Ml When You... Write Home The Shavers’ Needs . . . . DURHAM. JULY 19. 1906. During the past couple of weeks al drain is being dug and tiled from the Knapp House to the lower side oftfl Garafraxa street bridge. “'e under- ï¬ stand it is the intention of Mr. Hahn to dispose of his Waste water through this drain. but not the contents of the closets. “'e hear some indignant re- marks by citizens regarding this I t matter. and while they may have just mason to complain, we must admit that. Mr. Hahn is entitled to a place to s diSpose of his house slops. The ques- 1 tion of a proper system of sewage and aproper system of water-works is an ( immediate duty that should be taken hold of by the town council. Let them neglect it and the town will be . sure to suffer. There was ablutf made 1 some time ago to discontinue the pit : closets. Following this boxes and cess pools were substituted with very ques- tionable advantages so far as the pub- tt health is concerned. W'hen nearly every house has to depend on well water the cess pools and pit closets‘ are little short of death traps where the subsoil is nothing but gravel and renders very little resistance to liquid and eï¬ete matter percolating its way to a nearby well. It certainly be-l hooaes the town fathers to do some- thing to improve the sanitation of the town and they can’t get started too V E f [v I DURHAM CHRONICLE Take a Kodak with you. We keep them from One Dollar up. MacFal‘lane «it Go. soon. The Cement smoke is another\ nuisance that the public are beginning I tohowl against and from the over- loaded atmosphere of coal dust we have experienced this summer it seems very little surprise that they should put up a. howl {for relief. Citizens in all parts of the town are getting a. share this year. Formerly the chief complaints were from those near the mill. and it is only now that everyone begins to realize the justice of their anteries. It is simply horrible and the introduction of smoke consumers or some other device is an absolute ne- cessity, A Perfect Bowel Laxative for con- stipation, sallow complexion, head- sche, dizziness. sour stomach, coated tongue, biliousness. Lax-ets act. promptly, without pain or griping. Pleasant to takeâ€"Lax-etsâ€"only 5 cents. Sold by Madulane Co. W. IRWIN. Editor and Proprietor. one of 0m Waterman or Parker Fountain Pens from $1 to $7. Every pen guaranteed Must not be overlook ed when packing your trunk. If the next lew weeks are to be spent away Irom a ï¬rst class barber you will have to shave; yourself. We have everything for mak- ing shaving easyâ€"â€" Safety Razors, War- ranted Ordinary Ra- zors, the best Shaving Soaps in sticks and cakes, Brushes, Strops, Mugs, etc. Druggists and Booksellers from a l Th fame of Mr. Win. Smith’sl F ‘ {new ebarrn was erected on Tuesday L h a H I lafternoon last. The main building , , , l is 54 by 60 feet with an annex about hOTES OF THAT BU RG Bl OI l24 by 30 feet, the latter to be ï¬nished lhelow as ahog pen “d above ‘8‘ At the residence of the bride’sli 2 poultry house The whole structure . y _ . i:is based on a solid foundation. the â€Other"? law, Mr. James MCC’Pck' Wm to be W2; “Sawyer agitate; marsh 3:41:08: *1 3“}:35213039358 {“216 at)? cats- day evening of last week when Miss‘ , e _ d h h Letitia. Warling. fourth daughter of! :penter work. “.0 t e uge Stone’Mr. and Mrs. John \Varling of Van- iwalls were put m place byamason deleur became the wife of Jacob ifrom Allan Park. A large number or Neel of the ‘am 1 c Dr Cald- imeu assembled in the afternoon and, wellyof thi 5 le 935-, t d 'Ihe put the beats together in readinessibride wh 9: pace 0 Sizeéo e a for raising. when all rushed to the becominggard“ ;::ue:w: .of wfhite supper “mam“; at} cgowd gszninfht-o organdie with Ellovzrglace yoke and witness a ote g t en 13 . . . _ little job was ï¬nished Bob Morris and ifgethzndnmlPEd "3h Jageniliiï¬izs John Bachus were chosen as captains Her travellisugosst‘izgle we: a skirt :and the lifters were rapidly chosen of ra' h m g 1 th d ale blue from the assembled crode Charlie sill? “dais: 929;:ng the almafriage a Lawrence. Bill Grierson. ige Arm- , ; dainty a edding supper was served lStrong. Btll Scarf and‘ George Mor and the company had an enjoyablel ton were amongst the hrst called and evening The bride “a the recip _ . S . , lch ' th" handl d themselves . . e W†e) 3 rent of many beaufiful wedding l showed the captains were not strang-i , ‘ ers to the strength and ability of the l presents. . M" and Mâ€) heel}! left: to vrsrt (meals at Collingwood and i men selected. Ye Editor was pres . . 