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Durham Chronicle (1867), 4 Oct 1906, p. 1

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11 3 VOL. 39â€"NO. 2064. ,_._._._ n- - ~â€" LOCAL ITEMS W,'_//://fx//Vs/vav ‘f 1'311‘: latest fur rutfs at S. F. Morlock’s .‘i UUODLY number from here attend- ed the Holstein fair Tuesday. THANKSGIVING Day, Thursday Oct. 18th. SEE our new Progress Brand over- coats.â€"â€"S. F. Morlock. Tar: bargain table is chucked full.l DURHAM, 0NT., THURSDAY, OCTOBER 4, 1906. .â€"-â€"â€"-â€"â€". l EAST GREY FAIR; l The East Grev l l held mother successful fair in l1 iesher l ton on Thursday and Friday 1 1st It . Go and see for yourself. At Peels. was In attendance though the gate i -. _. 31" l: ‘ 1 . . , its were 801 1 t s m of last i e limb “ “P" Peels 11111111 waded“. have THE millinerynpening at 311.3 Dxck=|::i:ii lhe 11.111 ‘f:h31..iii iiilel 11111 31111111111111 wedMSday .3333: comfortable feet. They me Just as last w 'eek was a great success, iS- contained magnificent displays in {'91- ~42: “it“‘i‘llh itors were delighted Wlth the display; eals. roits. fruits and dairy prmlucts. . House: T0 RENTâ€"Good frame dwel- 0f lip-t0 date goods um“. ladies work was largely in evi- l . 1 ~ . 3 \I ” 0“ L‘oliege street, good stable and “, ' idence e. and the department of cookery I " \ i i \ ' garden. Apply to John A. Munro. new Hfulldbfiut your fall hat Ol‘d. ' occupied a very tempting and appetiz- l 5 f A . I ' â€"""â€"’_ 3 ‘ . .1 11 S apes in the celebrate ing 'oi'ner of the building. As on 1 ~ = v - Myrnaâ€"To members of S. G. R. A. BOI‘SflliDO" soft and “ King” Stiff firmer occasions there was a wood ex' Toronto. l‘he official score will be fired at 200, hats just arrivedâ€"H. H. Mockler. I o l l i I Agriculturai >ociet3 . _ - a ' .-‘ ' y Mrs. Thos. McAnulty is very ill at ' ' " ‘ - present. \Iiss Maimie Douglass 18 home from was ideal weather and agool czowd Toronto. I i ihibit of peuuianship and drawing from 3 -ii .9 ' . " . 1 ‘ ' S . l l """' "0“) and b0” y'udb on 0a" 1 th' T ‘Stt 1 lB k fC td D the schools. a feature in which this“ " i ”5' t Lit r ‘Hll’i‘l'b‘ should ‘ltt‘ind' h HE. i .HKSmk 31.!) 0 am a" in- ' Society is taking Special interest. In . . an). is toe 'in ' t 1at '1vs interest 4 ' . il (llll‘dl V -) - . . 3 . . i 7 ,, P"- ihorses, cattle. sheep. swine. and poul- . 51‘3” 1111-141: l...\1i beautiful photo- times 11 year on Saiings Bank de-u‘, the 1) W“ )f F1 t CU“ eviduitlv ‘l "1.7) '. ‘ a \‘ u ' , ° ° . ,. . ‘ .s . i ‘ ()i . t J; s I 1 "~' ‘ l . «Jl ll ltll _»~.' was uth-‘n ilWiW ”W- 011“ “‘lth p051“ from date 0f deposit. i * lift 1 i'it i 1 fiieiidlv iiv 1113' 111d the ‘ ~ L. J A ‘ l‘ ; l - O '0 D . é . l 1‘ . _- l . ,. "1 ' , ~3. 1‘. \V. â€"-â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" l , , f ' 1" u if‘ 3‘ 3 “U/‘t 11 L ibinet ph‘im 1. TI”. 1.”... l’Nll h t 0,. l y- , , 3 exhibit here was quite up to the stan- 31'1 ~32 Photographer.--._luly l2tl I ' ‘ be -' " P 0 0:314? l gntn I d: 1rd of former )0 1r.