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Durham Chronicle (1867), 13 Dec 1906, p. 3

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Ayn BM - ' lot 0 r Hildmgn B;- k. k Bhonse Etinéric 'm ly to “r DD her ‘l-il'frv‘UlaI‘S applv be \‘C 2.! . L E G G ETTE l I’ .. 4;)T’X 9:3, Dun“); K ‘ I “DVT n“ m“ ‘ :rk Lot For Sale. .cres cleared. bailance m mash. Well watered, well felled, , house. bank barn uni impb. .. Good bearing orchard. about acres plgughed, four acres a. z. U01}. 4. N. D R.,’c1g;);. 800d E GA“RA_FRA_XA ROAL e Surrogate Uour Ie County OK fire)“ )ONALD BEATON 'CE is hereby given 11.11%t 3" :e expiration of Twenty 6‘ xe first p\,1‘nlicati0n of 13113330“ .tion will he made to $119 Sufi mm of the County of GteX’ 3 of letters of guardiansm - we named infants to 18880 , cas. of the Village of W County of Grey, Barrister. I. W. McARDLB._ 4.; Solicitor for the AM “arm for Sale :arms for Sale. 13' NEW ONTARIO. and Lot F‘ Johix Le §D_30F15.cox II FARM FOR SALE- the 26th day of November: TISSeSSiOD may be 53‘” "' further particulars app“: ST., 'tf arm for Sale :100 acres. 0!! the 9" use, fifteen room3~ pad re. Soft water in him :11 0f gmd hard water‘ ring orchard. Ban” :ement. HOS! Den 1% ) “ m, Leggetzé‘ estate. Durham. 132' tor Sale. _ "WI ‘.- rs apply to $ELFO RD, Dnrhu MBER 13 from Durham, 1C6. Good land am for Sale |AUQ leh' V'â€" : “barn: 83 acres c” .1 cultlvatxon. W P. TELFORD Apply to EELFORD, citor for Vandal proved valtflm- ario. near N0 au'sze discount f scality and £6 KEY, on the wellJ iress. \Vandby. 0 he Town of Dar. 83?. containing; rms and particu- te Court 'JLV, I’rop ' POXONA P ’I‘ WAMLEY, C raw ford P. 0 arafraxa. m nanby. “1 iculars apply LFORD, 'ister. Durhlfl-l C ON D CON} graV 9|} ‘ me «um Muck 01' m hdSeI. The has purcha- acided tone“ NORTH N 1161’ acre of r. For :y ' are ybrick rooms. 34 McGill St., Toronto. :2 :1: . %K%%%%%%*%%%*%%%fi :«%%§% w $%%§§%§§§$§§$$§%$%%$§§%$$ John Bell. No. 67. 3rd Con. E G R: No 3 and 4. lst Con N D R Chris Firth No 5, lat Con N D R W Y - 6, Con 1. Nut!) R01mg No 3Cfm l, S OR, NO .Al} persons are warned not to trespass on “19 I0111mm: lots with dogs. guns or other- wise. for the purpose of hunting 0" prosec- Utluns will follow :- Abraham Urutchley. No.62, 3rd 0011- E- G. R.; .\o. 3, 4th Con. s D R. “at Wan. No. 3, 4th Con. s D R. nfihos. McGirr, No. 51 and 62, 2nd Con. E Here is Your Chance h STQRE AND DWELLING IN THE ‘ 1112.36 of Priceville. Apply to ALL ORDERS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. Geo. H. Stinson will fit any chimney. It will draw freely and perfectly on the meanest chimney that was ever constructed. A Souvenir Range is built to draw well on any chimney. When Going Up Street: '~ \\ \ of a range is very impor- ’ “N tant. Some ranges will Luigi ff}: 1:»:1' ; draw all right if the chim- ~ ‘ " ____. ney Hue 15 built 1n a certain “15% ,, way; if not, it will not draw .~;\\,â€"l - at all, or very 1mperfectly ---tl1e chimney must fit the range. A Do not delay. These lots are selling fast. Call or write to-day. Map and full p.rticulars on application. HIGH is the only property subdivided into residental lots W that. actually adjoins the J. I. CASE COMPANY'S SITE 06ers an unrivalled opportunity for the small investor to get in on the ground floor 1n a. proposition of almost unbound- ed possibilities as a. money maker. PrOperty in this district is an absolutely smmd. gilt-edged investment, and has been emphatically endorsed by the Mayor of Fort William, local Bank Managers, and leading,' business and professional men. $15.00 Cash. John S. Mortimer, NOTICE TO TRESPASSEBS. Every Souvenir is absolutely :uaranteed by the makers. Lead Packets Only. 25c, 30c, 40c, 50c and 60c Per Pound. At All Grocers. KATE COCHRANE, Agent, DURflAM, ONT. DECEMBER 13, 1906 v‘ 5/ p44 {’1 ) o v \- TILDE}; O Syndicate Park FORT WILLIAM CEYLON TEA. Positively the Most Delicious Tea Grown BLACK MIXED GREEN TO RENT. :d V ancouve: CHRISTMAS EATING Why not have a look at our Window? Looking is free at all times. But you will want more than a look when once tasted. Our bread and pastry cannot be excelled. Price from $65.00 Up. Th e D r aft .