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Durham Chronicle (1867), 2 Aug 1906, p. 8

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v ALL GOODS DELIVERED PROMPTLX It there 13 anyone within twenty miles of this store who feels the bluesâ€"they should come hereâ€"t0 be made happy. We’re going to hold a “Happp Month” â€"â€"a. sale that is pleasantly unlike any sale event smile at the nameâ€"311d the ideaâ€"already. You wil reason Within thi1 tv seconds f1 0111 the time V011 enter 110 this? B1 selling 11) each shoppe1 d111in9: H: needed articles i111 p1itesf1l1z1t “iil meme so mncl that the meniest l<i111l1 _ 11 smile “ill le th: 1 All broken lines will be gathered together and will be marked down to a price that will make you smile for months to come. Groceries that will Start the Whole Family Smiling 113'110' groceiies here .3011 receive 115 a premium many exceptional ad- '111111151ésâ€"exce11e11t service, pmmpt deliv e1'3'. and the safe satisfact013' feeling 1‘1'1-1113'011 are receiving A1 1111111113 at prices that are always right. We cannot quote prices this week for want of time, but you will find “Happy Month” prices all over the store, so follow the crowds and buy. All summer goods must be cleared out as quickly as possible to make way for heavy fall stocks. \0 trouble to show goods in this store. HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR BUTTER AND EGGS espel Corset Covers, Drawers, Skirts, Chemises, Gowns ROBERT BURNETT Bargains in this Department awaits you. unlike any sale event you’ve ever known. You ideaâ€"already. You will smile for a very different '. from the time you enter our doors. How will you arch shopper during: “Happy Month’ one or more that will insure so much real and unusual saving E’ n smile will he the natural and sure result. a q; DURHA M CHRONIC-LE _ It is quite a while since anything : appeared in the columns of the Chron- Z icle from this place. Heavy rains on Sunday last gavel hay in coils a regular soaking. There is quite a lot of hay out yet. It was a remarkable occurrance that there wasn’t a Sunday in July but it rained :t-ometime through the day whether it was to test the genuineness of our religion or to give us an excuse for not going to church. It doesn’t take much to keep us at home at times. more especxally when tired from the laborious task of the previous weeks’ work. Crops are looking fine. Fall wheat and early barley are about ready tol cut. The late rains are giving the mat crop a fine appearance and al- though petato bugs were as numer- ous as the sand on the sea shore. a mild dose of Paris green soon gave them to understand that there were more requiring pctatoes than them. We do not know whether they (the bugs) are Scotch or Irish as it is said that hath were fond of potatoes in the Old Land The Scotch of pota |toes and egaddan (herring), and the [Irish of potatoes and buttermilk. We are abundantly blessed with all the good things of the season. Rasp- berries are numerous so are berry pickers. The ladies, well they don’t want to be putting on too much style when scrambling through’ the berry bushes. \\'omen and young girls can be Seen with their old duds on while engaged in gathering the natural fruit. but wait till Sunday comes then we will see them in the latest Styles with short sleeves to show their beautiful arm-x. if blessed with such. \ Mr. Alex McEachern, of Lhis place, left for the North \Vest last Monday morning where he intends to may for a while as he is to look after some pmpertg he took up some time ago. Miss Lizzie McCuaig, (langhter of our P M. here. passed the recent, Entrance at Durham Mrs. “’11). McLegd, Stu, who has been bedfa'SL for the lasn few Ulnlltha, is somownut bettrr. Mr. Alex. McPhaii and daughters: from Ravelswke. are at present visi ting friends in this part. Thos. McDongall and