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Durham Chronicle (1867), 2 Aug 1906, p. 2

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wish her grandparents Sirrs. BurrOWa spent the p with their cousins. the Quite a. number from this locality drove over to Waudby on Friday to pay a last tribute of respect to the late William Lennox who spent a score of years amongst us an inofien- sive. honest and obléging neighbor. Particulars will likely be given by the Traverszon man. The ha)" poor. scam to the acre ing well a: shortage in a. good sam owing to t! Spends tradel R. N. ‘ to seek land 01 ago for the west. he rrequenuy 'u.. u-.. spends the summer months at his The f. :rade in the prairie province. Mr. Miss Et 8.. N. Wilder went by the same trein speaks f '0 seek a home and fortune in the "In u land of the setting sun. svstem "Troubles never come singly" was ;; certai exemplified last week. No Chroni- I ever u ole and no Sunday service were two petite. great blows. Mr. Bice and the awaken Chronicle are vieing: with each other , refresh (or position in uplifting and uphuild- “F ing the moral forces of the commun- ed (1):; withdrawn is it any wonder if we \I 00"ot V Our school Beard has received the suits tt strong] new Regulations of the Education. Department and will take steps to.them.i comply with all requirements so as .‘3'1 ,. to get the full grants awarded toP‘uS» ') prOperly conducted schools. This is; ' equipment. Mr. Alex. Allan came home from V; feel: ‘nevv IJepa com I equxp Mr. Alex. Allan came home from Orillia where he has been selling stock for the Farmers’ Supply 00., to be present with the dozen other candidates for confirmation by the Bishop on Sunday evening lasc. The Church seems to be proepering in this section. Our boys have been taking consid- erable practice at football lately and are now prepared to meet any ordin- ary team in a friendly game. Mr. Muldoon. a young lad from \Vaudby, wheeled down here Tues- day to advise Joe Lennox of his father’s sudden and fatal illness. The boy made the trip in less time than most wheelsmen could have done it. 'Master Chapman, son of undertak- er Chapman. of Markdale, Spent the past week with relatives in this part. Miss Kate Mchlly came up from Toronto to the happy parental home on the Tth. con. Fall wheat is being cut this week, sample being first. class. R. '1‘. Edwards let the contract for' the foundation of a barn laSt week to Mr. Mofiat of Markdale, who has a. reputation for good workmanship and a hustler to work. The size is «38x64 and 'J f00t average height, with root house approach 12x21 feet. Mr. Thorn Jack is with a party of surveyors in B. 0.; Mr. Chas. Arnett is employed in Edmonton; Sam Ed- wards and wife have moved from Bankhead to Hosma. B. (3.; Mr. Geo. Twamly has bought an improved arm of 600 acres out from Arcola; Mr. Jas. Bartly is to get $7.00 a day running a threshing outtit for W. Domand of Arcola, and some day we’ll be able to report what others from our midst are doing. This neighborhood deeply sym- pathizes with the wife and family of the late R. Ector. His was a life of untiring activity. of neatness in gar- den, orchard and field and though labor and years bent the frame, his heart keptits youth. Such charac- ters live on and their influence widens. Mrs. Adlam of Durham spent afewl days with her daughter Mrs. Harry : Rosy . I! son and (laugh: Mrs. Robinson of Hampden visited the McCulloch family recently. Miss Mary Yickers spent. one day: Inst week with her brother Mr. Sam Vickers. - Miss Mary Wise, Allen Park, and '1 Miss Lily Tyreman of Brussels visit- ; ed in this vicinity last week. , Miss Jennie Wilson. Durham, wasL the guest of her aunt. Miss A. Betty, 1 the week before la-t. 1 Mrs. Will McCulloch and baby vis- ited Allan Park friends. Sunday be‘~ fore last. vfii‘swstessie Hastie is very ill at present but hope to soon hear of her speedy recovery. No one can reasonably hOpe for. good digestion when the bowels are i constipated. Mr. Chas. Baldwin, of ' Edwardsville, 111., says: “I snfiered from chronic constipation and stom- ach troubles for several years, but, thanks to Chamberlain’s Stomach and Liver Tablets, am almost cured.” my not get a package of these tablets and get well and stay well? 26925 cents. Samples free. For .19 at Parker’s Drug Store. raverston man. hay crap of this part was very scarcely an average of a load tacre. Spring craps are look all and will make up for the me in the bay. Fall wheat. is 1 sample but thin on the ground 'to the bare winter. Stomach Troubles and Constipation. orner Concerns. 