* Construction Winter Term Opens J an. 2nd OW// ' PRINCIPALS. ' uuuxxu uuuuwux, uumug. ew~mmwse’ wagon lot 14, con. 12, , This school is recognized to be one of the leading Commercial Schools in America. Our graduates are in de- mand as Business College teachers. The most recent application we re- ceived for a. teacher ofl'ered 3140).“) per annum. We believe we are running one of the most progressive and upâ€"toâ€"date business training schools in the Province. The de- mand upon us tor ofice help is sev- eral times the supply. Write for free catalogue. Elliott Malachlan $5.00 per Month. STRATFORD, ONT. IWm. Johnston repairingcnl- g vex-t at lo: 27, con. 2 ...... . Geo. Whitmore, cement pipes lot 2 of 9 5 cost .......... Thomas Glencross, repair of bridge lot 5, con. 8 ........ John McNally, repair of cnl- vert lot 8. con. 7 ......... . D. Edge. expenses to Owen E Sound to meet auditor ..... Donald Robertson, one day’s work on grader. ... .....n. ' George Goodwill, damage to M. Wilson, repair of tridge. lot 12, con 12 .............. M O’Hanley, blasting at lot 21. con. 8 ..................... John McNally, atoning at 10% 13, con 6 .................. Geo Leicch, culvert at. lot 10 con 10 ................... Geo Goodwill filling at BlflCk Creel-I ................ . John Wilson. graveling at. lot 10, con. 10 oooooooooo 0...... Malcolm Wilson, work on Morrow’ 3 bill ............ George Goodwill, graveling as 101. 13. con. 12 ............. M. Campbell, brushing at lot. 21. con.6.... .......... J. C. RAose, railing at lot 26. Total Appropriation ...... 879 00 Statute Labor fund was expended as follows: 4 years .................. . W'estern Insurance Company 3 years us}: on hall ........ J. (3. Ross, covering Glenroad- en bridge ................ Thos. McFadden, letting and inepect ’g Glemioaden bridge '1‘. McFadden, selecting jurors J. S. Black, “ “ Thos. Davis, “ “ J. S. Black, expenses two trips to Owen Séund ....... J S. Black. on salary ....... Thos. Morrison. culvert. and graveling lot2 of 15, con. Blackâ€"Huntâ€"That the report of the commissioner for ward 3 on the expenditure of the balance of the ward appropriation for 1906, amount- ing to 379, be adOpted as follows: M. Wilson, culvert at Barhead mills ...................... 3‘26 00 Ward 1. 37; Ward 2, 39; Ward 3, $16.50; Ward 4, $3. White fami y ............. Robt. Lindsay , 40 rods gravel Joe Campbell 11 “ Martin Snuuenouse, 33 rods Weirâ€"McMillanâ€"Thet Mary Mo Kechnie, part. of 3 of 15, con. 1, E G. R... and Catherine Cameron, lot 8, con. 2, N. D. R.. be exempt from paying township and county rates for 1906.â€"Carried. ing ....................... ‘ Richard Haley, i day with seam .................... John Quillinan, work at lot 22,con. 6 ................ M. Black, work lot 22, con. 6 Joseph Schnitzler, work at. lat. 86, con. 3 ................ . 1 Chas. MoArtbur, stoning at 10:. 9, con. 1, S. D. R ...... 1 Robert. Wilson, Stoneing at lot41,con. 3, E. G. R“... 2 Trees. of Egremonn, § 0035 of grader on T. L ............ 1 Geo. Leizch, floating bridge Ion 19. con. 12 ............. 205 Joe Schnitzler, floating bridge lot 86, con. 3 .............. 230 Andrew Love. sr., approaches to bridge lot 86, con. 3.. . .. 10 Thomas Me]: udden, 1 Bd. of B. meeting .............. 2 J. S. Black. 1 Bd. ofH. meet.- ing ....................... 2 Thomas Nichol. 1 Bd. of H. meeting ................ .. 2 George E. Peart, 1 Bd. of H. meeting .................. 2 R J. l. Torry, 1 Bd. of H. meeting and extras ........ 3 John Orr, intending Leinoh family .................... 