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Durham Chronicle (1867), 4 Oct 1906, p. 2

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DURHAM MOTHER. SISTER g'lowe his mind to think of Burns bel can conceive in a faint measure howl he could write his song that is sung; UR. DRYSDALE WRITES ABOUT the wide wotâ€"Id over " Ye banks and’ ' braes o' bonnie Deon." for the scene BURNS‘ COUNTRY- cantivates one and makes him work; Letter From Scotland. or? der at 27.4 grandeur g ' “ ‘ i o E ' 4 o o ‘ . .JOlJLSKl‘Dt‘. ii fl :3“. ‘ About. Half “.83. between the Kirk , D‘Cd OICOHSKmelrfin,bhf this Llnden | '2 . Draw. Emma-l intended giving and .. Auld B:ig.” onghe sgimmit of; lady used Psychmg and 15 r; . . .,.. :_ -. " >1- , L, art‘s. rn ._ nk. w icn ere rises" " y... at. >0“ Mae“ 3 5” F “3°“: It?“ .‘6 "F . .. . strand ard well I. about the city of (vii-1.5;;C-fi', out as l f)‘_;o‘.l}' lZ'Clll the river D000. Stands v a I am back»). to rltli from there on the t monument to Burns. WhICh 0082. I“) ,.‘ r.‘ 45‘ ) ’l‘l,_'-;.) .) 22f}d Sp} YPXl‘ft'r_ l)? {Lg} Ileik .LSOIlalLI‘ £9 3:9),312 the foundation . . . .. - . ,: . “M .t~ .r .e ”site 'ZV' SOD liner, .\'. 1‘ Cassanlsa. Ii tlpn't your} new}; laid the 2..Ch January.lconsugffzgnijirb’zisgl;agir‘cgv’éf i; 1343:: have tin. - i want in this sketch to 233.». by Mr. A. Boswell.Aucninleck. l den, 335., Hand] myself suffered for two give ycu a littie about Bath’s ccuzl- he «1.1.2103 reflects the 111541395: credit ' years from adistressing cough and weak CTV. Uftll;Pl}' A SF. and also 3 little OB C‘lt: HI'CIXICBCC. It IS 0f the com- lungs. ISUPQOSGI inherited a, tendency abcu: .‘Liurzls' Highland Mary‘s birth- posite order. blending the finest in this direction? i. place. Dunoon. methods of Grecian and Homan arcb- i “But thank God I used Psychine and "’7. , _ , _ . itecture. It is about lit) feet high. ‘built me right up. My lungs are now; Arrival; at Ayr station. we have l our attenzlon attracted just outside by the harniscrne Statue of the Mem- orial to the officers and men of the Royal Scots I’usiliers who were killed in battles from the year 1879 to 1892 The memorial is a bronze statue of a private soldier in full marching order his body upright and braced, his left hand clenched. his right rigidly grasping his rifle, which rests butt downwards on the ground, bayonet fixed; he stands bare-headed with; sternly set features. his left hand, thrown forward, while his bushy lies on the ground. It is a very good representation of the regimental apartment. lighted by a cupola of ; itallto PS.VChin€~” stained glass. 12 feet in height and 18} l which stands a table with relics and,l editions of Burns’ writings. Amongst the relics referred to is the Bible given by Burns to Highland Mary. ' It is bound in two volumes, which ' are enclosed in a neat oaken box, with 1a glass lid On the fly leaf of the lst volume is the following text. in Burns’ own handwriting ‘ and ye shall not swear by my name falsely, ‘lam the Lord.” (Levit. xix. 12.)