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Durham Chronicle (1867), 8 Nov 1906, p. 9

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as a trade winner. T o secure results one must keep his eyes open tn the most desirable means to bring about this result. Some may have une idea and some another, but the concensus of public npinion is largely in favor 0f the newspapers, as a judicious and muney-making medium. Althuugh results are obtained no matter in what form you may appeal to the public in advertisin". The fact that the great majority read the newspapers, dem- onstrates, that those who advertise in them are thoroughly alive to the e ”:1- easy of printer‘s ink. The business man of to-dny may be. largely judged by the 1111sparing use he make-S of printer's s ink. Every line of business to he brought to a succoésfnl issue conforms to this standard And the fart that people read more to-dny than then m 91 did, sht‘sm how desira- ble it is to use plinters ink judiciously “'e present our readers to-day with an extensive VV' rite- -up of Durhams di- Versified business interests. 1'epu,.~erit- ing as it does the solid commercial men of the community. The value of such an edition representing as this one does some 4,000 copies, is one that cannot be over estimated covering the wide field that it does. The reader's attention is specially directed to what these line advertisers have to say of their various business interests, perus- al of which will amply repay. That advertising makes a vast diti’erence he- tween the successful and unsuccessful business man one has only to look about him to have it amply demon- strated to him. DURflAMS ENERGET 1C BUSINESS MEN Carefully Peruse the Record ef Their Various Businesses Who Are Thoroughly Alive to the Efficacy of Printer’s Ink Another leading place of lmsiness here is that of J. C. Nichol. who is a first-class merchant tailor. carrying one of the finest stocks of tweeds and worsteds to be found outside of the cities. As a merchant tailor. he eu- joys a good patronage. A suit made by Nichol can be depended upon for fit. style and workmanship. As a cut- ter he stands at the head of his profes- sion. there being few his equal in this part of the country. \Vhen you wish to be considered well dressed you should give Nichol, the practical and up-to-date merchant tailor, a call. He will guarantee to suit you both as to price and quality of goods. A suit made by Nichol has the stamp of re- liability about it. \Vhen you order your next overcoat or suit get his prices and see the fine line of goods he. offers to make selections from. As a towusman. Mr. Nichol is one of Dur- ham's best known and highly esteemed. T. N. \VALPOLE. 10 There are liverymen and liverymen, but one of the best engaged in this line of business is T. N. “’alpole, who has a thoroughly np-to-date livery in every reSpect. Mr. \Vulpole bought. out his present business one year ago, and he has added a number of new rigs as well as horses to his livery, until it is to-day second to none. He makes a specialty of commercial driving; spec- ial . rates being given to commercial S. F. )Iorluck‘s Store. J. C. NH‘HOL. mun. \Vhen you want 3|. rig for :m afternuun drive, :1 Wedding, or a pan' give him a. call. Mr. \\'aipnie is :11- ways bound to he in the Van with him processinn. 50 you mm nmmr make any mistake in going there. As :1 townsmzm. Mr. \anpule is ()m- of Dur- ham’s hvst known and most highly estemnm Anntht'l‘ Wall t'st.:l.hlisha'(l lmsinoss 11010 is th: 1L ()1 I}. .\. Row“) lmkm' and (:nntmrlinnel'. Mr.“ Rnwu' IS in the pn- Jnylm'nt of a grand Lreulv. which he is increasing \‘t‘ill‘1V owinjr tn always givinn'H "onds :ttisf; u tinn tn his r'. usmm- 91's He alwans aims at supphin the \ 01V best hm 'nd, ('nkt's and past! \ Shut l high grade flnm' will turn (mt. Up makes :5. snmiulty 0f \w'duling (ukvs. makes :5. spm'muy which are supplit-d notice Cunfvctiems always on hand. A stuck of grm-m-ivs and canned gnuds kept. \thn you want the host in any line of gonds he handles you should give him a call. As :I. tnwnsman. Mr. Rnwc is a man universally estevmed. ls the. primrietor of a first-class gen- eral store a: this point. and he is in the enjoyment of one