:For Sale. cleared, Mm {a F1. \vell watered. well fw- ouse. ban]; barn “1-1 m [Good beanng orch‘rd. M eres ploughed, four m in Possession may be M Iï¬ Flux-that partxculars apply... NALD BEATON, Prom.“ 1" bale or Rent. K miles from Bathing-.2 :on at once. Good land. 1! particulars apply to rm for Sale. and Lot For sale M BER 13, 1 stockâ€"aged 14 m7». ' 9. Building lot on Bl In Bruce Sn- Apply to Dbyteriar Durham #eets. Se amises 0: Lot?, Con. '3, unworth boar, on T Y. zer may have same by No" .nd paying expenses. of the locélity and Eérms >lication to J . P. Tau-‘03:». Farm for Sale. GABAFRA}; ROAD. '2, 53â€"Sideroad F501“]: th of Priceville. lition. Good buildian asrm .m convenient to the barn, rticu‘ ars applv to ale or to Rent. GALD I). MCLACHLAX,E a... Priceville P, 0. Strayed. Lot For Sale bv Farm fnr 'OD of improved valuable w Ontario, near New sAalgâ€"Jarge discount for Jersey Bull Calf, se for Sale. ULLâ€"BRED 0 Rent. NUMBER 13 NORTH tree: in‘the Town ofDur- my “1‘ Grey, containiqgc s. For terms and particu- ROBERT MCMEEKEN. Yancy P. O. 15‘ w for Sale. ONTARIO. F. PEEL, Dari; Solicitor f or Vandal" Bl) tPouoxA" P762 torcy dwaelling. use propertyin her 0! Durham rooms, may, 5. aner, augeen P. 0. USO some watered. ‘ Durhm growing Apply to )w H AM, «3 frame acre of nven be 81'- For GROCERIES WBBL r WANTED MATE‘EEWS LAUMER arm and Garden Seeds. Winding Brandon loosomia TWO SEPTEMBER 13, 1906 see nearest Canadian Paciiic Agent. or write 8. FOSTER. D.P.A.. C. ER. 71 YONGE STREET. TORONTO. For rates to other points. booklet and hill particular; Feed. ) Ugilvie's Royal ' Household ' Keewatin Five Roses Flour and. RETURN FARES m. YOUR NEAREST STATION: per barrel undard V HARVESTERS’ EXCURSIONS TO THE NORTH-WEST mnfl‘; 5m. 11. good to return In!!! NOV. 12. â€00 5:21.25. good «nuns-muons), 1000 The Grand Trunk last \Vedneeday closed a. (veal by which acquire a block of property to the north-was: of the station at. Goderich for the purpose of erecting a. new freight oï¬ce and large freight shed. The work wi:l be started right away. It is also intended later to pull down the present roundhouse and erect a more moc‘ern one â€"-Blytn Sténdard. The two-year-old son of the station master at Nelles Corners was killed in front of the station house on Sat- urday afternoon last by the \Vabash train. His father heard the train whistle. and. running out to see what was the matter, was just in time to be a horriï¬ed witness of the accident. The child had been Stand- ing on the track with a little kitten in his arms. Strange to say. the kit- ten was unhurnâ€"Dunnville Gazette. Some time last, spring the Telescone mentioned the fact. that Con. Svhnnrr had planted some peanuts as an ex- periment Well, the time has arriv- ed for deciding how the experiment was to Turn out. and judging by the sample now lying on our oflice desk. iv has turned on' all right. They are just like any other peanuts and the ground is full of them. They would evidently grow here all right. but whether they would pay to bother with or not, is quite another ques- tiorrâ€"Telescow. north mow. A loose coil of rope was 1) 1' 1g at \n‘ Fisher 9 fewâ€. watch in some way, got fastened about. one of Mr. Rom. Bennett G. T. R. brake. an. and formerly in the similar em- 35 of the U P. R. here up to two éeks ago. was injured at Eden ova. near Paislev. last week when train of empty cazcle car: jumped District Clippings. 011V lack were slightl stobes severalcars ’11-. Bennett. rm and leg anuer. tenï¬er DbOOES munds them. In dumping the load the horses went too far and Mr. Fisher was drawn up to a considerable height. head downward, and carried across to the north mow where he struck abeam with such force that his right hip was dislocated and badly lacerated, in fact the right leg was almost severed from the body. Mr. Fisher is improving and will soon be none the worse for the accident.