West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 13 Dec 1906, p. 12

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These are busy days for Santa Claus. He has to be everywhere at once. Everybody finds this store wonderfully helpful in getting things for Christmas. We have the choicest goods to be found in Durham. FOR New Hats, New Gloves, New Neckwear, New .1413 e1 5, New Overcoats, New Suits, New Eamdkerchiefs, New Shirts, New Braces. This store offers every possible inducement and advantage in all its different departments. flur Bhrislmas floods Must Skidoo We are too busy to quote prices on holiday goods. Join the merry throng of shoppers to this store and your Christmas bells will sound merrier. Our prices will make you buy. This is what all say who have seen our display of boots, shoes, rubbers and overshoes for the holiday trade. We have been preparing it for months past, and we have fully realized the plans we made for a great holiday stock. . 99* TO APPRECIATE OUR STOCK, SEE THE OTHERS FIRST “T5331 Christmas in 12 More Days PLEASE SHOP EARLY Don’t forget the best choice goes first. Don’t fail to inspect ouv stock. ’ Don’t leave all your shopping till the last minute. Don’t gel: cross in the Christmas rush. HQLI DAV FOOTWEAR ROBERT BU RN E' Robert Burnett’s Young Men! All Men ! The People’s Store EVER SHOWN IN DURHAM For Men, Women and Children SOME DON’TS Greatest line of MEET AT -..-r_ DURHAM (Ll-{RHNIL‘LE Some of our young married men are in the habit of wearing their wives’ clothes while they (the wives) are away on a visit. It is a. good scheme as the wives believe they would die of lonesomeness if they didn’t do so. The husband enjoys the best in the house while he re- mains monarch of all he surveys. be- sides there is no xisk of any persm finding Out what he Wears alter ddlk to get. a lungli on lulu The Normanby farmers at their meeting decided that Mr. Rlcuald Barbour was the right man to r -,,n- sent them in the council of 190?, they made a good choice as he has all the qualifications that a rigut gocd councillor requires and Nor-um by will be doing itself credit to plaCe him at the head of thepoll. So you pronounce the Hutton Hiil pie social very noisy, Mr. Editor You are/too hard on the boys. If you good Sunday School workers are going to raise money by gambllUg you must expect some time to hear your victims yeil. A hundred dol- lars Was a lot of money to make. it i- about five times the amount that is generally raised at a country 8. S entertainment, so you must have bled them pretty well, and if giving an occasional whoop while those in command were lecturing them on the principles of the Golden Rule and other S. S. topics was suflicient com- pensation for their loss, we think you might let them havethe satisfaction. Mrs. John Sharp: z rECeULiy \‘hiuug um \Voodlaud for [mm the warmcac feelinga Mr Thos. Tucker will take a load of moving for his uncle. John Gras- by, to Belgrave this Tuesday health and weathur permitting. Mr. Joe Mack has been on the sick list for some time. He has always been a believer in hard work as a remedy for all his ills and always tried to work OH the hardest attacks, but at. present he is undergoing a course of doctor’s treatment. Say. Mr Editor, What: has oecom tf your Varuey Snipe? What at the habits of that kind of bid. d they hibernate or fly off in a Storm We feel lonesome to see some of Eu bright, newsy budgets and wish u see him get down to work again. Miss Jaques. of Toronto, came up to attend the funeral of her father,’ and be a. strength to her brother and siscer at home in this their time of trouble. Some Chronicle readers at a dis. tance wanted to know if the Spring Bank correspondent was frozen up This. together with the request of the editor to send in news, forces us to the conclusion that it is high time for us to waken up and report a little more frequently. The dificulty of getting budgets from here to the Chronicle ofice has a good deal to do With our slowness. But just wait until the new C. P. R. is completed, and as we eXpect we will have a eta- tion and a post oflice in our midst, we will then have no excuse to ofier. We might say that there is not a home in this neighborhood where a copy of the Chronicle does not enter each week. More than that, there are dozens who have departed from here to dietant lands and the Chroni cle is one of their m08t welcome epistles. Therefore. a good live cor- respondent would certainly be up- pzeciated. So we must get a gait on and dig'in or we might lose our jub. The building committee have got the tendezs in for the new church and have called a meeting of the con- gregation for Wednesday night to report. Tuesday, Dec. 4th, Mr. Wm. Law- rence finished the tax collecting and must have heard many complaints on the high rate. Receipts of four or five years ago show the taxes at that time to be about half of this year’s tax It seems as if be last Straw had been added and people declare they must come down, in fact the noise is about as great as it would be at the Hutton Hill pie