18 Traverston. , west. he xre summer months Drau‘le ; went by Vickers. hter of Mrs. Ann he past fortnight Lthe Allan family xer took a trip to .er bmther and pos- i for her growing OUOCK He frequent rith each other .~ unexpectedly wonder if we 0V1DC€ be same If rtune m were tWO and locality a week -th e hron was 1-.“vâ€" V 3; At night she is restless. she dozes. ,0 . gbut dosen’t sleep soundly. .. i feel likelsbe ought. a Dr. Hamilton had invaluable ex-' a perience in these cases and {oundi “” l~ , nothing so prompt in building up the ’ bi r. iyoung women as his vegetable pills‘ y oszandrake and Butternut. .31 ; Dr. Hamilton’s Pills begin by' y cleansing the system and purifying“ ,d the blood; they also improve diges .t‘ t tion and render food ready for ab . .e f sorption. Additional nourishment isf is 1 quickly supplied and the patient i530 d ? fast strengthened and invigorated. a . Full of spirit. ruody and strong is . S rk the girl that assists her syswm bygt? .y ’ Dr. Hamilton’s Pills. F ‘5 The following recent letter from 1'. \iiss Etta McEwen, of Haiiburton, Pale Faced .Girls. The pallid girl always the. What little she e digested. 8083 31:3 for was hanging over All dealers sell Dr. Hamilton’s, Pills, 23¢. per box or five boxes for 31. by mail from 2;. C. Poison 8:. 00.. Hartford, Conn., U. S. A., and Kings- ton. Ont. lying. Don’t give to the Lord and then go out and rob a widow. Don’t acquire the borrowing habit, or the day will come when you will run out of friends. ‘4â€" Burma is more accessible than the; A FE W DON’TS, African interior. and also a far pleas- l .anter and healthier country to knock ‘ I l Don’t be reckless, especially ingabout in. And who will deny that lying. gtiger shooting afl’ords more exciting Don’t give to the Lord and then go 1 sport than potting wild elephants or hippOpOtami? Those who pursue on 1 out and rob a widow. l . . . Don’t acquire the borrowing habit foot the great cat carry their livestn . . H their hands every moment, while or the day will come when you “nu leven from elephant back or from a run out Of friends. 3" machan”â€"a platform constructed Don’t marry an ZOJOIGM man 83" ‘ in a big treeâ€"there is always the pecting him to brace up. 01' you may l possibility of a combat at close quar- have to take in washing to pay for 1 ters. the brace. ; The Strongest argument, for the Don’t be so mean minded that you i intervention of the Bri ish Nimrod is can see no good in a man, He may i the humanitarian. It rests With him be the first to loan you money in time 1 and with him alone to save the lives of need. '_ of hundreds of unfortunates.â€"Lon- - - - Au- -- r-.. - -..:.... = don Globe. Don’t lay up everything for a rainy day and go hungry all through life. Besides, where you are going it may never rain. A GUARANTEED CURE FOR FILES Don’t Spread butter on both sides of your bread just because you have $15 in your pockets. An earthquake may come along and shake the change out of them. Itching, Blind. Bleeding, I’rotruding Piles. Drug gista are authorized to refund money it PAZO OINTMEXT fails to cure in 6 to 14 days. 50c. 1906 Nor custom Aaiefzialliiftiziigira“ietx.1906 Canadian National Exhibition formerly ART LOAN EXHIBIT A“ UNEQU ALLED HORSE AND CATTLE EXHIBIT POULTRY AND PET STOCK EXHIBIT MAGNIFICENT EDUCATIONAL EXHIBIT 0F PROCESSES 0F MANU- FACTURE IN NEW $100,000 BUILDING. His Majesty’s Household Band of the Life Guards WILL PLAY TWICE DAILY ox THE GRAND 1mm; (FREE) 11 .x. M. AND 4 p. M. No np-to-date Canadian will miss this Exhibition. To avoid the great crowd come first week. FOR ALL Ixronxmpox APPLY TO LIEUT.