â€" Collingwood Bulletin. That ï¬rst little tickle becomes a cough, the cough grows severe, is neglected and travels down to the lungs. Treat throat trouble before it gets severe. Catarrhozone heals. allays inflammation, cures throat and bronchial trouble quickly. A marvel worker is Catarrhozone which pre- vents thousands of Catarrh victims from contracting consumption. Rec- ommended by doctors. proved by time to be unfailing. Catarrhozone is just what you need. 25c and $1.00, sold everywhere What is business? Ask the Jew ; Ask the crafty Yankee, too ; Ask the Briton, if you please. Haughty trader of the seas; Ask the German and the " Jap â€â€" Aye, ask any'clever chap; All will tell, at leaSt they know, For their trades like pistons g0. 'What is business ? Ask the sage, And he’ll stammer in his rage; “ Business is a thing apartâ€" Neither science, neither art ; For itself and all the time, Make no claim to he sublime ; Greedy grab and stingy stint, Coining gold without a mint. Religion, learning. love and all Wither ’neath its blighting fall. All they say is: ‘ Wellâ€"~' umâ€"ahâ€" Business, sir, is business ’â€"hah ! †What is businessâ€"the real thing? Ask an honest business king; Business is the thing to do. And the way to put it throngh; Honest as the yard is longâ€" Honest as the pure is Strong; Honest as the pound in weight; Honest as the plummet7s straight ; Prompt as planets in their swing Round their orbits journeying; Self-commending as the right. As a Chesterï¬eld, polite; Damon’s honor‘biuds each dealâ€" Allis for the common weal; And the vision. of a seer Must all enterprises steer.†Business is a cubic thing; Square in all its bargaining; Square to God and square to man ; Square to self on any plan ; Square to all the winds that blowâ€" Squarest thing that morals know, Business that is not {our square Isn’t businessâ€"see ?-â€"Now there ! None are so healthy. so buoyant and full of life as those who regu- late wi:h Dr. Hamilton’s Pills. Even in one night they work wonders. For and coating they take from the tongup, headachos they relegate to the past. biliousness and stomach he Grea is a miracle of efï¬cis ness. Lee no other Where Does Consumption Begin? W They Give Wonderful Health 'altpr B Journal m: alists in Stomach Catarrh BUSINESS. Longucre, in Confection event an understut DURHAM CHRONICLE vhat is as casrive and we and after awing sense. errnzone gave Ogiveeven . Seymour 3d himself begimiér atarrh. boxes Had; the he The Spice Season . . . Cloves, whole and ground. Whole Pickling Spice. Mace. Curry Powder. Allspicel Mustard Seed. Ginger, (Jammie-a). Peppers, all varieties. llarling’s . . DRUG STORE Head’s Bottling Wax Corksâ€"all kinds and sizes. Darling's AWWMM BI CYCLES A few bicycles at. greatly reduced prices, Headquar- ters for bicvcle sundnes. The Hunting Season is now on and from present indiea. tions likely to be a good one. Our stock of Guns and Ammunition is com- plete and our prices are right. HARDWARE Single barrel guns from Double barrel guns from 22 Rifles at .............. 9.0 U) Have you seen our assort- ment of Kitchen Utensils in aluminum. They are a little more expensive than graniteware, but a great many people prefer them. We have a great variety of Pocket Knives, and can suit every person from the youngest boy to the Oldest man. Also some Very nice Ladles’ Knives. RA ZORS In Razors we- excei, as there is nothing to equal the. Clauss for nice easy shaving and durability. Every article gguaranteed. PEA RERS Who would be Without an Apple Pea1e1 11 hen you can get one so cheap We also have some Apple Umexs in stock. The People’s Druggists Will soon be here and we are all ready here with the Spices of all kinds but only one qual- ityâ€"the best. UTENSILS KNIVES GUNS up Notice is hereby given that the Municipal Council of the Township of Glenelg, in the County of Grey, will at the meeting of the said Counci to be held on Saturday, 15th Day of Sept. A.D., 1906 or at some subsequenf meeting 3:131:23. ___. ‘__â€".___ portions of §treetsg in the Villag e of Priceville, within the limits of the said Municipality of the_ Township___ of sm Council, procEECâ€"l.to.passwa BY-law _to pr_ovide for the closingalugg _ -â€"_A-â€"-_ . ‘n-‘ 0â€"1 ‘â€" .