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Durham Chronicle (1867), 22 Nov 1906, p. 7

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car that the Act is not 1 schools. because if. e the standard of those I equipment not requir. gulations. (3) salaries vs the minimum, (4) I. buildings and accom. 'his is similar to th. the High Schools and minutes and will an- d Boards to improve 2x14 beautiful photo' may free. One with binet photos. F. W- rapher.-â€"July 12tf just before going to led? cure is certain. :0 invaluable for 501‘9 ; piles and skin dis“ a by H. Parker. .. SOD 93 tea .EAR C OMPLEXION ! ssion of OD ow ho ed Hand oznmissioners to 'iculsure. and no ind. cm: mse 32 per cm“. :hers in Ontario. wish in any in. powers Of the as not- passed at hers’ union, for has there is no Altogether Mr. of the new :10: sthe outward leanliness. In comes a. sign- IOI‘SBS ofiered ovince be in- if {81' 10!) 3110 wing 1 non all receive 8 gistered in a. the Province. and should istaken ideas ry.â€".Toronto 583 and the .Vere horses ertainly did orses in the W1 ark circles r constipa- e‘, no rem- Hamilton’s purifying ion. They ,inc to the and estab- .nd disease. med to in- ’eeding in- ‘e finisheé iMr. John aunties of Id held one :9, in each Grey was evening of l hundred .rt of the D 3“ arm wat- ‘Iy Chum: h hered- , receive thin. If secreted; aulcy; figs: lS Stated he object. at What, u. would sing the hath no OF THE JOB : : DEPARmENT OH): KINNEE, LICENSED tioneer for the County of Grey. June 06 DURHAM. ONT. U tioneer for the County of Grey. Sales Dronqptly attended to. Orders ms .136 left '3 hls Implemex.t erogum. M 3 01d Stand. or at “he Chromcle 0500. Nov. 9. ’03. f . noneer for the County of Grey. 9"" moderate sud utisfution guaran- . The unngementa and dates of 33108 nape made at Tm: CHRONICLE of- gigs Readeuge and P. 0.. Ceylon. Talo- 3 PUBLISHED yam THURSDAY momma ”,3me mama: HOUSE, mama mp DURHAM, ONT. IKE BUBBHFIEHBBRHBLE Drs. Jamieson Maclaurin. {ox-ding faciliti oax CLARK. LICENSED AUC- . G. Hutton, M. D., C. M. ransacted. A. H. Jackson. mm PUBLIC, COMM_ISSION- Â¥CPML, _LIC_ENSED_ A_UG- EDITOR AND PROPRIETOB. NOVEMBER 22, 1906 SICIAN AND SURGEON, 0F- IACKAY. K. C. CE AND RESIDENCE A ist: Eye, Ear, Throat and Nose Medical Directory. rk 4t Arthur Gun, M. D. me For transient advertieerpents 8 cenaper ' line {or the first insertion; 3 €6an pea . . line each subsequent insertionâ€"minim Professional arch, not exceeding ode inch, r annum. Advertisements without specific will be published till forbid and charged ac- Transient noticesâ€"“ Lost," “ Found,‘ ," etaâ€"59 cents {or first insertion, 25 cents bsequerxt insertzon. rtisements ordered by strangers must be paid REL-1M. ONT. (Lower Towm) dvcrtise. nuts, 30 ensure insertion in current '.d be brought m not later than TUESDAY 588 0' t distance east of Knapp’s Hotel, ._ Street, Lower Town, Durham :rs from 12 to 2 o’clock. 88- GED. S. BURT. Q ISTERS. SOLICITORS, COIN- M DR. BROWN 1 the New Hunter Block. Oflice ") 10 a. m., to 4 p. m. and7 to9 ecial attention given to diseases and children. Residence op- sb‘» terian Church. Bank Miscellaneous. acKay 8:. Dunn. onveyancer, ' c. Insurance oney to Loan. Issuer of Mar- xses, A general financial busi- l ifin?amcfte will be. aegt to any ‘ ‘q, ree o_ postage, or l.00pet , year, payable m advanceâ€"$3.50 may not so patd. The date to which every aid is denoted by the number on the '0 paper discontmued until all mean La: the option of the proprietor. AND RESIDENCEâ€"COR. axa and George Streetsâ€"at Ofiice hoursâ€"941 a. 11)., 2-4 . 111. Telephone No. 10. Toronto. Uraauape ta] Surgeons of Ontarlo. istry in all its Branches. J. P. Telford for‘yearly ad. easements furnished on 2m: Midi KNEE, LICENSED AUC- vet I Tow: f Eye, Ear Nose and Throat. :rs Etfici Money to. Loan. the McIntyre Block, over m0! Roy. London Ophthalmic Hos. Iden Sq. Throat and N050 Hoe. sch month JCS P., LONDON. ENG. Ch .0. Pickering Dentist. XCLCSIVELY 1mg Is completely stashed with all N EW TYPE, thus at“. for turning out First-class Block, over Post Ofi 11 House lat. Wednesday tom 12 to 4 p. m 1188 z'rea‘on 5 per cent 176 0107‘? . Graduate Royal DY rham the 2nd ursâ€"1â€"6 p.m. ‘W. F. DUNN. Anv amou ETC. Jewellery on farm ’08 llaldimand County Councillor tells how Psychine cured his mug Troubles “ I contracted a series of colds from the changing weather," says Mr. Bryce Allen, a well-known resident of Jarvis, Cut, and a member of Haldimand County Council for his district, “and gradually my lungs becamc afi‘ected. I tried medicine and doctors prescribed for me, but got I no relief. With lungs and stomach diseased, nervous, weak and wasted, I began to use Psychine. With two months’ treatment I regained my health. To-day I am as sound