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Durham Chronicle (1867), 4 Oct 1906, p. 8

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DURHAM (’ii‘ (lNll'l.E -"'“-*vv W""»W «- â€"-â€"-â€"-â€"..â€"_.. . -...-... .mmâ€"v «.- r~-_.. ___, m__._ _ g" 5 â€"-â€"â€"..-â€"-â€"â€"â€"- â€"â€"-â€"â€"~-- .. ; A MUSTARD poumee. are .. s.sreeeeeeeeee.e : 1: Made a Lot of Trouble and Didn’t V $32 I Care the Cold. ' l .‘ Lord Carrington used to be a great %? ’ practical joker, but he was once the air». l victim of his own reputation. Accord- % l ing to the Dundee Advertiser, he was ° ' E l 'i i l l at a hotel in Cape Town. In the same 2% a hotel were a young couple, and, the g; l l The geople’s Store imfi‘ M cur”..- W‘ Wm -~t . a..- husband having a bad cold, the wife $3 left her room to obtain for him the ' solace of a mustard poultice. She left $ him asleep and, thinking she knew her % A Smart and Dressy Hat way, descended the stairs and, procur- y,‘ ,r . , . ing a particularly virulent concoction. 5% “e have 3’ ha’t’ trade that IS Second to lion ' % it t % i}, Q i % made her way back to her room. But are town. Why? Because we have made a a}... 2’ m § *3 % é * 3 $ $ $ t '- l 2'IJ. . ‘ ‘2'- .. : .‘-..,.r- .- ..': i.’ -.- .. - _ ,...r g.»_ - .- - _-, 1 . “-2 .. >- ,9. 2 . . r 7:. ‘ "re-a... sis-sis .. - ~ . 2 '. ‘~ ‘ -. . ._ .'- -<‘ :. 2,:_: r. r . v" ., e-A ”I: "2. 2 u 2 _ '3 2' :e;‘ f' . . -_, L .»2- {x ‘ 2 ‘- .- . . 4 . 2. t . .. o. 3- .V‘:_,,"._',,‘ i .-C;1alt\2 doors are much alike in hotels, and, $ . Of . 7 V } seeing one aJ'ar, as she had left her g: the bUSllieSS, JUSt lOOL at the men Who We “6. ., . -. , ° ,. own, she entered. Creeping quietly to 91¢?- ?Pr hath, $331181}, comfortable and well [flogupd the bedside, she saw. as she thought. % Ihe hat you wear IS the most noticed article H ' ‘ 'x/ 3:. . v . 1;” .- rm‘. 2 ‘3 In 9a,,- . ~ *d‘fliifi' ' . 2'»..- 2 , . 1. H . ‘~ \ "b. ‘7 the form of her sleeping lord and mas- s 1â€" , , 3 . ter. Hastily bending over him, she *2 13“? on, because it surmounts the smile vou 0- placed the fatal irritant upon his chwt. ¥‘ y 0111’ frlendb‘ Wlth. u F No sooner had she done so than a ;‘ . movement of the sllleeper sevealed, b1!» 3% ; . her horror, that she ad ma e a terri e ', ‘ o o mistake. Too frightened to recapture 5% [nleIduallty 1“ Hats the incriminating poultice, she fled sg from the room and, rushing down the % EV -â€"._._.. a.--q__.-__,. . __.. _1__ UNDERWEAR. undenuiwwl a: 2i-,‘;..V it” u a v passage, discovered her own door and ”ifatterns and prices. a: Flarii )0 2 r ‘ . n .l . . ‘ . . ~ . ' I . y ’ ’ ' . . s 7 T J . l 2.. ' ‘ loopief learnines around tome heic fox their Footwear which is proof that our 5 Efétegngeréf‘sigfilgx: but a $21 3 Afrghy 011, sure 1011 have yours? The COmbiIiation Â¥ ;.,;',j§i?ett °' .._- â€"____.. '3‘ ,3 o 57..ng suits them best. At present our assortment is complete with 2 mg m an uproar. The Ilium“, pm, 23:- o e right face and the right hat will makea $ PROGRAMS aw out for .1..