} In the second " Thou shalt not for-: motto. ., Newt) me impune lacessit” = swear thyself, but shall perform unto! (Touch rue nOt with impunity.) which ; the Lin“ 11.111118 oatllis. llIatt. “’33): the sculptor Mr Thomas Brock. B A... And , m ”a“ V0 umes 1,8, WWWP; London. had evidently Set himself to ‘ H Rooert Burns. Mossgiel, wrth h‘S' interpret in bronze. The statue is hi masons mark appended. In one Of ‘ attacks the lungs. Psychine builds up th 'body and makes it strong and able t resist disease. Psychine is an aid t l di 1 l l l The greatest giver of general health is (Pronounced Si-keen) _ . -- - . - , Possession may be had after, "WMâ€"“~- â€" - ‘5“-.. r. 3‘” feet in height and stands on a pedes- tilemJD preserved a 100k 01. Highland! Opseemed fantastically 595 Mar Ist. For further particulars apply tol . I j ; tal of 2mm“, 3;; feet high. 3””) 5 hi“?- g «m-- I-..“ _______.___ _....._I.... ~ ' W 1th cupola or minaret, DONALD BEAT \‘ P NOthe t0 Trespassers. j". 5“ . _ . ., 1 . , 4 i In a small cottage at the southl . b -, .1, l ; tr, f 0 .. Wild crests as pagod ever decked ‘ 0" mp" ’” .99.; Sust behind this memorial we see . , .33 ban '3 l-I‘ ne‘ rom ‘ 9 raoments . J . , , , 1, 5 g .2 a "7; the ban tome swam“, of Robert Burn" Side 01 the enclosed ground. are the: that remain the wide appears to, Or mosque of eastern architect. an, 30th. 1906â€"43 POMONA P. 0. All Deficit)» are vhfai’llt‘lat .. from. in“ ’L ‘r‘r '"n" ‘ ~-'~ . . ‘ '5. .o - r . . 56 ‘ «r on ie 0 OWIUL’,‘ lots Will} 8 “ '1""-<"*'f‘d.r~;~ - -t t ‘v- ' y A a . ; - v r W . . _' ' “Wu" L'si' ‘.". ‘ which was unveiled or; nth J uly, lbl'l. . Gilli)?“ it? (“3189. Sfigu'res 3‘ h Tar’n l have (JCDS'SJEd 0f three to“ 91's 3‘“ , i\0 beta these earth born castles "' .._._.-_ otherWise, for the purpose in - v.73”, , “' 1;; ‘ 4- at a cost, ir.ctuding granite pedestal. 0 \ ante: “m , ou.er ° nny ranged triangularly, one looking up , are, . prosecutions will follmr :h j ' $1150 or £7.73," The poet is repre- chiselled out of solid blocks Of free- ‘ the Firth of Clyde. another down and . .\0r lacked they many a banner fair ;. 000d Farm for Sale. Abraham Crutclxley. Yon-.1. ., E sented a, Qahgmg facing the place stone. by the self~taught sculptor, l a third guarding the approach from i For, from their shivered brows dis- G. It; No. 3, 3rd Corr, 8 D. :3. ‘ . .,t i ‘ . v - ' r r r . - ill. of his birth two miles distant in an . Thom. I mm" no one “a.“ 100k upon; the land. The first of these is the play’d. ON THE GARAFRAXA ROADâ€" “‘1" “ all, 50"14fllb‘1-‘1L- i" it ; / . ‘ 1 ; . . ’ the statues without. feeling that the; 1 p f "1- h ._ . d’ ’ Far o’er the unfathomable glade. about six miles from Durham. Good l Thos. McGirr, No. 61 ct '32 ...§ ; a. ' attltr’d" ‘4‘ deep contemplation. P h h' 11. d ion y one C M 11c traces are 15 All ' kl' ’ h b d title Possession at once Food 1' d M t‘ G R i L“ “ . -- . oet as ”Qt more grap ice. 3 e itinctly VlSlble. It has been circular. twin mg W“ t e ewdrops b 31d 4 “ . ' I ‘m ‘ ‘ “5 ° ’ . - if; \l him lOOklnrv at the statue of . - . c . - est) . For particulars apply to J 1 P 1 . - . . .1. . z. ., .. «b Burgh. M 93"l‘flltro ey cage running ted the jolly couple. Near to the‘ firth shows the remains of a small The hrier-rose fell in streamers green, J. P. TELFORD, Durham 011213290“ 3- D- R- . f r g “d 3 ~ I v r r . . l ‘ ‘ ‘ w _ .. ~ - ‘ 'â€" 3' . "'m \\ , 4""; “ ...