'other pomts and upon their return lent. too. but he wasn’t considered of} "ll W l . h . h V 'much account and he was left till “‘ settern ‘ err new 0019 at 89° l . a . gnear the lam. vthh also showedlueleur. Igreat wisdom Everything went to-l 1‘ was VET." quiet here on the lgegher in ï¬ne style, and the ï¬nallG’lorlOllS Twelfth, but flags and DU 3 struggle was well suStalned on both l merous UDiCD Jacks were desplayed asides. Mr )Iorrice leading in thelin'honor 0‘ day. Th9 band and 9» Therellarge number went to Dundalk to l ï¬nish only by a few minutes. was no jangling or rudeness of any i celebrate and report abig day. ‘Vi‘h kind and it makes a, newspaper man gothers Dr. Caldwell went to Kimber- ley and was a speaker at the cele- a, feel proud of his conStituents to be: - ' ‘ " bout 2 bratton there which we learn was a very orderly and enjoyable one. l jatmosphere of his OWn sanctum.§ The Police Trustees have made 3 There were a number of women pres- l needed repairs to our village side- } ent also, and they too behaved them-l walds and have had a large amount §selves very nicely. There was no'of gravelling done at the cemetery 1 accident of any kind and Mrs. Smith. ' swamp and other approaches to the swho seemed to dread the event, re- village. Emarked at the close that a big bur- The East Grey Agricultural direc- lden was rolled away from her heart tors held an adjourned meeting in ’ 33 there was 11" casualties. l the town hall on Saturday for the eel . SUCCESSFUL BARN RAISING. CREDIT Auction Sale of Household goods and furniture, on Staturday. July 28. 1906, at 2:30 p. m. at Show- ell’s old stand. John Clark, Auction- : MR. HUGH MCLEAx,superintendent of the Pioneers’ Home at Kam100ps, gBritish Columbia, is visiting his :cousin, Andrew Derby. and other. Firiends in Bentinck and Normanby. } Mr. McLean has been West for about !twenty-ï¬ve years and is so pleased { with his present position that. he has SAMUEL WRIGHT, .13., manufactur- er of red and white brick and drain tile in his brick yards at Chesley claims to make as good an article as can be produced anywhere in his line and is prepared to ï¬ll all orders on short notice. Samples may be seen by applying to Mr. John Bryan or to Mr. Samuel McCracken of this town. Orders for red brick and tile eSpecio ally solicited. Haying has commenced but the frequent showers makes prOgress dif- ï¬cult. Fall wheat is ripening and will soon be ready for harvesting. Miss Mary Kennedy and Miss Sadie Robinson, of Toronto, is Spending a few weeks at. the farmer’s home here. no notion of leaving there. The “Home†is a Government inscitution intended for pioneer settlers gwho went to the Cariboo gold ï¬elds in the early days. They are prov1ded there with every comfort, and in the sun- set of their lives they have no fear of want. Mr. McLean is quite en- amoured with the institution. Messrs. John and Archie McArthur took in the excursion to the Falls last. week. Mr. Jim Allan, of the fourth is spending a. few days at Mr. Dave Brown’s. Misses Mary and J ennie McFarlane came home Saturday from Toronto. They expect to remain for a month. Miss Sadie Snouehouse. of Price- ville. spent. a few days with her grandparents. Mr. and Mrs. John Stewart. last week. Miss Susie Kennedv visited friends iin Toronto and took in the trip to the '2 Falls last week. Miss Amy Kearney, who has been staying with her aunt, Mrs. Britten. for the past three weeks, returned Saturday to her home at ’Waudby. '1 Mr. and Mrs. McQueen of Booth- 'ville visited a. day last week with their daughter Mrs. Donald McFar- lane. Mr. J. C. Nichol, wife and family. of your town, spent an afternoon recently the guests of the McCormick family. The Sunday School picnic held in Mr. John Beaton’s grove on Friday last proved a success. Although the day was hot everybody seemed to enjoy themselves. Owing to the small crowd the proï¬t made out of the tent was small. Next Surfday evening the prayer- meetfnz wxll be held at Mr. George Binme’s. Mr. Dan McLean and sister, of Bentinck. Spent Sunday at the home of Mr. Dan McCormack. Miss Graham, who has been visit. ing her sister. Mrs. McGillivary, of the Corners. returned to her home at Parkdale laSt week. Mr. Dan McCormiCk returned last Saturday from the West where he spent the past six weeks. Dan re. ports crops looking ï¬ne in that coun- try. __ _._- _ - -- AA.