West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 6 Dec 1906, p. 7

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ill give wearer. VD, bl 3.18. let. are hers. 101 rss colleges e enrolled 'ears. We rommercml all and No a Strictly Sulture. You will b3 no other, asksilc \‘L’e? EDS WWVW re goodS. a business of the po- 3130 read .d 82 cal s ays in Stock ide. oOc test. in difierent Will be 60x80. $53.25 DI U [I It are. fternoons yards Lppllcaâ€" and 60c. ntors at 101 at white RE- ; in eac 208. a! 1.4.? , D 3.1amieson Maclaurin. OFFICE AND RESIDENCE A shurt distance east of Knapp’s Hotel. “7E3 . payable m advanceâ€"$3.50. .. '2, if not so paid. The dateto which ever :bsa’i'ptiofl 3 aid 15 dammd by :11: number on the WW papcr di continued arm} all art-ea: no paid. except 2.: 01h: Option of the promewr mm] '8'” mmfor tin)tfiadyc.l'tiseflpems 8 cemsn ”1E8 . . . line ach :ubbrzquéfininxgxiignf,;ixui. Beam“. Professional cards, not exceeding cm.- ixw 94.00 per .annum. .Advcrtisemcnts without 39:21: dinetiom 9:11le published t1?! forbid and chanted .u ”dimly Transient notic:s-“ Lost,“ “ Found a For Sal-efctaâ€"sg cem§ for first Mica, 25 cc ‘0’ each sub§cqucnt inscrtzoq.‘ THE JOB : : DEPARTHENT W0” In: Cummcu; will be sent: : addrus, free of poazage, for $1.00 “‘13 . H. . o yanpzqablcin advanceâ€"53:50 ......... 'I‘L- J--- -_ __ J. G. Hutton, M. D., C. M. OFFICE AND RESIDENCEâ€"COR. (Mmfraxa and George Streetsâ€"at 15 PUBLISIED usuv Tuuasmw momma ”mama: mums noose, mum my DURHAM, ONT. IfiE BMW BREWER U tioneer for the County of Grey. June 06 DURHAM, ONT. U tioneer for the County of Grey. Sales promptly attended to. Orders ma .be left at his Implement Wareroems, Magnum: 3 Old “311d. or at the Chromcle Ofice. OHN KINNEE, LICENSED AUC- tioneer for the Cnnntv of va- U. tioneer for ’ tb_e*'C;I;1‘1~t;â€"of â€"G;6vy. Tenn moderate and satisfaction gunn- teed. The ”augments and than of 1:138 9;: be made a}. :I'Hp 0330mm of- * wv â€"-‘v u- 508. Residence and phone connection. E i O V URI“ W' Ion. Tole- antrgct rates foxgcarly ac. misements furnished 0' pphmtxorxio the 0 cc. - 38' All veniselnems, to ensure insertion in can . :ek, should be brought in no: late: than TumTQ Kn advcnisehzcnts enacted by strangers must be )HYSICIAN AND SURGEON, OF- q TARY PUBLIC, COMMISSION- 91‘. Conveyancer, c. Insurance Kent. Money to Loan. Issuerpf Nat;- Nov. 9. ’03 DR. 3’ mâ€"led. fouling facilities wk. . . . J. F. GRANT, D, D. S.. Re Licenses om: CLARK. LICENSED AUC- Diseases of Eye, Ear Nose and Throat. DURHAM. ONT. (Lower Town.) ycPHm, LICENSED AUC- hill. Ofiice hoursâ€"LQ-ll a. 111., 7-9 p. m Telephone No. 10. list: Eye, arafraxa and George Streetsâ€"at De DECEMBER 6, 1906 EDITOR AND Pnopm'ron. IACKAY 111380 Dr. OR GRADUATE . of Toronto. G Medical Directory . rt distance east of Knapp’s Hotel. n Street, Lower Town, Durham urs from 12 to '2 o’clock. Arthur Gun, M. D. )ex atant Roy. London Ophthalmic Hoe. to Golden Sq. Throat and N080 Boa. [38- SEE]. S. BURT. ll n the \ew Hunter Block. Oflice 010 a. m., to 4p m. and7to9 pecial attention given to diseases and children. Residence op- asbvterian Church. DR. BROWN A. H. Jackson. leacnm Miscellaneous. 'dUR 'em‘al Dirac ted Midiaugh House lat Wednesday .month. from 12 to 4 p. m. it P.. LONDON. ENG. EXCLUSIVELY X Ee‘ifeirm shaman busi- .0. Pickering Dentist. Over J. ay 6:. Dunn. S SOLICITORS, CON- . Telford. Is completely stashed win:- an N EW TYPE, thus a.