West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 4 Oct 1906, p. 3

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â€".â€"...- N- . .v uuuuuu ' getting “'9 have «3 ‘>\ ‘5 L..- . r O I i; . 9‘ . -‘. - "K , .71 .’-' I ‘\ l, \. ~n out. .n . - .. It . .. ALL ‘ - PRICES the ._ west prices. ‘~.vare ls d a“ _ . 3NG£-~ .- STAY FENCE. 5 . a ‘1“.cf :21». HINGE-STAY Fonoelsbnflt é. Irv-'7‘ wrrn in heart? fivaclm and tho Aware 5.. III .21 CAI-:8“. rd steel. Rm Allk‘fll. ‘fl. U Want! 1. | E_- - -‘ 8R3 FENCE CO. LIMITID.l . v- - - ' Illustrated Catalogue tooâ€"n" .\(1l£.\"l‘ : . lel‘s‘ .‘il'f'g‘ Supply CO- . _,..~,., ‘ . fl V_-__§____._.__'_‘â€"d H. H. Miller HANOVER CON YEYANCEB HAS BEE-ZN 2 BL’SY « change Ezis azi‘.'a-:"isel:leuts but now . some NE'W BARGAINS: Cl-IES lientilck. near Crawford, brick .eered -l"~'9lll2l§, very large M u e stables and pig stables, goodssh da:r:'?.;.:"i, LIMM'I bllsl'l. Price 8110 . 1 'OCC but 2x ;l. sell nor less thamW 0 at ~ l'h‘jt‘, 'z CRES near Durham. 3 good' fatal.- endidly improved. was askrngfizm 1 now take great deal less. CRES in Glenelg. near Durban. ‘ -. well improved farm, will sell 7017 . ..; p or trade. RE LOT near Durham Furniture, ~ tory. Will sell cheap or trade. OPITABLE Blacksmith shop stand. l located. rge sum of money to land at W' INS' ' 51 . DEBTS COLLECTED. gas placed. Difficulties arra . and Ocean Steamship T' at! ' Everything private. '2 Always Promptâ€"Neverw f n. H. MILL . ; ..,.I .. all" ‘ " . .j'" '9“ 1.1.1"? "5 _‘ 'v a with beauty, grace. and a younger appearance to say nothing of the benefit to health. famous patent TOUPEES and WIGS (over 75.000 in use) world renewed for their utility and durability. head. aid health and give a young and pleasrng appearance to the face. 0 Corner Concerns. COMING Protlloronweud of Toronto will be at the Middaugh House, Durham Wednesday, October [0 W'ITH HAIR GOODS Ladies’ Switches, Wigs, Pompadour Bangs, Transformations, Etc. Ladies! call and see how quickly he can provide you â€" Mr. Findlay McKay, of Regina, who was in attendance at the Odd‘ fellows’ meeting in Toronto, came up to visit old friends in this part last week as he was bred and born here. A c l l I : He cave us a friendly call. . Mr. Clark has threshed out almost E every barn for a distance of four l miles and naturally thinks that ought l to be sumcient guarantee that his l machine is doing good clean work in l spite of some stories that were spread lat the commencement of the season to the contrarv. Mr. and Mrs. John Grasby. of Glenelg Centre, passed through here enroute for Belgrave to visit friends and attend the auction sale of Mr. Thomas Bridges, whose barn was 8 recently destroyed by fire which was started in some mysterious way. It 1 ignited in the straw mow while the l thresher was at work with the straw ,. «blowing attachment on, with the " wind blowing the engine smoke in the opposite direction. Inspector Campbell has given no- tice to the trustees of our school that he will meet them this Monday to The UUHENWENU EU. of Toronto limited ; improvements of the SchOOl Act, We [have required his services quite 103 AND 105 YONGE ST. Ifrequently since we commenced Consultation Free. Gentlemen who are Bald should see his They protect the -_ _.._... .mâ€".â€".â€"-- 3 building and improving and have al- Come Early. 3 ways found him very courteous and ‘ . lobliging as well as skilful. It is a -- -, . - -* .. - .. ' '_ , pleasure to have such officers in com- new " " ' ‘ '“"‘ "“"‘"""""“"’ 1‘ mand. fa R c" E f ., I Our beef ring closes up this week :3 cast es 0 W .l. T... MW migh, - ~ . l .5, Old E n glafl d well be less than ot.ler years but the '5, quantlty was good. (‘ . . ‘ secured lts fame through being ..