West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 18 Oct 1906, p. 3

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mists, itl lii'flSS Founders 11m Fitters. , , 2 .2»- VJ v... , ~ ' -.. "- 1}. 12-3! :3 ml 1-, so anal-am ' m .. \W; In. - n W 70¢ 1|\ ‘2 I '2 ,W a; ‘1‘ v Q g; as s .1 ‘ o' , ‘7 7 on u o s ;.-\ )I 'C;\i' \ ,‘YJ ‘ til \ but now .\n‘~~ loll-{l1 ‘ 1.\\ V . . iivl‘: rem l "d brie! 2 ~t..‘tl2‘.,:,2 .2, ,2 ..-_:e bal'P' \ I'L?)‘\‘ 2‘112'; 2 22-32:; ,__2‘2;.2 ,Ii'lai2 :l_))d SOIL l:1r11,t_:~l 4; i’f‘ice Should ':~::‘ . -:: _. :i;an $3000if HIE}. >~ ilt‘L’J' .5 ,.-:;. :1 Wood ferm’ ‘12. n.1,,“ . : , In V'sm, 1.. .1 :â€"=.2~ :L3Klng N- .as‘w ,';‘s_-';‘t‘ 2.2,.1152 \ l,‘,.»1,‘. -2 ,- .2,- ins-arr Durham. ’ tn . '° 1' t :1_1l"" twill 5811 _very i‘ii.‘ , 1-);lz'llazn Furniture '11 cheap or trade“ ‘-2!‘1i.11 Blacksmith snop standv ' 2;: f 7112,1103" 34:5. at 10‘vest .71. . ‘ " v'rrv‘ V 1-,; >- l-olthrx ::.zl- INSUR‘ :1‘t“i'll. [)zfrii'd‘fisarranged- 0' o ' 1 ‘ ' - ' . (la-sail ‘tt‘fgff'L*§zlg-') Tickets £0! rytzliizgz {Why-3- ys Promptâ€"«N ;- ~. oer Negligent- ’ t' 1‘ 1â€"1. H. MILLER-1: 4 - 2. .. M. or" '41' V .. .5 ilelt photograph gi' b one dozen cabinets is " "'1; Ollar and a half. F. ‘VeK, Ht. grapherLJuiy 12th. ti. "~" .:* 1;; 1 1, - - _ 1.,' ,- .1,--. v . .1 . . >~ .1 - *F- 1 .1-4 , . » ~- . - , ,» .. .. -V ,‘- ...<, .,.| 2 «2.- .2 2 W “on“ _ 2 qt v_ 22" 22 2:27.22”, 2.2221112er312 2223“) .,l..2. “.2": “4,212 . .-n-,_ 2 ,mvv- c2 . 2 'val ,1} wen-1'.- , 2. . . 1 .~1-s , . 1 , 1 v f". - ’. .1. 1. -' | _- -, .1 o , 1.. . 2 ,2 . . 2. 2‘ . 1 « . . .. ,, wk 0 I ‘ l' 'A' . 1 1 d _- ”5.11 o l‘ o ,‘ ,_ ' -.1 " :3 .‘l. I ' ' I ' ' "V ’7 ""V I" 'F a '. - ‘ OCTOBER 18, 1906 i 1 1 team CHRONICLE ITS SU PERIORITY O Hutton Hill. 2, ran sruiimo ms WIFE. 2 f on 1 A serious stabbing afiray occurred Kress A number 0 yo g peope from at the north end of Bay street on ‘ . ’ . d th ’here attended the anniversary ser- Tuesday evening as a result of which Over Japan Tea is so pronounce at nose 1:: Varney and report a good Andrew P22222222 22 8222222222 in 22222 . . - - time. The church is much improved. , ° tea critics have nothin but raise for! 2 employ of the cttoey Lumber Com- Th g P Watch the first column of this pa- pany, is now under arrest charged e undertaker it on a teaPOt lflfllSlOn. iPeP and the Review. The young with assailt occasioning actual bodily ~ :people are preparing a Seed pragram. harm. The victim is his wife, who intend iving 08 an entertain- now lies in a delirious condition at ‘ 2 7‘ 7..