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Durham Chronicle (1867), 2 Aug 1906, p. 4

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W. 1‘.“ nu When You... Write Home The Shavers’ Needs . . . . DURHAM, -XI’HUS’I‘ 2,1906. The growing interdependence of the Provinces of this Dominion must be apparent to all. The product of one! is a necessity for another. Not alone are the eyes of the Eastern Provinces. but those of every country in the world, directed to the almost phenom- enal Wheat “producing qualities of Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta. Every hamlet. concession and side- line in Ontario has contributed to the settlement of these fertile western Provinces. The crops, according to the Governmental reports for this season. if safely harvested and garner- ed. will far surpass previous years in quantity and quality. :‘ESRHAM CHRONICLE Take a Kodak with you. We keep them from One Dollar up ed. will fat-surpass previous years in‘ Dr Park of Cochrane Alta. , and o . . ’ . quantity and (main? Miss Amv Meredith. of Durham, It is estimated 20.00” farm laborers were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. will be required I‘rum the older proni A. Armstrong, laSt Saturday. inces in assisting in the harvest of? Miss Reid, milliner, at Boyd, HiCko their wealth. The sons of the \\'est§ling Co’s. left. last week on her are now urgently appealing to the ; holiday 3° parental and patriotic instincts of thei Miss Mabel Boyd visited last. week fanners of the East m send ever-inith friends at Chatsworth and stronv. able-bodied mam they can thale Beach. aid them in this work of national im-l; A couple 0‘ loads or the BPWONh *Lea. us at Markdale held a. party at t. . . g pOI‘ 111C? A -_ _ min: 11an of Mr. and Mrs. J. E The Canadian Pacifiv Railwav has”?7 “mu" ‘“ ““' “m“ -___ ' ‘ \V alker here on Monday. mad 7. ‘he wonderful growth of the; . . t L g ' Misses. Iva and Aleda. Mitchell are \"If .*:'hle. In the s-tvinw of thel . . . . . ‘ t“ p05“ ‘ ° ‘ visiting their aunt in Toronto. wheat and other fir-ops: the interest of: Miss Annie Bentham and brother Panada and the Lanadiair Pacrfit are Richard of Dunkirk. N. Y., returned identical. The latter IS Lanadas Na- home laSt week after two weeks holi- tional highway. It has announced 9. days here. that on Aug “Tbs 17““ and 22' I? “'11“. Mr. and Mrs. D. J. Jamieson. of transport from different territories in 1 Toronto. returned home last week the East farm laborers to the Cana- I after visiting the latter’s parents, dian North-“’est at the nominally l Mr.'a.nd Mrs. John Whitten. low rate of twelve dollars: in fact thisl Mrs. Keys and Mrs. McDonald, of National Highway is offering an in- Toronto, visited their aunt Mrs. ducement to European farm laborers M031” 135‘ week. by making an exceptionally low rate‘ Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Stewart of Tor- over its Atlantic steamship service in ONO W?” Vlsxtors at Mr. W. J- connection with its railway lines. It Stewart 5 last week, now remains for the Ontario farmer M“ Charlie ¥°T3Yi3h is home to show his pride in the growth of his from Toronto holidaying. nation bV ° 0' w' h the Cana- Mr. Geo. P9350113 «and Master ° cooperat‘na 1L , _ _ t‘n‘nnm 1.? near. Aurora- N- Y- vigitnfl dian Pacific in_ sending every available able-bodied man he can to the West. For 5. S. No. 2, Holland and En- phrasia, three miles from Markdale, to Main August 20th. Apply before August 15th. T. H. RICHARDSON, mothe: Aug. 1, 1906.