>' I away With one dozen cabinets is well Tl l l ‘ ll l" ‘ v v A A ( ) .1 worth a dollar and a half. 1'. \V . Ixel- “ l x ‘1 ‘itiun 3v. lb 1‘” n l " )l ‘ u“ .\1.1. orders taken in our dressmaking 61$#é’éétfiféfi'ééfiébfiifllfifitffibfiflfifififbOffiiflfififlfi*flflfl'fifififlfifififlfifl _ . -) . .. . , , , .ibou: .. 1. 111. by R. If. (laine3. riiiient 33'111 receive our most care- sey. l“llt)tiigr1ipliei'.â€"â€".luly 11th. tf.l , 1 , ' . . 3 , , , . . . Man from Manitoulin. who was grace .7 '. til?» . 11111 Pi'oiiipt attention. l l‘ltft'> rea- I ‘ . “ ' . . . . . ‘l , , , _ . , . ' fuliv introduced as a native of Lie 1o- =;:1:1'.- Miss Dick. I .1 o.\1~.\ F0t>11.-lii a store 111 Bur-g W l l.) g l 1' \l . l . ~ . ca. 1.3' 13' _1'. . i‘vl’tlll e. il'Olll - 111-a1 iie. - ‘v lilths +7“ "4““ I llétln. UH \\ cdnesdav, September 26th. l '1“ ' ‘ ‘ , . , 1 , 1.,1 l . , , _ . ' . ue address was short and couched in .4 , - N If lil'g'ilfll'illlllllfii ham e net-11111.11 1, .U>Lt 111.13. x-Qljmw- Sallie by calling at 3 is. tians ‘. ., . . 1, l -, . . . ' . 1 free easy language for a man who , ’Iia' 5110‘s Man. for lztll «Hit 1 l. 11> ()illcc‘, pl'nving Chill” and paying? 3 . " 'l- . , -. - ' . . fl .1 . . . . ‘ ' ‘ iievi': attended >'. thool alter he was §1C111ang a.» 1 I ”Law-zit. lll> lint: lilit‘S U Itkllt‘llrl‘>.~-tl. l . _ H ~ , f , _ . _. l tiiiz't 'eii veai's of age. lhere was no 11,, I 1 i. :11 \ izioiiev can nu} , ~-â€"â€" I ‘ ‘, . l k , ' .. l - n. 1 . 11"‘1-1'-i‘ (iiios 3' 1's 1" i '11 in» 1 1 vour beneiitm “15" king, the sweet singer, of Mt. t 3111.114 ‘ t p 11.} "i' 111 t h pct HS v .1 l . 4“. a ' ' ' ‘ 3 ' I .J ' ‘ \~. 1 W 3 _ _ _ _ .. E 10“,“ 3v h in town a dav m two this; iiiaiizu 1. and his 33 oids 33111. 1113 and? '3 L > 1‘ l ' 'k..\. _ | g r. )5 , d( I C )(‘) . .(_..|. v ) . â€"‘ 2 .1-sll..'. 1-31-111114‘ next. October ;, Week lhou<'h she lost her musical: w‘ 11 l“ l“ )1 ‘l l ‘t‘ 1111 “1“ h‘ ‘S . ' . ‘ i . $34 211 li.‘ii‘i'.>i. church. the young, Voic e lora f11111 we are pleased to learnf‘ .. .i . .' .il .'i' "1.. 1. _ LI, \Vill give another of {llt'll' social I >‘he will soon be hill} 11: 1311\c'lLLl {Hm} 1‘ ”t M ”N tliete “ 1‘ nothing to . - .- I 5 indicate spleen. malice or the picavune “a -\ giiiiil [:I'iigi-alii l>‘ heltigI ; . _ . l . I. _ __-- . . , - ~ .. . ~ - :tartiv's ol 'iieii ol 11>) s‘ani). Hit a l :Ulil all should hear it. Light} DR. MAMA), oi l'illmore, Sask.. Willi , l f ‘ 1 1 L il l . ‘ . 3 .. . ' s‘r: i r it oi-wart am a ) )areiit 3' ionest .i:.i.':1ts 33".11 be served. Admis- * accept thanks tor renewal. Glad to! L i " ll - . , 1 3 1 , . 1. . , ‘ , _ . _'staieiiieiit of a te3v thoughts, With a \ tllltl '. 1-1-1115, near of lii> personal success as 33 ell as: itteiiii1_-il 11111.113’ fairs at Holstein 1 '3 i“iv‘>ll‘_‘l'l§()il, but iilli>ll up with such goi'id order. never before saw l the material advancement of the place ’ which is about to start a local paper. brief reference to the possibilities of New Ontario about which he was billed to speak at the evening meeting. The hall in the evening was fairly I, THE cutter 111 Dave Smith's new‘ - . :. .. - * ‘ anal-.3». n.) aims of drunkenness . _ . . _ well tilled. Mr. M. Ix. Richardson. ‘. "‘ RBI I , . D k' 1 t 'th :tlireslier isagain in shape and ready E ‘1 P . 