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Durham Chronicle (1867), 18 Oct 1906, p. 4

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.â€"..“.,... .... _.. ‘4. , ,“ “1w :3- , . ,_.' . ._. r - x .-,-‘ =... .«1‘.-.‘..»‘.“".\"3“’:- 5‘ ‘35‘32‘ .-.'.~‘- ', ' ‘ s .- : Leg;-riwgzgtxmfih'fifgffi.‘5“”221).;Efl,ޤg¥fi€75€4%?1§83;1‘i‘iififfiaf- j’?’ til .. f-"- . .- 3‘ ' 9"” " n: . ”-7";- ‘ ' ’ 1' .3 are {fielrnsviww’ '..-»g‘-Q‘,§t s" ‘3 f; ‘29?! ?.- a ‘. , We“ ward-ease” at; O a-‘armqsévewa‘n ,7; .i a, 45W gut; P‘fiifii‘pi‘1 _.1 his“ . " '--.i-tl"fiifafim fem-.presmtin person and“)? unused. "Then.” saidthcmafirhoy m m in spirit though absent 1.}! «M‘mhavaa lookatthekidoyou L’ 4 DURHAM CHRONICLE . ______â€"__â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€" _-â€"_â€"_”~ ”- '. . .i... . ~ -; -h'1 the threel lSunday next. when Eand Saskatche'w in. u l e 9 Flesherton. .9 ways, ofShelburne. . - , .‘ await us on the other shore. i ._ . , . , angel ones . mg and evening. l Thirty-two grand children rejoice; A very pretty “ edding took place 3 \Ir Thos Grainger is erecting ai . -.. . mi. ry; nd )a, and 'rrandma. { at the home of Mr. and Mrs George, ‘ ' . , ' . . ~ - l to ‘1‘“ “1‘” i"- t l i” Substantial addition to his reSidence' an)! I“ " _..â€".â€" Intelligent, personal care of the teeth and mouth requires the u... 3 K v of an antiseptic non-acid Tooth Powder. The best and sap-.5, is â€"‘~-”â€".â€"â€"â€"â€" I i’l‘l‘ , -1... smmg that bind us tol Pritchard. of Vandeleur, on \Vednes ' . f d a: .7 1‘ “i" " * ‘ " i - - O 1- h in ”grand the work is now well orwar . E ‘i‘ '. : leather ind \lotl'ier and to each other. i day evening. Ct 0t ' W en .1 l i “d bl d -l hi i . 1. h . .‘ , ‘, . 0‘ tr‘ .0 u..- m ind; eldest daughter, Sarah E.. was united Mr. F. G. Cole had CODSI era 6 e i Si ' . :9 ; .illll" 's is; .. at i . . - . .- - - - i if!“ ‘ t E. ‘Ykil (h. ,.‘. «'1 my”. hardghi N! in marriage to Mr. Robt. dichardson. - struction done in his garden bh)’ cogs! :1 l“’”‘"’ m 1'" ““j‘” ”i " ' ‘ ,1 u i l" “of th 5 place. The bride. woo was 9 which broke in on Sunday nig. t. 8! iii gin Culn‘i'l'llllg it from a Willi-9‘7”“ t” beautifully attired in white silk. 2 have a. cow By~1aW WhICh, If more: iii" ; GUN’S ANTISEPTIC WV'IIM“. it “0‘" l“- .trimmed with embroidered poiuti strictly enforced, would prevent de-i o 1 00th POWder ‘ and cariying abouquet of struction and save Citizens from these; a up: are? You may have been able to give to: d’eSpl'it, l _-.-.7.-- .. _... ._ l ° ‘ y - i .,_ . . ‘ iVi'Hll’ children only a limited share of- _Whlte asters. entered the parlor lea.) Welling annoyanceS. 1 a Q g.tl‘iis World's Hoods. vet You have given mg on the arm Of her ”the?" While SOmG 0f the sportsmen here have; 6 h _ l 1 _ {ii . it; ' .Lh if _‘ «ood hum hoiioudl Mendelssohuis march was played b5 ' been out with their guns but have; A perfectly pure, eflecwal cleanser, preseivative ant. “‘4‘1‘~etiiies #3 . : .lt‘lll \Vl .-a'« i " ; -. .° . ° ~‘ - - - 1 I . . - . .. ' 2 :ani. impittt i )3 men. .L‘ .. r EMary Pritcliard. SiSter or the bride, : came the way of three young meni p‘ the teeth without wearing away the enamel, and is 8,0501“ 1“ Fl :Cllllfil‘ll l'ianL’l' [113.11 gl'czlt. 1.1017185. 1()l11 was brldESZIlnld She ‘vas also be-' E n-a who Shot; a fine blaCk J . . I â€" a ute;~, w: inear Uge 1 g Q d h f 1 d g f ‘7" ’i H free from the usual grit an arm u act 5. . o t. Sl..o0.l; and q :hstw left llOllltf influence on our lives i comingly attired in blue silk, trimmed ! bear on Saturday. : . .I. 