*%%$%%%%%$%$$$$$$$%%%%%$% The ooods must be wood, honest. solid leather or f,elt made of clean even tresh stock, and then they me marked at the lowest price at which it is possible to sell honest shoe leather. A nother adx antage we hm e over all others 13 our immense stock which affords ou1 custome1s an unheard of assmtment of styles and unlimited supply of sizes. We have a especially large assortment of farmers’ and lumbermen’s Heavy Snag-proof Rubbers. We have sold more coats this fall than we ever did before. The women of Durham and vicinity now realize that our Styles are always the best and our prices most reasonable. Come in and have a look at these swell garments. ALL KINDS OF FALL TOGGERY We have a hat trade that is second to none‘in town. Why"? Because we have made a specialty of the business. Just look at the men who wear 0111 hats; stvlish c0111fo1'table and well pleased. The hut 10u 11e111' is the most noticed article you 111110 on, because it surmnunts the smile youo 0'I'eet 1 0111’ ii ie11ds 11 ith. Every type of face has its particular shape of hat. Are you sure you have yours? The combination of the right face and the right hat will make a world of difference in your looks.‘ Comprise all the new shapes for this season. 12 New blocks in stiff hats and almost as many in soft. hats. We guarantee to suit you. We won’t allow a man outside our door with a hat that does not suit him. It would reflect little credit to us. FASHIIJN’S BRBWN You w ill be surprised at} the large range we can Show and the ease in whlch you can get just the righ. hat to suit you. The King, Morley and Churchill Stiff Hats. H. H. MOCKLER A Smart and Dressy Hat The Borsalino and King, Soft Hats. RU BBERS for EVERYBODY individuality in flats “THE HOUSE OF QUALITY.†Let Us Sell Your Hat Ladies’ Underwear and Hosiery Our New Fall Hats Stylish Doais for flame“ ROBERT BURNETT The People’s Store SEE OUR ASSORTMENT OF FOR ALL KINDS OF MFN \owhe1e in Grey Co. can this be done to such ad- vantage as it can rioht here by us. There are mam' masons for this the ï¬rst and principal one hei1 g the superior quality of our goods. Quality Comes First With Us AT ALL KINDS OF PRICES ONTARIO HORTICULTURAL EX- HIBITION . From the interest being manifested in the approaching Ontario Horticul- tural Exhibition, which will be held in Toronto. November 6th to 10th, it would appear that this exhibition is rapidly becoming 9. formidable rival in its way to the Winter Fair at Guelph. This year the railways for the ï¬rst time have agreed to run half rate ex- cursions to the exhibition from all parts of the province and to advertise it along their lines. This, it is be- lieved. will greatly increase the at- tendance. Already it is evident that the exhibits of fruit, flowers and veg- etables will far eclipse those made at the two previous exhibitions. In fact it is feared that Massey Hall W111 not begin to accommodate pro- perly the exhibits that will be made. A feature of the exhibition this year will be the presence of the Black Dike Band from Yorkshire, England. which has been secured at an expense of $2,000. to play each afternoon and evening throughout the exhibition. Four diï¬erent conventions will be held in conjunction with the exhibi- tion, including the annual convention of the Fruit Growers’ Association. the Ontario Vegetable Growers’ As- sociation. the Ontario Bee Keepers' Association and the Ontario Horti- cultural Association. Among the most notable exhibits will be diaplays that will be made by the Ontario Fruit Experiment Sta tions, the Central Experimental Farm at Ottawa. and the Ontario Agricul- tural College at Guelph. The latter institution is arranging a Special na. ture study extiibit. which will '9 insptcted by the senior pupil.- nl’ the; City schools of Toronto. Who ha-q be-n given a part holiday for purpose. Mrs. A. P Ferguson. a well knownl Cape Bretoner. has cured asthma hv . “Catarrhozone.†Her statement usï¬ convincing: “ Although I was trouh ; led f0" Years it was only recemlx Ii tried Catarrhozone. When an attack ' staited I goc out my inhaler and in.§ variably got quick relief. Feelinâ€"ré satisï¬ed Catarrhozone would cure. I! continued the treatment till one bot»? tle was ï¬nished. I didn’t use more! because l we cured and the asthma? has never returned.