West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 4 Oct 1906, p. 4

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rad-videos.» vi ' . , ,, H..,,...x,4..asus..ejfie«v g r '3 "-f ($9.11.. i 7?. M; W'fihm L'J. .»0- l ‘«_ g.r~..m‘o:r_a_-.zf._3i lea-fndfr1$'}'.~ - . ' ‘ q“,- ~ - 5 r . A a . â€" .. {rygigya ”5...; .5 .. 91:4 : ‘. 4 -, I > . ~ . . ' "' . C - "4 J, ‘ , . . ’ . ~ .2 mg; QM... ”"-."‘..’-’N' r-. -. ‘. (1* :2 .:'. :1-1 -‘ . . ' ‘- ~z . ,,. ..~,-_., .. 4. .- . ... . - - - .0 ‘ ". "433.. _. ..g- a, ._ ;. _ "‘7. 1, «ms .- " (it, .J‘}.‘$"r’!f ~17 2‘ i if: .‘. ’ ‘- _ .4 .9" a ; ~13 22‘" i‘ a . _ ‘ __£«',3H- _ Tn". 0 ‘7. MA, I l. (‘5'- ‘~| 1 ‘ . f ./ whooping cough , and some thought ‘1' 1- ..,.- ‘I u D - h J‘ .. ~ 9‘9’ ' -' x . ./ ' _ . . ' x . D. _ ‘ ‘ ‘ ' . I .V I b ' . $4 . -' . . . .:.- “t 1’ ‘i-i"... -1 ‘.'. ‘- 1 '2' '. { .‘. , . ' ‘ _ . . .. ,. r * .‘I ‘ . .. 1‘ . _ . .. r. ' ‘ ' . . . . ' -' '. (a, . ._, . DURHAM CHRON lLTUC o..â€" _â€"._..â€"â€"..-â€"â€"r ,. Flesherton. l g __ l Mr. George Blackburn. east backf mm Trade gm line, attended tne Collingwood Fair; Some peanuts that are bought ready f: last week and was accompanied home ; roasted are of a light yellow color. l by his Sismr’ Miqs May, Who had Others however are pronounced bru-l spent a couple of weeks with her nettes.’ There is a reason for this, uncle. The great American peanut will re- ; Miss Zilla Trimble returned last main crisp only a day or two afterf week from an extended visit in De- roasting and in damp weather only a ._ troit. few hours. It absorbs moisture rap- ' Mr. and Mrs. C. McClocklin, of idly, so that two days after roasting Glenelg. visited at Mr. M. Wilson’s the finest nuts lose their crispness and on Sunday. are to all intents and purposes as Mr.J.Carr,solicitor,recently from though they had never been cooked. '; The Italian and Greek peanut men The Easr Grey Fall Fair held here on Thursday and Friday last was flavored with ideal weather and scor- ,ed a grand success. At 1.30 o’clock ion Friday Mr. R. Gamey, M. P. P.. ' iwho had been escorted from the de- Spot by our Citizen’s Band, formally lopened the Fair with a neat speech 5 which was well received. There was “la big crowd on the grounds during lthe afternoon and the exhibit in al- lmcst every department was large and Scotland, is assisting Mr. R, J. . c . very fine. This was aperially so in Sproule in effice work. freshen (1111) their; stocks by tioantliglcg. _ , - . . ° . n . 0. Wh n e the ladies’ u ork and fine arts in Mrs. Firth, of 3115310. formerly of 383111 a reroas in: e D ess has been repeated three or four times, though, the peanut begins to ' take on a tawny hue, which is consid ered objectionable by those who have stands in the better parts of town. These much roasted goobers are there fore sold at a discount to Greeks and Italians who have stands near railroad stations and the cheaper resorts, who can roast, reroast and re-reroast them indefinitely until they are finally sold. , lwhich the exacting work of judging was done by Misses Todd, breas‘or among her old friends here. and Ross. of Owen Sound. Mrs. the ,Donald, of Chatsworth, Mrs. Grier, isgfsit'lzepi‘ if sehfiloseigallforr‘uia. and Mrs. Knott, of b “ g e mo er, - 1'9. tom 1 Of Dundalk, ‘ In the ring there were Osborn, here. ' iThornbury. . I In Mrs. W. Bowes, of Thornhill. is fmany very fine animals shown. . . . ° ' . lthe Speeding contests the purse win- View”)?! her aunt. Mrs. Hemphili, D‘- . and Other relatives in this vicinity. hers were as follows: Open trot, some of this season’s finest copy "Vickie Clock” owned by J. P. Vick. Mrs. J, W, Henderson, who Spent . - - .. Walter G.” owned by Gray the past two months with relatives I h Patterns Will be sold at .193, . 