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Durham Chronicle (1867), 2 Aug 1906, p. 1

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Quid. sownâ€"ask for suffered and are nut. s and aches which you 5m: you. who experience pain in damp weather: 0 sum and lame without y DEL SHOOP’S RHEUo 32:53 the kind of xxx-emery suits. Sad and moon- LANE CO. VATCH trade has so much this last. months we are an- 0 meet with the (10- of the public. 'e deter= to supply wants if The jeweller- BSTER w1 DURHAM CHRONICL 19, 1906 hes many vmdans ,' the Rheumatic P015. r of 312 Rheumatism). is UK. $300193 R - K)!’ *pentfinwenty year. tore he dzscovered the which algae DOSSibIo (:6 r c an: cure to: Non. tha t. D3- mm Rump! joints into flesh 1323') 053 i blg u: 111 (2:in h I 1 .AA:) A and Rubies is Week 31; a 3.1 n‘ a nd yarn that is ct. and swelling- f9 ringâ€" the en Thifitemefixnever t. is now BI’I‘leS IBI‘I‘V S “78 from 1 111 gm )arrel out .vhen e of iable ) use 10113, aads. Oil. ill as 111 The Members of the Durham Epworth League will hold a Garden Party at the home of Mr. Wm. Matthews’, Glenelg, on the evening of Tuesday, August 7. Conveyances are provided to take all who desire to attend, leaving the Church after 7 o’clock. Round fare [0 cents. We’ll not get home till morning. SNAPS in short Duds of table linen 1d tuwelings at '1 «8 Big Store. FOR S.\LE.â€"â€"A good milch cow. Apâ€" \' to John A. Black. '1‘ hE newest stylcs of ladies} collars all prices just arrived at The Big FOR bALE.â€"â€"Two good bicycles, one 1165 and one lady’s. Good condition 5.01) for both. Apply to Peel ‘at the hue Htore.â€"â€"tf. v- --b\. "v, utll “um. FOR S.\LI~:.â€"-A good second hand ‘I ‘ ' . -1l organ. Apply to “'11). J ackson. ' STANDARD BANK of Canada Savings .HH‘SSJIILâ€"3 pd. ; Bank department. Interest paid qnar- â€"â€" t terly on depnsits from date of deposit \\'.\.\"r1-:I)â€"~(%«;md smart 1’0." wanted to date of withdrawal at highest cur- leuru the Hardware Business. Ap- rent rates. Any portion may he with- .V t" “'- Black. . drawn at any time without delay. )l‘t’ “.5 xunwat. tretp‘lz_'i{}' it's»: lnrux)‘ “’91”? tux-ma} away disammintwi. His’ Lord- ~hip vhnx‘e for his text. John XViii: 33 .‘Jy Kingdom is uput- of this world." His address, pregnant with w holesmne advice. sound sense and Spiritual teaching will non soon be forgotten, and the congregation of Trinity Church and Egremont will eagerly E1001: forward to his next visit. in 1907. .\.\"I‘EDâ€"â€"G00d smart boy wanted :u'n the Hardware Business. Ap- .0 \V. Black. hs VOL. 39â€"N0. 2055. LOCAL ITEMS TEN the NDARD BANK of Canada Savings department. Interest paid erly on deposxts from date of de- to date of withdrawal at highest at rates. Any portion may be vx'a“ n at any time without delay u habit save voux money and it with the Standard Bank of \V l ‘1 large 12x14 beautiful photo- given away free. One with dozen cabinet photos. F. \V. . Photographer.â€"July 1215f I .\LE.â€"~Buggies, harness. plows, : machines, piano and organs, rs and wringers. wheelâ€"barrows, ;rinders, horse blankets, slings zty forks, machine oil, horses, ew stallion,‘sire of Ben ‘W’ilkes, large number of other articles, :x's'r BE SOLD AT ONCE to close e estate of Dan Campbell. de- ..-â€"al4. {any one on Mr )IBER when buying Wedding : that “Webster saves you $5.00 y purchase bought there as dece of jewellery and silverâ€" rries a. guarantee. egular Quarterly services will in the Methodist Church on morning next. The service :11 at 10:30 and immediately a sermon the Lord’s Supper ispensed. In the evening the tion of Baptism to adults will DINS KP SH 1y meeting of the ‘Vomen‘s was held at the home of Mrs. ton. A large number were ml all subjects were well dis- :‘incipally "Canning of Fruits tables." It was decided to this subject at the meeting .1 at the home of Mrs.An- tt an August 2nd. The In- ins have arrived and those them may get them at the Is not, the best. flour al‘ heapest? Than why not hundreds of others from k Sons. Tuesday last. He was 11' Hampden. in Norman- accident. which is suppos- started at the furnace, oc- ing the dinner hour- As ,0 insurance the lass will s 10 nnf sympatll). H .Ulk 1e ) \V I Lble sawm mg; lll i hope his more tor- will give the. matter n: thought and an u'n mt finer-v destroy: U. 1).. Lord riuitv church Smi Iv nuts-u) u: y-siK WUhH‘ "y the Rw- ,-\. 