km: to ask. mispered took a horse and was em UP. but the boys They've sent word d they‘ll have Sm. Uncle Don said that only hired men, but "re a good deal like .te OI aside Ty.†Then b t. He had it in gm- 0 you know, Pern- a little. ; again and lay .0 it seemed that b be last coma, 13$ y medicine )I {WWW} Wellâ€"you can think that six V5 566 1k near at at lay it ing of blue She \Veil, if it JtSOl that ï¬rst I wanted. e awfully ean with- yes, thus 2111:. You that's all «21/ SDGCkIed the red soma- not near ook M Tu: Cmtomcuz will be sent to any address, free of postage, for Shoo per “"58 . o . o yw, payable in advanceâ€"“.50 may charged if not so paxd. The date to which every SW3†'3 aid is denoted by the number on the .c'dress label. '0 paper fliscominued uqtil all arrest: u; 1.34.»; ’, except at the opuon of the propnetor. THE JOB : : DEPARTMENT EVERY 'I’HURSDAY moumuo 31mm nnmuc MUSE, mu m DURHAM, ONT. ADVERNSM} F†‘1“. THE 11113311111 BHBBIHBLE Specialist: Eye, Ear, D“6ï¬ce over Gordon†Store, Lower Town, Durh. of monev to loan at 5 p Dropertv. Oï¬â€˜xcesâ€"lln the Standard A. G. MACKAY. er Conveyancer. Agent. Money to L0: riage Licenses. A 2913 mass transacted. Drs. Jamieson Mac!aurin. OHN KINNEE. LICENSED AUC- tioneer for the County of Grey. ‘ June 06 DURHAM. ONT. U tioneer for the County of Grey. Sales promptly attended to. Orders may .be left at hm Implement Warerooms, McKumon’s 01d stand, or at the Chronicle Oï¬ce. FFICE U . tioneer for ' the County of Grey. Tenn moderate and satisfaction grann- teed. The arrangements and dates of fouling facilities work. . . . A. H. Jackson. ROTARY PUBLIC, QOMM‘ISSION- â€"‘_-A _AA J. F. GRANT, D. D. S.. L. D. S. Nov. 9. ‘03. Diseases of Eye. ARRISTER, _SQLI_01TOR. ETC. ' -“A_â€"- veyancers. 088 :-â€"In the Dec. 3. mâ€"lypd. ONOR GRADUA OHN CLARK. LICENSED AUC- . R. C. P., LONDON. ENG. ADULATE of London, New York and Chicago. be at Knapp House Durham. the 2nd dzv in each month. Hoursâ€"lâ€"S p. m. DURHAM, ONT. (Lower Towm) ty of Toronto. Graduaye :9 Dental Surgeons of Ontano. Dentistrv in all its Branches OCTOBER '25, 1906 Dentistry Dr. W. 0. Pickering Dentist. chHuL, LIC‘ENSED‘ A_UC- Arthur Gun, M. Medical Directory. DITOR AND r010 a.m ., m 4p ..m and’l t09 pecial attention given to diseases 2 and children. Residence op esbvterian Church. Hutton. M stunt Roy. London Ophthalmic Hos. to Golden Sq. Throat and Nose Hos. DR- GEO. S. BURT. the Midiaugh House 13!. aach ubnth. from 12 to 4 p. DR. BROWN Street IAN AND SURG Legal Dz’recz‘orv. W. IR‘VIN Miscellaneous. l. P. Telford. AND RESIDENCE A Lance ea transient advert and names at! )ï¬ice hoursâ€"941 a Telenhoue No. 10 IS PUBLISHED EXCLUSIVELY ew ls completely stocked with all NEW TYPE, thus all for turning out First-class Ear Nose 1nd Thtoat. EATS, UNIVERSE HOPKIETOR lon’s new Jewellery urham. Any amount 5 per cent. on farm 9T Throat and Nose DENCEâ€"COR er Block. Oï¬icel to. m. and 7 to9| J. Hunter’s. over Post Oï¬ica Gymâ€"d uate Royal Knapp’s Hotel, Town. Durham cmems 8 cents ‘5 re Streetsâ€"at 9-11 a.m.. 2-4 13!. Wednesday SEON . OF- “1 F. DUNN. cents Del Sixty houses are in course of erec tion in Goderich. The Grain Commission is at Point Edward an rows for Chicago. Nicholas Gascoigne. a ratired farm. er. dropped dead in his garden at Perrolea. Wm. Conuell was probably injured at Komoka by falling Grand Trunk train. Holy Trinity church. “’in was tsked for $900 for the Mission Fund. and gave $1.009 For liquor Iicenses at the Soot Goverynent this year receives 3‘ “246.02. and the town $1,9t (.00. Frank