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Durham Chronicle (1867), 18 Oct 1906, p. 5

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KERY fl fibflIfim UUE e Chronicl‘ ts Store Do for Sale. 18,1906 1d beautifia. LmS, DOIiShes is absolutely smooth and huck full ike a long the shape :is of any side track eweller :k in will pay many a £3me a with you! man UIUW ' DW ill be Apply for £91" N SOUND. robbers. W' )thers. W'EST J ewe!!! youfl Llcingratulations. I Many are the expressions of regretl and sorrow uttered hereabouts on hearing of the death of auctioneer George Noble. of Markdale. He had ":ze goodwill of the countryside. was a genial. gifted yielder of the ham- mar. and will beâ€"-sadly missed in thel town and surrounding country. Every October paints a sermon. The Blaster Hand protrays beauty and truth in colors that leave their im- Print on every observing mind. The dee? blue of an October sky, the ban- ners of gold and crimson and emerald that blend on the hill slopes of the Saugeen river. the soft warbling of blue birds and the robin’s stronger notes, make a Heaven right here in old Ontario. OCTOBER 18, 1906 :ing tutor and her influence has rays been for good. Miss Anabel Blair left on Saturday accompany her auntie. Mrs. John ick. to her home in Worthington, lliss Anabel Blair left on Saturday accompany her auntie. Mrs. John Lek. to her home in Worthington, nnesota. She purposes to spend a 1ple of months with her Yankee isins. They will visit relatives at hawa and Chicago on their way. Mr. Thos. Jack arrived home on May evening after being out west :over four months. He travelled er a good deal of the country from innipeg to the B. Columbia line, LR are more than glad to have him 1; for no better neighbor nor friend an Tom exists. All parties owing the estate of Dan Campbell, deceased, must pay me or A. E. Jackson at once. or claims will he placed in Court. Piles quickly and positively cured with Dr. Shoop’s Magic Ointment. It’s made for Piles aloneâ€"and it does the work surely and with satisfy:- tion. Itching. painful. protrndmf: or blind piles disappear like maglc with its use. Large, Nickel 08de glass jars. 50 cents. Sold and recom- mended by Macfarlane Co. 11 Sunday. Oct unday Oct 7th. was born to 1 Mrs. Adam Anderson. aboy The thousand dollar gifts are their way annually now. 1C The latest and best kinds made. .1 $1.00 to 552.50. Traverston. 0001: who also arrived at in Markdale on Friday was be old home here on Monday â€"_- A‘. $1.00 to 85.00. V V.“ “vâ€"v our organ ist. Miss Olive thh hun for a fortnight’s ANNIE S. CAMPBELL, Administratrix. Notice. Flarity 8’ Bum?“ was born to And nodoubt you intend doing something With yourself. If you are go- ing to have a day’s en- joyment, REMEMBER The only purely Gent’s Furnishing We can sell you all the articles necessary to spruce you up. A gen- tleman would not look up-to date without some of the goods we mention. Durham Horticultural Society. The following premiums will be given to 1 Members this fall. _ Please make your choxce at once and notify the Secretary. ) l I No. 1, Collection of Bulbs for house culture. “ 0 “ “ garden culture. “ 3, One Horse Chestnut. “ 4, Two Apple Trees. Members must please send in their choice to the Secretar not later than Thursday, the 18th Oct. hose not doing so will have Bulbs sent to them. Members can purchase extras through the Secretary. CHRIS. FIRTH. Secretary “Two years ago our little girl had a touch of pneumonia, which left her with an awful cough. She had Spells of coughing. just like one with the whooping cough and some thought she would not get well at all. We uuv ' “-â€" gor. a. {muleâ€"of c,(_3ha.1:nberlain’e Cough Remedy which acted like a. charm. She stopped coughing and got stout and fat,” writes Mrs. Ora. Bussard. Brnbaker, 111. This remedy is for sale at Parker’s Drug Store. Store in Durham SmaiIâ€"Sumsâ€"Saved MEMBERS, ATTENTION z SOLD BY Percy (i. A. Webster J EWELLER. An Awful Cough Cured. J. C. TELFORD, Manager, DURHAM. ,3 First class brick house on Queen St. lSeven rooms, good well. cistern. fur- : nace and other conveniences. Quarter acre of excellent land. Now occupied I by Mr. Robert Burnett. \Vill sell l cheap to quick purchaser. Apply to Oct. 17-3c. account and interest is paid FOR PUBLIC SCHOOL SECTION No. 5, Glenelg; male or female. holding alegal certificate. Duties to commence Jan Blst, 1907 Applications received to Nov 10th,~1906 Fall Wheat .......... 3 Spring \Vheat ........ Oats ................. Peas ................ . Barley .............. . Hay ................ . Butter ............... Eggs ................. Pocatoes per bag ...... Apples .............. Flour per cwt ........ Oatmeal per sack. . . . . Chop per cwt ........ Live Hogs .......... Dressed Hogs per cwt Hides per 1b ........ Sheepskins ........... Wool ............... . Tallow .............. Lard ................ A GUARANTEED CURE FOR FILES naming, Blind. Bleeding. Protrnding rues. Drug gists are authorized to refund money if PA 7.0 OINTMEN T fails to cure in 6 to 14 days. 50c. Teacher Wanted. (I: N09 U! 0‘ 0| OOIOI IE Market Report. House for Sale- JAMES FALKINGHAM DURHAM. Oct. 17. mm R T EDWARDS. Secy-Treas, Eborda 1e To to 35 to 75 to 45 to 800 t. 20 to ........ 18 to s ...... 75 to g 3 00 to ........ 2 '20 to Lek”... 2 40 to ........ 1 40 to . 7 35 to per. cwt. 8 50 to 9 to 90 to 29 to ....... ........ DURHAM UIJRU'A 10 LE 5 to 13 to to to to to Ell Comment: on Our People and 011! Modern Inventions. You have in America :1 population of 81,000,000, more or less. According to your claims, ninetenths of these would be above the average. What are the facts ? Out of this enormous body you have but 12,000 or 14,000 men and women who have achieved enough intellectual prominence to lift them above the aver- age of all these, but a twelfth or four- teenth are women, so out of $1,000,000 of souls you have but 1,400 women who have shown brains sufficient to place them on a plane above the com- mon herd who live or die without be- ing heard of. Of this small group of pseudo intelligent people about a fourth live in New York, and New Eng- land produces the most. In China we have (300,000,000 souls according to some estimates, and 400,- 000,000 according to others, and the percentage of ultra intelligent men is fifty times as large as in America. Our principle is education. True, it is not like your own, and some of your illit- erate politicians appear very strangely educated to me, as in our country we have had what is virtually civil service for ages and every otfieeholder keeps his position by virtue of his having passed a very severe classical examina» tion. Chinamen visited America 1,000 years before Columbus was heard of. Your native American Indians could trace { thousands of years ago had they pre- 1 served their annals, and so I might go i on and speak all night telling you or ‘ the inventions which fill your patent i oflice which were stolen from China. 1 The Yankee is famous for his cute- : ness, but it does not stand investiga- ‘ tion. When the first Yankee sea capâ€" tain entered China he made a list of i all our inventions and appliances, and I when he returned to America he began 1 to invent things and get them patent- CU My ancestor of particular note in what would be 1,500 years ago was an astronomer of distinguished parts, am! OO 31 wé have had many of your arts and sciences for ages. 13 ed. I have seén scores of patented ar- ticles that have been known in China for 2,000 years.â€"-Metropolitan Maga- zine. Nothing In It. First Burglarâ€"Did Bill git much out uv dat last burglary? Second Burglar â€"No; he got so little dat his lawyer advised him ter plead guilty. “Culture,” said a college president, “is What remains when what you learned in college has been forgotten." Snufl For the Commons. It is not generally known, says the London Express, that a generqus coun- try supplies members of the house of commons with gratuitous snuff. “For- merly,” the Express says, “snuff was described in the estimates as such, but to ward off the objection aroused by improving habits the charge of £200 a year was mixed up or covered in the estimates as ‘lamn oil.’ ” Man and His Money. Almost every woman has her basis tor the valuation of a man. One girl who recently broke off an engagement to be married certainly has hers. “I couldn’t stand him,” she said, “be- cause he carried his money in a fish scale purse. That seemed to me the limit. To my mind there is only one rally manly way for a man to carry money, and that is to throw it around loose in his trousers pockets, so that when he wants a nickel he has to dig up change by the handful to get it. For bills, of course, I can stand one of those flat leather pocketbooks. They have a businesslike aspect and do not detract from a man’s dignity. But to see a big strapping fellow who has the appearance of a real live man draw a little purse from his pocket and fish around for a dime is too much for me." Rome’s Great Fire. In A. D. 64 ten of the fourteen mu- nicipal districts of Rome were destroy- ed by a conflagration instigated, it is said, by the Emperor Nero. The num- ber of lives lost is known to amount up into the hundreds, but the value of the property destroyed cannot be estimat- ed. By the emperor‘s command thou- sands of Romans rendered homeless and destitute were employed in re- moving the debris and rebuilding the burned city. Nero, to divert the odlum If the crime from himself, charged it upon the Christians, and thus began one of the greatest persecutions in the history of the early Christian church. The World’s Coal. The total known coal production of the world is something like 790,000,000 tons per annum. Experts state that even at this rate or production there 13 maent coal to last for thousands of yen-s. Some faint idea can be gath- C'ed from these figures of the enor- mous quantity or coal there is on this planet. At the same time there is the statement made by Sir Robert Ball that all the coal on the earth would not Inpply the sun’s heat for one-tenth of a second. A CHINESE CRITIC. a suit of clothes, but I understan‘ mustered up the courage to tell that he had made up his mim change It.” “Did he change it?” “Oh, yes; he changed his mind.” The first smile of an infant, with its toothless gums, is one of the pleasant- med :5 its helfilessnesaâ€"Dr. 0. UV, He Changed. “Greymair’s wife brought him home suit of clothes. but I understand_he §Neck Ruffs, Stoles and Caperines for this J :3; chilly weather. Is the word used to conveY to vom mimi the value we are Offering: in They are equipped With features which sell them. A garment large, strong, well made, well finished and at the same time right up-to-date in style, cut. quality but the price, is a marvel. THIS WEEK We want to clear out 42 JACKETS as we need the space they occupy for Furs. Any of our H' Men’s Tweed Suits at $10. 00 and H | ’54! Men’s Worsted Suits at SH. 00 an Just a few that have been carried over from last fall. Coats worth $7.50 for $4.75. Don’t throw w away an opportunity to save dollars in a fall. Jacket. ladies’ Rubber E: ALEX. RUSSELL THE BIG STORE $10;00 Jackets for $ 7.99 $12.00 Jackets for $10.75 $15.00 Jackets for $13.25 Ladies’ Fall Jackets NO TROUBLE TO SHOW GOODS SEE 0U R 6066660 . mac.“ .9: (1 $12.00 $l2.00 V [a .aâ€"v‘c .â€" H

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