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Durham Chronicle (1867), 11 Oct 1906, p. 3

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OCTOBER 11, 1906 DURHAM CHRONICLE -..- m -r_ .â€"-.-â€" iiicH. DELICIOUS. PURE ‘â€" AN EVENING HYMN. HONOR ROLL. I sional standing by second class teachl Jr- Pt- IIâ€"fioy Lamb. ROY 310381“ lIiress... quiring Undertakii’ig. _ m,..-.... .. . I All . t Th be , s. s. no. 5, GLENELG. § u g . praise 0 ea given; ,. __ _ °1fr i .. g CLEANLY MANUFACTURED l For. like the drooping summer flower H IV (333185831 fgafik Ryan, W1 ed é): E “ lOur weakness feels Thy gracious unt, na c. 9“ y. ' S3 E .. . ”i pcwer - III Classâ€"Jennie 0.... Wesley The Undertaker “’l v .. . § L‘Chl . is ; And earth seems near to heaven. Hum: Alex. Wright, Ivan Edwards. 4, I é " HISts’ ; - . . . . II Classâ€"Mary Peart, Jennie Jack, 9) E lininde ‘ 'Vv hile we in Simple faith draw near Edith Peters. . sl % . r °° l Um" ”’9 thmne °f grace, l Pt. II Sr.â€"Mina Edwards Bertie “(l - 5. . . CEYLON TEA lThy perfect love casts out all fear, l \Vright ’ Has a complete Stock of 9; {5 ‘ l And we rejoice Thy voice to hear , ', . § g -‘ . V I Like those who see Thy face. ECIPLb ILV {ISâ€".Hyrtle MCCIOCkllD, C P W 8 $3 F 2 . . a ara e i e son. URTAIN OLES. INDOW HADES. .r . . lf‘ p A E t ‘ ‘ . l . l I z ‘ erg r5 ‘ “CKED ONLY IN SEALED LEAD PACKAG S 0 Preservel We thug“ T?“ for the peace andlove I Jr. Aâ€"Winnie Black. Lily Black, PiCTUREs, PICTURE FRAMES, Prunes l 9â€") E , ‘ H G d 1 Which in Thy house we find: 8 - 1 k l l W S 00 [1888 . . Emmet 80 - TO URDER ETC ETC S g ‘ ‘ lAnd while the season’s onward move, Jr 13â€"131 in VVri ht Joe Edwards ’ " ‘ ' ‘ ' ° ’1: “’e have some bargains in 'i llmi. .~~. BL A CK MIXED GREEN , We pray that blessings from above land I-I ‘d "II g ' % VVorst-ed Trousers. neat pat- E -~ .5; » .3 May come to all mankind. 930* unt 39‘1- $1 terns. worth $4.00 for $3.00. I, l ; ELIZABETH SCOTT, Teacher. AOPRACTICAL UPHOLSTERER § N l. 1;"??- a, 23; L300. 400, 508 and 60c Per Lb. At Your Grocers. 1 That {95}; of heart ‘0 “5. reveal 3 Will be present the first week in 7/. \Ve have also some Heavv E y 7.2;, Hill‘s \V hich Thou dost give alone : f . _ . . each month when refitting of S‘ Tweed Trousers for onlv $2.06. E i .3 .52.:- m‘ IOur strength renew; our sicknessl t. s. s. no. 4. HOLLAND SUbLIl‘I AN. upholstered goods will be proper- Kl These are also snaps. Call in. :L ”RIDE, l heal; 1 Class IVâ€"Joe Byers, Annie Groch- ly and promptly atttend to. . . 71: ‘Ve may have a pair amongst E : ) , ) . _ [And till us each with grace and zeallSOfke. 3‘ them to suit. Remember it’s g l liépitli S 2.: The a crated oven ‘ To make Thy glory known. l Sr. IIIâ€"Mary McIntosh. John UNDERTAKING EMBALM- 5% the savings that count. % . t . ;. l T. W.usox.;Ti“kham' mg ‘1 Sp‘ffialty' and night calls 5); Black and B1 0 ii 'th [E , . . ° ° ° " e vera 5 WI 3 . . lKead .Ont., 1905. . Jr, IIIâ€"Henry Grahlmann. Willie or .ay ca 3 may be made at our g ; 2 . ii ' I wait, - ol the Souvenir completely l y lG‘trahlmann. reSIdence and showrooms. next: ’3 pg: 31221315? 3233; E Changes the air therein every l Sr. IIâ€"Elma Grochofske, Lizzie door south Of the P093 Othce. 