'As this \'i~‘it In the “can and I) H e was The H mishap from {“1 t” “'9 for- OXLY ONE Harvest Excursi »n to the Northwest from this district. August 17th, fare $12â€"N0 half fares. For particulars see Robert Macfarlane, C. P. R. Agent, Durham. PROF. Pember of Toronto will be at the Knapp House on Saturday August 11th, with a fine display of hair goods. See his ad. in this issue.â€"2 THE Garden Party at the manse grounds Tuesday night was a grand success. A large crowd was in attend- anceand the grounds were tastefully arranged. A good program of instru- mentals, quartettes, glees, solos and recitals. as well as a number of spirit- ed selections from the band enlivened the evening. The proceeds amounted to $109. MR. ALBERT MEARNS of Normanby, called at our Sanctum Tuesday with hide of a link he captured the previous evening. The animal was evidently two feet high when alive and fully four feet long. \Vith one exception the claws were left with the carcass. The one attached to the hide had quite a curve on it and was so sharp as to show the animal capable of doing good execution. Mr. )Iearns in some way treed the animal and kept him there till his brother went to the house for a gun with which he was despatched. Mr. Mearns prizes the hide which he left at Smith’s tannery for treatment. \Ve thought the days for such feroci- ous looking creatures in this country had long since passed away, but evi- dently an animal of the pioneer days may yet be found occasionally. MARRIED IN TRINITY CHURCH. \Vednesday morning was bright and cheerful and before the blowing of the six o’clock whistle a number of ladies and a few gentlemen of the town had assembled in Trinity Church to wit- ness the tying of the nuptial knot by which Dr. A. \Valter Park and Miss Amelia (A my) Meredith were made man and wife. The estimable young couple are natives of this vicinity. and for some time it was an open secret that in the early future they would join heart and hand to travel together through the journey of life. The ceremony was performed by' Rev. Mr. Bice. and after he had pro- nounced his blessing on the new made couple, the r'nging of the bell announc- ed to the citizens the springing into birth of a. new household. The goom is a medical practitioner of Cochrane. Alaerta, son of Mr. Jas. Park. ot this vicinity. The bride is the youngest daughter of Mrs. Meredith of this town and for some years has been an energetic, painstaking and successful teacher. resigning her posi- tion in the school here to unite her life and her love with the man of her of Uochramu AI Park. 0t this vic youngest, dang! of this town an been an energc successful teach The church was beautifully deem-at- efl by the 121.13: friends of the bride, who all admit-«I her for her real sterl- ing qualities. The marriage ceremony was short. simple and effective, the presents were tunnel-nus and congrat- ulations sincere. Among the presents were, a. hand- some silver bake dish from the teach- ers of Durham School, beautiful table linen from the members of the choir. a five o'clock china. tea. set, from her Entrance Class and a handsome fern dish from pupils and oflicers of Trinity Chm-ch Sunday School. The groom’s presume was a handsome piano, await- ing their arrival in their \Vestern homw. The bride’s going away dress was of light :reen silk. made Eton style with vest of point de esprit and Dresden silk. Her hat was cream Milan straw trimined with dark green velvet and wings with crimson roses at the back against the hair. After the wedding breakfast the young couple 'mid showers of rice, took the morning train for their home in sunny Alberta where we hope they may enjoy alife of sunshine. They in- tend to visit friends in Toronto, Fort “'illiam, “'innipeg and Regina before taking up their