- Mr. J06 LBDDOX W83 00 the new roasted 0.1 an Old-lashioned Spit 3‘ R. R. almost since its commencement ‘2‘ with his team, a pair of old gold dust 78 an open fireplace, the L lhorscs, and they stood the work so 1'. meat being constantlv sur- 5!, well that be readily disposed of them last week at a good price to John A X "6' . . . rounded ,by pure O\)°Cn Vollett to continue at the same job. While 0005”“; s It is a true saying that blood will Tl’llS supply of oxygen tell. is essential to give the l Even the old hard shell Grits of cooked meat it‘. natural this part now admit that the new . . law prohibiting whiskey borrles be-| rich. jucy flavor. The oven distl.lery 15 a good thing, as one that had contained machine 011 gave some t, threshing hands a nasty dose. “ It’s d d hard to take”one was heard 3 to remark. It is sometimes said that an un~ pleasant beginning of any project causes a very pleasant winding up. We have just heard of two of our young men who went West on the harvest excursion. getting their lunch baskets checked at Durham and stow- ed away in the baggage car and kept their old overalls under their seat where they could have resource to them at lunch time, and as a conse- quence was chewing the rag moat of the way there. They are since num- bered amongst the lucky and con~ tented ones. Two unique features of speed and endurance was performed last week right in our very midst which is causing the sporting fraternity to think seriously of the wonderful per- formances of mortal man in cases of emergency. The shaker rod on the grain spout of the thresher broke and Dan Campbell attached himself to it with a strap and agreed to run it while J. McLaughlan went to the shop and got it fixed. Jim started lly virtue of a WARRANT issued by the Warden of the County of Grey and autheu- for Varney the “:55 the fcrow dflllis tic-trad by the seal ot‘the said County, bearing date the Eleventh day of July. One 0013’ ‘3? {88‘5"} an ~ per orme t 9 1.. mind Nine Hundred and Six (A. I). 1906) and to me directed for the collection of the duties of that iron rod to the tune 0f rltrears of taxes due for THREE YEARS and OVER upon the lands hereinafter men-i a steam engine till his return. but of .. nu.) . 1 . . - y - ‘ . ”‘ "7,? flfligemnzed bfem" m lb? 2.083%; tire)“ I h ’d th 'th 11’ course it wasn’t long as he made the . g. l are t ere ore to give . b t at an ass t e sal taxes toge er W: a round trip in less than two and a half _ .1 costs and coarges be sooner paid. I shall on b It might be remarked that ‘ , ours. Tnursday, the First of Day November, 1906, were was three steamers a; that ma. v hour of TWO ()‘Cl.OCl{ in the afternoon at the COURT HOUSE in the Town of . - =)\\' 'r‘..\' M_)L’.\'l) ill the said (Jiluuty. proceed to sell by public auction the said lands or chine on his return. .-.~ mm. zllereuf as may be sumclellt to discharge such arrears of taxes and costs and Now that most of the money for the new church has been subscribed. u...:~g-.~ incurred. ‘ It a meeting is to be held in the school Acres Patented. . . TOWNSHIP OF BENTINCK. Friday night to further conSlder or" ems- .‘7‘ running ‘ ” ' *’“ ' V \A l rnrcugh it continually when the Range is in operation. Meats are roasted therein on exactly the same principle as- by the old-time spit without . the constant watching and “M|‘ worry. \3, The Aerated Oven of ms; figs-ts}. - is so constructed that a flow of pure, heated oxygen passes l the Souvenir can be secured on no other range. Every Souvenir is absolutely guaranteed by the makers. THE GURNEY-TILLBEN (£30.. imitc ‘ k Hamilton. Winnipeg. Montreal and Vancouver. .0 ‘7 J 4°. A KATE COCHRANE, Agent, DURHAM, ONT. .â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"-w a’mow TREAsURER’s SALE of LANDS IN ARREARS FOR TAXES IN THE COUNTY OF GREY 6 Cost and Taxes. Charges. Con. Total ion ;- .rr 10 ....... ...... 