9/: Heavy Shirts at right p‘rices. E «,0 (32150 , , :samoa TEACHERS’ CERTIFICATE Tiukbam. Asket Alien, May Byers. $ (é . few minutes Without lessen- : Eh h f -â€" b James Byers. Albert JoneS~ S}. g H {U {'55. . . _ All: enter; " . o : ' ere RS 01' many years een 8.”- JI‘. IIâ€"Myrtle GPOChOISke. AIBmIG o $l " ' ’ Cl'fif‘fiéfie l ing the heat one IOla. iregretable scarcity of first-cla(s)s teaclIi- Mitchell. Sara Jones, Louis Grahl- ED- KRESS, Undertaker. g, E 3.5;... E; ‘- 5 * : :‘j:fi’£, i . . fers in the public schools of nt. t mann, Tena Schiltrod. ,, C G ‘ “W VONS a fifé‘ébmi‘ ' n. . . Pure: COId 311' 15 drawn ’z fishnot “86935”; to :peculate as I: all Pt. IIâ€"George Jones Lillie McIn- :7" ° L. RANT E , " . ' : t e causes t at ave Operate to ; - i e , . . . . . . to h, Sam Mitchell. Lorne McIntosh DU A S. r -~=-â€"~ ....._____ 8 1h Aerated 0V6!) lIltO the aerated Hue and _' ', bring about and maintain his condi- Delve Tinkham ’ RH M SCHOOL” a, DD RHAII E -~v :. , Z ‘ I th r t ion with one of ' STAFF AM) EQUIPMENT- S 9 W"ll€Cl to the e ' t t t l th n before .~- "on 0 e p 0 638 ’ 1 Cl . Iâ€"Ethel B'ers John Grahlo 1” .. -- -- , â€" 4163s; 3. c LKaC empera ure 0- 6 0V6 :mem W are just now specially con, 9-59. I ' . Mir/reviews ismswzvic'r/isvrsvisvw‘r " g . , . - é d~ h - fth strain of . mann, Roy McDonald. I‘lora McIn- Tl , l‘ . _ . Er: it. ;‘ ,cerge -t e severity o 6 It “I! \Vlllle Nuh'i Lillie \Iitchell Tie scioo isthorouhlyeqiiipped in teaching 32;? i- ; preparation (or the senior noi-profes . ,0» . - . . . . , abiaty. in chemical and electincal supplies arm; - ii h . : . . 3 d _ I Chris. Schll {1'0 1 . fittings, etc., for fillI‘Jlllel‘ Leavuig and Matric -' 5; rated Oven can only be had on t e ‘ ! Sional hrStS are p‘ermitte to acquire! . . ‘ ‘ ‘ ulatlion work. The tollowmg competent. staff art - ‘r' I“ g; = professional certificates of the same. A5311“; PETTY. 'Ieacher. ; "mum": L.‘ 3 ' " ‘- ; .3, 3 *" ‘ l:- I grade, and under this limitation the, THOS. ALLAN. 1st Class Certificate, Prin. *' ‘1 N I ‘ 1 it .‘3: b ' . 7' ' 1‘ . t ., A . ‘ . - it... , holders 0f PYOfGSSIOLf‘I ”9 3. ”‘3‘”. s 5 ye. lo. BENTINCK. MISS. L. M. Foni‘an. Classics. Modern: 3:. e 3 I 1 ., been for a long time a vanishing; Q III R \I P n 1d ThomelengliSh' ; .. 'i‘”._ ‘ . . . . . ts .‘ . n , . 2) ~-,, , -< . hr. _ .Qgs . (:10 a , ..| . f is. ventilatind I'II'ICI I I. 1,. ; ,iiuantity, “lllCl’l seemed likely to. dis , ~ ,3 , , f‘. ,.,. . ,‘ t. ‘ .« w... 3 . l 1 . D .p p 8 (3f Okner ranges S ‘11}; .3 1 appear altogether under the abolition : JOhmen‘ Llara 085*91" 7 CeilllggzlferlolilbllrbtllgglxE‘IediAlldllgrl‘gl‘filllliflglanl .‘Z’l COAT: 3.1? ITCCI t0 U18 OVCD, heats If an {of the Latin requirement for the? Jr. Illâ€"llahel Smith. Roht. Puth- Que-“192’s UniW-‘Fsill'. Science» Historwuul Geo U d ‘ ;. l , eqpqqc. S . h I. C ' ljunirir examination. while it has been l erbougl‘i. Clarence McNally ”a” ’3' n ertaklflg‘. "‘ i , ' ,._ \.(A}c kit uppOSS ‘IOL! 3V 8 a pan ()1 “" - - 3 - V ‘ 3 ’ | , ¢ . . v . 1 ' (‘r ‘ i ~ "v! . .‘ .V. k ’ ‘ - l Llll no V maintained 10? tile senior, hr. [1_\lfiri‘:‘ir]fi Clamp MM; Gner. l nil)?“I‘llinhtsllld‘;in“ SllOlllllll cute. All the hell‘s. , .. , . 3 '2 ; . ‘ 3 ‘ 3 3 ,‘ go o e'iii (issue. Bi: ri .:.. .ie. - ; , C8 8 1n the OVen, Elna a ghbt "Olle. {son burl Medally. Philip McDonald. Italnedatreasonable gates. Dill‘llllxllllficll'lll‘dlillgf l “"8 have opened up Under. .7. . . - , l: f :2 " ’ i: " o‘ ‘. »' that 3s' l ‘ z i \\ ith a View to_ checking thls tel-1'; lr. llwtilalys McDonald. Perry,{311...i;.