own home at Cochrane, Alberta, which they intend to reach by the 15th inst. Another of Glenelg’s well-known pioneers passed “Over the River” on Thursday morning, July 19th, after some months of poor health. The de- parted was born in Co. Tyrone, Ire-I land in 1827 and twenty-five years‘ later came out to Canada. In 1857 he wedded Miss Fanny McCallum, who; still survives hlm. The union was one ' of life-long helpfulness and harmony. To them were born eleven children,§ three of whom died in infancy. The: surviving members are, Mrs John Motfat. Pinkerton, Mrs. Alex. Binnie, ! lDurham, Mrs. I. Petch, Edmontonu yMrs; Thos Turnbull, G. R., Mrs. John E Little, Dundalk and Miss Maggie at home. The sons are Robert on the Ehomestead, and Archie whe lives on l the lot where the family were born, a . lshort mile away and who at present; lis away out west. The funeral took‘ {place on the Monday following and "was a very large one, the Rev. Mr. ’ Farquharson conducting service at the home and by the open grave in San- geen cemetery. The deceased was a man of untiring energy, a model of Eneatness in field and garden, of ster- iling honor andas a neighbor always .iready to help. In politics he was a [Liberal Reformer and in religious ifaith devout and true to the Presby- lterion Church. The sympathy of a {large circle of neighbors goes out to i the bereaved membersâ€"R. T. E. Orders are pouring in rapidly and the price of cement is looking better for full deliVery. Managing Director, R. H. McVVilliams, informs us that he hopes to increase the output of the plant very materially before the close of the season. At a meeting of the Board of Direc- weeks in Muskoka. tOI’S held on the 1-4513 0f JUIY~ PI‘OViSiO“ Miss Jennie Beaton of Toronto, vis- Was made for the payment of 75.000 , ited her cousin, Mrs. J. C. Nichol. debt and a dividend 0f 5% W38 (180131“: Miss Christine Jackson is visiting ed. The dividend is payable the first ! friends at Markham. of September and the transfer books 3 Miss Fitchell, of Detroit, is spending Will he closed on the 15th 0f August. i a few weeks as guest of Ye Editor and Orders are pouring in rapidly and ‘j daughter. 36500, and the quality of the product maintains its usual high standard. The Cement Company’s report for July will be gratifying to the stock- holders. The output for the month is the greatest in the history of the mill. and we are informed is the largest ever made by any eight kiln plant. The number of barrels manufactured was 36.000 Barrels Manufactured in July l beg respectfully to tender my sin- cere thanks to the Grey and Bruce Mutual Fire Insurance Co. for their exceedingly prompt settlement of my claim against them for loss through the burning of my barn and contents. The barn was struck by lightning and completely destroyed on Friday last. July 27th. and the Company paid over the full amount of claim on Saturday, the 2s'th inst.. less than twenty-four hours after the accident. “'0 have some‘hurgains in worsted trousers. new, patterns. worth $4.00 for $33.“. “'9 have also some heavy tweed tnmsvrs for only $2.00. These are also snaps. Call in. “’9 may have n pair amongst them to suit you. Remember its the savings that count. Black and blue overalls with bib, Lot- tonade and moleskin trousers and a. good lino of men’s heavy shirts at right prices. at C. L. Grant's. High Grade Dinner Ware Just Arrived at We can now sell you anything in China from 21. Tooth Pick Holder to a One Hundred and Two piece Dinner Set It will pay you to see these goods. NOthing like them ever shown in Durham before. We can Save you money on this class of goods. One Hundred Jardiniers Just in at Snap Prices. The Big Jewelry and Fancy Goods Store on the Busy Corner, Durham. RB. Keeler 6’ Sons NVIDEND DECLARED. BARGAINS AT GRANTS See our Corner \Vindow. CARD OF THANKS. Keeler’s DURHAM, UNI, THURSDAY. AUGUST 2. 