1'5 20 L'npat‘d 19 14 3 05 ‘22 ml the matter and possibly appoint com TOWNSHIP OF GLENRLG mittees. . SOUTH DURHAM ROAD . We attended the Farmers’ Assocr- \,‘. l"t 7.. ..................... _... l 2 P'at‘d ‘ 9 :9 2 75 1:2 :3 i ation meeting at, Varney on Friday “a": known as Hunter estatevlh o -. ‘ )8 anatd 10 A 2 83 1‘5 o. l night. President Donald McIlvride \ ILLM’E OF I R1011“ [LLB 3 was in the chair. The first thing on llanvnr STREET Bonrll i , f \I :7 ............................. .1. Pat’d 5 so 2 75 s 44. the Program “as a "390” mm s 1'- !Jas. Watson, delegate to the Grand lLodge, which proved very satlsfac- tory to the brethren. Mr. Miller, M. P.. was then announced and he called 5. J. PARKER, Treasurer County Grey. :- lr-st publi~iled lrl Owen Sound TIMES, July 20th. 1906. â€"â€" .-._ mush...“ the attention of the audience to the ..-. . ..~ new... . . .________________.._..____ great mistake we made laso March ‘. i ' C " ‘ j ‘ when we stated that it was unkind 3 o ' of the Association to ask our repre- t B elf works Shall e senzative to :ondescend to speak in a ‘ ‘ country school house considering the . , ” f9 . " great wealth he had amassed since a know Z‘fiem going to Parliament. He said his On the merit of their performances alone are request that the meeting be held in the Durham Hall in place of the we willing to have them judged. Simplicity of “filth a skill in manu- school house was that the former place would better accommodate the multitude that would wish to hear him speak then any feeling against him entering a school house. It was readily seen that we had each made a great mistake and done the little school a great injustice. A glance over the audience of thirty~four on that balmy moon light night showed that the schoolroom was quite equal to the occasion, while a hand shake and a minute’s confab proved Mr. Miller to be the same genial fellow in a country school, with all his suppos ed wealth, that he was while a poor man on the hustings. But we have felt a bit humbled over making such a mistake and as similar sorrows make men kin we were naturally more attached to each other than ever. and we never before enjoyed , one of his speeches so much, and he ' ‘ certainly has great talent for speech making. especiallv handling vexed questions and more than the peeple of his own riding are beginning to recognize it. He received a letter from Sir Wilfrid Laurier after the construction, combir. consequently comfortable watches to carry. . Their efficiency is assured by a guarantee which enables the owner to have any constructional defect remedied froe of charge by dlenearestagcntinanypart of the world. They are not made in grades which Percy G.A.e cannotbcfullyguarantced. ,_ r .o hater, Jeweller DURHAM CHRONICLE ing re-filled any place except at the‘ repeat it to us by heart. It express- ed great appreciation of his ability to help put measures through the House that Otherwise might not go. His Speech on Friday night was a master- piece and it would be hard to say on which point he most excelled or should have had the greatest amount of applause. but cne little incident we might give to show your readers how artfully it was designed. In speaking of the amount of expenses an M. P. is subjected to. for of course the taking of the $1,000 extra ses- sional allowance was the principal tapic of the evening, election ex- penses were alluded to in a casual way. He didn’t say whether an election cost four hundred or twelve hundred but simply remarked that the mere item of postage alone cost him within a few cents of a hundred dollars. This, to an audience of farmers who buy a quarter dollars worth of postage stamps once a year and think postage a more nothing in the general expense of a business. it fairly made us Stars and it was only next day when we learned that poet- age is the one big item in an election campaign and constitutes one-fourth of the total eXpense that we began to enjoy the joke and consider the real worth of his address. Yet they had a telling efiect on the audience and caused the chairman at the close of the oration to rise and say “almost persuaded” although big Mcewen the provincial president on his last visit warned us well not to be