~COL. J_._A. McGILLIVRAY, K.C., - J. O. ORR, ._.L_ 11...- no... .‘vn Qnmnman‘r An ideal occasion for a family outing. Daily ascensions of a navigable airship. always under perfect control. The most wonderful invention of the age. Royal Venetian Band, the most celebrated European musical organization. under the great leader, Victor, will give concerts daily. Fireworks on a more magnificent and imposing scale, picturing the great Carnival of Venice. rmerly I felt tired and depress- looked as if a severe illness mginc over my head. thing coulli give quicker re- ban Dr. Hamilton’s Pills and 1 I}; advise every woman to use r? FINEST PROGRAMME OF AMUSEMENTS larger, More Instructive and More Entertaining Ihan Ever bin(’ Dr Hamilton 5 Many splendid educational features :hey also improve diges »nder food ready for ab Additional nourishment is solied and the patient is p more 9 mornin AUG. 27 Ionuul'fl SEPT. ID “ IVANHOE” The Exhibition That Made Fall Fairs Famous. For information write VANI‘IUh” \VITH EXPERT |||.|l'.n razor-urn EXPRESSLY FROM ENGLAND. LONDON SErql 7-15, s I find mv ilt up. It ive remedy a. good 8p ndly “0d ONTARIO There is no such thing as a secret A reasonable probabil'ty Is the only certainty. The intense itching characteristic of salt rheum and eczema is .ustancly allayed by applying Chamberlain’s Salve. Asa. cure for skin diseases this salve is unequaled For sale at Parker’s Drug‘Store. The British Shik: his batter} idle, at Africa has become worth the cost of only to turn his: fr rawaddy vaLey rt amplitude of that field spoxte. tiger e â€"v-‘rr' , v For some reason or other. Mr. Stripes has oegun to colonize that locality on quite an eXtensive scale. even invading villages at night, and taking heavy toll of their inhabitants. The natives, much to their Credit, ofier all the resistance in their power, but. wretchedly armed as they are, the intruder takes little harm from but. wretchedly armed as tney am, the intruder takes little harm from thwir fusilades. Here. then. is an excellent Opportunity for the well endowed British Sportsman. Sir ‘Walter Scott’s magnificent nov- e1. " IvanhOe," will furnish the sub- ject matter for the spectacle at the Canadian National lxhibition this year. An old fashioned tilting tourn- t is to be made the grand feature Costumes and scenery will be as ex- act as artists can make them, agents having been in England and Scotland searchinz out authorities for the Vvvvwâ€"_ . _ act as artists can make having been in Englanc searching out authori same. POISTED PARAGRAPHS A PLAGUE OF TIGERS ' IVAN HOE” AT TORONTO. for boys and girls. \\'. J. REID, President. A. .\I. HUNT, Secretary. EVER PRESENTED. INCLUDING t l MANAGER Axn SECRETARY, CITY HALL, TORONTO, ONT. TILTEBS DURHAM CHRONICLE Provincial loan of $3,000,000 THE GOVERNMENT OF THE PRO- VINCE OF ONTARIO. under the author- ity of Chapter 4. of the Statutes of On- tarin. 1906. invites subscriptions from the public for a loan of S3m0.000 on bonds of the Province of Ontano, dated lst July, 1906, and payable 9.500.000 on the lst July, 1926, 31.500.000 on the lst. July, 1936. with coupons attached for interest at the rate of 3a per cent per annumtpayable half-yearly on the lst Jannarv and the . ALL noxns ASD IXSCRIBED 'rSTOCK ISSUED ['NDER THE Al'- iTHORITY OF THE SAID ACT ARE FREE FROM ALL ONTARIO PRO- NINCIAL TAXES. CHARGEfi. st'c- 'CESSION DL'TY AND mposans ‘ WHATSOEVER. -_ AAA lldlt') hu- .5, _-- 1st J uly m each year at the office of the Provincial Treasurer. Toronto. Bonds; will be of the denominations of $200, $500 ; and $1,000. and will be payable to bearer. i but on request will be registered in the; office of the Provincial Treasurer and} endorsed as payable only to the order Ofl certain persons or corporations. and on re- 1 quest uf holders may _be exchanged forl Ontario Government Stock bearing the! same rate of interest 3 The issue price during the month of{ July. 1906. will be par. and after the 31st! July. 1906. the issue price will be par and'; accrued interest. ; __ ...