- 4;. W” tht Sli‘n ‘ 0W3}, an moundnl" , door of this cottage IS the figure of? ntrance Wthl) it is St) osed mu l. - And creeping shrubs of thousand [‘81) 22nd 19004â€"tf. 115', ”th’ 30' 0‘ ht (A ’ ' E" If, *E’i "‘1 - t0 the COP 0f same “”8 go along ‘ .. The Landlady ” also by Thom le . ’ .3 . ' A . pp 5 ’ a dyes l ‘ Wm' lou'ng‘ NO‘ 3’ C‘m' 1‘ 5' 1"" 3‘ X if \ :3 through Borne lovely spots and soon‘ _' . , . . . ihave serveh ab 8’ sally-port and place ‘V d . , b . d,‘ - h _, ' ” ‘ * $6,001}. I, 1‘. D R. ; “' M ly‘c- '- b '.,, *h 1 1-,,1, th t h J' l-\ bile Iwas vrewmg the sceneryiof escape in cases of emergency; ave .1n t 9 WBSt‘Wm 5 summer P k i? 32$chirodae'rebliriipghibh bthisa creiftifrom the new Brig O’ Doon. I hap'lSome suppose that vaulted apartg S‘ghs'" ar [‘01: For sale' fl . ‘ ° g” - - g 5 ened to meet three Canadians andl ments lie at discovered beneath the " â€""_ f 1 75p genius was born. Alighting from,p . h ‘ f , ‘ d " . ‘ ° ; Ibere are a .great many more ARK LOT NUMBER 13 NORTH S!!! w .. 6!: EMAE WT" “'.. i if the car we pav 22d or four cents to : Spar“ t .9 rest 0 8‘ V6” pleasanto a) ruins. 1 things I would like to Speak about, of Saddler street in the Town of Dur I“? will f" :3' ~~, ’4 I?“ rm ,.' u ' . 5. v . ‘~ l - o ' ' . ' ' 1 ‘ - ' :- t ' 7' \r enter same and as all. the biographers ‘, In thflr comPan} , and 3B3 It W388 â€"Ibt; There 18 only one other Sight about 3 but as I .find It very hard to express ham, In the county Of Grey, containing4 “33% “ J I; 1.21.521. . l i of Burns coincide in the Opinion that I July ”he anniversary 0‘ urns death,; Dunoon which I will mention. Hav- é myself in words, I thlnk 1’11 01°59 acres more or 1955‘ For terms and particu. there were great crowds there for the this coctage was the fancied scene of' , . ' grand concert Of Burns songs which that admirable poem, “ The Cottar’s " . Saturday Night.” and also being the ‘i was given m the aftgsrnoon: The birthplace of Scotland’s greatest poet ,chorr numbelrecipver -OOIdVOlceS and one don’t grudge paying fourcents to . theU crowd, t ink;1 wlog the about help to keep it up and see the Sights. . -,o.,l) as it was an: ea ay or same. The visitors’ books at the cottagel There are quite alOt Of other places Show the names of thousands of every l Of 151mm“ 1“ and around Ayr. but.I rank, from all parts of the world, 7‘10,“ 3 want to speak about them 1“ whom the fame of our Ayrshire bard this letter as I now want to take your has attr me 2 to this 5 0t. gthoughts to Dunoon the birthplace Of a h p ’ " Burns’ Highland Mary.” There area great number Of old: 0 , h P‘ fl) relics in the house. which were used! 0 coming to t 9 191‘ ° unoon in Burn’s time, but there is the muse- . which is one of the finest on the Firth um adjoiningwhich hasa great many | of Clyde, we see facing us and Just more, but I 1°33; want to mention One ! in front or the old castle ruins, the and that is Burns’ Bible which Wasl ing we set out to climb up to same chose was not the best, but still good around. statue of Mary Campbell, commonly bought for this museum and cost l known agr‘s‘tBizinss HIighladnddfllary.” $1700 or $5,500. and 81801“ me men- 1 niladrgbf red Bailoeczhm lzlsandlztcihzs tron a PSIâ€"file} copy off all: first or hi1. l which was wrong and which I will frigid: cco.ste£‘llt(1)ol‘)li 0: $5,638? 8:0;0: l now correct. The base is of this kind can easily see why the nominal!“ stone but the statue .is of bronze. .. .4 iimgde; ifsfm‘i? :1:i.2°°.