of the best class es of trade in this country. Mr. Mor- lo‘ck is an extensive dealer in dry goods. high class millinery, clothing, it is increasing each season. you want to be assured of good 'alues and honest treatment in all lines of goods try him. vancing in years, and as he lost his helpmate a yea'ago, he will dispose \V hen As Mr. Scott is ad- gents’ furnishings. boots and shoes. of his fim- business, property and all. etc. In short. a high class stock of goods of all kinds. In short, every- thing comprehended in a first-class general store. Here, you are always assured of right goods at light prices. The best being none too good for his customers. People hereabouts know that they can obtain the best goods here and at prices that has made this store a worthy competitor with the best in this country. Give him a call when you want the best of everything in the lines of goods he handles. He has but one price for all, and that a fair one. During the many years Mr. It is a good stand. and a very much larger business can be worked up by a young and enterprising man with a moderate capital. THE PEOPLE’S STORE. This is another prominent business place here, being extensive dealers in dry goods. clothing, boots and shoes, groceries. crockery, glasswear, carpets etc. )Ir. Burnett. the proprietor of this store, handles without a doubt one of the largest as well as one of the best selected stocks here. In dry goods his stock is all well selected and includes S. I". M OR LOCK good stuck :\ . R0 \\' B Interior of J. C. Nichol’s tailoring: establishment. m the of hi h h lzus HH' hilt hu‘ U< bought with a due regard as to quality and price. His stock this season is an exceptionally fine one, and you need never make any mistake in making your purchase there. He also carries :1 very large stork of trunks. valises, club bags. as well as school hugs. which he is selling Von reasonable. In or- dered Work he also enjoys n good pat- ronage. \\'hen you want; :1 pair of Another prominent place of business here is McIlraiLh’s np-Ln-date boot and shoe store. \Vhen you purchase a pair of boots or shows from lell'aith’s you can depend upon their being as repre- sented. He buys from the very best; Canadian houses. All his gunds are )Iorlock has been in business here, he has built up a splendid trade. For re- liability and straightforward dealing, )Ir. Morloek has established an envia- ble name throughout this entire sec- tion of the country. The amount of energy shown by Mr. Moi-lock in his business augurs Well for a still further increased patronage. See. the bargains continually offered and examine his very fine sto:k. This seascm he is showing some exceptionally fine goods for the fall and winter trade. As :1 townsman, )Ir. Moi-lock is esteemed and popular. ducts a general store. where everything that is the best in dry goods. clothing. huts. raps. gx-ovm'iw. crockery and glasswm-v. is to he found. Being prim runagc. \V hen boots or shoes 1' He can fit :mynm the shortest nuti popular Durham Is acknowledged hy all to he one of Durham’s nidost. business men. having vstahlished how 2'} yo H'sagn. He mm- a rarei'ui buyer. he. makes It a point to.) buy only first-class goods that he knows will sell readily hereahauts. All his st; pie goods are from the best houses. and for fair prices and quality cannot be beaten. In groceries none but the best goods are kept. His trade is a good one and it is increasing each season. \Vhen you want to be assured of good values and honest treatment in all lines of goods try him. As Mr. Scott is ad- vancing in years, and as he lost his helpniate a year ago, he will dispose of his fine business, property and all. It is a good stand. and a very much larger business can be worked up by a young and enterprising man with a moderate 'apital. This is another prominent business place here. being extensive dealers in dry goods. clothing, boots and shoes, groceries. crockery, glasswear, carpets etc. )1 r. Burnett, the proprietor of this store. handles without a doubt one of the largest as well as one of the best selected stocks here. In dry goods his J. S. MCILRAI'I‘H host hon you want :1 pair of as for anybody try him. rune. Repairing done on nuticc and reasonable