West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 18 Oct 1906, p. 8

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Give thes delighted MATTHEWS 5’ LATIMER A'blenvl of best Ontario Fall and No. 1 Manitoba wheat: is a StriCtly \Vho by using only best wheat and careful grinding are producing flour of superior quality. second to none mode in Canada. WENGER MILLING CO. AYTON MILLS Superior Family Flour People for miles around come here for their Footwear which is proof that our way of selling suits them best. At present our assortment is complete with the newest ot the new in different makes and at prices to please all purses. Are now being operated by PURE-MANITOBA Men’s Shoes from $1.00 to $5.00 Women’s Shoes from $1.00 to $2.75 Boys’ Shoes from 75C to $1.75 Girl’s Shoes from 75C to $1.50 Toté’ Shoes from 50C to $1.00 Yes, is high time' on have decided on that Overcoat of you1s. The “nip” in the air suggests one fo1 V011, and right here let us tell you that we have the very coatt on have been thinking about. We will not be undersold in Over- coats this season fox “e boughtb them right. The “boys" a1e slipping: into our coats almost ever 1' dav now, and We admire them for their good judgment and commonsense. 0111 coats please f01 they have a stvle about them that appeals to all good d1 esse1s. Step in and have a look. We’ll use 3011 right. 18381101128 atrial you will be ted and will want no other. ALL GOODS DELIVERED PROMPTLY IN TOWN Ihe Family Shoe Store of Durham HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR BUTTER AND EGGS £305, ter Coats and Dress Skirts :~.'-\ how-3 .a. nice assort- Superior Quality New an J Stylish z-eit Shapes 38$ s» fro n. All the new- cts tr) Velvet Hats. 4. and '2"‘qnes. Baby 5 :21} C‘M’dren’s Hats. â€"-POR SALE BYâ€" 1: Manitoba. wheat obtain- avery respect. a flour of ENCORE Overcoat Time Durham, Ont. ROBERT BURNETT The People’s Store ; After giving out his text, " But ithey also have erred through wine.” l:etc.. (lsaiah xxviii. 7). Mr. Walters -lsaid, “ I wanted this evening to say ,lsomething canoerning the evils of ‘ intemperance and a very remarkable little book which has just been pub glished, written by Mr. Hall Caine, l upon the question of drink. Through } all our national history inremperance l might be traced as the great barrier ? to moral pregress. The quantity of . intoxicating drink consumed per head inow was much less than in the eigh- iteenth century. 'L'nduuhtpd pr'gress 'hacl been made in the direction of itemperance. Nevertheiess, the evil. fof izitemperance is still mighty, and; ; is still accomplishing disaster in our l land. It is well that the pulpit has {spoken, that the medical profession ;has spoken. and I, for one. thank God that a novelist has spoken g = 18 031x539. DISEASE on AISIX ?l 525 f Mr. Hall Caine doubts whether the , evil is a disease or a sin, whether the frictim of intemperance is to be pitied. i or punished. Alter briefly sketchingi the story of Lucy Clousedale, the ! preacher entered on an eloquent pro- ; test against the idea that the drunk- :ard is not responsible. Whatever ‘ may be argued concerning the law of : heredity or environment, the soul is - responsible to God, and nothing can] lexplain away the fact that God gives . to the individual soul personality. 'If everything is to be explained by heredity. the rare. instead of growing l more sober, would be growing more fdrunken. If environment plays so» I great a part. how is it that there are l l discricts in England where the social l ‘ conditions are good. and yet where; gthere is more drunkenness than ini ; the slums? l fnanxxnxxsss THE RESULT or 531.1138. l l mass axe SELF INDULGEXCB. ' Mr. Walters declared emphatically that. the root cause of ex tessive drink suflering from a disease. that they. simply need a doctor, Tbgy do net. i They want “30d. they Want conver-7 sion. they WU“ to be born again.5 The only remedy is the power ofl God.” Mr. Walters added um tel did not want to say