4' Eng 13 ' Bros., 2nd; “Wm. Rekie,” owned here returned to Toronto on Mondayq , by C. J- Miller, 3rd. TY“ 01' paceâ€" Mr. and Mrs. A. S. VanDusen, were 8 ? Gray Bros. lsttJohn Reid, 2nd, C. J. in Owen Sound on Monday and Tues- ;Miller, 3rd. Bamed raceâ€"Ed. Ben- day. : :ham 15“ W' Trimble 2nd. W' Ben- Mr. Robert Caldwell. of Caledon, ltham 3rd. Best lady driverâ€"Miss . . . . . . [viSited his brother, Rev. Dr. Cald- lReLa Pedlar. The only mishap o‘lwcll last week. gthe day was a bolt made by one of . . . , the horses which struck and upset a M133 Lindsay and M193 Mabel when he might assign to the case. rbuggy occupied by Mrs. (Dr.) Oliver, Joyce, of Owen Sound. have been “'. 1 take it, judge,” the late comer :of Markdale. Mrs. Oliver fortunate- “Slang here for a few days, the said» wishing to P358 away the time. l1). escaped with slight injury but the former the guesr of Mrs. W. A. Arm-- “By the way. what is the man Ebuggy was considerably damaged. 59'0”“, and the latter the” 0f MTS- charged With?" the attorney presently 3Markda1d Citizens Band furniahed W~J-Behd-mv- The young ladies asked. imusic during the afternoon. Dr. were delegates. to the EPWONh “He’s a camera fiend of the worm: ISproule, M. P.. Mr. I. B. Lucas, M. League Convention at Holland Cen sort, Mr. Brown,” the judge said, with E P. P” and editors Irwin, Ramage, tre last week and gave an interesting a slight smile, “I expect to send him report of the same at the League to the workhouse for about three I l Rutledge and ThurSton were among! . . I meeting here on Monory evening. months.” ‘ this place. Spent a day lasr were Every roll in the store including --.... -.. A Camera. Fiend. - A .well known criminal lawyer one day sauntered into a police court just as a case was called. It appeared that l the defendant had no attorney, and the ‘ I ONE THIRD OFF Our Regular Prices. This is without a question the judge glanced about the room to see best chance you will have to buy good papers for so little money as prices are almost certain to be higher next year. REMNANTS At Any Price i the visitors present. In the evening .. . . 'a good sized audience assembled in Mrs. R. McIntyre, of Brampton. is “What?” the lawyer shouted indig- ' nantly. “Your honor must be joking. the town hall to again hear Mr. R. visiting her mother. MIS- Henry R. Gamey, .. The man from Manit- Richardson. Dr. McIntyre, of TO- Send a man to the rock pile for three goulin.” speak on the resources of ronto, was avisitor at Mrs. Richardâ€" months for a little harmless amuse- ; New Ontario. Mr. M. K. Richard- Son’s last week. ment like taking pictures?” lson presided and just introduced our Miss May Fisher visited relatives “Well,” the ledge said mildly, “he pOpular representative in the House at Collingwood last week. doesn’t take pictures much-it’s the cameras he takes.” 