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Durham Chronicle (1867), 2 Aug 1906, p. 7

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where :ional for the return m 7 condition. “be.” mu ,3 or more. will b6 ham“ min: in Ontario. at 313m. 915th t be mum a: halt tax-omen!“ Changed Hands. 1‘33?de weil after the condition r liver and bowels. Unless the" y action of the bowels, poisonon} g"; I“ 13H ,askatchewan .cket agent, or , Tomato. t0 ncluding Shafpot Lake s are absorbed, cads-ing heed- biliousncss, nausea, dy§pepfilt Pills age genuine liver pills. w. T. CLANCY, Print IRERS OfOfl mm Governments, Wm M xccpt north of Cad” e 0f the s ~ks'm1uud studentsarea‘ " fl \\'o_>:‘}~1, u. me writing 9“) V" v utter attending only ambition is to see his st w. 1 eitizens. morally. socially £533 23 52509. zunwégna ‘ n. www.mmuoaa 11110. You shall beg] of the past. Will you 133: after tomox‘rowz an-st. I want to befi'. in the morning, 6 wv good the start to to Samia, inCludin‘ on on dount Forest North Bag. ‘5; N0 machinery. Not the largest 13831 ; -.Iv--\ Actual business ft?“- 19‘ )Q‘. l8 8! .st Monday, Weil- Ironing do” ' and Saturday‘- .in . . . . .350 do?» .rched, 300 (103- LLL IRONED- Lee, and wish usiness will 50 class manner essors. Hav- ce in hand“ at four years I guarantee College ) the laundry rd through Brewster’s 10 was not dollar was t or an old 1 was he in .t he decid- Rragdon to the minis- n he penE mt. bt‘f " )ys the can} 5 thoroughly avoiding 105’ xabling the“ sible m c139 So they but one Commercial \V On Cari separafl ~ to but ,ey 11' )e t0 o "‘ 0410. 88m VHE JOB : : DEPARTTIENT (VERV munscu monumc , Kym mu'm; w-‘aess. autumn “£7 DURHAM, ONT. l. P. Telford. DARRISTER, somcrrcm, mo. Ors. Jami U tioneer for the County of Grey. June 06 DURHAM, ONT. U tioneer for the County of Grey. Sales promptly attended to. Orders may.be left at hrs Implement Warerooms, McKmnon’s old stand. or at the Chronicle Oflice. . Nov. 9, ’03. OHX KINNEE, LICENSED AUC- ' tioneer for the County of Grey. D MCPHAIL, LICENSED AUC- tioneer for the County of Grey. Tenn moderate and satisfaction guaran- teed. The arrangements .and dates of s‘ales can be made at THE CHRONICLE of- me. Residence and P. 0.. Ceylon. Teleo Dhone connection. ’ l. G. Hutton. M. 0., C. M. C'OTARY PUBLIC, COMMISSION- pertv G. MACKAY. K. C ' F. GRANT. D. D. S.. L. D. S. D“. 3, ’MO' er, Conveyancerf c. Insurance ent. . Money to Loan. I§suer.of Max:- ze anenses. A general hnancxa! bus:- 5 transacted. OHN CLARK. LICENSED AUC- ARRISTERS. SOLICITORS, Office over 'Gordon’s new Jewellery ', Lower Town, quham. Any amount onev to loan at. a per cent. on farm DURHAM, ONT. (Lower Town.) senses of Eye. Ea NOR GRADUATE. UNIVERSI- ty of Toronto. Graduate Royal 59 Dental Surgeons of Ontario. ' Dentistry in all its Branches. e.â€"Calder Block, over Post Ofiice list: Eye, Bar. Throat and Nose SICIAN AND SURGEON. OF Dr. A L'GUST 2, 1w; -v-v - â€"â€"â€"v~' eyancers. Etc. Money to' Loan. .â€"In the McIntyre Block. over Med ital Arthur Gun, M. D. DITOR AND a, to 10 ‘ pecial 1 and esbvte ental Dz’rerion MacKay Dunn. DH- GED. S. BURT. DR. BROWN Bank Law! Directory an! Miscellaneous. \V. [R \YIN i0 ree Mid 1311 . H. Jackson. \SP EXC .0. Pickering Dentist. son Maclaurin. LONDON. ENG. of London, New {ESIDENCEâ€"COR. fiflflfllfiii: s RU c.’ .