'I“ i v." no ‘. . .. ’ O . “ ‘ o - i“hl"h an. ( \t.i hit 11. upward, and “8; With all Git r lace. and carried .a hen The fall rush has commenced at the gliave inherited from you strength of i Que}; Oil PWS Setere- Little MISS Edi flour mill. and Mr. Loucks has secur- na 01 y w owas prettily gownei . . Mr. . . . iin White’silk trimmed with lace and 8d an asmstant m the person 0f i gloy the many blossmgs about us. L Johnston. ‘ l ! ribbon. aetcd as flower girl. Mr. W.3 , 4 h 1- , ' Your love for us has never ceased. Richardson, brother of the “00,114 Mr. W. R. Simmons. t 1111118. 531W: 1[you have rejoiced with us in days Ofl Wts groomsman. The ceremony, I one Of hie $1311de 3 53d gas W1 3} [gladness and prosperity, and your which took place under an arch ofihuwher km 6 3 SW ays ago. . l i heart's 10% and svinpathv have been green and white decorated with bells. , Mr. Harvey Wilkerson, of Begin? l l with us in times of trouble and sorrow. was performed by Rev. Di. baldwell, I viSited Mr. and hits. Grainger w i e‘ 'Tidtvwc your children grandchildren of this place. After cmgratulations,,on a short busmess trip here last E l' .‘ ‘ ’ ' . . - - ' ' about eighty guests partook of a' week Mr. Wilkerson is pushing lan“1f““'nd’ 1”“! met to Ie'lmce ““11 dainty wedding supper. The brideEbusmess in the house building line. I Banquetv Vase. swe'et,:its use is in all ways pleasing and refreshing. Hanging and Glass Lamps I l l l l 1 body and mind that enables us to en- " PRICE 25 CENTS Now in stock,- and Supplies of all kinds. $3.0” on the event at ,the fiftleth anniv- was the recipient Of many Cbetl)’ and Mr. J. Hebson, of Markham. is the ..)..., . i ., . . ‘ u ble . . a . . v . . . . ‘pltbb our illcction in some h m ulations to Mr. and Mrs. Richardson Miss hellie Boggs 18 on a “S“ i . v . . a v v a " ' "r. ‘ S 0 i. c i‘V(l}1:§;)dbk youtto .ifccepl; these gifts 3:01-13:63 vfiiél‘eed in their new home i among her young friends here. . a s q u en en 0' 0 our .ove. a . . . L r 1s ”9 m 1 e E 34153 Matheson and Miss McFayden, “'0. hope and trust you may be A quiet marriage took place at the“of Shelburne. visited the Misses Presbyterian manse on Wednesday Munshaw over Sunday, the sunset of your lives may be full of 23:21.13?“ :fdlasdadvelftk rV‘brfetthellIdle Mrs. Fred Sheppard and two child- en e y, g e lren. of Toronto Junction, are visiting fpeace and comfort. that the twilight , v . ' Mr. Hector henned. , of ArtemeSia, . the former’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. ‘ . . ° N. .~ . l . ’ . may be fullof happiness and assurance: and Mr. Stanley McCombe. of Owen’ B h ;so that when darkness closes in and'Sound. were joined in wedlock bylA° ent am; . - Mrs. M. h. Richardson accompan- lthe hour of death comes to you. as it Rev. L, W. Thom. The bride wasl ! will come to us all. you may enter into attended by her niece, Miss Ethel l ied Mr. Richardson t0 the city thle I u i a fuller measure of happiness and par~ Carson. M131 the groom’s brother, Mf- ' Week to spend a few days Wlth her I ‘ l ticipate in the glorious and eternal ver- 3 John Mcbombe, was best man. daighteé. Mrs: \Vebstfr' f R :itics of a never ending ctcrnitv. . T M"s°o B n 1 v- . ” 'FS- ummings '3‘} son, 0 053’ , , ‘ ' ' he lb 1 n a d be d a Brown burn. Man., are waiting the former’s etc. that we have not time [0 talk aboug Have You Seen . . . __~_---.. spared for many years to come, that 0111‘ Annual Impor- tation Oi. Fine China? Nothing as line has CVCI‘ been Shown in i social in the school room of the Meth- ; \i G Cummin q here 11 1 Durham. It includes :To Ma. AND Mus. s. LAWRENCE: lcdist church on Friday evening lasc. “I“ ‘ r' eorge 3" ' and-made Footwear. But to make a 10D3 ' new. FRmx,,_.,,___we, the brethren Brown paper programmes. brown â€"â€"+â€"â€" story short, we have everything 111 the Shape 1.. ) .. . .. N . 