in l townsnnm. he is «ml» of host, knnwn and most SCOTT I-v. He also (nu-Pies L ufn-nnks. valisns, Ls SPhUUl hugs. which I'mwmmhlv. In 01‘- » enjnys :l gum] pat,- DURHAM CHRONICLE m fmxa Street. fancy dress goods, as well as all the leading lines of staples. In ready-to- wear (-lothing he shows the best lines of goods turned out in Canada to-day. All the newest styles and latest pat;- té-rns. lugror-m-ies his goods are pure and fresh, all this s¢,+:i.sou'sg()mis. Tl“. host. that. money can buy. ()ne secret of the lirm’s success is. that M r. Burn- ett always makes the purchasing pow- er of a dollar felt. if you are. looking for bargains and suamnahle goods at : ll limos gim- ll. Burnett, The People’s Store a call. llis goods are always bought with due regard to price and quality, and you can never make any mistake in making your purchases there. The highest prices paid for pro- duce of all kinds. Mr. Burnett has gained a wide reputation throughout this entire section of the 3ountry as a bargain giver. Try him when you want hat-gains. Thus The People’s Store is one of Durham’s old reliable firms. where you can always depend his always doing as he advertises. Highest market prices paid for farm produce. As a townsman Mr. Burnett is one of Durham’s most highly esteem- ed and progressive. |< um- Hf 111v Imuling uf Ihv smmxlvst. finum in this mnmlry. 'l‘lu-I ls unv uf tlw hauling as well as um- nf tilt' sunmh-st finanrial institutinns in this (-unntr)‘. 'l‘hv Durham hranrh was ”pt-11ml ht'l‘t‘ sumt‘ twenty y -ars agn and (H°(-l11)ivs:1 high pnsitiml alnmtg thv many hranrht-s in Untarin. A gt-nvral hankng hnsinvss transartml, and spm-ial attmntinn given tn farnn-rs’ hnsinrss. tlw (lisrnunting and (enllmft- ting nl' farmvrs' sale nntvs. in the Savings hank tit-partnwnt interest is aihm'ml at thv hight'st (‘lll'l't‘lltv ratrs Hf intt‘rt-st (m (h'lmsits four timvs pvt‘ )‘var. Drafts issm-(l tn all parts ()f thv \\'Ht'hi. .\ Spt‘t‘iili fratnro is thv “Jnint. Ih-pusit.” in whirh mum-y may hr de- in usitt'd nr \\'ithc1ra\\'n hy (-ithrr ()f the twn lllt'lllht‘l'S ()f a hnust-huhl. 'l‘h“ Standard Bank uf (‘anada also havr agvnts at all points in (‘anada and th , l'nitml Status. and are prepared tn transmit mnnvy tn any pnint at wry h)\\'1'ili(‘>‘. Sums ()f frum $1 and 11p- 'I‘HI‘I STANDARD BANK ()1“ (‘AN- ADA. wartls are l'N‘t‘lVHl (m the Savings De- partment. and aeeuunts upened at any time. The splendid business built up here is largely due to a prudent man- agement and euurtenus treatment. ae- (‘Ul'tlt‘tl the bank‘s eustnmers. Mr. John Kelly is the manager 0f the Dur- ham Braneh, and he is a man univer- sally esteemed. A history of Durham could scarcely he written without a reference. to Dr. Gun. In social eircles. in church work. in municipal matters and in ed- ucational advancement he was always ready to give his heartiest support. He was always busy in the practice of his profession, but fo ° all this he had time on his hands to execute promptly any work that fell to his lot for the good of those amongst whom he lived. He was a strong man on the school hoard and may be regarded as the father of our public library. J. H. MCMURRAY. If there is one thing more than an- other that the people are particular about it is the class of meat they eat. Mr. McMurray with a. due regard for the tastes of the people aims at supply- ing nothing but the best. He keeps everything in the line of fresh and salt THE LATE DR. GUN. Amtmg the (liversiliod lmsim-ss planes lwrv that we must nut (H'H'lnnk is ”11‘ large gvncl'al stnrv ()l' N. (i. «\' .l. )vimflmic, who are («1.4415ch impart- vrs and dealers in staple and fanvy (lry gunds, mantles, rvady-madv (“lntlxe ing, bouts, slums and grnvm'lvs. 