Keane. a Detroiter. w ï¬ned at Windsor for expectorasi tobacco juice on the sidewalk. Arthur Parley. son of Senator Per lay, died of typhoid fever at Wolse ley, Sask. A dividend of 221: cents has been declined on the estate of Levi Lam bert, Saulc Ste. Marie. Indications are that the Ottawa House wiil be summoned to meet November ‘22. the earliest date pos- sible. Esqunsing township voters’ list this year has a special column for the amount. of each ratepayer’s assess- ment. George Mitchell, of \Vindsor. who lost. his grocery stock by ï¬re. believes that rats nibbled matches and started the blaze. Harry Cummings, a farm hand. was accidentally shot while hunting, at Matcalfe. near Ottawa. ~ Philippe Hamel was sent to jail at )iontreal for taking funds of the Railwav Teiaczrapbers’ Brotherhood. C. W. Conway. ledger-keeper in the Dominion Bank, Wingbam. has: been transferred to the branch at Madoc Lieuc.-Gov. Fraser of Nova Scotia, was the orator at the unveiling of the ‘ Burns’ monument at. Fredericwn, I The McClarys will enlarge their London building by the erection of a. ï¬ve-storey addition, 100x250 feet, for storage warehouse. Dr. Hurdie of Morden was eieczed president of the council of the Maui- toba College of Physicians and Sur- geons. Archbishop Matheson, of Rupert’s Land, and Miss Alice Talbot. were married in Holy Trinity church, Winnipeg, by Van. Archdeacon For- tin. Prof. Ruttau, of McGillUniversity has been employed by the 800 Health Board, at a cosn of $250 to examine the town’s water and milk supply. Winnipeg police authorities will endeavor to stamp out the sale of liquor to Indians. many cases having been reported to Police Court lately. L K. Silverborne, a prOSperous farmer near Chatnam. committed ' suicide on account of ï¬nancial worries He hanged himselfin the barn. ‘ A town is being laid out at Gull Lake, Sask., on the Price property. A large hotel. three stores and a livery barn are already doing busi- ness. In Steelton last October there were 328 lots sold for taxes, but this year citizens have bright hape and will rescue all but about two of the lots offered. Aylmer will this year Ship 2200 cars of canned goods. During Aubust and September the town’s cheese ship- ments amounted to over 1.000,000 pounds. John Riordan and Wm. Goodall, etonecutters, residing in St. George, were drowned in Mill Lake, N. B., by the upsetting of their boat. Both were young men. The Council of Tarentorous town- ship, Algoma, passed a. resolution favoring the creation of the districts into a new province, and sent copies to Premiers Laurier and Whitney. Dr. Ferguson. who sold his prac-I tics and dwelling to Dr. McFadden! last January and located in George-. town, has returned to Hensall and; res-purchased his dwelling and pracd nice. i - b _ __ _ _ l- were young men. A Jackothe-Hugger appears to be in The Council of Tarentorous town. evidence again. On Friday night last ship, Algoma, passed 3 resolution ayoung lady was followed and mo- favoring the creation of the districts lasted on Water st. near the Seldon into a new province, and sent copies - house, but escaped into the hotel. and to Premiers Laurier and Whitney. '03 831701113? {“70 young women had 8- =similar experience on Terrace street inear Brooke. but the hugger was .frightened oï¬. This fellow appears to have periodical spells. It is to be re- urchased his dwell“ . ihOped he will strike a snag soon and p ing and prac : get what he richly deservesâ€"a good tice. It is re orted at Newcastl N B gthrashing. Another assault was that 3011‘; McKane the Mega '. 