“,f§.,,§2,Ԥc‘:; "”““n ‘t “’3: “"5“” 3 ,aking m Thoma, Swallows __,_._,,_________ '17 ; £16116? the EdUCRCIOU Department h“? l Casweil. l 1,. 3. l building. Opposite Middaugh .... _.___,.-.__ ' announced what seems .to.be a Weill Sr Pt. llâ€"Jchn Clark, Jno. Smith,I - ..ees,$1.00permoz~..e, ‘ House. hand are prepared to l‘”""""§l’$ ‘COilSldel‘ed plan for I8Clllatlug the RC- 1 Donald AICBXI‘LIIBI'. \Veslev CRSVVGII. W M. JOHESTOL, 4.}. RABTAGE, i do business for any person re. “ quirement of first-class non-profes- “ Chan‘man- Secretarv l l l . l 7 I ,v . ers while they are engaged in the,13* Howard Fletcher. active pursuit of their profession; Sr. Iâ€"Jessie Clark, John Grierson. I It is practically impossible for a pub lJohn Caswell. llic schcol teacher. as salaries are. tol Jr, Iâ€"W'illie McDonald, Harvey 4 . iQiVe “I5 work {01‘ even one 503" ‘0 Caswcll. Bella McQuarrie. Carrie A I W 53‘ attend a high school; under the new, Grierson. VCRtllfltCCI OVER ' . { provision he should be able to preparel H """"“““’"" " " lfor the higher examination throughl AM, ONT, lbeing enabled to take it on four in-l ' - ', 0 istallments inSteadof two. Moreover, - L- S. 5-.30- -. B G . i as in the universities, a canditate Jr. Il â€"Gertie Morton. Jno Grassy. l zmay carry over a single subject in Jr. IIâ€"Ella Leggettc. WiiiieEdge, v-»‘_-,.. m- ,A _ “. Inmfi,’ \V’; ; ,7 \II I I a $~A-|Ac.al)n, Ann‘peb',l on rea W h. / _"‘-""f" and Vancouver. a0: Ill. C. MORTON. Teacher. COG H RAN E, Agent, DURH _, . V £3.” ’ ".- )'.' WhiCh he happens ‘0 fail, 50 the 5911' Annie Ewen, Harold MacKechnie. ior candidate meyil 1i hebmakei a: Sr. IIâ€"Mabel Vessie, Geo. Newell . ' ts v creditable pass in a t e an 166 J Jr IIâ€"May McKechnie. one of a group, try that one again. . - when he attempts the next group. Sr. Pt. IIâ€"LeWis Newell. Stewart f MacArthur. The least commendable feature 0 TREASU RER’S SALE of LANDS IN ARREARS FOR TAXES IN THE COUNTY OF GREY \ irmie of a WARRANT issued by the Warden of the County ofGrey and authen- Sr. Iâ€"Armetta MacKechnie. Jr. Iâ€"Mabel Grasby. Reba Vessiv. KATE MACDONALD. Teache". , 3.3.7»;l)j.'il18882ll0ftll€ said County. hearing date the Eleventh day Of July, One the plan is the concession made to Jr Pt, IIâ€"Thomas Grasby, Earl ‘ ,2 2 . ._ .\:.:.il .\iiie Hundred and Six (A. D. 1906) and to me directed for the eillection of the . . h f date not later than Vessie. ‘ , {12“ taxes due for THREE YEARS and U\ ER upon the lands hereinafter men- Junlor mac era 0 1900. authorizing them to diSpense altogether with Latin at the senior examination provided they take an 'l:.Il lescribed being; in the County of Grey. ’1' ' . 'L'EII‘ZSI’. are therefore to give NOTICE that unless the said taxes together with all X lar- ’ .. W5 and Charges be sooner paid. I shall on ‘ Thursday, the First of Day November, 1906, exceptionally severe course in the ~ ' - ”.r of TV“) UCLOCK iii the afternoon at the COURT IIOL’SE in the Town of EDgIISh language 311.61 literature. If â€"+â€"â€" 4: 1“. N 5" )ITND iii the said County. proceed to sell by public auction the said lands or such a. substitution is to be allowed An interesting spectacle