†Catarrhozonel Secure death to asthma and bronchit-l is. Try it and be convinced. Two’- sizes. 25c and 1.00 at all dealers. The exhibition is to be Opened r3: the evening of Tuesday. NOVBUJ’b'. 6th. by Premier Whitney There i reason to believe that. in time thi‘ annual exhibition will become w noted in Canada as the Royal Horn cnitaral Exhibition in London England. . A CASE IN WEST ARICHAT A Rival for the Winter DURHA M CHRONICLE be Opened n" T 1 7. hoveurb r ." ThprP Is‘ in tlme {hi-a this us} The widely quoted Statement of Police Magistrate Hunt of the County of Elgin to the eEect that as the r.»- sult nf Local Option respectable lic- ensed hotels had degenerated into resorts for social debauchery; that temperance people have shown a cowardly apathy toward the greater evil and. inferentially at leas:, re- commended a return to license. has been eagerly laid hold of by the liquor interest in its frantic ï¬ght againSt local option. Mr. Hunt has greatly modiï¬ed his sweepingindictment and has practically narrowed down the charge to one house. This house was notorious aSoa disreputable resort for vears and yet continued to hold a license until it was cut 03 by the passage of the Local Option by law. So far from being apathetic, in regard to the matter the temperance peOple not only Stood by the law ofï¬cer, but urged him to take action, even pro- cedure. but to no purpose. An ap- p981 to the License Upprrtment in Toronto also proved futile. Instead of the facts provmg the temperance people guilty of cowardly apathy or showing that Local Option leads to moral degeneracy, they rath- er serve to emphasize the fact that men of low moral calibre may and do obtain licenses in houses that are known to be homes of social vice and that neither the salaried custodians of the law, nor the government which appoints them can be truSted to per- form their duty in matters of moral reform unless they feel the pressure of organized public opinion behind them. That all places of public en- tertainment should be licensed and under strict government inspection scarcelv needs any argument. but that the removal of liquor licenses is an incentive YO social vice is a posi- tion too absurd to be entertained for a moment bv any sane. man The liquor interest fears local option for a very different t'wts: n that: that it is the herald of social ixnnzliralify. If. is an instrnmn-nr for rezziperance re form that sht'mld be used vigorously and fearlessly. 'l‘he sweeping away of the ram iug centre for all that is lowest and worst in an 'a' community. :‘ut the house of public entertain- ment under rigid inspection. but the sliCensed :bar must go.â€"â€"The Presby- iterian. DURHAM HORTICULTURAL SO CIETY. The third annual Ontario Horticul- tural Exhibition will be held in Toron- to from November 6th to November 10th. Members of the Durham Society who intend going should call on Secre- tary Firth and get a membership tick- et for 60c., which will entitle them to admittance at all times during the exhibition. A MUSICAL TREAT Will be afforded all who attend the Exhibition, by the presence each after- noon and evening ot the famous Black Dyke Band (thirty instruments) from Great Britain, one of the most famous musical organizations in the world, which has been engaged at heavv ex- pense. Specially arranged programs of music will be carried out each day. It will be worth $1.50 to hear this Band alone. RAILWAY RATES. People attending the Exhibition from points in Ontario outside of To- ronto will be able to do so at lowest one-way, first-class fare as follows: On \Vednesday and Thursday, Nov. i 7th and 8th, special excursions will be i run by the railways to Toronto from 1 all points in Ontario, at lowest one-g way, ï¬rst-class fare. Railway tickets i bought on these dates will be good for 1 return up to and including Nov. 10th. People desiring to attend the Exhibi- tion on other dates will be able to do so at the same rate, but it will be nec- essary for them to obtain Standard Certiï¬cates from their station agent when they purchase their tickets to Toronto. One-way tickets to Toronto. with Standard Convention Certiï¬cates, can be purchased from Nov. 2nd to 10th inclusive, and will be honored for the return journey free, regardless of the number in attendance, up to and including Nov. 14th, 1906. These