- fl “ ‘ H‘ ' l" ’ l ' ' . " o v 2 o .' . .. ~ , N “ . . . 2 ”J. I 1- Y) 4 '- r b I .d. .2..- Just 0. the he“ 11: (liileiebr makes and at pi ices to Please all Purses. ,é tice had been placed on the chest of 2:2 World Of difference in your looks. s.;2~*:,.§pw‘,’”h 14“?” 1“,, “’m‘m.’ : the elderly governor general! The ex. ééu * f fiaeld m Holstein. lib-Silay. (l .. 1 a i! plosion of his wrath, his howls of rage % Â¥ T fi â€"~~--â€"f-~ -+2-~ ii'iél'i’S shoes from $2.00 to 00 as the mustard did its work, brought .Q. E HE 2"“ “m“ 0 ‘2ll"-""”2-‘”‘ VV ,, y . 3, $5 servants and manager to his bedside. fit" SOUP New F 3“ Hats $401:1 Tuesday night ”ml “ omen 5 Shoes from $1.00 to $2.75 The situation did not permit of an sis §sg~emorning of .1... “.001, iii 80V ’ - _, explanation. Furious with indignation, ~ 3, - .. _ . ‘g' _’,'.;-,‘;247-; __-- - â€"_- 5 Shoes foron ,5c to $1.75 . he declared mm,” the victim 0,. a is. Comprise all the new shapes for this sea-son. 5-127 g, '. FIFTY 1......- 12x14 inn-mi! Curl 8 Shoes from 75c to $1.50 I migOkl'tand trim: efforts of the mai- 4» New blocks in stiff hats and almost, as 111mm,, % -.2{;2.:{jgraphs given m...- i. < i . tre ’ otc 0 pac y im were in vain. ’ae . . . -' ‘2“ .. - . . a . . -. . 7 - . ~ , . l A . l . , l H .m Tots Shoes Irom 500 to $1.00 ,3 He swore that the practical joker was .13.“. 8(1)?) {15' W9 8932132111399 ‘30 511113 3 011- ll ‘3 “"1”” is ""r'2‘15geeilgexf (1):}..l.l...(..:.f”,{.1,1) 1 .12., *2? it nobody else than Lord Carringrton, and if: a’ O“ 32 {flan OIHJSlde 0111‘ (1001‘ Wlth a hat That. (My: 9% t s ‘ 1“ “l *‘ 2 2 2-. - - â€"â€"â€"-_- m. ,__,_,_;,__,,__,, - â€" â€"~â€"-â€"«~ u...” _ be next day, fuming and indignant, 713“ not Slut 11m, It would ”if: ,2: 212., , .,’ j . .. - ,, ,, ,, * _ S " ” __ “ ‘ “‘"”" i left the place. So did a very contrite .392“. 2’ ‘eCt 4.11 vtle CPQCllL ll...) 115, as A5 ”221} l. N 2 I: l _V~ (21.. k - . _ [A .9 .7- .1..-ments .‘lll'. .l. l.. l'iHHYY ll."l" 2 young Wife and a husband whose cold . é 75 .g..:32. 1 I“ . ,. . ’f ' ’5 was no better. \ '3, in t 10 . m .~- cox-2:19.214; i:. i, I; -â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€" 71% Let US 58]] Your ”at if of Mr. Harry l» ' i JA\NS AS W EAPONS I fie" H" W . . . ' ' - IRVS'l'lClxs :iil' ‘::\‘1lo-il 12.2. : 3 â€"â€"-â€"-â€"â€"--â€"- _-,\‘J.; v . . 74% . , . . “a,” ”W,” “W‘mnmmw‘m‘ :3 Chief 31(5an of Defense Among Al! 7:: \hou \‘.111 139 Slll‘l)rlsed at th‘; largue I‘lelu'l' ‘s‘i'l‘ we)?” %‘,fig;*2i(htil\ ‘\ IlliV'ri'llllllVll ll‘. l .t-\‘ -. -. . - - 0‘“ “’0’“ J‘Pes- as S OW and the ease in .2 it. -- . .9. mm A)‘ 222122 Him-21:: 272:2: . is infill: who 1. m. limo dccxdcd on that Overcoat of yours. The “nip” 3‘ Among 3“ Old world apes the teeth as I‘iO'h hat to su't “ ll.Ch 3011 @3211 got .33.». U142 3;? 