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Durham Chronicle (1867), 5 Jul 1906, p. 8

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l % H» ***‘¥*Â¥ :As a Consequence there igs a great demand for 3’3, All Paint of Merit Wfiwtfim Must be on a price in proportion to the skill, taste time and ex- pense attending its manufacture A11 (101013 Vaxnishes and Stains be earing the label of Mm cost a. fraction more than the mdinmy “get it: rich quick” compounds but (the value is there.) ‘E Also a full' line of Oils, Glass, Putty and €364 Builders’ Supplies. 5 .‘\ 11 I; GOODS DELIVERED PROMPTLY ALEX. RUSSELL In Whitewear we are at the top of the heap and are giving best values in Town We Still hold the name of having the cheapest and beat groceries in the town. We carry the best obtainable. and never sacrifice quality to make a low price. We use the utmost care in selecting onr groceries. and see that they are properly kept for the short time they remain in our store. Our prices are not high. We don’t try to give as little as possible for the money, bu} just as much as possible. Try us and prove this assertion. “ Our stock is always fresh.” HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR BUTTER AND EGGS "A composition for RUSkin says : cheapness and not for excellence of workmanship is the mos: frequent and certain cause of rapid decay and intense destruction of arts and manufactures.” Poor paint rapidly-dis of arts and manufactures.” ., Poor paint rapidly-«dis appoars so therefore msis: Ln getting Hollywood paint All Kinds of Hardware firuceries The PeOple’s Store Hollywood Paint Company We are eagain to the f1011t 111th the best Ready to wear Clothing; th:. 11 0:111 be p10c11red 1n the 1 11n11di1111 markets. We handle (111:1 the best makes and V011 can depend on them 11311111111- (:01 rect thing. Step 111 and have a look. Fm [1U] MEN, YflUNG MEN and BUYS Boots and Shoes for Everybody . . We are now prepared to “Boot the whole family" with the latest in Footwear. Special Prices in Children’s Shoes In the Matter of the Durham Natural Gas Oil Company, Limited, of the Town of Durham. in the County of Grey. Take notice tha: at the aujmmued meeting of the shareholders on the 29th ulto. it was further pastponed until Friday. he 20'}: daV omey. 1906. at 8 o’clock p. m . to he held in the Town Hail. in the Town of Dur- ham. in the: County of Grey. D JAMIESON. 1 THOS ALLAN, Prusteps A H JACKSON. l Dated at Durham this 30th day of June. 1906 That’s too bad! We had no- ticed it was looking pretty thin and rough of late, but naturally did act like to speak of it. By the way, Ayer’s Hair Vigor is a regular hair grower, a per- fect hair tonic. The hair Stops coming out, grows faster, keeps soft and sm00th. Ayer’s Hair Vigor cures sick hair, makes it strong and healthy. The best kind of a testimonialâ€" “ Sold for over sixty ygm.’ Market Report. NOTICE. r a. 0. mt um. www- .uo manhunt-on of DURHAM. July 4. 1906 gamma SARSAPARILLA. PILLS. DI'IKHAM CHRONICLE (0 to to [O [U 900 3:) 00 60 4O 40 16 00 50 C' 0' Ii) l3 BRowxâ€"(‘ALDWELL The marriage of Miss Elizabeth Cald- well and Mr. Joseph Brown was $01- emnized at the home of the former’s mother. Mrs. Margaret Laurie, last “'odnesday, the ceremony being con- ducted by the Rev. \V. L. Newton. The bride wore white organdie and valenciennes lace and carried a. bouquet of white roses and maidenhair fern. Both bride and bridegroom were un- attended. After the marrage a. lunch- eon was served to immediate friends only. Mr. and Mrs. Brown left on the 3 o'clock train for a short trip to Guelph and Toronto. on \Vedneâ€"sday morning when his! daughter Carrie Bird, was married to Mr. \Villiam E. Evans, of New Lis- keard. The Rev. Mr. Sparling of Bond Head, a valued friend of the bride and groom, officiated, and who, by the way, came here expressly for ‘that purpose. The bride, given away by her father, wore a handsome gown