-â€"â€"1pd. Markdale. Mrs W KRWIN. Editor and Proprietor. be if you purchase one of our Waterman or Parker Fountain Pens frcm $1 to $7. Every pen guaranteed Must not be overlook- ed when packing your trunk. If the next few weeks are to be few weeks are to we spent away from a. first class barber you will have to shave Yourself. We have Druggists and Booksellers V 01113811. everything; for mak ing shaving easyâ€"â€" Safety Razors, War- ranted Ordinary Ra.- zors, the best Shaving Soaps in sticks and cakes, Brushes. Strops, Mugs, etc. Teacher Wanted. V.‘ \. of thei; Miss Mabel Boyd visited last week every '1 with friends at Chatsworth and am to i Balmy Beach. a1 im-fi Acouple of loads of the Bpworth { League at Markdale held a. party at. »the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. ,' 1‘18: . 1‘ l t . W alker here on Monday- 1' .‘ f Judge Widditield presided at a ' v 'Court of Revision here a Week ago ”3'3; 6“ R 0°19 13“ 8 few days “go iThursday. There was but one appeal to “5“ I!" 50“ Myron and famsly at i -â€"A \lunshaw Son whose assess- l Camlackte. Ont.. and 8180 her son ° ‘ Frank and wife at Pontiac, Mich. iment was $4000, and were allowed ‘ Mr. Fred Sheppard. of Toronto I Junction is on two weeks holiday with his family here. Mrs. W. J. Bellamy visited friends ‘1 Born At Langley Avenue, Toron- i to, on July 20th to Mr. and Mrs. W. :év. 11.11, d hterv 2“ Hemp ‘ a “I“ at Proton last week. At the League meeting in the ‘1. . . . ' . a 188 L . . iMethodist churcha week ago MOD'l . bl? Thistlethwaite Of Tor , , :onto 18 ordaying at her home east :' day Miss Pennell, of Toronto, who of the village 1 3 w savisitor at Mr. W. H. Thurs- ' e 130:1’3 gave an excellent paper on Mrs. Clinton. Pedlar and little Charles Dickens. daughter. of Torontc. are Spending . two weeks with relatives on the 4th ' AREhB Baptist ChurCh 00 503d“? line. and visited their uncle Mr. J. i evening the 22nd ult. the pastor Rev. Blackburn on Saturday. ; b F’ Hurlburt, who h“ pur'chasgd “i Miss Florence Thurston is visiting 1hne stereoptican OP‘fiE‘ “Me a om'ihet' aunt who is ill near Heathcote : twenty-rive splendid vxews of Pales- E \1' Li D (i f '1‘ .° l 188 ay amu e o oronto, IS itine which greatly pleased the con-l . . . . . ' oregation. At the Presbyterian i vismng her cousxns the Misses Mun- s aw. ‘1» ;church in the afternoon the congre- g gation were favored with “The Pilotl Miss Annie Howard is home from Song” very sweetly sung by littlelToronto spendinga month with her '.\1iss Evelyn Hall of Toronto. who mOther was visiting; her aunt Mrs. Archie‘l Mr. J. P. Bunt of Orangeville. vis- iBOFd- “18 3’01“”: singer 903595393 a] ited Sunday and Monday with his ‘splendid voice and has frequently; brother W. H here. ‘ . . , , f- . . . . LLleli‘ght’et. ‘lasge audiences With her:: Mr D. 'l‘. \Vright of Elora is visit 4’0“” ”I song. ‘ ling his mother here. The Presbyterian Sunday Schoolg held their annual picnic a. week ago; and had an enjoyable outing. i At the last meeting of L. O. L., at Ceylon a. resolution was adopted exâ€" pressing the thanks of the lodge to Rev. Dr. Caldwell of this place for his much appreciateds ermon to the Orangemen. Mrs. John Osborn has moved from 1 156118111)“ the “Ck line to again occupy herlg Miss Mabel Binnie cf Dundal ' vis- ' residence on Collingwood street. l ited over Sunday and Monday with ‘3 Dr. 1'). \V. Paul of Toronto, son of; her aunt. 3135- W- 3- Boyd 1 Mr. John Paul of Feversham has be-? Miss Hattie Cole is home from Tor- I come an expert bowler. At the i onto for a few weeks holidays. recent tournament of the Ontario} Mr. Rupert Edmonds of Dawn Bowlers Association he captured both: Mills, visited over Sundag’ and Mon- the novice and senior singles, there-lam. with his uncle Mr. W. W. by winning double honors for hiS‘Tri'--ble l . nu . icinb. The trophies won by Dr. Pauli, : were a silver tea service and pair of \ lbowling balls and his friends here! . ., l were pleased to learn of his success. KIHb Batanhal Genus I __+â€"â€" ! I Mr. W. Trimble’s carriage horsei lafter being hitched to the buggyl made a dash from home a few even- 1 ings ago and after a lively run of a couple of miles up the gravel road was captured by a traveller, horse. I and buggy not much the worse. 