1;:icommitted on Saturday afternoon . . I millionaire may seek a seat idmtcheIIthen an lelderlyltlacclly wag-ï¬ttï¬CkEd . . ’ . . an grossy msn 9 on '1 0a . BrgtishtComrilIOIEai: “1,65 Cg?5ێ:v::{v§ E The victim managed to. escape with- "? eres 8 c e l o ‘5 E out bodily injury. but 18 completely blith' h h 390 iprosuated with the shock. It would n some cases as ig as .. an be well to detail a policeman. or bet- acre was bid in the auction sale ofiter. an oï¬cer in plain clothes. to twenty-four sections of Indian lands'patrol this section of the town. so south of the Qu’Appelle Valley The that this menace to the safety of wo sale was held at Regina by the Do men may be disposed of and the minion Government. streets made safeâ€"O. S. Sun. Dr. Ferguson. who sold his prac. tice and dwelling to Dr. McFadden last January and located in George- town, has returned to Hensall and ’Twas the last word of English Left blooming alon’e, All its lovely companions ‘Were fads-d nnd gone. For :hw PI‘»side|1?’3 ukaSe Had blighted Lb» fruit. And had withered the branch De~troypd every rooc. \Vords from Saxon and Norma Were kicked by the crime, Léaving *‘nia sole survivor. LaS' darling of time Thongh the flowers of Shakesp H ad vanished from View. All alone in its: glory THE LAST SURVIVOR. GENERAL NEWS. JD! ished :hered the branchesâ€" l every roan. : Saxon and Norman. led by the crime, a 50):. survivor. nu of time flowers of Shakespearp shed from View. ‘skidoo !†\Vinnipeg. the Home ter. was ctoratina fatally from a é Harmful Stomach Do Canada’s sea coast equals half earth’s circumference. Canada is 3.500 miles wide 1.400 miles from south to north. Canada is larger than the United States by 250,000 square mile-. Canada contains one third of the arna of the British Empire. Canada exmnds over twent; de- grees of latitudeâ€"from Rome to the North Pole. No Need of It When Hyomei Is Used to Cure Catarrh. Canada is as large as eiglreen Germany's, twenty Spains. twenty- three Italys Canad.¢ is larger than Atwtrnliz; and the size of British India. Physicians and ; cientisrs agree th 1! the less medicine cue stlows, the better. It is in keeping with this idea that Hyomei is recommended hy leading;r physicians throughout this and other catarrhal sections. Canada has a boundary line of 3.000 miles between it and the United Smtes. When this treatment is used in ca- tarrhal tronnles. there is no stomach dosing, for the medicine is taken in with the air you breathe, and goes right to the Spot where the catarrhel germs are present, healing the in- flamed and irritated mucous; mkm- brane. killing the disease germs and entering the blood with the oxygen driving all catarrhel germs from the system. V Canada. is as large as thirty [J :.i Kingdomm Do not try to cure catarrh of the head by putting medicine into your stomacb.-â€"this is neither a scientiï¬c nor common sense treatment. Breathe the healing balsams of Hyo- mei and in a few days you will notice relief, and its continued use will re- sult in a complete and lasting cure. The complete Hyomei outï¬t costs but $1.00, extra. bottles. if needed. 