'Of Commons. D"- T- S. Sproule who We are indebted to R. N. Hender- ,was greeted With hearty applause. son for a cepy of the monSter issue Rare Bargains iAfter eXpressmg his pleasure at be- 3‘ the Winnipeg Telegram, 0f the Fieschi tried to assassinate King Abth ult. I‘he specxal edition con. LOUIS Philippe Of France in July, 1835. ; irg present and congratulating the fOl' the Prompt l directors 0f East Grey Fe" upon the tains 68 pages and contains over 1:30 ,The king was riding along the lines of fine lllus‘ramons° the national guard in the Boulevard do! success of their exhibition, he gave a short interesting address on the O C' . , idevelOpment of the best within us. or itizen 3 Band plays at Mark. Temple. There came a crash and a - dale Fair this week. rush of bullets. Louis Philippe’s arm I ___..__ ‘ was grazed, his horse was shot in the er. Gamey, upon being introduced ; by the chairman received an ovation neck Marshal Mort’er fell dead and . ’ 1 IMP 0F INDIGESTION- . about thirteen other people were killed and after a few complimentarv re- : mark“ enteredu on h's sub'ect wh' h a p x J m and thirty wounded. Fieschi had taken the upper floors of a house several i for an hour be dealt with in a very , interesting and instructive manner. How to Get The Better Of Thls Cause . weeks before and there rigged up an oaken frame four feet by three feet six The address contained much inforâ€" 0f Misery. inches, supported on four posts of oak .mation respecting the extent and â€": and itself supporting twenty-five gun Remnants and broken lines will be sold without regard to cost, of many patterns we have enough eft to paper one or two rooms. A Wonderful Escape. :great mineral and forest wealth of A scientific writer upon stomach four New Ontario which was shown troubles says: “If you have ever , to contain some of the most valuable sufiered from indigestion,â€"and who { assets of the province. Mr. Gamey. has not?-â€"-your imagination has prob~ ; who is a fluent and pleasing speaker, ably pictured a ferocious little imp ; was tendered a hearty vote of thanks dancing in the pit of the stomach. lfor his excellent address. Mr. D. causing that organ to neglect all of iMcTavish gave several gramaphone its duties, with a result that is nOt â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"‘selections and our Citizens’ Band only painful, but fills you with i irendered several numbers at the hall misery from day to day.” This JURHAM CHRONICLE‘before the meeting opened. The writer certainly had sufiered with gate receipts of the fair were $336.60 indigestion. for there is no more dis -â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" and at the town hall $31.15. Total, agreeable, nerve raking and sick-all --~ $361. (0 an increase of $2.00 over the over disease than indigestion. l receipts of last year. Mathilde (i 00. . area of Draggists and Booksellers angles so as to command an twenty-five feet in length and ten feet in height. When he fired the train of powder that let off his battery the king would have been killed if four barrels had not burst and two missed fire. Ancient Locks. Locks were used in the time of the pharaohs. At Kamak the visitor is shown the sculptured representation of a lock which is almost exactly like one kind of lock used in Egypt at the pres- ent day. Homer says that Penelope used a brass key to open her wardrobe. W. IRWIN. Editor and Proprietor. A great many people who have 7 The fall millinery openings at been treated for years for diseases of DLRHAI‘L OCT- 4th: 1906 Boyd Bros. and F. G. Karstadt’s the heart, liver or kidneys, when were interesting events here last they used Mi-o-na stomach tablets He adds that it was very crooked and week and at both places success was found that not only did Mi-o-na cure had an ivory handle. A Greek writer reported. The show rooms were fill- the stomach disorder, but it made. who lived in the last half of the twelfth led with the newest and prettiest them well all over and the other: century explains that such keys were A very pretty wedding was celebrat-' goods, many new and taking designs troubles were also cured. ' undoubtedly very ancient, although ed in Mt. Forest, at St.)lary’s church, in headwear being on exhibition. . 