1! Breathe Hyomei a Few Times Daily and Be Curedâ€"~Goes Right to the Spot. ! o l m-.__.- ______ 30 Miss Clara Davis and sister Addie. f Toronto, visited the past two eeks at. Mr. Wm. Davis’. Mr. Jeff Thistlethwaice is home from Toronto and is having his res- idence repainted. Air. C E. Tryon "â€"w w-v'av MTS- W- Jo White has bought Mr.‘ In treating catarrhal troubles. the Wm. Smith’s residence. 1 first thing necessary is to kill all ca- Mr. Jefi Thistlethwaite is home; tarrhal germs that may be present in from Toronto and is having his res- : the 0039, throat and 1111125. thus {1'86- idence repainted. Mr. C E. Tryon l ing the system from the POiSOD that is doing the job. Mrs. John Clinton‘; they produce. is also having her residence repaint-i Stomach dosing cannot kill these germs. A direct 106al treatment is absolutely necessary. and f0: this i purpose nothing else equals Hyomei. ed Mr. John Heard had has a neat :mn fannn granted in the front of his 'Dr. Murry. C. N. Richardson, C. N. Munshaw, Oscar Phillips, W. Somers and Charlie Sullivan are on a camping holiday at Ewarts lake near Berkeley. Mr. John Heard had has iron fence erected in the front reeidence. Rev. Dr. Caldwell was at hollana Centre preaching on Sunday morning last. His pulpit was supplied here by Mr. M. K. Richardson. Miss Ethel McGee and Miss Edith Tattle of Toronto, visited the past week with the farmer’s uncle Mr. J os. Cornfield Mrs. J. P. Saunders. of Toronto, is visiting her parents Mr. and Mrs: Edward Whitten. Miss Hattie LeGard, of Toronto, is visiting Mrs. H. Wilson and other relatives. Miss Lynette Hanburg, of Dundalk visited Mrs. Robert Moore last week. Miss Wolfe, of Hamilton, is the guest of Mrs. John Runstadler. - Mr. J. Gibson. of Toronto, paid his granddaughter Mrs. W. J. Boyd a short visit. last week. Mr. Geo. Peal-sons and Master Estees of East Aurora, L. Y.. visited at Mr. Herb Smith’s last week. Rev. L. \V. Thom and Mr. A, S. \‘anDusen attended aspecial meeting of Orangeville Presbytery at Don. dalk on Tuesday of lass week. Mr. C. Shier. of Toronto was a vis- itor at D. McTavish’s last Week. Mr. and Mrs. Robert W'right of Hagersville visited the farmer’s mother last week. Flesherton. . D. McTavish and Mrs. W. E. Caldwell was at Holland fiWhite visited friends I last week. l Mr. Frank Irwin. of Durham, was I. here a couple of days a week ago re- }newing old acquaintances and gave i as a chatty evening. ' Mrs. G. 1?. Cole left a few days ago i to visit her son Myron and famsly at i Camlackie. Ont.. and also her son 5 Frank and wife at Pontiac, Mich. : Mr. Fred Sheppard. of Toronto iJunction is on two weeks holiday l with his family here. " l 31' Ali e R . ur town Mrs. Clinton. Pedler and little “7351555“ng atarfiegvevooffiyegows and daughter, of Toronto, are spending and Albert McClinton’s for two or two weeks with relatives on the 4th three days. line. and visited their uncle Mr. J.