1 th h . 1 1 li .- :‘.\'i.\'l>‘lil oi anv '1111 a e1, er . . . . . . x-- . .. occu iet ec air a it 1 s- v ~ 1 f" I - ~ for operation. Mr. Scarf tells us it is p from which we are forced to ' : l' that the hotel 1‘ Of ‘ " “ .- 1 n ‘ v- ‘ ..> 11.11111 liiLitl up; lilil. men in both are observing the 1'equire-' ._.«-.â€"~â€"â€". ._.._._._._q. 'I;e group of photos shown by, 1:111:11'111 111.. Holstein 'l‘uesday. 35_‘.>(l.[llll'1ll1'li a: ii 11 ted consid- .u'itteiition. - Mr. .. years and the other taken quite both large picturt'S. David Allan when it buy ()l'l : ting device is Mr. Smith’s .will like it. .the best machine he ever had in his It was made here, and the cut- own inven- barn . Lion. “Tmâ€"2 Chromatic Two Step” just V published is quite a little novelty, has merit. fine. melody and harmony, you Mailed to any address post-paid (by way of introduction) on receipt of?) two cent stamps for the charged his duties in his usual able manner. Mr. D. McTavish. president of the Society, thanked the people generally for their presence and their patronage. Dr. Sproule was the next speaker and made a brief address, ex- pressive of his gratitude at the interest l of fat'iiiers in the pursuit of their work, i and incidentally referred to the prom- inent position to which Mr. Gamey had risen since his election to the local ; morning foi ! versity in Toronto. i Annisley Hall. l Emorning forK incardine, to visit her t ie I Mr. Jainieson. raim d sui li llOUHit t3 (lllliil" the past Regina. aiid‘ ner friend, Mrs. Richard- ‘ 1h" iiitei3e11iiig311usmake 5 next '3!) davs when ordered direct from I 193“ 111.tuic MP' (““le 5 address was ll 4 ””34“ 1“ 1,.11- "-l’lli"“"””~"’ "l ls..:\\( Doiizs Pub. lllllittthlllOllS, Ind. 39ml” ' ”‘m'POliUL’al "”5 ii “'Ol'd ‘ “H." .. «'m'l "Tllt' Man. i ' ht in;r utt1 red that could give offence ' “"""“" i . , i to eizlier iar t3. His theme was New '5 ii": ‘ ._ ”I \l:.'\' y, i‘. “'l‘illl" to' Till. .\i 111 r 11°11. lower L‘ompanie s d" I . l . . , . .. 1. ~ :5 I , t I L 1m” tli m )u it f ) 3 .; Ontario,whichhe regarded as Ontarios v . . .11 . .. .."~ ,ISlI'E ois'e'z ea ( i o o3'eri , , 3 . ,_, . ~-i~--'â€"1 311111 lli'l'll‘ "m1 Blame“, . . . I ,ilieriiagc of great possibilities iii the , .,,,.,,,.u..m,., when vou know that. used in Durham. and we think it woulut " . ,. , "it ‘ ' " ‘ ' ' ‘ ' il’ 3 ll f 1 th .1 H ii to 'i3 th . |developiiieiit of the. held. the forest, - .. ~~ ,. ,,.. .. ie 3'e o' e Loi l c ' 'e e 111-' _ , . ' “"1‘ 113311111 " “‘“l’U‘ ““1 \l' lg”! f t' , t tl ,. O t It E the mine. and the fisheries. in many . ...i. 1.. I . N, 1 , ; .-- j ,3; ornia .ion illlil ge 1eir 1'11 es. .: . . . ' i" l" ' ll 1" ”W few“ 2 . ‘ . c 11~1~spwts it was the richest mineral . .. . . ....i , . ,. , . llll"llt be ol advantage 101' power users . . . _ ‘- “l “- “‘1‘ " "'i 1"‘l"“ ‘; Ttl . l. ,. t t 1 11.11in 1'3’ 1:“. the World. ll. C(ititl'lliiitetl "'3 “‘ .i , ~., _. 