ncy Tweed coats, reg. :'er the 1231- discount. } reductions. lines prices. ery key Frieze coats. reg. 8V Beaver cuats, reg. )0 22.1903 Suits ntles Kim .50 .00 Reefers. e. frieze tweed ..25c {I'M and Dowx with the screen door and up with the storm sash. Get ready for the cold weather. chuxch Wit tn musxc anu sung. .Luura- NOV. )9“). Gentlemen! see our new neckwear and gloves for the Christmas trade. Rarity 3: Burnett, the Clothiers. FOR SALE.â€"â€"A. nice driving mare. Apply to Edward Burnett, Durham. SPEND an evening of! in the Baptist, mrch with music and song. Thurs- "â€˜ï¬ b 031' of weather when many are med but few are frozen. L.‘ )rv. TRY John Murdoch for robes, fur :tts, mitts, blankets, They give the st of satisfaction. amsnus is near. IRE town of Thornbury is submit- 1g a by-law by which the Council .11 be authorized to issue debentures ._- ï¬ve thousand dollars to be used in e construction of cement pavements. :hexe. They carry a set of 8% English lzrmd bells, 2 triple toned aluminum chimes, 5 octave steel maribaphones. :24 musical rattles, 61 musical glasses, silver sextette and their own band and orchestra. Two hours arid thirty min- utes of polite vaudeville. Admission 15,.» 9' and 35 cents. 000 is begmning to come m. u: pulpit and press speak in glow- ;crxns of Verne L. Hewer’s singing. .mu- him once makes you long to - the gifted singer again. VOL. 39â€"N0. 2072. SUI 32:11 Y large 12xl4 beautiful photo- giveu away free. One with dozen cabinet photos. F. \V. . leLographer.-â€"July 12tf you heading The Chronicle’s â€"-About a. month ago a. gold L, set with small purple stones. will bc rewardcd by leaving it. .\'ill be provided. T \\'.\ )ILEY, late of Alma. Ladies’ . St. Thomas, will recite at the Recital in the Baptist church ursday evening. 111d tertaigers Wh Annual Rally Meeting of Dur- mior League will take place on nexc. Nov. 30. 1906, 3.138 p. 111., Methodist church. An excellent mme will be. rendered by the ‘16. Admission fee. silver col- end to end, Robert Burnett’s .11 Christmas. Christ was buy- zili-eady brisk. Follow the .tUd you'll [ind yourself in “The NEWTOX will vcital in the u‘, Nov. 29Lh able prlce \\' ac r )cial will be school 110111 21'. 1906. In us) and voc: be \V 81‘, UI H; 101.8 wzu man-2e 111 now until '., Other g: a Tailor System ï¬nished properly. .1 ways on hand. )‘s Gree )t hers. .e tip of a dog 5 no§e u: cum that. dog is not sick. A y nose means sickness with Dd so with the human lips. ed and color-1:53 lips mean 53. and are as well ill appear- awe beautiful, pink, Velvet- pply at bedtime a coating of s Green Salve. It will soft,- Darling’s Chemical Baking Powder, Fresh Every Saturday, 25 Cents; x at our store. ny skm will give her last 01-- the Baptist: Church, 29th, assisted by Mr. 5 London, concert bar- 5. A ï¬rst class pro- vided. AdmissionzéC' make any Also an elocu Liom be held in the Hut- ouse on the 30th of Instrumental (piano ocal solos, dialogues H boxes «entlemen 10 cts. twenty-ï¬ve have Jus (:01! $113118 ,u'men ailment \Vm. Trembly. Ls commenced me on Countess I S 11059 9W ). will I'll LlU Ulbbg paper graduate. l Meafor and eacn| Cew York | is cold II‘S :19 b“ COD at Christmas buying is easy at Flarity 8: Burnett’s. HEAR Hewer, Twamley and Newton in the Baptist church to-night, Nov. 29. Take a peep into Robert Burnett’s store. It looks like Christmas. doesn’t, it? The best of everything. Carr’s Cough Cure is fully guaran- teed. SOc a bottle at Macfarlane’s Drug Store.â€"4 Flarity 8: Burnett. are giving big values in boys’ underwear. Bring your boy to them and make him happy. THE large 12x14 photograph given away With one dozen cabinets is well worth a. dollar and a. half. F. ‘V. Kel- sey, Photographer.