-~ »- . .9“ v‘v-\1~.1\'r-‘1‘n. --~v Purchasers of amounts up to $1,000 will be required to send certified cheque with the application. For amounts over 51.000 payment fir subscription may be made in instalments 10 per cent. on application. 10 per cent. 1st August. 10 per cent. 1st September. 10 per cent.‘ 1st member, 10 per cent. 1st November. and .30 per cent. lst December. 1906. With privilege of paying at an earlier date. tne interest on instalment subscriptions being adjuded paymg at an earner (Late. 1 : Instalment subscriptions be on lst January. 1907. In the event, of any 5 bonds payable by imtalmex make payment of subsequem the bonds may be sold and curred will he charged to t in default. Forms of subscription (when payable by instalments) may be obtained on appli- cation to the Treasury Department This loan is raised upon the credit ot the Consolidated Revenue Fund of Ontario and is chargeable thereupon. All cheques should be made payable to the order of " The Provincial Treasurer of Ontario." and subscribers should state the denominations and terms (‘20 or 30 years) of bonds desired. A. J. MATSHESON. Provmcxal Treasurer. quasury Department. Parliament Build 1022‘. Toronto. 2711: June. 1906. Newspapers inserting. this advertise ment without authprity from the Depart ment “'1“ not be paid for it. All parties are hereby warned against trespassing: on Low 1.5 and 17. Con. '2, Normanhy for picking berries and other purposes Persons found guilty after this notice will be prosecuted to che full extent of the law. WILLIAM CARSON. July Nthâ€"“2:. The Bread Bill We Satisfy . . . Our Customers 80 well that they like to spend their money here. While we make a Specialty of bread. we also bake many other nice things such as Cakes. Doughnuts, Cookies, Buns. Pies. etc.. etc. Always fresh. Model Bakery. Theh \ationals of Durham, a juvenile club, herewith issue a challenge to any team in South Grey. Hanover pre- ferred, to play a game of Lacrosse on the Agricultural Grounds, Durham. The conditions arezâ€"no player to weigh over 100 pounds and no one to be over fourteen years of age. The Nationals. if defeated, will pay all ex- penses. Challenge remains open till Sept. lst. Robert Saunders. Captain. There isa lesson in the work of the thrifty farmer. He knows that the bright sunshine may last but a day and he prepares for the showers which are so liable to follow. 80 it should be With every household. Dysentery. diarrhoea and cholera. morbus may attack some member of the home without warning. Cham- berlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, which is the best known medicine {or these diseases, should , always be kept at hand, as immediate itreatment is necessaryi and delay may prove fatal. For sale at Park- er’s Drug Store. “Make Hay While the Sun Shines Notice in Trespasseis G. H. STINSON Is one OUR customere are always glad to pay. Lacrosse Challenge (“hen paxable by btained un appli- and an Durham, Ont )sm ibex' s taxlmg mstalmex loss :11- ll‘Cha-‘er - If you $4 _ AGENT : armers’ M’f’g‘ Supply ’9 THE HANOVER CONVEYANCER 100 ACRES. south-west of Varney, in NOR- MANBY. An extra gopd farm and well improved. Owner anxxous to 20 West. 150 ACRES. BENTINCK, north 01 Allan Park. Well improved and offered very 125 ACRES. on .18th Concessmn of NOR- MANBY. Well improved and well located Offered cheap. Will rent if not sold. 100 ACRES, BENTINCK. near Rocky Sau geen. Good farm With good timber Will sell cheap. DURHAM RESIDENCE, belonging to Mr. J. L. Browne. photographer, offered at snap price. MONEY TO LOAN at lowest rates. INSURANCES PLACED in No. 1 Com- ln Hardware, Tin and (iramteware \Ve intend to oerr you Bar gains in the following lines such as you never got before paxiies at low rates. DEBTS COLLECTED. BUSINESS DIFFICULTIES arranged. C. P. R. TICKETS for sale to all points. Always Promptâ€"Never Negligent. We are offering at sacrifice prices It will pa} Granite <8: Tinware We have reduced prices in all lines. Call 111 and see as space wxll not al- low to quote prxces. ’1‘ ’l. 