social. Miller McLean is rushing out the remainder of his stock. Three hun- dred cords of wood were shipped to Toronto last week, his fence posts disposed of to the new R.R. and next week the team commence haul- ing ninety thousand feet of lumber to Durham. Mac. has been a hustler during his short stay in this part. Deep feelings of sadness passed over this neighborhood on Friday morning when it was learned that Mr. Joseph Jaques had died of heart failure in a somewhat similar way to that of his beloved partner only six months ago, thus making the home doubly sad. He was one of Glenelg’s pioneer settlers. living until recently in the new survey. but for the past 3 years on the Matthew’s farm. the third lot north of the townline on the 2nd concession. His esteemed life partner was one of the well known Harriston family. and a large family was the result of the union. The funeral takes place to-day (Monday) and will be largely attended as he has always been helu in high esteem. Mr. Isaac Hooper. after Spending a few months in the North Wot-t re. turned home a couple of weeks ago looking fat and well. Mr. Colin Kennedy is at present engageé at_the_cement plant in_t.own. Messrs Joe Brown and Alfred Wat- son remrned 0. week ago from the North West, where they have been since the harvest months. As they have taken up land out there they will, in all probability, return in the Corner Concerns. Mr Edicor, What has becom --- . Spring Bank. punt a few days [Bali-y fl'itfildih ht. aim Lutcrtuws I 1 ; d with everyone, and we have been awake tn ' Inamls for high class goods in every line. Our stor f full of the real necessities for this season of the xx. .ve are at a loss to describe it all. This is the most ll“?- Â¥ wlvx ng time of the year for a great many people. Our many years of experience in ministering to the needs of so many people should be Of some value to you, andif you can make it a point to call and tell us your trouble we will put forth every efiort to assist you in makinaa suitable selection for Whoever you may desire to maktea gift to. It will be to your advantage to see What we have before you buy. We have the newest, most'stylish and useful articles in wearing apparel, such as : Ladies’ Fancy Collars Gent’s Fur Coats Lace Belaros Fur Collars Silk Shawls Fur Mitts Fascinators Gloves Kid Woollen Gloves Ties Fur Jackets Neck Searfs Stoles Silk Handkerchiefs Throes Fancy lâ€"lose Rufl's Shirts Uaperines and Braces M ufl's, etc ’"s Christmas Ewapping Time 0111 gioeely department has just been stocked \\ 1th the freshest of fruits and canned goods. Fancy Slippers for ladies, children of all ages, and Men’s, in all sizes. spring. The plucky young chaps say they are not. afraid to brave the hard- ships of pioneering. Miss Ada Brown down at: Henry’s Corners left: recently for the Queen City. Ada will be missed as she is one of the most. Winsome maidens our old sun’shines upon. We attended the Ebenezer concert on Tuesday night 139:, and were we}! Mr. Fred Lea. after spending a couple of years out West, returned home on Friday last looking quite plump and hearty. although getting a leg broken in two or three places and other injuries by a load of by upsettmg on him. He pulled through it all and looks quite refreshed over his shaking up. Mr. George Myers diaposed of an- other team of horses recently to Mr. Chas. McKinnou. of your town. for which he received a. good chunk of chinck. The Misses Tucker from (we hat ily know where) are at present visiting their cousins the Eckhardts. Mr. George Myers has purchased the Wm. McLeod farm near Tap CliE. Messrs. David Hooper and Thomas Moore have the contract of cutting one hundred and fifty cords of wood for Mr. George Myers. As both are good active chaps we eXpect to hear of good work being done. Mr. Samuel Lawrence Jr.. we un- derstand has bought the old home- stead here and Will erect a. new dwelling house next. summer. The members of L. O. L. No. 1192, purpose erecting a. new ball next summer. The new C. P. R.. coming in connection with the old one will cause in to be demolished. Koop W bowels rggmngwifpjzgg’g .I... -“J 4...--- ‘A- Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral cer- tainly cures coughs, colds, bronchitis, consumption. And it certainly strengthens weak throats and weak lungs. There can be no mistake about this. You know it is true. And your own doctor will say so. Tho but kind of ‘ testimonitlâ€" “ Bold tor over sixty years.” m: We must «anon-much... my:.a.m0o..umn.m .