1 . ,. ~ .,,1 ' . ~. ,.,1 1 .1111; i-i>e iii ez‘aiiirr ') iise )ower o" , ' , . , , ‘31... Tab " Llll,‘ lli1lit lull will 1” .1. .il1l. lllilI \ I 1:3“.4‘. '.' il'cliil ”>- Ll,nl)01~ and 158 J ,. Y "1'1!“ “‘3'71- ‘1 . . ("ii 1 i l)>.liilt1' t‘lt'i: till :ii energy f1)!” \3‘l11t1‘ r . i L I \ lll fill“ P1 in ‘--‘ ‘»' " "‘ ‘ “‘ "" " ‘ "' ‘llllllt‘l'ili 1) i..‘.t' 3'1':t 'l () . t . '(13' (:0, s 1 . Z.) stock * .r: .. ' . .. ' .1 . 5th ev now have: or intend to 0'1". ; . . . . . - ’1 ”0.1- * Muldaiigh AMI“ "‘1 \\ ““““I ' h L and iii lll> opinion should receive a ‘ . 5.1. L ' 1.: l'\lll i “" ' . _ .. ' . .1 . . . " ‘ " ' l ,. . :1 .i'.1-121llnl'\llltl.>iltff'1t\1.'. lie 73$ "' __. -- I i‘-\.>‘ill().\'.>f 1:: 11.311: â€"-l.:ttll('5 who . .. . . . . ‘ ‘l , ‘ . 13 1 - 1 .. .:i . .. 37 n1. ,. . . . .1111.'.;i:‘.m’1>;it' viziiilil recent: better coli- - “._'- ... 1.08 .% 1 1.;3311 l 111111111 . ii .11.).111113 ;\\‘;:4‘,1[()'3lt'l‘ttl_.‘i illt’ll‘ appearance 111111“ , . . . . . i - . r -- 1 fl - l . 7. . ' .. . l , , . . . ,, ,sie..-;.:1w:; 11.111; 1.11:, oiuer portion oi .Q; ' ' ' l "" 5"“‘1' “PM”! '“l'l PJ‘N“ 4 learn all £U)()lli, hziit' Sllzfillil H111 Hii . ' . 7/5? , , . l .13 , .. ,. .. : t.i-'p.'iviiis'1 is so iii as the iiili Lbit iiils ~ . . >er- , 12' s i’il\~ ~ {ii-5 W l 11).... l rot. Doreiiweiiil, of loroiito. who‘ I ; "s: 1 . _ ... .. . . . ..l . . . . w? " I 'llil le'i it will her real 31.111: 21s "‘ .4” ‘- 1" ill" 1 £11711? “'1” l‘ l‘.‘ '1 33“.l1 He at the .‘iliiidaugh House on i I . . m. , '93. 3 1' , V ' . y \ - l . l ‘3\‘ .. l‘. lili‘l .l”. .1 ll“ il‘llll'l"‘h \‘ 105 "-~ 72‘? «‘1 Hi“ lll)llb‘ «lilib‘lt All)lll Llll‘I \\ {5(1v1{.>‘1t\' (’31. 11'i11.. VVlLll ll. ill: 11 . . i .9. ‘ l l t i . -. . .1'1'1.'1.' iii<irurtive and interesting to W l'(‘\dllilrl' ‘}.\‘ (ll [he )(I) LIA (l \Lllnfl U: ill‘l-li‘lllll.‘114111'LY\_)()(15§t\‘l('.".I _ ‘ ‘ .3 \ l . l v )1" i 1' )t 1i ' _) (V . ‘ illi‘fil \Villl ib\'«L:lL‘li Lilt’lllbl‘lVB5 ()f L119 ~ 1 '11- 73$ :'-»;:'.-1n: to ten 1e: “nuke it!“ \3 igs. Savitciies. l oiiipadours. [rain-1 . 1. . .. - , 1,. . .. . ‘ . ,H. .1 ‘ , '?pr13 11" __;e oi attu 111mg. We. could say - i’t’ .6. ~';'?11:H'\’ iilwn ”1 Ell“ town 0” {oi-iiiations. 1. 13“: i'roiitse '3. A11 the: . ‘ < ’y‘. y " ' ..: ‘\ \‘l. O '..oy '3 t‘\‘) I")"" t- a VA“ ' - -... . .. - .. v rr t) )..‘. 1') . l I! I" “"" "i" “"“"i “ “b“ 0 0111 9, ”l “WM - [-i; 1* dull-line, in ‘ iate>t li'oiii limb. iiostoii. London an... , , , 3 : 1 1 . .1 +1 . . . ;ab:e1'«'iz'i'espiii-l-"it.Mr...loseph Blacit- 4» mail. L \llllill‘lilii'.i.ll~Hl>‘ from u.lL‘ ”they pldgiis, ,1 111-1:15 sure to p10“. 99:. _, . . . , .- , :. .:.' . I, . b.1111, whose con tiil Hitions are always l A? ‘T‘.’ (millilitd). >l‘.{iii‘1_\ l.1l,‘il llllt’ll‘ pl'llilLiL-ilx'o I ‘â€" ‘ .H ' :1‘ n 1 ‘31. . , . ' 3 i 1 ‘ ‘- ‘d . g . -. , ;\\ 'L'll \Viiou i Lllx‘. \\ .10 J P9111“ L. a 51 4- - 71A? ,, .13 ': .1'211ii tile uu>i ’.l'..l>11.lli_".’ .1.tet - '- I y 'i l T '15:,“ ‘3 .3 . . v ‘ u ‘ -__.._._._.._ ~ » ,1 is, 59;“- ' ::i.:'1 closes down for repairs. MR. \V. l'.. ’.li!!.oii.