< Nose and Throat. {ESIDENCE A tof Knapp’s Hotel, er Town, Durham ll ten Block. Office 4 _.p m. and 7 109 given to diseases _ Residence op- e No. 10. Ophthalmic Hos. t and Nose Hoe. 049.111 ’e Streetsâ€"; 9:11 a.m., :: lat Wednesday rham. the 2nd ursâ€"Iâ€"G p.m \V. F. DUNN. stocked a r. UR IO! CON- “a? vat “You can’t afford it, Monty,” eXplod ed Joe fearlessly. “Peggy is too gow a girl. It isn't fair to her." "We have agreed to begin life tomo: row. Wait and see the result. I thin‘ it will surprise you. Incidentally it i up to me to engage a minister‘s serx ices. It’s going to be quiet. you kno“ Joe, you can be my best man if yo like, and, Gardie, I’ll expect you t sign your name as one of the wi: nesses. Tomorrow evening we‘ll have supper at Mrs. Gray’s, and ‘among those present’ will not comprise a very large list, I assure you. But we‘ll talk about that later on. Just now I want to ask you fellows to lead me enough money to pay the preacher. I'll return it tomorrow afternoon.” “He is not registered at any of the hotels,” responded Mr. Grant, and Brewster did not see the troubled look that passed over his face. that passed over his race. “He’ll Show up tonight said he complacently. "Well, I'm blessedi” exclaimed Gard- ner, utterly dumfounded by the nerve of the man. Gardner promised to have the minister at the Gray house the next morning. Monty‘s other requestâ€"made in deep seriousnessâ€"was that Peggy was not to be told of the little transac~ tion. He then hurried off to the oflice of Grant Ripley. The bundles of re- ceipts had preceded him. “Has Jones arrived in town?” was his first anxious question after the greetings. did not tell him that all the telegrams gy had sent to Swenrengen Jones in 0 past two weeks had been returned t9 the New York office as finclaimed in ntte. The telegraph company repart- é that Mr. Jones was not to be found and that he had not been seen in Butte since the 3d of September. The law- yers were hourly expecting word from Montana men to whom they had tele- graphed for information and advice. They were extremely nervous. but Montgomery Brewster was too eager and excited to notice the fact. CHAPTER XXXL OON after noon on the-fld at September Monty folded his to- port to Swearengen Jones, stuck it into his pocket and sallied forth. A parcel delivery wagon had carried 011' a mysterious bundle a few minutes before. Mrs. Gray could not conceal her wonder. but Brewster’s an- swers to herquestions threw little light on the mystery. He could not tell her the big bundle contained the receipts that were to prove his sincerity when the time came to settle with Mr. Jones. Brewster had used his own form of re- ceipt for every purchase. The little stub receipt books had been made to order for him and not only he, but ev- ery person in his employ, carried one everywhere. No matter how trivial the purchase, the person who received a dollar of Brewster’s money signed a re- ceipt for the amount. Newsboys and bootblacks were the only beings who escaped the formality; tips to waiters. porters. cabbies. etc., were recorded and afterward put into a class by themselves. Receipts for the few dol- lars remaining in his possession were to be turned over on the morning of the 23d and the general report was not to be completed until 9 o’clock on that (my. “Lend me enough money to pay the para: 4"): c. r. ” Under the sumrvision of: DES. VANZANT \VARING. Toronto, of over '22) years practical experience. Stock Tonic and Blood Purifier Antiseptic Healing Oil Indigestion and Colic CLre Breeding: Powders Spavin Cure COUgh Remedy Poultry Tonic Heat-e Relief LODSG Death Ravel and Joint Ill Cure Galls and Thrush Cure Diarrhoea Cure for Colts Sprain Emulsion Lump Jaw Cure Worm Remedy Each pkg. contains a coupon entitling the holder to free veterinary advice. ‘â€" â€"â€"'v' Q--- - ‘vv -â€" wvv_v. â€" «v v -7..â€" i i m to But we Sdentific \ eterinan P eparations prepaied b\ g.» 1mm ‘1 He kissed Peggy goodby, told her t be ready for a drive at 4 o’clock, aw then went OK to find Joe Brugdon an! Elon Gardner. They met him by a; pointment, and to them he confided hi design to be married on the followin day. SOLD BY BARCLAY . BELL. Implement Agents. DURHAM. . COLIN McMILLAN, Harnessmaker. DROMORE. . SCHWINDT MUTE. Grocers. HALOVER- To Cure a {Edd m 6 EC fizzy 2:82:22” Take Laxative Bramc; gimme Tabiets. (0 %j on every ‘ W... Cummmoe midi m rm at :7 mr ' '3’“: QI‘PN'Qffl'I‘éJ " box. 2560 Seven Million boxes sold in past :7 m':.'