â€" 'Mr. Thos. Binnie spent the 12th of July in Guelph. Mr. Britten, we are sorry to say, is keeping poorly. Bunessan. m; to- It was very quiet here on the ‘ ï¬nal Glorious Twelfth, but flags and nu 1 both merous Union Jacks were desplayed in the in ’honor of day. The band and 8. There large number went to Dundalk to 35 anv s celebrate and report a big day. \Vith LIUWcu‘ ! At the residence of the. bride’s! xbrotber-in law, Mr. James McCiock- lin. of this place. a quiet marriage was solemnized at 7 o’clock on Tues- day evening of last week when Miss. lLetitia Warling. fourth daughter ofl EMr. and Mrs. John \Varling of Van- ’deleur became the wife of Jacob Neely of the same place. Dr. Cald- iwell of this place oï¬ciated. 'Ihe lbride. who was unattended. were a becoming'ano pretty gown of white organdie with allover lace, yoke and berthe trimmed with valenciennes llace and cream satin baby ribbon. Her travelling coStume was a skirt of gray homeSpun cloth and pale blue silk waist After the marriage a dainty u edding supper was served l‘and the company had an enjoyable I l l l evening. The bride was therecip- lient of many beaufifu; wedding â€presents. Mr. and Mrs. Neely left '1 to visit lrienls at Collingwood and [gather points and upon their return l , will settle in their new home at \‘an- xldeleur. The Police Trustees have made needed repairs to our village side- walds and have had a large amount of gravelling done at the cemetery swamp and other approaches to the village. The East Grey Agricultural direc- tors held an adjourned meeting in the town hall on Saturday for the revision of the prize list and other matters relative to the Fair. Among other things it was decided that further improvements be this season made on the grounds by way of hous- ing for stock. Mr. R. J. Sproule, the very eï¬icient Secretary. wished to resign the position on account of his own pressing business, but was persuaded to continue the duties this year at least. Rev. Dr. McClelland, of Toronto, brother in-law of the late \Vm. HOgg who is visiting relatives in this local- ity, preached in the Presbyterian church on Sunday. Rev. Dr. Cald- well, spoke on Orangeism in the MethodiSt church on Sunday evening and gave a very ï¬ne address on the principles of the Order. The churches in the village were attended by many visitors in town over Sunday and much appreciated music was rendered by some of them. At the Baptist church in the morning Miss Allie Joy, of Toronto rendered UVCL ouuua-v auu WU\LJ uyynuvnuvvu '- music was rendered by some of them. 1 Mrs. J. Blackburn left on )londay At the Baptist church in the morning l to visit her sisters at Serum and Miss Allie Joy, of Toronto rendered lPOI‘t Huron. Her sister furs. KIM“) asolo in her usual efï¬cient manner. Henderson of Toronto Will holiday At the Presbyterian church in the here with Mr. Blackburn during his afternoon she joined Mrs. Blackburn wife’s absence. and Mrs. Thom in a beautifully ren-. Mr. John \Vright is a delegate this dered trio. At the Methodist church; week from Prince Arthur Lodge to Miss JOY. Dr. R- H. Henderson and 1 the Masonic Grand Lodge meeting in Dr. Fred Murray, of Toronto, and E Toronto. Dr. Ed- Murray Of this '913°°~ 337.9% Mr. Wm. Clayton left on Tuesday a very pleasing}: quartette'and Dr. F. Murray also gave a splendidly ren- dered solo at the evening service. A sad fatality occurred near Euge- nia on Saturday last. Fred True- man. about 15 years of age and youngest son of Mr. Geo. Trueman hired with Mr. John O’Brien was hauling manure to the ï¬eld alone and the team returning to the barn without