5 still to be seen in Constantinople and bythe Rev, Dean 000nm“, 0,, Mon- The decorations were very artistic If 37°“ suffer w‘th "e"°°sn“‘ss‘- elsewhere. Roman looks, like the Egyp- day. Sept. 24th when Miss Mary C m°°h being added by the “emu“ §1°f§1328i223..i§‘d’gig-'3‘”; tlsileb oi: " fian’ required a partial Sliding °f the ’ ° dis la' of flowerin lants alm e o e, p 1 8 1 e ac d key. They were, however, more intri- Donovan. of Farewell, became the p 3 g p ’ p 3’ bride of Mr. A. J. O’Neill. Kenilworth. l autumn leaves, etc. or Sides get a oOc box of Mi-o-na and; cute. take one of the little tablets before the bride. who was given away by her Mr. Albert Stinson, of Toronto each meal. It will do you a world of_ Darwin and Books. brother Edward, looked charming in line, has sold 100 acres of his beauti- good and you will soon be well and of Darwin it is affirmed that he a dress of bright grev crepe de chinel ful farm to Mr. Fricher, of Hamilton, free from indigestion. and. its symp-f seemed unaware of the diflerence in trimmed with a voke (3f whiteoveidlacel cousin pf Mr: J. A: Heard. of this toms. the value of books and would treat a and chiffon fi-illin . bind are'silk frin e place“ mm pr'cteâ€"pmd'wedleam’ W93 F“ ”1" by 3” d°“]°”s‘ The R' T7 zaehnSdm binding With the same (1 . 'h' 51‘ db; 3 . .g lS‘LOOU. . Mr. Stinson etill owns :30 Booth (30., Bufialo, N. Y. ;scant courtesy that be exercised to- an Wore a“ ite p us at and Cru'l'led‘ acres adJOining the 13nd 301d. l a. bouguet of white roses and maiden , â€"â€"+â€" ‘ ward a penny pamphlet. Covers ap- h' - f Tl . l .1 ._ y 1 } , Over $100 were added to the builo- l peared to him a useless weight and de' ‘ur em' I“ m‘ e was ““15”“ ’3 iing fund of the new hotel by meals Teacher Wanted. _ l times the book was borrowed. It is 3 cidedly in the way, and he often got Miss Adelline O'Neill, sister of tlwiserved on Fair day. groom, an wore. asuit 0 grev satin \Irs Ha - . '- ( -. ° - . . .' . . . ... l ‘ . stle moved on Maud to For 5. S. 30. J, BelltlflCl-h ldd ()ll . . . cloth trimmed With white satin andi \lr Sproule’s residence ivacatedyb entlem'in salar .3400 or over 3A . Bald that in the end his friends used braid“.,,h m, ,,,,.,,h 1 , , . d ,b - .. Y 8 . .. Y ° - P g to give him any book which he wished 1x ‘ - f ‘. kL Id’ (’ .a'll( c‘x'lrfe 8': MI‘S. Rataley. ply personally ()I' T)3’ letter, beforei to borrOW, for they knew that, if it Miguel U pin and White carnations. l Sunday being Children’s Day in Wednesday, Oct. 3ISt. Duties to he were ever returned, its usefulness as a a ' . o. . . I v Mi. l‘hos..Donovan. Of Guelph, brothel 3 the Presbyterian church, Rev. Mr. gin Jan. lst. 1906. book would be at an end. of the bride, was gi-Oomsnian. After; Thom gave a special address to the JAMES smxsox, Sect. the ceremony the wedding party drove‘ Sabbath SChOOl occupying the centre Crawford. P. 0. to the borne of the bride‘s mother pews 0‘ the church. where a sumptuous feast was served- Rev. Henry Berry, of Holland Con- Only the immediate friends of both; tre, and Dr. Caldwell, of