.".“.:'.. THE VETERINARY SPECIALTY CO. These Are Not Stock. Foods . I presume,” The lawyers an: “a a... -.. {gamma , ”A tall, bearded stranger was here f this morning asking for you, Mr. Brew- ‘ster,” said Ripley. his head bent over ’some papers on his desk. “Ah, Jones, I'm sure! I've always imagined him with a long bear ” said Monty, relief in his voice. "V“..V, -v-Cv- -â€" “It was not Jéxes. We know Jones quite well. This man was a stranger and refused to give his name. He said he would call at Mrs. Gray's this after- noon.” Rent of one villa .................. One courier ..... ................... Dinner parties .................... Suppers and luncheon: ....... .. Theater parties and suppers Hotel expenses .................... Railway and steamship fares... For Newsboys’ home ............. Two opera performances ........ Repairs to Flitter ................. In tow from somewhere to '6outhampton .................... Specia‘. train to Florida ..... Cottage in Florida .......... Medical attendance ........... Living expenses in Florida ..... Misappropriation of personal “Did he look like a constable or a bill collector?" asked Monty. with a laugh. “He looked very much like a tramp.” “Well. we'll forget him for the time being," said MQxy. drawing the report from his pocket. "Would you mind looking over this report. gentlemen? I’d like to know if it is in proper form to present to Sir. Jones.” Grant's hum! trembled as he took the carefully folded sheet from Brew- ster. X quick {(1:11ch of despair passed bet“ 0911 the UH) Izmxms “Of course, fou'll understand that this report is merely a synopsis of the eXpenditures. They are classified, how- ever, and the receipts over there are arranged in such a way that Mr. Jones can easily verify all the figures set out in the report. For instance, where it says ‘eigars’ I have put down the total amount that went up in smoke. The receipts are to serve as an itemized statement, you know.” Mr. Ripley took the paper from his partner’s hand and. pulling himself together, read the report aloud. It was as follows: New York, Sept. 23, 19â€". To Swearengen Jones, Esq.. Executor Un- der the \Vill of the Late James T. Sedg- property by servants ...... Taxes on personal property. Sundries ................ Household expenses To charcngen Jone der the WWII of the wick of Montana: In pursuance 01 t1 said will and in acc In pursuance of the terms of the afore- said will and in accord with the instruc- tions set torth by yourself as executor I present my report of receipts and dis- bursements for the year in my life ending at midnight on Sept. 22. The accuracy of the figures set forth in this general stateâ€" ment may be established by referring to the receipts which form a part of this report. There is not one penny of Edwin Peter Brewster‘s money in my posses- sion. and I have no asset to mark its burial place. These figures are submitted {or your most careful consideration: One glass screen ...... . ..... Christmas presents ......... Postage .............. ........ Cable and telegraph ........ tationcry ............ ....... wo Boston terriers ....... Amount lost to holdup men Amount lost on concert tou: Amount lost through 0. H Son’s speculation (on m) count) .,. ....... ........‘,.... One b‘all (in two sections).. favors ................ no yaCht CI‘UlSB claaooo‘ooo ne carnival ................. £83“ ooooo-oooooopoqooogoo... 81th) . chiefly for oth'e‘rs . 