‘ â€"_____‘. AL.._-__ - - The Big SEGre FOWL WANTED GROCERI ES Geo. R. Goldsmith and Malcolm McEachern were run into by aGrand Trunk Railway train at a dangerous crossing just below Craigleith. MC Eachern and the team were killed in Mandy and Goldsmith died a few days later in the General and Marine hospital at Collingwood. mi?” e _ ’ as'l‘u M O n . r . a nd M 'r S . H . L‘ H" 10 g. Mr. and Mrs. H, “7 Hunt SmddS ed with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Pearson of Allan Park. The Ednor wrote that the Mayor had a head that was none too large for the brain scat fills it. The young compositor set up “bran” in- stead of “brain” and the edicor de- cided to cake a vacation. Mrs. H. Muir of Hanover. visited her mother, Mrs. Livingston. Mr. J P. Raven of Owen Sound. called on W. E. Hunt, a few days “:0 on purpose of seeing his Standard bred coins. Miss Maud Cufi has returned 10 Toronto. after a. short. visit thn her father here. pleased with the evening’s entertain- ment. Perhaps the Cor. of that place will give a full report. Mr. W. L. Dixon and son Chal’ d after spending the summer in cm Western wheat field; returned hom‘e last week both looking Spry and hearty. In case the dove is snoozc iug while we are writing this we’ll jusc Jot it down for her. Mr. and Mrs. A. \V. Hunt spenfi Sunday last with Mr. and Mrs. F. Wise of Allan Bark. a few short months since their sions where reigns the King of Kings and this doubie blow. is certainly a severe and crying one. L'uzii a couple of years ago they spent most of their lives in this neighborhood. where we always found them obiiz' ing neighbors and loyal and true cit- izens. We attend on: tr bate of feeling sympathy to the sorrowinz ones. Miss McFayden of Durham. Visited her siSLer Mrs Jno’. Bailey. We feel it our very sad duty to bring to mention the sorrow which the Jaques family have recon-ny- been called upon to bear. They are now mouring the loss of a loving father, who on Friday morning laSt Complet- ed his voyage in this world of doom and sorrow and passed on to meet the great realities. that await the coming of all mankind. It is onlf Mr. John Bailey, who has been ai1° ing for the past few months ins gaue t0 the Toronto Hospital. A number from around here, gu- tended the pie social at Hutton :11“. they report a good time. DE’JEMBE‘R 13 Vickers. ~ 1906 THIS is the. S!."\' v}: Winn”: L: 333 extended [0 (’Vt‘l'yh' My 1 . . hady. Sometinwa I'mll svztlifsl ,giVen expressiun In and s.» "film is nothing mm'c than 1 must provide the tin to buy t1 toys. is be able to do so? I: {such financial circumstances :1 o o a | m (10 so Wxthout depmvmg so: 338 of the payment of an honest formal formality. NM i~ 2:1. above all times in thv }‘mm Wire» 383418 present to friend. I: i> 'l‘ight that it should 1w w, hm W that, some times the (L‘Silv Ln Well m the eyes of 5mm ”no. « H Tied beyond a prgwuptz limit. money will be spent duzing t1 few days. Many amides both and useiess, will be purchawda ‘ «en “my. The infant must hi tug. rattle. the box ma} mull Whistle, and the head of the 1 THE annual Christmas Tree Varney Sunday School will he the Church on Christmas nigh excellent program is in px'cpa consisting of dialogllvs. reril drills, etc. All invited. Adz 15c.-â€"2 WE had a. call this week fro: ‘T. G. Crittenden. of Gilbert ‘ Mam, being his. first visit In th Since moving \Vest sixtwn )‘HL .M'r. Critbenden is min-h Lakwn u the Prairie PI'OVinm: and [links place for any ambitious yawn: I .go if he has little 01' Im rtnkv i part. of the country. The “'06:. cold, and a man tn gut dim: luust pitch in and \Vfll'k jm‘: Lin as he does here... The mam-n.- gress Of Durham “'35 :xI: .‘tfl surprise, and the Inn“ rlzp'v 1 38w it has uudm'gunc £1 «:«nnpmu formation and shows nmvi; .~ bHSiness activity. )1 t'. Crittvi nub :tmrried. and from wint m «mt of him he has mmi~ sum“ I :50 that. it might he \Vrii im- sou young girl to turn i'wz' :Htwnti Way. Gilbert Plains i:- Z'E’J' milw: “6‘? 0i. “'innipeg and :iiv-Hi.1’.,.2-'. West, of Dauphin, whuru iin‘i'” i: z1":filtll’.aot«ion from Durham and vi "He in tmds going West :Lgan; .1," N 71th of January. AFTER a- tussel with typiu a partial recovery and thvn we are pleased to sew 311'. Ju is again able to be «ml. ”‘5: a little thin, but his (‘.\'('¢_‘“l‘hl machinery will 50011 fix 111 right and if nothing um-m-s 1. pregress he‘ll soon by all rig!) MR. H. A. METLER valuntm' specter for the \Vestcrn Real Exchange was in town :1 fmv c business and appoint-ed M 1-. E Cancel to look after business vicinity. Neil ought Lo make man for the job. MB. FRED A. LEWIS. piano expects to be in Durham in J: ham. Dec. 8th and 20th. Hmn m- m 5 P- m. Eyes testefil :mc‘x ; supplied. MANY of our local exchang‘ apologising for lack of news. bi ommend readers to pews-p 1'1“. tisements which will he quire 1i ble. Same here. WE made a very brief I“P\f¢ 1'01] ktothed ath uf 3115. .J. e are unable to give a full all of the deceased lad y. who WE: s respected by her friends in lawn .SOITOWing husband wishvs us ~press his gratitude to the. chin Durham and vicinity fur 1111 sympathy shown during 1va si and death Of his below-(1 hvlp One child, about Iln-vc }'(‘:il's 'leftto grow up without knuwi: love and affection of :1. mother. THE stores Will be 0va 1:11p night till Christmas. MONEY FOUND-«A gold min. S. Scott, merchant. Owner oeive same by proving prnpe: paying expenses. N9w, it. seems to the miter 1 than should provide first f01 w Owes and then consider ho“ m1 1,; -8pend on those he doesn’t Just first, then generous. A MERRY CHRISTMAS m an VOL. 39â€"440. 2075. NEWS A H

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