"$4.. >‘ 4.9 1 Serges, Broadcloths. Venetians, :Satin Cloths, Poplins, Henri= EQettes, Sicilians, Armures, Cris- pines, Cord de chines, Lustres, Crepe de chines, San Toys and .1. Etimines. -SY/a A xeewe ‘3". w? $30 2n. We have sold mo1e coats this fall than we ever did before. The women of Dmham and vioinitv now realize that our stvles are always the best and our p1ices most reasonable. Come in and have a look at these swell ga1ments. The goods must be good, honest, solid leather or felt. made of clean, even Iresh stock, and then they are marked at the lowest price at Which it is possible to sell honest shoe leather. Another advantage we have over all others 15 our immense stock Which affords our customers an unheard of assortment of styles and unlimited supply of sizes. ALL KINDS OF FALL TOGGERY 14 Fashionable Weaves; in Biack Goods s%%%% Biacks First - 5'4 IV A .“ . '4 have a especially large assortment of farmers’ and lumbermen’s Heavy Snag-proof Rubbers. .533 me was: $5: . ..0..6:v0b. . .61.. LL? .Q. 901v? 1.039309... *§%$ï¬$flm§ww~7*wfl/m. $41.. $v$r$vxv¢z$4¢uxq£4m RU BBERS for EVERYBODY Ladies’ Underwear and Hosiery Stylish Boats tor Women \Vefihave a larger selection of black dress goods than in anyj other color. this month. For the Winter cOstume nothing is as fashionable as blé-EE. Some of the new trimmings afe de- sxgned T0 enhance and brighten the :tppezu'zmce of the black dress. Says one of the leading: fashion Journals ROBERT BURNETT The People’s Store SEE OUR ASSORTMENT 0F FOR ALL KINDS OF MEN Nowhere in Grey C0. can this be done to such ad- mummge as i: can right here by us. There are many “reasons for this, the ï¬rst and principal one hei: g the superior quality of our goods. Quality Comes First With Us 50 cents to $1.50 Per Yard From AT ALL KINDS OF PRICES :l‘ Z In Lanterns we excel. Every person driving at night should have one of our Bngg r Lante1ns as there is nothing to equal ’.em In ordinary Lante1ns we sell quality. No home is complete without a Fancy Lamp. Have you seen the display of Fancy Lamps in our south window ‘? We also have a great as- sortment of ordinary Lamps at all prices. Just taken into stock an immense shipment of Graniteware, and Tinware. Everything to suit in kitchen utensils. Replace all broken Glass in your outâ€" buildings betore the weather gets too cold. We can supply the Glass and Putty. Examine our Wheel- barrows, rangmg in price from $22 up. Mitts and Gloves in abundance. DURHA M CHRONICLE That leading scientiï¬c journal, “Sci- ence Siftings.†recently made an ex- haustive analysis and examination of Bileans for Biliousness, and says z"â€" “W'e have satisï¬ed ourselves that Bileans are of purely vegetable origin. . Our laboratory experiments and practical tests have disclosed to us avaluable preparation . . excellent for constipation . . andasaregula- tor of the liver and bile. Bileans in- crease secretion in the Whole of the digestive tract. When employed to relieve constipation they do notâ€"as is the case with so many purgativesâ€" cause after constipation. There is no griping. They relieve flatulence, sick headache. and biliousness. Bileans are an excellent family medicine.†Miss E. Reed, of Kingston, (Ont.), says :â€"“ I suï¬ered terribly with acute indigestion and ailments arising from it. All last wintc and well into the spring I endured terrible agony until I found a cure in Bileans. Soon after eating I felt an uncomfortable fulness in the stomach, asteady pain in the region of the heart, accompanied by retching and belching of gas. I was hardly ever free from this retching and belching night or day, and the result was that my sleep was much broken into. I tried ï¬rst one thing and then another, but nothing seemed to do me any good and I grew very nervous and discouraged. My strength ebbed away so that Icould not work, and I have walked the flour for hours at a time in min. This was my state when I first tried Bileans. They proved most sat- isfactory from the ï¬rst. I persevered with them until all the symptoms of indigestion had been entirely removed. My illness had caused me to be com- pletely run down, but since taking Bil. eans I am like a different person. I have gained in flesh considerably and feel much stronger.†Bileans are a certain cure for head- ache, constipation, piles. liver trouble, indigestion and all digestive disorders, female ailments, skin eruptions, bil- iousness, sick headache, bad taste in the mouth, foul breath. dizziness, faint- ing, buzzing noises in the head, feel- ings of uncomfortable fullness even after a light meal, wind pains, anz‘emia, debility. etc. They also act as a gen- eral tonic, and by improving the tone of the whole system enable it to throw off colds, chills. rheumatism, etc. They improve the general circulation, and 'are a boon to pale-faced girls and weak ,women. For all purposes to which a household remedy is put, Bileans will i be found of excellent service. Obtain- able from all druggists and stores at 50 cents per box, or direct from the Bilean (30.. Colborne Street, Toronto, upon receipt of price. 