West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 13 Dec 1906, p. 8

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And tin,- best of all is that our Xmas goods are all new and we have prepared and we are ready for a bigger rush than ever this year. Having extended our store back another 40 feet, which makes the largest store of its kind in this part of the country, as everybody knows that we had the rush last year which cleaned our Xmas stock out. This year we have thousands of dollar’s worth of brand new goods. A1111 \\ 11 (fi\ e 3011 the greatest stock to choose from. No old goods here but 1 231131113 Might a11dne11.We \\ 111 12133113 article or articles aw 3.37 for you until you 11 ant them without one cent of deposit. We do not insult our 11sto111ers 113' askino them for a deposit on chosen goods. }0}d Wutcneb ‘1 block: Snectacles 811V“; ‘ . J h 0 ewelry The great Xmas rush is now on at Keeler’ s Store. '09, 1(‘8 II Allgoods WW Choice Coniectionery In FANCY BOXES and in BULK yerfumery in Fancy Cases at Money Saving Prices ON YOUR CHRISTMAS PURCHASES we WILL SAVE vo_u__§10 MONEY . Keeler Sons A FEW XMAS GIFT SUGGESTIONS See our great display of Burnt Leather Goods WATCH DUB WINDOWS " We have the larg- E 3: est and best Xmas ' 57 Stock to be found A :3 in Durham f‘“ They are certainly sweIl. The Busy Jewellers In the Busy Storeâ€"on the Busy C ornerâ€"in Durham. H yum Books Prayer Books Books of Poems Miscellaneous Books Picture Books G: old Mounted l: mbrellas (Iased Pipes Tobacco Pouches Cigar Cases For Xmas Suggestions Fancy Boxed Cigars Musical Instruments Toilet Cases Dressing Cases Shaving Sets Xmas Cards Sleighs Dolls Toys and Games EV ery b0d\ is think- inn' and planing for the, 25th. Prices are going to be the magnet. that. will draw shoppers here for their Xmas gifts. DURHAM CH '. 7W '. 'E ' M‘ Trinity and the Land It Occupien Valued at $12,500,000. Trinity church is valued at $12,500,- 000. This estimate includes the land oc- cupied by the churchyard. It is in the most valuable part of New York, if not in the most valuable dhision of prop- erty in the world. ‘ ~~n -1. orxm‘L VVVO Grace church, at what was once de scribed as the head of Broadway, is valued at $050,000. The First Presbyterian church, on Fifth avenue, between Eleventh and Twelfth streets, is valued at 8750.000. St. Mark‘s church. on Second avenue, an old landmark in that neighborhood, is valued at $275,000. The Afarblé Conoyxiate church, Fifth avenue and Twenty-ninth street, is valued at $1,000.000. 'w'i‘ueâ€"Chufcb of St. Paul‘the Apostle (the Paulist church), at Fifty-ninth street and Columbus avenue, is valued at $700,000. The West Presbyterian church, on West Forty-second street, is valued at $450,000, St. Thomgs’ at $1,700,000 and {hé Fifth Avenue Presbgterian church. 9 and 11 West Fifty-mnth street. at $1,000,000. The valuation of the Temple Emanu- E1 is $1,530,000, of St. Patrick’s cathe- dral $6,000,000, of the B’nal Jeeshurun synagogue $300,000. or the Wemple Beth-El, at the corner of Fifth avenue and Seventy-sixth street. $1.300.000, of the Broadway Tabernacle, Broadway and Fifty-sixth street. $700,000 and of the Christian Scientist church, Central Park West and Sixty-eighth street. $300,000. Old Parlor Ornaments and a Very butmtuntial u'uuzcr. There is a practical winded million- aire who has invented a substitute for valuable pictures which it is hOped will not commend itself to others. He has had a large number of bank notes framed, and these are hung upon the wall where the pictures should be. In the drawing room is one frame that containsa bank note for £]0(_l.000, and he says: “There is the money in case I find a picture which is sutlicient- ly valuable to pay that price for it. Meanwhile the note tells its own tale and saves me from explaining to my visitors that ‘this picture cost so much.’ as most other rich men do. “The chief pleasure of these collectors appears to arise not from the beauty or the work, but from the cost of it; then Why not have checks or bank notes for a large sum hung on the walls, as I do? Besides, I find that it is much more in- teresting to my visitors, for most of them look long and carefully at the bank notes who would but glance at the work of art.” This eccentric man gave a dinner on the same principle. In the soup plates there