-â€"Julv 12th. tf. NEXT Sunday will be Missionary Day in the Methodist church, here. Rev. \Vray R. Smith. of Arthur. a. former pastor, will preach at all the services. Just Arrivedâ€"A carload of cutters, manufactured by J. B. Armstrong Bros, of Guelph. Five grades, at prices to suit all purses. Three sold on Monday. Come quick if you want a bargain. A. B. McLellan, Agent. DR. BURT. Specialist in diseases of the Eye, Ear. Nose and Throat, will be at the Middaugh House, Durham. for consultation, on “Wednesday. Dec. 5, from 11 to 4p. m. Eyes tested and glass es supplied. MR. VERxE L. HEWER, who makes his ï¬rst appearance in Durham at the Organ Recital in the Baptist church to-nieht, Thursday, is soloist and choir leader of St. Andrew‘s church, London. \Ir. Hewer is recognized as London 5 g1 eatest baritone singer, and all should hear him. See the new novels at Macfarlane’s. AN old time Tea. Meeting will he held in the dlenelg Centre Baptist church to-morrow evening, Nov. 30th. The Durham Baptist choir will be in attendance. Short addresses will be delivered by Revs. Farquharson and Colling of Durham, Kipp of Flesher- ton and by Pastor Newton. Mr. Geo. Binnie will occupy the chair. Every- body go and enjoy an evening with the big hearted people out. there. Tea. will be served at. 6:30. The new Pure Food and Drug Law will mark it on the label of every Cough Cure containing Opium, Chlor- ofox X1). or an} other stupifying or poi- s )nons drug. But it passes Dr. Shoop s ( ‘ough Cure as made for 20 yea , en- tire!) free. Dr. Shoop all along has bitterly opposed the use of all opiates or narcotics. Dr. Shoop’s Cough Cure is absolutely safe even for the young- est babe-and it cures. it does not simply suppress. Get a safe and relia- ble Cough Cure. by simply insisting on having Dr. Shoop’s. La the law be your protection. We cheerfully recommend and sell it. Macfarlane 6t ' . ifectionate wife and loving mother. about fmn -ï¬\e }e 11-5 01 age and was hie"; 11x iesperted in the community. Her maidei 11 name was Miss McClock- li11. sistei of Edwaid, Arthur-and Fred Md‘locklin of this town. Beside her bereaved husband she leaves a- family uf ï¬xe children, John in town, Thomas in \\ e\ burne, Mam, Allister in Flint, \Iichigzm. and Noiman and Max tha, two youngest at home. During her long illness the neighbors manifested familv desire us to give expmsion to 1thei1 gratitude for the many acts of ‘ kindness shown by kind friends and neighbors. . The Chronicle joins in “5 mllation {fie-rm tCeI’SOD OI AFTER. a. lingering illness of two urs or more, Mrs. Alex. McDonald {5 called away on Saturday 1381:- and e remains were interred on Monday tel-noon. The deceased lady was .mr fm-tv-ï¬ve vears of age and was \Ve growmg town uxe mgratulate Brother nterprise and pluck. See Macfarlane’s immense stock of holiday goods. It’s a. real delight. THE: pulpit of the Presbyterian church will be ï¬lled on Sunday by the Rev. J. McCullough, of Hrrriston. Order your Christmas groceries from Robert Burnett. A fresh stock just to hand. CUTTERsâ€"John Murdoch has just received a shipment of the famous Mc- Laughlin cutters, The designs are new and upâ€"to-date. Have you seen them? If not call at the showrooms, in the Middauqh House block. Do not fail to attend. the Organ Re- cital in the Baptist church Thursday evening Nov. 29th, With Mrs. New- ton, Miss 'l‘wamley and Mr. Verne L. Hewer. on the program. it will certain- ly he the best. entertainment of the season. Go. THE Hutton Hill pie social will be held on Friday, Nov. 30th, and the big hearted people extend an invitation to everybody. They expect a big crowd, and the ladies big and little will bring big pies which are sure to command big prices. They invited the Editor of this paper to act as auctioneer, but he declined because he hadn’t enough cheek, but they soon got a fellow who has to undertake the job. You ought to see him. ' Preventics, as the name implles, prevent all Colds and Grippe when “taken at the sneeze stage." Preven- tics are toothsome candy tablets. Pre- ventics dissipate all colds quickly, and taken early. When you ï¬rst feel that a. cold is coming, they check and prevent them. Preventics are thoroughly safe for children, and as effectual for adults. Sold and recommended in 5 cent and 25 cent boxes by Macfarlane Co. UNDER the direction of the Farmer’s Association a, public meeting of the ratepayers of the eastern division of the township of Normanby will he held in \Vatson’s schoolhouse, S. S. No. 1, on Monday evening. Dec. 3rd, for the purpose of nominating a. candi- date to represent the above mentioned section of the township in the ap- proaching municipal election for the year 1907. Every ratepayer interested is urgently requested to attend. Re- member the date. DONALD MCIL- \‘RIDE, President. THE members of the County Council next year will consist of the Reeves and Deputy Reeves of the different municipalities. and in view of the change there will likely be a rush for the honors of being legislators at the County Capitals. The chances are that many of the old County Council- lors who have tasted the sweets of ofï¬ce will hate to step down and out of municipal business, and will seek ofï¬ce in their different municipalities for positions as Reeves and Deputies. They will doubtless press their claims for position on the ground of a. higher and better municipal experience and Win elections to the disappointment of less ambitions municipal aspirants, who were willing during the past eight or ten years to exercise their talents in the smaller sphere of municipal life. DURHAM, 0NT., THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 29, 1906‘ REV. XV. FARQUHARSON will conduct; Anniversary Services in Guthrie church. Harrisbon, on Sabbath next. UXCLE DUDLEY was given here las‘ week by a travelling Co. It was under the auspices of the Firemen, but we didn’t know that until the show was over. Those who attended say it was very good. Piles quickly and positively cured with Dr. Shoop’s Magic Ointment. It’s made for piles aloneâ€"and it; does the work surely and with satisfaction. Itching, painful. protruding or blind piles disappear like magic by its use. Large, Nickel Capped jars, 50 cents. Sold and recommended by Macfarlane 8: Co. THE Steamer Jones. of Owen Sound was out in the recent severe gale and as she has not been heard from there are fears she is lost. Besides the crew of twelve men there were seventeen passengers. Owing to the wires being down it is impossible to communicate with points for which she freight and passengers. Laterâ€"The Jones went down with all on board. ‘Vreckage coming ashore on the Christian Islands destroys all hope for the vessel’s safety. The following remarks regarding at;- teudance at funerals has been contribâ€" uted for the beneï¬t of our readers: As the season is coming When dis- comfort is experienced and sometimes irritation produced through tedious delays at funerals the following sug- gest1o11s as to the order of service may be helpful: It will be kept in mind that funerals are not properly public gatherings, but meetings of friends and acquaintances at the invitation of the bereaved. in this Way the hour of meeting and all arrangements are under their control. Friends accepting the invitat1on come ready and willing to accommodate themselves to their wishes, ready even to endure delay if the circumstances of the household demand it. On the other hand the mourners who have called their friends to sorrow with them will be most desirous that, if at all possible, nothing will hinder the arrangements from being carried out as announced. '10 help to guide both mourners and z the friends who sorrow with them the l following suggestions are offered: 1. Never have funeral notices plint- ed till you have ascertained whethei both minister and undertaker can at- tend at the time appointed, Some bit- ter disappointments have come thru discovering too late that the minister has a wedding, a funeral or some en- gagement he could not set aside for that hour. 2 Remember that the hour at which “the funeral will leave†is always the hour when the service begins. Friends are not asked to help to bury, but to join with the bereaved in the funeral rites. 3 \V'hile leaving sorrowing friends thci1 full liberty as to auangements, it is well to ’call to mind the fact that in the orde1 followed at public funei- als the ï¬st step in the leaving‘ is the closing of the casket. In silence the friends as they come t1) the house look on the face of the dead and then withdraw to their places, but when the hour appointed strikes. the last look is taken and the casket is closed. 