15 Andrew Love, attending on of gravel ................. John Russell, 12 rods gravel. \Nm. Nelson, 35 " “ I. B. Lucas, legal services for Weir â€" McMillan â€" That. Edwin Hunt and M. Black be a committee to PXamine culvert built. by Dr. Sproule at. lot 1055, con. 1, S. W. T. S. R... and report at next meeting of council.â€"Carried. Other payments were made as fol- lows: Richard Haley, cedar for rail- McMillanâ€" Weir -â€" That By-laws 467, 468 and 469 be now read a third time. signed, sealed and engrossed on By-law bookâ€"Carried. By-lawe 467. for holding nomine- tions, 468 for the issuing of deben- tures for U. S S. No.18. G. A., and 469 {or the closing up of certain streets in Priceville. was introduced and read a. first and second time. L. G. A. From the reeve of Hol- land re Walker deviation. From committee appointed to deal With 0. P. R. re Priceville lots, their report. From the Clerk of the Peace acknow- ledging filing of jury lists. From the trustees of U. S. S. No. 18, G. A.. application for the issue of deben- tures. The council met Nov. 17th. phrsu- ant to adjournment. All the mem-‘ bers present, the reeve in the chair. Minutes of last meeting read and confirmed. Communications read as follows: 'Commissioner for ward 3, report of balance of eXpenditures of ward ap- propria’tion. From the committee appointed to examine into the cause of accident to Geo. Goodwill, their report. From the Local Board of Health, their annual report. From Dr. Sproule. M. P., re culvert on T GLENELG COUNCIL. DURHAM CHRONICLE ....... 313 00 230 00 12 00 56 00 2O 00 18 00 11 00 13 00 10 00 10 00 15 00 600 500 U‘NJN) OOO‘ 150 300 400 300 900 700 300 200 500 100 200 300 200 200 100 5O 50 OO 00 50 00 We can give you what you want and you will find our prices right. Mrs. F. Butterfield, of Mexboro, writes :â€"â€"“ My daughter, Jane Han- nah. seemed to be losing all her strength and all her good spirits. She became weakly, pale and de- spondent. inStead of the bright. en- ergetic girl, full of life and vivacity she had always been. I had proved how good Bileans were when I was out of sorts. so I gave her a few doses. The result was wonderful. They seemed to tone her up and give her back her life and energy in a few days! She is now in excellent health. although at a very critical age. and I have Bileans alone to thank.” Thousands of mothers tell asimilar Story of praise. Don’t forget, too, that Bileaus cure indigestion, consti- pation. piles, headache. debility, bil- iousuess. and all liver and kidney troubles. Purely herbal in composi tion, they constitute the finest house- hold remedy known- to the world of medicine. Of all druggists at 50c a box, or post free from the Bilean 00.. Toronto. upon reneipt of pripe. 6 boxes for $2.50. AND PROVISION STORE For Flours Mts. Alex. Beggs Suns DURHAM, ONT. That always satisfies the Cook. Very often a girl complains that her clothes weigh her down. She becomes weak, has a feeling of weight at the stomach after meals, eufiers from frequent headaches, and is often reatless and miserable. All these symptoms mean that her vitality has reached a low ebb, that some natural tonic is required to re-tone the sys- tem and increase Ler vigor and ener- gy. This can only be done by en- riching and purifying the blood; and the surest method of doing this is by undergoing a course of Bileans. Manitoba Flours always give satis- faction. The People’s Grocery Five Roses and Reindeer The development of a girl at the time when she is just emerging from girlhood and passing into the fuller life of womanhood, should be careful- ly watched by all mothers. 5 The courts have decided that refusing to take neWSpapers or peri- odicals from the post office, or remov- ing and leaving them uncalled for. is prima faci evidence of intentional fraudâ€"Ex. J. S. Black. services at Price- ville and Msrkdale ........ Thos. McFadden. services at. Pricevil'e and Markdale. . . Thos. McFadden, commission on floating bridge lot 86, con. 3. .................. M Black. commission on float- ing bridge lot 86, con. 3. .. M Black, commission on float- ing bridge lot 19, con 12.. John McMillan. commission on expenditure ............ Edwin Hunt, commission on expenditure ............ .. M. Black, commission on ex- penditure ................ . Wm. Weir, commission on expenditure .............. 400 400 7 00 5 00 10 25 2 00 5 00 5 00 13 00 The council adjourned to December 15th a: 10 a. m. GIRLS ENTERING WOMANHOOD Will Find Bileans a Boonâ€"A Word of Advice to Mothers. A postmaster is required to give notice by letter (returning the paper does not answer the law) of a sub- scriber not taking his paper out of the ofice and state the reason for its not being taken. Any neglect to do so makes the postmaster reaponsible to the publisher (or payment. 3 Any person who takes a paper from the post office whet-her directed to his name or another or whether he has subscrlbed or not, is responsible for the pay. 4 If a subscriber orders his paper to be stopped at a certain time. and the publisher continues to send, the subscriber is bound to pay for it if he takes it out of the post office. This proceeds upon the ground that a man must pay for what he uses. 2 If any person orders his paper discontinued he musn pay all arrear- ages. or the publisher may continue to send it until payment 18 made. and collect the whole amount, whether the paper is taken from the office or not. There can be no legal discon- tinuance until payment is made. listowel lionel Bread Floor AND McGowan’s Eclipse . . . THE NEWSPAPER LAW. We carry also other well known brands of Flour. J. 8. BLACK, Clerk. Carr’s Cough Cure is fully guaran- teed. 50c a. bottle at Macfarlane’s Drug Store.â€"4 Not only outside bu' inside as well. your body must be“ frequently cleaned. Otherwise it becomes load- ed With wastes that clog up the wheels of health. Much better to act in time. Use Dr. Hamilton’s Pills; they strengthen and regulate the bowels. assist digestion, enrich the blood and thereby fortify the nerves and lay the foundation of lasting good health. Dr. Hamilton’s Pills bring vim and vitality so much sought for today; they infuse a feeling of freshness and spirit in those who have been ailing for years. Really no medicine so potent. Price 250 at all dealers. William J. Leroy. Formerly of Mea- ford, Pleads Guilty to Charges of Theft. It appears that Leroy on two 00- casions got into a mail car and told the man in charge that he Was de- tailed to assist him in asserting the bags. On the first occasion after passing the Mimico station he drop- ped a mail bag out of the car and re- peated the performance about a week later by letting a bag drop out of the door near Dufierin street, Toronto. He left the train at the first stop on each occasion and cut open the mail bags, rifling the letters, and retaining the money and money orders found in the letters. After stealing the last mail bag he returned to the Union Station and cashed a money order for $20 and another for $14 at the head office of the Canadian Ex- press Company on Young street.â€" Meaford Express. System Requires Frequent Cleansing. Then overboard goes the paper, And down on the floor goes dad; And onto him clambers baby, And baby is more than glad; And daddy’s a horse and waggon, Or daddy’s a ship at sea, And rolls with a little baby As happy as she can be. Yea, rolls with the babe and tumbles, And grumbles, and haws. and gees, And always a dimpled baby With rounded dimpled knees Sits perched aloft unfearing. And laughing with childish glee As the daddy ship goes tossing And tumbling across the sea. And. oh. but that ship is careful; The waves may foam and curl, But never the ship goes plunging Too much for the baby girl, And never the horse gets fractions, Or plunges or jumps aside So much as to mar the pleasure Of the wee little girl ascride. 