‘ for turning out First-class Ear. Etc. Money tot Loan. McIntyre Block, over ll )LIClTOB. ETC. 1011‘s new Jewellery urham. Anyamount 5 per cent. on farm ', Throat and Nose €610” 0V8! E, UNIV Graduate .f Ontario. Lo: Branches 97'?) W. F. DUNN ’7. I. BRS IV 101.1 .am. '6 Hunter’s the 2nd 6 mm. Office Koenigâ€" Weberâ€"That. the follow- ing accounts be paid : \V. H. Ryan. expenses and fees re deviation road in full. . . . $10 00 Geo. Baetz. repairing road, lot 15 and 16, con. 7. .......... Henry Grein, repairing bridge lot 11, con. 9 and 10 ........ Henry Koenig to pay parties digging ditch at 10: 21 con 13 John Heany, digging ditch lot 26. con. 7...... ............ W. C. Perry, advices re Law- rence horse case. Robert Ovens, tongue and re- pairs to road grader ........ T. E. Flynn, digging ditch, lot 21, con 14. Con. Damm, repairing road 10!: 30. con. 11 and 12 .......... H. Koenig. to pay parties re- pairing bridge lot 25. con. 13 Alfred Widmeyer. repairing culvert at lot 20 and 21 con. 15 ........................ ‘Villiam Halliday, repairing culvert. con. 2.. . .. ....... Hy. Sucizezr, Normanby’s share repairing culvmt, townliue .‘u'iuzo and Normauby. 10L 68 200 1 25 925 265 1:30 The municipal council of the Town- ship of Normenby met in the Town- ship Ball. Ayton. on Tuesday, No- vember 20th. at one o’;clock the Reeve in the chair; all the other members present. The Reeve as Chairman of the Special Committee re Newton case. reported that they waited on Mr. Newton and settled as lollows: Newton to get $1,125, his lawyer $50. the Council to pay all costs, includ- ing doctor’s bills and hOSpital charges This is considered by all the ratepay- ers a very fair and reasonable settle- ment. Heenigâ€"Heipel-That the resig- nation of Andrew Schenk as security for the Township Treasurer beac- cepted.â€"â€"Carried. Koenigâ€"-Heipelâ€"â€"That in the absence of the Clerk, M. B. Flynn act as Clerk pxo tem.â€"Carried. 354:3 Weberâ€"Koenigâ€"That this Coun- cil accept the sum of $26.90 re Fred. Reiner’e taxes, lot 15, con. 4. Nor- manby, and that the Clerk write the County Treasurer and have same erased ori his books .â€"Cerried. With the advance of years the vital functions of the body slow down. In consequence the organs of secretion sufier, the action of the bowels are lessened and there is no longer healthy circulation. The brain is congested with blood. giddi- ness. trembling and cold extremities are common. No assistance is so potent as Dr. Hamilton’s Pills. By their direct action on the stomach. liver and kidneys they cause an im- mediate change. Mild, free from gripe, strengthening and cleansing the whole system, no medicine is so valuable in old age as Dr. Hamilton’s Pills of Mandrake and Butternut Try these Pills,9 ...5c per box at all dealers “But. oh, Harold! I will marry you.” Weberâ€"Koenigâ€" That the min~ utes of previous meeting, as read, be adapted. â€"Carried. Weberâ€"Mooreâ€"That the security of Donald McKinnon be accepted as security to khe Township Treasurer in the place of A. Schenk.â€"Carried. The Council adjourned to meet as per statute. m tbs Township Hall, on Saturday. December 15, at 10 o’clock 9.. m., for general business. Joseph Weber, to pay parties for workdmm iu hisdevision V. E‘eick, 2" 3 loads gravel by difl'erent puthmusbers ...... Commissioners, iettmg and in- speming jobs, Reev’ra $9 70, Weber 3675. Heine! $9 00 Koenig $10.00. Reeve ex- penses to Guelph 33.00. total Meeting of Ccnncil at date. . . . "Harold.” said the heiress, “I have been thinking.” "Thinking of me, precious !” asked Harold, Harold paused long enough on his way tc the door to look back and matter, “ ’m going to be a mission- ary ! “ And I will not have peeple say unkind things about you. 801 have arranged to give all my fortune to the missionaries. Why, Harold! where are you going ?" “Indirectly. yes. I have been thinking that, were you to marry me. everybody would say you only did so in order to get my money.” " What care I for the unthinking world?” 