West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 29 Nov 1906, p. 8

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925? Serges, Broadcloths. Venetians, 3,. Satin Cloths, Poplins, Henri- e; ettes, Sicilians, Armures, Cris- L s; pines, Cord de chines, Lustres, (I a}? Crepe de chines, San Toys and $3 Etimines . g I i4 Fashionable WeavesE éin Black Goods -â€"'â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-=-= % 95"”: 1% Wine Shades Are Scarce V“ We want you to frequent our store on your shopping tours. Come in, look arouud and get suggestions for Christmas. Our goods are the very finest and the very best. Now is the time to do your Christmas shopping. Stocks are at their best. Take time by the forelock and let us have your order. Same one has said that : An); mam. woman or 0}". the, economy there is Blacks First TARTANSâ€"We have a few new ones at 650 yard. Late arrivals in LADIES’ SUITINGS, 50 inches wide, regular $1.00 goods for 75¢ yard. The Q l ending Fa. hion Journals always on file. Raisins and Currants. Hum ZNQMMH GwHZKHVCm. 25 wwma HHZHZQm. In blue, black, bronze, green and grey. Special for This Week «1‘ u 1w. .a z. Chr'stmas Groceries Gome Here with Your Xmas Wants The People’s Store We have a larger selection- )f black dress goods than in any other color. Says one of the leading fashix,»n J n..rna]s this month. For the winter custii'fii-e nothino is as fashionable as blati. Some of the new trimminos are de- SIgned to enhance and brighten the appearance of the black dress. We were sold out a few weeks ago but have them again. The fashionable ‘Bordeaux” and “Burgundy? shades, per yard Enjoy Seeing Ih Figs. t a mun mav be fast asleep but rather slow when awake. Chila in this Umu m Vininitv is slmv who does not see is. in humus; their huli din unndies from this stone will be here and we are going Orgy four weeks and Christmas to make it a memberable four From now until the first day of January we will sell goods at prices that will defy competition. You don’t need to let your outlay run up into triple figures very far at this store. weeks for our happy customers. _____-__ 60c. $1.00 and $1.25 Nuts. Evaporated Fruits. Candied Peels and Fruits. 50 cents to $1.50 Per Yard From Enjov Owning Them 1 Washing: Machines, Tub Racks, Tubs, Wringers, Pails, Mops, Wash Boards (from 250 to 50c), Clothes Baskets, Clothes Horses and Clothes Pins. Our establishment is re- cognized as headquarters for all kinds of wooden- ware, and we have just taken into stock another large consignment. Woodenware Washing Chums Churns (dash, crank and tread), Butter Workers, Butter Bowls, Ladels, Spoons and Moulds. Pastry Boards, Bread Boards, Rolling Pins, Crout Cutters, Egg Cr ates, Towel Rollers, Saw Horses, Step Ladders, Extension Lad- ders, Axe Handles, Shovel Handles, Pick Handles and other handles too numér- ous to mention. Wheelbarrows Wheelbarrows from $2.00 to 84.00. Machines DURHA M CHRONICLE Winter . . Millinery Lambton St. Miss Georgian Cufi is visiting her sister, Mrs. Medcalf of Lamlash. The Editor of the Chronicle, is going to be chairman for the Box Social held here the 30th. inst.. and we are expecting an excellent Speech. as we understand he’s Irish. Sup- pose he’d rather be Scotch or English, but of course he can’t help it. “'23,.- We read in last issue that we ought to see Mr. Medford the auction- eer, but as yet we have to wait that pleasure, but by all reports. we be- lieve he is a clever refined gentleman just the kind of man the world needs. We thank him very much for his ofier. Mr. Robt. Hopkins was the guest. of Mr. Geo. Cufl' one evening last week. \Vell Bob. we think there’s not much use of van going to see Mr. G. so often as Willis Scotch “[8 are glad to learn that Mr. Campbell Miliigan has recovu'ed You ought to see how pleasant Mr. Arnold Noble lob-1‘s. as his home has been brightened by the dearest baby. Mr. Patterson foreman on the C. P. B... someplace near