him Mrs. O’Brien went to discover the cause and found the young fellow dead with his head badly Traverston. ‘ The Entrance results are published this week and we are pleased to see I Mr. and Mrs. Robert Allan spentl to see that good work has been done. the greater part of last week with § In our own school twenty-two candi- relatives at Stayner. gdates wrote, and eighteen were suc- Master Robbie Wright is home fcessful which shows Miss Meredith to from Owen Sound, being lemed in gbe thoroughly up-to-date as an in- “ “0‘13““ scrimmage. ‘: structer in the Entrance work. \Vhen During the sharp thundershower :1 asked to take the position Miss Mere- Of Sunday evening. M" W' D' Green- 1 dith had modest hesitancy, fearing wood had one of his best cows struck ? she might not be able to give the best L... ‘:~kbv\:nm on]: ;nn§nnf Anni“ Tired:1 by lightning and instant death was“ the result. It also struck in Mr. George Blair’s farm, but caused no damage. Miss Florence Hunt. milliner in the Stanley Mills store, Hamilton, arrived home on Saturday evening for the holiday season. A city friend, Miss King, came with her and is having her ï¬rst experience in coun- try life. ‘ The Robson home is enlivened since Friday last by the presence of Mrs. l‘hos. Flynn and her two bonnie children from Toronto. Mrs. Witherspoon and family, of Brantford. are enjoying the comforts and happy surroundings of the cosy old Martm home. The fellows on the 9th con. have got the matrimonial fever in its ad- vanced Stage. On three adjoining lots new houses are being rushed up and completed. Jim McNally. Jr., has got it wussest. He’s rushing up a ï¬ne new frame. His brother Will is putting the ï¬nishing touches on his and Herb Greenwood had a 88118 of plasterers at his lately. Further up the line Mr. Jae. Ryan has erected a neat kitchen. Mr. Will Timmins. of the 6th can. has a ï¬ne new home being rushed up. It stands on an A 1 site. and when completed, will be quite an improve- meqt to that part of the line. -_.. ,_L._...-, Mrs. J. E. xblistntell, of Tilsonbnrg, returned to her home on Tuesday after spending 3 pleasant two months with her mother, Mrs. Thos. Ander- DURHAM CHRONICLE BY OUR OW’N CORRESPONDENT Master E. Wright, son of_Mr. Alf. Wright Montclair, N. J is on an ex- tended holiday at Mr. “"111. Wil- cocksh Mrs. F. Dafoe, Master Clarence and \baby Marshall of Indianapolis, are visiting the former’s brother Mr. F. G. Karstedc Mrs. D. Munro and son Donald. of Detroit. visited Mrs. Hickling and other old friends over Sunday and Monday. Mrs. J. W. Henderson. of Toronto is on her usual summer visit here. Mrs. E. Swift and children of Tor- onto are on their annual holiday with the former’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. P. Quigg. Mr. Arnold Thurston is home from Toronto for two weeks holidays. Miss Carrie Sullivan is home from Montreal on two weeks vacation. Mrs. J. D. Clark and daughter Dorothy, of Ottawa, are visiting the former’s sister, Mrs. Hickling. Rev. John Stafford of Medicine Hat is visiting his sister Mrs. J. P. Octewell Mr. A. E. Armstrong of Clarksâ€" burg visited his brother and Slster this week. Mrs. Jos. Hind of Orillia, is visit- ing her brother Mr. _Gpo. Johnston. Mr. \Vm. Clayton left on Tuesday for \Vinnipeg and to visit his .on Dawd and wife at Lang, Sask. Mrs. Frank Smith is leaving this week to visit: friends in Toronto. Mrs. Caldwell has returned from visiting her sister in Toronto. Miss Shore of Alliston is visiting her cousin Mrs. Geo. Mitchell. Mr. David White of Toronto for- merly of this place was home in town renewing old acquaintances on Mon- day. BOOTS and SHOES Girl's White Canvas Shoes, Boys’ . Men’s Lacrosse Shoes. Ladies’ Slippers Men’s Dong. Bluchers We make a specialty of our shoe trade. All old stock is now cleared out. Everything new and up- to-date. Give us a call, if you have not yet done so. We are also continuously in- creasing our stock of DRY GOODS C. McArtlmr In addition to the lines of Which we have handled heretofore. we have put. in this season . In new and varied styles. Also a new and better class of OUR HAND MADES CASH ONLY. satisfaction. Her fears were unfound- as the results