1906. OBITUARY I‘ claim on Saturday, as than twenty-four cident. J. G. GRAY. Crawford, Ont. , Miss Allan of Fergus. successor to ' T. P. Smith as Eye Specialist, was at the Knapp House \Vednesday. Mrs. Bruce Turner (nee Leo Firth) {and little girl of Detroit are. visiting l Mr. and Mrs. C. Firth. Mrs. Willett, and little children of Toronto are visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alex Bell. Messrs. Cliff Keeler and Jas. Bed- ford spent Sunday pleasantly, with friends in Chatsworth. Miss Maude Barclay and little nephew Ray \Vilson, returned to Tor- onto after spending a few weeks at her home here. Miss Alice ‘Vatson, of Toronto, is hoiidaying at. her home here. Miss Edith Borne, of Chicago, is spending the summer with her cousin Miss Emma Harvey. Misc Jessie Saunders, of Toronto, is holidaying at the parental home, here. Miss Lily Harris is spending' a. few weeks in Muskoka. Mr. Geo. MacKay. is home from Waterloo. Miss May McCracken was seen at Holstein last Tuesday. Mr. Chas. Scott of Winnipeg is reâ€" newing acquaintances in town and will be round for a, few Weeks. Miss Edith Allan returned Friday last: from a visit: to Toronto and Peter- borough. Mrs. (Dr.) Jamieson left Monday morning to spend some time at; her Island home. Toronto. Miss Christina McKinnon of Price- ville, visited in town \Vednesday. M 1-5.. Thos. Livingston and children returned last week from a. visit in the neighborhood of Gait. Dr. S. Burt, of Owen fiSound was in town on his regular professional visit on \Vednesday. Mr. and Mrs. “'11:. Alexander, of Toronto, paid a flying visit to Mrs. Alexander’s parents Mr. and Mrs. John \Villiams. Rev. Mr. Farquharson, Ins sister and Robin left on Thursday for Thamesville, Chatham and points to the south west. Miss Eva. Gray and her brother \Vatson are visiting their grand~ mother Gray, and grandfather Coch- rane, in town. Miss May McCracken of Durham, visited at her aunt’s Mrs. Jas. Mc- Cracken of Egremont; for a few days last week. last week. Messrs. John Cooke and John Allan of Toronto, are spending a fortnight with their cousin M r. \K’. J. Cooke, of Crawford. Mr. M. K. Richardson of Flesherton and Miss Richardson, Art; Teacher, of Alma College St. Thomas were in town \Vednesday. Miss Lottie Lrwelle returned to Stratford Saturday after visiting a month with the Seigner family and other friends in town. )Iessrs.J0hn and Archie Robertson have again opened up their custom tailoring business in the old stand, over Parker's Drug Store. Mrs. (Rem) Boone and son, Maurlce, Miss Kate )IcDougall, and Messrs. Allan Bell and Archie McDougall, spent. Sunday in Chatsworth with Mr. and Mrs. Allan McDougall. Mrs. H. P. Ball and baby returned to their home in Stratford after a. pleasant, six weeks’ visit to her parents Mr. and Mrs. C. Brown. Miss Ada. Brown accompanied them and will remain fora couple of weeks in the classic cicy. Mr. Jas. Gibson bought a new threshing outfit from “mite Sons. London. The Portable Engine is of the latest make and most modern type. Mr. Gibson has had an ex- perience of about eighteen years and is able to handle the grain with full satisfaction to the farmers. satisfaction to the farmers. Frank Irwin left “rednesday of last week for another escapade. He evi- dently hasn’t travelled enough yet. and set out for another "tower.” He reached Montreal Saturday, but Where he is now would be hard to guess. Frank would make a good ‘newsp man if he’ would settle down to it, aglelt the work is too tame. M 1*. Alex PERSONAL . ‘. U nt ; James 1m" :1 h #:111‘ 1 11111in 1 ntumls ith the H y he 0 ersun I custom stand, 1 aux-Ice, Messrs ougall, ~â€"- ,th Mr. :turned I 1 1f Ler a. : parentsi ;s Ada- [(1 will' in the' 3 L newi : Sons,1 tais of! noder 3 an ex-i rs and ch full in] J. HUNTER i 3% THE BUSY STORE ON THE BUSY CORNER. Light and dark shades Hats, Caps, Furnishings ighest price in cash or trade will be given for Butter, Eggs and Wool. New st y'les in We have always What,i is new and fashionable and our prices are right. . . . . Satisfaction is stamped on faces of those who buy from us. THE BUSY STORE ON THE BUSY CORNER. $1.00 PER YEAR. 1200 yards in good styles 6: colors. Reg. price we, [20 to clear at Stvlish Prints I

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