this place, Are You Losing parties were present. The Rev. Dean! exchanged pulpits on sundeyi the O‘Connell graced the feast with his!”tter conducting anniversary ser- presence and proposed the health ofl Vices- the bride and groom. The groOm’Sl Mr. Walker Sloan, of Eugenia, got gift to the bride was a handsomediam-t his hand caught in the plainer 0‘ hi9 .. bbdemmm . ‘1‘ set With amethysts kind pearls. and to! one finger broken in two places. Dr. the groomsman a Signet ring. , The 1 Carter set the bone and had to insert Presents ‘0 the bride were both Bum-l several stitches in dressing the cut. erous and costly, showing the high, esteem in which both parties are held. The bride’s going away gown was Of Wiarto'u. Pmple led'lee deth trimmedd ‘lv‘th ‘ Among those who attended East lack of vital force. Give yourself a cream silk lace and brand. an engtbrey Fair and visited friends here chance. Use Dr. Hamilton’s Pills coat Of grey With purple velvet trim-‘were Mr. W. Barnhouse and daugh- and watch the result. Sold every- ming and hat to match. The happy ter Elsie. Mr. E. Vanzant, Mr. and where in 25c boxes. couple left on the 3:30 train for BufiaIOl Mrs. W- N - Hemphill, Miss Margaret via Guelph and Toronto, carryingwithlgemphm and policeman, Jos. Phil- hPS. 0f Toronto; Mr. Tharp Wright ...â€"u.‘ AN AUTUMN WEDDING. l i Have a Definite Aim. Sept. 26â€"4. ...â€"--.. ...â€"..-- ___..____ . has a programmeâ€"something definite, Looks or Strengthil something particular. Nothing else can __ , take the. place of it. Education can- Once you were robust. bright and . . happy. To-day you are dull, wor-l work cannot. Until there is a definite ried, failing in vitality and appear~l aim the energies will run to waste, the ance. Just when you should be at ability be squandered. The faculties your best you’re played out and deteriorate when working without a need a cleansing. bracing tonic. definite aim. Your blood will soon redden. your vivacious spirit will soon return, you’ll be yourself again if you regu- late the system with Dr. Hamilton’s Pills. Atruly wonderful medicine It searches out disease. positively drives away headache, weariness. and With Lightning Rnpidity. “Wonderful eye that boy of mine’s got.” said the proud father. “That so?” mechanically replied the man who was trying to get away. ' “You never saw such a sense of pro- portion,” cried the proud father. “Pass that boy the cake dish and he’ll spot the biggest piece on it every time." , Mr. Hutchinson, tailor, has given ‘up busmess here and removed to A Political Pointer. Bragley-Restaurant -waiters would make strong candidates if they were in _. -’.â€"--.»... _ firperiorghoul in Every lie- them the best .’.wishes of a host ofi . , . , ., . _ , . and Mr. 1‘. ,1, politics. Dont you think so. Wig. __iriends. iJunction. Sheppard, Toronto Spent. way-I don’t see how. Bragley_ B to~d ’ ° Haven’t you noticed that they carry ' g .V 837 8 mail (Monday) we learn everything before them? An Awful Cough Cured. er- and Mrs. Hickling had a calm Proof Positive. ‘paesage .across the ocean and since .landing in old London have been busy sightbseeing. . Misses Lulu Mitchell and Lily Boyd accompanied by their young friend Miss Winnie Butclmrt, were home from Owen Sound over Friday ’5 "Two years ago our little girl had a touch of pneumonia, which left her with an awful cough. She had Spells of coughing. just like one with the are allowed to go in the parlor when Darin Jul wehad fifty times as many heis calling Nil; oro ccémép as wind mung: £0 out. an n t 67 tglcu as numb“ game school she would not get well '7“. 