was that thereof as may be sufficient to discharge such arrears of taxes and costs and “3.... emu-rm at all the substitute English course at the Owen Sound Portland Cement PIOPOS'r‘d is 9‘ 200d one for thepur- Company’s Mills at Shallow Lake on pose. It is to be hoped that thisre Fridav afternoon. when one of the laxaticn in the case of a comparative big brick chimnevs was thrown to the 2319 ly few second-class teachers will not ground The chimney belonged to lead to a successful efiort to have it the old Batchelor syStem which has .extended to all senior candidates. been discarded, and as it contained Cost and Taxes. Charges. If Con. Acres Patented. TOWNSHIP OF BENTINCK. part 10 ................... I3 20 Unpat'd TOWNSHIP OF GLENELG SOUTH DURHAM Roan Tota 19 14 3 05 - ......................... i 2 Pat’d 9 79 2 75 i2 54 - - and . . -. x l as Iluntei' estate 17. 5 8 Unpat'd IU 74 2 83 13 ’Tl .Luin 38120“? obligatory on théulll, , in over a hundred thousand brick I? was I3" VILLAGE OF PRICEVILLE ' l”. ”h“ "3mm” ‘0’ “99°” 3. Worth pulling downâ€"at the price of 12.4.... ‘ I View cf the fact that none but hrst- brick to-day. The height was over a HARVEY STREET Sox'rii , , 8 44‘ class teachers Wlll be allowed hereaf- hundred feet and the process of drop- l L" to do what is virtually. high S°h°°1 ping it in a heap accurate calculation work in the continuation classes of had to be mtde, as there was less the 9“ biic SChOOIS' NO one can be a than twenty feet of Space available. good teacheroof English who does Openings Were made in the chimney not know hullâ€"610m” a few feet above the ground, leaving only 5 .fi‘icient brick to carry the the weight of one side. In the Open- . ....................... .3. Pat’d Urey Treasurer‘s Office, Owen Sound, July 19th, 1906 S. J. PARKER, Treasurer County Grey. 569 ‘ yiiblislietl in Owen Sound TIMES. July: th, 1906. '3'- 1M * l l tests and subjected the livery horses ture was inside the space designed. to pretty rough usuage. \Vord Wes Superintendent D. M. Butchart was sent :0 Owen Sound and a watch set . present during the operations. while for their return. The drive home the Spectacle was viewed by a large apparently did 00‘ 00011313901 down crowd of citizens and others from for they repeated the horse racing Owen Soundâ€"O. S. Times. along Hill street, and on their return to the livery barn a couple of hours llater than had been agreed upon. Simmonds became very abusive when .. "We“ “‘1 ~"' ~'“~"»’“"""":’“ ‘mvrw‘v’i Mr"? 0"?“ " r‘ ‘ ‘ ‘~" For Abusing A Horse. ings pine blocks were placed to re- “‘" I if! 55 o - ceive the weight when the remaining ’ 33 B . On Friday A‘XlII‘Od Simmonds, K‘vyfll. SCCCIODS of ‘0?le were removed. This _. g ' elf war 5 S 6 ye -' 7, Mitchel]. Wm Sutherland and John done, the blocks which had been L“ iii J W?) 3...- ; MCIlllm‘h hilt-d a couple 0f rigs from thoroughly saturated in Coal oil were J g5 (V 33:51" ,, ~ l RIBSSIS. ‘VIDLHI‘DUX‘D B 08. With the 88' on fire and 213 they were COUSUID- .. -. £3, ... 00“] em ,avowed intention of visiting theOWf:n ed Slight 3train \Vas put. on tWO guy _ 250mm fall" They changed their rcpes and the whole pile came tumb On the merit of their performances alone are ', 93““5- l;‘°f"9?'”r' fmd we“ ‘0. 