| . Blackburn on Saturday. z Mabel Pettlgrew returned to T0'. lronto after two weeks at home. Her Miss Florence Thurston is visitin ' . . her aunt who is ill near Heathcoteg‘ sister Ethel returned With her to try ’ ’ ' {her fortune in the Queen City. Miss May Damude of Toronto, is? . . visiting her cousins the Misses Mun. 1 ML and IRS; Mitchell from Chica- shaw. were vismng at Mr. Z Clark’s . - - . for a. few days. Mrs. Mitchell is a Miss Annie Howard IS home from, . {\I Cl 1: d - - b 9; Toronto Spending a month with herlSISter o . r. ar an it IS a out -1 mother years since they saw one. another. \I . P .. . , .‘They both have changed a good deal . ‘dr'.,f’° ‘ ' bunt 0f Orangevule. V‘?’ i in that time. Mrs. Mitchell didn’t ite band” and Monday ““11 “‘5‘ know her brother when she first saw brother W. H here. , him. Mr D. '1‘. Wright of Elora. is visit- ing his mother here. Mr. “’11). Brown of Toronto. is vis- iting his brother-inolaw Rev. Dr. Mr W iting his Caldwell. Mrs. Robert Burk of Emsdale, and Miss Lottie Osborn, of Nottawasaga, are visiting: their sister Mrs. W. J. Bellamy. Its base is the famous eucalyptusl oil. This is combined with other healing balsams. making a germ- -kill- ing health- ~giving treatment for ca- tarrh, entirely unlike anything else known. \Vhen using Hyomei the air you breathe is like that on the mountains, high above the sea leveit where the pine forests till the air with fragrant and healing balsams that give health and healing to those sufiering from diseases of the respi- ratory organs, Breathed through the neat pocket inhaler that comes with every outfit Hyomei reaches every tissue of nose, throat and lungs giving immediate relief, and efiecting a permanent cure in the worst cases of catarrh. The complete outfit, consisting of an inhaler, medicne dropper. and one bottle of Hyomei, costs only 31. Extra bottles can be obtained for 50 cents. If you cannot obtain Hyomei of your dealer, it will be forwarded by mail, postage paid, on receipt of price. W'rite to-day for consultation blank that will entitle you to services of our medical department without charge. The R. T. Booth Company. Hyornei Building, Ithaca. N. Y. T o REXT.â€"â€"Good large house in Dur- ham, good garden, fruit trees, stable and pasture for one cow. Apply to “'11). “73.11, Park St. Many Vagaries Dame Fashion And we follow her freaks close- ly in the CORSET line. FEW equal, xoxm superior to D. A. CORSETS. waists. shoulder braces,etc. Long and Short White and Drab Dip Hip and Girdle. Tape \ursing and Plain. In sporting parlance it’s a " winner.” Samples given {gee to custom- ers. In Pure Ceylon. Black. Green and Mixed, at. ‘25 and 40c 3 lb. Drink “Davies Tea” 6‘ Dav 165 Tea 9, Underwaists In several sizes. . McArthur DURHAM CHRONICLE Corsets ASH FOR HAS at Creemore Well, since we last wrote the glor- ious 12th has come and gone. There was a large number went to Hanover to Spend the day. As far as we can hear they were not very Well pleased ated and will not be likely'to go again unless hay is cheaper. The Opinion of most peo ple is that 25 cents is outrageous for bay for one horse and tied outside at Irene Trotter has returned to her home in Toronto after spending six or eight weeks very pleasantly with friends in Varney. that A. McClinton is around again afterl quite a severe illness. One of the liveliest nights that Varney has seen for some time was. the night of the wreck on the Grand} Trunk One thing that made it live-l ly was the torch light procession by‘ the Baptist picnicers from Durham: which took place from Bryan’s side-E road around to the Varney stationlg where they were loaded in two box; cars, the crowd that gathered abundl hollering ‘° Shoo, Shoo I” as if they) were loading sheep. After that as large number wotched the 100 or i more men clearing away the wrecked 5 cars from the track which they com- ;pleted ready for the train to pass‘ 7, over by 5 o’clock in the morning. 