show, [and such honest conscientious and unassuming teachers are deserving of the support of every right thinking citizen. Good teachers are not picked up every day and we hope the ratepayers Will have enough common gumption to give her a. help- ingzhand in the work she so honestly ;endeavors to perform. Bring your REPAIRING and FOOT MEASURE tc Subscribe for The Chronicle. Hats, Fancy Vests and Spring Suitings. Goliath wasavery much surprised man when little David hit him with a stone. Such a thing never entered his head before. Did it ever enter your head that McIlraith’s is the Correct Place for Correct Boots and Shoes at Correct Prices? Correct your ideas, collect a little money, and come and see us for your next pair of Boots or Shoes. TRUNKS. VALISES, TELESCOPES. CLUB BAGS at lowest prices. 0 Custom Work and Repairing as usual. REMEMBER THE PLACE G. LAWRENCE’S OLD STAND. DAVID AND GOLIATH. PEEL, the Shoeman TERMS: CASH. EGGS TAKEN SAME AS CASH. YOU’RE NOT DRESSED without a nice, smart lacking pair of shoes. Our lines in \Vhite and Tan Shoes, Patent and Vici Kids are the very latest, and no expense has been spared to get the very besz. and prices won’t hurt anybody. Faithful to their name, gaining conï¬dence. keeping well established the reputation earned by their ’iuality and full value to the customer. ' Merchant Tailor and Gent’s Furnisher JUST IN . S. McILRAITH . L. FLARITY A superb line of up-to-date EGGS WANTED. SEE THEM. Take LAXATIVE BROMO QUI'XINE Tabla-3. All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure-- E. W. Grave’s signature is on each box. 25c. Good large frame dwelling 011 George street. All monern conveni- ences. Apply to j 12 tf. DURHAM AND OWEN SOUND T0 CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY JULY 19,1906 T0 RENT. MRS. J. W. CRAWFORD. The §unior lacrosse ma vet on the morning of tween Hanover and Dm- by Hanover, 3â€"1. The here two weeks ago. bet teams, resulted in (L L everything being oq ual. ed our junior stick-hand it put allover them whe men got in action on ii: The score was :1 gratefuf pecially when it was lea ning, of last. year's scnio nets. There was good. played at times. well v.1 port. of a larger cmml Thursday morning. '1'] have each gout p1mni<iz of youngsters. who. wit' fastel saw goon M'H‘ gone thumgh spectators fm over too, wmw wondering w! 1 team, would . beams Were \V ' "W'ingham \w Evpping the Thus end next ve in 1 dllcln J ucksch. home )h side Ric: Durhzl c n D. )I del Sn snorting match he ham'sfust and about from; of ti to the 9x1 was not le 1011K face-off spec tatm ropesthc The gun with both took Dm-l: in the net shortly at" P011 can 1 } Ibwn" and w like the $1101' was hard to 1‘ fore time w once “1011’ DC ing arms of t tied the 5001'1‘ The last. per got, her prom} behind the flu With just vnm tween the In] beam too sure of the j. fellow was alwap 1': some, too. It \V:1~' :1 ;_ only one being hurt. ham. Kearns, 01' AH par tial and eï¬h 10111 1 for Durham. 23.1111 W ‘ The team's lined up “’ingham.â€"-â€"goz1l. Moore, c p \Vinghmn McGuire. Kemkes. 1 home Cooke. Elliott. BICLean. inside Reid. H Duxham. â€"-â€"goal dorf, c p I). \I(: IN Donald, Smith. M0019, 11mm In V8119, outside "Hi; ald. I‘ln in commentmg m; LU" p remarks, put up :1 gm game of Intrussvz "IN rather the both? gumv stages, and their vim m-j deserved, Durban. \\':1 well known and prizml one or two other 1.10m". they were not out full 1: ham was also shy um- E it is safe to say that, 11; carried all their sail 1: would have been large favor than was the case 21V 1 I] “Everybody made 12mm Hanover Musical S<‘n“-iv1y.' Post. \Ye wmzidn't, like to friend across the way 01' ï¬ right, but therek UHL‘ m-qa this old town \Vl‘.‘.!.~t‘ pm: sumciently \Veighimi dm glittering metal to stall the on the homeward journey. the. junior lacrosse team the small sum of $2.40 on with the Hanover junior: much to kick about, so u more, but we shudder to ti time when our junior lacrq any other athletic organ ï¬at matter, is in a ï¬nancu n 1111' it began SD JULY 19 This is \V {DOV ,e, lookin .nd the 11‘! ()1 )1) HERON. t1 le lien 10:11 C \V L between ual. it; wan mld )(Hi Ell ,tch n the! 111ml; If \V FUN 1916