David Mc- Intyre left for Port Arthur some ten (1:135 ago. Both are doing -A ell there. Dogs are creating great havoc among sheep in this place «luring this summer. The law is againSt ahoo'ing at dOgs‘. but we would risk it anyway if found worrying sheep. Last Sunday night they attacked some of Mr. Donald McRae’s cattle, cutting the tails ofi some of the cows It’s high time that a requ-d be offer ed to an; one capturing these degs dead or alive. for certainly they are causing great annoyance to the peo- ple in this locality. Mrs Hugh McKinnon. of this place. is away visiting iricuds in Mannoulin Isiand for the lass few weeks and ex- peCts to return this week. Mrs. Williams and family. who spent a few weeks visiting her broth ers and sisters. in this place, return ed to [Mt home at the Sooaweek ago. Miss ChristinaJ. McDonald, daugh- ter of the late H. McDonald. left to accompany her brothers to Port Arthur and other parts. She was greatly improved in health after spending four months in the 'l‘orou'o General hospital with sciatica and ozher ailments. Mrs. McPherson, of this place, has been in Toronto for the past month attending to Miss Cameron’s business in hair dressing. Mr. Henry Bannam, of Proton, de serves credit. for his regularity in at. tending his church. Every Sunday rain or shine, when service is held aw the R C. Church. Pomona, Gleneig. Mr. Ham) .0 is sure to be there. if all church goers were gs good a: a: tending as \lr. Harman on r churches w uldu’ c be so empr) at times. Mr. Wm. Young will preach in the Presbyterian church. Priceville. uexr. Sunday morning and evening, as Mr. Mamesou IS [0 prdlong hi: vacation for another couple of Weeks. The Rev. Mr, Rees wno supplied the pulpit [or the mouth of July left for his own congregation down the coun- try some where. Mr. Peter I“. McA'rchur, son of the worthy Commissioner. is away Lak ing his holidays at Calgary and other places .befc’re he returns. Mrs. Duncan McDonald is also away to Calgary visiung her brothers and Skater at that, place. Mrs. McUannel. Sr . and daughter, Mrs. McMillan (nee Maggie McCan- nel) passed through here on their way to Durham. Mrs McMillan is now engaged'in the nursing business and although she was hard to excel in teaching she will find that she will have to pay more attention to the business now engaged in. to nurse a hne young ‘son of some two months Mrs. Neil McCannel. of Durham visnted friends at Top Clifl last week Mrs. Hutton and son Arthur, visi. ted the farmer’s sizter, Miss Wright, on Monday. Miss Jane Wright ac- companied her back to Durham. Born to Mr. and Mrs. DoualI Mc- Dougall. a week ago, a daughter. An engine is on its way from Cey- lon to Priceville to run the steam shovel. Wowunderstand file work is to commence at Piiceville soon so we hope to get. to Durham by rail before twelve month. MARRIAGE Licenses issued as usua, by A. Davidson, Up-town at Division Court omce.â€"4. Top Cliff. Summer showers are troublesome things at times. It has been “catchy Weather” theSe past few days. Master Leslie Brown of Toronto, is holidaying at Mr. Wm. McNally’s on the 6th. Tommy ,Cook celebrated his 15th birthday on Fniday evening last by a party to his schoolmates. They had a merry time till midnight. Bright Reggie Game on of Toronto and his sister, Eulalia are spending tneir hol days at gaatv lpa Darce)’ s cosy home. - What. evith sprinkling Paris green on the p natoes, smeax'ug the COWS with ill-Muelling oils tn <eep off the flies and spraying th fruit trees with the Bordeaux mix are. the pro- gressive hu-mer has a m \l odorous a life, as if in the back rud‘n of a busy drug store. Atterslme months of ill health. Mr. Wm Lennox passed away on Wednesday last, just before mid- night. Though so poorly, he kept going about until the end. He was amen ever noted for his honesxy. for his industry and