anything against Homes for Inebriates, “but I have seen this, and I spank of what I do knowâ€"I have seen men and women sine? I have been in this Mission 1- 5" ‘teonmkby the cm mg; God. and I'he'lieve shaft is the. 5 “i power in the world that an m. , man,“ woman. . . . John Wedey’jj «ovum! M none-n meo- ~ .JJ‘ ‘. ' V By Rev. C. Ensor Walton. London, England. A NOTABLE TEMPERANCE SER- MON. '03. Neatly describes the celerity of Putnam’s Corn Extractor. Roots come out in short order. Causes no pain. leaves no scar, and gives perfect satisfaction. Remember there is on- 1y one ”best”â€"that’s Putnam’sâ€"â€" fifty year’s in use. we believe the Gospel, that Chgâ€"S; can change heart and character and life, then We shall stem intemper- ance.â€"The British Weekly. It has turned the moss drunken coanty into practically the most 30- ber. "We must have faith in the Church.” urged Mr. Walters. “We have not had enough faith. When If you are suffering from impure blood, thin blood, de- bility, nervousness, exhaus- tion, you should begin at once with Ayer’ s Sarsaparilla, the Sarsaparilla you have known all your life. Your doctor knows it, too. Ask him about it. We Trust Doctors L’nleu there in My action of the bowels, monom‘producu no tbsqrbod, cgusixgg byw- _“- go.- STRUCK BY LIGHTNING. Tainted stocks. Tainted ways of Getting rocks ; Tainted garments, Tainted shoes, Tainted food And tainted booze, Tainted morals. Tainted Sports ; Tainted cases In the courts. Tainted votes . And tainted tricks In the world Of politics. Tainted novels, Tainted plays, Occupy our Nights and days. Tainted husbands, Tainted wivesâ€" Gee. but ours are Tainted lives. Tainted money, TAIN TED TIMES. DURHA M CHRONICLE Take Lmnvn ammo erxnm Tableml AGENTS FOR All dragging refund the money if it fails to cure. I. w. Grave's mm“ .. mm m Ganong’s Chocolates L‘L- When the tip of a dog’s nose is cold and moist, that dog is not sick» A feverish dry nose means sickness with a dog. And so with the human lips. Drv, cracked and colorless lip- means feverishness. and are as well ill appearing To have beautiful. pink, velvet like lips. apply at bed time a coating of Dr. Sh00p’s Green Salve. It will soften and heal any skin ailment. first a free. trial box, at our store. and beconvinced. Large nickle capped glass jars, 25 cents. Macfarlane Co. “’e have just received some of those very scarce goods, ladies’ Venetian suitings in the new Wine shades at 60c, $1.00 and $1.%. Also a. new line of Scotch tartans at 65c yd. H. H. Mockler. Miss Dick will be in Toronto for a. few days buying more millinery goods and looking up the new ideas in win- ter millinery. Try Flarity Burnett for hats and gloves. They are the correct kind. Heavy black unshrinkable under- wear at H. H. Mockler’s. To look prosperous on Thanksgiving Day you must possess one of Flarity Burnett’s suits. Carr’s Cough Cure will cure your cold or money back. Macfarlanes’ Drug Store. Long rubber boots at H. H. Mock- lcr’s. Smokers see here, 4 Irving cigars for 25 cents, Macfarlanes’ Drug Store. FIFTY large. 12x14 beautiful photo- graphs given away free. One with every dozen cabinet photos. F. W. Kelsey, Photographer.â€"July 12tf You’ll need a tie for Thanksgiving. Why not take a look at Flarity Burnett’s new stock. It is in this particular that there is the greatest need for improvement at the present time. There are hun- dreds of apple growers who can grow first class fruit to every one who can place it on the market when and where it will bring the best price. The growers who make the most on of their apples are those who keep in and abroad“ During the shippinz season these men watch the market reports daily and unless prices are Satisfactory they hold their fruit un- til good prices prevail. ‘l‘be great majority, however, of those who have apples to sell wait for some buyer to come along and sell for whatever he chooses to ofier. usually from fifty cents to a dollar a barrel, or a lump sum for the crbp on the trees. The latter plan