bamboozled by any oily-tongued gent into calling it any other than a huge Steal of public money as such it was. Jimmy Watson rose in his place in the and- ience and looked just like the ungen- erated or even unconvicted and said plump blank he was going to stay by a motion previously made by the Association condemning the action of the Government in taking the money but more especially in the way it was taken. He gave good sound arguments for his acrions and receiv- ed the applause of the evening. Mr. Moore read a short paper on giving of bounties to smelting works, The singing of the National Anthem clos- ed the meeting. IEreSs... The Undertaker Has a complete Stock of CURTAIN Poms. WINDOW SHADEs, PICTURES, PICTURE FRAMES, Fnamns T0 URDER,ETC,,ETC. . . . . . A PRACTICAL UPHOLSTERER will be present the first week in each month when refitting of upholstered goods will be proper- ly and promptly atttend to. . . UNDERTAKING EMBALM- ING a specialty. and night calls or day calls may be made at our residence and showrooms, next door south of the Post Office. ED. KRESS, Undertaker. DURHAM SCHOOL. STAFF AND EQUIPMENT. The school is thorouhly equipped in teachinl ability, in chemical and electrical supplies and fittings, etc., for full Junior Leaving and Matric nlation work. The following competent staff are in charge : THOS. ALLAN, 1st Class Certificate, Prin. MISS L. M. FORFAR. Classics, Modems ans English. MISS FLOSSIE MCKE RRAC HER, First Class Certificate and third year undergraduate oi Queesn’s University, Science, History and Geo graphy. Intending students should enter at the begin- ning of the term if possible. Board can be ob- talnedat reasonable rates. Durham is a health and active town, making it a most desirab 6 place of residence. Fees, $1.00 per month. WM. JOHNSTON, C. RAMAGE, Chairman. Secretar} +. Hutton Hill, - 1 Implements A FULL LINE OF THE Hurry up, girls, Miss A. Petty will soon be qualified to make your wed- ding dresses, as she is being instruct- ed by Mrs. Warner, Durham. Deering Harvester Co.’s Farm Implements Machinery. MANURE SPREADERS HAY LOADERS BIB JERS MO WERS RAKES We are glad to learn that Miss C. H. Hutton is recovering from an at- tack of pleurisy and bronchitis. Miss Wilson, Edge Hill, was the guest of Miss B. Donnelly last week. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Lawrence, "Oh! yes, their little man, too,” from Glenelg, visited Mr. Chas. Lawrence SEED DRILLS laSt Sunday. DISC HARRO WS It seems queer, Will, how you like WAGGONS to climb our hill. You should get 'GASOLINE ENGINES. the C. P. R. Co. to cut the west side down. ALSO A COMPLETE srocx or Democrats and Buggies (Rubber and Steel Tires.) McClary Stoves and Ranges. Raymond Sewing Machines. Bell Pianos and Organs. Berlin Pianos. We are glad to be able to report that Mr. George God has recovered and can hear better than he could for a number of years. Mr. Robert Stinson has returned after visiting friends in St. Thomas. We missed you, Bob, didn’t we? Rev. Mr. and Mrs. Bice and family called on some of his church people last week. We wondered why a certain lady looked so pleasant and sweet, but now it’s plainâ€"Charlie is home. Mr. Chas. Petty is having a grand edifice erected, but when it is com- pleted the nicest part of it will be his five charming daughters. Miss Mighton, Crawford, is visiting her cousin, Mrs. Thomas Mighton We are glad to be able to chronicle that Mrs. Wm. Ritchie is almost well after an attack of typhoid fever. Sorry Mrs. Samuel Langril’s baby H on the 810k 118'“ I TOMERS and the public in general thatI Mrs. Thos. Edge Hutton is recov- ‘mpmmmdtommiah ering from inflammation of one of her NEW PUMPS AND REPAIRS, eyes and erysipelas of her face. AGENT for DOYLE JULIAN Monuments and Tombstones OWEN SOUND. John Clark Implement Agent and Auctioneer. GARAFRAXA STREET, DURHAM Pumps. _____, WELL DRILLING, RE-CUBBING AND Pansscunsnve done with Cement concrete. nunâ€"+â€" , near