811-1 We Serious. got a bottle of Chamberlain? Cough“ urday f w... ~‘ hm “may,“ Wilma." “'1 30,9 _ Remedy which rated like a charm. Music- W anions. own. such a w lthy l p. it I! . . a" . new.» mom. ' -- .. ...... .. ' ' ‘. motopped coughingaud got stout. ”a" friends here. over Paul? 7" ‘ d . '- _ "fl. 1“. ” 133308” 1113.:vâ€"40r13ussardfif." t: . ‘ ...: f e " ‘ w.~.1'.~d3 W ' . In. . This. . .. remedy is tor; w, in. Wriah aloftonlomhy? ' , '30.?“th m Suhooltl'OIvenSouna. ~ I. o. -v 0» ~- FALL FOOTWEAR Our One Dollar Bargain Table is REPAIRING and ORDERS our SPECIALTIES. barrels fixed in grooves at various C ASH ONLY. . i rid of them by ripping them 011 Some- display. No life amounts to much until it They are our best references not. talent cannot, genius cannot, hard to Impertinent Neighborâ€"Do you think Mr. Smith is in love with your sister Alice? Children-Oh, no! Us children »’ OCTOBER 4, 1906 (D 7 3 Intelligent, personal care of the teeth and mouth requires the us a of an antiseptic non-acid Tooth Powder. The best and sales: i GUN’S ANTISEPTIC - Tooth Powder p o‘f’d. JQIJIQIJJIJIJIJIJJI L 0: A perfectly pure, efiectual cleanser, reservative anal beauties. It sterilizes the mouth, cools and invigorates the gums, 1,3335% .1 the teeth without wearing away the enamel, and'is absolutelv ‘ free from the usual grit and harmful acids. Soft, - ' sweet,jits use is in all ways pleasing and refreshing. 4.193 a _ \Vj“, (\I a -. s ., L“ V.,)- l: RFC LEICIQIQK WJIQDIIIJIJCLIELMM PRICE 25 CENTS â€"â€"â€"-v I AT Parker’s W ”.‘.-.o-u¢-aâ€"- “.400 000000000033333 We are so extremely busy making to order. etc. that we have not time to talk about hand-made Footwear. But tO make a. loner story short, we have everything in the shape Of leather, styles Of lasts, etc. that is of ant practical use. We’ve got- the inside trad; on Rubber goods this season and you'll get the benefit. " chuck full CALL AND SEE FOR YOURSELF. ' PEEL, the Shoeman O DURHAM nxn OWEX SOUND. -â€"â€" . e. The ladies may be good cooks, but there are others. '“ THE MODEL BAKERY keeps the best A l‘“ I: Only the best of material used and 3 cleanliness ' carefully attended to. H. Stinson GARAFRAXA s'r. wrsr DURHAM. ONT. .;‘ ,4. . l1. ~ Geo. You Never Saw the Like A Of our New Fall Suitings in and look at our We are certain to satisfy you, as no one yet has figone away dissatisfied. J ust step Let us Tailor for You like we are doing for others. and we refer tO them. We’re buSy 'now, but not-too busy give you every attention to satisfy and please. HATS and CAPS COLLARS, CU FFS, TIES SHIRTS and UNDERWEAR ' J. L. FLARITY Merchant Tailor and Gent's Furnisher 0 JUST COME IN And ask to see our up-to-date BOOTS and Shoes We have recently added some new lines in Gun Medal Patent Leather Dongola' and Box Calf at lowest , prices. We have plen‘y of other BOOTS and SHOES in heavy,'medium and light wear. Did You Say Rubbers? . - g Yes. life have p’enty of them. Also the famous DOWNY RUBBER for ladies. put up in a waterproof case which can be ..carried in the pocket if necessary, they are so light. TRUNKS, VALISES, CLUB BAGS. etc. in stock. ‘ . ‘ REPAIRING DONE as promptly as possrhle. 9 a. s. MclL . rrH Egasflemeeh Cash. G Lawrence’s ”Old Stand. H v. ~'..1"““ Wmmmm ._ .J ‘ m .‘ _ -( :. K‘v‘ n. “ day. l: dds-is :ut- m ' ..l . ,, ....r, . ealh} Ola triti‘tg..k\_.l’t.