\t.1) left Tuesd13 31 I N ICE . ' l . ‘5. alteririml tor lndian Head, S isk., "' . . "490‘ P-MN'o'“1llt \ 'll “8} Mi» “‘0‘ “ ht 1‘ 11‘ h‘LS ‘i 0‘ d p ) 3‘0“ as 11111311 i The Trustees of the Durham '.\atu 'al 7‘: .‘ r ' 1 ' ' ) , l * ‘1 l ’ - ”h i, k ‘ ' ' ' ' ' ' . c o u ' '_ I: "5‘ film.“ 1“” ”u” “Mlouf’h‘i ““U' "r“! M ‘L Luge h"“““"le usuiess t Gas .‘c Oil Co. have disposed of the ‘ :- - ' . ‘ 1‘. , .5 ,V , . - I _ 7'1}?- ' ’ and WI” l). V . 3,,._,,p,.1ie1l for l oiest held 11.) 111018 populdl young asset’s 0f the COIIipanV. and Wlll pay - ' ' '... '1 “ .. . 1" .. r. H '.~" ' ‘.' .‘ i (r 7- " 73$ 1 . . 9.1: \\ oiship Sunda} . O1 tohei 1th. .naii .lrui ths. who, b83113? hem? three cents on the dollar. Sharehold- 4%, 3. .' appropriate sermons Will be PUSSUSDU’J 0t superior qua ltlebv 13 erg calling on Arthur H. Jacksonl ’“ £19; : "zi-nl at 111:31) 11. m. and 1 p. m. prominent [[1 secret society and athlet- Durham, Will receive amount due s . ' A? 1 ‘ .‘ . . a - . - ‘ i ' '. ' " u ‘ -. - ‘ - | ' " ' 0 c “9. - - 1...” at eath sei3lC9. Then on lL 1.111 11>. 11111111 iouud spelt an gen them, and can see full statement of 72;? _\,§ ,May evening. 0C5, Sch, supper will eral good fellow. It is. therefore, not accounts.--5pd. ________. 7:5 i" - ~d iii the Orange Hall from 6:30 to be wondered at that his departure T '7‘ .327;- ~ - \‘ ‘Li‘lt‘l‘ \Vlllk h All 9‘Ct‘llellt pp()§~ VI“! [1] l5 AWL Diettctl by LLTI LlllllSllttlly large Ci!" :49“; - 1,3; ‘1. . r under (1 m the church consist- cle of fiiends and associates. and they ‘3 . , . r ° ..~ . . :- ° . 1 : fiE r- r illnllS. club swinging, ins'rruuient- esteem for his sterling. manly quali- . 3 is ._ . 1. 1. .11 7‘35 1 21.1.11... 1:1,... Admission: adults 1’." ties in many tangible forms, the most Re_0 enln \ 1 ”I . .1“ ,. ‘7, 11' - as: . children 1:, 1.13. important of which was a semi-public , ,1 I . _ . , fi i‘azâ€" wellg athering at the residence of i i: i V H i ii ii * . ., 14.32057 ‘vIr. R. “‘3 eir on Monday evening. 011 Buy your School Books and \‘i' \i iiill‘l % 'i vital in that which produces comfort. that occasion he was presented on be- School Supplies at KEELER’S 111' v. + ~ '1 '1 (1“ . T This. you will find in one of Flarityis half of all his friends inothel town With and save money. Our stock i ’ “Vt‘l'x'uglifi‘. \Vliat is more befiti ing to i. valuabieSWlb‘r‘ repeating (alarm) and Of High 8011001 BOOkS 13 now $ 1. 111111». than a stylish. genteel, wel stop watch. His former employer, complete, and in Public School * . irinent. andoiie that will keep Mr. \V. G.S ‘~'-.o‘.,t handed him the Books W6 ha-VH everything on September- (pipe for vears. Look to voiir own H. Lao ;J l. l . 3+ \\. ,- . ‘- .:.‘t1t.>’ and save I“V“il 1‘...