West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 18 Oct 1906, p. 7

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[UCK BY LIGHTNING. I. proof of what Psychine does. cures Colds and kills the genus :. Pneumonia and Consumptign’ the stomach, makes pure, “‘35 preads general health all over You will never have Consump- Ise :ak afid w \Vith two fSC scted a. series of colds from the eather," says Mr. Bryce Allen. n resident ofjarvis, Ont., and vf Haldimand County Comet! ct, “and gradually my lungs vcted. I tried medicine and scribed for me, but got I no h lungs and stomach disused, ak and wasted, I began to use \Vith two months’ treatment I y heaith. To-day I am 8’ >ell, and give all the credit to l County Councillor tells Psychine cured his Lung Troubles 31000”. Limited. TM KNOWN JARVIS, ONT. 81 and 02-." malnu- unite Under Floor. 'a to The Globe.) 2.-â€"â€"Maple Spring. mated a few mil“ boro’, was bag, by some maliciom. 1 31' persons to: sent: unknown. M lulterants nday, the 8:}! CL: a..m. Mam r. Mr. Croni . . Minutes of and passed. ing expended idges and ca]. 3;: ; Mr. Brig- .: Mr. Willis Wilson $146.- . special grant :Dt sidewalks. :at the reports rommissioners he celerity of actor. Boots 1'. Causes no d gives perfect er there is on- s Putnam’sâ€" 5‘namite were of the curing. 5 the Building ac the Tress. tses :0 Owen ks Z0 Provinâ€" cheese maker 3 the upstairs lately escaped :uilty wrtyig :teresting do- for in the neu- '5 next: Coun- Ierk’s ofice Post NCIL at P. Farrel- 4) balance of s. 4 5. lot 3. W8! 1m 6 place of Park and Lg Deputy inn places a were duly accurate mt MW flifiiflfllflu THE JOB : : DEPARTHENT Specialist: Eye, Ear, Throat and Nose 3r York and Chicago. Will be at. Knapp House, Durham. the 2nd Saturdxy in each month. Hoursâ€"lâ€"G pan. Drs. Jamieson Maclaurin. ADRLDLL‘J;U, UVMAV gggggg ()fice over Gordon’s new Jewellery Spore, Lower Town, Durham. Any amount 0: monev to loan at. 5 per cent. on farm Dropertv. L G. Hutton, M. 0., C. M. xmcs AND RESIDENCEâ€"COR. Offices :â€"'-In the Standard Bank. A. G. MACKAY. 8339““ THE CHR‘)NICL?. will be sent to any nddress. free of postage, for $1.00 per fouling facilities watk. er. Conveyancer. Agent. Money to L0! rmge Licenses. A 8011 ness transacted. F FICE Ll - Egfieer for the County of Grey. June 06 DU BEAM. ONT. d tiox‘lee:?(;.tvh-e-beuntâ€"y of Grey. Sales DYOIQDtly attended to. Orders may be left at hrs Implement Warerooms, McKinnon’s on stand, or at the Chronicle Ofiice. OHN KINNEE LICENSED AUC- tinnaer for the County of Grey. W'“ addmis, free of postage, {ct $1.00 per ; . . . . yanpaygblc in advanceâ€"$5.50 may mad if no: so pan. '1 nc date to whxch every via; 5 aid is denoud tfy the number on the _.-, label- ’0 papcr discontinued until all max. Id- m as. the Option of the: proprietor. U. tioneer for the County of Grey. Terms moderate and satisfactxon guaran- teed. The urnngemente and dates of gales can be made at THE CHRONICLE of- hce. Residence md P. 0., Ceylon. T010- phone connection. 512m! THURSDAY MORNING gamut: 92:241ch Hausa, mm “It? DURHAM, ONT. L. R. C. P., LONDON, ENG. RADULATE of London, New J. F. GRANT, D. D. S.. L. D. S. Diseases of Eye. ARRISTER, SQLICITOR, ETC. ' _ ..-"A-.. OCTOBER 18, 1906 ARRISTERS. SOLICITORS, CON- veyancers, Etc. Money to Loan. ceszâ€"In the McIntyre Block. over Nov. 9. ’03. a; t“ ..e 0?“! EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR. on}: CLARK. LICENSED App. DURHAM, ONT. (Lower Town.) Medical Dz’recton’ . at the Midiaugh House let. Wednesday of each youth. from 12 to 4 p. m. \ _ ' of Toronto. Graduate Royal 3 Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Dentistry in all its Branches. Arthur Gun, Dr. W. 0. Pickering Dentist. 't distance east of Knapp’s Hotel, 1 Street, Lower Town, Durham us from 12 to 2 o’clock. DR- GED. S. BURT. McPHA_1L, LI®NSED_ aug- 'tant Roy. London Ophthalmic Hos. 0 Golden Sq. Throat and N050 Hos. DR. BROWN MacKay 8:. Dunn. IAN AND SURGEON, OF- the New Hunter Block. Ofice 10 a. m., to 4 p. m. and? 1.09 rial attention given to diseases and children. Residence op- W. IRWLV axa A. H.‘ Jackson. AND RESIDENCE A its (1 children." 