'w. Seip. buildm bucmeuta for brid for Aytou bz‘idg 1. Keaton iron GOING TO BE A MISSIONARY :ob Schnel :aader.etc To Cure a Cold in One Day Tab Laxative Drama We Ta” 6 %,é,n mmmmhmlzm This W THE TREMBLE OF OLD AGE. m My own darâ€"” HORMANBY COUNCIL. lat gem dra wing tim icnncil at: date. . . . 16 90 i1 adjourned to meet as irons for Ayton R. H. Foa'ruxE. Clerk. repamn K6 KC Gemen road )f 10 45 150 00 (S5 With wondering eyes they follow every page and study each and every creature. One little girl said to me one day: " I’ve seen all the beasts show me a brute.” And I showed her a brute. A cool, clean, collected brute. Look at his shirt-front. There’s a cat’s eye there that would ransom a king. But he is a brute. it. FORMER WALKERTOR' FAMILY The children are shown pictures of beasts. Oh, the city is full of brntes. We are all brutes, only the women and children. You may have the scarlet: fever and not know it. till you are told. Yet the saints are going about us, but we don’t see them because we don’t. want to. Oh. thou brute ! If you see a saint coming, you dodge into an alleyway. After all, civilization is agreat big brute. \Vhat good are our churches. our schools ? What. good are our librar- ies, our academiesâ€"when there is a brute on every street corner? Don’t. laughâ€"that’s right. He is a brute and doesn’t know it. The brutea are thick and the saints are few. Look at the brutal things we doâ€" look at. the pitiful things we eufier. I don’t like a brute, but there are some men who are brutes and don’t know it. O, my Lord, there are too many brute: now. Breathe Hyomei and Get Relief and Cure Sold Under Guarantee. lf 3 oz have caturrh. with ofleusivu breath burning pain“ in the throat. coughing. reismg of mamas, difli culty in beaming. sneezcng, hUSni- ness, discharge (tom the nose. tick- ling and drapping at the back of the throat, especially at night, coughing Spasms. etc.. begin the use of Hyomei at once. All druggists should be able to supply you with Hyomei or we will send it by mail on receipt of price, and every package is sold with understanding that it costs nathing unless it cures. Write today for a symptom blank. which we will send you free, together with treatise on Catarrh and how to cure it. When you fill in and return to us the symp- tom blank, our consulting physician will give your case the best care and attention and write you a letter of advise without charge. Booth's HS" omei Company. Bufialo, N. Y. Its healing: medication will give re- lief in a low days and its continued use will completely drive all catarrh- al germs from the system. The complete Hyomei outfit costs but $1.00, extra. bottles. if needed, 50 cents. We do not want anyone's money unless Hyomei gives relief and cure, and we absolutely agree that the money will be refunded un- less the remedy gives satisfaction. Hyomei contains Nature’s healing oils and balsams, the germ-killing properties of the pine-torests, and goes with the air you breathe to the remote cells of the respiratory organs, searching out and killing all catarrhal germs and soothing. and healing any irritation there may be in the mucous membrane. It is easy and pleasant to use Hyomei, pleas- anter than most of the stomach dos- ing, as its healing air is breathed through a neat pocket inhaler, which can be carried in the purse or vess- pocket, and carries medication to just the Spot where relief is needed. He is a scapegoat and doesn’t know HAVE YGU CAHRRH? (From Chronicles of the Khan.) THE BRUTE. DURHAM CHRONICLE lucked; Them pressed each other Whnle they rocks: 1. Those watch-3d a. We: that love had " TWO iovem bV R m ”9. grown Sp! illu: They ieauuu e0“.