‘ i‘! '. .L ‘ 1‘ ‘5. mime" bv lE‘itViDg Now to: ‘l:' 1 ‘i w ‘ xiv. ism 1.11.12, are in a hurry. we are putting in a. iinc beautiful timepiece while Mr. G. J. Rel d, manager of the Sovtreign Bank, the gift was purchased, made a suit- that is repaired. Supplies in Durham to the crowd as there is sure to Painsville and Genera, then back to. 3f o ' “Mt-s made 11;: Olli' of the best able address. Mr. Theobald’s a'PPI‘O' * '1,- "Am -i'l‘oronto. You1.1a'1juuipright priate reply was followed by apt choose from' ‘ late. 1111'. get â€"--â€" and for the present speeches from nearly all of those as- The most for the least [honey ‘ Lok ..ell Pr'ces away down with sembleil. the l‘iell‘ anlfll‘Obe 00' being at KEELER‘S- Come With * 1' iii, :27 1'11 - '~ Asia then our uiidez- represented in" well-timed remarks by ‘. ,3" WM ,3 WC. an 1? sweaters. We have Mr. J. A. Hebert. manager, and Mr. be a. great rush here for " us: what you want, ranging from 500 E. Mott, mechanical sup’t. leCh these SOOdS' ~ 2.91. 11g.-.;~mcnt. 'A splendid line of fall caps and fancy shirts. Call in and see at the store of Flarity 8: Burnett. r r {I â€"-\ till good time is to b - I . was served before the guests dispersed. fitting send-on. --Mt. Forest Rep. A large number of friends assembled at the station to give \Ves. a final and R. B. Keelerfii’Sous and treasurer o.’ the fund with which Largest StOCk Oi SChOOl London, Eng.. was united in. marriage PERSONAL. Mr. Davison made a business trip to Mr. David Kinnee attended the fall _ fair at Drayton yesterday. Master Clarence Calder, of Holstein, spent a few days with his cousins here. Mrs. T. Barclay returned home Sat- , . $1.00 PER YEAR. The Chronicle for Balance of Year for Twenty=five Cents. Millinery inning The exclusive designs and graceful shapes, beauti- ful in their rich tints shown in our collection of Trimmed Millinery, cannot be described We never displayed more beautiful styles than we have this season. They include the very newest urday after Spending over a. month in shapes and shades that can be precured, everyone of them moderately priced. Mrs. ‘V. P. Paterson is visiting rela- he was a bass singer in thp chair for: The Busy Store on the Busy Garner. some time. tives and friends in Kingsville, ()0. Essex. Mrs. ‘Vm, Saunders left \Vednesday mother who is seriouslv ill, Mr. \V. H. Bean went to Howick Vednesday to attend the marriage of :his sister- in- law, Miss Patterson, to a Miss Beulah P. Colling left this another year at the Uni- She will reside at Mrs. Porter of New York.1etuined to her home \\ ednesday morning after visiting hersister Mrs. (Rev. )Newton, here. OfI Mrs. Proudfoot y and little girl, son. of Fergus, 33 ere 3isiting Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Russell for a few days. \Iiss Armstrong left Tuesday inorn- g ing for Detroit to see her sister. Mrs. Kay, who is ill of typhoid. She was accompanied by hei mother who Will also 1einain for some time. Mr. John S. Drvsdale, who has con- tributed so many interesting letters to our readers, is expected to arrive in town this week. Another letter ap- pears in this issue. Rev. Mr. Colling returned from the General Conference of the Methodist Church held in Montreal from Sept. 12th to 27th, on Monday last. He re- ports a good time. The attendance was over 600, who with many others, had a pleasant sail down the river during the session. On their return to the Wharf the delegates and their friends were treated to free transport ation to any part of the city by the Street Car Co. ---â€"â€"-.. H . . .