9.3 2 . - b .. cake and brown bread mostly compos~ ' Wounds Bruises and Burns. ‘ ‘ . . ‘ , _ (f1 0 I U 11 md neigh ors 0f ed the “brown” feature of the enter- l ’ _... Of“ leather, Styles of ,laStS’ etc' thflt E Of tainmenc. Dr. Caldwell presided and; By applying an antiseptic dressing pl actical use. Vi 8 V8 got the lllSlCl€ tl‘aCk"? , this vicinity, have assembled here this Royal Suhl. ' . ' ‘- . - r: r.'.(r '- . El-Q’Z" Hapsburg. Eex cning foi thi. [)lllPOSCOf.{-,1Vlnb 8} a short . ut pleasing programme was to Wounds. bruises, burns and like OD Rubber goods this 868.8011 {lilil voul U m b We l: Erica‘s L. ”9551”" to “up felling: 0‘ .good W111 rendered. A sweetly rendered $010 injuries before inflammation sets in. Get the benefit b E.. 1 s x 1..-. .. , . imoges’ tOWIU'dS you on this the. fiftieth anm- was given by little Miss Irene “”1503 they may be healed without matura- i" " rlliC atlas. Altenhurg. "el'eiu'." Of You? marriage. and pretty duetts were given by “5' tion and in about one-third the time kinds illz‘u i. tle Misses Lillian Bunt and Leone required by the old treatment. This i “'0 desire to acknowled ye 'our in- . . . ‘m-i-tme kindness W1 oblii’in: di‘ on Thompson and Misses Lillian and,isthe memestdiscovery andmmpb Our One Dollar Bargain Table 18 chuck full in ‘ '. ‘. g ° 5p 5 Laura Armstrong. Pleasing read- of modern surgery- Chamberlain’s Eltlontllll'ln}; the fifty years you have ings were given by Miss Ella Kar- Pain Balm acts on the same princi- CALL AND SEE FOR YOURSELF. lbeen assocmted with us, and hope you stedt and Miss \Vass. An art exhibit p10. It is an antiseptic and when linay be spared for many years to come. was a taking feature. the refresh- applied to such injuries, causes them REPAIRING and ORDERS 0111‘ SPECIALCFIES Therefore. we ask you to accept mentsomuch enjoyed, and a silver to heal very quickly. It also allays collection helped to swell the Band’s i ithese chairs and pickledish, not for the f (1 Th , the pain and soreness. 30C} prevents i value which they may contain, but as 322d .With :strrgl‘fgs 2:92:13, (3:62!" any danger ofblood poisoning. Keep :a reminder of the respect and esteem as p n S' a bottle 9f Pain Balm .111 your home a and it Wlll save you time and money. ’ l- . - . . The covarin th 'l- h . M. ; b - gon etai race att e , , , l m “blob 50“ h t L alw iys een held l not to mention the inconvenience and From $1.00 to 52.3 Japanese and Irish Belleak. The ladies are specially in- vited to come and examine 'hese pretty dishes. planing mill gave way one day last bv those who through long years of . , sufierin h - - - - - - . ’ g suc in times entail. For . . . . NIaGFarlane 00. acquaintance are best able to judge of week while being crossed by a span ; sale at Parker’s DJrug Store. CASH ONLY. DURHAM AixD OW E.\ SOLBDY of horses belonging to Mr. Ostrander, l Draggists and Booksellers your sterling qualities. Proton townline. One of the horses ' â€"+â€"- 9!..- , - ' I Signed on behalf of your friends and went down about eight feet and was The meanest man has been found - A neighbors. buried In 9- IOt 0‘ sawdust covering in Philadelphia. He dropped a large ._ \ViLLmM ALJOE. the race. It took willing workers roll of bills on the street. and a boy ° . .. -â€"â€"~~ “â€"~ : Mas. ABE. CRUTCHLBY. some time with shovels to rescue the who found it returned the money to The ladles may be gOOd COOkS’ but there we Othe b’ - J T , 511011 1 JAMES BROWN. iai‘rlilimalh frgm its periless position. him Counting the money carefully _..______.. -- p} an 61‘ . ' e at or orseJumped clean overits the owner put it into his pocket. fr . _.F- .. .: BURHAM CHRONICLE â€"â€"°-â€" m... ...... .1... h. a. .. a... TH E MODEL BAKERY .1 ‘ erin-'o.:')ater “e is *~~ boy. “I am rejoiced to see you are guided by lofty principles, and as an ernest of my appreciation shall re- BORN too, would have received. BELLâ€"In Glenelg, on Oct. 14, to Mr. __ and Mrs. John Bell. a daughter. of Monday evening of last week the' l frain from charging you interest for DURHAM, OCT 1 1906 .. affirm:staircases: 1...... m...» Bread, Cakes, Pies. Cookies, Doughnuts. Etc. ..