222-25.,{V1126tli (ll-{Olivia . air suggests” one for 31m. and right here let us tell you that we have the 3 are. m," C?“ 1 ‘g’eaponsd ff“ “fins: 2% C . I " 2“ 1 you. 0‘ 1 " 2 .- .- .. .. .. ., 1 ,. . 2, 1 s... ,- r . , . i avains na ura oes an or com a s on SEIC’. 2w w-w llllw i2i.lizi2r -- . . i- .1 l. \ 2 to? ti 2.! 0' .o , . m - 2 . . b -e. 7252-2»... - , .;.. - LVNV‘VVV‘ ( VV’ ‘VVL‘ Vlls \Vllnc. (ll OUT... 1‘ 0 Will not 08’ undo: oOVld Vlll OVGI - :3 for mates or tribal supremacy. The 21% . f, ling phony}..- just in m, ,x, 1-2,, V Us Vent-l, . \VV. Doug 1t them r191“: The “ho-VS fll‘.“ Sllpplllg‘ mm ‘1 canines are in most cascsVenormously page Theng, Morley and Churchiil Stiff Hats 15§22?§§-;‘“"““‘“"“”“2" ‘” ‘3‘“ "m" l ii ' arms. 2.2.2 :‘,\' (Evy now. and we admire them for their wood im‘lwment 2‘2- develop-em insomncn that m Informed $52 signs. Hm' MW“: M” i “V nil'll'inrii‘ilss} lms- 903.7% )le‘lse my the - ll' . . V, . T .. n J g;- naturalists have suggested that a near ’3 Th . . 2,9; 22.: -n he fnunl w...» 1.. w . ll 2 l V: . VJâ€" 222V I "‘. ,} (1V8 d. of} 16: 400th them that 3; relationship must exist between the as e BOl‘Salan and King, 50ft Hats. ,;,,,i~c“ ‘ " if: L" a“ 90"” "l 95"““2‘2 blel’ lll 92ml hill-'8 8 look. “76”“ use» 3")“ right. it primates and the camivora. Asamat. ‘af‘w .‘ mg. . -~â€"â€"- ~----â€" . . ,5 ' "‘ i: ter of fact, these formidable teeth have 3'96 735‘ DRESSMJ‘KUV 3“» l“! l V2.:V‘ g nothing to do with alimenmtjon’ but ’1“ 76% {gs‘tO announce in illv lmliiw (l , 3 “"“’*"_” vâ€" -â€"-~â€"-â€"â€" ~â€"â€"--~â€"-~- -._.__ ._. i are as purely weapons of war as are 71% g’e‘and vicinity 131:1: she has N , _ , ,, the bayonet and the Maxim In «62- u 7 vi -~ . -‘ .. I ..- 233‘ ‘3 ‘. ) I) V ‘ ‘ ‘ . Y _ 3 . gun‘ " S T” 99 *V.f‘fé,1. «@r855’llldk1llh (>L«ll'll>lllll( .i l e .. b l n I l- l] b P A I D b 0 ll B U T T E R A A D l3 G G S ,2 $362105? 93va emergeglcy demand- 3% . E HOUSE OF QUALITY 51; Mr. Russell's store. and _ '2. .- g su energy, 0 stina cy and :9 “l . » . v . 2. - l , courage they come into play. 2% . a giififreparled to .111. ml to .il. it I 2‘ .. In every conflict with the world, the - ,5. OCK I E $ all me.â€" -_..__._. t flesh and the devilâ€"as such things are 29- - o o . % DR. Baowx. ot‘ Holstein, Vl 2:; underStOOd in pltbecoid SOCietY‘4-h9 4‘5 #22,;7152141’the Baptist. pulpit Sunda V552, temporal and masseter muscles are the 7%: “-2-“ -- . ,. - . , .. , . ‘3, chief arbiters Of war To me . A 0 % . -._V...taLing as his [lit me \\ ll' . ; .LQ'; :.".:o °°¢4=’ ‘v 00 on o. .0 a oo o. o. . I ‘L . 2‘ "IQ .. a l great and powerful anthropoid it is ab- cleats “‘4“ “\‘flb%%%*%%%%%?%‘£Va‘:%zf{saf(e%â€"¢w°'°"°s=v" 2 ‘ 2'do With Jew" Th“ Dr. / x " " .2 ,i - . 4‘ b‘ 4a\‘%°fi “t, ,-;;:=-;W1t2h a goodly number of 1 solutely and brutally necessary to have I AYTON MILLS f HONOR ROLL : _Si‘. 