'Cl % These are the best go ads made. In grey, the leading color, we have a good assortment from We also have a nice line of Mohair, which we are selling at “’6 are ofi'eriug very cheap. pay you to get our price: be- fore buymgz elsewhere. We have our New Dress Goods in now. Now Offers the following : We have a nice line of CRUM’S PRINTS . Miller Sprays 50c to $1.25 yard. DURHA M . Rope 37c yard. H. H. MILLER. NEW I)..\\ 471 r'ure Bred Jersey Bull Calf. Ped‘ gree complete. I” April 24.â€"tf. ;U Lot 14. Con. 4. N. D. B. About 85 acres cleared, balauc hardwood bush. Well watered, ‘. good frame house. bank barn , meut house. Good bearing: orc‘: twenty-five acres ploughed, m tall wheat. Possession may be Mar lst. For further particula U v imported stOCk-faged 14 mm. 3m" .. old Clyde mare. Budding lot 011 Bruéeeéi Brick house on Bruce St. Apply " \V. LEG GET FE, Jan DONALD BEATON Jan, 20th. 1906â€"tf -..-_.~ P0 U about sign miles from Darin; mle. Possessxon at once. Good la be sold. For particulars apply Ir J. P. TELFOI‘ID Feb. '2‘.an 1905 â€"tf OT 51, 52, 53â€"Sider miles north of Prmex 11; first class condition. Good bl running stream comenient For further particulars apph \ BRUCE ST., DUI’H ABS 111ick house. 30x32; :2; ~111w.. 1111011, ° double cellar, cement 111111 21.: cone 112111", furnace in the 111111311» 11:. 1S111a11 bain with stone stable111111-1a1» 1 neath. Convenient; to st:11i1 .1. 1 Furnitme I1 acto1y and Cream: ' Separator V. 31'ks. “7111 sell c11e111‘1zc ‘quick purchaser. The awncr is gin; é \Vest. E For further particulars apply to n “ I of Saddler street in the Town x. ham, 1n the county of Grey, coma: acres more or less. For terms and p: lars applv to ‘1ONTAINING 100 ACRES. BEXC Dec. 2.â€"tf. June, 14. tf. U cession West of the Garafrax;-. I in the Township of Vormanb3. ix; Count3 of Gre3. For particulars ap; JRHAM BULLâ€"{332D FROM Good solid brick house of nine rooms, on Garafraxa St , upper town. Heated by furnace; electric lights. First class kitchen and urn-2m: cellars. Good woodshed: hard 321; soft water. é acre ground with beer- orchard and good barn. Also 50:11.8 good pasture lots, well watered. For further particulars apply 3.. premises to A. GORDON, Durham Mar. 15â€"tf. 25thâ€"tf. Comfortable Dwelling Houseâ€"Lari and soft water, heated by 898.; Electric Lights. Apply to N. MCINTYRZ. an. 3. 1906.â€"tf May 14 â€"tf Two brick houseâ€"with grou'in: gardensâ€"on Queen street. Apply: to JOHN CLARK or ED. \YELS‘E-I. THE GARAFRAXA Durham, June 21â€"tf. ARK LOT NUMBER 13 Good Farm for Saie. House and Lot For sale Y:‘\.Y A good solid brick two storey dauphin... alongside Presbyterian Manse property 113 Upper Town, Durham, Corner of 1)Url;3:3 and Elgin streets. Seven rooms. pant:‘:~'~ closets, cement floored cellor, etc. Go» airy location in good locality. Good fram? stable. hard and soft water, one acre”;I land. Snap for quick purchaser. i‘i'r further particulars apply to JOHX W. MCKECHNIE. Owner. Aug. lst. 1906â€"tf. Rocky Saugeen P. A number of improved valuable farms in New Ontario, near New Liskeard for saleâ€"large discount for cash. Map of the locality and terms given on application to J. P. TELFORD, 7â€"18-06. Solicitor for Vendor. Onto the premises of Lot 7, Can. ‘5, Exit” mont, one Tamworth boar, on Tuesdafiv JUIY 17. Owner may have same by 13”" mg property and paying expenses. Aug. 2. 1906. OT AUGUST 2, 1906 For Sale or Rent. Normanhy Farm for Salg Park Lot For Sale. Farm for Sate. For Sale or to Rent. Qlâ€"IN THE SECOND C' For Sale. DCGALD I). MCLACH For Sale. Farms for Sale. IN NEW ONTARIO. House for Sale. F. PEEL. Dar} J. P. TELFORD Vendor’s Solicitor. D1 To Rent. To Rent Strayed. WM. LEGGETTL, Box 9:3, DURHAI 3â€"Sidero ROBERT MCMEEKEN. .. Varney P- 0- J. P. TELFOHD Barrister. 1):. Roe} rxce 1am ~emzed 866‘ *DARLI flarling s . DRUG STOF THETWO ? v HIGHEST Housen GRADES 01" Keewatin [AKITOBA R088 Aâ€"---‘ EEOCR Satisfaction Guarantee in Embalming. . . . AUGUST :2. 1906 flour feed. Ihe People’s Druggi ROGER BABCLflY. *akin Government Our 570 BUY YOI’R havr at Timothy 8.: lils't‘ FROM ) Ugilvie's Househ

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