Cer- tiï¬cates must be endorsed by the Sec- retary at the Exhibition in Massey Hall before they will be honored by the railways for the return trip. A fee of 25 cents will be charged for each Certiï¬cate vised. The children cannot f ! hm "mated“: union the bovph_§ro_ â€01):: con To succeed these days you must have plenty of grit, cour- age, strength. How is it with the children? Are they thin, pale, delicate? Do n0t forget Ayer’s Sarsaparilla. You know itmakes the blood pure and rich, and builds up the general health in every way. Local Option and Social Vice. For the Children w. luv. no leach! W. mm thorax-null. otm our new Fall Wheat...... .. ..1 Spring Wheat“ Oats .'. ............... Peas ................. Barley...... . Hay ................ . Butter ............... Eggs ................. Pocatoes per bag ...... Apple~ per bag. ...... Flour per cwt ........ Oatmeal per sack. . . . . Chop per cwt ........ Live Hogs .......... Dressed Hogs per cwt. Hides per lb ........ Sheepskins ........... \Vool. . . . Tallow ..:.".°.:.':I::°..° Lard, FOR SALEâ€"TWO cows, one six years old in the spring, the other three years old in March, both from Parker’s stock farm. Apply to Mrs. Ed. Laud- er, near Creamery, Durham.â€"3pd. WE learn that Mrs. (Rev.) Wray R. Smith, of Arthur, is seriously ill of typhoid, and regret to chronicle so sad :1 report. Mrs. Smith is an ex- emplary woman, Who made hosts of friends wherever she went. We hope to hear of her speedy recovery. A UNION Sunday School entertain- ment was held in the school house at Allan’s section, Egremont, on Tuesday night. This was one of the chief events of the place which should have been held a week or so earlier, but was postponed on account of the unfavor- able condition of the night formerly selected. Tuesday, evening, however, was pleasantly and proï¬tably spent, Rev. Mr. Bice, of Trinity Church, was in the chair and ï¬lled the position ad- mirably in more ways than one. He isa bright conductor of ceremonies. and from now on his services will he in great demand as chairman. A male quartette from the choir of the Dur- ham Methodist Church gave a few good selections, and the members of the school provided a number of recit- als, and vocal contributions. WE thank our Flesherton corres- pondent fora very bright report of the Teachers’ Convention, which does not appear as we had already a report covering the same ground in type when it reached us. We did not ex- pect so much from Mr. Blackburn, whose condition as an invalid for six- teen or seventeen years cuts him off from the outside world to a very large extent and causes us some times to wonder how he gets all the news he does. we regret that such a bright christian character should suffer such prolonged aflliction, while others the world could well spare are healthy and strong but a standing disgrace to the communities in which they live. Mr. Blackburn is one man in a thousand, and though our most faithful corres- pondent we regret that we have given up hope for his restoration to health. He is one of the most resigned men we ever met. Miss Riehl, of New York, is spending a couple of weeks with her uncle, F. Siegner. Mr. Pogson, of Sarnia, returned home after spendinga week with F. Siegner. Miss Ghent, Miss Dick’s head trim- mer, was in Toronto Monday looking up the new ideas in millinery. An interesting time was spent on Tuesday night last at the LIcAuliï¬e home in Normanby when the members of the family assembled to honor their aged parents on the ï¬ftieth anniver- sary of their marriage. There were present on the occasion the following members of the family, viz :â€"John, Dan, David. Michael. and Edward Mc- Auliffe and their sisters, Mrs. M. Mc- Grath. Mrs. Friend, and Mrs. John Burns. and Miss Etta, nine in all. The following is the address : DEAR PARENTs,â€"â€"VVe, your children, grandchildren and greatgrandch ildren, have met to-day to mark the ï¬ftieth anniversary of your wedding and to rejoice with you over a long and hap- py married life. We take the oppor- tunity of acknowledging our indebted- ness to you for the inheritance of health and strength we have derived from you as well as for the counsels and wise direction you gave to our early years. We hope that during the years God may yet give you, you may continue to have health and happines, as you will have the warm love and respect of three generations of your descendents and as a memento of this occasion we ask your acceptance of these easy chairs. Itching, Blind. Bleeding, Protrnding Piles. Drug 30th October, 1906. To MR. AND MRS. DAVID MCAULIFFE: gist: are authorized to refund money if PAZO OINTMENTfailstocminetoudays. 