1 terian Church. Miscellaneous. a and George Streetsâ€"at Ofl‘lce hour'sâ€"941 a. m.. 2-4 1. Telephone No. 10. ‘3 PUBLXSIIBD l. P. Telford. egal Directory. EXCLUSIVELY Is completely stocked 313 NEW TYPE. for turning: cut Fir? Ear Nose and Throat. zer, I 8:0. Insurance Loan. Issuer-pf Max:- general financxal bus:- .re insertion later than over Post Oflice W. F. DUNN. Investigation of the Horse Industry of Ontario by the Ontario Depart- ment of Agriculture. At the last session of the Legisla- ture the Minister of Agriculture se~ cured an appropriation for the pur- pose of making an investigation into the condition of the horse industry in the province of Ontario. This work is now being undertaken by the Department of Agriculture of Ontario and will be commenced early in Oct. The object of this invesrigation is to obtain information to be used in de- ciding as to the best policy to adopt to encourage more extensive breeding of a better class of horses. Following are the principal points? which will be considered in thei I course of the investigation : . , z (1) The numoer, type, quality and: breeding of stallions and brood maresl in the Province. 1 (2) What conditions have afiected or are afiecting the quality and num- ber of stallions and brood mares in the various sections of the Province, and if the efiect is for good whether or not the same conditions could be applied in Other sections; and if the conditions have not a good efiect what could be done to improve them (3) What class of horses can most profitably be raised in different sec- tions of the Province under the natur- al conditions found in those sections. (4) The system of owning horses by a syndicate and any other plan at present adopted in Ontario other than private ownership. (5) The views of horsemen gener- ally as to the advisability of 3 Sta! lion Inspection Act. (*3) Suggestions from those inter- eSted in the horse business as to what can be done to improve conditions of the horse business generally. In order to procure this inlorma-l tion the Province will be divided intol eight districts. Two competent andl expert horsemen have been selectedi and allotted to each district. From l five to six weeks will be spent in each District by the Committee ap. pointed for that district. The dis 1 tricts will be composed of a number I of counties grouped together. the number making up each district being decided by the length of time :equir- l ed to go through a county. Eachl‘ count} will require from four to nine days. The information regarding stallions will be as detailed as possi- ble, each stallion in the Province be- ing inspected. The information re ‘ garding mares cannot be got so accur-j ately. but a great deal of information can be procured from the stallion owners in each district as to the number, type and quality of the brood mares. the committee having an Op- portunity of confirming this by not- ing the appearance of the mares seen while travelling through the district. Regarding the other matters of a more general nature, information will be procured by close observation and bv conve sation with those met by the committee who may have any knowledge of the local conditions. In addition to the work as above outlined. it is being arranged to have one public meeting in each County at some point centrally located. and where a special interest is taken in the horse industry. The object of the meeting is to give any person who so desires an Opportunity of ex- pressing his views to the committee. The meeting in each County will be held immediately after the committee has completed the work in that County. In each Farmers’ Institute district the Secretary has been asked to assist in the work of procuring the names and addresses of the stallion owners and laying out the most convenient route for the committee to follow while in his district. He has also been asked to accompany the commit- tee. and arrange for the public meet~ ing in the County. In cases where the Secretary was unable to do the work, the President of the Farmers’ Institute has been asked to make the ,necessary arrangements. The dates ; and points at which the public meet- 3 ings will be held have been selected. Arrangements have also been com- pleted for the dates allowed for each [Institute division, and the points at which committees will transfer from one Institute district to the one fol- lowing. The work should have the syrup:- thy and co-operation of all owners of Stallions and of all who are interested But Under the supervision of DRS. VANZANT WARING. Toronto, of over 25 years practical experience. Stock Tonic and Blood Purifier Indigestion and Colic Cure Spavin Cure Poultry Tonic! Lonse Death Galls and Thrush Cure Sprain Emulsion: Worm Remedy Each pkg. contains a coupon entitling the BARCLAY To Cure 3 Cold 111 One Day Také Laxative Bromo Qumme Tablets. 