\:l. r u : 1. v . n ‘7 : s.) .‘~ seen (milling llull. .lil <,;,.. . s-dd‘jfexhibit by the lliilslidill 511 as Blead, Cakes, Pies, Cookies, Doughnuts, Elt/ r.‘ . ll couple of “'lilfl‘lldiil'l':r\\‘\. 1 ' incubator. :i Carr-tin situ‘l rd other articles. The sziiiit‘ i OCTOBER 4, 1m 1 SUECESSHlL E Fine Weather and a Lar Favors Holstein's Fail The liglwflnulil. 34,1." held lilt‘ll' {'Ix'llllflllitlt‘ Wltli illt’ lir‘sl. pi'luluch- «d‘. ‘..' By ten li't'lnck 11¢ $2.1; .. filled. lht‘ lll)\\’r1'i >23}: < ll‘. OT illr‘ lll'v’.‘t_';‘ 1..:. ‘. RINGS kill llll‘.’- t‘l‘ll ..; . . cacti and out play was cxw-llmn. .‘.".-. W to it (‘l‘tSlL‘ll ..1... ._ l' 1:.::'. not a good mm in? fruit. .fl- certainly idiebssml in this . we ill'v ll! 1:11.»? tliv lid Riv". i indication . ‘1' iiii~ j: ._,;'- duct. liwi'ytliiibg- ‘ 8d largo (ill lim ixllwl. Ill; big (‘zlllllilgl‘fi l3: :..:.:‘::‘- Dips. Hg I'llli?.1rl-';Tl‘-. H SUCll cili'ulis :is \\w- 2h". .~; ~. A lOI (ll. illl’lf‘. \‘(t'l‘d’ .'Z.K lb :;-‘ pilli‘llilx‘ills. ain‘- ltml ”J. and fill. their \\‘t'::..:l;l bi "2" belienb lllt‘ prOdlll'llUllb. cult t0 llt‘llthl’ lllt‘lll h .'.l «311' 4 ‘ ' -. .H\\Y;>l:.l’ '(llu'. A l;\'.¢ii \‘m‘. :1. -..b . .’XS ll>llill lllté lilllU'?‘ l.:.\‘b ed their ability 3:: ‘ . cookery. 'l‘llt'lll“‘f"l. 17’”. . all kllllls (bl I}.:r.~':“.' .;,. .- teiiiiitii.,:. ..iu: .: . . ‘ ~, - ting la lid-...; ll}: .. CllL’t’H‘ wim- lazg Iy ilpllt‘ill'lgll In in,“ (.1 .v. trill >lll‘. (ll pl‘ffi‘llr‘l‘l.\':(lt‘(‘t‘31;Z<'-\‘. v. 3" Le \‘Ci-riic's :ztrfl i . " photo .ii-lis: s. groulls www- ..Ill:.-’.".‘ passingr crow?» vi. v.1“ ’1.» on striiictlliiig 1‘” There fancy \Vullx :ilui lid ‘. tures. lgiiilts in g'wn‘. be seen in 1110 11mm ;- lm‘f‘. . .‘. “'35 .'ii:. .. h; “'(il'k Was riiiilibc (5.2.11 1. if not ill t‘.\. 2. years. quality. The illit'ul Crisp; .} - ; i- 1;..1. red to were llll gnu ~;d--:"‘ lllllilhl‘s Phil-Hy. bl» centre l'()\\' Wm. myn...‘ while the Hillel sizib' property of Mir. Rink. .. Adams. The \':l_l‘lvl_\‘ ..i; i regarded as L‘Xl‘t‘llt‘lll. :2 The Secretary. Mr. \\'. .i. S indefatigable in his wil<r1~1 the wants of cvm'ylm‘iy. busy man, and lit) daft: ii’ and attention to l'ilisiziwss lint do with the Sllmfldss of I‘m _ He had able assistants ii. iii ‘; ' i - bob 9 O. /M~ On the gi'cuiutls llibei-t- was 'f'.‘ Messrs. I)ll‘.‘l'-'ll:’. Itllll Evils, They had a buggy. >l.\' L'lllit‘l‘l on, turnip lllllll"l'<. std-v2 p had a nice exhibit. of lillllulflq iture in the upper lizill. ‘ A desired improvement is the erection of a comiiiodioul Which sheep, pigs. and siwrl comfortably plat-oil llllllizl‘ l protected fl'olll lllt‘ limit min a sun. or the slim/1‘. minds: ml ed to he ii nuijni'ily ..1 lil‘ breed. 'l‘lit'i'ib \Vt‘l'l‘ 9:»: ii llll LEICUSLGX‘.‘ (ll. :‘I\\‘. Hi 1;“1':“- “Vb/1251.143. 1 ok . ‘ . t. ‘ ‘, , _ (TEhr:R‘AI. in; d1: h"; na na-\.. Brood mare a. Pinder, JnO. Gill‘tiil.iri‘. Spring coltâ€"JV. .’.-.1;;. ' Pinder, Alex Althea. Spring fillyfiâ€"‘H. 'Waddell. R. hicncls‘cr. One year Old bairn. H. Hisccclt. Two year Old gel" Dougall. R. H. C:d.:.;li‘:r_.lri. kin. gelding ., t) l \ One year Old. i“..l_.'â€"â€"--d.. Jno. McDougall. AL-gx 5.;th TWO year Old lilyâ€"~21. li. (J ;‘ C all, ‘Vm Yanut. .‘z‘. Span farm borers I . A. Swanston, \\'m. Althea. HEAVY l:l~‘..‘.l'(;il‘;‘ 2 Brood mare - Goo Harri McDougall Spring coltâ€"II. l3. ."TcDou Spring filly~ Geo. ..arr-is. One year old gelding I . S i ' 3:35;;3 ‘1...’ , ! as e ml

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