- cbeeka‘ cagmuu: there, Mingied the can; and sunny hair, And h urti the mac; Lu." thrushus sing, 0 0 Adimiz MG: 118! O !uv‘ 3 0.3;: prime! 6‘ “va; pd. ants by the waning fire; Tm: 10': light fest! about their knees O a heads him, row. by slow degrees, Liéc‘ bad~~ upuu the l‘ly Spire O patiruc hf. ! O tende:' SCrifr! " Two Wedded fro-n rhu mortal stupt: The bells mah- happp’ cuOlliDeS, Th e ai' was 80": a.» fanning Wings, White petais on the pathway slept. U pun eye'i bri-lc! O tender pride! Their pafe cheeks joined, and said Once more.’ 0 memonesl 0 past that is !” There is more truth than poetry in the following item culled from a city contemporaryâ€"‘° The farm help fam- ine is still acute. The farm boys are in the cities clerking for $6 and $10 a week ; and the farm girls are tVPG writing and cleaking for $5 a week and both boys and girls are paying board out of slender salaries while their mothers and fathers are paying strangers as much as boys and girls receive in wages and boarding.” YOUTH’S VITALITY SNAPPED AWAY. That he was a sticker for pure Eng- lish is shown by the following story of Dr Johnson. the lexicographer, who was discovered by his wife kiss- ing one of her servant maids. “Why Dr. Johnson.” said the wife, “ I am surprised.” ‘- No.” said the recreanc husband, “ that is not exactlv right. dear. I am surprised. You are astonished. Your child looks poorly, is tired and fretful. You would like this boy or girl to be more robust. more energetic and vivacious. The "some- thing” that is wrong is simply this. Stomach and bowels need attention. Constipation and indigestion must be relieved, new life and vigor are re quired in the blood, slight assisnance is needed for the kidneys and liver. Nothing is so effective as Dr. Hamil ton’s Pills. They put new life into youngfolks as well as the old ones. Every child should use this medicine regularly because its benefits are not to be had in any other way. 25c at all dealers. I‘wo faces o’er a cradle bent : TN.) handa almve the hral The red light shone Upon the floor And mud me space h “we u them wule; They draw their chairs up side by side, CU- O solemn h mr! 0 hidden p “161'! TWO LOVERS. -â€"George Eliot. were Each student is taught separately at his own desk. Trial lessons for one week free. Visitors welcome. LEAIDS IN BOOK-KEEPING SHORTHAND TYPEVVRITlNG COMMERCIAL LA\V COMMERCIAL CORRESPOND- ENCE PLAIN BUSINESS \VRITING ORNAMENTAL \VRITIN G W DAY and EVENING ck“. A GUARANTEED CURE FOR FILES Itching, Blind. Bleeding. Protrudiug Piles. Drug gists are authorized to refund money if PAZO OINTMENI‘ fails to cure in 6 to 14 days 500. Business College Butter and Eggs Wanted N., G. J. McKechnie We carry the greatest assortment of all kinds in the Town. All Sizes and Prices. 631 Year Feet Ready and in placing all its graduates. W. T. CLANCY, Prin. Ladies’ J ackets Mount Forest FOR THE SLUSHY WEATHER THAT IS SURE TO VISIT US We have sold more Jackets this fall than at any other season. THE POPULAR CASH STORE Melotte Cream Separators, McLaughlin Buggies nd Cutters, White and Standard Sewing Machines, Clothes Wringers, Harness, Ete.,Etc. IMPLEMENTS SEE MY STOCK OF Frost 39’ Wood Middaugh House Block. MUHUUQR RH RHHEH

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