1 l I wonder which one of the girls is ‘iresponsible for Adam Hillis going to l sleep and letting his horses run away. EWell, we don’t know whether Adam lwas asleep or net, but the horses ran {away all the same They Started g with the wagon and rack and hay irake hitched on behind at Lennox’s ;sideroad and got as far as Varney '; with the wagon and rack but left the 'rake on the road. Wm. LongyassiSt- ‘; ed by McCabe Stopped them from go- }ing farther. No damage was done gexcept a number of pickets torn off 1R. Petty’s fence. Jas. Hoy received a very severe kick from Pioneer Colten while clean- ing him on Wednesday morning last. The blow was so heavy that it knock ed him out of the stable door and Jim lnow requires a cane to walk with. ;He says he never knew the horse to Edo the like before, he also says it is i the worst he ever got but it might have been harder. We are pleased ito see him getting over it so well. :One needs to be careful while around that kind of horse as they are not to be trusted, but if any body knows how to get along with them it is Jim. Miss Pearl Burnet, of your town. Spent a few days visiting her aunt, Mrs. J. W. Blyth. Oscar Best is scrying with his aunt Mrs. R. Allen, at present. Jim Blyth has erected a new wire fence around his orchard which adds to the appearance oi the place. The wire was supplied by Wm. Connor. Mrs. Best from Palmerston was the guest of her siSter. Mrs. R. Allen. for a short time last week. Miss Andrew from Brooklyn, New York. is visiting at her aunt’s Mrs H. W. Leeson’s, an the present time. Aggie and Allie Dunn came home from Toronto on \Vednesday to Spend their vacation for a couple of weeks with their parents. We are pleased to see them around Varney again. The Epworth League was with drawn on Sunday night and held on Monday night so that the members could attend the Confirmation ser- vices in the Church of England in Durham and a large number drove up and some of them could not get in the church was so full. Raddy was complaining of asore neck for a few days. He said that the sun had burned it, but some of the boys think that it was the daugh- ter. While we were busy painting our barn doors red the other day Billy Prew and Wilbert Blyth came along. and I asked Billy if he wanted to be painted red and he said no, that he would prefer Black. and that he thought Wilbert Wanted Brown. So I couldn’t get a job as my color did not suit. ries in the winter time. ”We congratulate Miss Mildred Leeson on belng successfulin passing the Normal course. Miss L. was a good teacher arid with ayear’s ex- . perience as the Normal we can assure ‘ any school board that they may con gsider themselves lucky if they can lsecure her services. We wish for iour friend, Mildred“, the greatest suc- CBSS. The theme that the Rev. Mr. Saunderson preached from on Sunday last. was “ Christian Growth.” His next was from 2nd Peter, 3 chapter and 18th verse: But grow in grace and in the knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. It was well thought out and very instruc- tive and helpful. Varney. CASH ONLY. Mrs. Wm. Clark spent a couple of weeks up at Hepworth with her hus- band and cousin. She and Will re- turned to V arne§ on Saturday. 