of point (1’ esprit over white silk and a beautiful, bouquet of white bridal roses, looked exceedingly charming. She was at-7 tended by her sister Hilda, who wore a lovely gown of white muslin. The groom was supported by his brother, Mr. Robert Evans. After the cere- mony wedding breakfast was served under a canopy on the. lawn, where about eighty guests partook of the good things prepared for the occasion. To enumerate the bandsomeand costly presents we lack the space. suffice to say they were many and beautiful. The happy couple left New Liskeard on the 1 p, m. train for an extended trip through the \Vestern States, the bride gowned in a princess suit of fawn ladie’s cloth, with trimmings of brown velvet and braid, with hat to match. \Ve join with their many friends throughout the District in wishing the happy couple all kinds of happiness. Grand Trunk Railway. Shortly after eleven o‘clock Mrs. Newton struck up the \Vedding March I in the presence of a few invited guests, l most of whom Were relatives of the contracting parties. To the cheerful strains the bride and groom. unattend- ed, entered the cosy parlor and took [their position in front of the pastor, { Rem \V. L. Newton, who tied the nuptial knot with much earnestness . and solemity. Mr. and Mrs. Evans will reside on \Ian street, NewLiskeard, upon their 1°anx°"u.â€"lcmiscmuing Hamid. Fox - Kl LBANK. . On Tuesday evening of last Week, June 12. 1906, at the M. E. parsonage, Rev. 1’. \V. Gress joined in holy wed- lock Joseph \V. Fox, of this village. to Miss Desselenn Killmnk of \Vinnipeg. Manitoba. Mr. Fox is a masonztry contractor and has erected seveml very pretty cement buildings here, he is a young man of energy and good busi- ness abilities which count much in the battles of success He is formerly of “'innipeg whence the bride came to join her future husband. The bride was beautifully attired in a suit of gray ladies’ cloth and light blue silk. \Ve are pleased to know that the young couple will make their home with us, and in the person of Mr. Fox we have a thoroughly experienced workman as he has made a study of concrete for many years. May their ship glide smoothly o’er the sea of life, and may they he successfully piloted through all the storms they may en- counter.â€"Golden Valley (N. D.) Chron- icle. [Mr. Fox is a son of Mis. Mary Fox. of this place.â€"-Ed.] M’nERMAIDâ€"DEANS. On \Vednesday. June 2.7th, a Very pretty wedding was solemnized at the home of Mrs. Hind. when her niece, Miss May Dean. was firmly united in the bonds of matrimony to Mr. Archi- bald A. McDermaid. fireman on the Grand Trunk Railway. EVANSâ€"PARKER. The lawn of Mr. Robert Parker. of Ino Park, presented a. beautiful scene The charming young bride was neat- ly dressed in cream. crepe de chine with OVer lace and held in her hand a beautiful bouquet of white roses. Her going away dress was of brown lustre and extremely tasty in its appearance. The groom stood the ordeal well and both in the earnestness of their an- swers seemed to realize fully the sol- emnity of the occasion. After the hearty congratulations of all were extended to the new made pair, the company were invited to the dining room where a very sumptuous and tasty repast was provided By Mrs. Hind who bears an enviable reputa- tion as an artist in culinary affairs. Rev. Mr. Newton occupied the head of the table, Mrs. Newton occupied her position at his left and the bride and groom at his right. The bride’s cake, magnificent in appearance and ex- quisite in quality, was quite in keeping with the other nice things which each and all served as tempting appetizers in the festive portion of the program. The presents were quite numerous and each article was not only orna- mental but useful and necessary artic- les in domestic life. The groom’s present to the bride was a. handsome gold watch and chain. The happy young couple left on the three o’clock train and