111- “,lirlaifiaie Mountain Jenni. a large and strong jaw, to give them at- J.,Vfiffieners Who min-VH1 his “in “s: 2 U s 8 Km av Vchken, Leila \ ollett. Robb. Cdfl’ tachment to the teeth and good lever- Marks. At ”1" ”"2“? 1‘" i 2;: : . ' ' ‘ ' ‘ ' ‘ D E- Jr. [Elkâ€"Joseph MCCaslin. Mama”, age to the muscles. That for an im- . .l : '2' " .fiered 5010 entitled ‘2 Kn 2.1 .3129 now being Operated. hr , 1‘ --J. McIIvride. H. Bar! or 5 Donnelly. Nina Noble, Wm. Lan’grili mense epoch our prehunian ancestors e 1 5 ” ___- _ g h :C 51"; [gal-EA. Pettigrew, M. Hoy, F,’ 11â€"32.. Curl BerrhaA vling. Clan: 32:13:: 2183:3213; lifeV 111:1 lgkeuimn- ' ,, . ‘,,'2§f“TH.2\szG1vmo svl'x‘ivv w - v .. 3 lat ‘. - arber. McCas in. Grace Petty Herhen V e D113 0 “1 ga” ."l~in Trinitv Church on Frid: ’7. » - -, , . ~ - l ( . , ’ f7 WEE‘GGER MgLLING CO" Jr. III-â€"‘V, Blyth, E. Barber, M, 2 ble, Sadlt‘ Lawrence, J as Langrfll ’ Egrgfileag‘dligri?gg learned to read na- CALDER. BLOCK 2 “A 19th, at 7:3” p. in. RPV. 2‘? =Kerr. ,2 . 2 ' S , r ..._ ‘ ‘ ' , . ° I a . ., 3 ‘ ‘l: (‘ ' ' Wt...- 3,. Wm” M,” best W‘Ve V if U Max:130”. H. Barber. Fur-if P22 U Annie bmlth. Maxwell Since those days of true Arcadian HE SELLS CHEAP B. A of 19mm,” .hmc ll carp: VV.»VVV~VV.IVV.V.V..V -iVV,” . ‘.‘ Luau-i Vs Sr. II-â€"-F. Lerr, A. Pettigrew. S~. lPrS-OD simplicity our life has become bewil- " 2’ Wm comm” “w NM'WJ' T of l.‘ “‘r‘ 13".; ZZOdzTSHi; ”01.“: Cram, W~ Hutton, A- Lauder. 2 Jl‘ Pt- 11â€"- lVillie Vollett. Lorne deringly complex and our methods for offering will he applied on moi . {‘nld1‘ ~ CO to nor..- V Jr. llâ€"E. Morrison, L. Pettigrew. Mountain. , settling social dimculties have changed Ladies Fur Caperines, from $3.00 up. {my If‘md' The. services on f Jr. Pr. IIâ€"C. Barber. W. Eden. . 5.“ 17'1"”?- Ayling. Alice more... generally for the {men But here. as 2' 22 Rue..- 22 “‘3 “mm-V m“ "9 conduc r! A Sr. [-â€"G. Grant ; Cecnl Mountain. in so many other instances, the habits “ “ Stoles “ $3.00 up. .' L- 1- R° N‘lft‘d- ("f Rothsay ENU URE . . Jr. 1 B-â€"(}ercie Avlir l 2,. of a past age have left an indelible imâ€" Chm-S white wool boas at 30c. 45c and (30.- ’ ' 2,2:2V2 V Vin 1(3lâ€"C: Blytb, P. Barker. J.;’Pett,y Gen» e Lu). '1" G2g, 'ndimD press on the nervous System.â€"~Black- earl]. ‘ ' '- 4 . A GRaaniter'irv ., l A V . V .2 i .. “V ‘ . \. ; iterr. C. Pettlgrew. ’ l 9 , A” . ‘V ‘2’“ ’ . Gorge 9”“- WOOd’S Magazine. luulies’ while wool handmade t‘asiuatmsat . be ta' ‘ 2.211,} l nf . :' 2 1.. .. .i ' 232- looâ€"Andy Hoy. R. 0...... r. : n.1,, ‘. 2 ,jfiwr" MIA Am 2 , W22 22222 2 00- 5 2r“ Billinmifliff‘. -";,f"”.‘.‘ , , 9, N, a. A: h ‘V ;c- .i' . Mclh'rule, G. Petty. V, . . ....n. l ,\ dril Armsrrong. Her Namesake. 2 film] 91...,de whim, 1,330}, and red, at 33c. ; S g TV. a. .JD Ht a\ ms. t “Fig! . Average attendance. 