93‘5” line dosfn- An immense ~010ud, C31 {.3 ., . . . - . . w ortl. instead. it here they filed up dust shot up and when it cleared it ::__ ._ WC Wlillng to have them gudged. §linpllClly0f Eon cheap DOOZP Mid became very was found that the calculations had ‘3‘ {a â€"- gig COHSIY‘JCIIOII, COmlDil‘. i ‘ 'zld‘ a Shll In manu‘ l nOlsy, They llldlllgfid IU raCIng COU- been accurate and the whole struc ture. which is the niherltance of genera- tions, make a. lww _â€".__.â€"_â€"â€"â€"- .- The Signs of mtfi" ”w ' .9 " .' -.-: "‘ .3 :‘ . . _ . he , . 2‘ . ,.. .-.‘.-v V» ' . :;_ Satisfaction Guaranteed in Embalming. . . . . Our stock of Funeral Supplies have arrived. also a full line of Catholic Robes. BARCLAY BELL Implements A FULL LINE OF THE Deering Harvester Co.’s Farm Implements Machinery. MANURE SPREADERS HAY LOADERS BIl'x JERS MO WERS RAKES SEED DRILLS DISC HARROWS WAGGONS GASOLINE ENGINES. ALSO A COMPLETE STOCK OF Democrats and Buggies (Rubber and Steel Tires.) McClary Stoves and Ranges. Raymond Sewing Machines. Bell Pianos and Organs. Berlin Pianos. Wlllll WANTED AGENT for DOYLE . JULIAN Monuments and Tombstones? OWEN SOUND. John Clark Implement Agent and Auctioneer. GARAFRAXA STREET, DURHAM Carding and Spinning TO ORDER AS USUAL. We still carry on business as formerly and hope to be favored with the continued patronage of our old cus- tomers and as many new ones as may feel disposed to give us a trial. Pumps. I BEG LEAVE TO INFORM MY CU}? ‘I‘OMERS and the public in general that I am prepared to furnish NEW PUMPS AND REPAIRS, WELL DRILLING, RE-CURBING axn Paassccaame done with Cement concrete. 1? ALL ORDERS taken at the old stand near McGowan’s Mill will be promptly an I tended to. ALL WORK GUARANTEED at “Live aan let live” PRICES. GEORGE WHITMORE. _â€"â€"â€"-â€".â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€" The Fee is Grater; AND PROVISION STORE G R0 CE R [ES ’ _â€" gum -m S. SCOTT DURHAM. ONTARIO. ‘\â€"il :1 . fix" ‘ '\","}'j X \A‘vvR taken to task for ill treating the ,h..... by M. Warm. gang m1;- Heart Trouble 2 e. rs 'E‘l %%§?.rfiloi"§§§§".ii‘i‘hi‘i‘él'. out For - FIOUI‘S F 10‘11‘ and Feed 9 , 3.8“. V consequently comfortable watches to carry. ot‘him by locking him up for the You can Surely Seem: Heart Health , .\ {i 1:. \. 3““ ROW ”1-: Tl’l ff) . . ed I) t I ch C II night. His companions were allowed and Strength thruyh Dr. ShOOp’S That always satisfies the y_. if . . g en 6 Clency ls 355‘” y a 8 an ee es to go on furnishing their names and Restorauve. Cook, ,3. I l ' "52":3’1‘1. brick ° ' In the olice court Dex: ' ' ' - - .- . the ox nstructional defect remedied itee of addresses. 13 y... ' ‘ _ Pierrfiâ€"fffifi' j met to have any co morning Simmonds was fined $10 and (511313.85: wagesegmc} gin be dealt avith at THE TWO UgllVIB s B" al ...‘ ~ .y. U ~‘» . " ., ° ’ - ~ 1*? . 1‘ m- . .. - 1-. . 1 ._. 2 _ ‘3“‘8 33“)“.151 3. Chaige by the nearest agent In any part Of the world They costs for being drunk and'disorderly, Mes whenits nerves are wugfaggg :3“ heart FlVe ROSES and Relndeer HIGHEST Househol “adaption ;' .Cl'l be full I and $1 and costs for aouSing the rages tar-chives}: your 11161:th flutter-i=1:D “(1:33; . . , , , . are not made In grades Will cannot y guaranl horse. amounting in all to 3:17.75. smhtexgrgiggzlgsgtrfn: ggemuessgsgémrgfiender. Manitoba Flours always give satis- GRADES OF Keewan" [we 1 .. . 