West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 2 Aug 1906, p. 5

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AME :18 CASE rhn i 1‘ 4 1. 4 4 4. 4‘ _§¢>¢H¢§§£ ' 3T 2. 1906 Iar and rapher. Furnisher >138 (107. TY ecticides MEASURE to 12x1 1 ITH LIATH. LER :1 workin TO RENT t0 MRS. J. W. CRA". and I'rame iwelling on All monem conveni- ield the ()I )Il Lnyb l“. W' 3th. tf )usekeeper' {S bee rices. tered 86$ 9. f b hat and IS of DURHAM PUTS IT ovnn MARK- DAIE TO THE TUNE 9 To 2 BUSINESS all'KlHl AU H'ST‘ 2, 1906 n tht clear to play m 1 .1 have to forfeit the \V Pl‘t Junior Lacrosse. The Sovereign Bank satisfactory banking service. )ys decided that tn defeat the D m'n grounds'and (1' out until the last‘ dayed their oppoc Our boys “enjoyet hl Strntford Ula -. held in the CI rtn Aug. 11. ‘ by special trait ’93). Toronto. Dé bicago. A vet is, prepared for 1 itiun to the joy< LA. lacrosse match was billed xlled off here on the agricultur- mls between the “ hasbeens” of lfiiwest and the Durhams of 11. At the eleventh hour Mt. called up the Manager of the u lacrosse club on the .phone. it feeble tone "broke the news” :9 Lnrnes could not see their ear to New in Durham, and Wan 1mm Y “'6 t1 hat went he south ( \\' I) )lllt It to say .ug.11. Visitors axe ex- sec 1.11 trains Saturdax from 01 onto Detxoit. Cleveland, D. A \er} elaborate p10â€" pared for the occasion, and to the Joy of friend meeting 9 will be much of interest of all kinds of sport. I) xhibi Smitl n rd Old Boy of Canada. w . C. TELFORD, Manager. DURHAM. N TH ) \V \\' U tel \\' l!)tlx ll H \V’iloS l H 'eir. the game. uur he least. disappoint- the short-sentenced ; up in favor of the 0f us for the “bx-921011 mle by not fulfilling I), Who )1: bu sy’ \V'itb' ll “'ELS {SSH )lll it would he a. :mdalkiu-s on 11111 let them- marter. when BANKING une 0V m dwin Point. “7 M cFadden :ul Defence 1). McFad arter. when xts off their the. journey XUS Ill be m llltl Lther one- is always and found ) the fence l“ m oppor ll small t-ml friendly City from LVt riend U m ever left Lying 1n 'igers of we will Arthur. cam on Hon nith. )lllt )w the ') \V U V t ll ll H‘t 11 ways H )l n [1111 41111011 lw (l hm )lnt COD s of “'éls' (HIS for Our ut llll h )Il H Professor Pemher Pember’s natural Scalp part for Wigs and Toupees cannot be equalled 101 natural appear- ance and durabilitv 1n America. Call and see us. and bring your friends. For mail orders. . 1‘ i4 ney of the same place. is home for ai months holiday. She is looking well‘ | Messrs. \V. Ryan and D. Ritchie have finished the grawlling contracc on the town line (and it is reported they have made a first class iob of it. ‘ Mr. John Atkinson ot Xian. is at! present on a visit to the parental! home. looking: hale and hearty. : Tbe Sunday School picnic came off as predicted. on Friday last. and al- though the \veaziwr wore a threaten- “OOH crowd assembled together to eujov themselves by taking part in the (lif ferem games and sports. vis.. swing ing. base-ball, foot-ball rtrnp the handkerchief. wild goose chase and others too numerous to mention. The captains handling the foot. ball game were Messrs Alex Aljoe and Thos. Collier am} the score stood a. tie. each side making one goal. Every body wens home happy. Miss Annie Stapiee of the Queen City accompanied by “$39 Olive Gur W'edding bells are ringing throw: the burg. particulars later on. \be allow this filthy disease to poison your system? It drains your strength. ruins digeStion. pollutes the breath. makes you repulsive. The one certain cure is “Ca'arrho- zone.” it cures because it destroys the cause of the disease, cures thoroughly because it goes where- ever the catarrh is, cures every case because its vapor destroys the ca- tarrh germ instantly. To get well and stay free from catorrh get Ca- tarrhozone and use it; satisfaction guaranteed. PROFESSOR PEMBER Interest allowed on deposits from date of deposit to date of withdrawal, and paid four times a year. N0 red tape with usâ€"â€"-never was any. Dark ' 9 165 Corners. CANADA’S 'HAIR KING he Be Done With Catarrh! Savings Bank Department One Dollar Starts an Account. Your Deposit Account is Solicited m Parlv part or the euinu tome-d out n be desired and a «mo.