50 cents. We do not want anyone’s money unless Hyomei gives relief and cure. and we absolutely agree that money will be refunded unless the remedy gives satisfaction. All druggists shruld be able to sup- ply you with Hyomei or we will send it. by mail on receipt. of price, and every pa‘kage is sold with the dis- tinCt understanding that it costs we will send you free, together with treatise on Catarrh and how to cure it. \Vhen you ï¬ll in and return to us the symptom blank, our consulting physician will give your case the best care and attention. and write you a letter of advice without charge. The R. T. Booth Company. Buï¬alo, N. Y. nothing unless it cures. Write us today fora symptom blank. which A new Smock, at righ: prices. “79 also have a full range of Smacks at 503 and The each OVERALst plain and twiil Protect Yourself NOTWITHSTANDING the ad- vance in price of wool we sell our wool Sox at old prices, 25c pair. HOW" Rubbewlined Smacks 25C Sox Brim: us your Butter, Eggs and Dried Apples. for which “70 933’ the highest prices. Railroad Coats and Overalls C. McArthur â€"Black and Navy Bibx‘ MN without Bibs at 65c and $1 From the fa.“ ruins by wearing one of our LARGE IS CANADA? DU R H A M CHRONICLE 3mg H1 HIM out tha came huxm- a. st‘s'ntchrtl Lal Susan.†"What kind 0’ hints?†“\th, told her I’d been hooï¬ng in M n n Hus four nights out. of a week f r the last \631‘ to set up with her whim) khe chewed gum and sung. throzz g}: her nose and now I rack or ed 3: \\ as time for her to bru sh her zm-"n and damn up her stockings. cum thu hi3? on L. r chin and tell the old f<"1'.'< {hut we’w. eugacmd †" A1 d he: butflCPd _\uu. 9†"Nu, «lad, no: thav’s when: I’m console-d. Ir tnuk the who!" gasl'md falnity,inclmiing Sumo. two hired men and threw. dos.“ and than I wan n’t more’n half â€(:de. I mum‘s wv mnved m: ’em rou anon. dad“! guess i' wasm’t, qui'e time to throw om hints.†Sam Janna. the nored Evangelim and temperance reformer ia dead. He wag found dead in his herth on '3â€: train, or: 1:39 way rr. Mï¬mnhis. drum Ill hwalth. from [wrvous dys twmiu. and 1910!: took to drink. In 157:. he profumrd re-{igiom and be- came. a clwrgyumn of the Methodist Eg-iscopal Church in the south Even whi'.» pa~tor of various charges lye devotel much uf his time to Emu- gdistic work. For -'.m past. ï¬lteeu years thi: line of endeavor has en- :li'OSH-‘d MG Wholw unereies. and he has appeared in all the M'incipal ven- ues cf Canada and lb“ United States. swrx Ice-s whu H Gustav Schultz was a very excited. man for ahaut 24 hours of the latter patt of the week. and he had 200d reason to he excited. On Friday af ternoon he drove down town and put up his horse at the Central Hotel shells. When he came around an hour or so after to get his horse again he found no horse there. After en- quiring of everybody he met for an hour or two. and being unable to se- cure any information in regard to the missing outï¬t. he naturallv con- cluded that horse and rig had been stolen. Next day he employed High Constable RU‘SH“ tn locate the stolen! property. and before dark the same day he had succeeded in doing,so.l The horse was‘found tiedto the fence near Connor’s mill in Brant. It had! evidently been out all night. No‘ trace of the thief has yet been dis- covered. It is assumed that some- body, probably in a state of intoxica tion. drove the rig fora few miles into the country. and then realized. :that he was engaged in a dangerous! {piece of business. tied it up to the ifence and got away himself as fast as he could.â€" Walkerton Telescop e. BOOK-KEEPING SHORTHAND TYPEVVRITING COMMERCIAL LAW COMMERCIAL CORRESPONDâ€" i’rm' i n m ENCE PLAIN BUSINESS \VRITING ORNAMEXTAL ‘VRITIN G and in placing all its graduates. Each student is taught separately at. his own desk. Trial lessons for one week free. Visitors welcome. Hit («3' DAY and EVENING classes. [DP-$904 Business College mm: [mm 'hvn om Baa’ L-»L- :- father found thu' M~ s‘on 503;:19‘84 Sparking train {nrmm ’.