0h. good is the hour of gloaming, When labor is put aside. And daddy becomes a horsey A wee little girl may ride; Or daddy becomes a plunging Big ship on the stormy seas, And is guided and captianed onward By a baby with dimpled knees. The first mail bag was recovered by Detective Twigg in a field about half a mile west of Mimico. The second has not yet been traced, though Leroy told the police that he had placed it under a cheese box on the Lake Shore Road, a short distance west of the Toronto Humber. "Get down on the flocr here, Daddy, Get down on the floor and play.” And that is the song my baby Sings to me at the close of day. “Get down on the floor and tumble. Get down with me daddy, :30; Get down on the floor now, daddy. Me ’ants to sit down on you.” No man can continue a course cf wrong-doing without being found out . sooner or later. The man who plans to sysmmatically rob his employer may escape detection for a time, but retribution will eventually come just as surely as the sun rises in the east and sets in the west. All last win- ter and up to about the lst of July William J. Leroy. a young man of rather prepossessing appearance and coultly manner. was a brakesman for G. T. R, on the train running be- tween Allandale and Meaford. Being of a genial and companionable nature, always ready to Spend a shilling or two when out for an evening. he soon became ” a hail fellow well met” with a number of the boys, and later on he was successful in ingratiating him- self into the good graces of a few of those amongst whom he least expect- ed to mingle. He was an enthusiastic billiard player and could spot the win- ning balls as unfailingly as could the most eXpert unprofessional player. While Leroy was on this particular division of the G. T. R. nothing of a susmcious nature occurred to cast the least reflection on his integrity. It was after he was transferred to the WeStern division of the railWay com- pany’s system that he contracted a liking for other peOple’s money and did that which renders him liable to a sentence of three years in the peni- tentiary. The serpent tempted him and he fella victim of its promptings, and within a week from now he will be brought before the court on a charge of robbing mail bags, " the property of the Postmaster Gen ral of Canada.” Learning that he was wanted on tWo charges of theft, Le- roy went to a constable and gave himself up. To these charges he pisaded guilty and was remanded for a week. ROBBED LETTER BAGS. THE BEST HOUR. [N STOCK OR .MADE TO ORDER. Engines and Boiler Repairs promptly executed. RIGHT PRICES AND GOOD WORK. Special attention to Gaso. line Engine repairs. Satisfaction Guaranteed in Embalming. . . . . Wind Stackers, Stock raisers’ Feed Boilers. MANUFACTURERS 0F Cutting Boxes, Horsepowers, Millwrights, Machinists, Iron and Brass Founders. and Steam Fitters. . . . . Eat, Drink and Be Merry-:â€" Xmas Groceries, Teas, Coffees, Etc. Deering Harvester Co.’s Farm Implements 8: Machinery. MANURE SPREADERS HAY LOADERS BIIé JERS MO WERS RAKES SEED DRILLS DISC HARRO WS WAGGON S GASOLINE ENGI 1‘" ES. ALSO A COMPLETE STOCK OF Implements Undertaking; Implement Agent and Auctioneer. GARAFRAXA STREET. DURHAM MAT'B'HEWS LATIMER Democrats and Buggies (Rubber and Steel Tires.) McClary Stoves and Ranges. Raymond Sewing Machines. Bell Pianos and Organs. DURHAM F OUNDRY Monuments and Tombstones OWEN SOUND. AGENT for DOYLE JULIAN Sash 6’ Doors BARCLAY 8: BELL The unexcelled quality and the very low prices for our Will unquestionably giev you a. MERRY XMAS if you leave your orders With us. Our stock of Funeral Supplies have arrived, also a full line of Catholic Robes. We hate opened up Under- taking in Thomas Swallow’a building. opposite Middaugh Hausa. and are prepared to do business for any oarson re- quiring Undertaking. C. Smith Sons PROPRIETORS John Clark THEOBALD'S OLD STAND. A FULL LINE OF THE Berlin Pianos .

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