6 %J mmmmmmnzmmhs. are Scientific Veterinary Preparations prepared by THE VETERINARY SPECIALTY GO. These Are Not Stock Foods SOLD BY BELL. Implement Agents, DURHAM. COLIN McMILLAN, Harnessmaker, DROMORE. SCHWINDT MUTE, Grocers, HANOVER. auu| ctedi Increase your vitality and nerve ‘rom { energy. restore vim and force to your t in overworked body. Ferrozone will do 3p this as it did for Walter Wood. of dis 1Beauport. N. B . Who writes: “ I can fiber . say Eerrozone has given me a new the'lease of life. A year ago I sufiered eing‘so from nervous exhaustion I was iuir- ‘scarcely able to drag: myself around. Each .~ My appetite was gone. I had no color ninelor ambition and felt used up. One ding box of Ferrozone started me back to ossi- health. I took a number of boxes 3 be- and my health was completely re- , re Stored.” For men who are tired. gcur- pale. nervous and thin-blooded noth- ttion ing compares with Ferrozone, 500 per ”inn box at all dealers. in the horse industry. It is hoped that the committees will be given everv facility for procuring the infor- mation required. and that every per- son interested will take advantage of the Opportunity being given to ex- press his views as to how the horse industry of this Province can best be improved. Two men attempted assault on Miss Chambers, a pretty little English girl, 19 years old. on Tuesday evening. shortly before nine o’clock. Miss Chambers. who is a domestic at the home af Mr. W. P. Wolfe. Frost st., was returning from a visit with friends on the East hill and was ac- companied by a 11-year-old boy. She had also been provided with a lighted lantern by her friends. She had reached a dark section on Doug. rlass st., when she was accosted by two rough looking men. Miss Cham- bers, who had the lighted lantern in her hand, swung it around and hit one of the men a blow in the face, that nearly sent him over. Miss Chambers put up a plucky fight and the small boy made so much noise that the men didn’t wait. The pe0ple from nearby houses came out and the frightened girl was taken in. The police office was telephoned and P. C. Foster was promptly on the scene. Miss Chambers gave a fairly good de- scription of the men, who are suppos- ed to be foreigners, but they will not likely be caught.â€"O. S. Sun. The new pure Food and Drug Law! will mark it on the label of every Cough Cure containing Opium, Chlor- oform. or any other .stupifying or poisonous drug But it passes Dr. Shoop’s Cough Cure as made for 20 years. entirely free. Dr. ShOOp all alone, has bitterly opposed the use of all opiates or narcotics. Dr. Shoop’s Cough *Cure is absolutely safe even for the youngest babeâ€"and it cures, it does not simply suppress. Get a safe and reliable Cough Cure, by simply inésting on having Dr. Shoop’s. Let the law be your pro- tection. We cheerfully recommend and sell it. Macfarlane Co. Threw the Lantern in His Face. A new Sn‘cck, at right, prices. We also have a full maze of Smacks at 50c and 7:30 each Rubbewlined Smacks OVERALLSâ€"plajn and twilled â€"Black and Navy Bibs and without Bibs at 85c and $1. NO'Z‘ W ITHSTANDING the ad- 25c Sox vance in price of wool we sell our wool Sox at old prices, “250 pair. Bring us your Butter. Eggs and Dried Apples. for which we pay the highest prices. Railroad Coats and Overalls C. McArthur BE A STRONG MAN Antiseptic Healing Oil Breeding Powders Cough Remedy Heave Relief Navel and Joint Ill Cure Diarrhoea Cure for Colts Lump Jaw Cure holder to free veterinary advice. From the {all rains by wear'ng one of our ' DURHAM CHRONICLE ' If you let a man die naturally and E no: worry him to death he will wear i' i a peaceful expression. ‘ l Peeple talk a lot of nonsense about i death. The ox Standing chewing his 3 }cud does n0t nonice the uplifted pole-’ i’uxe. and death comes to him like the . rushing of a mighty wind which ends‘ ;with the signing of a zephyr. He ’9 never feels the knife; his death was ' merciful. 3 More often than not. men and other{ animals die pleasant and painless' deaths. ' The squirrel chiseling a. hole in hickory nut never feels the shot. The worm gobbled by a gray bird goes into a warm, damp, dark place. and that’s all he knows about it. Not so the hired man, who, to his astonishment is told with a gracious smile to go into the milk house and help himself to all the cream he wants. C . . . The rat whxch xs drowmng 1n the cream is to be envied. But the death of a great Reputa- tion is a painful sight.' It has so many of the attributes of self-murder as to be positively shocking. What makes it all the worse, it partakes of the nature of apuhlic execution. The great Reputation is brought out in a cart and mounts