‘l"2”.2’:§.fӤ3 uying an up cap 0 t 956 very ex- . . . pensive relics beside scores of other l great Butam' that @330" of royalty. relics to be seen there. The grounds ‘ t has a splendidposmon on the “‘39 are lovely on a bright summer daylof the castle In” and her head. 13 such as I enjoyed. ; turned toward the south as if looking , to Ayrshire the home of her lover. Coming out of the cottage and Robert Burns, who wrote five of his museum andturnmg to the ugh“ w” songs about her and immortilised her walk for a little way and then We ‘ 6” ° 2: get a glimpse of the cupola of Burns’ memory in To Mary m Heaven: monument at Alloway, but before .That klpgs for “Ch 3 tomb might coming to same we can’t pass “ Allo- ““311 to d19- Way’s auld haunted kirk,” a roofless I met the contractor, Mr. Lannock, ruin. The " Winnock bunker in the who erected this statue, and be told east” where the prince Of Evil me a little joke about it as follows. “Screwed his pipes, and gar; them E He said that it was the heaviest wo- skirl, ‘man he ever tackled, and the only Till roof and rafters a’ did dirl,” , woman he ever saw through. A9 is still preserved. as is also the bell. l the bronze statue is hollow you will The auld kirk was built in 1653, and , awhile” 3“ hOW ““9 “so ceased to be used as a church about? The cottage in WhiCh Mary Camp- 1750. The bell bears the inscriptionlbell was born is supposed to have “For the Kirk of Alloway. 15573:;been on the site now covered by In the churchyard near the gate. it 33011311101? farm. WhiCh I visited the grave of Burn’s father, marked ‘ while there. I might. here mention I kept in very good order. little while and watching the grace- ful movements of the beautiful snow- white swans refreshed us so we wended our way past the works to the water source a lovely stream to the north. There are many rustic spots kept around here to beautify the surroundings and on such a day and at that. season of the year every- thing waslooking its best. The walk is circular and at the farthest point from the town there is a small house with a verandah and seats all around for the traveller to rest and be thankful. On the side of this house there is a bronze plate to the memory of the A. and S. Highlanders who fell in the Boer war. Now looking south toward the town there is a curious scene. as all that can be seen from here is the water works with its pure water and hills on either side. and the Firth of Clyde with the Cloch lighthouse on the Ayrshire .coast. as the town is hid from view, lying about 350 or 400 feet below. one looks in vain for the town tut all that is to be seen is the smoke rising from the chimneys of the houses to tell where Dunoon lies. Now coming down on the opposite side there is not much new to be seen until we pass the works and see the gorge where the overflow goes after heavy rains or in spring. I l l by a plain tombstone, on which is that her father was a sailor on a engraved the IOIIOWing epitaph, from revenue cutter. and that as she was the pen of the poet: H 0 ye whose cheek the tear of pity stains, died in October 1786. Being buried had to stop my friends here just to Draw near with pious reverence and in Greenock there is a monumental look in wonder at the works of nature attend: tombstone marking the spot in the as for describing it. I just wish I was Here lies the loving husband’s dear old graveyard in which she was buri- able to frame words to give you a remains, ed. which I also visited when in faint idea of the scene, but I’ll do my The tender father and the generous Greenock. friend: The chief historical place Of inter- The pitying heart that felt for human est in Dunoon is the castle ruins on We stopped at a spot that gave us woe; the summit of the castle hill. So far a fairly good view Of tbelecene. The The dauntless heart that feared no M human pride. “ Standard Bankofcanada DURHAM BRANCH best, as I don’t like to pass it. without a few words. ‘ For e’en 'his failings leant to vir. tue’s side.’ ” Leaving the kirk, we have in front Burns’ Monument Inn, with a tea garden behind. and the new bridge built in 1818 over the Doon. About 400 yards south from the kirk is the " auld brig” crossing Doon’s classic stream. along which “ Tam O’ Shan- ter” was pursued by the witches, his “ gray mare Meg” losing her tail in the final clutch on the keystane. The date of the erection of this bridge is uncertain, but it is certainly of great 8R8. and would have been taken down when the new one was built, had not $750 been subscribed in response to the “Petition of the auld brig O’ Donn in arrest of judgment.” Where- asthorewaaonlytbe “auld ' ”in Burne’ time over the Deon at this place there are now three, the new brie 0’ Deon and a railway bridge . neatly, and IfancyifBumwu-e hereto-diatomicanhowouldny ”MM spoiled in grandeur, but “unlocks“ the” udd- Savings Bank Department .,,.~:«I ‘ :. , ".‘- f; ~.~, . - fiat/figsrfé‘.‘ “film . Ms .9 ". .' . - -.$¢,~£r .. WWW .. _ arc}. r1 ; ’4 MM": .. - n -. I‘l;"’.l' f . .0: «Jo. AND BROTHER: On the ground floor there is a circular ; strong. Ienjoysplendid health, and I owe ; Consumption, whether hereditary or con- feet in diameter; in the centre of! tracted, cannot stand before Psychine. Psyehine kills the germ, no matter how it gestion and a maker of pure, rich blood. :PSYG H l NE 50c. Per Bottle ; Larger use. at and czâ€"au druggnm. j DR. 1’. A. SLOGUM, Limited, Toronto.i ing a few friends there I called on i this letter and bid you all good night 13“ 3991" to them and they proposed a walk up to l and hoping to see you and Durham 0 see the waterworks and as I was will- l soon, I am sincerely yours in better Dec. “-“tf- The scenery going up on the side wel as when looking around on the hills and wending our way up the face Of same, one could not but stand now} and again to gaze at the rugged? grandeur with the purple heather all As it was a lovely day. in l fact to the warm side for bill climb-i ing, still as it was clear and good company it was worth all the trouble when we got up to the summit and beheld the water works, which are Resting a CHRONICLE ijagged rocks of slate stone, down to the bed of the gorge which is about 150 feet below where we were stand- ing, seemed to captivate one and all as we stood silent for a few minutes and as we began to conceive of its beauty we were all pointing out the .lifi’erent sights as they came to view. As there was very very little over-is flow we missed quite a. lot, but look-l . ing up the gorge as far as we couldl' see, we. beheld the water trinklingi" from rock to rock and making a faint sound as of sweet music as it wended its way toward the great and mighty deep. Here and there we perceived trees growing and one wonders where the soil and substance was to keep them alive and to keep them in such. nice foliage and bloom. Ferns Ofl nearly every description were there 3. as they were out of reach of the1 Ilcausual seekers for same. as it would A FAMOUS SCHOOL l l l STRATFORD, ONT. The school is recognized to be one of the best Commercial Schools in the Province. Our courses are thorough and up-to-date. We give a practical training and assist our graduates to good positions. It is impossible for us to satisfy the demand made onus for Office help. Those interested in their own wel‘are should write for our free catalogue. Elliott ll Mclachlan PRINCIPALS. l 4 l l 1 it, “1% ”AW‘ ._.