was guest of Mr. Alf. Ashley. lately Don’t forget the Box Social on Fri- day night. Every person enjoys socials etc. held at Hutton Hill. as there is always the best of order and excellent programs and we are told that this one is going to be the greatest one of all Many medicines stimulate, break down, leave you worse than ever. Ferrozone is difierentâ€"it’s a blood former. a nervestrengthener. a. body- builder. Pale anaemic girle are given color and vigor The tired and sleepless are strengthened and restor ed "Betti r than all t-(inics I found Ferrozone” writes Mrs E F. Casrle ton of Woodstock “I Was oompletly run down. cheeks Were blanched. lips white and had every sign of anaemia Fern-ozone added to mv weigbt‘ gue me streugsh. ambition and good health.” Nonhing better. try Ferro znne yourself. 50¢ per box at all deal ers In the Surrogate Court of the County 05" Grey. In the nmtter of the guardianship of Eva Ruhina Campbell, Robert John Campbell, Annie Gertrude Campbell. \Vilfred Henry Camp- bell and Hilliard Campbell, the in- fant children of Donald Campbell, late of the Town of Durham, in the County of Grey, Implement Agent, deceased. \TOTiCE is hereby given that after L the eXpiration of Twenty days from the first publication of this notice, application will he made to the Surro- gate Court of the County of Grey, for a grant of letters of guardianship of the above named infants to Isaac Ben- son Lucas. of the Village of ' Markdale, in the County of Grey, Barrister. I. XV. MCARDLE, Solicitor for the Applicant. '9 Dated the 26th day of N oveifiber, ‘ I‘l“ ‘Vea/{Lungs Bronchitis For over sixty years doctors have endorsed Ayerfs Cherry Pcctoral for coughs, colds, weak lungs, bronchitis, con- sumption. You can trust a medicine the best doctors ap- prove. Then trust this the next time you have a hard cough. You are cordially invited to‘ call on us when in town and make our millinery depart. ment your headquarters for a Stylish hat. Over one hundred trimmed hats to choose from at p0pular prices. \Ve are showing a great many new de- signs and with a large staE'o:c assiStants and a first class bead trimmer we are obliged to work early and late to meet the demands of the customers. Never before have we had :a more successful season and for the next“gve weeks we will of- fer special bargains in milinery as we must make room for the largest import order of milli. nery we have ever purchased. THIS TONIC BUILDS UP. The best kind of a “ Sold for over I We 11:70 no M! We publish the formulas of 0.11 out-Am MISS DICK Hutton Hill. m 3‘. .m0 ”MM‘ gunman-0200! Durham. Ont. years: 9’ This is not a sale in which goods are supposed to be marked down from imaginary figures. It is straight forward business preposition. We are clearing all broken lines at greatly reduced prices. Big Reductions in Boys’ Overcoats and Reefers. 25 Stylish Double breaated Suits in good heavy Tweed and Serge, in all sizes from :58 to 44. regular $9 00 and $10 00 value-. we price ........ $7I50 '24 Boys’ Suits in good hvavv style. sizes from ‘22 to ‘28 $3.50, us1e price... We can supply you in anything in Clothing and give the latest: styles at lowest prices. 30 Ladies’ Readyuto-wear Skirts in dark grey, blac‘ and tWPFd ‘ Timely Saving in Skim mixtures, regular $5.00. now .................... $3.75 12 Ladies’ Stylish Skirts. navy, black and grey Flieze, regular $3 50, sale pr:ice.... .........$2.00 For the remainder of the season we offer the bal- ance of Trimmed Millinery at 257° discount. Ready-t0-wear and Fejkt Snapes at big reductions. 150 pair of Lgdies’ Worsted Hose. regular 350 for .......... 250 300 pair of Ladies’ Ribbed Cashmere Hose, reg. 35c for ...... 25C 6 light grey Mantles, regular $10.00, now ............ $7.50 We have a few sizes left in Children’s Mantles. in blue. frieze and tweed mixtures, selling from $1_5Q to $4.00 S. F. MORLOCKE A Special Lot of Men’s Suits Snaps in Children’s Mantles Special clearing :éI-vercoats . . TWO Specials in Hosiery Boys’ Two=Piece Suits AT A BARGAIN Stylish Grey Mantles FOR WOMEN. CASH AND ONE PRICE. [Millinery T": “33’- :‘I 6 '2‘. .S H ea V V G )‘e‘xj‘ mm mm. , ., .. F neze Oven. ‘ Jags CO‘dtS, Tag. 36 .30 1 NOVEMBER 29 'lfweed. made reguiar S2 50 SALE m .3 $9.00 Men ’5 Gre _V Beaver SALE PRICE Men's. Gl‘e)’ Frieze Ovel'cuats. reg. $10.00 Men S Fanny 'I‘Weed ()verruats. reg. $8.50 EZE‘EE $5 00 Overcuats, reg. $12 00 ,‘f’ $2.00 in. pretty Norfolk $7.50 AGENTLEMAN W11 0 was once by an Old man begging. “Don’t you know, my 1mm. 1 tune knocks once at m’vr} door?” “ Yes,” said the 01d 11: knocked at my door (nu-«j. 1.1- out, and ever since than he 1 his daughter.” “His dnght plied the gentleman. “ \\'1m1 ' mean?” “‘Vhy, Miss li‘m'tuu " WE would like to know tho m 311de Of Mrs. Edward Rodd \1 of Grand Forks. N. D. Tan Dundalk Herald says they: eight hundred lights on a five hm light dynamo, and people an: v1: ing for more. Is it more light «p lights the people are clzumn'ing Bret McIntyre P WE reglet to learn that Mr. ‘ Gabon, of this town. received it on Friday last by which he \V forced to resc for two 01' {bx-w atleast. He was engaged on 11". road with the section men and st his bank by overliftingz. her of fruit trees by cutting n tions of the bark and bra-king: i1? WOOd. \Ve can hardly imagii motive of any one indulging i foolish and reckless pastime. penitentiary job, too, and if theJ is found out he may Sel‘Ve a td Kingston and put Lhu Govermm the expense of hoarding him. ‘ THE Methodists of )Ioafm'r plans out; for a new church “'1 estimated to cost about $18,011 building will be of solid brick. LI itorium64 ft. square inside. and aseating capacity of SW. seat: arranged in the form of a. semi The Sunday School section SOME unprinciplcd ML through 311‘. caldel'.s ()I'thmi Wednesday night last and small axe or hatchet dmnum E °lding is to consist of 19 9135.“ and intends to provide accmmm for three hundred pupils. Amp vision Will he mule 17w rhv B{ League, WhiCh it l'egdl'dmi .‘h a? ful factor in the church. I him. Though it was feare< that. the accident would pro We are pleased to learn on; Press that he is doing nicely be round again in a few days. ‘, Net of Sandy McDonald E515; tom and is now staying at l 95 his nephew, John McD01 , It was a very close c3; THE new Methodist Church at dale will be formally opened 0 day, the 16th of December. speakers announced are Re Williannson in the morning. Josias Green at 2:30 p. m.. :u Wesley Carson, under whose na the old church was built and twenty-one years ago, will ocm pulpit in the evening. 0:: J evening, the 17th. tin-xv “'11! b meeting and I‘e-union of thw o and boys of the church. The tion will take place on Sum»: 230d, when ReV. In Clip? the pulpit mut' AT the I)I’r‘~")}"..v!'izu‘1 3? use ham. On \Ved 119N311: Nut. quiet, wedding 10:11; plrwv. Wt}! Marion BICAJ‘thUI‘. (“.1304 3:31;.“ John McAI‘thur. (1f Aim-due joined in “’cdl'JCk t0 .‘IX‘. Jam-.1 youngest son of Ruben-1 Iiuwx: bride was attired in a suit of «41* With White Silk \Vaist an 1 match. Her hridesumi'i. Mia: Ewen, wore asuit of 1mm am With blue silk waist and hat 1' The groom Was suppm-tmi WW Clark. Afcer the ww partydrove bothe homv ”1’ fly P339008, Where a, dainty suppm them The groom’s gifr to t was a. handsome fur coat. '1‘ couple will take up the d 1 10s! med life on their fax 111 at Ahex; A VERY painful avvidvnt um MP. John McDunald. ()1 (HR Wednesday afternoon of L'L' He had his horses in thv 1’ i811 church shed and was gvui tOgo home. On taking out he had occasion to stand 0n 1] tongue, when the hm'svs mu in‘some way and knocked 17th tleman down when 119 “1L9 on by the frightened horses his face fearfully mangled. bones being broken. Dr. Hu fummoned at, once and Look U “18 patient to his own hmt five” pOSSible attention W: him. Though it was feareu VOL. 39â€"N0. 2073. LOCAL ITEMS t/cr

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