is nothing less than gambling in apples, and in eith- er case the grower seldom gets one- half what his fruit is really worth, if it were properly handled. Dress goods are still booming. New shades and weaves also more new trimmings constantly arriving at The House of Quality. H. H. Mockler. New styles in ladies’ bonnets and turbans this week at Miss Dick’s. In commercial orcharding, the bus- iness end of the enterprise, that of marketing the crop to the beet advan. tage, is second only in importance to that of producing fruit of the best quality. The remedy for this state of afiairs, and what is going to put the apple trade on a better business basis, is for the growers in each apple grow~ ing section to unite and form a co- operative association through which the grading, packing and marketing of the fruit may be accomplished. What about that Overcoat ? Better see Flax-ity Burnett about it. Dur these mg the past year a. number of associations have been formed in various parts of the Province and the prices obtained by some of them for last year’s apples have made the growers enthusiastic over this meth- od of hadling the crop. BULBSâ€"A11 kinds for ‘winter bloom at Macfarlanes’. An sheetive an operative associa- tion for this purpose involves the seleCtiun of an honest, wiue awake basins-s manager. and the erection of a central packing and storage house at the most Convenient point {or shipment. Through such an or- ganization, boxes and barrels can be purchased wholesale to better advan- tage than they can he obtained by single individuals; the grower can devote his whole attention to gather- ing the crop at the proper season and delivering it in good condition at the centra‘. packing house; the associa- tion relieves him of all care and re- sponsibility in grading packing and marketing; and with work in the hands of expert packers. the grade of truit can be made uniform, and the packing can be done properly. which, in time, inspires confidence in the purchasing public. In short, the co- operative system of handling the ap- ple am», under proper management, assures the consumer of a better pro- duct, and realizes to the grower a greater profit. T0 CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY HANDLING THE APPLE CROP. Business Locals By Prof. H. L. Butt. THIS IS THE PREVENTION. WE ALSO HAVE THE CURES. Darling's Laxa-Quinine Tablets. Darling a White Pine with Eucalyptol and Honey ARE SURE CURES Full , stock of guaranteed RUBBER GOODS. These are°the best. We also have cheaperlines. We have secured the agency for Bauer Black ’3 famous Everybody should wear Frost King AND Frost Queen VESTS. Cold Weather is Coming Darling’s . DRUG STORE? Y % re have a. hat trade. that is second to none in .93 town. Why? Because we have made a Sljwcialt‘. of the business. Just look at the men who Wear our hats; stylish, comfortable and well Item The hat you wear is the most noticed article you a; have on, because it surmounts the smile you greet. a; your friends with. ‘Hfifi £2 Every type of face has its particular shape of bat, egg Are you sure you have yours? The combination g», of the right face and the rlght hat W111 Illakea. 93:, world of difference in your looks. 4? You 11111 be surprised at the largo e ranme 1w 131111 as show and the ease in which 3011 can get just thu eggs 1ioh. hat- to suit you. {v 45%? '21 g H. H. MOCKLER %%%%%%%%*%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%“ ’11 The Peogle’s Bruggists Comprise all the new shapes for this season. 12 New blocks in stiff hats and almost as m 1111 in soft hats. We guarantee to suit you. We 11m 1: 2111011 a man outside our door 111th a hat that «1ng not suit him. It would reflect little credit t1 11s. The King, Morley and Churchill Stiff Hats FASHIUN’S EHBWN A Smart and Dressy Hat The Borsalino and King, Soft Hats “THE HOUSE OF QUALITY.” Individuality in Hats Let Us Sell Your Hat Our New Fall Hats “f: ”W. 81%“ Chums Lamfps Shot Guns Root Baskets OCTOBER 18, 1906 In Chums and Wash- ing Machines we have a. great collection. All kinds of Lamps in Stock, from the small bedroom lamp to the very handsome parlor lamp. ‘ have you seen our 15- sortment of Guns? We are bound to satis- fy every person want- ing such an article. Ammunition m abun- dance. Our stock of Root Baskets is wmth in- SpeCting, in Chip. \. 