“ 3:15;. of somegkind. They’ll tell “3 the home of Mrs. Gilbert, Hill street. Has“ a complete Stock 0f 2 ‘5 ‘ llater. The affair is the outcome of a series s- 2 ' _ ' Mr. and Mrs. Sirrs, little daughter ’35 rOWS that have taken place during I CURTAIN POLES~ WINDOW SHADEe: l u ' ' and son, of Durham, Spent Sunday the past six weeks. From the facts PICTURES. PICTURE FRAMES. FRAMES 3: ' 1 with Miss Georgina CuE. as far as can be ascertained, Peterson TO ORDER, mo,, mo. , . . . . Z: i Mr. and Mrs. Langrill visited and his wife have been boarding for i7; “'8 have some bargains i ' ; the summer With Mrs. McMillan on i ‘ friends in Glenelg lately. B Th f b , l 2 2 .42 \Vorsted Trousers, neat 2pat- 2 CEYI‘ON GREEN TEA 3 Miss M. McLean, Shallow Lake, 8y street. 6 ormer ecame 369" APRACTICAL UPHOLSTEREE S terns, worth $400 for 3300;. " u. g.-.- My“ laenwsnsrtnnan I ‘ V M mmwm' . . , cos of the attentions paid his wife by ~11 b . ’1. _ t ’and Mr. Boyd, Lamlash, Visited Mr. 2 V“ e present the first week ln s‘ - Every‘eaf *8 uncoloredo undoctored nonunion of so nests and 0f Virgin purity‘ 3 Mr, “.2222 John Dunsmoor is visit-' Verely thrashed her. He is 315° 1;)and perloempgtcl); aixgޤetglropeb i 4‘ $317252? geoiizgsstftihgmb 813200 , . Iing his Perentet Mr. and MFS. Duns- accused of having threatened to take ' ' ' ' ' ‘ ‘ xv . ' . . . . a "1' Lead Packets Only. 250, 300, 400, 50c and We per Lb.- .st all Grocers. l moor. her life, and about a month ago was _- . - _- _, , _, , l theemmtldy slid? (thdie‘n‘liblelgnigts': Sorry to hear Miss B. Donnelly is put out of the boarding house for UNDERTAKING EMBALMa L 2 the savings that count. in, flourishing a revolver and creating a ING a Specialty. and night calls The Misses A. and H. Lawrence disturbance. lie was arrested at the 01' {133’ 08118 1383’ be made at our ound some letters and returned them “me-g but as hls ,Wlfe refused ‘0 32’ 3681 once 292m showrooms, next 0 their owner. One contained five pear in 0°“le against him the magi oor sout 0f the Post Ofime' strate could only impose afine for S f h f 2 drunkenness. Since then frequent ome 0 t e armers are commenC- rows have occurred. About ten days 2 2 l 1222:2222 22f ging ‘0 thresh again. ago P. C. Shute, who was called in ED. KRESS, undertaker. .. out, . 2 Black and Blue Overalls with bib, Cotton and Moleskin Trou- sers and a fine line of Men’s Heavy Shirts at right prices. ('9'... WWWWWWWWWWZ’ - . 4 Slhglfes‘lhfi'égkfikglksfleflhsfib 2522*222 ,3, -‘, , A number 0‘ men working on the to settle one of these disturbances, 2.1.1:: 54’“ if L C' R 2R.hhave rented Mr-bcfee- 2143““ [ confiscated a revolver which is still C L GR T .â€""°e"?1 l!“3 1.2 ,rence S ouse. ormerly e 003138 W,- in possession of the police. On Tues- ;, . . A IQ 0' Cousteau-it Sh,“ 2i: 3 Mr. Thos. G, Hutton. day night the couple met on Bay St. DURHAM SCHOOL. 2 ; Miss C, H, Hutton was nearly hav- and an altercation ensued in which STAFF AND EQUIPMENT- ,".3 . 