~» roved a ”‘03’ itiitillu keeps the beSt She has p ”be; intact taking tutor and always been for goon. Miss Anabel Blair lei 01151 to accompany her auntie: it} Black. to her home in .\ orth -â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"-â€"â€" W. IRWIN. Editor and Proprietor. During the severe electrical storm son, near Swinton Park, was Struck ‘ MARRIED- ‘ and burned, together with a lar - - - 8‘3 The Leading Commercial School , _ .. . \V ALPOLEâ€"BARTMANâ€"At the reSi- ' . . ° . . - ta. She purpose: to GOLDEN WEDDING ADDRESS. ' “”1“” Cf 1‘" A°°W “‘1 tw° 9““ Only the best 01" mammal used and iznp‘ifisc’og months with her â€" cousins. They will Visit rel. deuce of the bride’s sister, on Oct. were also struck and killed. About CENT/PA , ' cleanliness carefully attended to. 10th, by Rev. Thomas Colling. B. A., 3800 insurance is reported. W , ii! Timiims N. ‘iiaiiidi Dto tings M" Win sullivan’ Wh° has been STRATFORD ONT GARAFRAXA ST WEST ; aria . artman, 0 0 ur am. the past eight years 3- Indian Head, , . . ' " L, L w. Sask., has, we learn by The Witness Geo. H ' Stl "so“ DURHAM' 03T- of that town, removed to Abernathy, about twenty miles disrant, where he An interesting event took place on Monday night last at the home of Mr. E and M rs. Samuel Lawrence. of Glenelg. It was their golden wedding and in ANDERSONâ€"\VILSONâ€"On “'ednesday honor of the rare occasion. members October 17th, 1906, in Trinity ChurCh Friday evening after being 0 for over four months. He over a good deal of thc‘c‘oun Winnipeg to the B. L-oiuin The school is recognised to be one of the best Commercial Schools in America. You can safely Judge a of the family and a number of friends Durham. by Rev. A. A. Bice, "B. A“ has opened a new gent’s furnishing qchml by the applications it receives ‘ I and relativcsassembled for theoccaSion Mr. Anderson, of New Bruns- ~tore. Before leaving \Vill, who bad This term we received applicationg and yet was $9,; “pHâ€"‘33? back to ol’a L1 .el‘. 9.1.}; a: o from firms in six large American DIAMOND HALL been for seven years leader Of the cities and from far. more. towns and. cities of Canada including Saska- Presbyterian choir, was presented by toon, Sask.. on the West, and Char- the congregation with a nice address 1 P E I h E and purse of gold as a token of their ‘ Ottemwn. - - .. on t 9 38$. . . . . Our reputation means much for our 8 C d U C] r t 2 r S appreciation Of his 39"”‘399' E graduates. Write for our catalogue. ' H qfOl" Rev. A. \Vilson. a former pastor in Emu" Mclachlan the Presbyterian church here, who , ____._._._.__ ..___.__.___._.._.-.-.-,..._._--_.__._--.._ has been the past ten years at Rose- PRINCIPALS- ~ . mont. has accepted a call from the os‘sfismm‘bs'Qvo congregations of Blackbank and Air~ lie in the Presbytery of Barrie. Mr. M. K. Richardson is in Toronto this week “main“ “ °°°f°r°n°e °f Business College Our Large Stock of Rings HAS ALWAYS BEEN THE TALK workers in connection with the Child- . ‘ for miles. and our Watch and Jewel? ren’s Aid Society of Ontario. The LEADS IN - - h 15. t the P r- - trade has more than doubled this last six months. . r the expressions conference is being 6 a a B O OK-KE E PI N G Many a e liament buildings at the call of the :3}. and sorrow uttérEd. herre tothe makers of our countryâ€"the old misery from day to day.” This General Superintendent. Mr. Kelso. SHORTHAND . REMEMBER THIS IS THE MONTH FOR hearing of the 0" i“ 0‘ Pioneers who faced the hardships of Writer certainly had sufiered with The work under the “"603 Mr. K6180 TYPEWRITING George XOble‘ Cf Lark“: the early days, and without the ac- indigestion. for there is no more dis- 18 8 very 0130381" one. and we un- COMMERCIAL LAW wedding Presents ‘ 1 were more than pair 1; NE back. for no bezter l.i3.;_:l.1:f;‘.