'l‘lu'y makv it a point tn lmyvvm-ything that is best in dry gnmls. Bring rarvl'ul lmyvrs. tlwy makv it a, paint in lmy (mly first-class gnmls that. tlu-y kmm' will 5le readily in Durham. All llu-ir meats. cured meats, sausages, etc. So that when you want to be assured of getting the best you should give Mr. McMurray a call. He has only been in business for some eight umnths but during that time he has built up an exceedingly good business. See him when you want to be assured of get- ting the best in the line of meat. st 1.ple goods are from the lH-sl lions:_-s and for priees and quality eannot be beaten. The line of (-lothing‘ kept at this store is from the best houses in (‘anadaz all the latest styles and pat- terns. ln mantles full linesare earried of neat and nobby gomls. In boots and shoes they carry a splendid assort- ed stock of the very best makes. \Vhen you want good values and hon- est: treatment you should give this firm a ('all. It. is one of the oldest estab- lished places of business in town. and likewise one of the most. reputable. This firm may be said to be one of the most extensive business concerns here. opt-*I'ating a large sash and door fae- t'ory, a saw mill and also a. flour mill. The town should have more enterpris- ing business men of this class. They at". aliv‘, and progressive citizens, in- terested in everything tending to pro- mute the town’s interest and welfare. And they are popular with all classes. .(9: . N J. MrKl‘X'HNIIC. The Standard Bank’s home in Durham. Rohex t; Burnett Stme. Thursday, Novem'hm Is a, first class paintm'. :41 sminor, etc. at this puim, :u is to be seen in :Lh’nnsti vw, town, in both inside and m He uses the best; paint. and is guaranteed to with weather. He has wail mi from five cents pp!" 1-011 up designs and has mwvltivs 1 wall paper lino? lhnt; (tam only through him. it. will see his szunples my set.- him ting any work done. We imzst nut (W111 111111; 311'. (1‘ conducts a lirsl-(‘iass 14141111111 «.111. here, keeping e\'1-*1-}'111i11g in 111 ' dry goua‘ls. ready-11111111. 111111111111 bouts 111111 shoes. g’eiilis 1‘111'1‘115111.“ . hats and cups. 111‘ is in close 1 11113 with the “111110151119 houses in 1111‘ 11:11: iug centres, and is thus 111111- 11» 11111-1 chase. many lines from first hands air-£1 to give his. customers the benefit, 11-1 dress 0Foods and ready-11121110 (-lnihiizgl he handles Without a doubt the WITi best lines made in Canada. 111 1111 boot and shoe line they keep 0111; 1:11? best Canadian makes. He thinks 1111 1 there is no line of shoes made ton 3.:on for his 1 "ade. A full stock of :lllf"1‘:1(lt‘-‘ and sizes. In ladies dress goods 1.1115 is a particularly strong feature. 111 gent’s furnishings, hats and ('11115116 also excels. In groceries you alwd."S get them pure and fresh. Mr. (1111111. the business head of the firm. is :1 gen' tlema‘n in every way. He has :1 11111 grasp of the business dctailsand 1100]"? it up-to-date. The celebrated 81:1 11110113 underwear he is agent for. 111» 15:1 public spirited citizen. . S. . 3.52.5. .. ..,w..£..?;:..x.H Mmlt S} um! I) (T. L. GRANT. vr business man inn-v not, ('n’m'lunk. Mr. ( a first-class gmwml ing everything in 111v 1i . ready-unzdv clothing. slmvs. gents funds} wins. ”9 is in 1:10.99. H) ( E LVI I)“ I H. MrMm'I um mt \V W h After (mp 1' score years :n living on 1mm the four sum- numbm- with 1 few more 3121' A place where tlw manufactured must place of interest. ('2. .* er and confectimwr at those who are in :1 In: say that; there are u country, who can tun pastry the equal nf v does, which has “'01) l able name herenlmut .x kinds in season, mmnm fectionery. \Vlwn y.» of satisfaction m Um» I»; Stinson’s. \ledi 1);: 4'; and he keeps all kind.“ in $606k. As a (fiiiymz favorably known. A (tcntvnurinn i of our rmuh-rs seen (me. hm I} LIPS. Juhn Law tux-y mark by 2: withstanding 1' were (-11 m d i x a; frame, shv \\':l.\ DIED J .\.\' This is one of the hauling; as one Of the largest businv» In m; conducting a drug and hook m the line of drugs and pm] medicines they carry the \‘01 In drugs particulary thvv haw. best and purest that. money (3: and the same may he said of l tary medicines. perfnmurj.’ :mC SOOdS generally. 'l‘huy (ma-y ‘ doubt one of the hvst Iinvs (‘x‘vfi here. ‘Vall papvr kept in >1 make selections from. Nuwl time to do your lmusm-Immil Wall papering. At )Im-t'ux-lunwl you can always. depend upnn ing agood line of wall INPW :1 Very reasonable. This firm : direct, dealers in semis. 13m”): Ware.ebc. Dominiun lixpr-ui was quitu 4' viewed by 111 time befm-v h families in 1} descendants. Thur a‘ b day MRS. JUHN MACFAR LAN] G. H. STINSON Bak ’/ ’4 emh \\\ Residem \V

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