3 ;.;i:;.. a good farm. :5. ; _ ., _ . . . . _ _ . .- .. . Wm. Mitchell was assessed $0 and has about the heart caused by irregular hear: factlon. MANITOBA H“ V ... was aSkltig S1500 i x i M n“ .. l d M i t Th th two were not so gtigniifho?ngsensa tionasugegeagm FLOUR Roses 4,... grantee-a1 less s 2...; COS S. e 0 er a roa :uneasy sense. 0 3 ' 1 ‘ chest. showing that /- ' the heart 1311’: we carry 8180 other well _, . ii; meal-y; . 3,”... .- P G A w b J 1' much- to blame and were not prose- '0 k, , ht, / ~ mwhen you 11. $0.25 per barrel. improved bizrrilfififiéffair; *’ ercy ' ' e Ster’ ewelle ‘cuted. After settling with the coun- on bneniih‘éâ€" /Fr\._mually the itch“ known brands 0f Flour- rade. 5 ity clerk, Mr. James Dudgeon. the 212%? painful/f. \ O'l‘ - .. . ‘~ w - . .. . .. « - -- .... .. .- i b : ' ‘ k other“ ' ' m 23:33.. i :3 .. .. mm .. «we .. 3 ~ ,Chatsrogh constable resented “1: .zznlk‘ /-,.\’Vea . . We... is .1» listowel lwnel Bread Flour Farm and Garden Seeds. . . e... four Wit an urgent inVitation to a 801mm,. onâ€" - ..‘ , wggngev‘rg AND c ‘wâ€" w“...â€" *â€" ABLE lilac-limiti- . shop stand. tend a magistrate’s court at Chats- i. , . . Walter Smith Arrested. lhere. traced the boy from Meaford to worth pp Tuesday when a further YÂ¥grcr%?:;ve~é 5.0.13“ at lowest â€"â€"â€"â€"- lPenetang and thence to Stayner. fine ofoboeach and costs were added ‘e‘f villi-"£33212. 13118115. Val-q. Smith. the sixteen year old Arresring him in the township 0‘: t0 the" httle b1" Of eXpenses. A“ ' we ran . ‘. . _ -. _ ‘ ‘ ' ' . , . . Ocean Steamship Ticgets for Ba‘na~'l 1‘ Home boy. who, on July 3 Nottawasaga, about four miles from told their drive cost them close onto thin 10th Ian \J“. 8‘33“”: 011 Saturday morning last, $60.-â€"Owen Sound Times, ght him before Chas. 8 private. ran awav from his emplOY' Yr. Mr. John W. Irwin, of the Town Mr. Knot: brou _ . â€"â€"--¢-â€"-â€"- i..ne. wah a’out $50 that did no: be. P39: ESQ" '1' P" Who’ an" glvmg to him and for whose arrest 9. him a preliminary hearing, found AGUABANTEED CURE FOB FILES S~ an; was issued, is now in Owen evidence of guilt suflicient to commit Immgnnnd,Bleeding,Protrnding Pflea'. Dru: Wad ml awaiting trial. him to Owen Sound Jail to await gm. m authorized to refund money if PAZO Mr. C. Knott, the County Constable trial.-â€"Clarksburg Reflector. 0mm fails to cure in 6 to 14 days- 500- \d s Promptâ€"Never Negligent. H. H. MILLER. to treats \ I That is to . .. ' 1:3“. ‘5 9i nylll , brinzback natural and \ . , ,,,.._-- . ‘ v e r m a n c n t strength to its \ffâ€"r-ri‘kf‘ _.v‘ nerves. Can you imagine how any- \"35‘? / thing else can be done? Dr. Shoop‘s ~-' g Restorative will I strenzh to the heart nerves always. \ There is nothinz ll late: nothing that leadsm reaction. The strength thatitzlvesll natural and permanent. It is Just the same .. WasNatm-ezivestothose who arcwcll. Dr. Sheep’s Restorative (Tablets or ,m strength which extends over the I We nerve system-it overcomes the m dale troublcaswenasthercsult. 8016b, MAC FARLANE 00. Government Standard Timothy and Clover. McBowan’s Eclipse . . . , We can give you what .you want and you will find our prices right. ”-â€" .. MIS. Mex. Riggs Ii Sons Dram, our: MAriiisws [MINER Timoam's ow STAND.

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