~ daughter fora - var :a-"v " i“: a semiin: any ques- }:n onâ€. 6 him. on behind the {tan-1 saw! ham; [.h ., d0 you :IQVr- Susan Tinker?†l u .em 1 do, da( †, «qu .10»; she 10v» yo '1’†'!‘¥w.t’~ what I dunno. and I’m \M' nude! TH:.()\\"1.\'<+ ()U 1‘ HiN'l'S. .59 Farm; box. 256. I} denmvmg to (jarrursvme. Uu L hoe Studird nmlPr private am} at hanrdir g- 90110019 begun a profes~i<>rral life as a under bl'idn auswices he broke? 013+ [threw out a few hints to SAMJONESUEAD LEADS IN you’d bvtzer th to night and ï¬nd 1mm: out 17.00: l HORSE STOLEN. Mount Forest . T. CLANCY. Prin. \K' n m m ma on ()C H) \\' HF UH nu to marry her en What 02,: airth is HMS f .t‘H “’65 a1. ' “'3‘ l’oh-‘edlhg 'muzr. WdS cave: armrsville sh» old man cam» prom he of this was the reviva John as all In t: I: S 01:99 I" Take LAXATIVE BROMO QUININE Tablets. All druggista refund the money if it fails to cure. E. W. Grave’s signature is on each box. 250. mOKH Om; O>Z>U>xw wwoamwa QEHZGUJ. Canada has the thickest known cogl seam, 47 feet, at Stellarton. N. S. Canada has the gi‘éatest water powers of any country in the world Canada was then ran colony to form a Confederation. ‘AGENT: Farmers’ M ’t’g Supply ()0. Canada has the largest zinc smelt- er in the world. at Frank. B. C. Canada has thé largest; gold ï¬eld in the world, in the Yukon. Canada has the largest grain elevator in the world, at Port Ar- thur ; capacity . 7.000 000 bushels. Canada will have the largest bridge span in the world. at: Quebec. Canada has the richest nickel, corundum. asbestos and cobalt mills in the world. Canada has more than one-half of tha fresh water on the globe. Canada has the largest consecutive wheat ï¬eld in the world. Canada; hasithe largest m: lock in the world, at Peterboro’. Canoda has one of the largest canal locks of she world, an the Soo. JUST COME IN TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY Did You Say Rubbers ? Yes. \Ve have plenty of them. Also the famous DOWNY RUBBER for ladies. put up in a waterproof case which can be carried in the pocket if necessary, they are so light. TRUNKS, VALISES, CLUB BAGS. etc. in stock. REPAIRING DONE as promptly as possible. Boots and Shoes Terms, Cash. E -gs same as Cagh. Bet Your Feet Baady We carry the greatest assortment of all kinds in the Town. All Sizes and Prices. N., E. J. McKechnie d. S. McILRAITH FOR THE SLUSHY WEATHER d Sh \Ve have recently added an ~- Des some new lines in Gun Medal Peaent Leather Dongola and Box Calf an lowesc prices. We have plenty of other BOOTS and SHOES in heavy . medium and light wear. THAT IS SURE TO VISIT We are Ready for a Big Fall Trade RU BBERS Ami ask to see our up-to-date THE POPULAR BASH STORE Best Lines of Groceries Always in Stock Woman‘s heavy $3.50 and $4.51 \V 0111:: '3 winte Bed comforters Large 11x4 size White wool blau pan- Mcn‘s cardlgan Ladies Fur Caperines. fn “ “ Ruï¬'s ' “ " Stoles Child's white woul boaaat each. Ladies’ white wool hand n 60c. and $1.00. \Vool clouds. white, bfnck 40c. and 50¢. each. Honey comb shawls at 50 A reward of $100 is oï¬ered by the Durham Town Council, and $100 by Percy G. A. Websrer for information leading to the conviction of the party or parties who entered W'ebster’s jewellery store on or about the night of Friday. Sept. 219:. W. H. BEAN Jarg $1.40 each. 70man‘s he; )l‘ HE SELLS CHEAP $200 Reward Call and See Us. 5 heavy CALDER BLOCK size f A. S. HUNTER, MAYOR. awrence’s Old Stand. paxr eacl )l II: S 00 9ach 00 up. :30 up. (I) up. 60x80 1 5:3 each ts. white and 60c. tOTS 00 and at 256. at.