- 00W Queen’s Hotel, Palmerston, THURSDAY, AUGUST 9th inst. Galbraith House, Mt. Forest. FRIDAY, AUGUST 10th inst. Knapp House, Durham, SATURDAY. AUGUST 11th inst. With the finest display of hair goods ever seen in America for ladies. The semi-transformation. and full transformation, the all-over Pomp and the parted Pomp. Switches from $2.00 to $30.00, Waves from $5.00 to $15.00, Head Covering from $15 00 to $25.00. Pomps from $6.50 to $20.00, Gent’s Toupees from $25.01) to $60.00, \Vigs Irom $30.00 to $70.00. 79“ DAY. 1 7mm 51:3 Yonge St. . TORONTO Will be at the 1e afte-r )b large J. KELLY, Many who don’t reulize what lies beyond, treat an attack at the "nerves” with ?ndifference. Others consider it will soon parse away. But. in everv case nervousness i9 a calamity. Only one l’r medy will cure ~~Ferrozmneâ€"-n uerw. strengthener that acts through the blood. First it gives you appetiteâ€"you eat plenty. This fills the blood with nourishment for the. inner nerve cells Energy and strength are msrilled into every part of the system Yo: get wellâ€" keep wellâ€"nerVUusm-as forever de- because you’ve u-mu Ferrozone? Price 50c per box of fifty tablets at all dealers. Mrs. Gardiner and three child: en 10f 'I‘oron'o are spending a few pleas- ian: days at the formers sister Mrs ? \Vi'liam Falise. 51.5 Certain McGilvrm. wife and faiiiy in: end leaving this week for Landon after Spemwliu - the past year at Rob Roy corners. “e are sorry ‘to lose Mr. McGilvray and family ‘from our midst but business requires Mr. McGiIvray to be stationed at London. Our good wishes go with lthem to their new home. Mis~a Annie MoArtbur of Toronto and Mrs. Leslie and son Ray of Mt Forest are visiting at. old Bunessan Old John \Vykoff, a farmer whose {place was just outside of town, had gmade a present of his largest yellow ‘Pumpkin to the editor of the village , paper and the editor wrote an item iacknowledging the gift. But unfor- l tunately the ofice boy who put it in étype get it mixed with an item an- ? nouncing the birth of a baby in the i family of another subscriber. This is l the way it appeared in print “our old friend, Harry Townsend, is celebrat- iing the arrival of a fine boy at his .house. The newcome is the very image of its father. It is one of the large cornfield variety, with huge bumps all over it and weighs fifty- six pounds. There isn’t a flaw in it anywhere except a dent made by our fool oflice boy and that doesn’ matter as we are going to cut it up at once.” Miss Mary Kennedy is visiting friends in Hamilton at present. The prayer meeting at Mr. McFar- lane’s on Sunday evening was largely attended considering the unpleasant evening. Next Sunday evening it will be held at the home of Mr. Thos McComb Miss Mary Binnie, left last week to visit friends in Muskoka‘ Mr. Robt. Britton of Bentinck is Working for his brother for a few days this week. Mrs. Bruce Turner of Detroit is visiting her parents Mr. and Mrs. C. 11' ervousness, A Calamity Bunessan. Manager DURHAM GHRUN IL] 113 Fall Wheat .......... 1 Spring Wheat ........ Oats Peas. . Barley .............. . Hay ................ . Butter ............... Eggs ................. Petatoes per bag ...... Apple> .............. Flour per cwt ........ Oatmeal per sack ..... Chop per cwt ........ Live Hogs .......... Dressed Hogs per cwt. Hides per lb ........ Sheepskins ........... \Vool .............. . Tallow .............. Lard ................ Mr. and Mrc. \V. H. Mofiat, of Greeuuch. Spent a. few pays recently with the Ritchie families. Mr. George Staples, of Cranbrook, B. 0.. is visiting his parents here at present. Mrs. Robert Edge returned home Monday after Spending three weeks with her sister, Mrs. Alex. Firth at Strange. - Mr. R. H. Banks was seriously ill for some time but is now recovering. Mrs. Robert Mofiat and her little daughter Ruby. of Toronto, were visiting relatives in this neighbor- hood. this week. Quite a. number from this part at tended the lower school picnic on Friday last and all report a good time. On Thursday morning, July 19th Mr. Robert Ector breathed his last. He had been ailtng for some months and his death was non uneXpected. The deceased gentleman was a kind and obligihg neighbor and a success- farmer. To the sorrowing family we extend the sympathy of the commu- nity in their hour of 'trouble. In Glenclg. on July 5th. 1906, to Mr. and Mrs. Samuel R. Jackson. a son. BEHXECKE-«Frrzmimo.\'~-On \Vednes- July 18th. 1906. at, the residence of M. C. Demon. Farmingdale, New Jersey. by the Rev. \Vm. Adams, John C. Behneeke. of New York )ity, to Janet Rohenn Fitzgihhon, nf Farmingdnle, New Jersey. MCARTHUIv-Jf‘lfiflfiUSONâ€"«At Omaha, Nah, July 10th 1906, Dr. Hecter J. McArthur. to Miss Flossie B. Fergu- 50!] both of Omaha, furiiierly of Bruce 00., Ont., brother of Mrs. J. C. Nichol of this town. A GUUPLE of weeks ago we referred to :1 team of hm-ses purchased by Geo. Lzuvx'enee at Aytnn. «me of which gut: his leg ln-nken immediately after the purchase. lle tnnk the. uther horse with him to) hurt \Villinm and he died on the way there, so we are infunned. This will he .1 heavy loss to Mr. Law- renee as the team was :1, valuable, one. Town of Durham COUNTY OF GREY. Notice is hereby given that I have transmitted or delivered to the per- sons mentioned in Seotions :3 and 6 of the Vaters’ List Act, the copies required by said sections to be so transmitted or delivered of the LiSt. made pursuant to said Act. of all persons appearing by the last re- vised Assessment Roll of the said Municipality to be entitled to vote in the said Municipality at elections for members of the Legislative As- sembly and at Municipal Elections, and that said list was first posted up at my office at Durham on the 31$t day of July. 1006. and remain there for inspeCtion. Electors are called upon to examine the said liSt, and if any omissions or other errors are found therein to take immediate proceeding to have the said errors corrected according to law. Dated this 31st day of July, 1906. Saturday, Ilth Day of August Terms of sale. Cash. Jonx KINNEE, Auctioneer. D. JAMIESON. THOS. ALLAN. }Trustees A. H. JACKSON, Dated at Durham "this 2131: day of July, 1906. Pursuant to instructions from the majority of the Shareholders of the late Durham Naturai Gas Oil Company, Limited. there will be offered for sale by Public Auction. at Hahn’s Hotel, in the Town of Durham. in the County of Grey, on at 2 o’clock p. 111. All the assets of the said Company, consisting of quantity of casings, and the land and well of the said Company. VOTERS’ LIST, 1906 Auction Sale. Market Report. MUNICIPALITY OI“ TUE Edge Hill. MARRIED DURHAM, July 18. 1906. BORN W B. VOLLET. Clerk of Durham. (poutâ€"ION) alwuhfi-N) L’DOO'C'OO "fidfidfi OOOOOO to 5 to E THE BASH STUHE 50 pairs Ladies’ Fine ()penwork Lisle Thread Hose, in Tans and Browns, reg. price :30 and (300 for 390 30 pairs Girls’ Fine ()penwerk Lisle Thread Hose, reg. price 45 and :30e for 290 50 pairs Ladies’ and Girl’s Openwork Black Lisle Hose for 196 25 dainty Ladies’ Umbrellas and Parasols, worth $1.23 for 7:10 ' Highest Prices Paid for Good Butter and Eggs. 100 pairs assorted Ladies’ and GirI’s :50 and 400 Hose, in embroidered patterns for 250 100 pairs Gloves, Lisle and Silk and pure Silk7 o)- worth from 35 to 500 pair, sellilrlp,r for .00 IOO Ladies Vests, were from 150 to 200 and slightly shop worn, selling at par garment 100 H. H. MOCKLER Wash Goods, Mus Parasols and Umbrellas Hosiery Bargains CUT TO CLEAR Underwear Gloves ins and Ginghams H. H. MUEKLEH

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