â€".._....._. -- .. --â€"â€".__â€"~__ ‘- ..-_ .. For Sale. URHAM BULLâ€"BRED FRO Jan. 25thâ€"tf. ~â€"â€"_â€"- Farm for Sale. 00 ;be next to impossible to get at them. 0 3A3 words fail to describe it and as l " The western waves of ebbing day W“ LEGGETTE’ f Was bathed in floods of living fire. 5 ’Where twined the path in shadow hid. About 85 acres cleared, balance in 'Its thundersplitting pinnacle; ; The heather growing among them c 3 gave a nice color to the whole scene. 0 Eevening was drawing near, I’ll quOte 01d.01yde mare. :3- part of the ,. Lady Of the Lake.” Brick house on Bruce St. Apply to :Roll’e o’er the glen their level way; l Bach purple peak, each flinty Spire, l But not a setting beam could glow , ’Witliin the dark ravines below. i Round many a rocky pyramid, ‘ lShooting abruptly from the dell ’ The rocky summits, split and rent, Formed turret, dome, or battlement, good frame hou ment house. Good bearin twenty-five acres ploughe fall wheat. l (1, four acres J. P. TELFORD, Vendor’s Solicitor. Durham , 3, health. J . SMITH DRYSDALE. 9 l l r . l â€"â€"_+._ Sweet Dreams gardensâ€"on Queen street. JOHN CLARK or ED. XVELSH. urham, June 21â€"tf. We are in the habit, and it is a pleasant faney, to wish each other 1) happy dreams. Some of the rarest l l illustrators on this continent are just now furnishing us with the sort of things we “see” after eating rarebits, cheese sandwiches. heavy suppers. and the like, and they are indeed a warning to the gourmand and the glutton who studs his help- less stomach at the eXpense of his House for Sale. A good solid brick tw alongsrde Presbyterian Upper Town, Durham, and Elgin streets. closets, cement floor airy location in go stable. Seven rooms. ed cellor, etc. 0d locality. head, and has the horrors before land- Snap for quick Purchaser. For morning. further particulars apply tomi“: W, JOHN W. MCKEOHNIE.lOwner, Aug. lst. 1906â€"-tf. Rocky SaugeeanT-C'. -â€"â€"""'"'_â€"â€"'â€"â€"â€"-=-__- Farms for Sale. 1N NEW ONTARIO. The very Opposite Of these are the delightful dreams of him who is starved. It’s almost worth while to have typhoid fever for four weeks so as to dream of good things to eat. The sweet but stern and unrelent- ing nurse positively forbids all food. A number of improved valuable You are not allowed a harvest apple farms in New Ontario, near New nor a sweet bean, nor a bunch Of Liske’ard for saleâ€"large discount for grapes. nor a handful of chestnuts. cash. Map of the locality and terms You are not allowed to suck the given on application to chicken bones nor eat. the inside of the pie. You are cut down to milk and seltzer. A little friend Of mine has been awfully suck with typhoid. but I a1- mosc envy him. he has had such swell dreams. When he told them it started by salivary glands work- ing overtime, and I had to swallow J. P. TELL'ORD, 7-18-06. Solicitor for Vendor. b“â€" Farm for Sale. Being Lots 10, 12,.13 and 14. Con. 2, Glen- elg, and 50 acres adjoining. 