22 ling some trouble when going home Peterson drew a knife and slashed -â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" t. . o o o :4 lirom town the other day. She tied his Wife across the cheek and upper The school is thorouhly equipped in teachin 22 :32; fiber on to “1,2 Blackburn’s wire ll besides kickin and oundin her ability, in chemical and electrical supplies an Oi2 OX2» (262’ t: p y p‘ g p g fittings, etc., for full Junior Leaving and Matric- i l i r. _ sleeve-e t: c: to . m a» 1 Ln: WWWW ) éfenc2e while in visiting. The pony With his fists. The affair Was Wit plation work. The followiogcompetent staff arr - egot its leg caught in the fence, and nessed by several residents of that 11101131328: 2 :itLti-‘al. ,the2 ladies were in a great state of‘locality who ran to the woman’s as- THOS. ALLAN, lst Class Certificate, Prin. 0 R0 CE R IE5 T118 0,212,“ =2? .exmtement. Mr. Petty came along23lstance and prevented What would. " ;just in the right time and released in all probability, have been a case of 133133,? M' FORFAR' C'laSSics’ MOdemfi an: ', Ithe animal, the harness and buggy murder. The injured woman, Who '1 ~ " "‘Y" I ' 0 . ' ' "Q n I K... A w '1; I. t.‘ -‘ ‘ ‘ . ‘ ' ‘ It?“ :2: ~-.‘ {being broken. Miss C. H. had to go. was bleeding profusely, was assisted Ceifiigfijffiég,‘Egg? ,23‘f,§,§fg,§g,§ff,‘glag§ ’ 1‘ lour and F8811 .‘ '21 T1,? . ' “ :5 l on foot and lead her pony. l to the home of Mrs. Gilbert. on Hill Queesn’s University. Science. Histori'and Geo “Li. A Nag; ,r‘ ’- ’~‘", ‘ ; Street, and a physician summoned, graphy' Ls ‘ -â€"â€"-.-â€"â€" I . .o .. ' . . of? " f d t neceisar * to lit ‘everal Intemlinnstullents allzllll-lt.>1"'t+l l s' . . :10 cons-rooted mat a How of ure healed oxvoe n~ e il . - ““0 on“ 1 i V p ° -,, - " ~ ...-’“ "f“ ‘L “‘0 we“ ,» 1, .1, .1, RP ’ . . Pesos : Thomson Mr. A. 121 - ! snoonoo 1o oosol so she sound In €3htfiil‘i‘éiiéttéh‘31-‘1’?,?:T’“"1~1,111321332fit‘ti’lié‘t"; ~- . . , .14: :1. .g,-__rltli‘.ua..y W1 en 2! e ange 13 m operaion. 2i :SCOtt. son of 311's. E. Scott. WBSE hill. 1’ response to a message sent to the and active2t-mvn, making it almost desirable 0 ”IE 8 Royal cleats are roasted therein on exactly the same principle a if left 0W9” Sound to 599k bls fortune Police S'ation. P. C. Slime al'rlved on place 0f ”S‘de’m‘" THE TWO ;- {iii} Cid-:lme Spit \Vlil'lOUi ' ‘ Ma Q [In the weSt. de2Settled ”1.001021%?“ the scene and placed Peterson under Fees,$1.00per mouth. HIGHEST :2 Ullsehillll 12 5 2,2,2“! 2 'atchl" d ‘w do ; . a, 22 :_ 2 wherehc became interested in mining arresn. He appeared in the police 5 WM2 JOHNSTON C RAMAGE LGViiDES OF ‘12 . . s ""“3 C‘“ "’ “g an 19s, 5%, EOpOI‘aEIODS and subsequently2dr2lfted court on Wednesday but was remand- Chair'mam Segregam ‘ ‘2 ‘ 2; Keewallll FIVE 22- m?- :‘sl “£2.22 . “32: 'mt0 Bevada. He met Wlth indlfi'er- ed until the 16th.â€"O. S. Times. MAS ITOBA l ROSES 1-, "fist. Aerated Oven 0i -_ ‘ _ L (a sat success at first. but eventually FLOUR ' . .tv - . .1 . ,_ a _ . - * . "'fixo- __,1\‘, ; . â€"-â€".â€"â€"â€"â€" , 3 ,s . -‘ became owner of a valuable mine at 2 2 2 ‘ $533.5 per barrel. 