as a bell, and give all the credit to Psychine.” BOOK-KEEPING SHORTHAN D TYPE‘VRITING COMMERCIAL LA‘V COMMERCIAL CORRESPOND- There is a proof of what Psychine does. It not only cures Colds and kills the germs of LaGrippe, Pneumoniaand Consumption, but it helps the stomach, makes pure, rich blood and spreads general halth all over the body. You will never have Consump- A',_- 'l'___ _ GREAT DISTRESS IN HER THROAT. Mr. and Mrs. \Vill 0113, of Aber- deen, visited Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Hunt one evening recently. Mr. and Mrs. E. Roseborough Spent the last couple of days in Owen Sound with the farmer’s mother. who is ill. Mr. Tom Wilson and family, of Aberdeen. have moved into our neigh- borhood. We welcome them as neighbors. ‘ Rev. Dr. Caldwell. of Flesh: preached a missmnary sermon Sunday last. Diedâ€"Infant son of Mr and Joseph Reay, aged 4 months. 600 if y'ou use Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Hunt Spent last Sunday with the farmer’s sister, Mrs. ‘V. D. Mills, Durham. Each student is taught separawa at his own desk. Trial lessons for one week free. Visitors welcome. Miss Joy Hopkins visited her grandmother, Mrs. J. W. Vickers. ENCE PLAIN BUSINESS :‘VRITING ORNAMENTAL ‘VRITIN G 13' DAY and EVENING classes. Miss Mary Wise, of Allan Park. visited in this vicinity one day last. week. Largor also. 81 and CZâ€"all drunk“- DR. 1'. A. SLOGUM, Limited, Téronto. Mrs. Mighton has her farm on the back 50c. Per Bottle Not an uncommon experience was that of Mrs. S. Wilmot of Shuler, N. S. Dccmrs failed, still a. quick cure a as found in“ Catarrhozone.” Notice this Statement: "1 have been amost dreadful sufierer from bronchial trouble and catarrh. On damp days IWouid'hawk and snfier great dis- tress in my throat. I used all kinds of medicines but didn’t get perma- nent relief till I used Catarrhozone. It has strengthened my throat, cured my cough and made me entirely well.” Refuse subStitutes for the one reliable bronchial and throat cure. All dealers sell “Catarrho- zone” in 25c and $1.00 sizes. PSYCHINE Business College mmmwhmlzm and in placing all its graduates. W. T. CLANCo’Yi Prin. SUPERIOR VALUE. LEADS VIN Mount Forest (PM 55%) Vickers. To Care a Cold in One Day moved back to line. of Flesherton. Mrs here (1) That the whole Province be ,dividcd into such sub-divisions as {would give each inspector :55 to 30' 3factories or creameries. This will requixe a staff of £55 instructor-iDSpec tors. and it is considered by those who have had the work in charge 1 that the man appointed to the work i’ would be able to render more effective {service than in past years. Many of line better factories are really no; in jneed of regular inStruction and in ithe majority of cases a call of an ihour or two from the instruCtor will the JUSB as effective as to spend a {whole day with the,:naker in manu. ifacturing a lot of cheese. This will ;give the instructor-insiiectors \‘ an lepportunity to visit many of the gfarms and to advise with the pro- lducers as to the best method of prc- Educing the desired quality of milk. lit: the Opinion of the chief inscructors éthe chief essentials in producing a fiirst-clrss article is that the raw lmaterial receive proper attention by ’ the producer and milk hauler. Chief ;Instructors Barr and Publo w stated fithat “90}; of the rejections can be ltriced to inferior raw material.” (2) That every factory and cream- ery in the Province be charged a un- iform fee of $12.00 to help defray the {expense to the Department of fur- finishing instructor-inspectors. The 2 total appropriation necessary for the ; work suggesned by the joint commit- ; tee is $42,700 and upon the basis of i the tax above mentioned, the factories 7and creameries will contribute $16, 2300 towards this expenditure. It was at first thought that a sliding scale would be more equitable but after discussing the question from all sides it was decided to recom- mend a uniform fee, chiefly for the reason that the smaller factories and creameries are usually in need of a greater amount of instruction than the larger factories and really de- mand as much or more time than the larger concerns. (3) That the instructor-inspectors be required to test milk and cream for adulteration or tampering but only in these cases in which applica- tion is made and the maker or some other responsible person furnishes the Department or one of the Chief Instructors with evidence that adul- teration or tampering has been Practised. In some sections the time of the instructor has been almost on- The Dairy Instruction of the past few years has resulted in a marked improvement in the general equip- ment and sanitary conditions of fac- tories. Many proprietors and makers have, however, Stated to the