450 acres in all, . four good farms. On t every half mlnute. I knew then three good barns and an :ftrgrgzggldtybridl: how a tiger feels when he sees the farm house. containing seventeen rooms, keeper coming Witha basket of meat. Hard and 50ft Wafer in kitchen. and an , , abundance of oo ' ' .“ Say." said Barry, “ I was most g d “mum“ Spun“ water on the farms. Three good bearing orch- mighty hungry. I’d a-died. sure, ards, farms in good state of cultivation, 011’}? a pretty girl with goldy hair with excellent razinglands, well timbered. , convenient to c urch close to gravel road 23?: 2.... .. a... .... Good solid brick house of nine rooms. on Garafraxa St , upper town. Heated by furnace; electric lights. First class kitchen and furnace cellars. Good woodshed; hard and soft water. t acre ground with bear- orchard and good barn. Also some good pasture lots, well watered. For further particulars apply on premises to A. GORDON, Durham. Mar. 15â€"tf. office. Will be sold in one block or in ' i That was 9' dream, Harry.” giggiidgorpaéggi'sgetoTswldtmlggchggebhroll}:- .“ I guess it must a-been; but it :33 loannd in’sthe Waist andkhas defiided to £911 was all right, anyway. ’N en I °°~ 939 qu‘c 9““ 3891" 0“ dreamed that I at a suckin’ pig. me further particuhrizgfiy tar ' an' the little girl, and it was stuffed A 4 1906 --6 RT CWAMLEY’ with pieces. ’Nen we at purty nigh ug. ’ ' m' rawford P‘ O a milk, a pie with creasm-whip on it, W ’nen a chunk O’ ginger read as big as ~ an elephant’e ear. , Nflfmaflhy Fan“ for Sale ’Nen we had all the puddin’ we __ could eatâ€"great puddin’, full 0’ rais- 11036833,, $1383;ng 33(3ng CON' ins. ’N en we had mince pie, big in the Township of Norrglaiidyitiioflile’ wide pieces. ’Nen we et purty night County 0f Grey. For particulars, apply ‘0 a bushel or a pound O’ candyâ€"choco- J. p. TELFORD latesâ€"an’ popcorn candy, an’ tafly. Jan. 3. 1906.â€"tf Barrister Dtirham an’ bullseyes, and lozengere.” ' ' Harry heaved a deep sigh. and M went on sleepily, but gratefully : F01“ Sale 01‘ to Rent. ’Nen we had bread an’ milk ; ’n. ’n, . _____,__. ’nâ€"” His eyelids closed. " Didn’t you have any angel cake, Harry ”â€"I wanted to have the whole of that beautiful dreamâ€"~“ no frOgs’ legs. no pate do foi gras ?” " bread an’ milk,” he gurgled. “ No ortalons. no stewed mush- rooms. no wild duck-â€"Harry ?” He rolled his head from side to side on the pillow. “ Bread an’ milkâ€"oh, such loads- oâ€"bread’nâ€"milk.” " Didn’t you have any frOgs’ legs? §‘yv ,Hl‘rry! didn’t you have any mm W911 located. _ ram 638. no calf’s 1’ , ' e’ ‘ 'Alargesum f to! d t 1 west feet 2?” “or no pl“ , To Rent. finuéhsunsrdcbiffhcrfii). alNgUg' 3'“ HR?! was sound asleep, amil- . P. R. mush“ “I! fig‘figfi ,3. in: and dreaming of- auother big feed; 9005 large frame ‘1‘"ng on sale. Everything’ private. - and the demon of typhoid arose in George street. All monern conveni- . . disgust and left him. ‘ encea. . Apply to .. \Amn-Pmptâ€"Nevcr Want- The Khan. j 123. Mas/J. W. Caawmun. .