‘ ii than Tom crusts. Mr. T. Cook, who a..~;; a] .. which lasted far into the. night. Rev. l wick, and Miss E. Wilson. of Sault Mr. Bice vas present and was unan-E Ste. Marie, Ont. iniously chosen chairman. A number “mm + IMP 0F INDIGESTION. of spirited solos were very ably rend- ered by Mr. Midford. and short ad- dresses of a highly eulogistic nature HOW to Get The Better of This Cause 3 l i l i his home in Blarkuzli' . were niadcm'a number of visitors. AE of . cry. down to the Old home here f" and took our organist. -L. Cook, back With him fit? a :- . holidays. more with a more complete stock of high class Jewelry than ever. if , On Sundav Oct. 7:23. W3 Mount Forest could be possible. Mr. and MrsAdam Anders q baby. The thousand dollar coming their way annua Congratulations. ’0‘ J Having recovered from the misfortune of a few days ago by robbers. V , are pleased to announce to the public that we are fully Stocked up oflf'yz.;§ a.. $3! ‘t ’ .- very handsome leather covered chair was presented to each of the old peo- ple and many other presents, beauti- ful. useful and costly were also donat. ed by visitors and friends. Not being present we are unable to give as good an account as if we had been an eye A scientific writer upon stomach troubles says: “If you have ever sufiered from indigestion,â€"and who has not?â€"your imagination has prob- ably pictured a ferocious little imp dancing in the pit of the stomach. . . causing that organ to neglect all of witness to the evening‘s events, but its duties, with a result that is not our heart goesoutin sympathy always only painful, but fills you with the goodwill of the coon.-. agreeable. nerve-raking and sick-all- deratand the object of the meeting 13 COMMERCIAL CORRESPOND- a genial, gifted yiel‘d‘er of mar, and will be sadly mis cessories of the present time hewed . . -- . 9 . o o 0 b1 , out their homes, and earned a liveli- over disease than indigestion. to p11” for fibtaginf this beetvggzslh‘a: ENCE And as we keep nothing but the best Standard Silver in stock it will pal ; d on ding Cw hOOd and m many instances acom- been greatedf y p If d' f been appointed visitor and 396““ you to ‘av’e a 00 e ore buying. And as we have said many a d " Every October paintsaser o . g ° , . .. .. petcnce to tide them over their de- the heart, 5333:3113; ”1:39;: :n agent, and than whom no one better ORNAMENTAL WRITING before its no trouble tof she: gtoods. ’. So come along with you Master Hand protrays be climng years. they used Mi-o-na stomach tablets (galifield for aha yorkhcouldthpve and in placing all its graduates. rien sa any time. truth in colors that leave T0 SAMUEL AND ANN LAWRENCE: found that not- only did Mioo-na cure on c ”9" “'5 or t e pas ew ‘, ' '3" print on every observing ‘ DEAR FATHER up MOTHER,-â€"We, the stomach disorder, but it made months been attending .to tfgie'ir‘i‘b‘i'lk Each studient is taught separately at PERCY G A WEBSTER Watchmaker. Jeweller deep blue of an October 51; your children an 6. grandchildren have them well all over and the other in Grey and Bruce courities, Re My his own esk: .Trial lessons for one . . and OptiCian. if" ners of gold and crims‘on‘a ~ . 1 b troubles were also cured. under the care 0‘ the ate ‘7' a r. week free. Visitors welcome. - *1 that blend on the hill sio assembledin the oldhome to ce e rate If you sufier with nervousness Lediard, of Owen Sound. . . ..