0th fig co oooooo coo-0.00.0000. Total disbursements Balance on hand ......... Respectfully submitted. MONTGOMERY BREWSTER. “It’s rather broad. you see, gentle- men, but there are receipts for every dollar. barring some trifling inciden- tals. He may think I dissipated the for- tune, but I defy him or any one else to prove that I have not had my mon- ey’s worth. To tell you the truth, it has seemed like a hundred million. If any one should tell you that it is an easy matter to waste a million dollars refer him to me. Last fall I weighed 180 pounds; yesterday I barely moved the beam at 140. Last fall there was not a wrinkle in my face, nor did I have a white hair. You see the result of overwork, gentlemen. It will take a1 Am age to get back to where I \f’as mt Antiseptic Healing Oil Breeâ€"diva Powders COUgh Rvmedy Heave Relief Navel and Joint Ill Cure Diarrhoea Cure for Colts Lump Jaw Cure .ston terriers .......... lost to hqldup men ..... lost on concert tour ..... lost through 0. Harri- speculation (on my ac- paid to men injured in .st in bank failure st on races ........ ments obilcs Mine sfor lispo e in hand per tun DURHAM CHRONICLE l of.$1,160,040.00 mul . . . . $1,000,000.00 58,550.00 1,000.00 11 40‘ IIIIII S)’, go 5...wr00 2.000000 6.34 mm. mm 4.3. 274.81 500.00 150.00 500.00 140.00 0.03.00 240.00 211.00 105.00 53.00 400.00 600.00 450.00 physically. but I think I can do it with the vacation that begins tomorrow. In- . cidentally I’m going to be married to- ] morrow morning. just when I 11111 poor- ;er than I ever exlm-t to be again. I 1 still have a few dollars to spend, and I § must be about it. Tomorrow I will ac- count for what I spend this evening. ‘ It is now covered by the ‘sundries’ 1, item, but I’ll haxe the receipts to show 5 all right. See vou tomon'ow morning.” 1 He was gone, eager to be with Peg- i'gy, afraid to discuss his report with Ithe lawyers. Grant and Ripley shook 'jtheir heads and sat silent for a long 1 time after his departure. “I wonder,” mused Ripley, as if to himself, “how he will take it if the worst should happen.” “Come, Peggy!" he exclaimed eager- ly. "This is our last holiday. Let’s be merry. We can forget it tomorrow it you like when we begin all over again, hut maybe it will be worth remember- ing.” H * assisted her to the seat and then leaped Up beside her. “We're off!” he cried, his voice quivering. CHAPTER XXXII. “ T’S up to Jones now,” kept run- ning through Brewster’s brain as he drove off to keep his ap- pointment with Peggy Gray. “The mi‘dion is goneâ€"all gone. I’m as poor as Job‘s turkey. It's up to Jones, but I don’t see how he can decide against me. He insisted on making a pauper of me, and he can’t have the heart to throw me down now. But what if he should take it into his head to be ugly! I wonder if I could break the willâ€"I wonder if I could beat him out in court.” Peggy was waiting for him. Her checks were flushed as with a fever. She had caught from him the mad ex- citement of the occasion. “We ought to hear something definite before night,” said Grant, but there was anxiety in his voice. "It is absolute madness, dear,” she said, but her eyes were sparkling with the joy of recklessness. Away went the trap and the two light hearts. Mrs. Gray turned from a window in the house with tears in her eyes. To her troubled mind they were driving ofl into utter darkness. “he queerest looking man came to the house to see you this afternoon, Monty." said Peggy. “He wore a beard, and he made me think of Rem- ington’s cowboys.” "What was his name?” “He told the maid it did not matter. I saw him as he walked away, and he looked very much a man. He said he would come tomorrow if he did not find you downtown tonight. Don’t you recognize him from the description?” "Monty," she said after a moment’s painful reflection. “Heâ€"he- couldn’t have been a”â€" "I know what you mean, an ofiicer sent up to attach my belongings or something of the sort. No, dearest; I give you my word of honor I do not owe a dollar in the