50c. A GUARANTEED CURE FOR FILES kins...‘..."" Market Report. LOCAL N EWS. GOLDEN WEDDING. PERSONAL. DURHAM, Oct. 31, 1906. 000.0200 0004235 L 00 VELVETS In all the newest Color (I) Winter. . Millinery MlNK FUR Lambt-ou Sc. Having taken over the agency of} this. well known ï¬rm for Durham and vicinity. Inow take pleasurein intimating to the public that Iam 1n 3. positing to offer genuine bar. gains in Farm Machinery. AsIam bound to :well oï¬ the entire stockoz’ the late Dan Campbell quickiy.au should ayai! themselves: of this 0;) portunity of getting the been in Agricultural Implements at the very lowest possible prices. The stockis now complete in ev ry respect, waiting for your approval. SEE MY STOCK 0F Melotte Cream Separators. McLaughlin Buggies ‘nd Cutters, White and Standard Sewing Machines, Clothes Wringers, Harness, Ete, Etc. Everything in Season at “The Hardware Store.†HARDWAR NOVEMBER 1 “'0- Whit to jusc been in purchascd Now fhat the . for \‘uivet hats which we are having ’ such a demand for. We will be pleased to have you call and see our large stock. W just received some Whi grey hats in newest JOHN MUHDUEH An3 kind of Home Clippers you may de sire can be found in our establishment,“ ranging in price from 75 cents up. We have a good line of Turnip and Mangel Toppexs. Ever3 far mer should have one. We have everything in 'Woodenware. from 2. Spoon to a Wheel- barrow. Just to hand a great line of Teamster and Railroad Builders’ Coats. Nothinor to equal them. Call and inspect them. In Stoves and Ranges we can sell you just what you have been looking for. Wood and Coal Heaters of every description. There is nothing to equal our “Penn Esther†Ranges. Our stock of Granite- Ware and Tinware cannot be equalled. Every woman can get satisï¬ed .in kitchen utensils. Frost 82’ Wood MISS DICK Middaugh House Block. 110 Say ti: 'L‘oronto a lat-HE an Durham is here FIFTY large 12x14 beautm graphs given away free. 0 every dozen caninet photos. Kelsey, Photographer.~â€"J uly MEN’S fur coats. ladies' fur respectable makers, at Grant FOR SALEâ€"Medium size wood stove, nearly new. the Post Ofï¬ce. MISS J. J. ALLAN, Optician, will be at the Hahn House T NOV. 15th. A thorough exa given with the latest method errors of refraction corrected ALL those suffering from E headaches, dypepsiax, etc†51 fail to consult; with Miss J. Optician, of Elem, at the Ha Thursday, l\0\.15.â€"â€"_ LOSTâ€"Between Me Post OEce, on Sam two Five Dollar Dom and a Ten Dollar Sta: Finder will receive ward by leaving it a: THE TownC night. and wen routine of bu accounts were spirited discu: flavor. There ous Show nor In neither did \\ see it give it, “rank.†“bar the Opinions perhaps they THE hr Tuesday toe for 1’ about the mid m“! ha I ma 3' blast tinue make porno: Stru< this mm an ning at; :z.‘ forth thc their man upon the give an ac ence mm Indians of .AN ill U: by 13mm} on Monda dollar the tr that land of 1.11:- three months nig live in snow 119% Wild beasts and - Bishop Stringer nerils ofzcn. in perils in the. \x'iid~.*;'x‘.v.~~'. 51.; ;: natives, and }.)1'escnts L0 115‘ tunity of learning of life ‘ treme north. which, pea-had er be offered to us again. evening a collection will in in and of missions. 4 Mn. â€WM. Hum. .95 . started for Dauphin. bionday morning and» tressing CIrCLZIDSTuIznea. he may be able «to ï¬nd :2. than he eXpeczs. 1L swm‘ weeks ago Mrs. 3 ii 1 daughter. Was fax. cu tvphai'l and removed W.) . On being ac-quai:;t~d of ti. Herd wen: West to rem) Si;- tauce she cwuli. an progress rcsu‘. ed :3 mm? that Mrs \\ 11‘. is 9-. t5 s .3 COVered ‘30- lté¥H '13:. “3‘1 mocha. then 133.; :5 :..~: 3.11 patient in tn: howitu I 1 '4 eviieatly in a Srl‘iuUS c m. can readily imagzue :2» w eir'cuznsiances under w hi wili .33 made by 1.1.2. 0.3. "who feels quite distressed of these news. We hop that on his arrival than! .-..qmse.- disappointed. -. and hig’Hed will be, on the ! watery. .. LOCAL ITEM etween Mel 1N C an V 12x14 beautifu d t h t Thl nion Bl X" D 13‘ n