â€"-/:.' Saugeen river. the 80“ W this your Golden Wedding Day. We sleeplessness. indigestion sick 01', Mr. Barry Heitman’s new Store W. T. CLANCY, Prm. f S . blue birds and the robin' feel it a fitting time for Joy and glad- nervous headache, pains ii; the back nearly completed at Feversham was, 13' DAY and EVENING classes Astray Steer Farm 01‘ ale. j. 1133, make a Heaven rig ' â€"â€" " ' o ntario. (1 early on Saturday morning last, lde- stroy ed by fire. Incendiarism i3 su- Came to the premises of the undersigned Lots 2 and 3 of 29 and 1 of 30. Con. L E‘ about the last of August. Owner can have G. R. and west half of 66, Con. 2, E. G- B" ~-â€"-+-â€"-' l mess, and a time when we can with or sides get a 50c box 9‘ Mi-o-na an deep emotion express our gratitude take one of the little tablets before nd afiection. each meal. 1; w'll d spected. There was no insurance and u . ,, . . same b . t d towns . of Holland, onta' . 200 a Fifty years ago to- day vou joined good and you will sogny‘i): 8‘72}? 12:; the loss is estimated at 31000. 1218;: Grade 223111133 Pays expense: provmg proper y an paymg On thalifErrrli isba fragibg héiégfin gopgarreg ; Notice. ‘ - f f ‘ ' ' ' . S. No. 4 east f an at is the ' d the pair, a it .08 am. a. “t 1 acres c hands and hearts andthe Father above tilfisfom Indigestion. and “8 symp- thgge'fllarngehe:v:fesxpended about $130 EILIOTT famous PATRICK HALEY’ JR" dinihldgalghmerier gilt?” 32121123213“? All parties owing the es has blessed your umon in. many ways. For sale by all dealers The R '1‘ levelling the school grounds, which 0 Oct. 13-3wpd. Lot 21, Con. 4. Glenelg. well Watereiiaywell fenced; Will be 5:13. , Campbell, deceased. must The bond you formed boat day has 300th 00., Bufiido N Y . i . m now being enclosed wnh a no“ W ‘ â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" E cheaptoguick purchaser. Apply for u A. E. Jackson at once. or grownstronger and dearer, and though â€" " . ° wire fence. New cemlzpnil:1 wailllfs will ' that partlcuurs to . be placed in Court. 1 you have had many severe trials and ° also be laid all of w 10 w give TORONTO ONT, PETER MCINTOSH. _ :3. Cu hard struggles, yet, these have had a mining}: :2]; Etytfgghgh‘tto‘hfie the new school and grounds a fine . ’ Teacher Wanted. Oct. 16th. 3 mos. c. Dornoch. . _4 AM” Add in - . . "' ___________..â€"- ,, ' tendency to only weld you and yours W th, as the doctor “‘8 goingp t: appearance. . . Gives to its students, Recent stu- For School Section No. Ten ('10). Glenelg i v ____._____ more closely together. bring it in his black 58 That after Inspector Campbell. paid our public dongs have taken positions at salar- and Egremont, hold' a Second Class Cer- ‘ _ God basal ' vided f on and noon the youngster “PM at the school a visit last week, but mostly ’93 tom 350 per month to 31000 per aficate (explain gefegst iiwddk 190721 Duties ' Piles quickly and posit? wa or . - ° , . comm . _ in anuar . ~ - ~ a ,- . yspro‘. . y to confer wath the trustees about in that our school 1.8 the best ofits kin 6‘ 1m... .Testnnomals req . 3; State salad; Try An Ad. . inking; £21336: alllloanaelj expected. Applications received up to . November 15th, 1906, by any of the uni er- .. . IN ‘ the work surely and W11 W- A . i . . tion. Itching. painful. “ " JomiMcnomD ;SEC.-TREAS.. - . -. ° :5?! °? ' “ind Pu“ ° 9°” , M... The Chronicle ““9 it} Canada_ . This th ° - didjime to enter. finpfiuiglzgt . e an . " . . ~ DD V, ' faupplieo necessary under the tle man,” replied the doctor, high}, l;- ‘with its use. Large, Ni: _ in MM- It is a well-known act. 3! ' ,glaes jars.50cents. Sold ‘. ' ‘ " . - ' . . ‘... o . . . - . 4 . . an. - “ , . , !‘ ,-p. - ,. ‘ . ' ‘l i - cornea ' ' ~myat their posts or dutym their havemstock. and mi patent the Um ,, :.' -- ~ â€" hifish cam, ' Galifm‘ one I think rum beck” William Mam [ ‘ church an. "-1 ‘ 2i. i FMS.” “mm" ‘“

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