McGowan’s Mill will be romptly al A copper and a quarter, which hap- tendedto. p pened together in a man’s pocket, ALLWORK GUARANTEED at “Liveand had a quarrel. The quarter said: let live” PRICES. " You red-faced Indian, you ugly copper, you heathen.” The c0pper GEORGE WHITMORE. replied : That’s all right. but I am better than you are. for I go to Sun- day schoul and church far oftener than you do ” Iiienty Minutes Time Enough? For Flours to Cure the Worst Headache From Any . Causeâ€"New Reduction Method. That always ksatisfies the Coo . Most headaches and pains yield instantly to the new Reduction Methodâ€"Dr. Shoop’s Twenty Minute Headache Cure. The cause for these. paths is congestionâ€"a rushing or blood to the nerve centersâ€"which diswnds the veins to nearly the bursting point. Swollen and enlartedo, Manitoba Flours always give satis- t‘uese veins and capillaries exert an irrlta fa t. n pressure on themyriads of nerve branches ‘3 1° ' fibres. 'Then.there’sa "\ pain. and finally tha excrucmtinz, cease- ’ \ less ache. This new We carry also other well ' '- ‘ disperses the blOOd. Reduction Method 1‘ . overflow. and d1- dlstri‘outes the /, ' rectsittothe pro- X», trees the nerve ./¢"FO pressure and x137.- .- known brands of Flour. listowel lionel Bread Floor AND MoGowan’s Eclipse . . . 7.2a per channels. It I‘ -\ centers from all ' irritation-tho aches disap- 51“ pains and rbecause /.I H i ,4. . their cause as been re'ég-k , ea _ moved. You L‘uytryathou-\ -.‘ . sand reme- dies-you may \‘~'a.C es (11118 and SW' pity the nerves \ 4 g. .1 into submission -but the remedy \ proth relief and h; 9 permanent cum, will be 511W“ -; 7 mmuseit reduces We can give you what you want Ch ages â€"13 .1. body , . . . Reedntioiiiogdethod. Medicine has thud and you Will find our prices right. Mu. Alex. Bogus Sons -to thoroughly overcome these attacks at acheanch The effector Dr.Shoop'I Twenty Minute eadache Ours is mpgâ€"pa. rectusnioed to all toms of Headache and abso- lutely positive in every temperament. m a“ .8! m d o o . laso session, which has worn itself. a O . bl - "m in. mm” ““1 h" w“ ‘ ° ‘° MAO FABLANE co poem on. ' ' “J- 0» “Tier-'22:- . a m: -- dw,‘mÂ¥.3ifl~*’ var . ’ I . \v'â€" I "I I .l ‘* '7‘ ~5.‘1;‘-‘ W” C . w ill" ’Al‘u.m.3mwl~gw'i‘";m hdhawgnuf‘twflokm (£3- g'pi'.» 1.53- '-..,"‘.J .‘ ‘i-..’ 2“!" Pmr’f“? Lit-4:. iwlz'hv - 9 :50»; f. “a L 9' 4"? -“"' .... rigw’“... J J 4 2‘4?" .. rt. fl g \ W ma, 073%} “TH.”- WAQ‘M- iyflzn BEG LEAVE TO INFORM MY CUS- Q‘ ALL ORDERS taken at the old stand The PM It’s Grocery ' ' AND PROVISION STORE 0 R0 CE R [ES Five Roses and Reindeer HIGHEST a: :3: -: U"! 5?. = CID in at- .00. ‘Ve have some bargains Worsted Trousers, neat terns, worth $4.00 for We have also some Heavy Tweed Trousers for only $2.00. These are also snaps. Call in. We may have a pair amongst them to suit. Remember it’s the savings that count.’ Black and Blue Overalls with bib, Cotton and Moleskin Trou- sers and a fine line of Men’s Heavy Shirts at right. prices. C. L. GRANT DURHAM. delusionsnesususususlaslaanoususlashomologies/astonishing» WWWWWWFWWWWWW Undertaking. \Ve have openedl up Under- taking in Thomas Swallow’s building, opposite Middaugh House. and are prepared to do business for any person re- quiring Undertaking. Satisfaction Guaranteed in Embalming. . . . . Our stock of Funeral Supplies have arrived. also a full line of Catholic Robes. BARCLAY BELL Wlllll WANTED Carding and Spinning TO ORDER AS USUAL. We still carry on business as formerly and hope to be favored with the continued patronage of our old cus- tomers and as many new ones as may feel disposed to give us a trial. S. SCOTT DURHAM. ONTARIO. Flour and Feed Ogilvie’s Royal Household GRADES 0F Keewatin Five MANITOBA Buses FLOUR $5.25 per barrel. THE TWO Farm and Garden Seeds. 9 Government Standard Timothy and Clover. IATIHEWS LAIIMEB TEEOBALD'S OLD STAND. (

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