2?. l "W“: JOHNSTON‘ 'l‘eidmn When Mrs. Lombard heard that the ”4.3.3, md 106219121931: . m ~.- ~. .. l 2 O l ES 0 “7i2 auspices of the 31“.”)(31' fji'.i75"7;2-Ct°' 3‘" 2117: 2' Flour 3. C \Iic‘i . . .. 1* l . l $ baby or her former COOK had been .3???» ((533%) 2‘ M“ 5' M "M" "m" b10031“? League, 'lhe entommwrs ‘ - l ” J ‘ . I. q ‘ u 1‘23““. 98-8 1PM, YOUR P'iINFUL "no 2r named £91. her She bonght 3‘ suitable \‘\'l'l!‘.>‘rll‘;dll(;l\'\’ reversible shawls in swamp! f: Philena POW?” :Sl)px':inn) . 1.....- m l, ‘ _- UUIJM rattle With many jingling bells and 8.”. .30 and S450 (itch J L 1 .2 t l. ”T” ’ e Irwin (Dl‘alizaiic livaelvlw. W "‘""" 303303 ROLL. W’hat it Wants is the so2 i 2. . went to see her namesake. l .,\.(,,,,,,,,.,, Win36, vests {mm 25,, up i' The 001d \Ve‘ltllel‘ . V ’2"<l M, Bickle (Rolmsm 1.4mm. ,. ‘ 35:9? ' ' ‘7 Yl’lTOWl‘ls - tention of Putnam’s Corn is?“ a: Why, Bridget,” she said to .the late I ”mi Comforters at $1.25. $23.25. and $3 eachf A . ‘ L I h ’3’ SPORBU 0f~ and “r {Ami " " “" ‘ ““ 4 D VJVr. Il'â€"\Esther Tucker. Archie which lifts out the very :55??? ggggfig’sfigmmr:bo’sunl'v’an, “é Large Ila-{sing ilannelette blankets, white; aPPI‘ORC-hmg. Hill-'6? Will lieving that ;. "Haul (Jilll'l'ia Effig, _- _ .2- -.,.'..-...-,. 1;, . . , . .3“ an, 09 Jorrison'. ° V .‘2 . ' "' e 3 3’ W33 name “”‘is’l‘ai'. 231-3 Pa” : . R -. .. . .- i . "‘ 2 PM . . in V V. ., _ a u hear. V2.1l'.. .un; , S IlII meCh 1“ short order. no pain. no for me. My name is Hannah and V011 White. wool blankets large size 60,520 52-32135 H the th “Cb You 1' Clillll'o. be furnished, 1111* ppm-mi g2 _» “”“2‘ ‘ 9V1"? " spec: a hour 5.: \l :1 AGSara Aallan Arnes Allan, a ter 9590} Just clean Wholesome are calling the baby Celestm' e:" ‘ Pair ' H H -. 5 if I101“ Cilll and] “ll" ,v, 5. applied to the Organ l-‘zim . , 2 My? all aanMai-garet Woods. cureâ€"that :4 “Putnam’s.” “Celestine L., ma’am,” said Mrs. Men‘s cardigan inckeis, ”81.00 each i _ 2’ k: ,1 888 x“ it“ .~€ admission 25‘" H‘"""‘”"l 2- f, Supeerr Quaiit . 2 1.} r' "12"“ lured Barbour. Annie O’Sullivan hastily. “The ‘L’ is for __.._._.._______.._._._ l haw} to Offer you, (jar _.__...._._ ff {V}erh\1}illieVGray, George McLaugh. Notice. Lombard, and Celestine is Just a koind Br t T' fG . , i StOCk is (30m 1 I .n "M'l . ANOTHER real PSLHU‘ p G‘ve - .22.... . ,. . - . .. i m’ a Baird. All . 7""â€" ot a name to describe you, ma’am. '5 nineso roceries Always in StOCk p 8 ‘e I“ “U" made in town last mark \\ Vii. Be: ; .. :2 9?; 2-;121 t you Will be ; G Part 11â€" Willie Finnigan Alice C £33002: owmg the estate of Dan There ain’t anny Hannah to your lOORS, --â€" and coal heaters. also C'Oill Frank Lenahan :md Nor-m2. . ~ . ------ .3- 2.:-.. 2 n no omen: ray. amp 8 , eceased must. pay me 0,. Mrs. Lombard° anny wan would tell ’ . - . . ~ h; . . 