-._..__ X ‘â€" ..“/../ ' '73 s”./ . :7 " u " Stylish . . . ' Fall Skirts We have just re- ceived a lot of our "llilida” brand of Ladics’ Ready -to - wear Skirts in Black. Blue. Men's Overcoats for Fall The perfect fit splendid materials and flawless 4 styles of “Progress” brand Overcoats was never - more pronounced than this season. We have an immense showing to pick from of all the newest patterns. S. F. MORLOCK CASH AND ONE PRICE. .wO-O éoo.§'o‘ 0' MILLINERY OPENINGS. A very fine display of millinery was shown last \Vednesday and following days at S. l“. Morlock's store. All the leading styles in fashionable headwear ' could be found there. Nothing nicer lg could be. found in any city, and the] prices were. verv moderate. Some distinctly new features are shown this season, notably the return of the high crowned and broad brim- med hat, resembling t ac Gainsborough t3 pe and st3 led the Empire hat. Black Pictuie Hats. which have not b men in ovogue for the past year or two. aie :1g.. :1 to tl e fore, and with their usual accompaniment of rich ostrich plums, are smart and elegant in the extreme. Bath 1 age ands '111: Lil hats are being shown in gre eat variety, and the trim- mings were perhaps never richer. The beautiful Mulberry shades are greatly in evidence, as also is the all white hats. A. large assortment of Ready-to-wear hats were also shown in all shades. DR. BROWN, of Holstein, will oc- cupy the Baptist pulpit Sunday even- ing. THE regular monthly meeting of the Public Library will be held on Friday night next, at eight o'clock. IN the map competition at Egremont Fall Fair Mr. J as. Coleridge’s pupils were successful in getting ffour prizes out of the five given. He had only. four pupils to compete or he might have captured the Whole five prizes. AVERY quiet wedding took place 77th, at the home ofIMr. 3911.279 Dunham Ave., _ Cleveland, Ohio, when Miss Maggie Galbrath, of witthr, Raymond Bell of that city, by Rev, J . D. Tisdale. Only :the inti_ mate friends and relatives were pres, cut. The happy couple left that even- mg for a. short honeymoon trip to Cleveland where they will reside. Mr. Bell is well known at Edge Hill, where he spent a. year learning to farm, and by members of the Trinity church, as 1' d . .1, ‘1'“:‘1 .1"..-« I... r-' 1',“ "V 7-3 t- '- ".I .. . J. r - 1 1:11.91..- '5: 1:1: - . . .. STYLISH Men’s Boys’ Blothing IlllAl'li l-l‘fil'flllfilfl H F ' ‘ n gt New styles in 1‘ Two 81 Three (fie Piece 8 u it s ‘I Light and dark shades ' Hats, Caps, Furnishings Stylish Prints l 1200 yards in good styles We have always What is COIOI‘S- Reg new and fashionable and price we, 12§c our prices are right. . . . . to clear at Satisfaction is stamped on faces of those who buy from us. ch “Highest price in cash or trade will be given for Butter and Eggs. . 2 . . . . ‘ g . , I . . " . i ‘ ‘ , i . A_‘_..1; . s. v.

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