {afics Partur Suites Couc 18$ $15.00 Cash to gut in on We (round r1 ed pussimhLIe-a AS a tummy John S. Mortimer, Prmmrt; in‘ His dus'rict is‘ an absolutely sound. gilt- edged invosrnmnr, and haq br'HU muphaucal 1} endorsed by the Mayor of Fort ‘~ 'illimn 10w Bank Managers, and leadmg business and professional men. to-dny d in WARESRCOMS-OSE DOOR SOUTH OF PJSI‘ OFFICE Syndicate Park FORT WILLIAM Do not delav. These lots are Seliing fast. Map and full [us-Lionnlars on application. HI ‘1 is he only 111011-1111 subdi vided into maidental lots 1.11111, actually 1111111113 3116 J. l. SASS COJII’ANY'S SITE, 0171915 2111 unriv-«1‘ 11:11 opportunity for the smali investor 111 m1 rhe a“01.n1 11 101‘ 111 11 proposition 011111111356 uubaund- 5111111L1143 as :1 1111,1111 v maxer. “a. ‘m W'MM. fad-Um ma: :1 LEM ES, Hi‘i‘ShES AM) FR! BES Price from $65.00 up. LU! [TED :2 N 94;? trouble 7-. chuw goods Odd Qhairs Fancy Chairs Springs 6: Mattresses- irun B365 Babv Carriages Czadies $5.00 per'Month. Call or write :‘h 6!: give prices.

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