9 n 9 V . and VV . . . x . . . secured a t“ ellt} -fmll' leel 2 .. - . Sr. Iâ€"Harold Baird,Howard Baird. A. H' J‘ICE‘SOU at once, or claims will you that. â€"Youths Companion. can and see US. 00d ranges. a e : Garafraxa sllwi- l'l-‘t no ,- ~20?» SUE I‘.Y-â€" , James Finnigan, be placed 1“ Court. have 22' ‘oinin [h aini' lm‘ in) ) A 2 ti? 3 Jr I Eva. Me“ 1: El M A‘WIES Cancun-LL A Remukame Foam." 0‘ Ho BEA J 'edg l e \l tW‘ ‘1 It) 1.! 2 ‘ _ s 88 en. sie c- ‘ ‘ ° ‘ ' 1 . In the northern part of Madagascar 2 2‘ CUP! ‘3‘ . s- ““51“? .t MAI [HEWS 55’ LATIMER } geuzhlm, Elmer McMeeken, Ben â€"4' Adimmstratrix. is the most remarkable natural fortress ‘ WV ,. ,., ,. The PlIFChii-‘s‘l‘s‘ “WW1 (‘1' . . ,6 0063- in the world. It is occupied by a wild - . 00d Heating DWVGS ll‘Olll storey brick building with . __2 3 Average attendance 25. l MARRIED. tribe who call themselves the people ....... l $2 50 to $3000. merit the fun “1,1,1, ._,,- ii- _. 3:6, . 1,...“ --.~, ,, v.:l‘--‘.~.~‘c222-2.= . , . . . V V . ..., l CLARA E. AUOE. Teacher. MCOLYMENT~LAKEâ€"At the [113050, of the 1'9Ck3. The fortress 18 a lOftY market Report. 3 l tending 1”le :t (lls'gllléfi'v of _. g _ on Thmsday, the 27th of Se tomb” and precipitous rock of enormous size, . , , Before dog”. .0 ,1“, ,,;,1 1w FAL '- R ~ . b m R “r P 2 . 1,000 feet high and eight square miles DURHAM Oct 4 1906 Coal Heating: btoves ”Um 2 “2‘ ‘ ‘. . EPORT or b. 5. N0. 1-, GLENELG, 5’ e ev. m. Farquharson, Mark in area. Its sides are so steep that it ‘ ‘ ' ' $5 00 [0 $40 ()0 . gallery building. now we 22., l .VT’ Winnie Binnie, Janie Fallaise McClyinent to Margaret Lake, both cannot be climbed without artificial Fall Wheat. . . . . . . . . .8 75 to s 75 " ° “ ‘ ‘ ,.. Implement *hwl’ “12' Miss V M ILL INERY w................ m... new member... a... s w .. 7. .. .. - m. :1 2 22- % IVâ€"Ben Whitmore, Noretta Fall. â€"â€" only entrance is by a subterranean Oats . . . . .. . . . . .. . . . . . 35 to 35 Coal and Wood Cooking: 2 we understand operations 0 PENING lalse. Laura. Benton. Passage. Peas. -- - ~~ -- -- .. . 75 to 75 Stoves at 325,00 2 menced right “WAY and 1"! ‘ IIIâ€"Er Barley...... 45 to so ' ' ‘ in th'sf-ill 'l‘hev 22 lKeow J12: J. Edwards. Tom Me Origin 0! the Sldmddle. Hay.... 8 00 t. 9 oo - , . ggo up 1.. . . 33.2: EVERYONE interested in by thh°MnG¥°KOOWm Thos. Gras. The use of the sidesaddle for women Butter. . . . . .. . . . . . 18 t; 18 ° ' ‘ mg a haliiwa-m WM, 3W 1; Winner}. Wm find is to disc May 618811;??? 'iéltiieodoi; 123.11- ‘ riders is unified to the time of Anne of Eggshn . .. 18 to 18 There IS DOtthg to equal I the building is ready. ‘1..- m7 . - ‘ n 89- c 3r. Bohema, e est dau ter of the «3211- 'W ~~ - . c -. '3 .. . . ________.____ pew-creme .r m... R... .0 .. ‘Pnn Eh“ .- 7., .» :-r='c~s Vothin has been 2 .IITBG’rtha Sealev. Mag is M ”d 112 0‘ England Previous to this Fl 2 to 0 - migh‘hav“ W“ “dim” .V . l 9: bellie M 8 yers, all our per cwt...... .. 