the scafiold more or less unsteadily. It States vaguely at the vast throng and makes a through- cther explanation as to how it came to commit the crime. or. what’s worse. it denies it altogether. Then the hangman Springs the trap, and the great Reputation drops into oblivion. I am not superstitious, but I've seen them gibbering at the polls. I have seen them gibbering at the bar. I have known their skeleton to get out of their graves in the corner of the national jail yard and climb the wall and shamelessly parade the streets, shaking hands with people who hate the look of them and who take a bath the instant they get home. These dead Reputations haunt many a home. They haunc 03goode Hall, the Par. liament Buildings, the great news- paper offices. the great saloons, the Splendid warehouses, the meet rail- wras,’ yards, the noble temples of learning, and the pulpits of almOSt every church in the land. It is a terrible sight to see the ghost of a. dead Pulpit Reputation flit- ting about the door of its old church on a Sunday evening. sometimes flit- ting up the aisle to stand for a mo- ment in the chancel. where when in the flesh it had once been supreme. If you will go up to 05goode Hall just before cock crow some dark night you wxll find the building thronged with ghosts of dead Legal Reputa- tions, whispering in the library, flit- ting up and down the Wide staircases or mounting and gesticulating before the canvases on the walls. Such ghosts. Queen’ 3 Park is full of the ghosts of great. Political Reputations. I knew a great Reputation once upon a time. A blast of his bugle horn was worth ten thousand men ; now he couldn’t get a bartender to look up from his dope sheet. If he did, he would only say, “ Get away, you bumâ€"skidooâ€"beat it!” You needn’t tell me there are no ghosts. There isn’t a square mile of old Ontario that isn’t haunted by them, and the villages, towns and cities are thick with them. Hear the drip, drip, dropping Of the rain! Hear the Splash, Splash. Splashing on the pane! And I sit here and I wonder Where in thunder, ’ Where in thunder. Is the man who borrowed my um- brella ? For he seemed a likely feller, And I lent it to him Without hesita- tion, Tarnation ! THE DELIGHTFUL DEATH The intense inching characteristic of eczema. center and like skin dis- eases is instantly allayed by applying Chamberlain’s Salve and many cases have been permanently cured by its use. For sale at Parker’s Drug Store. Torments of Tetter and Eczema A hungry Irishman went into a restaurant on Friday and said to the waiter : “Have yez any whale?” M NO.” “ Have yez any shark?” H NO.” “Have 382 any swordfish '9” Kt No,” ” Have yez any jellyfish?” H No." “ All right,” said the Irishman. ” Then bring me ham and eggs and a beefsteak smothered wii onions. The Lord knows I asked for fish.”â€" Ladies’ Home Journal. ghosts are not. the only ‘ on every éfvl’I’ box. 250. He Did His Best. Tamation ! â€"Somerville Journal. in Two Days. â€"'1‘he Khan. JUST COME IN Boots and Shoes Yes. ”We have p'enty of them. Also the famous DOWNY RUBBER for ladies, put up in a waterproof case which can be carried in the pocket if necessary, they are so light. TRUNKS, VALISES, CLU-B BAGS. etc. in stock. REPAIRING DONE as promptly as possible. Did You Say Rubbers? Terms, Cash. Eggs same as Cash. We carry the greatest assortment of an kinds in the Town. All Sizes and Prices. Butter J. S. McII..R’AI"‘E§"H FOR THE SLUSHY WEATHER and Shoes \Ve hare recently added some new lines in Gun Medal Patent Leather Dongola and Bax Calf at lowest prices. We have plenty of other BOOTS and. SHOES in heavy, medium and light- wear. THAT IS SURE TO VISIT We are Ready for a Big Fall Trade We have sold more Jackets this fall than at any other season. Try An Ad. The Chronicle RU BBERS And ask to see our auto-date THE POPULAR CASH STORE and Eggs Wanted 107 IF your ‘flour doesn’t act right Whom do you blame? The grocer? He didn’t make it. The tra- velling salesman told him it was good and somebody else told the salesman. When you buy your protection comes from .We make it, know its goodness and guarantee it to both you and the grocer. It is alwavs soid under our you cannot go wrong. Ask your grocer for Royal Household Flour. It’s the 1' r. key to better dung. Ogilvie Flour mils Ce... Ltd. mom name and tra 1 me \L 1. emarh, “Ogilvie’s Book for a Cool: tains 130 pages of execllcm some never published before. grocer can tell you how to get i: G. Lawrence’s Old Stand. 8511' recxpes, You: FREE.

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