6 boxes for $2.50 Take LAXATIVE BROMO QUININE Tablets. All drnggxsts refund the money if It fails to cure E. W. Grave's signature is on each box. 250. The teachers of Ontario had an op- portunity recently to cast their ballots for representatives of the Advisory Council of Education. The results are now known, and in View of the pre- ponderance of lady teachers, it is only natural that a lady should head the list as in this case Where the highest vote was received by Miss Harriet Johnston, of Toronto. I The represent- atives elected with votes rendered are as followszâ€"Miss Johnston, Toronto, 1890; T. A. Ried, Owen Sound, 1009; A. A. Jordan. Port Hope, 979; J. ‘V, Plewes, Chatham, 871. Mr. Reid is principal of the Owen Sound Model School and Mr. Jordan Swas a former Principal of the Model School at Mea- ford. ONTARIO LADY’S EVIDENCE. TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY Feed your hair; nourish it; give it something to live on. Then it will stop falling, and will grow long and heavy. Ayer’s Hair Vigor is the only genuine hair-food you can buy. It gives new life to the hair-bulbs. You save what hair you have, and get more, too. And it keeps the scalp clean and healthy. The best kind of a. testimonial- “ Sold 10: 01731-7 sixty years.†The Advisory Council This is not a sale in which goods are supposed to be marked down from imaginary ï¬gures. It is straight forward business proposition. We are clearing all broken lines at greatly reduced prices. Big Reductions in Boys’ Overcoats and Reefers. 25 Stylish Doubleobreasted Suits in good heavy Tweed and Serge, in all sizes from 36 to 44. regular 39 00 and $10 00 values, sale price ........ $7.50 24 Boys’ Suits in good heavy Tweed made in pietty Notâ€"fol" style. sizes from 22 to ‘28, regular $2 50 to $3.50, sale pri.ce...... $2- 00 ...... We can supply you in anything in Clothing and give the latest styles at lowest prices. 6 light grey Mantles, regular $10.00, now ............ $7.50 30 LaQies’ Ready~tq~weg§ Skirts. in dark grey, blac‘v and tWPGd mixtures, regular $5.00, now ........ ........... $3.75 12 Ladies’ Stylish Skirts, navy, black and grey Frieze. regular 33 50, sale price ................................ $2.00 Timely Saving In Skim We have a few sizes left in Children’s Mantles. in blue, frieze and tweed mixtures, selling from $1.50 to $4.00 A Special Lot of Men’s Suits Snaps in Children’s Mantles Special clearing In overcoats . . Boys’ Two=Piece Suits AT A BARGAIN Stylish Grey Mantles FOR WOMEN. NOVEMBER 22 33%: $6. 75 SALE PRICE Men’s Heavy Grey Frieze Over- coats, reg. 256.50 SALE PRICE $ p D. 00 Mens Fanc5 Tweed Overcohts, leg. $8.50 Men’s Grey Beaver ()verCUats, reg. $12.00 SALE PRICE $900 Men’s Grey Frieze Overcoats‘ reg. 810.00 $7.50 story. SORT of weather when chilled but. few are f rozen. .-.â€"-- For: SALEâ€"A. nice driv SPEND an evemng nu churCh with music and Nov. 29th. Gentlemen I see our new and gloves for the Chrisu: Flarity Burnett, the C10!) Apply to Edward DOWN with the screen do with the storm sash. Get the cold weather. TRY John Murdoch coats, mitts, blankets. best of satisfaction. THE pulpit and pm ing terms of Verne L. To hear hilll once 11: hear the gifted singu- FIFTY larg graphs give: every dozen Kelsey, Pug! Losrâ€"Ammt bracelet, :t‘t, wi Finder will be at; this uï¬ivv. CHRISTMAS W001) is beginning Organ Recital this Thursday From and to end. Ru store is all Uhl‘isunzts. ‘ ing is already brisk. crowds and you'll find }‘ People's. Store. THE Eckhzn-elt, (WW-WP! an exhibitiun in 1:;~ '3“ ax ham, Tuesday, I) !'~';_i-:H" Ce.le8ra‘ted an»? ~ 15:: \‘r from a trip L1,: m4}; : States Where â€3â€} Wuh- press and nhiir I!‘ I‘m. ' 0f entertaix 1'5 “‘11 3‘. w .. "there. They carry .‘l .wL ,, hand bells, 8:2 triple Ln: “chimes, 5 octave steel : “â€24 musical rattles, 64 m ..; silver seertte and their - ' orchestra. Two hours a ates of‘ polite vaudevill: - z 3.35. 3‘ and 35 cents. Vinced. Lax ' jars, 25 cents. THE town aof 'lh ting a bylaw by will be aleL«.»x-ix¢ad for ï¬ve thousand d( the constructiun of MRS. NEW'N gem Recital i Thursday. NU Verne Hewcr. ibone, and all: grew will be p THE Ann ham Juninx Friday nux ill the )Itr’d) progrmmm members lectiun. Box Sne'iu ton Hi1] mil Novemlmn and violinm and recitati LIiss Twat! Ladies hl'in; Ladies wit ceut=.~â€"~'ip~1. ' \Vhen â€:0 1i}: l' and moist. Um: feverish dry nus-1 adog. And .w \ Dry, cracked mu feverishness, and ing. TO haw. hr like lips, applv :1 Dr. Shoop's 5(1‘1; ‘ en and heal any free, trial ha): :41 VOL. 39â€"N0. 207: DRESS} you reading The is near. 11 away O “(IN \V 12x14 Burnett, IllilK of! in to com He“