instruc- tors and members of the Dairymen’s Associations that they were some what discouraged after going to the eXpense and trouble which were found necessary to make improve- ments considered essential by the dairy instructors. “We have gone to considerable expense in order that the quality of cheese may be of a higher standard but our neighbor factories have gone on in the same old way manufacturing along cheap lines and they. for the most part, se- cure as high a price for their cheese as the better equipped factories. In many cases the poorly run factories manufacture for a lower rate than a Well equipped and improved factory thus making the burden still greater for those who are anxious to do What is essential if the industry is to be placed on a sure and permanent basis.” M. P.,and J. H. Singleton. VVest- ern associatiou,â€"-Thos. Ballantyne, Jno. McLevin and J. N. Paget. After discussing the subjects before them at. great length they unani- mously decided upon the following system. Dairy Instruction and Sanitary Inspec- tion of Factories and Creamories. The sanitary inspectors for the past year. Mr. J. H. Echliu and T. Dillon, have efiected a marked .im- provement in the sanitary conditions of the factories. They went out from the Department clothed with authority to insist upon improve- ments which were necessary and which had, in many cases- been re- commended by the instructors, but which had not been made. Many ex- pressions of appreciation of the work accomplished by these inspectors have been received from all sections and the better class of Dairymeu throughout the Province are strong- ly of opinion that work of this nature should be followed still more closely during the coming season. The representatiVes of the dairy associations and the chief instructors as well as the regular stafi of instruc- tors are of one Opinion as to the ad- Visability of clothing the inatructors with the power of sanitary inspectm s and so arranging the districts that every factory and creamery will be subjeCt to regular and sySLematic sanitary inSpeCtion and may have the benefit of instruction as well. In order that the Opinions above ex pressed might be put into tangible form to be placed before the Minister of Agriculture. the Director of Dairy Instr-notion called a meeting of the chief insuuctors. sanitary inSQectqrs and representatives of the two dairy associations to meet in Toronto on 8th inst. Those present were Chief Instructors.G. H. Barr and G. G. Pnblow Sanitary Inspectors, T. Dillon and J. H. Echlin Represent atives of Eastern Dairymen’s Associ- ation, R. G Murphy, J. R. Dargavel, DURHAM CHRONICLE THE large 12X14 photograph given away with one dozen cabinets is well worth a. dollar and a. half. F. W. Kel- sey, Photographer.-â€"-July 12th; tf. tirely taken up with the work of test- ing and it is considered by the per- sons identified with the Associations and the Departmentthat the identifi- ed with the factory should be qualifi- ed to make prefiiminary teats and in- vestigations sufficient to furnish evi deuce that tampering or adulteracion has taken place, before the services of he inspector be asked for. The Director of Dairy Instruction, Mr. G. A. Putnam, would be glad to receive suggestions or recommenda- tions from deirymen regarding the proposed regulations. (4) It is also recommended that! any owner or manager of, or assist- ant; in a cheese or butter manufactoryl who shall knowingly receive or make! into cheese or butter any milk that is tainted. 1iassy. overripe, or de-. livered in rusu; or unclean cans or: utensils, or in which a preservative' of any description has been used, or i which has been drawn from cows suffering from lump-jaw or other in-g fections disease, shall be liable to a? tine, We now have a provision: under which the producer can bei prosecuted. provided he sell or‘supplyi to a cheese or butter manufactory'g any milk that is tainted or badly! soured, and it is thought to be dis-' tinctly in the imerest-s of the in- duscrv to have a provision by which: a maker or proprietor can he dealt: with prov1ded he accepts any Suchi mid: to be manufaccured into a food} FOR SALEâ€"Medium sized upright wood stove, nearly new. Apply at the Post Ofice. It must be remembered that the above are recommendations made by the joint committee to the Depart ment. and the same are being pub- lished at this time in order that the comments of the dairymen generally may be secured before definite action is taken. The Department is desir- ous of doing only that which shall be in the best interests of ,the cheese and butter industry of the Province and Wishes to adopt such measures as are necessary to secure ‘.the same, but at the same' time, wishes to avoid doing an injustice to