that spirit of being always ready to help a neigh- bor. Deceased was born in county Donegal, Ireland, eighty-two years ago and in 1850 came out to Canada. residing for some years in the lower counties, then for thirteen years in Egremont and the remaining years in this vicinity To him and his he- loved partner, who passed away seven years ago, were born six' chil-l dren three boys and three girlsâ€" .Ioe living in Egremont. Will and Rob on the homestead here. Mrs. John McNally of the 10th concession and Ruth and Ann Jane the last two preceeding their father. The sur- viving members of the family were all preSent at the funeral, which toox place to Zion cemetery on Fri- day afternoon, Rev. Mr. O Mine: con- ducting service at the home and graveside. Quite a number from iEgremontjoined with the neighbors “here in showrir.;_»,r their esteem and ro'spect for the departed among Whom. we noticed Mr. James Mack and his father. Mr. Tucker and his sis'er. \lr.and Miss 101) iston, and Mr and wars. Joe Leunox. Dr A. W Park of Coe'hraue. Alta.i and Miss Amy Meredmh oi town; Spent Friday evmling in the old Ed-' Wards home The Dr. when teach- ing here wee very popuiar and has a| warm Spot In the peOple’s hearts and they all unite in wishing hull and his honuie bride a long life of earth’s‘ choicesr, blessings. They are a. hand- some coup'e ' Take LAXATIVE BROMO QUIXIXE Tablets All druggists refund the money if It fails to cure. E. W. Grove‘s signature is on each box. 256. TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY V; __\'I \ £34k? ’0‘ We are offering a special value < in Diamond Rings This Week; A": Millinery Sale Trimmed Hats Next . . . . Saturday We are offering a big reduction in Millinery. We have 75 Trimmed Hats, some are worth $53.00 and $3.50. On Saturday they go for This sale will only last one day. We have secured extra help in the showroom for Saturday. Come eariy and get your choice of rhesus grpan bargains. Lambton St Traverston. $1.00 Each MILLINERY MISS DICK OF Durham, Ont. DIAMOND HALL glibâ€"0'15. _ 0! Racine. Wiscons early i_n his medical expe me these msxde nerves / we re nerves â€"that thro only was it pos- dizestion.heart-/ m2. insomnia. / heart weak. ' Bright’s dis- ‘ ottgeraflections ‘. . I m neys. Forallot . . . / tm are got separate ‘ _ I srenottobe treated merely symptoms or ness. and when the For the Stomach Heart anti Kidney:- It is a common mistake to take artificial . . tors for stomach troublesâ€"or heart stim ~1 ; ” tor wéak heartâ€"or so-called kidney remedie diseased kidneys. These organs do not. act se . r “er or of their own accordâ€"they have no ;. trol over themselvesâ€"and not. once in 800 ‘ ' 811009. 0! Racine. eariy in his medical these inside nerves / nerves - than ' only was it pos- digestionheart / inc. insomnia. / .\ were the thKOUKh ‘06 . 0 Sibleoocure burn. has: backacug heart weak- '\ messes, Bright’s dis- x ease and an other aflections , of the ' . neis. Forauot .\ / these ailme arenas separate _ 7 sicknesses arenoutobetreated . assuch. They merely symptoms 01' L 11888. and when the » ,/ inside nervewe . i . nerves are resto‘ l the symptomsqu “.13 ‘ sickness disap , . okAA-rx -\_AnA_:‘â€"“ - m6 3’11“)me “:lu UDV UOVlDuvug “.w The remedy whxch BryShoop prescribbe’c’i‘7 these ailing nerves is known as Dr. Shoo Restorative. It relieves the pain and distress kidney. stomach and hearttroubles quicker e than those medicmes desmned Simply to temporary reuet. Dr. Shoop’s Beater-sun 10.1380! Liquid) , now he had 01 everywhere. For e and recommended by Beware '. Shoop’s Restorative is 3 Cam Cure â€"not a Symptom Cure; Do not allow the grain horse to jerk your arms out when you can get a Horse Muzzle so cheap. “76 Still sell good home-made Grain Cradles which no person can find fault with. We are now supplied with a good stock of Binder \Vhips. The ladies