2 20 to 2 60 - 2 . . 4:" . t' undone for our customers’ yers, Geo Arnett. date Englishwomen beetrode th Oatmeal per 8301! 2 40 to 2 40 W l , I happily averted by the p .1. . ‘ fl ’“"".5t We will show through- _ .PP H‘M”? McMillan. Tana Mo. . horses man fashiomcbut on account 0" 01101) per cwt. . ‘1 40 to 1 40 5. e maKe a SPGCl‘dlly Of! 1 ofafew citizens. Mn" R0 7;, “ i he season every good sea- . film's”, 30?) Edwards. Violet Fall- ‘ fl 2 . a deformity this an bride was Live Hogsnun 7 35 to 7 35 5 Stove Furnishings and- - was engaged in the from :2 . " Mable idea. and in particular :180,1§Od10 MCGiuivray. Mabel Bea. Then your blOOd mus‘ be m graduate” useasidesalddle, and means- DressedHogs per cwt. 8 50 to 8 50 ; KW: h . 1: ° . U residence and thought ii . ”is ‘09.? attention £0.00!“ line Silt; Blair???" Myrtle Grasby, 8 very bad condition. You , in gen Hides per lb. .. 9 to 9 2 ' 1 C en tensfls. . the smell of smoke but. . .. Miss:-:ae;eae.gionseai3;tr:ael§ Sr Iâ€"Sadie OiimglnmflcDonald. certainly know what 10 take, A Plea For Cunningham airleepskins ....... 23 :0 1 g) ' 3 sign till she opened the d “ . . 1 . o . . c en. Emma th tak A ’ ‘ anson Alcott, the Concord 00 o o o o. o o o o c o o o o. o H o the kitCh I] ‘VIIiCh She f “'9 aho b e de 3. ' Arnett Nell . en 3 it.â€" yer 8 sun DMIOSO- ' 2' ‘ 2 . e . 2-! av a par 9 McFarlgue Tallow .... .... .. 5 to 5 . If you have not got yOUl mside. Aquantity of W, . . J . any store where wg " Stonehonse. Vlna chfibb, ”23an pafillao If you doubt, then ‘ gmgb?§eeaatosfcoamsgmg Lard . . . . .. no . . .... .. 13 to 13 l . 2 th to " i 1‘. z a you are going to eat meat at all,” a. “W , Winter supply of fuel, place es ve had e.u.,br in wlars for making ladies’ ,., Jr. Iâ€"Muchew McKeown. Arthur consult your doctor. We know '2 lining of the kitcher m2 .niriwaist Siltls, evenin _' P , c - 4 ‘ O ‘ 2 2 e. m... , riiifiiii remains 2. 0.... “22" he 22*" --22.22 . “022.2 a... stair” 22222 222 . Gummm cm m n... M" “‘1“ “2th “S at W ...... : , ‘ ' ‘ «a are invited-to come Jr. I (idâ€"Angus McGillim mud Old “may medial“. 2 ° ‘ 2- ItchingJIind. Bleedinz.Protrudina Piles. Drug ‘ for coal. reached the'ceiling and E ' wluoqlay and every 2 ‘ 2Wfiflcxeown, Ink McKin ,: melanoma-6mm doctor would i “0 W87 to Get '3 Chan V. stats are authorized to refund money if PAZO towards the roof. F01" l __.,;,1,,,.,ay after. ~Yo‘u . 1 } Edwards. , . ., , ~. . 1 - . to the . 0131mm became in.6tol4days.' 50o. McAulffe was passing at l slii‘i‘inii.ew’fetl‘e‘f ‘ " ' ' ' " ‘- '2 * . . aftergiving the alarm w _ t j , . . . 2 ,afewwmin neigh' - her . j-ForSale. .. ~ _ .. ‘ , - . g Thea :~ oars sane-some. epr.«1,.a-w;'e. 7f 2 ,5, 2 u- . Boom 25:2~~ .3 Mons entree-.1 2 ‘2 E :11" 2 .. - 4 2 m U‘ h ‘ " 2‘ ’ ' I, unfit-.1 ‘ .713,“ 7" I 2.42 . wean-fly: ' r‘ '.‘z I

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