3%, ' Souvenir can be secured 1Rieoche. “’llile en route to his old Preventlcs. as the name implies. .2 22 ,2 . , prevent all Colds and Gri pe when m 6 me n S 2, 22 22.2) (m3!- range. home in Owen Sound he stopped over 2 22 h p ,2 ~ g.,.,.,..3,,,2,.,...232. ‘- l. “1.2, l ;in Toronto to visit his sister, Mrs. “‘29“ at 3 e sneeze stage. t’re . {nimrcilu ::1J:,;(:,: Scat? Ralf, who introduced him to a. ventlcs are toothsome canny tablets. Farm and Garden SCCdS. 5 .tr out“, -~.c a} ll . u A . , " . . . . .2 2 222 2 2 2 2 number of f-iend‘ gt a dinner art Preventlcs dlSSlpate all colds quickly. A FULL LINE OF THE _. (it: SLR-\Ei-TILDEN CO.. ,,- . bl K' 3 Ed d Ap y and taken early when you first feel â€". L' - d ,. _,.,l\en at t e ing war . mong 2 1 2 . D . H t C , Government Standard ”mm 2 2 2 - . those present. were a couple of gen- that a cold is coming. they check and caring arves er 0. S '1" th nd Cloxer ~.1 -- . . .. . a -'. :::lrnllton, \Vlnnlpeg, Montreal ,3 Ltlemen interested in mining matters prevent them. Preventlcs are thor- F , , I 1 t‘ k M- h' lmo y and VenCOUV'ers 40. ' iand who asked Mr. Scott to look over oughly safe for ehlldrent and as 3560' 3.1111 mp cinen b ‘ ‘ no ”1913‘ . . , . _«- ,1 .- _., - ,, .a miningr property at Cobalt in the tualdfcan adults.t Sdold22andtricom- MANURE SPREADERS ‘ ‘ ' ~" "~ " " I- . , - men e in 0 can an 2.0 cen oxes , interests of a Toronto syndicate. He HAY LOADERS - “ ’V 1 T ‘ l . . . . RATE LOCHRAN l2, Agent, DURHAM, ONT. ldld so. and was instrumental in clos- by Macfarlalle 00- BIT JERS MOWFRS MAT! HEWS LATIMER ling a deal for the Foster mine for -â€"+â€"â€" 1‘ ‘ A”- â€"-â€"W M““““_â€"â€""â€"' 2 $750200lf, Mr, Scott was given twen- H 0 R L RAKES THEOBALD'S OLD STAND' :ty-eight thousand shares as a consid- 0N_R 0L SEED DRILLS TREASU RER’S SALE Of LAN [)5 1“ration which “ the Present market 8 s. no. HERMAN“. . DISC HARROWS I lvalue of over three dollars a share . . - - N ARREARS FOR TAXES IN THE COUNTY OF GREY . will amount to the tidy sum of eighty- Sr. IV_E1919 Blyth 946- WAGGONS \ ~--â€"â€"-â€"~â€"~â€"-â€"â€"â€"~â€"â€"-â€"â€"-â€"-â€"â€"â€" :elghtdthousand d Mr. chtghas bien 10.722“- IVâ€"A- Stewart 3,821 J. Blyth GASOLINE ENGINES ' ""‘ :7 : virtue of a \VAlIRAN'l' issued by the \Varden Oftlle County oi‘Grey and authen- 5 3990 ill-12 8» 9W 3Y3 W“ 19 mot er ' ALSO A COMPLETE STOCK OF ,' ff no.7. Ers- the seal of {.1162 szl'l2l‘l County. beariilgdllate th2e2 Elegéenthflday fif {lllbfl 22(2l2ne , during the past fortnight and left on III Classâ€"J. Stewart 467, C. Halli ’f ritl’l. .\" e llll lr ( :ll Six 1.»