was no soup, but sovereigz‘is; for fish were served five-pound notes, for game checks and for sweets shares in a thriving company, and there was not a guest who did not enjoy this enter- tainment more than any he or she had ever before been present atâ€"London sr Paul’s church is h- Dean Swift on Spelling. Dean Swift roundly denounced the poets of his day who had introduced the “barbarous custom of abbreviating words to fit them to the measure of theirverses.” Swift instances “drudg’d” and “disturb’d” as mortal offenses. The custom so introduced had begun to dominate prose. Another causeâ€"bor- rowed, Swift suggested, from the clip- ping processâ€"which he held had con- tributed to the maiming of the lan- guage, “is a foolish opinion advanced of late years that we ought to spell ex- actly as we speak; which, besides the obvious inconvenience of utterly de- stroying our etymology, would be a thing we should never see the end of.” Risks In Railway Journeys. The idea that the man who goes on a railway journey takes his life in his hand and is rather more likely than not to meet with an untimely death at the first curve the train negotiates is scarcely borne out by the fact that the chances against any one passenger meeting his death on the railway are 36,000,000 to 1. This immunity. from disaster reflects considerable credit upon the companies, but still more upon engine drivers and signalmen, Whose skill and care are the main factors in the safety of the passenger.â€"London Court Journal. Reason. Reason, reason as much as you like, but beware of thinking that it answers to everything, suffices for everything, satisfies everything. This mother loses her child. Will reason comfort her? Does cool reason counsel the inspired poet, the heroic warrior. the lover? Reason guides but a small part or many, and that is the least interesting. The rest obey feeling, true or false. and passion, good or bad. Taking Him Down. “Crittick was pleased to say that my play had few equals as a bit of real- ism,” remarked young De Riter. “He said even more than that,” said Pepprey. “Indeed?” “Yes,” he added. “and positively no lnferiors.”â€"Exchange. Ctreleuneu Somewhere. Gladysâ€"Mamma can’t see anybody today. She’s upstairs with the new baby. You see, they sent her a girl when she’d ordered a boy, an’ she’s so disappointed she’s sick. The men who go through life with chips on their shoulders always avoid meeting the right man. - New York N EW YORK CHU RCHES. PRACTICAL PICTU RES. valued at $5,500.- :PLEXIEBTS We are never undersold by any business rival. We aim at doing better by you than any other Jeweller. gimthingatYour Swine Percy (i. A. Webster, Melotte Cream Separators, McLaughlin Buggies an Cutters, White and Standard Sewing Machines, Clothes Wringers, Harness, Ete, Etc. JUHN MUHUUEH Frost 63’ Wood SEE MY STOCK OF Middaugh House Block . This Store will be open every night till Xmas. “‘Dl/IWOEN‘D HALL.” Christmas and New Years Display of Jew= eliery Diamonds and Silverware JEVVELLER AN D OPTITIAN iAY’I‘ON MFLLS See our Magnificent Who by using only best. wheat and careful grinding are producing flour of superior quali'y. second to none mode 1n Canada. WENGER MILLING CO. A blend of best Ontario Fall and No. 1 Manitoba wheat is a stricdy Give these flours a trial you will be delighted and will Want no other. Made of best Manitoba wheat. obtain- able is in every reSpect aflour of MATTHEWS 5’ LATIMER DECEB‘IBER 13, 1900 Superior Famiiy Flour Are now being operatedfiy PURE MANITOBA Superior Quality ‘ -â€"FOR SALE BYâ€" ENCORE DECEMBER 13, 19 Our prepare ings of tast in long (16: Ladies’ Fa Silk Com: Only Nine Shopping Our buyer m Chmstmas sh Men’s finer Men’ 5 ex Men’ m Fine imported Fine embroidere Beautiful new patt Largest stock of belts Beautiful Dresden sil Fi as silk belts in all s Tartan belts very new Special black silk belt, Crush leather belts in Better and more elabo the best we have 10 doxen beautif' 4O dozen finer go 20 dozen plain Ii} 15 dozen fancy bi 10 dozen largo co {:3 dozen beautiful The latest black elas neat ............. 100 DO Nothing will please headgear than 0 fancy ........... Laoiies’ golf jackets white and navy We have every thing We cordia glass is. g We Will ha Regular 3: values. for air 3 Specials fie! Lad

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