are invited to impact our assortment of Charcoal and Bostos Irons, very suitable for warm weather, as they retain the heat much longer than ordinary Irons and do not heat the hands. is complete. MAC FARLANE C0. In Preserving Kettles our stock AUGUST 2, 1906 Of the oiley-â€"tong‘ued agents Who are going round the country an- nouncing other peo ple’s - business for the purpose of selling their own Binder Twine. Let 'em take‘ their medicine with- out falsifying. We are always doin 3“ w h at we can for our cus- tomers and are now selling the same dis- tance and the same quality Twine at the same price we did last yearâ€"that is lower, than any other deal Examine our Twin or ask your neigh ‘ $22 a? THE Mt. Fox-es? Old Boys an are having a big time this w their reunion. There are m: tractive features. PROF. Pemhm' of Torantn wi the Knapp House on Saturday 11th. with a fine display 01' hail See his ad. in this issue.~2 ‘(VORK is expected to begin the C. P. R. THE Rev. Mr. Md‘lenahan. Coleraine. Ireland whu has -: tion as :1 preacher will take .\ quharson’s place on August 12th. STAXDARD BANK of Canada E Bank department. lnteresi quarterly on deposns f mm dab posit to date of withdrawal at current rates. Any portion Withdrawn at; any time withnu Get the habit. save. your mo! deposit with the Standard I Canada. THE Race Course. at the Agri Society's grounds has been \‘m improved by the use ()f the township grader, and it, is now be in good condition. This i' ment, together with the «:xteu provements made. on the 11; have a. tendency, no doubt. to the interest in the fair. HORSE SOLI).â€"- Mr. (Sen. 1L Guelph, came to town last Tue the purpose of establishing an of the Royal Bank. but on firm that the Soverign had start decided that Durham had lBanks for the present. He fi‘. laced Mr. \V. Black‘s handset. ‘ (1 did not lose any time in him. Mr. Black says it, is to keep a horse .‘LS the ”THE appearance of Bruce 51 be improved by the addition brick residence now being e1 the Ritchie Bros. for Mr. I Crae. The building is 26 by :2 white brick, manufactured in ham yards by Messrs. Aylin; who installed a new wire cutt machine this spring. The t well and the tasty arrangeme bricklayer-s will be a good a ment. not only for the hr themselves. but for M 1-. Aylii turning out :1 good article. THE Methodist garden 3);- home of Mr. “'11). Mamhmv on 'luesday evening Was .1 financial succ'ess. A hum Veyances went out with 1! ,and this city was \wll re The Sparling Tran s; u m u f iml' their first trip on the «WC! must have raked ix: co , wealth for the chm-('11 at :1 1i for the round trip. The tw1 taken out: by the Company ed to their full capacitv \\ it lot of ‘ young people. 311. - Matthews are good en tern _.everybody. fealt happy. A » .-.. was provided, and d ... ts were all disposed of. . _ the amount of proves: A LETTER in this issue i Drysdale, who went to Scot the good of his health and steady improvement, will he 1 interest by his many friem very unassuming spii'iL hv the scenes of his visit. and LI) terested in Municipal uwnc! reference to the City (-ontml tutions of Glasgow will he pa‘ helpful. “'e are pleased to 1 Mr. Drysdale and trust the. f ters promised will be even in! esting than those already cox conduct; the morning and um vices in the. Baptist dim-(7h m Meaford Baptists haw rims; member Mr. Newton with 1 for the kindly sniicitmic 5110\1 in connection wibh the pl‘t'p‘ the plans and specification; Meaford Baptist chm-c! . A“ our readers are probably :‘d church here is built; very ml the style of the Din-ham“ Church, of which M 1-. New; esteemed pastor. and the (+1 ”which, we. understand, hcg superintended. It- is to be h the people of Meafozd will LI goodly numbers to hear Mi 0!: Sundayâ€"Minor VOL. 39â€"N0. 2056. :pting. Nmm‘ox f Du:

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