\. )- l‘JHi: all to me( lrect tor e C) so iono lei . ° 1 _-.;-~ 2221212222 11113315 'l‘illltl‘lhl YEA-RS and OVER upon the lands hereinafter men-2 \Vednesda2y f0; Colbalt WhIGre he has day 202' 2_ Democrats and Buggies . -2 Mpi its-scribed being ill the Ummtyot Grey. 2 been appomte 88 2genera2 manager II Classâ€"J. Peter (>01, M. Blyth (Rubber and Steel Tires.) , Ellfis'lsj are therefore to give NOTICE that unless the said taxes together with al 3 0f2 the DGWIS acquired mlne'â€"O° 8' 397, G. Peter 305, 1. Stewart 289, J. 2 2 22222222 222222 2222222222222 2222 2222222282, 22222212 1 shall on ' Times. Thompson 75. McClary Stoves and Ranges. W q NTED ‘f‘ffiursday, the First of Day November, 1906,; -â€"â€"'.'â€"â€" Pt. II Sr.â€"N. Halliday, E. Kellar. Raymond Sewing Machines. - 3-1.:; 1.2' 'l‘Wl) DELUCK iii the afternoon at the COURT ilOliSE iii the Town Of G. Fortne J. Fortne . ' :-.-\' 2221'2222‘ ll lll the said County, proceed to sell by public auction the said lands or , ONE OF THE SADDEST STORIES' y, .y T Be“ Planes and Organs. 2 2 - _ 25,, more. :' as may be sufficient to discharge such arrears Oi taxes and costs and, 2 Pt- II Jr.â€"E. Le‘msl - Stewart, Berlin Pianos. 2 22.-., incurs-«l. 22 (2 2 d 2 First it Was a cgld. 2negéect§2d if \V. Thompson. . J “‘0“ an , 1 course and catarrh eve ope . 0t - Pt. I Sr.â€"Mary Blyth. .,.Ug:"{312m,gifeBétfil‘ng Tame “We"- 1‘0” dug was done and consumption fol- PL I Jr2_K2 38,22,212 L2 Thompsom AGENT for DOYLE JULIAN Carding and Spinning i - . ‘ . - . l V ’ . . . gull-t ll?) .._.-.'lo' :20 l'lipat‘ll 19 14 3 05 ":22 19’ Eowpd' “ atch the “title ffflfii’ Leep A. Halliday, E. Blyth. M is dT mb tone TO ORDER AS USUAL / TOWNSHIP OFGLENELG :1t from grooms, by {isms Catarfh‘ A Classâ€"W. Peter, c. Kellar, n. l onumen _ an .0 S S . 1 * Snlr'ru DURHAM ROAD ’ 0201-8 30(11an simpler than ”3' Lewis, R. Stewart. I OWEN SOUND. 1-: ........................ l 2 Pat'd 9 7s 2 75 1-2 54 ' hsling the germ-killing N1301‘ 0f ““3 E DAWSON Teacher , {t.-l\‘.'ll as llullzer tlstlltn 217. .3 28 l'llpat'd 10 74 “.3 83 l')’ 57 grand remedy Colds and catarrh ' l ' l JOhn Clark H We Still. carry on businesg‘2“ \ll.l.-.\(§E 0F l’iiiCEVlLLE arise as before fire. Every trace of LATONA P S I b HARVEY STREET NORTH I . 'al trouble 'ields -+ . ' ' t. , " V _ 222222222 22222 Pat‘d ,3 ,;9 .3 75 3 44:£22231ifeclybmaftttldrrhozoue is {026222112 8 IVâ€"-Maggle Mortley, Beatrice Implement Agent and Auctioneer. as formal 1.3 and hope t0 8 2 ,;1-,t1s "‘r'z s l",:".\ {ti #0 J " do: . ‘ ' , I . .. . im SOD “01138011 . 9 4 ' " ' " "I; ' ’ . - wol- use 0 s 1 ‘ “8“ ‘ 1nd» ’ to Who 1905 , mm a“ absololely guaranteed for T P l , B‘ I ’R Smlth Frank GARAFRAXA STREET DURHAM favored will the continued 2 S. J_ PARKER, 22222222222222“ 222221 22222222222222 catarrh and wam ey, el a ay, Alex. Turnbull. 1 2 2-2 ,2 gluinllrfii lll ()Wt‘ll SUlllld T131E52 .luly L’Ulll, rim. reafil rel. count) (Ire) ; klnd2r€dd ll2l3. TW'O 81268, 200 and 5.12 2?)... 1221111 fidgle E‘vdémlehy o (I ' ” L" ' patl onage Of oul 01d Gus- _ 2 “at al ea eis. 1" â€" 0 n 9 ing am, weorge . -- v ”-v'"â€"-***â€"â€"“â€"~‘ ..._-__ -â€" . _... Ledingham, Annie Stewart, John Pumps. 