‘ w»- Eu‘tï¬b‘rizihgjhe sale ofTï¬-é-"fmmï¬Ã© Glen'elg; hémeli z:- Town Plot of P' riceviflE'Exâ€"fl that por- tion 0? Glenelg Sheet, lying between -r-â€"v In thegGovernment Surveyiofwthe Village of Pr,iceville {that portion of Ha_r_vy Street lying betwgn Town Line --,_.._._____L______-. . Elgin Street and-Jï¬legsueet, in the saiz Village of Pricevilï¬eï¬g 3g; 91:3 EAR persons Whose landsï¬mï¬lgyrvge prejudicially affected thereby will take notice and govern themselves accordingly. 3% 3.1,- 54 inches wide; .-.5c 3 yard 01, -‘i 621 The Big 4 HEzR'ETTwilledfCotton Slfeetinsz, 72-inches Wide, 25c a yard. Large 11-4 size Flannelette Blankets, grey and white. $1.20 a pair. OlLCLOTH. Table Oilcloth, 45-inches wide, 250 yard. Floor Oilcloth, 1. 1.1; and :2 yards wide, 250 a square yard. NEW PRINTS and GIXGHAMS now in. DISHES. American Press-Cut. Glass Preserve Dishes, something tine, 25c and 35c each. ;._, Crystal and Gold Imitation Cut Glass, 4 piece Table Sets, $1.75 each. Double Glass Egg Cups, 750 a dozen. China Egg Cups, 30c dozen, Best Nest Eggs, 2 for 50. 2-3: W. H. BEAN 250 L. GRANT S! Try An Ad. Dated this 13th day of August, A. vards long, ;'-iiiclies wide... yards long,0 -7 inches wide, yaids long, 30-inclles wide, yards long, 37-inches wide, yards long, 37 inches wide, yards long, ESQ-inches W1de, yards long, 54-inclies wide. Q £3.35 a pair. .40 a pair. .50 a pair. .70 a pair. .85 a pair. 1.00 a pair. 1.40 a pair. J1E SELLS CHEAP Elerk of the Township of Glenelg. \Ve have 21.180 501 Tweed Trousers for These are also snap ‘Ve may have a pa them to suit. Ben the savings that \Ve have some. \V(.)1"St;ed Tmmse terns. worth $1 Black and bib, Cotton 801‘s and .‘L Heavv Shir Municipa figCALDER 'BLOCKf Call and See Us. EHion Mclachlan'? , The Chroniclle LACE CURTAINS. LTABLE LINEN g; SHEETIXG J. S. BLACK; DURHAM . 08tinches wide: 50033'ard. BIII and ï¬ne. Rémember :lmt (-oum. Ovem'xls with Moleskin Trou- line of Men’s I. right prices. SOD“: Notice. ll o n 1 V 111100 {IDS o" CURTAIN Poms. WINDOW SHADES, PICTURES, PICTURE FRAMES, FRAMES TO ORDER, 12:113., ETC. . . . . UNDERTAKING EMBALM- ING a specialty. and night calls or day calls may be made at our residence and showrooms. next door south of the Post Oflice. The Undertaker Iiress... Intending students should enter at the be gin- ning of the term if pesSible. Board can be ob- talnedat reasonable rates. Durham 13 a health and active town. making it amosb (lesirabe place of residence. The school is thorouhly equipped in teachin ability, in chemical and electrical supplies an ï¬ttings, etc., for full Junior Leaving and Metric- ulation work. The following competent stafl are in charge : Fees, $1.00 per month. WM. JOHNSTON, C. R MISS FLOsW‘IE MCKERRACHER. First 0138: ()eniï¬cate an ! third year undergraduate of Queosn’s University. Science. History and Geo~ graphy. ED. KRESS, Undertaker. English MANURB SPREADERS HAY LOADERS BIBJL‘RS MOWERS RAKES SEED DRILLS DISC HARROWS , WAGGONS IGASOLINE EXGINRS. Implements GARAFRAKA S Implcmm The People’s Grocery McClary Stoves and Ranges. Raymond Sewing Machines. Bell Pianos and Organs. Democrats and Buggies AND PROVISION STORE DU RHA M SCHOOL. THOS. ALLAN, 1st Class Certiï¬cate, Prin. MISS L. M. FORFAR. Classics, Modems uni ALL WORK GUARANTEED at “Live and let live†PRICES. 'Phat VVe can and you M13. Mex. Sagas Suns Manitoba Flours always give satis faction. Deering Harvester C038 AGENT for DOYLE JULIAN Monuments and Tombstones Farm Implements Machinery. A PRACTICAL UPHOLSTERER will be present the ï¬rst week in each month when reï¬tting of upholstered goods will be proper- ly and promptly atttend to. :w Pumps AND REPAIRS. WELL DRILLISG, {E-CCRBING AND Paasscmme done vnth Cement concrete. â€7.. _â€"â€"‘ near bicdozovan’s Mil tended to. ive umps. listowel lionel Bread Floor .AXD McGowan’s Eclipse . . . BEG LEAVE 'I‘O INFORM MY CUE- POMERS and the pn‘mic in general that I m prepared to furnish Has a complete Stock of For Flours STAFF AND EQUIPMENT. (Rubbex and Steel 'lil 6.8 ALSO A COMPLETE STOCK OF ALL OR John Clark A FULL LINE OF THE Roses and Reindeer Chairman always satisï¬es the Cook. DURHAM, ONT. GEORGE WHITMORE. give you what you want will ï¬nd our prices right. (MVEN SOUND. 1‘ H E ET DURHAM {1H C. RAMAGE, Seeretsry. Berlin Bianca. Auctioneer.