any per- son or persons. It must not be in- ferred thst instruction is to be aban- doned and an army of men sent out merely to give orders to the men who own factories andtherds of the country. It is the desire to so re- arrange the work of linstruction and sanitary inepection that it can be done most effectively at a Ireasonabie cost and in the best interests of the owners of thefactories, the producers of milk, and the makers; product for general use. This will have the eEect of practically prohib- iting a. maker from accepting milk of inferior quality which has been re- fused an a neighboring factory. will be mailed you if you send this coupon and 1 cent stamp to ZAM-BUK 00., Tormto Eczema, UIC55 s and Skin D555: 555. Mr. Montague Jones, of Tavistock, Ont., says :-“ About four years ago sores started to break out on my skin. I used salves to check them, but to no effect. I then burned them with Iodine, and that took them away for a time. but only for a time, and. they caused me great pain. Sores then started to break out on my head. I went to the doctor. who told me that it was scalp eczema and that I should need to give it very careful attention. He gave me some salve which I rubbed on, but notwithstanding all my care I continued to get worse. I then tried several advertised remedies, but to the same end. One day I read a report about Zam-Buk, and I thought that what it had done for other people it could do for me, so sent for a sample box. The result of the use of so small a quantity was so satisfactory that I at once obtained a full supply. I also obtained a . few boxes of Bileans for internal use. Within a very short time there was a marked im- 'h provement. I applied ZAM-BUK in accordance with the directions and very soon the scales ' ' were all gone and the sores completely healed. They show no trace of returning, and I feel that I am cured to stay cured.” 46 Mrs. L. Finch, oi Camberwill, says :â€"Our little girl, May, had eczema on the scalp. It spread all over the head and the pain was so bad at times that the poor child screamed aloud. Her hair came out in patches. Hospital treatment failed. The first application of Zam-Buk eased the agony and by the time we had used a few boxes the disease was cured. It is the finest balm ever brought into a house for all skin injuries and diseases. ” Eczema or any skin disease, Ulcers. Absces.<-.es, running sores. blood poison. eruptions, l nic . etc. It also cures chilhlainfl, chapped. hands, cold sores, cuts. burns and bruises. It eases the pain of piles. and cures the ailment by softening the hard veins and removing the congestion. Also good as an embrucution. Used by Shorrmg. Lucy Muratthon “inner; Lennon. eat-champion wrestler. and lcmlin athletes the world over. All Druggzats, 50 cents a. box, or from the ZAM-BUK 00., TORO§TO. upon receipt of price. 6 boxes for $2.50. Auctioneer. . Nov 7â€"8t. J 011): CL I1 and testament of Samuel Kidd de (eased there will be Sold by public auction on T11u1sday, December 27th .20”.c1ock D. 11)., lot 33. con. 3, Haremom, one mile north of Holstein. containing- one hundred acres of land well watered by the Sauzeeu river. Medium sized new frame house and barn. The cleared land is all under mags, medow and pasture. The sale will be held . n the premises. possession given the first of March as it is new leased. Terms: cash. Don’t you believe in nature? Don’t you think that skin and blood diseases such as the above, can best be cured by applying nature’s own herbal extracts? From Bible times the “herbs of the field ” have been commended to mankind for this purpose. Zam-Buk is a combination of the finest medicinal herbal essences, concentrated, purified, and ren- dered highly antiseptic. Zam-Buk eases pain, stops sup- puration, and heals all sores and skin diseases. A natural herbal balm, Operating in natures own way. Note well following cases. CCURDING TO THE LAST WILL PROOF OF ZAM-BUK’S POWER. Butter and Eggs Wanted We carry the greatest assortment 0f ail kinds in the Town. All Sizes and Prices. N., (i. J. McKechnie Bet Your Feet $33M USE ZAM-BUK IF' YOU SUFFER FROM :â€" Ladies’ Jackets Executrix’s Sale. ARK, THAT IS SURE TO VISIT US. FOR _, 'L’HE SLUSHY WEATHER We are Ready fer a Big Fa” Tracie W e have sold more Jackets this fall than at any other season. Mus. S. ORCHARD, Executrix, Durham THE POPULAR CASH STORE r “'0 HEAVY COLTS RISING TWO Years old. a. black and a chestnut. They are sound in every way and are kind and gentle. Appiy to pdâ€"l t f1 Mare. Good \\ respect. Sound. an or double. Apply to pd~1t LARGE HE AVY DRAI MARE FOR SALE. FOR SALE UIRAM DEAN, Lot 55, 2nd” 0011., Glenelg. , JOHN newer '1‘ )rke rker. qmel can be (111 mam every GHT mg

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