2 tomers and as many new __“ g: \“ "x, "I, '17, v- '1'! "I; \l- "I ,s" " " "’2 '° ”4:9. \l' \V \l- w. l- w \l- ° I ' J. Smith, Donald Ray, Lizzie Smith fl -- . 7 '~ "3'2?‘?.S“?.S‘?$%€“..§‘?S%??§m. Kaikel‘haselli‘7‘379a9‘3i'é? .. 9,15%: 7 NOTICE. Sr 11 Vin M 1 . , I BEG LEAVE TO INFORM MY (3131:. ones as ma) feel disposed «b - â€" as 1 0rt By. Katie btewâ€" 'I‘OMERS and the public in general that-I . . 7,3: -â€" 2 .2 wart, Kate Smith, John McGillivray. am prepared tofurnish t0 Q'IVG US a trial. 0 were The Trustees of the Durham Ratul'eli poser Mountain Ed Noble ‘ S V ndlcate ar 2:, 1 of “to, ‘11 em}, some; same Dismisses-5; sass WELL .2. 7 2 _ , ,. â€" , x , - x an ass CURBING 0' % assets 01 the L-liillpzmy. and Will Pay Ledingham, VVlllie Smith, Cecil done withCementconcrete. S “*2 2 A three cents on the. dollar. Sliai'eliold- Twamley. James Vaughan, Archie 9‘ ALL ORDERS taken at the old stand _-_-_ “““‘““ .16» - 1 ' -‘ ' 1° ’1 a ' __ ' 435 2 DllIlltUl], Will recent iniouiit due 51.2 I Donald Smith, Mary Coffield, ALL WORK GUARANTEED 2222 “Live 22222.2 $34 them, Eli-Ml can see full statellieiit of Robbie Mortley, George Noble, Mary FORT VVILLIAM ‘2‘ ms call-llg on Arthur H. Jacksonfi Turnbull. ggggeytcfowan’e Mill will be promptlytu2 I l i {i Villglll ls the only prOperty subdivided into residental lots ' 2,2060 , ___2. \l 2,. let live” PRICES. 7 2 2 2 L ,5, 1 _ 2 ,,_2 . - 22 , ,., -- , . .,.., ,- 2._ , . lint-s. dptl. . cClement, “llfred Black. DLRHAM, â€" -â€" 0313310. '2 ‘9' ha: ZICC‘J‘t-tl;2\ ‘(tilelD\ ,he J. l. uAbE COMPARE. b SITE, Q\ 1 Jr. I Aâ€"Nellie Smith, VV illie Moon. GEORGE WHITMORE1 5:; Offers an unrivalled Opportunity for the small investor 9% l , m: in on flit‘ ground Him in a proposition of almost unbound. 2% 74 s3 . gossiblllties as a money maker. :t; Present? in this district is an absolutely sound, gilt-edged fig tain, Willie Vaughan. . Jr. I Bâ€"Annie Mountain. Martin T I 1 B 4 Cofield, Jno Locheed, Geo Vaughan. ’ 3 1g rum SCOTT, Teacher. The P00 18 S GFOOBPy --.~.â€"v~ -- -.â€"â€"-- .0 3 i; lrz'cescnient. and has been emphatically endorsed by the Mayor * :' L‘ort William. local Bank Managers, and leading business and CALDER BLOCK I w I' as 'rofessional men, 2% . n @mailly Ailments AND PROVISION STORE 11,1; s l , Do no: delay. These lots are selling fast. Call or write -3 “E SELLS CHEAP and weaknesses «3 iii-slay. . an ant u l particuars on app ication. \ cf; . Ladies Fur Caperines. from $3.00 up. , . 2 or [ours 0 ‘2‘, rice from $65.00 up. % 2 .. .. Rugs .. $1250 W Dr. Shoops Night2Ctre Soothes, Heals Undertaking. 