‘I 3 “‘ mm ©~~ imported stockâ€"aged 14 mos. 4.year- Building lot on Bruce St. Rocky Saugeen. â€"qâ€"â€"-â€"â€" NTAINING 100 ACRES, BEING! Lot 14, Con. 4. N. D. R.. Glenelg. goo hardwood bush. Well watered, well fenced se. bank barn and imple” g orchard, about! Two brick houseâ€"with growing Apply to and mOSt entertaining artIStS and % 0 storey dwelling. Manse property in Corner of Durham pantry, Good Good frame hard and soft water, one acre of 'â€" . I promptly CXOCEY' ll‘l I ! - l PROPRIETOI:;~ l â€"~~-â€"â€"â€"~â€"~---~â€"- l Millwrights, l‘v’ sci-2mm jlron and Brass Flair-tier. land Steam Fittezw, , ‘ ,5 MANUFACTL'RTiim ”l HAIR G l . a Q A 11% o C " gll‘uttmg BOXES. H0352“::.-:~;.,.;f Ladies’ Swrtches. \\ igs 2 Wind Stack::::~. Transformal olStock raisers’ Fer-.3 3339...; :1. Lad 528, my, ,,.,.:, ;. I ._.. s - i {W with beauty. grace. and a } :; ..:..: I . of the benefit to health. S h E? D ~ ' as QQI‘S Gen 1 lemgm . y." it Q ‘ 55 M ’ . . famous patent T01w l’lzt.‘ art i \‘~ ii ‘ liN ST Ch 0R JADE I l'llDER , renowed for their urifigx an} i . .1, -) . bead. aid health and gin: 1: l Engines and Boner liepaiigg ,0 the face, I »“ l ‘ ’.‘ l RIGHT PRICES AND cw: were; #1.};- LT- .‘.‘.' l l l l Special attention to Gaso..;g_f{ line Engine repairs. . , , i x ,, ,2, 0' SMITH 53 SONS l d is so constructed the: through it continue-Nil Meals are roasted l. by the Old-lime spit ml the constant watcl worry. The Aerated Oven the Souvenir can be seen on no other range. Every Souvenir is absolutely guaranteed by the makers. THE GURNEY-TILDEN 0 Limited. \ ' ' ‘v l 9 l . 1 9 I it ~' .1 To consider about gettin ready for fall. “’9 have an excellent stock of . . .-..«.' ;..,;.;,:...;'=..;..c.=-.;i'-;;;, «5-:L"*5.a.--:.~‘ «2:;- ~ ' ”t... l; - «is: - ;..,.a.~‘r;sr§ - '* mtmfihrzwwww.criwieae‘he ' “l;- STOVES PIPES, ETC. ’ H ‘ ”'3 Hamilton. Winnipeg. Montr -' 4r ' To selpct from. ~ 1 and Vancouver. , . . -’ 1“ .‘l ' '0 ".. gm .. r .‘.. 02" ALL KINDS OF HARDWARE] AT LOWEST PRICES . KATE COCHRAN a ‘. . I R Our Gramteware is the -;..1‘ best and at. lowesr prices. muse. IN ARREARS FOR T 7'»: HR. f. '1' BY Virtue of a VVARRA NT issu ' ticated by the seal Of the said Count Thousand Nine Hundred and Six * A. ,1; arrears of taxes due for Tlllllil-l \‘l‘; tioned and described being in the Co CALL AND SEE “ . . . â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" THESE are therefore to give .\ lawful costs and caarges be smmer p F E SIEGNER Thursday; ““3 1‘1 rs " I at the hour of TWO ()‘(JLLHTK in th OWEV SOUVI) in the said l night‘s cf ¢ 4 - e .< â€" ‘ .. _ v DURHAM- asmucll thereat 11> may in ~ ' ' .l chargEs‘ incurred. % Lot. NW Pt? ...................... Part known as Hunter e‘xf,‘,‘. I7. ooooooooooooooooo ............ First publi~lied in 0mm; 8 nioi T331 â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"..._..nâ€"-v _ ..â€"â€"_ . . r: . .:‘-.-. crater. KifWFX“ .i'. sum Wifit PBNCI C LIMITED. AGENT: Farmers’ M’f’g Supply 00' I H. H. Miller THE HANOVER CONVEYANCEB a "i : HASBEEN i 2 BUSY To change his advertis Offers some NEW BARG IOOACRES Bentinck. near Crawford, brick . veneered dwelling. very large bar? frame stables and pig stables. good 8011 , good orchard. good bush. Price shouId " be $4000 but will sell for less than~,$3000:if ' sold at once. 250 ACRES n .‘I 1’ ' ( . g. ements but now AINS: . . ear Durham. a good3 farm. splendidly improved. was askmgfififilfl. -. wrll now take great deal less. 100 ACRES in Glenelg. near Durham. 3 fine well im raved farm, will sell var? cheap or tr e. . i ACRE LOT near Durham Furniture Factory. Will sell Cheap 01' trade. A PROFITABLE Blacksmith shop stand. an. MILLER . 1, ‘ ’5‘

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