4 The religious service which follows should neither be hurried nor tedious. Nothing should be said to harrow the feelings of the bereaved already over- strained, but appropriate songs and readings and a few words in address or prayer that calm the mind and en- courage the heart by awakening faith and hope are always helpful. It is needless to say that the only way friends can help the sorrowing is by entering into the spirit of all the ex- ercises. Sometimes the jarring note of conversation between parties all un- conscious that their voices are heard, falls on the-ear as a painful discord. 5 At the grave the duties of loving affection are discharged when the bur- ial service is ï¬nished. Standing by While the sexton ï¬lls the grave serves no useful purpose and is a serious dan- ger to the health of many. If these suggestions were followed, eSpecially if friends view the face of the dead prior to the religious service, needless delays will be avoided and the whole service will become more sympathetic and reverent. Above all let every one be at his place at the time appointed. W FUNERAL SERVI CES. Mr. Allister McDonald left, W ednes' day morning for Flint, Michigan. Mr. H. H, Mockler went to Toronto, yesterday. MISS Whitchurch of Stratford is vis- iting her brother Mr. W. H. VVhit- church and family. Mr. Brad Jamieson, Medical Student of Toronto, spent a few days in town and returned to the Queen City yester- day morning, Rev. R. J. Elllott President of the Hamilton Conference preached anni- versary sermons in the Methodisit church here on Sunday last morning and evening. Dr. Macdonald of St. Catharines will accept thanks for remittance and kind reference to our Special Trade Edition which he says “is a. splendid tribute to your enterprise.†Mr. Robt. McCracken who has been engaged in Bowmanville for some time is home on a short visit ‘prior to going to Hamilton where he has secur- ed a position in the Canadian Co-oper- ative store there. AN interesting moving picture show was held in the town hall on Thursday evening last, and a packed hall reward- ed the work of the Showman, Mr. W'. H. Spear. Amongst the moving scenes were the San Francisco Fire and a Bold Bank Robbery, both of which were well exhibited. The pranks of Buster Brown and his dog were laughable productions, which de- lighted the audience. The Rare Bit ï¬end series were highly comical, and the songs were nicely g1ver. as the illustrating scenes were thrown on the canvass. The show was very good for its kind, and there was nothing object- ionable in any part of it. It was one of the best moving picture shows we ever had here. Examine them carefully and you’ll prohably ï¬nd corns. W'hether hard, soft; or bleeding, apply Putnam’s Corn Extractor. It’s painless, it’s sure and above all quick to not. In- sist on only “Putnmn’s.†an 3 Boys’ Blaming i J. J. HUNTER 1 g Hats, Caps, é Furnishings THE CAUSE OF SORE FEEI‘. Two 6: Three Piece Suits Highest price Light and dark shades New styles in PERSONAL. We have always What is new and fashionable and our prices are right ..... Satisfaction is stamped on faces of those who buy from us. . THE BU8Y STORE ON THE BUSY CORNER. in cash or trade will be given for Butter and Eggs. STYLISH Pen Paund iWe also received over half a carload of '. . . Sold Gold Watches, Gold Filled Watches, Solid Gold Rings, Lockets, Chains, Bracelets, Brooches and Stick Pins. These are the nicesc lot of Wall Papers that ever struck Durham. Come with the crowd and you will also save money. CHINA GOODS R.B.Keeler Ea†Sons Practical Watchmakers. Jewelers, Opticians and Engravers. NEW WALL PAPERS There arrived at KEELEB’S big Jewelry and Fancy Goods store lasr week hi9; shipments of bemlrifu‘ new goods con- sisting of Five big: casee of China. every piece right from Japan. See these goods We cm save you a lot of money on ï¬ne China. Notmuble to show’ em. ALSO BIG STOCK OF New Shot Guns $1.00 PER YEAR. 1200 yards in good styles 6: colors. Reg. price we, 12§c to clear at