world.” Then he recalled his peculiar indebtedness to Bragdon and Gardner. "Except one or two very small personal obligations,” he added hastily. “Don’t worry about it, dear; we are out for a good time, and we must make the most of it. First we drive through the park, then we dine at Merry's.” “Not at all. Can’t imagine who he is.” “But we must dress for that, dear, she cried. “And the chaperon ?” He turned very red when she Spoke of dressing. “I'm ashamed to confess it, Peggy, but I have no other clothes than those I‘m wearing now. Don’t look so hurt, dear. I’m going to leave an order for new evening clothes to- morrow it I have the time. And about the chaperon. PeOpIe won’t be talking before tomorrow, and by that time”â€" “You’re right, Peggy, you’re always right. You see, I’m so used to spend ing money by the handful that I don’t know how to do it any other way. I believe I’ll let you carry the pocket- book after tomorrow. Let me think. I know a nice little restaurant down town. We'll go there and then to the Hunter. Duh DeMillo and his wife are . be in my box, and we’re, all going . j» to I’ettingill's studio afterward. l'm to give the Little Sons a farewell upper. If my calculations don’t go ‘.'.'r0ng that will be the end of the jaunt -:nd we'll go home happy.” At 11 o‘clock Pettingill’s studio open- ed its doors to the Little Sons and their guests, and the last “Dutch much" was soon under way. Brewster had paid for it early, in the evening, and when he sat down at the head of the table there was not a penny in his pockets. A year ago at the same place and at the same hour he and the Lit- tle Sons were having a birthday feast. .1 million dollars came to him on that night. Tonight he was. poorer by far 1. __L k- A‘ “Oh, Peggy! That. spoils everything,” he cried in deep diSappointment. “No, Monty, Merry's is out of the question. We can’t go there,” she said decisively. “It isn’t fair to me, Monty. Every- body would know us, and every tongue would wag. They would say: ‘There are Monty Brewster and Mar- garet Gray. Spending his last few dol- lars on her.’ You wouldn’t have them think that?” He saw the justice in her protest. “A quiet little dinner in some out of the way place would be joyous,” she added persuasively. than on the fiber occasion,b nw the e}- bected a little gift on the xexsary. Subscrib“ fur Th9 Chrnnicle (To be continued.) Eiiifié}? The Durham Furniture Co “6‘7 H H. "‘4'- : 1 '4‘? ‘ 4V, 0 . .6. .169. - 5 “A? .4» A call and inspectinn solicited. "Ԥ\o trouble to show goods and give prices. ‘41“ ' V 4» gr, \\ (a. QM F‘ ’4? AV!» §_‘ '73: AV; ‘__- §WALLPAPERS§ '3‘ Bedroom Suites Sideboards Extension Tables Parlor Tables Parlor Suites Couches HIGH is the only property subdivided into residental lots W that actually adjoins the J. 1. CASE COMPANY’S SITE, offers an unrivalled opportunity for the small investor to get in on the ground floor in a. p10position of almost unbound- "~.a WAnuw-o‘ V" eci‘possibilities as a money maker ..... Mm 4.“, guwfi $15.00 Cash John S. Mortimer, P1opertyw Winâ€"7 this district; is an absblu ely sound. gilt- «edged invescmenc. and has been emphatically e1 ilorsed by the Mayor of Fort \Villiam, local Bank‘n‘Managers, and leading businessjand professional men. Do not delay. These lots are selling fast. Call or write to-dav. Map and full p..rticulars on application. â€"...â€"..-. .;.____-4-. 4 LIMITED _,__,__‘,_________ -__..- - WAREROOMSâ€"ONE DOOR SOUTH OF POST OFFICE IN All STYLES, FINISHES AND PRICES 34 McGill St., Toronto. Price from $65.00 Up. The Newest In [4? _'0‘ Sr] Odd Chairs Fancy Chairs Springs Mattresses Iron Beds Baby Carriages Cradles $5.00 per Month. i4? Em :al lots SITE, Lvestor bound- ‘0”. hedged Mayor assjand r wrlte onth. *fiéfiéfi’ééfi . " 451%

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