'Will is through up there and will remain at home until it is time to 20 on the road with his threshing outfit. Mr. John Kerr has C. Elvidge busy palnting his house which when finish. ed will add much to the appearance of the house John likes to see things looking yell: N M123; Maggi; Condy. from Guelph, is visiting with her "friend, Mabel Grasby, at present. Bring your REPAIRING and FOOT MEASURE t0 Hats, Fancy Vests and Spring Suitings. DAVID AN D GOLIATH. Goliath wasavery much surprised man when little David hit him with a stone. Such a thing never entered his head before. Did it ever enter your head that McIlraith’s is the Correct Place for Correct Boots and Shoes at Correct Prices? Correct your ideas, collec: a little money, and come and see us for your next pair of Boots or Shoes. TRUNKS. VALISES TELESCOPES. CLUB BAGS at lowest prices. Custom \Vork and Repairing as usual. REMEMBER THE PLACE G. LAWRENCE’S OLD STAND. PEEL, the Shoeman TERMS: CASH. EGGS TAKEN SAME AS CASH. YOU’RE NOT DRESSED without a nice, smart 10 pair of shoes. Our lines in \Vhite and Tan Shoes. I and Vici Kids are the very latest, and no expense has spared to get the very besc. and prices won’t, hurt. any Faithful to their name, gaining confidence, keepin established the reputation earned by their maiit full value to the cusnomer. Merchant Tailor and Gent’s Furnisher JUST IN . S. McILRAITH . L. FLARITY A superb line of up-to-date EGGS WANTED. SEE THEM. \VAXTEDnâ€"A working housekeeper Apply to John A. Darling. THE large 12x14 photograph gin away With one dozen cabinets is m worth a dollar and a half. F. \V. Kc’ ey, Photographer.â€"â€"July 12th. tf. Good large frame dwelling 0 1 George street, All monern conveni ences. Apply to j 12 tf. MRS. J. W. CRAWFORD. AUGU ST; 51906 DURHAM AND OWEN SOL’Z‘ no expense has bee: won’t hurt anybody TO RENT. 'luality and their : Selvvs 4.1,,‘-- -. team 1 our 1)« shanw Referee Kellv. of Mm kdaio blefl whistle about seven a duck. and teams took their positions 11) batch supremacy before :1111111111 small 111 of admirers of 0111 n: ltinllal game The visitors started out well. 1 showed signs of putting up :1 gm md‘ game. In abmx‘ Len inii'llilf’s they buiwed the net Land pl 11 111 1 selves in the lead. This 1.111111 1 scoring fur the quarter. , In the second quarter Edwin ' found the not twivo - 1:111 .\I.~‘11-k1‘1:111 to be Sittib‘ik‘d \\' 11h >11'1)!11i 11111 the score stood :11. half Iimn. D111J 2, Markdale l . 1 DURHAM PUTS IT OVER MA] DAIE TO THE TUNE 9 T0 2 on Tuesday evening mx crOSSe team crossed stivk ilar aggregation frnm M :n agricultural grounds 1w Without much difiiculiy. The third qt? sided. Fred “good at 11mm :the ne°ts for fm' I”: their Xl)i>‘>i! H . Our fast im'm played an ex! 5. 'Dundalk (m J n} to 3, and um- : ft! the tally. ‘ 7 am not being cur boys dock The last Durham ; tunity to Markdalc locals to :1 Equal t Etc) 2. l Tht g'the hame to defeat tlw U'x: - heir own groundsimd did Ives out until Ihv last «.41: I hey planed tlwil ummne 1 ‘ eet. Olll‘l)0}~ (‘njanlu I and fro. ‘ A C.L.A. lacrosse nmzv ' 0 be pulled off here m: 111 A ' grounds between the “ i » ount Forest and tlw llurham. At, the vhévvr . ' crest called up thv Man I flux-ham lacrosse club «m ‘ r: 4d in a feeble. tone “bro .fl hat the Lornes could n ay clear to play in If. . ould have to forfeit the ' _o ys were. to say the leas *tht is opponent 'hen his chc , 9 would :u: ‘ Gnu]. Hunwr : fist Defel EA. M CCU Eden ‘Houu Durham :11] attack> (m Ebone in in The hrs! Durhmu is Arthur In mam“. tainiy THE Stratfonl " 1.."1“ be held in th 1 "7.: ug. 4 to Aug. 1 ' ted by Spm'inl U ontreal. Tornnt ': nd Chicavo. A _ *1 u. is prepawd n addition to the . iend there will * n the way of all d, and many Wt rayers that \W. ‘ W!) to the sum f promise" >1” he engagmnen 3% BUSIN ES The I) Huntm llills Junior Lacrosse. B ET \\' } late. Uh ( AV .n‘ \V l l The Saver U 11 Dzu t1 (1.1V V \V 9. Ft J. C. TELFI D \V (NV 8L1 \V \V 111(18 of Ca: \V Jm' \V nd L1H OI ll

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