11- low and Galvanimd Iron. See them. This week \\e have opened an exna 1m ge shipment Fall Glm es and Mitts, something to suit every person. me,” and that is the store Where y u can .9812 everything from a needle to an anchor. At Priceville show one fellow exclaimed “only one girl“ 1n this world for me,” and anmher man said. onlv one store in Durham fox SERVANT GIRL \\'.x.\"n‘:n.~-n-\ apply to Mrs. Thos. Livingston THERE is at- present a strong I bility that a local option by-lzw be submitted in the town of (R wood at the January Municipal tions. WE regret to learn of the 3.0 which befell the little son of MI Lenahan, who fell from one < dray wagons, and in attempti save himself had one bone of hi: arm badly broken. SPECIAL Harvest Thanksgivi mons will be preached by the Pa the Methodist Church on 8 next. The evening theme ‘ “Subjective Thankfulncss and tive Thanksgiving.” DONALD LICDOXALD, 0 had his house xvmsacl church and saw the int: departure, but failed u Nothing of \‘a‘nlz‘ i: In been taken. IT is estimated that over a 1 dollars loss has been incurred D growers in the Niagara Ponins cénsequence Of trees being (lama the heavy sleet; and snow sbc two weeks ago. PHYSICAL CU 1,71: REâ€"M iss honor graduabeuf . mm (74 Thomas. is prepared to give private lessons in Physic: and Elocutiun. Also npvn f engagements. Fur («32'1st :1 ulars apply Lu Durham 1’. (j F ORTY~SEVEN years ago nu L of May the Rev. \Vm. Park dained and inducted into the charge of Durham Presbyterian by the Presbvtex'y of Hamil!” sented by Revs. James ( une ex. Grant. The forty-sex en rsary of the exam, w M be Cc} Sunday and Monday next. he preacher for the day will Rev. W. R. McInumh. B. D.. ufi THE difficulty of euforcim which legislators want to wink well brought out in the fol‘iowi: tence from Dr. Morrison, the Correspondent at Peking: “If he says, “ are still issued again use of opium. They are drawn Chinese philanthropists over : pipe of opium, signed by opium ing officials, whose revenues : rived from the poppy, and posh fields of poppy by the opiumâ€"s1 magistrates who own them.” PERSONS often call zmd ask u we charge for advex'Lising. Tl hard question ti" :mswm- wiwn ti is SO limited. Spam}. mmtvn time limit are all to be («Jihhivn even when a fair ansvwr is gn‘t all the requirements knnwn. LL Spective advertiser is uftvn 1vf1 norance Of what he i> to get‘ money. Other things being my rat with the short, mil will gut E the hole first. But Lhiugs a usually equal in the amount of} by given by newspapers. T11 may be equal, the time may' same, but the circulations l vastly different, and Lin: value; may be quite different in the di cases. The paper the peaple| the'paper the advertiser wauts1 WHEN a, person goes int») and enquires about goat‘w‘ 1:11 and leaves only a pl’umisv again” the merchant or my}; needn't, stay up long ' at night 1 for his return. It is strange} many are shallow headed eml believe that “Usiness mm ("1.1 them like an Open hook and 111 hypocritical excuses axe ex Q With the thought of being sl received. There isn’t :1 very 14' centage of these " can againe have the first real intention of their word, and the utterance a. lame excuse always counts their Sincerity. No man is oh buy a thing he doesn’t like; W011“. be a. thousand times mot for him to say what he though than leave the place with a t.‘ ent lie on his lips. \Ve utterly 8- man who lacks the moral c0! “Y‘What he thinks in such i auditor the benefit of such a Pinyin“ advise him that th' Isn’t long getting onto him, a: We have I VOL. 39â€"N0. 2067. LOCAL ITEMS 1th Th known Owen E ed wh secu 181‘ olle; and

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