are taking a. honeymoon trip to Montreal with stop2 over privileges at all points of interest MARRIED . along the route. ‘X e are pleased to learn that \lr. McDeiniaid has an ex- cellent reputation for industry and integrity, and with these important qualifications feel he is a. fitting com- panion for the handsome young bride he has chosen for a life partner. \‘K'e extend congratulations and wish them alarge measure of happiness in the long journey of life apparently before them. A very sudden death occurred in] Glenelg on Wednesday evening of last week, when Mrs. Joseph .lacques drop-4 ped off unexpectedly while milking in the yard. The deceased was appar- ently in good health and quite cheer- ful as she went about her work dur- ing the day and evening. Her son \Villiain drove up the lane and spoke to her as she was about to commence milking, and was only a few minutes putting away his horse till he returned and found his mother lying across the milk pail in an unconscious condition. Assistance was at once called and the prostrate form was carried to the house and Dr. McLaurin at once sent for. On arrival he pronounced life extinct and as there were no bruis:s or signs of injury to be discovered he lconsidered that death resulted from heart failure. Deceased was born in Brockville, on the 29th of March, 1842. In 1846 she came to Gleuelg with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Harrison, and in 1863 she nmrried Mr. Joseph Jaques, who sur- vives her. The union resulted in am issue of eight; children, James Baintnn, D. D, 8., who died in 1896 after prac- tising for some time in Iona Michigan; Elizabeth, Mrs. J. H. lngham, of In- gersoll, who died on the 10th of last October. The surviving members of the family are George, in Alberta, Thomas, in the States, Mrs. Frank (:‘rnttman. at Coeur d’ Alen, Idaho, Josephine, Susannah and \Viiliam at home. The deceased lady was a member of the Methodist church, a kind mother and affectionate Wife and agnod neigh- bur. A Perfect, Bowel Laxatiw for con- ~atipatiou, sallow complexiozn, head- ache, dizziness. sour stum ch, COatvd tongue. biliousness. Lax ets act promptly, without pain or gripiug Pleasancv to takeâ€"Lax etaâ€"only 0 cents. Sold by Macfarlane Co. Mohair and Folded Tulle Point de sprite and Tulle Hats are the leaders now. A large assortment of Ladies” Fancy Neckwear and Belts Arrived Saturday. See ’em. Any amount of Childrén’s Hats in Stock. Lambton St. 3: We are offering a special value 23‘ a; 111 Diamond Rings This Week 21:: All. \i/, W \I/ V 4!! w v v at v v v v w w “ %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%*%%w \l 35% 22's 31% DIAMOND HALL ,;,; k MISS DICK We will be pleased to Show you the difierent styles if you will give us a call. _Mi_|linery. We have on hand an assortment of Summer Millinery. The Summer OBITUARY Durham, Ont. Here’s Just the Right Bowel Laxative Gentle. Sureâ€"Pleasant to TflhA ’ Tried and True, Genuine, Nature’s Remedy. on do not have free. easy and Ingreyments ot the bowels you lack the Prim; first essential or good health. There's mm harm done than mere uncomfortableness, 51“,, gishness and gxhous Bessâ€"retentiOn “mad wastes in the bowels p011uwb._ ”mama . and poisons. make the cm ‘ . - _ __ AL ‘ X‘OA‘E‘laâ€"A Dion ‘7‘ n ,uiatoory sys. gemâ€"the bloodâ€"a ot a fountain of tainted vitality. stipation g. r e nearly always with vi t al tamâ€"the bloodâ€"a / _.- use: in or a fountain of / .( purebtlifeaféeu? tainted vitallty. - . _ . “ ~ stipation a r e not :rinmg b' I nearly always a r v {run .{I with vital S‘Jnincafi: Seek your K rezief Z: N a t u 1' e l \ ' . \‘Ccel’t 1:: gentle. natural ' A :w‘: of 13343.3“. 36‘8“}? DOttO {urea 3L; crowd the del' ‘-' c .. l c. orzans o2 the stomach !\ AYuid allthe (13;: ge :- of powerful \ ' and unknown med. icines! Your safety and your health are always secured-ifyou 7 in k e Lax-cm. Th3 formula is on every box -â€".