3;; s3, ' *1 1* Stoles " $3.00 up. and Cures While she Patient SleePS- That always satisfies the pe" .. Child’s white wool boas at30c.,45c.aud 60c. 1 - We have opened up Under- :3; bis-00 Cash $5000 Per MOch. * “Ch- The best remedy which physicians know for LOOL. taking in Thomas Swallow’s 123$: $3 Ladies’ white wool hand made fasiuators at Female \veaknosseSls composed of parts of a . buildin ' o osite M'dd h _- -_,_ -- -- ___._____ . son and $1.00. saggieretshsssotstl: “measles-1° . . s g’ a" ‘ 3““ :1: H ' _ M" " ' ' "m“ " “‘ % Wool clouds. white. black and red. at 25c. the inflamed membranes. T133 390mm,, aw- Five Roses and Relndeer d 0:591 an f are prepare to 1:222, % 40c. and 50¢. each. sciatic 2120cal22application is known by drusmists 2 02 usme2ss or “Ely Person re‘ ; ' at H°l°soonb noon at not. on. second seat the assessors Manitoba Flow always sivelsatis- ng “dammit- so 0 I] . 01‘ lmer .3 s? ’4" ”if" 1,, h, , ,e 25 is? assassin? “ assessments: Wm- o.. oman’s eavy rovers: e s ws a t, . . ‘ . 1 ..- -.‘ "1 5 ' 51' . «is M 0'" S T ’ $ 33.50 and $4.50 each. . 1133;: figegmzfi We carry also other well SdllSTdCllMl Guaranteed 2;”, C 1 t2 0r0nt0. Woman’s winter vests from 25c. 11p -_ ,2 2' .' "'1 they never 1mm: known brands Of Flour. :Sftg’b 34 , * Bed comforters at $1.25. $2.25. and $3 each . all‘fiiéé‘ei‘éi‘fg m embalming. . . 2 O F;- e‘,_ .43". 3’4 ' "b 2' ' ' ' 'b, ' ‘ '3'! ° ' - Large 111:4 size flannelette blankets, white - ‘womanmovbe . .. or .s ,. ..\\ «.1. see. tsetse. nhheefififififififififis 0,3,3, em ms, ,1, ‘ gum 3.3,; llslowel lmnel Bread Floor 0‘" Wk 0‘ Funeral Supplies l W’hite W001 blankets, large size 60x80. 33.25 Vigor and v.i-\ . " AND :.';.;-'/tolity of ro- have arrived. also a full line . pair bustand perfcc .‘- @9320/ tly healthy wo- Of Catholic RObes . ~ . h - . i; / -i- r - ' REWARD. Teacher Wanted. Men’s cardigan rackets, $1.00 each fifee‘l‘lfle Ifiiftlii’nh ,‘Ife ofsuflfgriinz'itomgn McGowan S Eellpse - - - â€"â€"___ _._. thatDr.Shoop sends ; .r’ his message of hope A reward of to 1 ~ ‘ ' v . an ‘ ‘ ezfi-r -heer I ’s ‘1 in dollars ““11 be Paid For S. S. IVo. 9, Bentmck, lady or sociaflifjeafifig $3211 Altar, 1'33, ӣ3,522,333“; 'I i . 733 one south Grey Agricultural Socie- gentleman, salary $400 or over. AP‘ Best mesOmenes AlwaysmStock NIGHT CURE wmcome as a Balm of Gum. Q to an . one . - - . _ You may not know your trouble by the name'- 3 “ho Wm give informs ply personally or by letter, before physicians give it. but remember Dn- SHOOP‘s ti. .1: .itt vi . . . 2 2‘ am? '2- 2 2 2: 21212 jlfiéooih: eggs-3:31:01 2‘2): Wednesday, Oct. 31st. Duties to be can and See Us. - 33:1?ggnmmmyrmi? 2:303:32??? 52,22: . - 8 gin Jan. lst. 1906 we m” °’ ”a!“ “mum w ”es" . ._ , ° Inflammation. congestion. irregular or Datum! 22 J Aims STINSON, Sect. , menstruation. Ask 1212-222 1321-2221 samples 2,, cosmos. w H BEAN MW e ,2 ”mm, Sec, Sap, . - - MAO FARLANE. . ca ' a on, 2, We can give you what you want BARCLAY BELL and you will find our prices right. C Mia. Max. Beggsll Suns ‘; nouns, our. a. .4, 't “J? .25 . f h“ (- J'fi' -

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