~:nuw i: to your lam: ily physician. Lax-em are put up in a fiatmem’ case in handy tablet formâ€"one table! taken b»: tore meals or on retiring always brings rem: Pleasing to takeâ€"the most potent 3m gentle of all remedies-a genuine help or shun-egg.a bowel laxative which cures constipation Rec. commended and tor sale by The lst of July Demonstration is a t: ing of the past A Cut in Shovels. Ready=Mixed Paints. HARDWARE Screen Doors, Etc. MAC FARLANE CO. Any person desirous of paint im: cannot do better than buy Sherwin - Williams Ready- mixed Paints. as there are no Paints manufactured to equal them for all purposes. Every per~on their own painter. \Ve will ofier you this week a cut. in Shovels. Call and see our stock, ranging in price from 25c to $1 50. We lead in Screen Doors Window Screens, Granite ware, Tinware, etc. And we are glad 10 think that: we assisted in completing an cred- itable a. day and even: ing of sports, but it we neglected to attend to the wants of any of our c'natcmcrs during the time we were working on this cause. we sincerely hope you will accept our pm (1011. However, we are at our posts again. and will endeavor to satis- {y you for another “‘5 year, and are now 2? p1 epared to offer you :7; .‘ca ing Horse Buggy or Harness. anything from a J 6“ ° , \«e Haip to a Piano oiéh 1‘; f1 om a child s Expres . __“ 9;; Waggon to a. Driv 5/74.:39, i.‘ ' 9/4", . 't e DOWCIS , .. pouunm lrrlta m make/ the circ ulau - -‘ SCQV"? u ,ICr ‘ m of / .. '- puma. ’life ‘ ' " ‘ T A8 i¢is not {2'11“} 31": simi 1 \ .' ii;â€"I"; .'1:'; 1“:ch ”at :5 fie: “I‘m' 1 t, to ' _, _' A. Tc.) 2' L‘ w ’ -' '5 ;. 1o; org " all I. Lll' safety and 3'91}? be; J ['LY 5, 1906 “VJ-Weeks" practice at 1 other camping gx-o'm (come this. the authm‘i ‘Wfitten LU regarding t fifteen young men h pressed their willinzn officers are selevted who will he at 'LH Iim practise drill, and this hard, as there are a uni been actively connec te unteers for years past, 4 have been in both the British armies in actual; see no reason why I} lose her volunteers, an is favorable at headqu oficers appointed who in touch with the ooni am fear that she will. MARRIAGE Licensvs by A. Davidson. I'm” Court 0mm». --«4. Fun SALE.-â€" geut'sand (”It $15.“) for hot! S1109 Stun-amt A GARDEN P. the Newly gm July 13th. Al 10 cents. the Knapp H 14:11 fmm 11; tested and g1. BE PATIENTâ€".294 can at the Entrance Exams and Inspwrtm- (Humpht'll Meafmd last week exp: that candidatvs would gar-ding knowledge of r Bell the home ( Aberdeen : Admission DR. Bmm‘x the eye. ear. 1 lieu organ Bunesszm . THE Agricultural So all round improve"). grounds and buildings now plastered through walls up stairs and do tofore sawdust floor ha. by solid cement concre ing and strands. have. and two modern smi place of the rickety old can now exhibit witho {3“ecessary dust and dirl mg. AND MRS. Jos. own, are mourning V, tle son, Davis “rillia- away Friday morning of 2 years. 9 months my little fellow had been sil ma since February las1 the best of medical assit cured, and an operati the grim reaper had mi hold. Interment Look“ day last to Zion comed M15. Firth have the SW1 community in their bad organize and haw I‘m: here. FUX‘ sever”! y“?! interest hm been LrLk1 affairs, and the reason ‘ hard one tn fathmu. other things. persistem al to military Stun-ms. itaryism is not placed . fore the people, the . soon dies out. It takes or three weeks’ drill L0 patriotic enthusiasm it make him enlist in th our n91; spnnfiiM the desx‘ tions. On this Inlay not go or: nevertheless we. so without; em case. and {DOVE t Durham LO0K1NG over the tality accounts of flu celebration in I 1w 8 L211 one glad that ('nnmiin this _\'( a. consm-v accidents into the list is fas [)()()I \V 1- OR SALE SARI)! VOL. 39â€"N0. ll \I PA RTY w Appiy A 81‘ Y W mds (m ld \' s HIVHA Ill kpp'q‘ U1 Dmu Vt’ll supp h( ()Il O

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